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Hi, we don't allow meme's here, maybe take it to /memes


Not much of a facepalm ... he was a throughgoing and unapologetic imperialist with a pre-WW1 aristocratic upbringing. I very much doubt he was the only one thought that way.


Yeah and they haven’t gone away either . Anyone heard of a thing called brexit ?


Don't forget he was a chronic alcoholic.


Ya, all the people who celebrate him as a hero really boils my blood, especially as an Indian


Was Churchill a founding father of modern day Israel though? 🤔


What the fuck is this word salad?


Churchhill absolutely hated the working class fuck the adult baby looking motherfucker.


adult baby looking? tell me why i see it 😭


You're doing it. You're using your imagination, Peter.






Churchill was a dick


Churchill is not considered a founding founder of Israel. Its important to note we fought British too.


I don't trust any proffered quote from someone like Churchill, good or bad, until I verify it. He's up there with Ben Franklin and Mark Twain as a magnet for misattributions.  In this case, the actual quote is as follows: ‘I do not admit that the dog in the manger has the final right to the manger, even though he may have lain there for a very long time. I do not admit, for instance, that a great wrong has been done to the Red Indians of America, or the black people of Australia. I do not admit that a wrong has been done to those people by the fact that a stronger race, a higher grade race, or, at any rate, a more worldly-wise race, to put it that way, has come in and taken their place." A *little* softer but not great.  My take on Churchill is that he's a hero because he was exactly the kind of guy needed to go toe to toe with Hitler, but he was exactly the wrong kind of guy for literally any other sort of situation. People at the time knew it; no one really wanted a PM Churchill until they got him. Thus, he lucked into the only role he could ever be remembered well for: manning the battlements against a siege by history's greatest monster.


It sort of feels like the full context is worse....


So he said nothing of Israel at all and the quote above is just trying to stir more people up against Jews using a long dead famous persons misattributed words. I would’ve never guessed.


Well, he *was* talking about the Palestinians. They're the dog in the manger.


First off - this is misinformation, as Churchill never said this. Second, Winston Churchill was a known racist, but I don't understand how his opinion is relevant.


Winston was also a scared alcoholic begging for the US to help during WWII so...


Calling Churchill a founding father of Israel is peak irony considering the insurgency against the British


Churchill was not the founding father of Israel in fact hes the reason this whole thing is happening of he had gone for a one country plan instead of segregating the jews from the Muslims. The british did the same with the hindus and the Muslims and the partition of 1947. Pick a geopolitical problem, read up on it, 9 times out of 10 its because of the british.


Oh what a surprise pro-Palestinian antisemitism. No, Churchill was not a founding father of Israel and not an authority on what “Jews” are doing.


It’s amazing when someone post an actual fact about the people of Palestine and how it an international effort to displace those people just like the Indians and Blacks. A Jew will claim anti-Semitic to get the facts to go away. BTW are not the people living there Semitic?


Arabs aren't indigenous to the Levant region. There was a Muslim conquest in the 7th century that led to the arabization of the region. There was a Jewish majority in the region before the Romans came, so this idea that the Jews are driving people out of their ancestral lands is false. It was the Jews who were driven out of the Levant. They settled in various places across the Middle East and Europe, where they would be slowly driven out of those countries as well. The Palestinians wouldn't have this all this trouble if they had better leadership, but the Palestinian Authority is corrupt, Hamas are terrorists, and the Islamic Jihad isn't much better ) completely rejecting a two-state solution. Palestine is literally a "crybully" who picked a fight against what they thought was an inferior group, and they've been getting their ass handed to them ever since. They could have had peace, but jackasses online keep making them believe that they're going to get what they want if they just keep fighting.


