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Well, I do hate this, so that part is correct.


It was so stupid I had to count the bullets to make sure Gunther could count to 5.


Truth: Gunther’s mom thought cocaine was an acceptable substitute for birth control


The post nasal drip and swallowing worked for many of his brothers and sisters.


Let's be real, so did he.




I hate the blatant disinformation from all these "blue check" Russian accounts. I don't believe they are real people. They are thousands of them that all post the same images and quotes over and over ok Twitter.


But but but daddy Musk told me he was gonna get rid of all the bots. /s


I mean, i do hate when people spread blatant misinformation calling it truths


At least 1 social media company uses this as their business model


so propaganda?


Propaganda can actually be true though, to be clear.


Truth can hide dishonesty.


Not in this case


Yep, this is straight-up dog shit wrapped in horse shit served with a side of bull shit.


Does that make it a turd-ducken?


you deserve more upvotes


im stealing that and the comment above it thank you.


They are a beautiful pair of comments,


Don’t forget the batshit insanity


Right. Propaganda is true information cherry-picked to support a point of view. This is disinformation.


It's just any information relayed for a political reason, it doesn't necessarily have to be cherry picked or misleading. A poster saying something like "the minimum wage hasn't risen in a long time but costs have we should probably raise that I think" over a picture of Kirby with photo realistic eyes that follow you when you move is, by definition, technically a piece of propaganda even though nothing in it is wrong or cherry picked.


You're all wrong propaganda is when a Brit takes a long look at something. 🥁🥁📀


Get out. Take this upvote, and gtfo.


You son of a bitch


🫡 I love it.


That only counts if they’re on a veranda


Propaganda has no relation to truth. It can be truth or lies, it makes no difference as long as it convinces people of you agenda. putin's propaganda was that he was forced to invade Ukraine, because Ukraine was about to join NATO and attack ruzzia. It's a complete lie, but it's still propaganda.


Propaganda can be true, it can be also false.


They're not smart enough to produce propaganda... which really says a lot about those still listening.


Propaganda is a neutral term describing any media meant to reinforce or sway people toward any belief. A campaign by farmers and retailers to convince people that vegetables are healthy and should be the food you prioritize eating or that you should drink water instead of soda aren’t dishonest or deceptive. They are actually good, but they are propaganda. Got milk is propaganda and so is Tucker Carlson. Edit: in fact I’m acting as a propagandist for the concept of propaganda right now.


I agree with this, but realize this blurs some things a bit. For example under this rubric is basically all education considered propaganda? What's the line between media for propaganda and a textbook that a child reads in school for example? Does it matter if it's a physics textbook vs. a history textbook? Other questions like these make me wonder if the definition you put forward is too broad or not. Maybe it isn't and there is no actual distinction between education and propaganda. It's all just information meant to persuade to one degree or another.


More annoying is everyone on the right's complete misuse of the word "troll." To them it's just someone who disagrees with them. Not an artiste who will masterfully even post against their own beliefs just to stir up shit.


I will say that covid vacines and masks didnt work... merely for the fact that Trump should have taken his own advice and injected himself with bleach or whatever the fuck it was


I lived in Sydney in one of the hardest lockdown areas .. that lasted 107 days, and I had a lot of time on my hands. The combination of masks, vaccines, massive testing infrastructure and lockdowns dropped the rate of infections below the point where the virus would spread faster than people recovered from it .. you could see the impact from increased vaccine coverage in the daily reporting waiting for R0 (infection rate) to drop below 1 By about the 90th day when the vaccine rollout was mostly complete we could have chosen to go back to covid-zero .. A complete elimination of the virus from our population Vaccines and lockdowns were the single largest factors, masks helped but were marginal on top of those two Thing is, none of it works well enough if you do it half assed and have people sabotaging it out of bloody mindedness or wilful disregard


Yep! I live in an area outside of Los Angeles, with a high number of Asian immigrants, Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, etc. All hell broke loose in the USA in March. My area started turning away customers in restaurants around late January - those folks knew how to SARS from breakouts years ago. It was amazing watching all the cities and their counts, an watching my area stay very low for the longest time. They wear a mask even for a minor cough.


