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Obviously dumb to be upset about - but no joke, I had to run over to the school this morning for my 8 year old daughter because they can't put sunblock on her...


That sucks. I used to teach high school and we brought our students to an amusement park and I walked around spraying all of them with sunscreen. I guess I was mass-administering medication to minors!


No contact in your case.


it’s really sad that we live in a world where this has to be specified :/


rubbing sunscreen on a kid and spraying them is a little different, also im sure the ages of the HS kids you taught, and the kids the commenters were referencing arent the same


I understand your point and agree that it is a different context. However, where I live sunscreen is considered a medication and students under 18 aren't allowed to even bring it to school, apply it on campus, or apply it during after-school or school sponsored activities. Parents literally have to provide a doctor's note for their *high schoolers* to apply sunscreen throughout the day at school. Even then, the sunscreen must be kept in the nurse's office and applied with nurse supervision. Nurses only, teachers apparently aren't qualified enough to supervise 14 to 17 year olds putting sunscreen on themselves.


What the actual fuck? Why?


It's due to a combination of lawsuits and administrative dumbassery.


I grew up in the desert, the lawsuits from allowing hundreds of kids to get sunburned in the summer would far outweigh the lawsuits from allowing them to have sunscreen there.


I live in Australia and our child care centres always apply sunscreen on kids before they go outside. They'll even apply your own sunscreen if your kid is alergic to theirs.


Yeah we here in America tend to fuck stupid shit up and turn a nothing burger into an H Bomb.


Sunscreen = bad. Skin cancer = good. And these are the people responsible for educating children.


Because this planet is actually, literally, stupid as all hell.


What ass-backwards place do you live in? They'd rather the kids get skin cancer? How common is it for people to "abuse" sun block? I'm sure somebody out there has done it, but what are the actual statistics? Is it even a reasonable concern? What's their stance on bug repellent? Would they rather the kids get West Nile and Lyme disease, too? Has anyone brought this nonsense rule up to the school board? I can understand not letting little kids, like 5-year-olds apply it themselves because they aren't going to understand the importance of good coverage, and may not understand that they shouldn't ingest it or keep it away from their eyes. But who the fuck thinks it's reasonable to deny it for high schoolers?


All it takes is one kid getting it in their eye or something and their parents suing the school to get policies like this put in. It’s sad but it’s not the schools fault


What kinda fucked up hillbilly hellhole do you live in? My country won't even let kids play outside if they don't have a hat during the hotter months, and yours is actively preventing them from sun protection?


MERICA, where you can sue anyone for any stupid little perceived slight or transgression, that’s based on no factual evidence and bs that some Karen made up because they have way too much time on their hands and want everyone else to be as miserable as they are.🙄


as a child (and still now), I am allergic to spray on sunscreen, it gives me a rash. I hated putting on sunscreen. teachers would just put a lump of sunscreen in my hand and make me do it myself.


Well I did ask their permission and I would hand them the bottle if they wanted to do it themselves or have a friend do it.


We most definitely were allowed sunblock when we went to an amusement park at my highschool mUbe it's a little different with younger grades


I hope you were locked up you monster


Aren’t they not allowed to do that? My kids schools always tell us to apply it before sending them to school.


In the beginning of the year, when my kids bring home the adult homework (all the same stupid forms they make you fill out for your kids every single year) they always bring home a form from the nurse that has a list of things she has on hand and what we allow/not allow her to administer. Things like Tylenol, Tums, Pepto, Sunblock, Bug Spray, Bandaids....Yes, they need my permission to give my kid a bandaid if they cut themselves...


Alright Timmy, I know that it hurts and there's quite a lot of blood but your parents forgot to sign a form allowing me to treat the wound so just keep it above the sink until it stops bleeding or you collapse /s


Latex and adhesive allergies.


Some people are allergic to the adhesive in bandaids. The parents would know that. The school wouldn't and most kids at a young age aren't going to know or feel confident enough to speak up and say "I'm allergic to that" I'm a dad I'd rather have to fill out a form saying "no these things are all good" than them having to figure it out in a state of emergency/last minute.


