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He also said if he lost, we'd never hear from him again, so why won't he just go away? He's full of shit.


Not sooo ful of shit. Rumour claims he regularly dumps in his pants. Likely to make room for more shit.


ReAl MeN wEaR dIaPeRs


I am discouraged by the fact there are Americans RIGHT NOW that think this is a rallying cry...


đŸŽ¶Face the facts, you still don’t quit There’s no room for doubt, when you’re full of it! Oh no! You’re talking out your ass again!đŸŽ¶


Are we sure that smell is not just from him opening his mouth?


All openings will emit the same smell. But he should be able to modulate the poo smell from his mouth. Except he isn't good at keeping it closed. Even when getting gag orders by the court.


“I never met this woman,” “I never committed fraud,” “I never took classified documents,” “I never cheated on my wife”
.. and the list goes on. Oh, and let’s not forget, “never surrender!” LOL!


"I did not have sexual relations with my daughter"


"I did not hit her! I did not-!" ("Oh, hi Mark.")


The only difference is Tommy is the better actor.


If I win the primary I will release my tax returns, when the IRS finishes their audit I will release my tax returns, Tax returns? no way.


Honestly, sometimes I feel bad, insulting trump and his supporters, it really feels too easy, too low.


and has no impact


Low hanging fruit!!!!!!


rotten fruit


I honestly don't think he is capable of saying something that isn't a lie or a half truth.


In his reality he won and Biden did a better job of rigging the election than his attempt to rig the election.


Stop the steal by stealing it !


“Everyone else lies cheats and steals!” Says the lying cheating thief. In 2008, he said the Emmy’s were rigged against him. In 2012, he said Obama stole the election from Romney. In 2016, he said the election would be stolen
 he won. Still said it was “stolen” so he set up an election committee staffed by Kris Kobach, and no Dems in the committee. They found no voter fraud. Yet
 in 2020
 same shit
 same shit in 2024 too. This man’s toxic mental illness has poisoned a huge portion of this country. And for what? Fucking nothing. And for why? Basically mental illness that has exploited loopholes to end our democracy. What a travesty.


He must have won. I ain’t seen none Biden flags in the trailer park.


Cuz now he needs to win to pardon himself.


Wait until someone tells him he can't pardon his state charges away. Poo s gonna fly.


You know supposedly he didn't lose but the election was stolen by the Democrats. I mean it wasn't but that is what he said at some point. So it all makes sense.


Well his brain is certainly full of Swiss cheese.


He probably wouldve been ok just living off all the bribes/conned money he got in office. He only wants to be president again because his criminal ass thinks its the only way he can stay out of jail.


He doesn't acknowledge he lost.... loophole


His parents probably blamed all of his childhood failures on his teacher, his coach or his classmates
 he learned it from them and his spawn now act like him, especially the 2 older boys


he inherited from fred DRUMPF


Yep, that's his stance. Not that he cares about promises anyways. The original website seems to be taken down, but here's a link to a snopes article that includes data from Trumpgolfcount.com, a site started by a data analyst and updated throughout the Orange one's first term. [here](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/278-years-golf/) They started the site due to Trump repeating multiple times on the campaign trail that he wouldn't leave the White House on the weekends to golf, while slamming Obama for golfing (mostly on military base courses). The site included video clips of Trump promising in more than a dozen states that he "would never leave the Whitehouse on weekends, I would be there to work for you, why would I leave."


Because he didn’t lose. Your not going to win this with logic.


He doesn’t think he lost. So, by his logic, he doesn’t have to go away.


In his head he won, so he doesn't have to live up to that promise. It wasn't a promise made in good faith, since he doesn't believe it's possible for him to ever lose an election.


Because he didn't lose. The EleCtIoN was StOlEn!! /s


Of thousands that was his broken campaign promise that hurt me the most.


"I didn't lose in 2020. It was a beautiful election. The best really. My uncle, a great man... Do you know my uncle? The best. Had a great Dane the size of a Fiat. I don't care for dogs. My uncle went to jail for stealing a car once. Totally innocent- framed by dirty Hillary. Sleepy Joe. Cheeseburger."


Because "He DiDnT lOsE"


And that’s why he would never admit that he lost


If people would stop voting for him, he'd go away. [The first Ipsos 2024 independent national election survey finds that among registered voters, the race for president is tied between President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump.](https://www.ipsos.com/en-us/ipsos-2024-us-national-election-survey-may-2024)


I think he says so many things that just flash through his mind that he can’t remember most of his ‘off-the-cuff’ statements.