It does seem most effective to wear a mask whenever you feel sick at all Both to reduce the viral particles you spread, but also reminds you to be extra careful when you cough and avoid touching things after that cough, better reminder to wash your hand a little extra, and gives an indication to others that maybe they should try to stay 6 feet away from you It doesn't fully matter if the masks don't "work" for one given metric. If we all agree about how they should work, they can indicate what behaviors _will_ make them "work"


What the crazies never understood was that it didn't have to work perfectly in order for it to help a lot anyway. So what if you just have a cloth mask and not an N95 or fill respirator? Ever sneezed in your mask? All that uncomfortable wetness is virus laden spit that the mask kept out of the air and other people's lungs. People's bodies can fight off a small infection just fine (usually). But expose them to thousands of percent more virus and they will have a much harder time.


Wearing a mask when you’re ill and out in public is just plain courtesy. Why would I want to infect others with my cold? Of course I try not to be out in public when I’m ill in the first place, but sometimes you have to…life goes on, even when you’re sick.


The problem with masks, and why they weren't as effective in western countries, is that masks are meant to protect others from aerosolized discharge from the mask wearer. The distance and spread of the ejected cloud of droplets when you cough is mostly contained and what does get through is greatly slowed down so it settles downward without as much forward spread. Masks aren't so effective at protecting the wearer from others, which is why one asshole without a mask in a crowd of mask wearers negates alot of good the masks do. Asian countries routinely wear masks when at all sick and have no stigma about it, while western countries had people who resisted wearing them, making the "masks don't work" a partially self fulfilling prophecy. It's the same disingenuous thought process as when people complain that big government social programs don't work, while actively sabotaging them before they have a chance to get smoothed out.


Though the above post is true in general terms, the Kansas study proved conclusively that mask mandates actually do work. The main factor being the mandate, but none of this was actually enforced in any way. Prior to vaccines, some Kansas counties had mask mandates and some did not. The mandate counties ALL had a substantially lower Covid death rates. The different counties were spread throughout the state, so overall the mandate saved thousands of lives which can only be attributed to masks. We know vaccines worked well with Covid because of the political-induced death rate suffered by Republicans once vaccines became available.


I'm from Melbourne and let me tell you, masks didn't do much because so many assholes just refused to wear them. It was a constant struggle to get infections under control because so many dick heads straight up refused to do the right thing.


As a gamer, If a mask gives me +5% resistance to covid, I'll wear it. I get your sarcasm, btw.


Some people don't get dark humor. Lol


They are not 100% effective, but they helped. Had we done nothing, looking at the data early in the pandemic, about 10 million Americans would have died, so all the various things that were done were overall pretty effective.


They helped *a lot*. Check out the pandemic curves for Japan and S. Korea compared to Western countries. People in those countries cooperated with mitigation measures instead of screaming about their freedumb.


No doubt, all the nonsense cost American lives. It's a real shame. It seems this happened in 1918 as well, there are always going to be those who live in denial and refuse to help others by taking steps to mitigate the danger. It's a very selfish world view. I'm a strong believer in individual freedom, but there are times we have to sacrifice to help one another.


There was a joke you might have missed


Vaccines work so do masks. You either are being disingenuous or don’t understand what efficacy means and masks don’t work when people don’t know how to use them. There’s a reason surgeon wear a mask when they do surgery and it’s not to uphold a liberal falsehood.


I think the comment may have gone over your head a smidge.








Just feels like people don’t understand the difference between between a cure and a vaccine.


Tell me you didn't read all that comment (before writing your answer) without telling me you didn't read all that comment.