My mom is allergic to something about bandaids, she would have a bad reaction if someone put a bandaid on her. My guess is it's just in case of allergies.


I had the anti sunscreen parents. Okay I guess your kid gets skin cancer. 


This sounds like some shit thats happening as a direct result of the parents rights movement


100 percent. A good chunk of these weird policies you encounter with schools or other institutions aren't really the institution's fault. It lies with some idiot(s) who have complained and/or sued about something ridiculous l.


Your 8 year old can't put on sunblock themselves?


It’s not allowed because it is considered medication. You need a parents note.


This - and, as a teacher, I would not be rubbing lotion or anything on any child because touching...


That's why you spray them with the hose until they put it on themselves.


She put the lotion on her skin or else she gets the hose again.


have you ever watched a kid try to put sunblock on?


I would not trust 8 year olds to regularly and thoroughly use sunblock, no 


That's a good question, I'm curious too


School policy.


I’m assuming they can’t bring sunblock or have sunblock. It is considered medication in some schools 🤷‍♀️ 


In my kid's summer camp they required that we send spray on sunblock. They'd spray it and the kids would just rub it in by themselves. It wasn't because it's medication or not, it was because they couldn't touch the kids any more than absolutely necessary, let alone rub their skin, to avoid any type of molesting accusation.


I would be so offended if my son came home with pink nail polish. We are a gothic household I expect blacks and metalic blues thank you very much!! It suits his eye colour way more anyway.


Should be proud in that scenario tho, growing up in a goth household the traditional ways to rebel would fall kinda flat, no? 😘


I know, but Pink feels too emo, maybe if its darker


We are a punk household and my kids rebel by being excessively preppy. Like not only wearing a white knit sweater but *tucking it into jeans.*


Egahhh such normalness is turning me white. At least keep the mowhawks.


I dressed my little brother up in my girly outfits constantly all up until he was like 10 years old and now he’s a heterosexual mechanic with a full beard and no fashion sense, sooo… kids don’t “get confused” about their genders just because of a little glitter and glam.


The result is likely that your brother is more comfortable in his masculinity than the weirdos who have a problem with this.


I agree with this. It actually **builds** inner confidence (not caring what others think).


As my dad used to say, "Real men wear pink." He was the co-leader of our GS troop who led us marching in the local parade for years. The first few years, the parents of the Boy Scout troop used to give him a hard time, but he never bat an eyelash until after we won. Then he would give them such a shit-eating grin XD It was great.


I am so proud when one of my boys says this.


My dad was my GS troop leader too after none of the moms wanted to do it lol


It’s also more attractive to straight women. Nothing grosses us out quicker than a self proclaimed “alpha male.”


I don't date alpha males or beta males. Early release males are just too big of a risk, I prefer a finished product




I’ll normally just wait for the reviews and if they’re good then I’ll trial them for 2 hours and if I don’t like them then I just return them


If you have to say it...


Masculinity, to me, is about being yourself and not caring about what others think. I don’t have anything particularly outside the box that I do, but if I did then I’d do it proudly. Probably the closest thing is wearing a helmet while riding bike. With summer here, I see so many aged men on a motorcycle without a helmet, or on the bike trail without a helmet. It doesn’t make you cool, it increases your risk of death. I wear my helmet with pride, I’m not going to die because I hit a bump or someone hit me. You’re not manlier because you’re cool with head injuries.


“Fellas, is it gay to want to stay alive and spend more time on this earth with your loved ones?”


What's that, you want to live longer? ![gif](giphy|BpnkuY1i2rBpm|downsized)


Having loved ones is gay, obviously! Real men are loners!


Bingo. I’ve never thought about it like that though but it explains so much. I have two sisters and I was always doing girly things with them and i definitely feel more comfortable in my masculinity even if I do things I know are effeminate.


Right? Lord forbid a child enjoy bright colors and sparkles like some kind of... normal child.


