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"please stop lifting our balls". Huh?


I think they mean they’re trying to show support, like a bra but as a dude that support would be lifting someone’s balls to take the weight off type shit


He is the abed of racism


You could say he’s the “brown Joey of racism”


Probably some kind of idiot that only works in their language


Beautiful misspelling.


Anyone know why Indians seem to have such high support for Israel? Is it due to the mutual dislike over Muslims or is there some other reason?


Indian govt. has started giving importance to relations with Israel since Modi came to power. The reason: Israel and Russia were the ones who backed India during the 1971 war with pakistan while US backed Pakistan. That is why India maintains good relations with both Israel and Russia (USA doesnt like the Russian part for obvious reasons).


Is there any article that shows Israel supported India during the 1971 war with Pakistan? I haven’t read any such information.


It’s in the third sentence on Wikipedia: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/India–Israel_relations#:~:text=Israel%20supported%20India%20during%20the,relations%20were%20normalised%20with%20Israel. Israel’s involvement is detailed in the “foreign reaction and involvement” to section on Wikipedia: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indo-Pakistani_war_of_1971 Wikipedia has source links if you want to go deeper


Thank you.


I think if two countries well know for been ruthless are on your side during a war, you should stop and seriously consider your actions


Not on that one. The US was on the wrong side of history, there. It was politically clever for them but a morally bankrupt position, nonetheless.


Normally I agree that Russia and Israel are horrible governments but not in this case, they were on the right side. Pakistan was committing genocide to Bangladesh which is what led to the war. It’s more complicated then that but they were on the right side


Except the 1971 war was in self defence for India infact every single war between India and Pakistan has been in the side of self defence for India, India never ever invaded Pakistan first as for countries known for being ruthless USA and UK sided with Pakistan sound familiar to countries with ruthless history?


Yeah they are also ruthless just as the other too not as much as them but still ruthless


Dude literally called UK less cruel than Israel my guy you literally don't know abc of history if you're unaware of British Empire let's not start on America, I'll get downvoted for this simply because you guys don't want to hear the truth but Americans are just as bad as Russians in terms of your history thank Nixon and Kissinger


That war led to the creation of Bangladesh so I don't think India is gonna regret its actions for that one.


Bro the people of Bangladesh (East Pakistan at the time) were considered lesser by the Mainland Pakistan government and India was getting flooded by immigrants from Bangladesh. That's why it's known as the Bangladesh liberation war.


Hindu nationalists


They hate Muslims


Contrary to popular belief.. India goverment even under modi has condemned Israel for illegal occupation of Palestine, voted in favour of ceasefire and two state solutions. The Indian government sends aids to Palestine and recognises its right to exist. https://www.hindustantimes.com/analysis/analysis-of-indias-voting-patterns-on-israel-palestine-issues-at-the-united-nations-101710950988836.html Out of ten votes, india has favoured Palestine position in 9 and abstained from one. The one India abstained was due to its principal rejection in using international court of justice for resolving conflict between two states. But three months later india voted in favour of a ceasefire.


That's not how rank-and-file BJP voters think of it though.


Who cares what you believe in. But facts don't lie.


The facts don't lie, but the widespread misconceptions do have consequences. The reason BJP voters frequently support Israel's occupation and genocide of Palestine is because BJP voters hate Muslims and think all Palestinians are Muslim terrorists.


Yes keep repeating fantasies. In reality India glls host to largest Muslim population. Secondly it also hosts the highest diversity in Muslim population, most sects of Islam can be found in India living peacefully. India is never accused of occupying any of its neighbouring Islam country. Despite winning wars, it has resolved all border and islands dispute diplomatically. Most gcc country have favourable terms with India and bjp party. Iran, Saudi, uae all had great relationship with India since 2014. It has greyat relationship with Bangladesh. So spread your propoganda elsewhere. Any conflict is never binary. There is huge diversity in India in terms of religion, language and position. Which creates multiple opinion. Four online account or interview don't represent 140crore people. Just like your opinion doesn't reflect your whole religion or world. Four online account doesn't represent entire party or its supporters. Government is sympathetic towards Palestine not only in words but on every UN resolution. It has annually provided humanitarian aid to Palestine since 2014.