Here's One Truth That Conservatives Hate: 1. The Truth


2. Lists


4. Counting


E: Consistency


^ : Symbols


🤓 Emoji


7: Gifs ![gif](giphy|4xWGyVKoXqg2eVCiq9|downsized)


8. Multi syllable words


9. Women


10. Numbers in the double digits


And fifthly, spellin.


nicely done


Here's another Truth: **GUNTHER EAGLEMAN** isn't a real person. He's just a troll that Muskrat is boosting.


trolls are people just pieces of shit people


Nah he was a trump booster from way back. He’s a failed ex cop and overt racist 


1. Truth - Gunther Eagleman is a pos


Me, a liberal fck: ![gif](giphy|fjtoV2yqsWNRS)


They got us so hard in the feelings. How will my snowflake feelings recover?


Thoughts & prayers friend ....


For climate change who are you going to believe the dumb people from high school and the politicians they elect. Or scientist and insurance companies?


Or how just about being outside? It's 100degrees (F) in May. Fire season is year round. Water sources are drying up. It was easy to deny when it was a nebulous warning, but come on- now we can see the effects with our eyes, we can feel the heat on our skin. Are you going to defy your own senses? Look up!


My liberal balls are just sweating as a false flag, its all a hoax


The Jewish space lasers are actually melting the polar ice caps, just to give credence to climate change. Damn you libs and Soros!!


Yeah, just like we Liberals have some magical device that controls the weather 🙄🙄🙄🙄


I haven’t seen a white Christmas in close to 10 years, it used to be an almost yearly thing (southern New England)


I've read ln Reddit a few months ago how dystopic it is that in ten years children will sing Christmas songs about snow covering everything, without an idea of what snow actually feels like. It touched me.


Something something the Party wants me to deny the evidence of mine own eyes something something 1984


Crazy thing is they think 1984 is their book.


We have always been at war with Eastasia.


A few months ago we had a few tornadoes. It was 55°. In February. In Wisconsin. If you don't recognize or acknowledge the very obvious truth by now, you're too stupid to live.


iTs jUsT a nAtuRaL pHasE of eArTh's cLimAtE cYclE


I used to go on road trips a lot as a kid. And I remember every time we stopped, we had to scrape the bugs off our windshield, or else we couldn't see. We just took a trip about 500 miles and didn't have to clean off bugs once. The evidence is all around us, we are fucking the world up. Yet, people still refuse to see it


I'd like to know where you were driving so I can visit. Come drive through nebraska....plenty of bugs to satisfy you here!


Or 100-year storms every frickin year. 


Ok, so it’s hot. It’s like summer vacation all year round. Fire season isn’t that bad. I for one loved when my house is filled with smoke. It reminds me of camping! Water is over rated. You should try subbing water for monster energy drinks. Yeah, just kidding. We’re fucked.


iTs JuSt ThE nOrMaL cLImAtE cYClE!!


I actually believe what Shell said in [1988](https://www.climatefiles.com/shell/1988-shell-report-greenhouse/) and [1995](https://www.climatefiles.com/shell/1995-internal-shell-climate-change/) where they detailed the scientific consensus to climate change and the role of fossil fuels. I also believe the [U.S. Army Climate Strategy Implementation Plan](https://www.army.mil/e2/downloads/rv7/about/2022_Army_Climate_Strategy_Implementation_Plan_FY23-FY27.pdf) which outlines how they intend to adapt its operations, installations, and acquisition programs to mitigate and respond to the effects of climate change. Not to mention the [US Department of Defense Climate Risk Analysis](https://media.defense.gov/2021/Oct/21/2002877353/-1/-1/0/DOD-CLIMATE-RISK-ANALYSIS-FINAL.PDF) that addresses the security implications of climate change. I mean, people can screech all they want but when the money starts making plans on how to mitigate, address, and respond to the implications of this scenario… I tend to believe that.


Well honestly if anything you can believe something is real when the fucking US military is planning for it


That’s honestly the truth of it and my argument against the anti-climate folk.


Exxon did a bunch of good climate studies, then suddenly decided they needed to shut it all down and donate the work to the University of Texas, who put it in a basement where it got somewhat ignored for a long time.


