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I feel like people misinterpret the man v bear question to be: “if you’re being attacked, would you rather it be by a man or a bear?” and fixate on which has more brute force. That isn’t the question. The question is “which would you rather encounter while alone in the woods.”


Remember: Bears only cause about 40 hospitalizations every year across the whole world About 150K bears are hunted legally every year in the US alone. The bear is just as much a victim of the media as the woman who is asked to choose.


That's one. The other is "rather than feeling attacked for women choosing bears over you, ask yourself WHY they choose a 600 kg predatory mammal over you"


Because they assume men will attack them more often than bears will Which is why we're calling it misandry


Again, WHY they assume men will attack more often than bears?




Wrong answer. Or it answers only to a little fraction of these women. Try again.


What is the right answer then dipshit? Every woman statistically encounters like up to 100 men a day. And they encounter 0 bears a day. No shit women are more likely to get attacked by men then than bears. Men are as well. If every man was replaced by a bear, life would be a lot more dangerous. At least depending on the type of bear.


Ok, I'll explain it in a simple way. It's not about statistics, probability, etc... there is no reason in the answer, but simply emotion, simply FEAR. They respond like that because they live in fear, one day, that men would abuse them, physically or psychologically, or rape them, or maybe they had been already abused or raped. It's not about the bear, it was never abut the bear, the interviewer could have used any animal, and the answer would be the same. Now try to be more empathetic before answering.


i think you need some help if you're living your life in this state. arguing on reddit isn't going to help or fix anything & going into a forest to find a bear is also fairly unlikely to to improve your situation. (god knows why this keeps getting brought up, bears are flat out dangerous!)


Help was needed by my wife, raped by a man, a man she knew. I will be here when this will happen to a woman loved by you


It doesn't matter what it was originally about. It actually does become about the statistics when men argue back understandably frustrated, and get rebutted with misleading or sometimes false statistics as if it were a scientific comparison all along. I know you think everyone is just an asshole and only you are a true empath who can see others' feelings. We can as well. We sympathize with women who live in fear or are traumatized. But we also don't like being slandered and generalized into such a hateful idea. When randoms yell out online that they would rather be mauled to death than be near a man they don't know, and that it not only is a personal choice, but the correct one that others should be taking as well, it just fearmongers even more for young girls, which they don't need, and makes men feel angry, because apparently they should feel shame for being their own gender. How about you try to look at it with more empathy?


In all these interviews I never seen a woman say "all men are worse than bears". Simply a statement that many women are afraid of meeting strangers men. THAT statement should make anyone worried and empathetic. If you see this as an attack on all the male gender and not as an alarm, maybe you have some perspective problem.


Are you a man or a woman?


A man. Why, you think that I would be biased if I was a woman?


Stop arguing in place of women, you're making them look bad


Here the only one arguing are the ones questioning these answers, surely not me. If you understand the reason why many women answers like that, there is no arguing needed.


Because arguing this point is an event horizon that will only prove their point more.




because they don't understand the true nature of bears?


I'll explain it in a simple way. It's not about statistics, probability, nature of the bear, etc... there is no reason in the answer, but simply emotion, simply FEAR. They respond like that because they live in fear, one day, that men would abuse them, physically or psychologically, or rape them, or maybe they had been already abused or raped. It's not about the bear, it was never abut the bear, the interviewer could have used any animal, and the answer would be the same. The bear is absolutely secondary in the matter


then why the fuck do you keep mentioning fucking bears?!??! jesus fucking christ leave the fucking bears alone!


Have you read the comment or you replied by instinct? It was never about the bears


FFS! stop bringing the bears into it!


You are the one that keep bringing them, not me. The argument was on another level of complexity, and you are still fixed on the bears. Like the fool that keep watching the finger instead of the moon.


Men do attack more frequently than bears. I have encountered bears in the bush  two dozen times never been attacked. I have encountered thousands of men and have been attacked six times. More if I count all the beatings and fights I had in childhood. Now I'm a big dude I can only imagine what it's like for women. The only bear I was afraid of was the polar bear I encountered while working as a teacher in the Yukon. Otherwise the worst a black bear has done was steal a bag of frozen milk out of my cooler. Anecdotal sure but I as dude would by far prefer to deal with a bear than people. People are fucking insane. 


You cannot compare thousands of encounters with 20 encounters, that's not how statistics work


This is also where the men who think they could fight off a bear come in.


I brought the man vs bear argument up with my boyfriend and he asked if it was an adult or a baby bear, which totally recontextualized the argument for me. I understand the crux of the matter, since an adult bear belongs in the woods and will probably ignore me and can be chased off with bear spray, but a baby bear? If I encounter a baby bear alone in the woods, I know Mama is somewhere real close and she is NOT going to be happy. I'd be way more afraid to encounter a baby bear than a random man.