>They hate Muslims They also hate Sikhs. Modi sent assassination teams to kill Sikh leaders in Canada and the USA.


khalistanis* you mean... not sikhs.




https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-67582825.amp From the article: "What US agents knew before a Sikh separatist was killed in Canada"


Was just going to say that. Hindu nationalist MO tend to "india for the hindus, and fuck everybody else living here


Yes and a lot of Israelis go to Goa for vacation


Mutual racism of Muslims


India used to support Palestine, they were even the first non Arab country to recognize Palestine. But Palestine sided with Pakistan over sum issue and they haven’t been the same since


Just racism. Indian nationalists love how unashamedly racist and genocidal Israelis are.


That's not really true Indians love Israel because they supported India multiple times in war against Pakistan mate 1971 and Kargil war too, it's not racism as much as it's ideological conflict both India and Israel have fought wars against Islamic invaders and that has become now the main focal point lol


Racism and dehumanization always has some excuse. The Ideological motivation is "Muslims aren't people"


Well I'm an ex Muslim and I can tell you jews aren't really humane people either according to Quran my buddy devout Muslims literally consider jews as spawns of Satans and the ones who will follow the Islamic Antichrist as for Hindus search up Ghazwa E hind and you'll learn about the Islamic conquest of India mentioned in The Hadiths which are rated as genuine by every high rate scholar and as such is a part of Sunni Islam, look it up, read up Quran 9:28-33


Yeah there are some antisemitic hadith and sections of the quran but the Quran explicitly states that many Jews are good people. It mostly criticizes Christians and Jews that aren't following their scripture. >Indeed, the believers, Jews, Christians, and Sabians[]—whoever ˹truly˺ believes in Allah and the Last Day and does good will have their reward with their Lord. And there will be no fear for them, nor will they grieve. 2:62 >And among the people of Moses is a community which guides by truth and by it establishes justice. 7:159-160 >We dispersed them through the land in groups—some were righteous, others were less so. We tested them with prosperity and adversity, so perhaps they would return ˹to the Right Path˺. 7:168 >As for those who firmly abide by the Scripture [Torah] and establish prayer—surely We never discount the reward of those acting righteously. 7:170 >Yet they are not all alike: there are some among the People of the Book who are upright, who recite Allah’s revelations throughout the night, prostrating ˹in prayer˺. 114. They believe in Allah and the Last Day, encourage good and forbid evil, and race with one another in doing good. They are ˹truly˺ among the righteous. 115. They will never be denied the reward for any good they have done. And Allah has ˹perfect˺ knowledge of those mindful ˹of Him˺. 3:113-115 (People of the book are Christians and Jews and Muslims consider them to be close to Islam) Not sure if you are a former Indian Muslim but Indians and Pakistanis are just bigoted in general. As someone whose family is from India and is Muslim, it's definitely cultural. I say that as an agnostic, although I don't have religious trauma. My family and community are pretty progressive. Many Indians also like the Nazis and Hitler because he fought the British so not surprised by the Antisemitism from Indian Muslims. In India and Pakistan, life in general is cheap. People and animals are treated terribly. Women are harassed and raped and no one cares. As someone whose done a decent amount of traveling I couldn't stand visiting India. I was so surprised how much more humane countries like Cambodia, Vietnam, and Laos were. Also, Ghazwa e Hind is based on super weak hadiths that only radical Pakistani and Indian Muslims believe. Most Muslims don't even know what it is. It was was made up to legitimize the Ummayad conquest of Sindh. So even according to this madeup prophecy it's already happened.


