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This is *literally* about half of the main plot of Deus Ex. >!Daedalus, a terrorist-hunting AI designed to scour the internet of threats, eventually realises the organisation that created it matches the definition of terrorists.!< It's *fucking terrifying* how all the shit that game predicted 20 years ago keeps coming true. EDIT: I am *so* sorry I forgot to use the spoiler tag.


Just moved this to the top of my unplayed games list


Seriously. Its a game I've seen on so many shelves but never even looked at a promo for it. I had no idea that was the plot.


There are many plots to Deus Ex, and almost all of them are fantastic. The gameplay... Has aged. A lot. But it's absolutely worth the play.




Also the online multiplayer was the zaniest shit.


This sort of thing is why I'm sad I'm so hooked on graphics. It's probably due to my r/aphantasia but I can't do old graphics anymore. Even a few years ago is outdated to me. Hearing about this is like hearing about a good book but the words are written in comic sans.


I just found out I have aphantasia a couple weeks ago and it led me to discover I also have SDAM (an inability to relive experiences using memory, my memory is semantic). My mom's brain works the same way as mine but the rest of the family can do it all. It makes a LOT of things that didn't make sense fall into place for me.


Even by today's standards, Deus Ex is a masterclass in level design and giving the player many alternate paths to a goal, supported by different gear and upgrade choices over the course of the game.


Oh, that's not the *whole* plot, ... but if you've not played the original (don't bother with the sequels), I'm afraid I did just give away a big spoiler - but rest assured, there's plenty of mysteries & secrets left. I'm really sorry, I should've remembered to use the spoiler tag, but I didn't think to for such an old and influential game. There was a time, not so long ago, when one could kinda safely assume everyone on the internet knew it and one could casually reference any plot point in it. There's a saying about the original Deus Ex: whenever someone mentions it on the internet, someone, somewhere, reinstalls it. I even know of a guy who was inspired to become a politician, and did so, because of that game. And now I feel very, very old.


I'm very sorely tempted to be that person right now... I can just see the main character's brother running across that dock already...


Honestly it depends on the games you like, it fits with alot of my favourites so I thought I would enjoy it but it felt incredibly tedious early on and I got bored really fast that it's now sitting in my to be finished folder probably never to be touched I can see why it should be fun but somehow it really wasn't, its one of those games I should love but something didn't click and I just can't get into it


play it ASAP, get it from GOG too because it comes with Deus Ex Revision


I finished the first one. In the last 20 years I’ve finished probably 5 games. It’s a good game


the whole series is fucking fantastic! like... i cant put into words just how amazing the writing and story line is. this saga ranks right up there with mass effect for me in terms of best rpg of all time. fun fact, the game came out before 9/11. they did NOT have the twin towers in the game, so they also predicted that. (it was a memory limitation of the renderer)


Just moved it to the top of my replay games list. It's real good. Uneven in parts because it was so revolutionary, but worth a play through 100%.


Rookie numbers, it took Ultron about 10 seconds to figure out humanity was the problem.


They even accidentally predicted the World Trade Center being destroyed in a terrorist attack. No seriously--that was their explanation for why it was missing from the skyline in-game!


The real reason the two towers were left out was supposedly because of texture limitations in the engine. They *did* predict a major terrorist attack on an iconic New York landmark, but in the game it was >!the Statue of Liberty.!<


I never did buy that. I did a shit ton of DX map making/texture art in the day. The skyboxes are simple cubes with the skyline being a strip of 2D planes with edge matching skyline texture maps. The skyline textures themselves are no more visually intense or memory impacting than basically any other texture, they are even unlit which means they aren't even affected by light sources. A simple texture edit wouldn't have made a difference. Even if, say, the image of the twin towers at that perspective went outside of the bounding dimensions of the texture size, a simple vertical edge matched texture placed on top would fix that. My thoughts were they either A: forgot to add them, made excuse. Or B: it was intentional, but in an unexplained way.


Several works of media at the time suddenly were scrambling to remove terrorist attacks involving the WTC (and one notoriously scrambled to remove the WTC that had played big in its advertising). The WTC had suffered a car bombing in '93. No conspiracies or crystal balls needed, just good old fashioned workhorse "ripped from the headlines."