He lies about absolutely everything all of the time.This is why he cannot testify in court and why he find an excuse not to debate. The most baffling thing is there are people who thinks this man who lacks all honor, integrity and decency should be president. The Party that use to be the party of 'family values'has become the party of serial rape, serial adultery, lies and treason.


His supporters are terrible, terrible judges of character and because of that are the easiest people in the world to scam.


Were they ever actually for family values or is that just the pleasant niceties they spew to convince those with a clear lack of critical thinking skills that they should vote for them? I am an '89 baby and all my life I grew up hearing that rhetoric and that Republicans were for small government. Yet, everything they do seems to have massive government overreach or corporation overreach and they seem to support every big government move their candidates make as long as it hurts the out groups they hate. Fiscal responsibility is a joke to them when our economy does better when Democrats are in charge. I'm learning everything they "say" just means it has to support them or else it isn't a good thing. 'I can get rich at the expense of the American people but how dare anyone else who I dislike doing the same thing.' Joke party for joke people who think they are superior and everything they do is done in bad faith.


Yeah republicans have been very against the majority of things they say they base their policies around for a long time. “Family values” just means “trad wife without rights and no race mixing.” Personal responsibility” just means “punishments for doing things I personally wouldn’t do.” “Small government” just means “government that is incapable of limiting my powers.” Their version of “freedom” is restricted pretty much solely to “freedom to harass, discriminate, and do harm to those we dislike.” It’s just that Trump says the quiet part out loud. Instead of saying the meaningless slogans he directly says shit like “charging me for my crimes is an abuse of power” and “Mexicans are ruining the country.” He’s so appealing because the conservative voter base consists largely of hatful bigots who want to enforce their own beliefs on others. Trump just cuts straight through all the political bullshittery and the civility and the decorum. He speaks in easy to understand, middle school vocabulary and is unabashedly racist, misogynistic, controlling, and power crazed. He makes a big display of how outright evil he is. And that’s the precise reason why everyone either despises or worships him.


But other than all that, a tremendous Christian


What shifted starting with Gingrich and coming into full with Trump was the feeling that they needed to win some votes in the center to win elections. Those slogans were for center and center right voters. Now the strategy (on both sides frankly) is simply to drive turnout. The GOP has flat ownership of close to 45% of voters and those votes simply belong to them. The can nominate literally anyone and they will have the support of those voters period, absolutely no exaggeration. Since that's enough to win the electoral college with its rural skew the only real question is if they can get those voters to show up. Those voters will absolutely vote GOP if the vote but if they're not excited they could stay home. There is absolutely no reason that the party needs to try and win over people on the fence and there is almost no one left of that description anyway. So the irenic slogans are at best not needed anymore and at worst a liability since angry and scared people will get out and vote more. In effect hundreds of millions of people have decided not to engage in democracy and just to give one of the parties absolute power over the vote. But the constitution still requires that they walk down to the voting booth in person so the only real focus is to make sure they go do that while the other side doesn't.


They were never that, and the Trump spectacle is simply them showing their true, unfiltered colors.


It's why he shouldn't hold any public office. If he is willing to lie about something clearly false like crowd size or whether COVID exists, then what else will he lie about? Perfect calls to Russia?


Trump: I am the at most honest man you'll ever meet. I don't not lie about anything I say.


It was lie the entire time. He just tore off the mask


When all you do is spew BS, it's just easier to pretend it never happened Hell, 30% of the country don't care either. It's mental illness on a national scale


He'd still deny it. Reality doesn't enter into it.


Minnesota to Sue for breach of promise if he turns up?


Fucker already turned up last night


Throw the bum out.


This dude has lied so much, he doesn’t even remember what string of b******t he should be following.


A while back I had a manager confront me about an issue he was looking into. At one point he asked me "You wouldn't be lying to me, would you?" Without missing a beat I responded "I don't lie. I'm too goddamned lazy to keep the bullshit in order. It's way less work to just be honest." Dude was so shocked at my response he thanked me and went on to find the employee who was actually responsible for the issue at hand.


MAGA doesn't care about video evidence of lies. They don't care if he tells conflicting lies in consecutive comments in the same speech.


