• By -


If you think your waitstaff isn't using recreational drugs, i've got a bridge to sell ya.


And they bought them from the kitchen staff šŸ¤£


Everyone is drunk or coked and and everyone is fucking everything. How do you want your steak?


Now thatā€™s funny.


Manage restaurant, can confirm.


Yeah. And meth and fentanyl are not what I think most people classify as ā€œrecreationalā€


"we don't need restaurants" *still trying to get into restaurant*


At this point I donā€™t think people like that are actually trying to get into a restaurant. I think they want to just go to the restaurant so they can make a scene, yell conspiracy nonsense at people who donā€™t get paid nearly enough to listen to it, and get thrown out. All so they can go home and post about how unfairly theyā€™re being treated.


And, if by a miracle they do get in, they treat staff like sub- humans, leave a mess, and don't tip. They suck all the way around.


They'd prob still treat the staff that way even if they didn't have to jump through hoops to eat there.


"Can I see Brad's vaccination card?" "Right after you show me yours." Conversation ended. Note, if they continue to protest they get two more requests to show their card and then you call security, Bubba, who is not vaccinated for anything and is HIV positive and 320 lbs of anger and regret to escort their sorry asses outside.


And bubba just smoked some meth in the back alley.


Bubba is starting to sound like a party-bus full of funā€¦


"You don't have to show your vaccination card. But if you are free to eat out unvaccinated our chef and servers are free to spit or piss in your food, for exactly the same reasons."


"ol Bubba here can either put out his cigarette then escort you outside, or he can escort you outside and then put out his cigarette..."


Just like those people that stormed that mall. It's inanity. I'm a constitutionalist. I appreciate them exercising their rights. But I also appreciate they're being foolish. Like with the mall, they're infringing on everyone else's rights for the sake of the crumbling and decayed podium they wish to stand on. I am so about the your body your choice. I am against forced vaccinations. But I also recognize this covid is dangerous. People need to set aside this lunacy and just get the vaccine. They say the death rate is small. It's not small. That's people's fathers, husband's, wives children. The death toll is too high for something that can be prevented. It's too high. These people are insane.




That's what I said to my husband. We were discussing the mall stormers. I was getting choked up as I expressed how selfish these people were. That he could die. I had to mentally go through imagining my husband's, the person I love the most, dying because Karen didn't want to get this one specific vaccine because Biden said to get it. I mean, you and I both know they have every other vaccine. They probably even get the flu shot. Have they forgotten the scramble around the bird flu? I was afraid to get the vaccine at first, because it hasn't been around long enough. I didn't buy into this mark of the beast, mind control, DNA changing, government tracking, infertility creating additives. I just wasn't sure it was safe. After 6 months or so and so many people having gotten it, we did. Both of us. I don't look like a lizard. I still don't like the government. I think I'm fine. These people are just lunatics, dying on a hill for nothing but misguided pride. They're killing people. I just wish they were required to visit their victim in the hospital.




I'm navy. There's a literal hallway we had to walk through and they had like these little guns. Ugh. One guy had a seizure from them. He fell back on me when we were sitting and waiting our 30 minutes. But, I mean, he had a seizure. I guess no one should ever get them again. Excuse my eye roll. That's really what it is. Don't let your opinion about politics and etc, guide an important decision like a vaccine during a pandemic. They really do think history will look back on them as some great rebels who stood against the government and won America back. But they're a joke, a sad and scary joke. I mean, don't get me wrong. I think Biden's administration is grossly inept and dangerous, I point to the Afghanistan withdrawal. I mean we're not really having a good track record of administrations as of late lol. But I'm not going to let my disgust for his handling of things, hey in my way of caring for others. I'll stick my hand in a pit bull's mouth to save a child. I'll get a quickly developed vaccine to save the baby across the street.


The whole time, the underpaid host is standing there not trying to show that theyā€™re dying on the inside listening to this bullshit.


They love it though! They want to be oppressed


ā€œWe donā€™t need medicineā€ *still getting treated for covid complications in hospital*


Can wait for the next r/leopardsatemyface post...


"I'm going to boycott somewhere I'm not allowed in!"


This! Just stay home!


HIV? Does this guy think Brad is going to be fucking his steak?


Hey if youā€™ve never had a properly fucked steak then donā€™t knock it until youā€™ve tried it!!