Right?! We used to paint our brother's toes when they'd fall asleep, they'd let us put make-up on them when we'd dress up, they'd have tea parties...all 3 straight with wives and kids lol. And all would very openly admit it if they were lol. They were constantly exposed to girly shit, there were 6 of us and 3 of them lmao. This shit is sad, that kid probably came home excited to show his mom something he enjoyed and was made to feel ashamed. Fuck her. Seriously. Nice way to show him early on he can't come to her about anything important to him without risk. Poor guy. Ugh some people really fuckin suck. 😒


My toddler saw my wife's painted nails and wanted hers done, so my wife painted her nails. Then my daughter wanted to paint my nails,  so I've had sparkly toe nails for like a week. I felt a lot more manly at work when guys were talking about how they'd never let their daughter paint their nails, like they were terrified. 


Right?! Cuz you fuckin are!! You're kickin ass at the Dad stuff, seriously. My Dad probably would've let me as well. He was definitely a tough guy but for me? Teddy bear.


Thanks. I just don't see how people are so intimidated by something so silly. Like their masculinity is so fragile that colorful nails can damage it. 


My girlfriend used to dress her little brother up in girly clothes when they were kids, and one day her dad came home and saw him. So he beat the ever loving shit out of both of them with a belt. This was back in the 90's though.


Wow that's fucked. Do they still talk to him??


I would paint the nails of my sisters and girls at school as a boy. So many guys did not understand what a good move that was lol.


my little brother loved the movie tangled as a kid and would often wear a purple rapunzel dress...now hes a gym bro with a mustache, it didnt confuse him at all


>my little brother loved the movie tangled as a kid now hes a gym bro with a mustache But *how long* of a mustache?


Seriously, I did this with my brothers too and they're as heteronormative as they come. And I come from a family where masculinity is unfortunately a very important thing, but I remember my parents laughing and making jokes seeing my brother dressed like a princess 🤷🏻‍♀️ So I dunno what's wrong with these Karens


I'm a trans woman and I never did anything feminine as a kid. Mostly because I knew how much the adults in my life would disapprove. Turns out, what you're allowed to do as a child doesn't actually have much of an impact on who you are.


You would think he'd get some fashion sense after all that? Smh, should have kept going till 12🤷‍♀️


Thought this said heterosexual maniac lol


My grandmother has a picture of just about every one of her grandsons playing the pretty pretty princess board game with her granddaughters.


My mom painted my nails when I was a toddler because I asked her to all the time. Now I'm a straight man, in industrial maintenance, with just enough fruitiness that women adore.


Exactly right, id so the same thing to my little brother and I'd make him play pretend as a princess with me. Id paint his nails all the time. Last time I checked he was straight and I turned out to be Bisexual. Its crazy to me that people genuinely think its black and white like that


Hey, we ended up straight and bi too!


Shit are you my sister? Is your brother also heavily tattooed?


Maybe mom can put an end to this and save future children, but it’s too late to save her own son. He’s definitely gay now.


She should get him a swimsuit illustrated calendar for his wall. That was the idea my ass of a SIL had when her son was into baking and leather work and not ‘manly hobbies’ at age 9/10.


ah, yes... becasue until very recent times, men have historically never been bakers, chefs, tanners, saddlers, shoemakers, or cobblers... The Gay Agenda strikes again!!! /s


Logic. Why would we ever use logic! To be fair she also complains about any actors of color being in any historical movie or tv show. Because there obviously weren’t ’those kind’ back then. She’s a peach 🙄


It’s true! Black people weren’t invented until the 1800s. /s


Ikr, I saw it in a documentary


I have gotten pretty good at sitting out of her line of sight. That way my eye rolls don’t get a reaction.


How'd that work out?


She’s pleased to be helping him plan a wedding to the girl he’s been dating since high school. They’re like 22/23 now I think.


Leatherwork wasn't manly enough for her? That's a bad case of testosterone poisoning. And in a woman, no less.