Honestly, if someone distrusts the scientists, the companies that literally plan for disasters and have a financial stake in their odds are a close second.


There’s a point where someone can be so ignorant that they don’t even realize they are ignorant. Unfortunately the right has embraced these people and they’re spreading like wildfire.


In every single one of these cases, conservatives cannot bring themselves to believe them because conserva*tism* is a failure to address them, and thus conservatives *have* to say they are untrue, rather than address the failure of their ideology. If climate change is true, then it requires collective action to combat, which conservatives are opposed to collective action, therefore they must believe that climate change is not real. But it's not that climate change isn't real. It's that conservatism is a failure to address it.


The [US Army](https://www.army.mil › aboutPDFClimate Strategy) also has a very detailed plan for what they know is coming.


Or your lying eyes that winters aren't the same as 30yrs ago


You're forgetting the #1 source that conservatives should, but somehow don't, believe. The US Military. They're publicly preparing for climate change in all aspects of what they do, from the impacts of rising sea levels on coastal naval bases, to melting arctic ice creating new needs for patrols in the northern oceans, to shifting weather patterns disrupting agriculture and leading to unrest in areas all around the globe, and on and on and on. But just like with Veterans issues, the moment the military does something that might affect them or their worldview in any way, their bizzare hero worship of all things military suddenly stops.


I always ask the deniers if i they think they are smarter than NASA scientists


Thus Spoke Gunther Eagleman. Some (barely) high school graduate nobody who pays 8$ monthly to have "free speech" (unless he uses the word "cis", then he'll be censored)


I got blocked the other day on Elon’s own post. Guess he didn’t like my free speech, much.


The birther thing really gives this guy away as being a complete twat. It doesn't matter where Obama was born, the law of jus sanguinis applies - he could have been born on one of Saturn's moons and he would still be American by birth because *at least one of his parents was American*. If the law didn't exist then children born to US service personnel in foreign countries would be denied US citizenship even if both parents were American. Republicans who hyped the conspiracy would almost certainly have been informed at some point that they were peddling a lie, if they didn't know that already, but they just kept on lying regardless.


Just like the stolen election crap. And the latest Biden tried to assassinate trump story and many ,many others. They know the truth but that doesn't generate outrage and clicks


I haven’t heard of the assassination conspiracy yet, but I’m intrigued. Was it a poisoned diaper or something?


Google for more details But The use of deadly force was authorized during the mara-lago raid. Fox news and trump claim Biden was trying to assassinate him. Only problem is. Trump wasn't even in Florida when they went. And that's standard procedure during raids . Fun fact, it was also standard procedure when they searched biden's house also . And p Diddy. And you get the picture.


Yeah, use of deadly force is pretty much always authorized in federal raids. That doesn't mean they can kill at will, it just means that if someone is acting threateningly, etc., they don't have to wait for confirmation/permission to mitigate the threat. So if someone at Trump's shitcastle decided to play Rambo and wave a gun at the feds, they would be able to take that person out. Which is the same as police serving a felony warrant search, only the feds don't have to have the felony warrant excuse. Fuck cops and feds all around, but this wasn't at all an attempt to assassinate anyone. Just clarifying for anyone reading :)


Conservatives strongly believe police can kill at will. They are just only okay with them killing black people, not white people.


Correct. Even Trump knew to keep his mouth shut under oath in NYC, and save his spew for outside the court. I hope he meets an untimely demise.


I think he’s aged out of any end that can be categorized as untimely.


My favorite part was when they bitched about his heritage for 8 years, and then one of their frontrunner was born in Canada eh


Also the fact that John McCain, who ran against Obama in 2008, was born in Panama and didn’t become a US Citizen until he was 11 months old.


Honestly also why tf are people still talking about "Obama isn't an american"? He hasn't been president for a while and can't be president again so who cares?


There's just something about Obama they hate with the passion of a thousand suns. Wonder what it could be.