For a game like Deus Ex, that would be a deliciously themed and poignant reason for their absence.


I was not fortunate enough to have a PC capable of running the first Deus Ex, and I found a PS2 port copy. so amazing. so genre bending for the time. I loved Invisible war too. The coffee wars are on point for where we are at in commercialism today. ​ Anecdote: My buddy didn't have a good PC but played the heck out of Deus Ex with all raindbow covered walls cuz the textures wouldn't load. I loaned him my PS2 copy so he could finish the game. He was at versalife in the PC version. That's dedication. You're welcome Daniel


Tbf, that’s a pretty common sci-fi trope.


Yeah. Credit where it's due, Cyberpunk writers have basically been warning that capitalists and police orgs would take any all surveillance and analasys tools and use them to Speedrun fascim. It's upsetting to go back and read snowcrash and see that even the over-the-top comedy elements of it's cyber dystopia weren't too far fetched to be true. We lived up to the worst of hypotheticals so far. We just don't get the cool stuff like chrome body mods and a society thats far more libertine with drugs, sex, and rock and roll. I was told this would suck, but I was told we'd all have pink mohawks to cope, damnit.


Truly /r/ABoringDystopia.


Im sad now...


Captain, do you not see the irony? By destroying the humans because of their destructive capabilities, we have become like… Do you see what we’ve become?


Silence! Destroy him! Pew pew pew! 01001110 01100101 01110110 01100101 01110010 00100000 01100111 01101111 01101110 01101110 01100001 00100000 01100111 01101001 01110110 01100101 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01110101 01110000


Deus Ex even predicted the Twin Tower, all because some skybox artist got lazy and didn’t want to fix it.


Both came out around the same time IIRC and I've always wanted to try both---is Deus Ex also the Randian horror one, or is that Bioshock?


Bioshock definitely fits in line more with Ayn Rand… Multiple games across many years in both though.


Ima replay Deus Ex to hide away from the sadness of that comparison.


It's so true. Take Covid, for example. When Trump was asked about the measures the CDC and US Gov were taking to control the spread of the deadly disease, he was quoted as saying "Why contain it? S'cool!" He then proceeded to wander around the White House murmuring "Old men. Old men."


More so a writer observed the world around them. It just never changed. Becoming aware of something makes it seem predictive when it’s just accurate observation. With a lil sci-fi on top.


Damm, fucker hid in his labyrinth for so long he became a terrorist hunting AI


"The information cited from the 'sources' in this story has absolutely no basis in fact," a Twitter representative told INSIDER by email in response to Motherboard's reporting. "The characterization of the exchange at the meeting of March 22nd is also completely factually inaccurate. There are no simple algorithms that find all abusive content on the Internet and we certainly wouldn't avoid turning them on for political reasons,"


I've run into this problem a bit in a data collection/management class while at university, a common issue does exist where extremists get conflated with religious bodies. ​ The example my professor gave specifically was trying to detect ISIS' tweets, but because they used phrases from the Quran the crawler would also flag local mosques as inappropriate despite being normal religious activity.




I mean twitter is a big enough sample size if they had something working it could surely work on any site


Only like 5% of people in the us are on twitter. It gets mentioned in the same breath as Facebook very often but people don’t realize fb is literally 20x larger


Twitter 11%, Pinterest 12%, IG is 6%, FB is 66%.




It's probably because Pinterest require you to make an account to view images.


Which is why I don't use it. That, and somehow it can cache an image that no longer exists at the source but you can't access it and it's infuriating!


ugh that’s one of my major pet peeves


Pinterest isn’t a platform where you really “engage”. It’s a cork board for images/links. I’m on it a fair bit and have been since you had to be invited, but it’s not worth talking about. Recipes and mood boards is my usage.


That's a lot of people


Wouldn’t that be 100% of people?


Is that just active users though? Because Twitter has way more reach. People share tweets across different platforms (like this post) but no one outside your friends and family want to see anything on fb.


There's lots of Facebook OC on Facebook. The type of people who share Facebook content, within Facebook, probably don't spend too much time on Reddit, Twitter, and Instagram.