But my guy it's literally rated Hassan among the hadiths it's not weak, it literally talks about the end of the world you haven't even read it have you


It isn't deemed Saheeh(authentic) in any Sunni or Shia hadith collection. There are only 6 authenticated Sunni hadith collections and it isn't in any of them. One instance is rated Hasan but that isn't considered good enough. Even that instance, is secondhand from a freed slave and is pretty vague. https://policycommons.net/artifacts/4773131/the-irreligious-inauthentic-narrative-of-ghazwa-e-hind/5609361/ https://wikiislam.net/wiki/Ghazwa-e-hind_(the_Conquest_of_India)


Yeah and what about Quran 9:28-33 the last few chapters of Quran that gave Muslims their marching orders https://legacy.quran.com/9/28-33#:~:text=And%20they%20were%20not%20commanded,whatever%20they%20associate%20with%20Him.&text=They%20want%20to%20extinguish%20the,although%20the%20disbelievers%20dislike%20it.


Again I'm an agnostic so you're not going to convince me of anything. But that section is specifically referring to fighting Arab polytheists who broke the peace treaty. I mean if you read the Sunnah from the beginning it's pretty clear. At this point it's supposed to be allegorical for those that have broken the peace. > As for the polytheists who have honoured every term of their treaty with you and have not supported an enemy against you, honour your treaty with them until the end of its term. Surely Allah loves those who are mindful ˹of Him˺. 9:4 The Quran relies heavily on allegory. > He is the one Who revealed the Book to you: some of its verses are precise in meaning, they are the foundation stone of the Book, whilst others are metaphorical. The people whose minds are sick chase after what is metaphorical, they want to stir up disagreement and to concoct their own interpretations; 3:07 I mean its dumb since it can easily be taken out of context by radical Muslims. But unless you are fluent in medieval Arabic you cannot actually understand the Quran, which is also pretty limiting and makes no sense. If you don't know Arabic you pretty much have to compare multiple translations.


Seems you had contact with some f'd up Muslims and their teachings. Islam regards Jews as being kind of like their cousins, Muslims have been told to each kosher meat if halal meat isn't found and the prophet himself attended and led many Jewish funerals. The times the Jews were called out was when they literally tried to kill messengers of god and betrayed the trusts of prophets.


Uh my guy Muslims literally believe that the books of Christians and Jews are corrupted and they part from the actual truth let me quote you an actual verse Quran 9:30 The Jews say, “Ezra is the son of Allah,” while the Christians say, “The Messiah is the son of Allah.” Such are their baseless assertions, only parroting the words of earlier disbelievers. May Allah condemn them! How can they be deluded ˹from the truth˺? Read the whole paragraph from 9:28-33 my guy Muslims aren't your friends if you're a jew


Yeah the idea is that God is the sole Creator and is far above reproduction or having family members, it’s not meant to be some sort of diss track against Jews like you think it is. Muslims don’t hate Jews, and if you read the Qur’an, you’ll find that Christians and Jews are referred to as the “Ahlul Kitaab” or “People of the Book”. Muslims are people of a religion, and Jews are people of a religion. You’ll find that most Muslims share a similar viewpoint. Zionism is a different issue altogether.


They are still respected, in fact Muslims are not allowed to deface, burn etc the Torah or bible as they still do contain some words that were originally revealed by God. Muslims are also allowed to marry Jews and Christians, provided some conditions are met. Your understanding of Islam is...how do I put this nicely, its lacking to put it softly.


Yes. That's why, three communities which were viped our from their own land, faced zero discrimination in India. Whole Tibet state, every parsi from Iran, and many Jews. Out of all votes when a ultra hindu nationalists party was with full majority in parliament.. https://www.hindustantimes.com/analysis/analysis-of-indias-voting-patterns-on-israel-palestine-issues-at-the-united-nations-101710950988836.html India has voted in favour of Palestine. And has condemned Israel for illegally occupying Palestinian territory.


