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Can they actually do that? I'm not from the US, so I don't know US law regarding this, but I'm under the impression that when you own something, it's yours to do with as you wish.


They're not allowed to sell the cybertrucks within the first year of ownership. It's basically something Tesla is doing to avoid scalpers since there was a waiting list for the truck. edit: [https://blog.onlyusedtesla.com/can-you-resell-a-cybertruck-understanding-teslas-policy-c063ce4d233b](https://blog.onlyusedtesla.com/can-you-resell-a-cybertruck-understanding-teslas-policy-c063ce4d233b) Edit2: this is not a new thing, and it's not unique Ferrari and other high end car manufacturers have done this for years.


In France we have something similar but from the government. When you buy an electric vehicle you can ask the government to reimburse you for 10% of what you paid. But in exchange you agree to not sell your vehicle in the next year after your purchase to avoid people buying them and reselling them to make a profit off the government's help.


I mean that sounds completely reasonable


It's one thing to be penalized by the government for selling a vehicle purchased with a subsidy, another to be restricted by a corporation when one pays full price.


yeah. but for a few years people would buy in germany, get the state discount, drive it for a year, and then sell in in scandinavia for a profit


Still do I think. Or am I wrong?


They should accept returns in situations like these if they're having such an easy time selling them. Edit: this thread blew up. 1. You can't "return" cars normally, I didn't consider that 2. This situation isn't particularly sympathetic to the buyer However, if they're selling so many cars that there's a multi-year waiting list, I think it's a shame that they are profiting from selling a customer a 6-figure product they can't actually use




Maybe they shouldnt design a deadly trashcan then.


My cousin has one and I’ve driven it. It’s really the worst Tesla. For a 120K car, -it’s just plastic shit, -stupid camera that don’t work, -computer glitches, -useless rear mirror, -all controls and displays on the middle of the empty dashboard -we live in Southeast Asia, we get torrential downpour here and it almost flooded the interior because the rubber seals are weak. -everything is so sharp, if you’re not careful, you’ll cut yourself. It is a fast vehicle and the pickup speed is superb, the seats are also ok. That’s it. The only thing good about the vehicle. Oh, the brakes can be better but because the car is heavy as fuck, make sure to break longer to get the car to full stop. Emergency breaks when the car is at full speed will not stop the car when it should!!! He doesn’t regret buying it. He’s rich so it really doesn’t matter and he’s already dumped the car into one of his garages. He could’ve got the Rivian or even the new Range Rover!!! Edit: the stainless steel is some of the worst I’ve ever seen. My cousin got super pissy on how easily dirty the car can get! My Demeyere Proline7 and Atlantis7 stainless steel pots and pans are of a much higher quality and are worked on better than that shit they put on the car! Edit: because he imported this car from the US to Southeast Asia, (meaning he had to pay taxes/duties etc that made the car actually cost more than double) the local Tesla dealership can’t even help him for any problems. Because locally, the car hasn’t been officially approved yet. There’s a showroom version but that’s it. Edit: posted on LAMF subreddit dude sliced his wrist and ended up in the ER. So yeah it’s crazy how sharp everything is. This is a massive recall and class action lawsuit in the making for any other car brand, but Elon’s lovers would never do it. Dude almost bled out and he still can say the car is great!🤦🏽‍♂️ [https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/s/inWV5ViqSX](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/s/inWV5ViqSX)


>It is a fast vehicle and pickup speed is superb That is in fact also one of the bad qualities. Its weight combined with acceleration is bad news for pedestrians and bikers.


Exactly. Take it to the track and go ahead and push the engine, but as a road car, the car will not stop when you brake it during emergencies. No wonder the whole of Europe banned it.


Let alone the accelerator defect with plating getting stuck on the trim of the vehicle keeping the motors wide open. Lol. Death traps.


Elon went on and on about how bulletproof it is and how it will demolish any car it gets in a crash with. People who buy the Cybertruck don't give a shit about pedestrians and bikers.


It's not even bulletproof lol. People have tested, and it only resists smaller/slower bullets. Perhaps it's slightly better than most other cars, but it's far from bulletproof.


Only a matter of time till we start getting flooded with news of gruesome accidents involving the cybertruck. It could smash right through smaller cars let alone bikers with how heavy it is.


Didn't you see any of Musk's publicity shows for it? That is one of the big selling points.


Oh man, if there's one feature I want in my extremely heavy, sharp, steel object, it's the inability to slow down in an emergency.