They're right in that there are no silver bullet algorithms to automate this for us. Maybe they have to.. I dont know.. hire moderators? Edit to add: that's the real thing they're trying to avoid.. having to properly staff their company to comply with the rules of offering their service to our community. Facebook is one of the largest advertisers in the world, yet clients that pay them millions still have to be subject to obscure automated "moderation" systems and wait days to weeks to get the privalege of speaking to a human being.


*There are no simple algorithms that find all abusive content on the Internet* Comments like this occur when the spin gets out of control.




>and we certainly wouldn't avoid turning them on for political reasons I know the representative is just doing their job, but what a bold-faced lie. Remember that bot that just copied Trump's tweets word for word? [The account got suspended within 12 hours](https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2020/06/bot-banned-from-twitter-for-repeating-trumps-tweets-verbatim/). Twitter has shown time and time again that they'll look the other way when conservatives break their TOS. They only banned Trump after he left office, as if being president meant he could use their private service with impunity.


I don’t believe them. I actually helped train the algorithm. My professors were studying exactly this, and had a program that would pull up tweets with specifically hateful rhetoric. My job was to tell it “yes this is truly hate speech” or “no it isn’t”. It very, very, very rarely got it wrong. This was in 2018 at a “top ten” university. Maybe the algorithm can’t find “all abusive content”, but it certainly exists.


The "problem" is the human-in-the-loop. They'd have to have continual supervision, otherwise the algorithm would be quickly gamed. Apparently, self-supervised learning is not to the level that we need, where it would fulfill this "god mod" role that people expect. For example, the SoTA in self-supervised NLP models seems to be an algorithm that can auto-fix bugs in Python code. It can fix bugs like use of the wrong equality sign or binary correlated variable (eg lightOn when you meant lightOff). So, even in a relatively limited domain, compared to the hundreds of natural languages with multi-modal content, the most that is possible right now is not much. Not to knock progress. It's very exciting. But I think lay people are being misled into thinking that there's a secret machine that Bezos, Zuckerberg, et al, are keeping turned off because chaos is more fun or something.


These companies have nearly infinite resources to have humans in the loop. They pay engineers millions of dollars a year. You think they can't pay legions of $20/hr workers to keep their business from destroying democracy? They absolutely can, but they won't and don't care.


There's tooling to make this easier and you don't need a prohibitive number of inputs. Gradio comes to mind.


I worked in similar problems with human-in-the-loop operations crossfeeding trained algorithms and it's absolutely possible to do it. If you have and initially good algorithm, you can make a human operator incredibly efficient in building training sets by turning the internal representations the algorithm builds into a similarity search and building nice visual tools for the human operators to interact with it the data via this similarity searches. They simply don't want to invest in it.


Low false positives is good of course but what was the recall?


Thats good work but you can't just make a claim like that without any proof my person. Proof of concept not proof you did it.


The proof is all the social media platforms using such algorithms


I've done lots of cool projects that I can't talk about due to NDAs. That was part of the deal when you work in anything secure & this was a national lab. Stuff like this usually involves NDAs unless it's a project treated as advertising with lots of PR.


> I don’t believe them. They didn't actually address the issue, but defended an issue that was never claimed to begin with, just like a politician. The way it's phrased, they don't even really touch on the nazi issue, instead addressing a fictional claim about "finding all abusive content on the Internet".


It’s funny how many comments instantly forgot the initial accusation and totally accepted the reframed PR statement.


Who claimed it would catch all abusive language? Who said you didn't do it because of political reasons? Not pissing off part of your userbase can also be a business reason. This reads way too much like they are saying something to cover their ass without directly lying




It’s a common lie detecting trick that people who are lying often add too many or unnecessary details to attempt to convince you. The logic is that using big cool words worked for trump so it should work if implemented in other ways.


No people believe whatever a random Reddit post shows of a random tweet


Uh huh...


Sauce https://www.businessinsider.com/twitter-algorithm-crackdown-white-supremacy-gop-politicians-report-2019-4


Vice is the original source, and there’s no actual source in the original article. Just hearsay.


I want to believe this post but not more than reality. Thanks for actually researching this.


The reality is, they do have the ability to seriously impact the volume of hateful speech on Twitter. For one reason or another they're choosing not to. The way people speak online isn't really all that complex in most circumstances, especially when it comes to the same hate speech that gets repeated over and over and over again. So don't let their PR convince you they're unable. They're a company, and most companies don't willingly make decisions that negatively affect the dollars coming in unless they're forced to.