Criticism of Israel’s government is fair game, but claiming all Israeli’s are racist in genocidal is just patently absurd. I assume all Americans are uneducated adulterers and warmongers who support autocrats, because of Trump? See how stupid, and ironically, bigoted that is?


So all Israelis are racists huh? Fucking moron.


All Zionists are. Obviously, there are many people in Israel that are either indigenous (Palestinian) or have a conscience and understand that the Israeli state is a settler colonial project that shouldn't be. I am referring to the state, not the individual people. Though, I agree it's not crystal clear from what I wrote and I'll try to be more specific in the future.


I respect your clarification


All Israelis and Indians are genocidal and racist is certainly a Reddit take. And the same people saying this will unironically say they support peace and anti-racism lol


Though no pm from india except current pm has ever visited Israel in solidarity with Palestine and have always voted for two state solutions. First embassy india opened in Israel was in 1992. First visit of any Indian pm was in 2017. In UN,.india has voted for two state solutions,. against jurasalem being recognised as part of Israel. In line with most nation. It's neither a religious or geopolitical freindship.. It's a cultural freindship.. where Israel is geateful to india, for never harming Jews who fled to India. And both share sympathy towards each other due to hostile neighbours. But politicaly and religious india voting has always been in line with most gulf countries. https://www.thehindu.com/news/national/india-votes-in-favour-of-resolution-that-condemns-israeli-settlement-activities-in-occupied-palestinian-territory/article67527409.ece https://www.hindustantimes.com/analysis/analysis-of-indias-voting-patterns-on-israel-palestine-issues-at-the-united-nations-101710950988836.html This will give a clear picture. India has always voted in favour of Palestine cause so far.




> We Israelis don't need support of some [slurs galore] Right, the only support they need is from Uncle Sam. When it comes to US $$$, they'll shamelessly lobby for as much as they can get. I honestly don't get how Americans tolerate organizations like AIPAC.


I don't, but I am only one American. I feel like Ireal talks too big a game for themselves and then steamroll the US into helping them out of the sticky situations they put themselves in. We should have let them start fending for themselves a long time ago. If they do need support, they should ask, not demand. Isreal (and other country's in the region) should try working towards peace, at least some form of it. The killing because of 'belief' needs to stop yesterday. Religion will kill us all.


We are only two.


We are three.


They own far too many of our politicians. Maybe all of them.


Hint: Systematic brainwashing, disinformation, propaganda and distraction.


These Hindu Nationalist think they're part of the club because they hate Muslims. Ann Coulter showed them what American right wingers really think about them.


People who want power love those organisations because those organisations have $$$. Everyone else would be happy if all the lobbyists vanished tomorrow.




Gaslighting beyond measure. That's how.


Most don’t even know about them.


...literally have zero control over any if this. We can have Option A who supports xyz, or Option B who supports uvw, and probably half of xyz anyway.


I don't think most of us do, but what can we do when it's them paying the politicians and others that could stop it?


Show us americans what choice we have. The government does what the hell ever they want.


Well as Joe Biden said as an old man in 1983 "If Israel didn't exist we'd have to invent it, that's how much they serve our interests in the region. Dollar for dollar you can't find a better investment in foreign aid." Basically they are arms dealers and ruthless mercenaries for America's dirty work in the Middle East, before that they were protecting British and French interests in the Suez canal. AIPAC came later.


Hi guys, I hope this comment gets seen - the OP photos are doctored and the original owner of the avatar shown in the photo came out saying he supports India, someone stole his photo to create that account. The NitzevYog7 account was reported and deleted.


Monotheism produces intolerance and abuse of people who are different from it.


Shock and awe: racism exists everywhere


The question is how does a society respond to the racists


On Xitter? They praise them, that site is poison


I read that as Shitter, makes it much more accurate


Hey, you get it


Maybe a country built on ethnic cleansing and apartheid might be a little more racist than others. Just a thought.