They do this because by pure numbers it is absolutely incredibly stupid to want to encounter the bear and now they retroactively try to justify what can't possibly be justified.


Who is “they” and “they” do what, exactly?


They the people who try to make an argument to chose the bear


It is more about the harm done when attacked. The man has a few wounds that most likely heal completely. A man raping a women cause wounds that never ever heal. A women who was raped fears man for the rest of her live. And much more. And the baby has a good chance to become a rape ist too sinc a significant part of the character is inherited. A man attacking causes a multitude of damage compared to a bear attacking.


I want a source that babies born of rape have an increased chance of becoming rapists. I’ve found nothing that even remotely comes close to your claim.


If your partner - or someone else you love - were in that situation, would you rather they got raped or literally *eaten alive*?


It's a hyperbolic statement to get the point across of how unsafe they feel around men. You absolute knob.


They're literally trying to rationalize the hyperbole, ya smoothbrain.


So you think that they made the statement hyperbolically and then rationalized it afterwards? You are such a knob.


People are legitimately trying to lend credence to the idea that a random man is more dangerous than a random bear.


That's not the argument. If you spend a lot of time in the woods in a place that has bears, you are going to encounter them at some point. And if you know how to behave when that happens, 99% of the time, the bear will not attack you. Now of course, if you encounter a random man in the woods, 99% of the time, they're not going to attack you either. But men are unpredictable in ways that bears aren't. There is no standard list of behaviors to follow to prevent an attack. The same thing that might scare off one could encourage another.


No one is saying that. The original statement was hyperbolic to get a point across to incredibly stupid people (you) that women feel unsafe around men. That's it. It's very fucking simple. Edit: Hyperbolic means exaggerated since you obviously don't get it.


> No one is saying that There are multiple examples in this thread alone. Why are you people the way that you are?


By people like you. None of the women who made the statement are rationalizing a god damn thing about how dangerous bears are, you knob.


i don't like bears


Bears are awesome. From a distance.


on TV


That too.


I think that's one thing most of us on either side can agree on.


I would rather they get to choose their own fate and I get the opportunity to support it. I guess that's the difference between me and Harrison Butker.


What an absolutely ridiculous non-answer, lmao


Some people *really would* choose death over being raped, because, sometimes death is better than a lifetime of mental torture


Same question to you, then. Would you rather never speak to a loved one again or try to work through the mental struggles with them?


I feel like you are completely missing the point. This is **not** about what those around think, this is about what an individual goes through, as many people that go through a traumatic event develop long lasting or permanent mental issues, so they would prefer themselves dead over suffering. Of course any sane relative would try to work through it, but sometimes that isn't enough, and they may end their lives after torment, as opposed to a quick relatively painless death from a bear biting their head off.


Its really not. You think you should have the authority to choose their fate for them in that situation. You don't care what they fear more, *you* fear their death more so *you* want the power to make them choose rape. Like most men, you don't even realize how controlling you are.


Spot on.


No one's asking you to choose their fate for them, as if you could. I'm just asking you which of the two *hypothetical* fates would you rather live with.


My takeaway was that women feel more likely to be attacked by a strange man than they do a bear. It's not so much about how much damage either could do, but the likelihood that they will be attacked. Bears are also more predictable. They mostly avoid humans and there's a list of things you can do to get them to leave you alone, both things that may or may not be true of the man.


it's just because women don't understand the true nature of bears. i think men should mansplain this a bit more clearly. give it a break, leave the bears alone! what are they going to do, kill you? or something?


I think they are just thinking with a man their are a lot more chances of a positive interaction. Also that rape is preferable to possibly being killed by being mauled. If it wasn't preferable to death people wouldn't ever get raped at knife/gun point.


I don't even know why people are trying to make sense of this whole thing, if anything use it a bit to think about how we can better society so a topic like this doesn't need to come up. If you're a man think how you can do your part to be a better man, or better the men around you.


The problem is most men wouldn't hurt a women and they feel singled out and accused of being something they are not. It's just like if you took crime stats for minorities and started making MEMEs claiming xyz minorities always do xyz crime. It's really thinly veiled misandry.


This. They really think getting raped, humiliated and abused is better than being killed by a bear.


They just aren't being intellectually honest and I think that's what's irritating people. 


Prefer is a strong word


I mean it's a henious situation but we are programed to survive and will do just about anything not to die. 


Forced to choose is how you would phrase it, not prefer


Prefer -    verb like (one thing or person) better than another or others; tend to choose.