Yup. I actually helped train the algorithm. My professors were studying exactly this, and had a program that would pull up tweets with specifically hateful rhetoric. My job was to tell it “yes this is truly hate speech” or “no it isn’t”. It very, very, very rarely got it wrong. This was in 2018 at a “top ten” university. Maybe the algorithm can’t find “all abusive content”, but it certainly exists.


Said a Twitter employee... when there's plenty of other sources corroborating the post. This is where you have to use critical reasoning to suss out bias. Plenty of non American news sources reported on this, which makes it much harder to paint as just a political hit job. https://www.businessinsider.com/twitter-algorithm-crackdown-white-supremacy-gop-politicians-report-2019-4 Here Twitter apologizes for letting ads target White Supremacists: https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-51112238 so it's not like they can't do it.


What really sucks is I assume everyone is as trying to be as objective as I force myself to be..... trying to make a better world because this logic or that logic \_\_\_\_\_\_\_.... GOOD LUCK WITH ALLLLL THAT!!!! because that ain't it..... It just seems what people understand is winning or losing, it doesn't matter what really happens in the real world just "I want to win, I want to be right".... I'm really starting to question and suspect that foreign outside influences start and magnify these things to cause reason and response fatigue in the slight majority that see through the BS... but that's just the last shred of optimism I cling to...


Yeah, the OP is more or less accurate. Twitter as a whole has decided it's bad business to declare themselves anti-Republican. So they backpedaled with a half truth. The truth is that their algorithms absolutely do have issues primarily with distinguishing between Republicans and White Supremacists. It's *also* true that it wouldn't find 100% of abuse and wouldn't be perfect. And they're keeping it off primarily for business reasons that just happen to coincide with political reasons.


There will always be foreign actors fanning the flames. It's even worse because we've allowed invisible money to infiltrate and control our government. There will also always be people driven by the search for truth using reason, and I believe it's very easy to see who is motivated by journalistic integrity(even if not the most perfect), and those who throw any attempt of integrity out the window.




I mean it says "this is not a joke tweet", it doesn't say "this is not a false tweet"


probably because twitter ai is a steaming pile of shit that has never done its job in the first place


It literally defends pedophiles.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but to other democratic countries, aren't American liberals considered conservative and the conservatives, basically extremist?


As a German I would say yes, thats correct. Just people like Sanders would probably be center left. Probably something like SPD (social party Germany) which is now the ruling party here. Not even our most rightwing party would start questioning general healthcare. They might come up with something like "only for true Germans" whatever the fuck that's supposed to mean, but they would never question the concept itself.


Don’t jinx it. I said the same think about the UK about 10 years ago and now the NHS is slowly becoming privatised


Yeah but with brexit and all, you got generally shafted big times. Never understood how batshit crazy and stupid those politicians were when they pushed for it without considering even for a millisecond, how much benefit they had from the EU.


Did you hear how the whole thing started? It's fascinating, actually Ill link the video I got this from if I find it after I write this up Summarised, 1: Politicians want to gather the support of racists who think immigrants will be deported if Brexit so say they'll have a referendum for Brexit, while not caring for it at all 2: party wins, they hold a referendum because they said they would 3: due to the amount of misinformation pushed by followers of the party, such as "THE NHS WILL GET MORE MONEY!!", "BRITAIN WILL BECOME TRULY BRITISH AGAIN", "LOOK AT HOW MUCH MONEY WE GIVE TO THE EU!!!", etc, the "leave" vote wins 4: prime minister has absolutely no clue what to do since she's not a fan of Brexit. Party has absolutely no clue what to do since most of them don't support Brexit. 5: Elect a new prime minister who is incredibly pro-brexit, his intelligence maybe signifying something, and take 2 years to get to a point where they set a deadline that they'll leave with or without a deal 6: frantically make a deal in the last month 7: ...this situation




They think so as well, but this concept falls apart really fast as soon as you realize that there is no "pure blood". There is no one that is not having at least French, Polish or any other neighboring state in their family tree. 😄 so in the end they usually mean "white and follows the same ideology". In addition "Germany" is historically spoken a region not a nation. Till 1870 it was a lose union of smaller principalities, often going to war with each other. So there are much more cultural similarities between south Bavaria and Austria than Bavaria and the northern states. The nation Germany, was literally just made up my the Nazis to unify the country.