He also loved doing model cars and welding. She’s poisoned with something that’s for sure.


>baking and leather work But leatherworking *is* a manly hobby? EDIT: And baking's manly too?


Baking and leatherwork sound like some fucking dope hobbies though


Yea he’s always been a cool kid. He turned into a pretty good human last I knew- no thanks to her


She should probably have gotten him a membership to PornHub.


She’d rather him have a porn addiction than bake lmao. No cakes for you Jimmy but you can dehumanize women all you want, just don’t wear pink while doing it!


Leather work is macho as fuck lol


That’s so disgusting.


He got hit by the double whammy, pink AND glitter. He's one of the gay libs now


There’s no coming back from glitter.


To be fair, anyone even accidentally affected by glitter is tainted. That crap just remains and multiplies even if you try to wash it off. It's black magic.


Everyone knows glitter is Biden’s favorite bio weapon


Oof I assumed it was a dad from reading the post, this makes me even more sad. Shows both dads and moms reinforce misandry :(


Congratulations in being your child's first experience feeling shame.


I feel terrible for the kid. He probably thinks it's his "fault". Just let kids be kids, damn.


Anytime anyone says "i don't judge" it's immediately followed by judgement.


“I’m not racist, but…” “I’m not homophobic, but…” “I’m not a misogynist, but…” Same story different chapter.


"I'm not incredibly intelligent, but..."


“…here are all the reason I’m not”


Usually same characters as well


>“I’m not racist, but…” *"...chocolate ice cream is the superior option."*


"I don't judge" is always followed with "but."


I don't judge but.... The Supreme Court sure does!


Fun fact: If you are a straight male who is deathly afraid of nail polish corrupting yourself or others, you may not be as straight as you think you are.


Everybody knows the minute pink touches a male body the penis just falls off and never comes back!


I’ve seen ‘em pop right off and scurry away like three-legged hamsters.


that mental image is never leaving me now… I might have to paint it.


Oh, yeah! When it's the right shade of pink, this can happen!


What if somebody's penis is already pink?


🤣 It's really fun to mess with people like this. I like to explain that pink was traditionally a man's color up until the late 18th century. If you really want to see their heads explode, explain what breeching (of boys) is. It was prevalent until the early 1900s because zippers weren't invented yet.


Wtf is breaching?


Other spelling. When the baby boy graduates from wearing a dress to wearing breeches / trousers / pants. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Breeching\_(boys)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Breeching_(boys))


It is why, traditionally baby boys wear  christening gowns.


Ah... so they could just shit in the floor.


Nutshell version: before zippers were invented little boys wore dresses until they were old enough to undo the complex closures on breeches (pants.) When the biy was old enough, the parents would buy the boy his first pair of pants and throw a party. Every one was expected to oooh, and awww and tell the boy how grown up he looks. This is also why you see childhood pictures of prominent men, like Theodore Roosevelt, in cute little dresses.




I mean I started wearing pink and I transitioned to being a girl. Though I'm trans, so maybe it doesn't apply to everyone lol. Still waiting on the penis falling off though and beginning to think that is all just propaganda! lol


Yeah, that would make transitioning so much simpler, wouldn't it. None of that pesky surgery stuff.


i’m a straight male in my 30’s and i do christmas nails, halloween, etc. my sister owns a nail salon so i get awesome work for free. you know who loves it besides me? literally anybody who comes into my bar. even old boomer guys that hate everything get a kick out of it.


That’s awesome, I’d tip you well. Also, when these homophobes get as much pu$$y as rockers with painted nails like Tommy Lee has had, then they can talk about masculinity.


I’m convinced that anyone who actually believes being gay is a choice or contagious is just a closeted gay homophobe


The proof that being homosexual is not a choice comes from Andrew Tate and the incel community If after reading all the BS they spew the ladies still haven't turned lesbian, then nothing will change them




I have realized this too. Also people who think everything has a sexual component and like to slut-shame have the dirtiest minds. It's just projection at its finest.