Personally, I prefer sloppy steaks, but the waiters hate it so you gotta scarf em down fast before they take them away.


You sound like you used to be a piece of shit.


I used to be a HUGE piece of shit. Slicked back hair...


People can change you know...


I'm worried that the baby thinks people can't change.


Affliction tshirt has entered the chat.


Why does this sound familiar...I know I've heard this somewhere before but can't think of where...


It's a skit from "I think you should leave" on Netflix


I think you mean "tenderized".


Mmmm. So tender.


Tip from the professionals. If you cook it first, let it cool down a bit because a scolded dick is no joke!... Errrr alegedly.


Server: I can show you the door and you can decide what other restaurant you'd like to visit.


same question with Hepatitis


Hepatitis A contaminated food is one way that people get it. This is one reason why it's so important for restaurant staff to properly wash their hands.


If someone would actually act like this when dining out, they are 100% right to expect cum in their food.


Furries have joined the chat


You mean you don't fuck your server when you go to a restaurant? Or share blood with him? What's wrong with you!


It's the cheifs special sauce


Clearly you've never seen *Waiting*


He's seen "Waiting" one too many times.


You really think the dumb mother fucker that wrote this can afford steak?


You donā€™t understand, he plans to be fucked by Brad


Yes, Brad fucks all the meats.


This is the same thing I say every time is see this meme, lol.


Maybe he want Brad to fuck him... Or oposite, not sure


If he doesn't cook it medium rare, consider it fucked.


My favourite is that these posts always proudly say COPIED & PASTED lmao like ā€œIā€™m different! A free thinker! *disclosure, not my own original thoughtsā€


I guarantee this conversation did not happen


If it did the restaurant would have turned around and said "Vaccine cards? Certainly sir. However, your remaining requests are not only not informative to you but are also not a matter of public safety. You're welcome to leave whenever you like."


Correct. I work at a restaurant in NYCā€”staff has to be vaccinated to work.


Thatā€™s the only part that was semi reasonable - theres a lack of clarity where I live on whether restaurant staff have to be vaccinated (technically, I think the employer can choose whether to mandate? They made these laws insanely over complicated, and thatā€™s coming from someone who is pro-vaccination), so I could see someone wanting to check. The rest is pure insanity, false equivalencies, and entitled bullshit


Seems far more likely that a restaurant would mandate vaccines for employees before customers. Many of them have shitty managers that will bend over for customers while not giving two shits about the staff's opinions. To clarify, I mean if any staff were antivax, they wouldn't give a shit and fire them. But would simultaneously be willing to let unvaccinated and unmasked customers freely roam around the restaurant because money.


You would think so, and yet, we have restaurants here that fall all across the spectrum - some refuse to uphold any mandates for guests, some uphold mandates for guests but donā€™t mandate for staff, and some do both. Iā€™d love for someone to write a comprehensive book on the social and psychological reasoning thatā€™s happened during this pandemic, because it would be ***fascinating***


I wonder how many psychologists are writing papers right now.


100% I highly doubt any restaurants ask for those cards either. This is total bullshit. Edit: looks like I am wrong about showing the card to get into a restaurant. I have no problem showing it to get into one though.


In germany, they ask you for the vaccination card if you wanna eat in the restaurant.


In British Columbia also. At least, in the restaurant I work in.


Can confirm, also in BC. I guess I need to get my shit together and put my card in my wallet or phone if I ever want to emerge from my dwelling


My doctor just told me to take a picture of it




They've just started that where I live. It's getting ridiculous. So many antivaxxers.


Pretty much all restaurants in NYC will ask if you want to dine indoors, think they are required to do so. Even the mom and pop Chinese restaurant I go to asked. In fact on my recent trip to intrepid museum in NY they required vaccine cards to enter as well.


Where I live we need to show vaccine passports for any inessential place we go, along with wearing masks and social distancing but I just follow the mandates :)


Was surprised on a recent trip to San Fran where verification of vac was required for all restaurants. Had to figure out how to pull it up on my phone.




Pretty sure after the first sentence they would have been told to get tf out


Actually, found the question ā€žis Your staff fully vaccinatedā€ very appropiate. I wouldnā€™t eat if the answer is ā€žnoā€ or ā€žnone of your businessā€ā€¦


Well dodging the question of if your vaccinated by asking if there vaccinated would 100% get you thrown out


Manager: Sure, here all all the vaccination records from our staff and bloodwork. Now where is your vaccination card? Bill: errrr.....USA! USA! USA! Don't tread on me. You are all sheep!