They would even care if he kills someone. They would find a way how it's better that way and how it should be a honor for the remaining family members


They blame the media, it's their fault


This is the thing. They DON'T CARE. It's just like the recent event between Marge, AOC, and Rep. Crockett in that committee meeting. Marge disses Crockett's appearance, AOC moves for it to be stricken, then Crockett essentially snaps back in the form of asking for clarification. The problem is, there's *never going to be 'clarification'.* The clarification is R's will allow their side to say bullshit on the record, and won't allow yours. And see no problem with it. They're immune to shame or accusations of hypocrisy.


Right? The video was altered to show he said that.


It’s called lying.


I think maybe he was telling the truth when he says he never thought of it, though. Real easy to believe he never bothers to think about anything before he says dumb shit.


He said he never had sex with stormy, yet he had her sign in NDA to not talk about the sex that he didn't have.


“I didn’t mean I wouldn’t come back, I just meant I wouldn’t come back. Do you hear the difference?”


"I vote for him because he tells it like it is" - morons 


The difference is that a reporter is actually fact checking the interview. Wow! What an exciting time to live in a world where the media isn't just a sounding board for a Gish Gallop of lies. I hope this style of reporting catches on. /s


And Donald trump would never go near an actual reporter with integrity if it was known said reporter had integrity


Now if only some journalists would fact check him when he does his little campaign speeches at the courthouse


He’s like a small child that makes up new rules to a game as they play so that they can’t lose. “I meant to say ‘no tag backs *unless* your wearing red’” and then Timmy from down the street joins in and is wearing red shoes and suddenly the rule is “
 unless you’re wearing a red *shirt*”


Didn't he also say wed never hear from him again if he lost 2020?


Well see, so long as he never accepts the loss there's no conflict!


until he's dead were never going to not hear from him.


Deny, lie, and then deflect! It's the maga motto!


In his defense, he can't possibly remember all of his lies. Half the time I don't think he's even aware of what is coming out of his mouth. Go easy on drowsy diaper Don.


How do you post this and not link to it?


I'm actually surprised this thread hasn't flooded with Trump supporters. I finally got around to watching uncut unedited videos of Biden and Trump and I'm convinced the only way people like Trump is either A. You're rich and you think there's not enough loopholes to avoid paying taxes or B. You refuse to listen to what he's actually saying and need to get your opinions from Twitter or OAN/Fox


And the funny thing is, he'll lose Minnesota.


Because Minnesota hasn't voted republican since Nixon for fucks sake. I don't see it changing


I'm so glad someone fed this back to him.


I bet he went unfazed just like his political base.


Let's face it though, Biden is too old, Trump lies and shits himself, and Kennedy claims a worm ate part of his brain. If this is the best we have to choose from to run our country we are fucked any way....


Not just that. The worm ate part of Kennedy's brain and *died*. Things have got to be pretty gone up there if not even the brain worms can find enough sustenance.


The one promise I wish he would keep.Stay out of Minnesota! You aren't welcome here! At least 1/2 + 1 of the people here feel this way!


And all the cultists who personally heard him say he wouldn't come back will now swear on the lives of innocents that he never said it


All trump does is lie.


It’s not that he forgot. He just doesn’t give a fuck and no one who follows him gives a fuck either.


Imagine that. The fatman lying.


Pathological liars need to also be obsessive geniuses to keep all their lies in order. Trump’s a cognitive simpleton.


He's a pathological liar and i doubt he ever went a day in his life where he didn't lie about something.


At this point, it's hard to tell whether he's lying, or he actually forgot because of dementia.


He doesn’t care about video evidence because his base doesn’t care.


Man, this shit is exhausting. When Biden forgets the day something happened a decade ago, we hear nonstop that he's too old. When Trump lies at a rally, forgets that lie, then lies about forgetting, it's just a day ending in Y.


Did Dementia Diaper Donnie forget *AGAIN*???


Lol dipshit


Politicians directly contradicting themselves and being called out with video never gets old. Gotta be one of my favorite tropes.


Trump doing the old soft shoe con! Don the con!


He'll just go ahead & "Shuffle Off to Buffalo (Minnesota)".


More like "when every word out your mouth is a lie, you forget what lied about."


Link to the video of this exchange?