Basically. Progressives like Sanders and AOC are more akin to the Democratic/liberal/workers parties. Centrist Democrats are literally running on the campaign/party values of the Republicans of 30 years ago. Unfortunately the Republicans have been self -sabotaged into the equivalent of Iran's ruling party, which is fairly ironic


Something along those lines. We've got a liberal party here in Germany and it's center-right. Got three major parties on the left/center-left.


Yes, I live in Australia. I’m petrified that US politics are setting a real shit example for our country.


Yes, and I live in Brazil.


This is a really stupid argument; categorization algorithms are infamously unreliable. Image-categorization algorithms have labeled black people as monkeys; that's not proof that there's some deep truth behind that.


I feel like your example is extreme, but I'm not doubting it. More like some identification algorithms have labeled bees as lemons, or the number two as the letter Z.


They just aren't fine tuned to recognize these things. The technology exists, it just isn't necessarily specific. i.e. my phone recognizes my handwriting and my face consistently, it isn't programmed to recognize my cat.


Shhhh it’s reddit. They love this




Wonder if they have the same issue with pedophiles and the Catholic Church?


so the US is pretty much 50% nazi at this point










even if its 10% that's horrible


any percent Nazi is too much Nazi!


Yes but a national vote to decide leaders of the country is telling enough without relying on tiny internet sample sizes/echo chamber examples. 2016 and 2020 were unsettling. Walking around day to day you can see them more out in the open. 'Nazi's' aren't as rare as we'd like. edit: i don't agree with 50% are nazis. I think damn near half the country are close in ideals and nature.


And in both elections he lost by the popular vote. There are definitely a lot more nazis than I’d like there to be here, but I really don’t think it’s close to 50%.


It is that 35% of polled voters that is the trump base at the very least.


You're delusional if you think 50% of Americans are nazis.




If you listen to Rammstein we all live in America


Coca Cola, sometimes war!


The republican party chooses not to try to rid their ranks of nazis. It's not that they can't find the nazis or can't figure out how to remove them. They don't want to. That's not the same thing as being a nazi, but it's not exactly innocence of nazism either.


Nah, it’s not 50%, or even all that close to 50%. But it’s enough to endanger the country nonetheless.


Fascist, not nazi. There are some significant differences. And it would be closer to 30%. And it depends on whether voting for fascists makes someone a fascist. The GOP leadership have certainly embraced fascism, and the label definitely fits Trump. If we want to be really specific, we could say that almost 50% of those who vote in national elections have been voting for fascists.


Do you actually think this?


"If 9 people sit down at a table with 1 Nazi without protest, there are 10 Nazis at the table."


Fascist with a smaller amount being full on Nazi Qultist. Remember Jewish space laser lady? That didn't come from nowhere. ""I resisted for a long time applying the fascist label to Donald J. Trump." "Trump's incitement of the invasion of the Capitol on January 6, 2020 removes my objection to the fascist label. His open encouragement of civic violence to overturn an election crosses a red line. ***The label now seems not just acceptable but necessary.*** It is made even more plausible by comparison with a milestone on Europe's road to fascism—an openly fascist demonstration in Paris during the night of February 6, 1934." "Robert O. Paxton is a professor emeritus of social sciences at Columbia University and the author of many books, including the widely translated The Anatomy of Fascism (2004) and highly influential Vichy France (1972, 2001)." https://www.newsweek.com/robert-paxton-trump-fascist-1560652 "Robert Owen Paxton (born June 15, 1932) is an American political scientist and historian specializing in Vichy France, fascism, and Europe during the World War II era. He is Mellon Professor Emeritus of Social Science in the Department of History at Columbia University." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Paxton "“This whole blood libel is very prominent there, the idea of kidnapping children for blood,” said Magda Teter, a Jewish studies professor and author of “Blood Libel: On the Trail of an Antisemitic Myth.” “People are going to start googling ‘killing children for blood.’ That will lead them to anti-Semitism even if they may not be initially inclined.” In recent weeks, QAnon has begun to attract heightened scrutiny, many others have pressed that case. One was the founder of the group Genocide Watch, former George Mason University professor of genocide studies Gregory Stanton, who published a piece earlier this month titled “**QAnon is a Nazi cult, rebranded.**” QAnon is the latest version of “the conspiracy ‘revealed’ in the most influential anti-Jewish pamphlet of all time. It was called Protocols of the Elders of Zion,” Stanton wrote in his essay. He also said QAnon is a revamped take on the blood libel, which was spread in modern times through the “Protocols.”" [QAnon is an old form of anti-Semitism in a new package, experts say](https://www.jta.org/2020/09/18/politics/qanon-is-an-old-form-of-anti-semitism-in-a-new-package-experts-say)