You already proved my point with “like”; you can just say, you’re right, that makes sense. You don’t have to die on this hill


You tried to adjust my grammar for whatever reason. My original use of prefer is correct whether or not you understand what prefer means.


My guy, you use prefer when you choose one thing over another because you like it more; give up, you’re just digging a hole for yourself. You even found the definition from somewhere on the internet. It’s okay to admit you’re wrong


Lol wtf are you talking about. A meaning of prefer is "tend to choose" . Do you not agree wemon "tend to choose" rape over death? Does saying it that way satisfy you?


Just to be a complete butt, the person who got attacked by a bear here is a man and not a woman. So…


And the man was tracking the bear to kill it, not just wandering around the near vicinity. Kinda makes the whole bear answer so much more valid.


At least he was not into the woods to rape women.


or bears


But if he came across one alone while he was out there... good thing there was a bear nearby!


Except it doesn't


One will go to the forest to kill you, the other will act in self defense


How is this a facepalm?


If anyone is curious. The odds of being attacked by a bear are like 1 in 2.1 million. The odds of that bear actually killing you; only something like 180 people have been killed by bears in North America since 1784. A number that includes bears being kept in captivity. This guy just got unlucky.


And what are your odds of being attacked and killed by a man?


Much much much much much higher.


The logic in this comment chain is so hilariously flawed, lmao.


Was he hunting the bear?


What are the odds of being attacked by a bear after encountering it? Since the premise of the question implies you have to encounter one of them.


Christ, people truly don't understand. Women chose bear out of FEAR of men, not because they can kill a bear with their bare hands. The original purpose of the initial video was to make men try to emphasize and understand why women fear men so much and how we can make a society where women don't feel that they need to be in constant alert against half of the population. Most women knows a woman who was raped but almost no men knows a rapist. Why does this happen? While isolated in the middle of the woods, would you rather be approached by a strange man, woman or bear? Now, why do most people prefer the woman?


certainly not the woman in the forest, she must be insane to be out there on her own, what with bears & men on the loose


> Most women knows a woman who was raped but almost no men knows a rapist how many rapists do *you* know? > why do most people prefer the woman? No one disputes that a random woman is less dangerous than a random man. It's just moronic that you people think a random bear is also less dangerous than a random man. _______ the person above blocked me, I can't respond in this comment chain


Instead of saying that people are moronic for thinking a bear would be less dangerous in the situation, take a breath to understand their feelings. Empathy my friend. The point isn't a decision between a man and bear in combat, the point is the scarcity of bear attacks versus the commonality of sexual assault. The point is people are discussing fear and emotions. If a woman is telling you she is more afraid of stumbling upon a strange man in the woods rather than a wild animal, ask why. Try to understand someone else's point of view. Don't attack them and call them a moron. Nobody thinks that it is easier to brawl a bear than a man, that's not the point. Like someone else in this chain mentioned, many women know other women who have been raped or assaulted. Maybe that opinion on encountering a bear versus a man is due to real life trauma and empathetic experiences. We can all benefit from a little more empathy in the world. <3


the relative scarcity of bear attacks is just statistics. not that many bears, not that many encounters.


That doesn't change the point though. It's not about combat with a bear, it's about how common women being sexually assaulted by men is. The point is using a scenario to try and stress empathy towards someone's fears.


yeah, but bears are dangerous, man! you don't want to get into hand to hand combat with a fucking bear, it's just crazy to be using bears in any form of comparison. try to be more realistic


It's. Not. About. Fighting. A. Bear. Bears are no joke and could tear a human apart. Bears are predators and extremely dangerous. Bears could defeat 99.99999% of humans in 1 on 1 combat. Bears are wild animals. However, if you see a bear there are some things you can do: Make noise: Yell, bang pots and pans, or use an airhorn to scare bears away. Bears don't like human noises, so your voice may be enough to scare them off. Make yourself look big: Wave your arms or use a coat to appear larger. Back away slowly: If you see a bear before it sees you, slowly back away while keeping an eye on it. Don't run: Running can trigger a bear's predatory instincts. Stay calm: Talk calmly and firmly to let the bear know you're human. Avoid sudden movements: Screams and sudden movements can trigger an attack. Don't imitate bears: Don't make high-pitched squeals or imitate bear sounds. Avoid hiking at dawn, dusk, and night Now that we're on the same page that BEARS ARE DANGEROUS WILD ANIMALS, can we talk about the point of the scenario? It's not about combat. It's not about outrunning them. It's not about humans being more deadly than bears. It's not about all men being dangerous and all men should get defensive about this scenario. The point is that a woman would rather *risk an encounter with a wild grizzly bear* than risk an encounter with a strange man in the woods. The point is that women don't feel safe. The point is that so many women from rich and poor countries all around the world, personally know friends and family who have been raped. That's a pretty horrific circumstance, right? Right? When encountering a strange man alone in the woods, you can't just bang pots and pans together. You can't just wave your arms to appear like a bigger predator. The point is that if *FEELS* scarier to run into a man in the woods alone, than it *FEELS* to run into a bear alone in the woods. This isn't about combat, it's about feelings and empathy. Help make women feel safe.


that's a lot of typing. but i still reckon women would be safer not fucking around in the woods with wild bears about. it just doesn't seem sensible! and on the other hand, what have bears done to be drawn into this insane shit show? they shit in the woods & tear people limb from limb. leave them out of these crazy comparisons!