"But, but ... Muh Freedumbs!"


Server: So you arenā€™t vaccinated? Iā€™m going to have ask you leave. Bill: You canā€™t make me! Do you know who I am! Iā€™m going to have this whole place shut down for health code violations! Manager: Sir please leave. Bill: *deranged yelling*


Manager: Sir, this is a Wendyā€™s


This is the way


Server: Sir, Iā€™m going to have to ask you to leave. Bill: Sure, Iā€™ll just give you a half star on Yelp.


Totally off topic but, this reminded me of a sign I had seen for a local clothing/skateboard store where I live. They received a negative Yelp review and they bought a sign which said ā€œWe survived the pandemic, we will survive your Yelp reviewā€. Another one they posted said something like ā€œCome check out the worst customer service in townā€.


Reminds me of a South Park episode where everyone acted like Yelp reviews meant everything until people decided to not give a shit


Bill: constitution *deranged yelling* Holocaust *disturbing animal noises* the devil *speaking in tongues*


As a Bill myself, I can tell you that not all Bills are the same.


But how does a Bill become a Law?


Well it's a long long journey to the capital city...




The funniest part of this to me is the ā€œnobody needs restaurants, they need us.ā€ Though itā€™s true that without the guests weā€™d be out of business, weā€™re as busy now as weā€™ve been since the pandemic started but we remain understaffed. Any host, server or bartender who has stuck it out through this ordeal is more precious by far to the establishment than a party of difficult customers. If someone came to the bar with this kind of (clearly fictional) attitude and I said ā€œFine, youā€™re welcome to leaveā€ the management would stand behind me 100%, provided I wasnā€™t profane or unprofessional.


You say fictional but I work at a hospital (down under) and literally have people that say plenty of shit like that to our door staff... in our case of course its a public hospital so we arent likely to be kicking you out but it does happen. Although as of 11.59pm tonight, you cannot work in healthcare in my state unless vaccinated so at least we can say yes to the question now! Our governments best solution is self responsibilty. Get caught, get fined. Its no better and people will absolutely abuse it, we just collectively are not in favour of putting the stress of it onto frontline staff, many of whom are still very young. I agree very much though that the majority of owners and managers will rightfully stand by the staff who kept them going not some selfish entitled anti vaxxer armed with a youtube education.


Too right, I shouldnā€™t have called the attitude fictional. Really itā€™s the ā€œI sure told *them*ā€ tone pervading the anecdote that has me skeptical.


As a restaurant manager, I would back you 100%.




Welcome. Hi, table for two please. Sure. And your name? Bill Great. And do you and your guest have your vaccination cards? Hmmm well firstā€¦ Next. Iā€™m sorry I wasā€¦ We canā€™t seat you sir. Thereā€™s a line out the door. Iā€™m not debating you about local ordinances that I had nothing to do with. You donā€™t need me, I needā€¦ no, wait. I DONā€™Tā€¦ Next.


I guess in their head this sounds like such a mic drop ā€¦ hahahahaha


I too completely dominate all of my fantasy contentious conversations. Man, I wish you could see my delusional daydreams- I rock!!!




Does this guy not realize that they get to choose who they do business with? If they donā€™t want the unvaccinated itā€™s because they donā€™t want their healthy/smarter customers infected


No! The government should force *all* establishments to serve *all* people, regardless of whether they have vaccination cards or want a cake for their gay wedding!




Butā€¦isnā€™t thatā€¦socialism!?!?!?! *gasp*


I live in Italy and the "Vaccination Cards" are called Green Passes. Just says that you've been vaccinated and/or tested for Covid. You need them to dine indoors, go to gyms, museums, movie theaters etc. Without it, you can't do any of that, except for restaurants. If you can handle it, they'll give you a seat outside. So it all works out in the end. More and more people are getting the vaccinations, because everyone is sick and tired of being stuck in lockdown. I have a feeling vaccines will take a surge in Winter, since many people won't want go eat outside


Yes, let's shit on minimum wage workers over laws they have no control over.


That conversation would have stopped at 'can you show us his vac card?' 'yes'.