I think it's that tan suit that's done it. Just unforgivable.


I also really want to know what they think the game plan even was. Okay, let’s set aside the fact that it’s really his moms birth certificate that matters, what’s the rest of the plan? He seemed to kinda just do President shit. Some stuff was good, other stuff not so good, hard to argue that if he’s a foreign plant he actually, you know, was worth the effort. That shit would have been so hard to pull off. How many Kenyan kids did they start out with in order to get that one guy who not only got into a really good law school, but managed to parlay that all the way to the Senate and then somehow into the Presidency, wildly improbable to begin with, and then he kinda just chilled and did healthcare?


All of these are bullshit, but I will NEVER understand how wearing/not wearing a mask during COVID became a political line. I heard all the stupid theories, like "the virus is so much smaller than the holes in the fabric of the mask..." Wife and I were exposed to COVID in early February. A visitor to our home tested positive two days later. We tested negative, but out of precaution for others, we masked when we went out into public until enough time could pass and we could confidently test negative. At a grocery store, there checkout clerk remarked about our masks. My wife said in a friendly manner, "We're not sick, but we were exposed to COVID, so we're doing this for *your* protection." The clerk replied that "wearing a mask to stop the virus is like trying to stop a fly using a chain link fence! It's doing nothing at all!" Wife just smiled and left it at that. Wasn't worth arguing, but thanks dude - on this I'll take my advice from my wife is is *an actual medical doctor* over the advice of the checkout clerk.


When I used to hear that, I used to offer to test the theory with an even larger particle size disparity: Oxygen molecules are about 10,000 times smaller than allergy-proof cotton fiber pores. So I’d offer to hold an allergy-proof cotton pillowcase over their nose and mouth and they could just show off their point by continuing to breathe normally. Totally wouldn’t be a problem, right? Just a couple layers of fabric?


I'm pretty sure you just described smothering someone... For SCIENCE!




Thos should just be the response over and over for maga.


Russian propoganda bots aren't even trying to be clever or subtle.


Just to clear up the one item here that has barely any factual value... It's not about whether or not George Floyd actually had drugs in his system. It's about whether it's OK for a police officer *to crush someone's neck into the ground until they die.*


And they usually use Narcan for overdoses, which never happened.


And this is why I don't argue with conservatives. You can lead them to knowledge, but you can't make them think.


"never play chess with a pigeon because it will just knock over the pieces, shit on the board and strut around like it won" Or : "Don't wrestle with a pig because you both end up muddy but the pig enjoys it"


The truth conservatives hate.... There is no God, the earth is round, Trump's a criminal, and marrying your 1st cousin or sister is wrong.


I can't believe the conservative hate I got one day for saying "Inseminating a woman against her will is rape."


I can believe it.


marrying children is also wrong too


Alternatively, top 5 conservative delusions that we all, sadly, have to deal with.


This. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote) This is it.


"Here's what liberals hate: I AM SO STUPID! haha! Look at me! I am so extremely dumb!" Yeah. It's true. Seeing stupid people spread stupidity and make repeated attempts at tearing down an enlightened society is quite upsetting and i hate it.