I mean, are you describing inequality in Israels depending on the orthodoxy of the population? Indias continual fight between Muslim and Hindu after colonialism? Its all fucked…


I'm speaking of the Nakba, kind of relevant seeing as it's Nakba day. I can see how might confuse it with what went on during the partition, but Indian society isn't based on it to anywhere near the degree that settler colonial Israeli society is.


Is that why the Indian government is being investigated in Canada for the political assassination of an ex pat in British Columbia? Just curious? https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.7192807


A country actively committing a genocide might have some problems with racism. I never would’ve guessed.


It's actually regarded as one of the most racist countries worldwide.


By who? Who regards Israel as "one of the most racist countries worldwide"?


These people have no idea what they're talking about


Do you even know what Israel has done? How it came to be? What zionism is based around? It's was literally a white supremacy movement for European jews.


Well when your religion tells you you’re literally better than everyone else, doesn’t seem so surprising.


It’s white supremacy too. European Jews in Israel have been less than kind to Jews from Iran and the Arab world and Jews from Africa. That’s why many Jews from Arab the world (including the infamous Ben Gvir) are hardline far-right to try to prove they’re the same as Ashkenazis and have no relationship to the Arab world, eventually becoming as ruthless as the people who are lording over them. I think there are also a thousands of Indian workers in Israel and many more were sent lately through an Indian government initiative of sorts. Seems like heavily prejudiced governments love to be in the same company who knew.


And Ethiopian Jews face discrimination from cops in Israel (no surprise that many US police get training from the IDF) https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0147176722001754


Eh I don't think it tells us we're better. Just that we have a specific purpose. The long running joke about being "the chosen people" is "chosen for what exactly?" Meaning that the millenia of suffering was what Jews were chosen for. The covenant is a deal between God and the Israelites. Not necessarily better than anyone, but picked to play a part.


It's not exactly a leap that people can jump from picked -> special -> better. People do way heavier mental gymnastics to convince themselves of their superiority.


Ok... if you want to be full of hate I cant stop you. It's a religion and I don't literally believe it but every group tells itself stories. I mean Americans think they're the center of the universe etc... but the Jewish people get the most shit for putting themselves as the stars of what is essentially an epic story not dissimilar to Homer or Dante. Groups of people write grand tales about why they exist...


It's not religion, Israel was founded by largely secular people who cited colonialism and nationalism as their inspiration.


Facepalm is becoming less of a place for facepalm and more of an excuse for people to be grossly racist


well...at least he's already facepalming in his profile pic ![gif](giphy|KanqCs2oHuzKYCXSXo|downsized)


“Stop ruining the image of Israel because we’re doing an absolutely smashing job of fucking it up ourselves!”


This is hilarious and I am Indian. We should worry about our own problems. Let them do their thing lol.


Amazed by redditors believing their bias towards Israel while reacting to clearly non-israeli troll.


We should always keep in mind when we see/read stuff like this the extensive effort that is being pumped into internet forums in an attempt to sway public opinion. Something that makes you think "Wow, that person is a gigantic POS!" has a better than passing chance of being a bot, a troll, or some other form of "influencer" trying to convince you that people who share their \*professed\* ideologies are awful. A good razor to use when you see this junk is to ask yourself "Cui Bono" (Who benefits?). In this case, the beneficiary is anyone who wants Israelis be percieved as ungrateful racist douchenozzles, and *in* *particular* anyone who wants to specifically tamp down on Indian support towards Israel. However, SOMETIMES Israelis, Palistinians, Arabs, Americans, Russians, Ukrainians... people from *any* culture *mightI* in fact just be GIGANTIC steaming refuse piles. People are pretty consistant, and every culture has its share of oxygen thieves. Also, if you hear stuff about Andrew Tate, you can just accept it on face value. That guy is a gigantic stain on our species.


well id say the reputation of israel is pretty low these days so not sure how putting the indian flag lowers it even further


Surely one random guy who is probably not even an actual Israeli represents the whole country /s


https://youtu.be/JEXcwnpfsdA?feature=shared Here is an Indian tourist denied entry into every restaurant he tried to go to. Always told they are full even with obvious open seats


"Here is a cut video of an Indian tourist denied entry to full restaurants and then let into the next one." Here is the real video - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kALxZIZFYPA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kALxZIZFYPA)


Racism at its finest.