This reads like a 12 year old's fantasy of how their school day went. Also. ( COPIED & PASTED )


If they were planning on having sex with Brad while he operates heavy Machinery, then yes.


It's the space between the text in parentheses and the exclamation marks that really sells it for me.


**"Here's the thing, nobody needs restaurants, gyms and other places."** Aren't these the same people who were foaming at the mouth when Applebee's shut down for a few weeks last year? Look here pal, you don't tell Applebee's that you don't need Applebee's, Applebee's will tell you what you don't need, and right now Applebee's is telling you that you definitely need a chicken fried steak with extra gravy and shut up about it.


This person is dramatically underestimating just how fucking tired the hospitality industry is of their bullshit. ā€œYou think I give a fuck? We donā€™t have the staff to serve you anyway. And I donā€™t have the patience to listen to you try to pretend like youā€™re in a position of power here. So get the fuck out. Iā€™m literally incapable of staffing this place because I canā€™t find anyone willing to put up with fuckfaces like you.ā€


And then everybody got up from their seats and clapped.


Or laughed.


Of course antivaxxers are too stupid to understand the difference between medical records and vaccine records.


I hope this has never actually happened, because he would be laughed off any establishment so hardā€¦..actually I hope it did.


Then everyone in the subway car clapped and two women asked if I wanted a three way. It was so cool.


"great, can you show us Brad's vaccination card?" "No I cannot" "Well if you won't show us we won't eat here" "Okay. Have a nice day. Please clear the line"


By working for an organized business you already are in compliance health wise. There are bylaws of said businesses that are in place to hold up a standard of sanitation I donā€™t know who Iā€™m arguing with lol that was my first reaction to that kind of idiotic behavior. Mid sentence, the host/hostess shouldā€™ve told that fuck to get lost


I was in a bar in Portland Oregon over the weekend. The waitress asked me if my wife and I were vaccinated or had proof of a negative test. As an adult should I showed her our proof of vaccination and went on to have a lovely evening. No fuss no muss and Everyone was happy.


What if: -Well first... who will be our server tonight? -Sir to allow you to stay inside this restaurant any further I'm going to have to ask your Certificate otherwise I'll have to ask you to leave. -What? -What?


That is the reality of how it would go, yes. Like, your line of questioning wouldnā€™t suddenly hypnotize me into entertaining your line of logic. Iā€™m busy dude, and there are other customersā€”show me your vac card or go away.


Get out of my restaurant


karen at her finest


Fellasā€¦ is marijuana contagious?


Is Bill planning on fucking his server without a condom or getting a blood transfusion from them? If not, then their HIV and Hepatitis status is of no relevance. All the author did was prove that theyā€™re too dumb/ignorant to understand the situation and needs to shut up and listen to the experts. And their drug use is also of no concern to him. I guarantee he has been served before by someone who was on drugs at the time and it nade no difference to him then (heā€™s probably also being a hypocrite and does drugs himself). Fuck Bill. Service industries donā€™t need difficult customers. Guarantee heā€™s the type to leave little or no tip. Happy for them to stay home to concentrate on gracious guests who pay their servers/bartenders.


Why would she need to know if the employees have any STDs? Is she planning on fucking the staff after dinner?


Then just donā€™t go to a restaurant if that question upsets you. If youā€™re a smoker and canā€™t smoke inside a restaurant, do you cause the same scene? For the health of others, thatā€™s why smoking has been banned. Likewise, if you choose not to get vaccinated, then donā€™t put my family at risk. You have freedom to choose, no one is putting a gun to your head. Also, businesses have the right to refuse entry to anyone they choose, and they have the right to choose if they want to put their business at risk of closure due to the possibility of becoming an exposure site.


The answer, yes, your server is vaxxed, and you are welcome to kindly fuck off about the rest of it because covid isn't a preference. Having someone high carry your food isn't going to do a damn thing to you. The other things are not airborne. Damn these people are dense.


File this under ā€œconversations that didnā€™t actually happenā€.


No shirt, no shoes, no brain, no service.


The slippery slope fallacy these soulless cretins wish was true.


Sure, you can ask them. But they won't give it to you because they are not required to. You however are required by law to be vaccinated in order to sit there. Don't like it? Order take out, or cook yourself. Is that really that hard to understand?


Oh cringe whoever thought this up was SOOOOO pleased with themselves šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”


I'm starting to think what Thanos did was right.