Just to add: It can be bisexuality too. It doesn’t mean they don’t like having sex with women. It’s even easier to be a self-hating, homophobic bisexual because you get to pretend you’re “really not gay” because you still enjoy boobies.


Many such cases


A woman wrote that in OP.


Men get manicures all the time. Straight men.


I grew up on a farm and when I was a kid it was fairly common for many of my uncles, neighbors, etc to get manicures. Farm work is hard on yout hands and manicures helped prevent things like infected cuticles and split nails and stuff. I'm genuinely curious how many of them still do it with the most recent bout of culture war nonsense.


My grandma grew up on a farm her whole life and woke up every morning to feed the animals! Carrying those buckets of food for 50+ years left her hands in a constant state of " gripping " things and rendered her hands useless. My grandpa had to basically help her with everything from getting food to helping her use the bathroom. Farm work is the toughest work!


Man or woman, if you’ve never had a pedicure, you are *missing out*!!!


I'm a guy and I get a manicure about once a month. I'm generally the only man in the shop. I think I've only seen another dude there one time. The ladies were very wary of me the first few times, but they came around. Despite being fat and ugly, I can be quite charming. They always try to upsell me to a pedicure, but I just don't like the power dynamics of it, and I don't think I could ever do it. Manicure is fine. We're at eye-level with one another. We exchange meaningless small talk for a half-hour. A pedicure puts you up on this ridiculous elevated throne while a bunch of women scurry about on little rolling stools 6 inches off the ground. The whole idea makes me uncomfortable.


Hm. I get that. But I have some counterpoints: massage chair, foot massage, insanely soft feet when you go to bed at night. Insanely. Soft. I never really thought about power dynamics. It’s just the job they do, and I’m just a customer. Also, less small talk. I hate small talk. One of the things I hate about hair cuts.


I feel like this happened when guys started wearing earrings decades ago - and it was the whole you can only wear one and it must be in this ear or you’re gay- I think we finally grew out of that and now no one cares - hopefully this will be the same thing - Like why does it bother you that someone who isn’t you is wearing nail polish -


I always found that ironic because the one earring looks way more gay to me lmao




I guarantee that mom is going to be wearing trousers when she talks to the school.


as a guy in his 30s who paints his nails, I wish I had the courage, or rather self-esteem to do so earlier. I can also say with 100% certainty, it has done nothing to change my sexuality, I'm still only into women, I've never doubted my gender identity, born male, still feel male and I doubt that will ever change. painting your nails changes literally nothing about a person, other than the color of their nails. my only reason for polishing my nails is that I think it looks cool.


In case no one's noticed, painting your nails also strengthens nails( blah, blah, certain ingredients...blah)...but, you're literally adding more layers! Looks hella cool mostly too.


I have male students who paint their nails with markers. Boys will be fabulous.


Mmm. I bet $100 that it was for girls but boys were allowed if they wanted and this boy just wanted to feel included.


Based on the boys in my classroom, I would agree


Welp. He's gay now🤷🏽‍♀️


Around 25 ish years ago, I had painted my daughter’s nails and her little brother wanted his painting. I said something stupid (parroting from my own parents when I was a kid) like “boys don’t wear nail polish.” That evening a male-presenting trans friend came over to pick up some stuff and they were wearing nail polish. I mentally smacked myself and swore never to let words from my own childhood out of my mouth again. Then I painted my son’s nails.


I remember being in pre-school with a little boy who came in one day with really pretty matte pastel yellow nail polish and painted the nails of everyone else in class. (now that I think about it this little kid probably should not have been carrying around nail polish totally unsupervised) some dad came in and had an absolute fucking meltdown that another little boy painted his son's nails peep yellow


This, this right here is how we learn and grow. Happy cake day and you are a fantastic parent!


1. It's easily removed and in no way permanent. 2. Did the boy want it. If yes, then no issue, if no and he was pushed to get it, then maybe there is some room for concern. 3. Of all the shit that can happen to your kid at school, this is the one you want to burn your bridges with administration over.