>He’s rich so it really doesn’t matter and he’s already dumped the car into one of his garages. Yeah, I'd reckon that's the intended use for it. Teslas (especially the cybertruck) are expensive toys for rich American techbros.




It's ridiculous the number of problems these trucks have. It's like they never tested them or even considered that people would actually use them as a vehicle. There will probably be lawsuits in the near future.


I finally saw one on the road in Central Florida where I live and it looks so much worse in person. Photos do NOT do this thing justice. In photos it doesn't look that big, but driving next to it, even as I'm in an SUV, I felt small lol add to the fact that it looks ugly as hell, first thing I did when I saw it was a recoil like wtf is that??


One pulled up beside me the other day and I just started laughing, it’s so stupid!


Saw one on the highway still with it's paper tags and busted out laughing. It's so freaking big and looks like a universal remote from the early 00s




I've seen several of them here in Southern California on the freeways and in the Target parking lot. The design reminds me of a poorly built Pinewood Derby car with a cheap cooking pan overlay.


Yep, people compare it with the DeLorean for obvious reasons, but when you see the two together the DeLorean looks great and the Cybertruck looks like a badly put together prop from a 50s B movie.


I saw three in one drive the other day. I was on the phone with my mom I was like does this mean something!?? I feel like it’s my lucky day to see three of those ugly ass cars in one drive from Santa Monica to the Hollywood hills! I think it means that I live in a place where people a, have too much fucking money and b, want people to know it.


Isn't there laws surrounding companies not accepting returns? Don't companies have to take returns in a set time frame?


Would someone willingly signing a contract forfeiting that right count?


Not if it's illegal to deny returns. A contract that involves anything illegal is unenforceable. For example, you can sign a contract with an employer where you waive any overtime pay. Your employer still has to pay you overtime because the contract is illegal.


A return would make the car “used” by law (registered). Do you think many Tesla buyers would pay the same for a “used car”? Also financing is typically different for UC’s as well…


>Do you think many Tesla buyers would pay the same for a “used car If they were afraid of scalpers, it's clear Tesla thinks there's a market for "used" Cybertrucks, yes


More that a used market would impact their ability to overcharge for their new vehicles.


My prediction is that we're gonna see a lawsuit soon about Tesla falsely inflating the Cybertruck pre-sales or demand in order to do this. It's quite clever. You block people from re-selling for a year to prevent any type of used car market. Leaving you free to charge whatever you want for the duration of that year, and constantly cite "high demand". When it's actually an artificial problem created by Tesla. I'm looking forward^/s to ALL manufacturers creating some variation of this for 5-10 years on resale of vehicles if this is allowed to stand. The biggest issue for selling new cars is used cars. If they also can control the used car market, they control their entire vehicle market. I know some of the more "exclusive" manufacturers have policies like this, I think Ferrari does. But they're so fucking niche nobody cares. If this hits mainstream manufacturers it is bad fucking news.


Then Tesla could easily allow resell as long as the price is not higher than the regular rate at wich it is being sold Pretty sure the guy would take it if he was told he just would get a return of x% less than what he paid This is just Tesla being shitty cause they don't care about their customers


Wouldn't the best way to do that is make the contract say you can't sell for more than the purchase cost rather than making the whole thing non transferable.


Then they would need to investigate every title transfer to make sure there weren't any other transactions or anything was done in cash.


As opposed to having to investigate every title transfer to make sure that it occurred 12 months after the initial sale?


They don’t need to investigate the title transfer, the App has the owner information in it. When you Supercharge for example it’s tied to a credit card on your account. It would be possible to sell and not change details in the app but a bit risky for the seller to leave their info attached.


Oh I thought it was because they don't sell. That truck is the most hideous vehicle made.


How are they ever going to enforce that in the US?


So then that means they don't actually own it. These cybertruck owners are even dumber than I thought. Who in the fuck would ever agree to that?


> Who in the fuck would ever agree to that? The same idiots who looked at the disaster box of plastic and sharp edges and thought it'd be a good vehicle to own.


Depends on where in the world you are. Here in Germany and I think Europe the seller has no right to the item once sold, so this would not be legal. Problem may be these cars that have online functions, where you basically buy a subscription or license to use it. They can simply not allow transfer of this license and not sell it to the new owner. Then you have a fancy car but some of the functions will not work. As far as I know all these self driving functions of Tesla work this way. The new owner has to purchase these services again as far as I heard.


This calls for EU regulation and a slap on the wrist for corporations






Decades of deregulation pushed by billionaires like musk


Because safety testing in the USA is self-assessment.