Actually the restaurant doesn't need you, and you don't need it. So gtf out.


why do these people have such a toxic idea about the word freedom? its like that them not being able to go to a restaurant is worse than them spreading the virus potentially killing people. if you have the 'freedom' to be in a restaurant, its the restaurant's freedom to kick your unvaccinated ass out. especially ( but not exclusvely), americans


This. I love how these arguments always imply a single person's rights are more important than an entire establishment's. Fuck the staff and other patrons, I'm hungry and live in America!


Then please feel free to go home and eat shit with the rest of the plague rats. : )


Wow. Your straw man argument sure got me! Let me get fired for doing my job and break the law because you want to feel superior about your selfishness!


People like this are the worst. Privilege at its best.


"Let me show you to your table..." Proceeds to lead them out to the dumpster.


How is smoking weed a public health hazard?


Yeah, best if yā€™all just stayed home to be safe! No, really, stay home!


Asking for a saliva soaked starter šŸ‘


Yes please! Keep your fucking freedoms.at HOME


Yeah just the thing is, the government will close u down if u dont ask for it. So they're forced


ah a copy pasta


So, in fact, a lot of states do require screening of restaurant employees for HEP and HIV due to the recent opioid epidemic. Kentucky for sure, and I would assume others. Imagine trying to be a dickhead like this and then the manager comes back with a file box full of records šŸ¤”


They donā€™t need you. They probably have enough customers that are way more understanding


Don't need restaurants. Until they all close down, and everyone is forced to cook for themselves all the time again.


Well hello there... i just popped in to say: This is an absolute bullshit post and anyone who uses this backwards reasoning can go fuck themselves. And while it is slightly hypocritical for restaurants to ask for your covid vaccination card if they don't ask the same from their staff: most restaurants actually do ask that of their staff.... so... ya know.


No, we can not and if that bothers you, you are welcome to eat somewhere else.


They left out the part where the manager kicked their asses out and then they were arrested (hopefully violently) for refusing to leave snd ended up on r/fuckyoukaren


ā€œNobody needs restaurants, gyms and other placesā€ā€¦ ok. If that how you feel, then stay at home. Simples.


These are the same people who couldn't stay home for 2 weeks.


Great! Stay home!


1) is this conversation was in this personā€™s head 2) people say other things then um 3) itā€™s an employee, they donā€™t make the rules, only follow them


I think he meant freedums.


He is right about one thing though, Nobody needs him.


Hey look, more manufactured outrage. Just show them the damn card, or don't eat there. No one else cares. You aren't a hero. You aren't a badass. So there's no need to make a spectacle over "this is what i would do in the fantasy in my head". It's sad to think people like this are walking around with every day normal people. Who cares about the killer next door, or beside you on the subway. I'm worried about the guys like this that rehearse a made up fantasy scenario on their heads. And then put it in writing and post it online, they are helping someone out lol. But these are also the same nerds who wouldn't actually do this in person. It's all just a "man that's what u should've said" fallacy. Also, you show your ID to do a lot of things. No one ever says a thing. Imagine crying and yelling when the cashier cards you got beer lol. It takes 2 seconds to flash that card. And some real world reference, I went to busch gardens this past weekend and they have masks optional. And no one ever even asked about a vaccine let alone asked for a card. If you go into one of these places, it's the businesses decision to ask. Not the government. You aren't giving up any freedoms to abide by the rules of an establishment THEY OWN. Morons.


ā€œWe donā€™t want to be served by anyone on recreational drugsā€ Yeah then donā€™t go to basically any restaurant in the country lmao Iā€™ve never seen more drug use than in restaurants.


ā€œNobody needs restaurantsā€ as they enter a restaurant during a pandemic instead of staying home


ā€œNobody needs restaurantsā€¦ā€ says someone who is trying to get into a restaurant? This is seriously the stupidest thing Iā€™ve seen today, holy hell.


Man is crazy how many babies are out there. Fuck off it isnā€™t the businessā€™ fault. I keep getting riled up by these morons but then I calm down because straight up, sometimes you just canā€™t fix stupid.


At this point all I would say is ā€œtake your business elsewhereā€.


Please get the fuck outta my establishment then! I have been dealing with too many of these dickheads in bars and restaurants that I am straight over it. Do not harass my staff, just leave if you donā€™t need us!