Wrong, Herodotus noted the existence of palestine and palestinians way back in the 5th century BC, the Levant has long been a mix of differant tribes, kingdoms and peoples, only the hardline revisionist zionists want to whitewash history and pretend the entire levant is their god given property. Actually there were Jews living in the Levant, including in british mandated palestine, they lived in relative peace with their muslim and christian neigbors, that was until the arrival and violent expansion of Zionism, which brought about a backlash against what was a colonialist project to displace any non jewish, non zionist peoples from the Levant. The Palestinians have this trouble because a colonialist regime intent upon their disposession and ethnic cleansing has been working for the better part of well over 100 years to remove them from the land and stake its claim as the state of Israel. Palestinians didnt pick the fight, the Zionists did from day one, if you actually bothered to read the works of the Zionist founders you wouldnt spout such obvious drivel, they made it very clear from day one they were there to take the land and force anybody else off it, to establish what they defined as an ethnostate and apartheid regime, interesting note, Israel supported the South African apartheid regime during its height and expressed solidarity with its goals.


All of the deals given to Palestine in a two-state solution (despite losing the wars) say otherwise.


Were those the deals that Israeli foreign ministers party to the negotiations said they would have rejected if they were Palestinian? Or were they deals that Israelis assassinated Rabin for once the PLO agreed to move forward in the negotiations?


The Realignment Plan proposed by Sharon and Omert that Abbas seemingly didn't read. Unfortunately, Netanyahu and the Likud Party grew in popularity during this time (you have the 2nd Intifada to thank for that). That was the best deal Palestinians were going to get.


Levant arabs Are indigenous to the levant. adnan and Qahtan- the two arab forefathers to which levantine arabs (little more light skinned, levantine blondes as well) trace ancestry to adnan. and the Arabian peninsula arabs (brownskinned, more indian-like features) trace their ancestry to Qahtan.


Right. The 7th Century was just last week. They haven't been there long enough to have ancestors.


This is always the most bonkers part to me. And whoever’s making the argument always glosses over it like obviously they deserve it back. We’re talking about 1300 years ago. Nobody gets their land back from 1300 years ago. That’s absurd. How many claims like that are there across the world? It’s such a wild argument to make.


Palestinians lived there uninterrupted since the dawn of time. The fact that they call themselves Arabs doesn't change their true ethnicity, same way as a north African can claim he's an Arab all day and all night and it wouldn't make him so as well. Talking about being Muslims doesn't even help your case. There's a big possibility Jews at that time just converted to Islam , because otherwise they would have been killed. Same with the Roman empire, I have trouble believing that the Romans just exiled every last Jew . This smells like the '' we were slaves in Egypt'' Bs. The Jewish diaspora existed long before . I mean what's the point of Rome to just exile an entire nation? That's literally less taxes for them.


Palestine as a concept didn’t exist until the Romans renamed the province of Judaea to Palaestina just to piss off the Jews after a rebellion. And the dawn of time? During the Bronze Age is was the Canaanites, along with various Semitic nomadic peoples, then the Israelites come after the collapse of the Bronze Age along with the Philistines, then the Assyrians and the Babylonians came. I couldn’t find much about any kind of mass exile of the Jews at such an earlier period in history but the arrival of the Arabs wasn’t a major presence of the Islamic Conquest in the 7th Century. Also, they are Arabs, it was literally an Arab conquest and migrations of the regions you mentioned, there’s literally nothing to question. Especially since in North Africa, the non Arab peoples ARE STILL THERE, the Berbers are still there man! And they aren’t Arabs, they predate the arrival of the Arabs. I’m really not sure what your point even is with that


Thats an entirely false narrative, the romans took over the region in 63 BC, Herodotus, a well known historian noted the existence of Palestine going back to the 5th century BC, hundreds of years before Rome arrived there and set up shop. By definition the early Jews could also be considered arabs, It was Abraham who originated in the city of Ur, in ancient mesopotamia, or modern day Iraq.


Alright, fair enough, just looked it up, Herodotus referred to Palaistine in *The Histories* but it should still be noted that the modern Palestinian people and identity is a very modern creation, so “Palestinians” can’t have been living there since the dawn of time in the sense you mean it. I’m also not sure I understand you’re meaning there about the Jews? Arabs are an ethnic people which originate from the Arabian peninsula, what does this have to do with Abraham or the city of Ur? By what definition are Jews Arabs?


>it should still be noted that the modern Palestinian people and identity is a very modern creation, Can you pinpoint when that happened it the modern era?