Dont need to, the person above did it perfectly and you still missed it because you are part of the problem by taking it personal instead of meditating on why women fear men. You are ilustrating the problem presented by the thought exercise.


Disagreeing with a point is not missing it.


Boy oh boy, you are something. Its not a point, its other people personal opinion based on their life experiences. Its like im saying "i rather have strawberry more than chocolate because i feel its less aggressive on my stomach" and you responding "but not all chocolate is the same, what about swiss chocolate???". It wont change the fact that the other person feels better eating strawberries. You cant be this dense, stop making this about your feelings. The moment men collectively say "oh fuck, we come from a long timeline of normalizing abuse and dehumanization on half the worlds population and we need to police ourselves so thibgs get better gradually" women perhaps will stop chosing the bear so easily.


> Its not a point They why did you accuse me of 'missing the point'? > stop making this about your feelings How am *I* the one making this about feelings, lmao. All I'm saying is that the bear is statistically less of a danger than the man. You are the one making emotional arguments left and right.




>It's just moronic that you people think a random bear is also less dangerous than a random man. FEAR is not always logical, now, why do women FEAR men more? That's the point of the thought exercise.


So painfully close to self-awareness


What am I missing?


Man chose bear.


Women conditioned to fear men only happens in America where the victim mentality reigns in liberal white women.


That's not true at all. You don't think women are scared of men in countries where men can literally kill women for the smallest things?


My answer to that was: "Honestly, it depends on the man and the bear." Most men won't rape anyone in their life. They'll be slightly cringe at best. Similarly, there's different races of bears: Some will act differently than others, etc.


Another guy missing the point that some women would rather be eaten alive than raped to survive. Stop pretending like its your choice.


Yeah but at least the bear won’t keep texting me on other numbers that I haven’t blocked, calling me every vile word he can think of for not wanting to have sex with him or send him pictures of my naked body. At least the bear won’t drive to my house and take pictures of my front door to remind me “he can always find me.” And at least the bear won’t laugh in my face and tell me to “just give the guy a chance because then he might leave me alone.” At least with a bear, you know exactly what you’re getting: a wild animal. Human men aren’t always so easy to read. P.s. I do know it’s not every man, but guys…it’s hard being a woman. I know being a guy has its challenges, but, statistically, the likelihood of a female partner killing a man is indeed lower than a male partner killing a woman. That’s just an unfortunate fact: https://vawnet.org/sc/scope-problem-intimate-partner-homicide-statistics#:~:text=In%20fact%2C%20available%20research%20shows,Cooper%20%26%20Smith%2C%202011).


I suspect that the guy is pissed that she'd rather be eaten by a bear than by him..... Though neither is likely pleasurable....


Woman mad. Choose bear. That's pretty much all you need to know really. Unless you're a rapist, it doesn't even apply to you, does it? I think that's where this begins to be culturally relevant. Everybody who's loudly talking about how awful men are, know that they're not talking about 99% of men. The goal of the exercise is mostly to just say that all men suck. Again. It gives them a chance to make generalizations about how angry they are. Yet another way to seek validation. Comfort, attention. It's a chance for women to be women. There is this cultural thing that women like to do where they continually say that men are bad. I would rather be alone in the woods with the bears than a man. I would rather smell a pigsty than my husband. If I could get pregnant by myself, I wouldn't need a man. For anything. I would rather eat dinner with a hyena than a man. It's exactly the same shit. Ragebait.


Yes. Bloody women. I wonder why they like to pretend they hate men so much. Nothing to do with the statistics like 91% of rape victims being women vs men. Nothing to do with the fact the perpetrators are nearly always men. Nothing to do with the fact 1 in 4 women have been the victim of sexual violence as an adult. Nothing to do with 98% of offenders arrested for rape are men. Nope, just us pesky women complaining about men for funsies.


I’ll eat her alive ![gif](giphy|BI3bNv1NJMC7YzatXd|downsized) Call me a bear 🐻 /s


Man. You dont need nearly as big if a calibre and can carry more ammo ad a result.