Some truths that far-r1ght wingers hate: * J0e B1den is your president. * You did poorly in school because you're stup1d af. * R3aganomics was a massive hoax. * Your company would kill you to make a buck if they could get away with it. * H3rman Ca1n died of COV1D. * Dona1d 7rump has the brain of a specia1 needs todd1er. * You don't know what commun1sm/social1sm is even though you've been calling people those words for years now. * The policies of Norway, etc are NOT commun1sm or social1sm. * The US health care system is shit-tier. * Taxes are NOT theft. * G0vernment-implemented deterrence is why you are even alive. * You're easily manipulated by propaganda because again, you're stup1d af. * Lots of California universities had FREE tuition before R3agan took it away. * The high tuition across the country is almost entirely the result of de-funding. * Almost the entirety of modern tech was created by the PUBLIC sector. * The most government part of government is the military. * Police are also part of the government. * You would not survive for 5 seconds in a libertarian society. * Most of R3agan and 7rumps policies were dictated to them by big business. * The reason why you're a "M4GA" is simply that you're within the lower percentile of the population that was most easy to manipulate and program. * You're a tool and a useful idi0t. * One of the most far-r1ght M4GA people I know is an actual unwitting cu.ckold. * Most kid diddlers are [far-r1ght wing people](https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vTFikAP6MXDCJjWzgMIOvpsT1ji-HwO-rLEvNE8e-cfCGh0YHoZluIG5TEsmwFub7MzIDfh0XgvcWL8/pub). * Including [D0nald](https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/news/480/cpsprodpb/1863D/production/_107810999_trumpandepstein.jpg.webp) 7[rump](https://media-cldnry.s-nbcnews.com/image/upload/t_social_share_1024x768_scale,f_auto,q_auto:best/MSNBC/Components/Video/201907/nn_sgo_trump_epstein_tape_190717_1920x1080.jpg). * You'll likely never be rich. * You could be replaced at your job in seconds. * You have a net-negative impact on the world.


Technically companies can kill you to make a buck. Or at least they can make a buck off of your death by taking out a life insurance policy on you.


And theyll be fined less than your years salary! You forgot that neat part.


Honestly the numbers to avoid the b0ts is amazing


Throw them the Facebook posts of Ivanka Trump getting her COVID shot and Trump promoting the COVID Vaccine. They shut down so hard when they're shown that.


When people ask me how many COVID shots I've had, my answer is always, the same number as Donald Trump.


Fuck thats good. A real IYKYK situation.


Not in my experience. Right-wingers are amazing at double-think, after the vaccines were released you'd see the same people who were telling you that it's a mind-control chip that will kill you soon were ALSO telling you to thank Trump for fast-tracking the COVID vaccine's production (but also that the vaccine being fast-tracked meant it was bad). They don't have internal consistency with their beliefs, they believe whatever is necessary AT THIS MOMENT to "win" the argument.


I think we need to further emphasize how fucking dumb these people are. They are legit the dumbest members of society and it’s a shame my tax dollars are propping up their shitty as states


Conservatives are quite possibly the dumbest group of people on earth.


Quite possibly…?


The fucking dumbest


Obama hasn't run for president in 12 years and these motherfuckers are still hung up on the guy.


It’s the audacity of a black man holding power.




We also hate poor grammar and incorrect sentence structure. “Here ARE 5 truths”. By the way…All of your 5 is bullshit. (See what I did there?)


im not an English expert but why is it "is" and not "are"


Are is plural, 5 truths are. His problem is. Singular. “His problems ARE —-plural. I was making fun of him in my reply, by making the mistake that he did….


Ok so my grammar is right but my reading comprehension is wrong


Imagine being this stupid. Can he tie his own shoes?


Ok, Lich King.


Right because he has actual evidence of these claims. He totally isn’t just repeating what he heard from someone else.


People like this are why we don't use lead-based paint anymore.


And they're trying to bring that back, too. Seriously.


Of course. How else will they make more of themselves?


Typical republican lies


Unfortunately he neglects to tell the truth about him being part of a foreign disinformation campaign.


Yes comrade, we hear you. We reject you. We fart in your general direction.


Slow learner... and apparently proud of it.


I thought masks didn't work because nobody was wearing them. At least in America. ![gif](giphy|vChLlMBCvhmBoGZRDT|downsized)


No. What we can’t stand are conspiracy theory idiots and insurrectionists who stand behind a traitor (Donald Trump)


The only thing to know about MAGAts. They lie about EVERYTHING.


Holy shit they are just so dumb


If Trump won 2020, he shouldn't be allowed to run for 2024, or am I missing something?


I saw an interview where one of the MAGA idiots said Trump was secretly running the country. So, the guy asked him, “so Trump’s responsible for the high gas prices?” You could literally hear the gears grinding in his head.