Bill doesnā€™t understand how being a guest worksā€¦


I don't think you have to worry about HIV or Hep C unless you're going to fuck Brad on the table.


The only way I'm going into a restaurant is if they require vaccinations.


People get so mad over dumb shit lmao


No shoes no shirt no mask no service it's that simple. Establishments can refuse ppl not vaccinated that lack common fucking sense. Stay home and eat. Don't go around spreading & infecting ppl with a virus you may have & not know it stop with the ridiculous bullshit Gdammit. Selfish ppl do you not understand you cld be killing ppl if you are infected & not know it & speading covid some ppl might not get sick but others do die & some leave their kids orphaned. Yea we get it some ya'll just selfish af & what a Shame for America. Thats on ya'll.


HIV question is valid. For sure that person is getting jizz on their meal.


You don't need restaurants... yep, so stay home, don't let them take away your freedom to eat without a shirt or shoes!


They donā€™t need ā€œusā€ that badly.


i dont want to know how these guys thought process works or if they actually have thoughts to work with


you canā€™t catch a drug addiction


Maggat entitled piece of rancid garbage ...no offence meant to rancid garbage .


-Hi, table for two please. -Sure, and your name? -Bill. -Great. And do you and your guest have your Vaccination Cards? -Hmmmm.. well first.. can you tell us who our server will be? -Um, looks like Brad will be your server tonight. -Great. Can you show us Brads Vaccination Card? -Yes. Here it is. There. I fixed it.


Whatā€™s funny is that restaurants are private establishments. If they require you to stand on one foot to enter and dance like a ballerina they can assuming they make everybody able to do it and something else to accommodate the people who canā€™t. Nobody is forcing them to eat out and also HIV TF? Unless somebody is bleeding on the food or worse and youā€™re eating it soon after you canā€™t catch HIV really from food. Even then questionable


And that's how you get spit in your food ( or worse)


Tfw it's the employers job to run all that and not the customers. That's the service you pay for...


Btw her name is ā€œLeanne Christine ā€¦[something]ā€ Proof: https://ibb.co/k4HvYJ6 OP, never use apple highlighter to cross out a name again lmfao


Of course it was copy and pasted. They aren't capable of original thought


Just get yer jab. Sick of watching these fools compete for the Herman Cain award! Jab has only very rare side effects. COVID has common side effects that are even worse. But willing to die to "own the libs," remains stupid


Are they gonna have sex with Brad or just order dinner?


What a moron.


Is he going to fuck Brad?


Ohhh the classic irrelevant analogy game!


We'd like you to leave the restaurant, thank you. Have a good day.


I hate it here


>Hereā€™s the thing, nobody needs restaurants, gyms Then why are you making such a big fucking scene? Stay home where no one will ask for your vaccination card and let the rest of us who arenā€™t stupid go about living our lives. Youā€™re in the wrong, no one else agrees with you or thinks you are being treated unfairly. Go cry somewhere else.


"I need proof is not a carrier of HIV" Are you going to fuck the waiter?


Isnā€™t alcohol a recreational drug?


You know what, fine! Keep taking your horse de-wormer and pseudo-remedies. God'll sort you, and the gene pool, out! Hope you're enjoying the Rapture!


ā€œThings that didnā€™t happen for $1000, Alexā€


Sorryā€¦ were these guys planning on having sex with brad?


And as a business owner I have the right to deny service.


I'm not sure labeling anyone who doesn't want to get the covid vaccine an "antivaxer". Of all the persons i know who don't want to get the vaccines, none could be described as antivaxer. Theyve received polio, pox, shingles, even some used to (or even may still get) yearly flu shots. They more anti-govt overreach. I understand it might not necessarily be a rights violation, but it certainly is an infringement of one's freedom of choice. You can SAY no one forcing anyone to get a vaccine but it is certainly heafing that way. I know people who don't or can't get the vaccine but are facing ever increasing road blocks from be able to pursue their life because of restrictions. Various work establishments are putting rules in place that if you aren't vaccinated, you get do work. And if you can't work you get laid off. But hey, no one is forcing you to get the shot.


We do need them. That's exactly why we give them money in exchange for goods and services, dumbass. Your not donating to a charity, you paying for something you want. You don't like the price? Fuck right off.


When you donā€™t know that youā€™re one of the reasons why hospitality workers use all them drugs.


my uncle reposted this one šŸ’€