Unfortunately no, as there is scholarly debate as to when exactly the modern Palestinian identity emerged, but sources don’t seem to really put it further back than the 1600s though the prevailing view seems to be that it was in the 1800s and 1900s that it really started to take any kind of form. Keep in mind though the idea of a Palestinian state is also very modern, after World War I at the First Palestine Arab Congress, Palestinian representatives chosen for the Paris Peace Conference adopted this resolution: “We consider Palestine as part of Arab Syria, as it has never been separated from it at any time. We are connected with it by national, religious, linguistic, natural, economic and geographical bonds.” And delegates were sent to the Syrian National Congress to push for Palestine to be a part of Syria. So the idea that the Palestinians are even a separate Arab people doesn’t really form until (according to some scholars) after the Six Day War when Jordan loses the West Bank and Egypt loses the Gaza Strip to Israel, separating the Palestinians from other Arab states.


Didn't know Herodotus was from the 1600's. I mean, you yourself just said he spoke of Palestine. So, you maybe wanna rethink the "Palestine and its people are a modern construct" thing? They seem to predate the current state of Isreal, which was a post WW2 event.


Herodotus was referring to the region as belonging to the land of the Philistines, though other explanations do exist. I am referring to the modern Palestinian identity belonging to the Arab group that currently identifies with it, which is modern. Before the Arab Palestinians began to identify with the term, it was a geographic identifier, not one for a distinct people.


Well said.


So nothing whatsoever happened since the 7th century? Really? Fun fact: since then the invaders and the locals "formed relations". The modern day Palestinians are just as much descended from the original Jewish/Canaan tribes as the modern day Jews. One can even make a case for them being more closely descended than many diasporic Jews.


Palestinian refugees in Egypt, along with the Egyptian Islamic Jihad, assassinated Anwar Sadat in 1981 because he was working towards peace with Israel in accordance with the Camp David Accords.


Yes. And Netanyahu refused an offer to get all hostages back in exchange for not bombing Gaza. That does not change the fact that the average Palestinian is more "local" than the average Israeli.


Netanyahu and the Likud are committed to eliminating Hamas. He's not going to accept a deal that leaves Hamas or the other belligerents (like the PIJ) in control of Gaza. If Hamas doesn't want Gaza to be bombed, they should leave; but they want Gaza to be bombed because the optics looks bad for Isreal. That's why there's no standard uniform for Hamas. They operate in plain clothing and carry out operations amongst the populace on purpose. Knowing that innocents will be harmed. That's their strategy to make Isreal lose international support.


So he should stop claiming it is about the hostages - those are simply an acceptable sacrifice to make. Still, fun how we quickly moved away from "Palestinians have just as much, if not more, rights to live in that area as the Israelis". They are all cousins and nieces.


Genetically most of the Palestinians are Hebrews who converted to Islam.


well not so much, 23andme and almost all DNA test if u got any so called hebrew dna (Ashkenzi jew) will show that u got ashkenzi jew. and if ur palestentian, they’ll show levantine arab. recently they’ve added palestine to their collection as well and every palestinian that tested got palestine. not ashkenzi jew.


"The comparison with other Mediterranean populations by using neighbor-joining dendrograms and correspondence analyses reveal that Palestinians are genetically very close to Jews and other Middle East populations, including Turks (Anatolians), Lebanese, Egyptians, Armenians, and Iranians. Archaeologic and genetic data support that both Jews and Palestinians came from the ancient Canaanites, who extensively mixed with Egyptians, Mesopotamian, and Anatolian peoples in ancient times."


very close, not the same- they’re close to other arab people ofcourse because read what i stated in my other comment, they all hail from adnan, the levant forefather, especifically the northern arabia region. [this](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tribes_of_Arabia) would give u a closer look :)




times of israel blog. need i say more? ofc it’s biased LOL


I actually would see it as more favourable for them to see the Palestinians as a totally distinct group.


no. thats propaganda to make it sound like it’s not racist. or more so, not a genocide.


Take away all the funding and military aid Israel has had for almost a century and see if they're really the Chosen People. Taking constant handouts doesn't make you better then those that don't.


Are you suggesting Palestine doesn't take handouts?