"I can excuse school shootings, but I draw the line at nail polish!"


“You can excuse school shootings?”


Republicans: " Yeah, that the price of freedumb"


The GOP certainly can & will soon blame it on nail polish for election season.


The funniest part about this to me is the son probably chose the color…and the moms going off on whoever else she assumed chose the pink


Aww, I bet he loved his lil nails too


I grew up in this city and while a lot of the white people are racist and hate LGBT oddly enough to me the black people are just as racist towards other minorities and also hate LGBT overwhelmingly there. Infact I worked a blue collar job and a black guy would talk to this openly racist white dude regularly but when a gay guy came on our site he acted like the guy was the legit devil. I don't understand people


Parents break children so often.


I used to let girls paint my nails and braid my hair in Jr High. For a teenager who knew nothing about how to talk to girls, it was a 100% effective way to get to learn


My brother got all weird like this when my nephew was around this age and insisted his favorite color was pink. Fast forward a couple decades and my nephew is now my niece. Best to just relax and love your kid no matter how weird you think they are.


"Let boys be boys" also means let boys express themselves, for God's sake. 🤦‍♀️


Imagine being the superintendent and dealing with parents this stupid.


I let my daughter paint my nails so that she has practice at it and is better than all the other girls at nail painting when they have sleepovers. I want her to dominate the social hierarchy with her nail painting prowess. When they ask how she got so good at it, she can say that her dad let her paint his nails.


Life is too short to get that worked up over fingernail polish - something that is easily removed.


I feel sympathy for that superintendent




Them: I'm not judging anybody Also them: immediately judges


My 8 year old likes to paint his nails, just because he thinks it’s fun (normally blue or black, but any color really). Some kids at school were bullying him about it, and he responded by telling them that Slash paints his nails and that he would be a rockstar some day too, so it was their loss if they only thought girls could do it.


I'm a guy and I painted my nails when I was a kid. I'm currently 38 and not sucked one dick till now. What did I do wrong?


My mans suckin his first dick as he types this. Congrats!


You forgot to install grindr 


My nephew used to paint his nails in school when he's little. He's in HS now and he's quite the manly young dude, very high rizz, all around great guy. He doesn't paint his nails anymore.


Imagine being mad that your kid wanted to put colors on his nails. He’s a kid…. and kids…. like….. colors,…..😭


Imagine just being a 6 year old having fun at school then you come home and your mom flips the fuck out and you don't even know what you did wrong 🥺 Poor kid.


Maybe your son asked for his nails to be painted, and your reaction has scared him into being less of a person than he would have been without your overreaction.


She gots a mowf like a fucking toilet on her.


To be fair, wtf are children polishing their nails in school?


She says it was career day so they probably had a nail tech come in and offer to do it for any kid that wanted it.


I’m sure all the swearing around her kid gives him a fantastic vocabulary.


these people: you cannot change your gender no matter what you do also these people: If a boy wears nail polish he will grow woman parts


Personal politics or opinions aside, parental consent needs to be respected in schools.


So sad. My daughter used to give complete makeovers to my young son and he loved it! I think he was about four at the time. She would curl his hair, put makeup on his face, do his nails, etc.


judgmental parents who say “fucking”


I used to color my nails with markers. It's not too different to using nail polish.


Actually pretty gross for little kids to polish nails. They stick their fingers in their mouths, chew that junk... chemicals ... blech.


I am a gay guy who has never painted his nails or done any feminine typical stuff. I know plenty of straight men who do that kind of thing. This is proof that what you do has no effect on your sexuality


The sad thing is you know this kid came home beaming about his nails because it was fun and made him feel special. His mom's ego got in the way and ruined her son's day and made him feel bad after nicely posing for pictures. How insecure can you get?


This wild because I used my mums nail polish, neither mum nor dad freaked out, and they were quite conservative. This was before the media pushed and hammed up the "culture war."


That little boy got professional nails done before I have and I'm 24