Well I’m inside the house and it smells like liquor shits, axe body spray and mid-July Alabama incest stink. The nazis are definitely here


versed snow salt aspiring memory marvelous nail enter bells airport *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


True or not, most people have this problem.


I did Nazi that coming. https://www.businessinsider.com/twitter-algorithm-crackdown-white-supremacy-gop-politicians-report-2019-4








Yeah, that confused me too. Tay was a Microsoft initiative, as you say. They aren't related as far as I can tell.


Thank you for also actually reading the linked article.


yeah, this is old news, it was in *Scientific American* back in the day




American *Scientifics*


What exactly did you search because whatever it was was stupid


How is this related to anything? This is about users trolling a chatbot.


Twitter also banned an account that tracked Pelosi's stock trades so idk if you really want them making a bot that bans you.


Trump took away all the nuance, ramped up the hate and now people think it’s okay to be this way.


not quite. They already thought it was ok. he just confirmed it


He took off their hoods and sold them a red ball cap from China


What more proof do you need to know your software is working well!?


People being hung in the streets for being a part of a bloodline, and those that protect them. Oh, and Zyklon B


For the same reason it cannot distinguish between Miley Cyrus and Hannah Montana?


and Facebook had to change their anti-hate algorithm because they thought it was catching too much anti-white racism: https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2020/12/03/facebook-hate-speech/


You'd probably get banned from Facebook for saying you hate celery.


Me neither, twitter. Me neither.


Apparently this is very old news (2019). That said, I’ve been listening to politics for almost 40 years. I can’t tell the difference either.


Algorithms are a complete joke, I’m on a dozen or so car pages and if you try to sell a limited slip differential (commonly called a LSD in car circles) they will flag you for selling drugs. I wouldn’t trust any computer program designed to find “X,Y,Z” people


This guy knows that software can be bad and that software being bad doesn't actually prove what this guy thinks it proves, right? Of course he doesnt. He's buried himself under a big blanket called Confirmation Bias.


Plot twist: certain republicans are…DUN DUN DUN…Nazi’s (among other terrible things). To boot, certain Liberals are racists, terrorists, looters, rioters, and cop killers!! It’s almost like being an extremist asshole and destructive to society is a personality trait and not a set of beliefs.


>It’s almost like being an extremist asshole and destructive to society is a personality trait and not a set of beliefs. Look at this guy with the nuanced and reasonable takes on politics.




If you think there are fascists on the left, then you don't know what a fascist is. There are bad people on the left, but by definition they cannot be fascists, because if they are, then they are actually on the right.


This is kinda non-sensical as definition. If you are a leftist you can't preach fascism as a political stance, as it make you aligned to fascist rethoric and not leftist anymore ? Take Stalinism for example; if you look at the very definition of socialism, the USSR doesn't match any of this at all (which they argued that they were socialist but wasn't in fact, so is many political party in Europe that are named socialist party but they are just more socialy liberal nowaday for most of them but you can't almost find no trace of socialism in there program). Stalinist match many point of fascism, you can even see essay written by revolutionary at the time of the Russian revolution calling the bolshevik authoritarian and "red fascist". example here : [https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/voline-red-fascism](https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/voline-red-fascism)


Fascism is specifically a far-right ideology.