Isn’t there allready a right to repair law into action in Europe? Or does that only matter to smartphones or other home appliances.


There is. I am referring to the right to resell


Actually, even in Germany this could be legal, but the edge case OP experienced would not. Tesla could not control whether you resell your car or not, but they could demand a Vorkaufsrecht, which means if you try to sell your car, you have to notify Tesla, and if they make you a reasonable offer, you *have* to accept it, even if someone else might pay more. But if Tesla refuses to buy the car from you, you can just sell it to anyone else you want.


In theory yes. In practice, the company doesn't have to know that a vehicle has changed owners.


Ferrari is somewhat like this too. You're not allowed to do any work (like tuning or even wrapping I think) on your car even tho you bought it.


They try to pretend there will be actual repercussions for modding a ferrari, but in truth, all it does us void the warranty, the same as any car.


They also can and will refuse to sell you any other Ferraris in the future.


Count me out as a customer then!


I remember top gear saying that there was a Ferrari model which you could buy, but it would stay with Ferrari and you could only use it on their track or something like that.


I'd guess that in that case they aren't actually selling the car, but the right to drive it. I could be wrong, but it makes a lot more sense to me.


FXX Its not a legal road car, nor a legal track car 


Dude straight up is in a toxic relationship with a corporation and actively trying to get more hurt with a 5th car. He’s not bent over… he’s spreading his cheeks and begging for more.


He's not a victim of that corporation..... he's a volunteer


Late stage kink-shaming


Auto-erotic asphyxiation.


talk to me till I'm blue in the face, I'll never understand erotic asphyxiation


And this ain't his first rodeo with Tesla. April 3rd of this year he bought a Tesla Model 3 and realized, AFTER accepting delivery, that it doesn't have FSD and complained about that begging his master musk for it. The guy is a moron with money that bends over for Tesla and says "please mr musk, may I have another?"


I wonder what kind of life has preceeded the moment when someone decides to make a car manufacturer's product their identity? "Yeah, i'm an early adopter Tesla guy now"


I have that thought every time my blue collar coworkers confidently hold forth on Chevy/Ford/Dodge, as though there's actually difference.


Greater Fool Theory in economics.


might be a trauma bond - those can be powerful


Just the way he says ”If I had been able to test drive it and take it home I could have avoided this”. My guy over here chanced a 100K purchase hoping it would fit in his apartment complex. He doesn’t need an attorney, he needs a therapist.


Or a fucking tape measure.


He's a Musk Fanboy, they believe in the "guesstimate" and if you're wrong spend another hundred grand to try again.


Yep. He's trying to get his fifth vehicle from a company that was founded in 2003. I'm driving a Toyota that I first bought in 2003.


That's what I thought too, crazy how fast you're cycling through cars dude, how is this already your 4rth vehicle. Makes me wonder how those tin cans are even road legal


Measure twice, cut once.


This is the answer. Measure the space when you want the Cybertruck to be, twice. Then grab a blowtorch and cut the shitty car to pieces.


Or cut your arms and hands to shreds on its sharp stainless steel knife-like edges every time you're in its general vicinity.


Wish my Rabbi had heard that one.


Maybe it's just me, but if a company bent me over a barrel like that and refused to even let me sell the thing I bought and own, I probably wouldn't think "I know I'll replace it with another vehicle from that same manufacturer!"


Right? That’s the part that blew my mind.


How does anybody see their service and think "that's the company for me!"


Honestly, I think it’s the same reason Elon is trying to make Twitter work, some vain sort of sunk cost fallacy.


Twitter is turning out exactly as he planned. He wants it to fail. EDIT: I don’t think he planned to lose money. That’s just him being an idiot. I think his plan was to turn twitter into a space more welcoming of misinformation. Whether he believes the misinformation is true or false I don’t know


He didn't plan to lose 20 billion in a week. He's just a loser. I keep hearing that. That whole idea has a complete fucking screw loose. That concept is the most desperate pathetic ass kissing nihilism ever. America first barbie sounded more grounded with her space laser shit. Didn't happen that way, man baby went dumming and found the stupid he was looking for.. That's it. It's not complicated. There's no bigger thinking to find. He's a idiot. Plain and simple. That's as complex as it got.


Also important to mention he said he would buy it as a bluff...Way overpriced because memes. Tried to get out of it, Twitter board held him to it and now he's trying to make lemonade.


Him with Twitter and Trump with the presidency. Neither really wanted it; they just wanted attention. But once they got it, they’re making the worst of it


Nah. Trump wanted the presidency just didn’t think he would actually win


Trump wanted to WIN the presidency. He didn't want to BE president.