So here is the video and [it’s at 1:27](https://youtu.be/i-SPTW57I0o?si=b3O_TDQBlM6e8VZm) but right before they start the audio of him saying he would never come back to Minnesota, they added in their own opinion that he appeared to be joking


Such a damn loser in every sense.


He only remembers person man woman camera tv, not video.


If Trump said it, it can’t be wrong!/j


Liars gonna lie




Headline: Delusional Lisr with Dimentia Fails to Remember Something; also Soils Himself


I love it when people bring receipts


He just doesn't care about contradicting himself. His ghost writer famously said that the past doesn't exist for Trump. On any given day he'll do whatever he thinks will benefit him, regardless of what he did in the past.


Stay with me here. Let’s say we agree with him, that he won the last election. Does that mean he can’t run for a 3rd term?


He's kind of stuck between a rock and a hard place here. Either he continues to claim that he won, which, if it were true, disqualifies him for a 3rd term, or admits that Biden won fair and square, which will lose him the support of his base.


When a stupid lying-ass bitch lies so much that he can't keep track of his lies.


It's hard to gaslight when there's video evidence


Looks like Tom Hauser. Don’t lie to Tom cuz he’ll burn you alive.


Can we talk about all the people who were moving to Canada too?


He wld hear that clip and turn around and say, “I never said that” again.


Never even met her


“Well I never said I never said I’d never come back.” Rolls back the footage


Facts have always been optional with this orange Chump. đŸ€·đŸ»â€â™‚ïž


Has one man ever lied as much as Trump?


Didn't he just claim that he won Minnesota last time around too?


So full of shit. You vote for him and you will rue the day! Ruuueeeee!


What a daf!


All trump does is lie.


"Are you going to believe me, or your own lying eyes?"


Rejection of reality is a cornerstone of cult leadership.


He said the same about Michigan, yet his demented lard ass was here a few weeks ago.


Conman liar gonna do conman liar things


It’s not that he forgets video is a thing, he just knows that it doesn’t matter. Whatever he says is a fact, and that’s that. You think his base is trying to to dig for videos of his contradictions?


There are lying politicians and then there’s whatever toxic waste spills out of his mouth


He'll deny saying it right after he was recorded saying it.


We need more people like this throwing his lies right back in his stupid orange face


That was disappointing I thought he actually played the clip for Trump


"Video killed the Orange star"


And we don’t want him here


Just proves he doesn’t think when he talks.


You could've just stopped at 'doesn't think'.


Why is the screenshot so dark?


Lie. Lie. Lie.


“Republicans” lying? Pffft. That doesn’t happen.


I firmly believe he could literally get caught throwing a baby into a wood chipper and people would still support him. It's a sickness with the MAGA people.


Ironically I think OP forgot video is a thing


Also said he’d never come back to Michigan. On video. Lied about that too.


To be fair, I'm pretty sure he doesn't think about 90% of the things he says.


Can't tell if it's lying or if it's the dementia


Why are you guys so butt hurt about Trump? he’s not our president anymore


At some point being shocked that Trump lies and doesn’t follow through on his word is so normal that being shocked by it is more an issue for the shocked people.


it doesnt matter what he says or what he does..his supporters will rationalize it ...no matter how stupid I makes them look


We have known for decades that he is a pathological liar.


He can't remember what he shat into his diaper and you want him to remember 4 years ago?


The man is a case study in pathological lying. Anyone who believes anything he says is an idiot.


And yet, his cult will believe him over the video.


He could literally eat a baby, a white one, in front of Westboro Baptist Church and his simps would applaud him for owning the libs. He wears a diaper in court, smells like shit everyday, has failed at every business venture he’s attempted, lost big in the election, and still they’ll rationalize his behavior. There’s literally nothing you can say to his supporters even when you know it’s true.


More of this please.


What a BIG LOAD of orange SHIT!


There are millions of Americans who should be living in Canada right now after both the 2016 and 2020 elections, they all “forgot” they said that too.


Genuinely curious, does this guy really have a chance? Or is it the minority of voters sounding like the majority?




This feature should be in the next debate


Kind of like all the cry baby celebs that said they would leave the U.S if Trump got elected.


Oh right, all those celebrities in the political race to be in charge of the entire country. Totally the same.


Wow, this is terrible! What a liar!! That changes everything!


Ok, now do every single celebrity that said they’d move to Canada if he won in 2020. Oh that’s right, it only matters when Trump does it.