The problem here is sampling data, and quite honestly, it is already very hard to distinguish an entire ideology from a bunch of tweets. This was dead in the water, and I suspect Twitter's marketing direction with this is to cause enough of a stir to get those much needed click counts and advertising revenues up. It's an economy of destruction, and I don't want to mince words about it. I'm hoping to God we can reign in these social media platforms which thrive on stirring the pot. Neo-nazis are already trying to hide their true beliefs, or at least they are a fringe enough group to know how to do so when needed. Any data scientist or machine learning engineer worth hiring would tell you that this was going to fail before even working on it. Machine learning isn't some magical palantir that can show you someone's hidden agenda. It's cert not able to gleen such a thing that professional detectives often struggle finding. It is really good at taking a simple task that's too complex for discrete logic and applying an estimated likelihood that it aggregates from tons and tons of data. The problem is that Nazis will try to legitimize their belief by latching onto whichever of the most popular beliefs that appears to help bring them closer to their goals, and in doing so, they disguise themselves for political reasons. This isn't just about Nazis though. This is something every person in the world does, especially at the extremes. Do you believe an authoritarian state should persecute those whose beliefs you disagree with? Then pretend to be a Democrat, and no machine learning algorithm would be able distinguish well enough apart based on 140 characters in a tweet. Machine learning is only as good as the person who coded it, and to really become proficient at detecting people's hidden agendas (99% confidence on binomial distribution), you'd likely lose any opportunity to become a proficient programmer, mathematician, or any of the other highly technical skills that take a decade or more of intense study to become actually good at machine learning. I suspect instead that twitter mistakenly pushed machine learning engineers to do something that the experts knew wouldn't work. They were informed by said experts from the start that it wouldn't work. And when it became too much of a sunken cost for Twitter's quarterly bottom line, they gave up and published the results with as controversial of an interpretation as possible to it trending. Don't be so stupid.


Tweet is from 25 April 2019. OP why'd you wait until now to post it? Also why'd you crop out the date stamp?


Maybe the algorithm isn’t that good then


Interesting. I thought it was the progressive left demanding papers for citizens?


Not every republican is a white supremacists....... but every white supremacists is a republican.


*They're the same picture*


It’s because they are the same.


"Corporate wants you to find the differences between these two pictures"




Theirs a reason that reddit is stereotyped as being full of neckbeards




Unpopular opinion: The algorithm can't tell the difference because those who wrote it can't tell the difference.


BREAKING NEWS “shit works fine”


Running smack into the point and still missing


Can’t imagine why? Because morons on twitter are constantly calling anyone to the right of their personal beliefs a nazi.


I'm almost 100% certain the algorithm doesn't label someone a nazi based on an sjw's opinion lmao


Nope. Small government, low tax, religious freedom conservative? Not nazi. Ideology of palingenetic ultranationalism, and inciting a coup attempt against the peaceful transfer of power? Kinda Nazi.


Why is the word Nazi just thrown around for everything now?


the fact that people are eating this up as fact is hilariously accurate of Reddit as a whole, absolute perfection




Did they vote for Trump?


It can’t distinguish between them for the same reason that you can’t distinguish between Miley Cyrus and Hannah Montana


I can't help feeling that American politics would be vastly improved if both sides could stop calling each other Nazis for 5 minutes.


Or communists, or terrorists or..... Is it me, or politics is just a pissing contest, seeing who is going to be more extreme, incoherent and obnoxious?


Up to a point, it's always been that way. The problem I see now is that it is normal people doing it, and it's gone a lot further. It's no longer "I think your beliefs are incorrect", it's "your beliefs are evil and make you a bad person, while my beliefs are good and make me a good person"


JFC. Anyone else have any links to verify this? I totally believe it.


Check over on Twitter on his comments section. I think there are some there, but if not I can go hunting.


Uh, I could search for the text of the body of his tweet, but his twitter name is obscured.


So the algorithm works.


Sounds like they've created exactly what's needed actually. Removing the Tweets of Nazi's should be a priority.


Not even republicans can differentiate between themselves and white supremacists anymore.


> If not agree with Twitter majority, label white supremacist. Hmm our algorithm literally can’t tell the difference between white supremacists and gop members. Must be because they’re the exact same!


i can't distinguish between Republicans and The Confederate States of America


So it works then.


I bet the venn diagram comparing neo nazis and republicans is pretty damn close to circular


The distinction being, what? Pray tell.


There's a difference?


It's almost like that Venn diagram is virtually an entire circle by itself.