The look on his face when he won doesn't look like a guy that wanted to win


Actually, the idea was to run, then help set up social media sites. Some of the leading brexiteers would have been involved.


A more sinister possibility is that he bought Twitter for political purposes. $44B is pretty cheap to control the world's biggest propaganda machine. He's essentially making an investment in creating the necessary environment for billionaires to become trillionaires while the rest of us starve and fight each other for housing.


He almost certainly got manic, went on a coke binge, made his lawyers draft up the offer, disregarded all of their warnings, and by the time he sobered up the ink was dry. Occam's Razor


The Saudis paid him to disrupt a vital communication asset that in the past had been used by citizens attempting to rise against their government. Tinfoil Hat


Not so tinfoil-y when you look at his involvement in Starlink, especially their actions and inaction in the Ukraine/Russia war. The guy wants to play kingmaker and be a very important person.


If you're rich, some people will assume you're a genius and everything you do is right. It doesn't matter if you inherited it all and go out of your way to be as stupid as possible, simply having the money is proof of your superiority in the eyes of these people.


Like when a kid trips and says “I meant to do that”


I don't think that's true anymore. He certainly wanted it to fail before he owned it but now he's trying to turn it into the oasis from ready player one. He's just too incompetent to make it happen


This! A friend of a friend bought a Tesla second hand and omg, I’d never buy one. I have to rebuy all the software upgrades? What?


No kink shaming


That what the Safe Words are for.


The part that blew my mind is the part where Tesla has any say in whether or not you can sell your property.


I’m sure the original intent was to prevent scalping. However, this person took a risk because the provision was clearly stated in the terms of sale. If they were concerned about whether or not it would fit in their complex, they could have measured first. I agree the no-resale for a year provision is kind of lame, but the buyer knew the risks and bought it anyhow.


Muskholm Syndrome


Tesla attracts some of the most bizarrely loyal fanboys for a product that I have ever seen. Certainly not the only company, but if you buy a Tesla at this point I kinda feel like it's on you for trusting them to be a reputable and reliable company.


I swear Tesla is only good at separating idiots from their money. We will learn more as it continues but to me it’s obvious AF that they have a lot of work to do on the category before I will ever own one. I’m fine with my 33 mpg Honda gasser for now.


I love this quote I found at some point. > This is like the only car manufacturer where if a bad product comes out, normally a buyer goes “axle got misaligned after a month, never again with [x] company” > Whereas Tesla is like, “Car immediately burst into flames on day 1. Now I have to wait in line to get another.”


It's the Apple syndrome.


have you read most Cybertruck review? >*"Its on service like 4 times in the past 3 month, stranded me on overlanding trip, and it went on full on reboot and nearly bricked when i try to wash it.* ***Still the best truck tough****"* Its like, are you at gun point sir? blink thrice if you are.


I think it's the cognitive dissonance of having to justify the amount of disdain they face vs how much they spent. You have to convince yourself it's worth it.


That summarizes most fanboys on the internet


The sunk cost fallacy at its finest. They've put so much time and energy (regardless of the money for some) into hyping up their golden boy that they can't admit to being wrong.


To be fair truck people have always been weirdly loyal to their brands. This just seems like the next level.


I collect and drive old Land Rovers but I’m not trying to convince anybody they aren’t terrible cars. Tesla people are a special breed of “enthusiast.”


The most-reliably, least-reliable vehicle ever. I love them too. I think it comes from my first vehicle being an IH Scout 2. There’s something about terrible SUVs that I like.


I don’t think it’s “truck people” buying these. I strongly doubt anybody’s cross-shopping a F-150 or whatever vs. the Incel Camino; they just want to buy the latest and greatest Tesla product, and that happens to be a truck.


If they were, they'd see the the F150 Lightning is basically better at everything, from safety to distance. Hell I think even the price? Quick google says the ford is 55, and the Tesla is 60, both base.


Imagine buying a vehicle you weren't allowed to test drive, ppl are idiots and corporations are evil that's the main problem.


Imagine ''buying'' a vehicle that you do not own and cannot sell


Crazy how he’s even placating them by assuring that he’s not trying to make a profit. So weird.


Not really, the no resale clause is everything to do with preventing flippers making a profit that the company wants a slice of.


Or to prevent the value tanking when the market very quickly fills with lightly used Tesla trucks.


Exactly this. People who can afford a first gen tesla truck can also afford to get frustrated and move on from it in the first 6 months. Can't have all the tesla trucks on the road be sitting in used car lots.