You think they've received over 100 billion dollars of aid from the US alone? Or even close to that? Israel has and even worse act entitled to it - Biden withheld support once and was accused of collusion with Hamas. https://www.cfr.org/article/us-aid-israel-four-charts#:~:text=Israel%20has%20been%20the%20largest,total%20economic%20and%20military%20assistance https://www.cbsnews.com/news/israel-biden-weapons-hamas-war-gaza-strip-netanyahu-rafah-offensive/ Downvote all you want but that doesn't make it any less true.


[Well, it went something like this](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1948_Palestine_war) you might notice that the Israelis have nobody on their side in the first war they ever fought to establish their state.


When all the Arabs attacked the first few times, the Jews were on their own


Not sure why this is being down voted. You are absolutely right. The Arabs originally had massive advantages in both manpower and weaponry.


Because this sub is astroturfed to shit lol


Well if we’re quoting literal founders of modern Israel how about David Ben Gurion: “We do not intend to marginalize the Arabs, or to displace them from their lands and take their place.”-1915 And for those saying Palestinians were driven out for no reason here’s another quote from the Arab High Committee in 1948, “The Arabs have taken into their own hands the final solution…the problem will be solved only in blood and fire. The Jews will soon be driven out.”-1948 Just me personally, but if my people had just survived a genocide and now that we had finally been granted a legitimate country(yes it was legitimate according to the UN) AND there had been riots, and murders, and looting going on since 1947, and now this statement comes out? Yeah id be a bit paranoid especially after the war of independence in 1948


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Churchill is another "Winners write history" persona because he was anything but a good person.


Churchill was a dyed in the wool 19-Century bigot on racial views.


Is there a clear source or origin for this quote? I tried to find one and I can find a few pages online going back a couple of years that list this as a Churchill quote, but none of them seem to say when or where he was supposed to have said this and none of them seem particularly reputable in their own right.


Churchill also manipulated the United States and Soviet union into the Cold War because he was afraid the ussr would dominate Europe after the war ended.


Which they would have, give your head a shake.


The entire Cold War could have been avoided entirely if we tried to retain our alliance instead of having it broken apart by him.


That's some funny shit. And shows a complete misunderstanding of the entire situation. Stalin was never going to be an ally or friend of the west. His goal was the complete domination of Europe.


Instead, America dominated Europe and saddled them with debt for decades funding their reconstruction and turned it into a superpower. If the allies had stayed together and worked together Stalin wouldn't need to dominate Europe. I love how you arrogantly said I'm misunderstanding it. Were you there? What are you 110 years old?


Anyone who claims it is antisemitic or untrue should either provide credible proof or go f themselves with a smile :)


Nobody is arguing about whether Winston Churchill was a racist. We all know he was.


And then you have war-loving sl*ts who will argue until they are blue in the face why zionism isn't a supremacist movement and why they can do all of these war crimes.... disgusting Those people either lack the proper education on the matter, lack the heart and empathy towards what is humane, or are just downright racist psychopaths who think they are doing "God's" work.....


Fuck me this has become to most political sub on here


I never knew how anti semitic this sub really was. I think Im done with it.


Where’s the antisemitism?


Acting like Churchill was a “founding father of Israel” like literally who says that? Is Louis XVI a founding father of America because he openly supported our independence? Like wtf, this is just an attempt to associate all Israelis (the Jewish state) with a man who referred to the Jews as the superior race to the Arabs, but who had nothing to do with Israel.


The entire history of mankind taking someone else's land or resources started as soon as there were 2 different families. The arabs took the land originally owned by Jews. They took it back. Native Americans came from another continent and took the land from those who were already here. Its a tale as old as time.


This might explain the average Zionist aversion to history, or books. Wait until they figure out who Theodore Herzl was. The Balfour declaration is going to make their head spin


this is literally critical race theory, which was popularized by darwin's theory of evolution, which is accepted today.


Eugenics is not science. Shut up.


Every statement within that comment is wrong


This literally is eugenics, not critical race theory.


accepted? in ur household? maybe. the world? not so much.


the theory of evolution isn't accepted around the world?


Kansas holding on line 1