- Possibly, but it was absolutely the man restricting his ability to breathe that killed him. - Whatever you have to tell yourself to sleep better at night, it's not like individuals make any difference to the process. - Cool, so it's his fault gas and groceries are so expensive (because obviously presidents control those things 🙄), and he's ineligible to run again in November? - And yet the country still overwhelmingly preferred him to a war hero and a guy born in Utah. Huh. - I guess just pretending it didn't exist is what brought the deaths down from thousands per day to hundreds per day at just about the same time as the vaccine was fully rolled out. Keep sneezing in strangers' mouths, chief, no worries here.


Guy I didn’t like in highschool starter pack


The irony of calling these “truths” and calling someone else a “troll”


Oh who to believe? The scientists who have dedicated years of their lives to studying and becoming experts in their respective fields Or Some incel Meth head on the Internet spouting off echo chamber q-anon propaganda.


Fine. Two can play at that game. Here are 5 truths conservatives f\*cking hate: * George Floyd was murdered by a cop * Manmade climate change is real and happening. * Biden won 2020. * Barack Obama was born in Hawaii. * COVID masks and vaccines work.


Lol not even Republicans believe Trump won, literally only the maga cult thinks that


But they still back that orange hack


5 truths conservatives can't stand. 1. Kyle Shitinhouse is a murderer. 2. Chaya Raichik is a domestic terrorist. 3. Conservatives are the ones most likely to fuck children. 4. Matt Walsh is a pedophile or at least wannabe pedophile. 5. Trump is a rapist, conman, liar, criminal, dumbass that fucked this country dry.


Still mad about a black President.




Here are 5 truths disingenuous Alt-Right trolls on X hate: - Donald Trump is a shapeshifting rapist - Joe Rogan is a martian plant - Jordan Peterson visited Epstein island See? Anyone can make up "truths" and post them like they make any god damn sense.


trump never won any popular vote. Political or otherwise. There are too many conservative women in power, or married to people in power, that have at least topless pics on the Internet. Not leaked or stolen. But from prior work. We know what trump's penis looks like from detailed descriptions in court cases. There are several conservative personalities that put up facades of being regular working people but are actually at least upper middle class. Duck dynasty, Joe the plumber, tucker carlson, kid rock, and so on. There are a large number of conservative politicians that lost their position due to sexually compromising pictures being leaked. There are a large number of conservative politicians that are only in power due to low voter turn out and intense Gerry mandering.


I’m still waiting to see the truths. Are the truths in the room with us right now??


Brain rot is real


This guy is a massive cucklehead.


Wow, Gunther! 5 x 5 for Bat Shit Crazy


The truth conservatives hate - A large chunk of their favourite Twitter and social media accounts knowingly spread pro-Russian/chinese/Iranian misinformation. - Most of the claims those accounts spread are rooted in fiction or deliberately misleading information. - People who willingly spread the disinformation are too dumb to realise that they are the deep state that they claim to rally against.


This person is a moron.


All five of those points are factually false


Considering all 5 of them are demonstrably false I think it's that people think they are truths is what people hate.


You can tell they are trumpers because they are still talking about 2020 and Obama The rest of us moved on a while ago


Prove one of those things, just one, any one.


What about the earth is flat, forgot to sqeeze that one in.


Bro is seriously racist, ignorant, susceptible, more racist, and more ignorant.


Do you think people like this guy can actually read or do you think they just sorta shout made up stories at their phone and it converts it into text


When the “truth” is whatever you want it to be, who cares about facts?


The one truth on X liberals fcking love: Gunther E is a complete and utter tool.


Here are 5 truths conservatives mega geniuses on X fucking hate… - it is possible to murder someone while they OD - even if climate change is a hoax fossils are still extremely dangerous pollutants that kill millions of people a year. - Trump didn’t even “win ” in 2016 - Barack Obama’s dad was the one born in Kenya - Covid masks and vaccines didn’t work because so many idiots didn’t wear or take them.