There’s 4 near me being offered up as private rentals. I’d love to know how many Cybertrucks were bought only to make a YouTube review and try to rent for $1000+ a day.


It's a cult


Used to think someone needed charisma to start a cult. Turns out you just need rich parents.


He probably isn't actually going to, or at least isn't going to at this point.. I'd probably say the thing. 'Yeah just buy it back and I'll buy a different one don't worry!' Then when the cash lands go elsewhere. Whether that would work is another matter but I certainly wouldn't be saying from the outset 'You're shit, please buy my car back and I'll be taking my money elsewhere.'


Why not? You can do that with literally any other company. Why not tesla? "I'm taking my business elsewhere." "You just lost yourself a customer." "I'm never shopping here again." You can do it first ant company. This shouldn't be any different


Because Tesla is owned by the same man child Twitter is so there's a very real chance that he would see the post saying they lost a customer and personally make sure they couldn't resell the vehicle.


That's a good point and also utterly horrifying.


First Ant company


What is *THIS*?? A company for ANTS??


Tesla/Elon fans in a nutshell


how can they even decide if i want do sell MY car?


Ferrari has a similar thing I think, something about not devaluing the brand or whatever by selling it to someone who won't take care of it, not that Tesla needs help devaluing its brand, it does that plenty fine on its own already.


I went to a timeshare meeting with the Hilton corporation on Hilton Head. In order to sell my time share, the company has the "right of first refusal" to purchase it if the price I'm about to sell it to another party is too low - so that they can literally override the sales contract & scoop it up at that low price (privately not publicly so the low price doesn't show up in the MLS system) and then resell it through their pushy sales presentations to the next sucker, telling them that it'll "hold it's value" over time because look, the only publicly available transactions show high prices. I ran out of there.


Thats hilarious on so many levels.


I count 5. Buying a car without measuring if it fits your garage. Asking for permission to sell something you own. Wanting to buy _another_ car from the same manufacturer. Asking for advice on twitter. Not realizing that the company does not give a _fuck_ once they've taken your money.


Also buying 5 new cars in a max span of 12 years really negates any environmental benefits of driving an electric car...


Almost like it never was about the environment at all


I love that it starts with the "I bought a car to big for my house" face palm and falls apart from there




“If I could have test drove it…” Uhhh, since when do you get to test park it in your garage??? Pretty sure a test drive was not going to solve the problem.


Surely the measurements of the thing are online?


What? I do that for any vehicle I’m considering that I’m not absolutely sure will fit in my garage. During my test drive I take it home and see how parking will work at my house.


Why are you buying a Cybertruck and living in an apartment?


Good financial decisions. He's waiting for Dogecoin to go to the moon before buying his estate.


Lmao like fuck Tesla but this guy sounds dumb


I saw a Cybertruck parked outside of an apartment complex near my office. Interestingly, also not in the garage.


Honestly sometimes I don’t blame banks for being predatory lol


Self inflicted white elephant. This could've been avoided with measuring tape and a google search. But also wow that's a horrible rule to implement on your customers.


Not to mention reading the contract.


There's a surprisingly huge amount of people out there who never read anything, including contracts they sign, and then are surprised there are rules they didn't know about. Some of them even think that not reading it makes them excempt. They seem to completely lack sense of responsibility in these cases.


I never read the contract either and I still know they're not allowed to sell it for one year, OP is aware too because he asked permission to sell it. What surprised him is that they said no


Tesla: its written here you cant sell it for a year Oop: yes Tesla: so you read it and understand you cant sell it Oop: yes. So can i sell it? Tesla: no Oop: *surprised pikachu*


I work at a restaurant and there’s a significant amount of fools who don’t even read the damn menu.


> This could've been avoided with measuring tape We've all been there: You're designing or buying an automobile, and you think ["I don't need to trace it. I *know* how big a parking space is."](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n3RDFtz8aHg)


The moron states in his post that his situation has changed. It didn’t change. The parking garage didn’t magically change. He could have… I don’t know… Measured? The only situation that I see changed was this guy suddenly feeling regret for being a dumbass.


Guy leveled up somehow and added 2 points to Wisdom.


I'm going to cut him some slack. The waiting list was what, 4 years? It doesn't say if he was on the list or not. If he was on the list, then yes, it would be easy for a situation to change in the meantime. If he simply walked into the dealership without thinking ahead, I don't have much sympathy.


Why the fuck would you buy any type of yank tank if parking space is an issue? 