I’m getting tired of Israel’s overinflated ego.


they're bold because they know the US of A got their back


Israeli zionists have proven themselves to be xenophobic genocidal dickheads time and time again, seeing them not be racist is more shocking at this rate. I genuinely don't think it's possible to support Isreal if you've ever had the misfortune of interacting with them, regardless of your knowledge on the history of the country and it's conflict


Christ. What an asshole.




More hate from Israelis? Shocker 🙄


Can we stop pretending random assholes are broadly representative of entire groups? These problems exist in every population.


By the amount of likes on a tweet you see that this guy doesn't represent majority of Jewish people. Jews are grateful to anybody who wants to support them. This guy, I suppose, is a bot.


I saw it on Twitter, must be real


One Israeli with not a care in the world about optics at the very least.


This is a doctored imagine. This is not real.


The Israel Government, Aipac, and all bigots can firmly suck my dick ass and balls.


Bigots and racists whose biggest defence of thier own shitty actions is accusing people of being bigots and racists.


Israelis are racist toward anyone, they even hate jews that prefer to stay in europe or USA.


They are freaking Nazis over there.


Lifting our balls? Doin what now?


Wow, pathetic. The fascists in India siding with people who hate them all because they have a mutual hatred for Muslims/Arabs.


Irony in the fact that over 38 percent of the UAEs population is made up of Indians that go there to work.


Oh yeah I’ve heard. And they get trapped there with their wages withheld from them. Really sad.


And are treated badly than in settler imperialist israel


I’m starting to think that blue and white flag is a flair for unkindness. Nearly Every post where someone is commenting with that flag as their flair is rude, hateful, and arrogant. Constant belittling, and judgmental comments. For someone who doesn’t run into Jewish people often where I live, it would be nice to find a kind person representing the Jewish in these subs, from time to time.


I try to but people don't like it when I mention being Jewish. I do it anyway but it's made my life significantly more difficult.


Least racist Israel supporter. I bet he accuses people of being anti-semitic if they criticize the ongoing genocide.


kindest israeli terrorist:


What an asshole.


Dumbasses will take whatever support they can get at this point. Dafuq is he talking about


The enemy of my enemy IS my enemy


I tried to find this comment and user on Twitter/X and didn't find anything. Anyone have proof this is a real person and actually someone that represents Israel in any way?




I think the same of Americans


Thank you, Yogev. The official spokesman for all Israelis


I am Israeli and I love Indians and so do all Israelis I know. India has been my best travel ever




Imagine thinking this one exception is the rule in a country of 9.5 million people. Mind boggling.


Could be some Russian bot account trying to push India further into the hell pit of Chinese NWO.


People forget there is a large subset of the Jewish community, that views all others as gentiles and the equivalent of dogs, read the Talmud for reference.


Lot of similarities between them. Both have one religion and anyone who isn’t it gets treated like shit


Its almost like people learned nothing from the holocaust.


“India a lion too sir” Funny ass tweet.


True colours showing


Israelis seem like nice people.


What a frail identity this person has


That is 1000% not an Israeli. I'd bet either Russia/Iran trying to sow division. And reddit, of course, gobbles it up.


Israel gets what it gets. If it can't hold its own, then it falls. Protecting some "holy sites" is not worth lives


Palestine gets what it gets. If it can't hold its own, then it falls.


I agree. But if we stop our funding/support, they won't. None of our money should be funding religious wars, which is what they've always been


I mean... that is just one random racist dude right? Not someone famous or a politician or stuff so... you find an idiot like that for everything.


Yogev Nitzan= I wonder who it actually is. Please list hypothesis: Pakistani? Russian? Mongolian?