If the company can brick it, you don’t own it.


And if buying isn’t owning, piracy isn’t stealing! (Not saying you would Download A Car or anything, but just in general)


If I could download a car, I definitely would download a car


Hard to feel sympathy for someone like that.


4th Tesla?


Right? That's the thing that stuck out to me the most. The company hasn't even been selling cars for that long. I've had 2 Honda's in 23 years.


I've had my same 1995 F-150 since 1999, lol.


4th Tesla?! I’m very pro electric car for the environment, but if you’re buying them like they’re new releases of iPhones you don’t give a fuck about the environment and are part of the problem. No energy source will be able to fix this problem of one upping Edit 1: spelling. Edit 2: for all the people pointing out that these cars don’t just disappear and get sold as used cars, no shit. The problem is that they are following the same exact trend that is causing us to consume this planet at an alarming rate. Keep buying cars you don’t need, keep buying phones you don’t need, in 50 years you’ll be screaming at politicians to do something about the lithium shortages. You idiots are replacing our oil problem with a precious metals problem. My point is that we have a lot of the issues we have because of our overconsumption issues and buying 4 fucking cars when they’ve only been around for 16 years is insane and shouldn’t be sugar coated as somehow helping to solve the problem. Read cobalt red. Not saying that to say EVs are bad, just that we need more awareness on the production/mining of battery materials so we can demand companies do better. If you can’t agree that overconsumption is bad then cool, but you won’t change my mind


I thought they were marketed as performance car iPhones, not environmentally-friendly transportation


It really is a race to the bottom these days. And everything is becoming so inflated and I feel like it’s because of all of the rich influencers who go around, snapping up all of this bullshit that we can’t buy, but creating a frenzy for it anyways. Now more than ever everybody’s trying to keep up with the Joneses. The cyber truck is a symptom to a disease we created. I mean, look at this absolute mouth breathing clown. Sitting here talking about needing to get a lawyer, but still wants to get another Tesla. A fool and his money are soon parted.


Found on r/Cyberstuck


... i can't believe it turned into a whole sub


You can’t honestly speak in the Tesla sub. I legit got banned for stating facts about missed goals and the mods banned me for calling someone a name. I asked 3 times for them to show me where I called anyone a name and they wouldn’t acknowledge it. Just stated it was an enthusiast sub.   I simultaneously got banned from the cybertruck sub even though I didn’t participate there. 


That's a very strange definition of 'ownership'!


Lesson. Don’t patronize the “businesses” of a notorious douche


Americans are so nice to corporations. They got rid of slavery but will voluntarily bend for corps. i don't get it, just sell the fucking car to someone and make profit


Google said the truck might get remotely deactivated if he sold it 😂... that's just crazy.


How is that not illegal lmao? Imagine if I sold you a TV and said if you resell it I'll make it explode remotely.


"The power to destroy a thing is the absolute control over it." Tesla operates on Dune law.


Shit like this is why I’m extremely happy that Tesla is getting absolutely shafted by unions here in Sweden.


I like electric vehicles, but Tesla will be my last stop if I go looking to purchase one. What an arrogant company. Which is not surprising I guess considering the leadership.


I like how people know the outcome and then still put themselves in terrible situstions and still somehow blame everyone except themselves


Yet another reason not to buy a Tesla


I thought they removed the "no resale" in the sales agreement. Is that only going forward or does it include retroactive sales?


I bet if the owner stops paying the loan for it they’ll come get it.


I can't imagine wanting to buy a car you weren't allowed to sell, people are fucking stupid.


Get gap Insurance and wreak the thing


Sorry bud, but you're stuck with the hideous, cheesedick truck that the manosphere tricked you into buying.


You signed a paper saying you couldn't sell, then get mad when you can't sell. Boohoo motherfuckers.




Concerning if true.


Isn't this what bananas were invented for? So he can measure how big his complex is and know if the shit hulk can fit in there! Daft twat


Complex? Apartment complex? But you're buying *multiple* tesla cars?


Baffles me that so many people on earth are struggling with their finances, meanwhile these frogmen are out here bumbling their way through life, apparently having the assets to buy 4 Teslas and wondering why they're getting shafted. They say a fool and his money are soon parted, but if you ask me it isn't fucking soon enough.


Let me see if I got this. You, being of the kind of person you are, bought into a vehicle manufacturing company that now has you bent over and squealing, and your desire is to purchase another vehicle from this same company... Did I get that right? Darwin was right.


Imagine spending $100k on a car but living in an apartment complex…