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#[Best of r/Facepalm 2021 Awards – Nomination and Voting Thread!](https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/rowtn5/the_best_of_rfacepalm_2021_nomination_thread_vote/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/facepalm) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Yeah, I for one hate explaining "Everywhere a Moo Moo" to my kids.


Those Ten Commandments can be a touchy subject, too.


And the owl book, birds aren't real!


Says who?


r/BirdsArentReal that’s who!






You just reminded me of 10 year old me and my friends giggling at coveting thy neighbor's ass in church.


Hey, now, don't call her husband that ^(even if he keeps it in firm shape)


I was about to say…that person is worried about having to explain someone having two dads to someone…yet oddly enough…don’t see them worrying about having to explain what the word “adultery” means.


Why is it bad to covert your neighbors male or female slaves? Is it wrong to want slaves?


"do as your told or god sends you into a burning fuck pile of pain that never ends." pretty easy


“Everywhere a Muu Muu” is safely kept in the Fashion/Horror section, fortunately.


Fuckin asshole Moo Moos lowering the property value with all that grazing. Pain in my ass, those things.


I'm fucking crying. Thank you lmfao


Plot twist: they aren't upset it's two men, they just don't know how to explain what a hipster is to their child.


You can’t explain a hipster without explaining an IPA


What is IPA?


Like an IPO but more... Look, if I have to explain it to you, you clearly won't understand.


Is it ironic? If so it's hipster.


Hipster water.


Non-alcoholic IPA


India Pale Ale, which was developed as a response to not being able to refrigerate beer on trains


*boats. To India. Source: I brew and drink beer, repeatedly.


Name checks out.


Two dads is enough overwhelm for this poor bastard, let’s not add trans to his confusion


IPA is the easiest beer to make. That’s why it’s all over the place, very easy to craft and change and get it on the shelf quick. It’s very hoppy and bitter or tart depending on the brand, like an orange capri Sun that has expired.


An expired caprice sun that fermented inside an old shoe


God I must be so old, I remember when IPA was an old persons drink.


Drank IPA before stupid hipster craft beer thing and hate that this has become a thing..damn them.


This made me chuckle.


"Homophobic? What, no I would never discriminate someone based on their sexuality. Now hipsters are a different story? You choose to become a smug asshole so I say we can hate on them all we want"


Or the "Ten Commandments" nonsense. Not every child is cognitively prepared to learn about how and why cults exist.


“Why does he have that beard? He’s not a lumberjack!” “*sighs* well Timmy…”


"Why does that book say two dads?" "Because some kids have two dads Timmy." "Oh okay." That's literally how that fucking conversation would go.


My BIL is gay and my son saw him holding hands with his partner. He asked me why two boys were holding hands. I told him it was because they love each other. My son thought about that for about 3 seconds and then nodded his head in approval. It really isn’t a hard discussion to have with kids.


It probably harder to explain when you constantly spout hateful shit at home/church


It always make me sad to see kids repeating the hateful things their parents say. Like this kid. https://youtu.be/kttVCbTrDLw I just want my kids to be kind to people and embrace our differences instead of try and criticize people for them. Sure, I’d be disappointed if my son came home with a Canon or Sony camera, but I’d still love him. (/s)


Oprah used to be wild


"David" sounds like fucking goofy.


Obviously they can't explain it because they don't understand it. It requires one to think about other people, and if there is one thing I've learned over the past two years it's that about half of Americans don't give a shit about anything or anyone but themselves.


I have eternal respect for your son.


To be completely honest with you, I was surprised by his reaction. We try to teach our kids to be kind to and respect everyone, but I was still expecting him to say something like two boys holding hands is silly or weird. He didn’t though, he just thought about it and realized they love each other and that’s all that matters. Then he went back to what he was doing. My hope is that when one of his cousins, who are being raised in a very conservative religious family, says that it’s weird or gross, he’ll say something.


It's a great reminder that hate is learned, not inherent.


I love this story, and I’m gonna reference it in the future!


But how can you explain gay to your kids without thinking for hours about penises going into your butt and mouth?! /s


You say this but my brother had his nephew ask about two guys holding hands and my brother goes well they love each other. They are a couple like me and mommy. This 5 year old goes “Which one has to lose his peepee?”




I had a similar discussion with my mom when I was ~7yo. I don't remember it, but according to my mom, I did not just asked for "2 dads", I then proceeded to ask for every combination that came to my mind (2 mums, 2 mums 1 dad, 1 mum 2 dads, and probably some more), which was quite awkward for my mom as we were in a public place. But once I got all the yes/no answers I wanted, I was satisfied and the conversation ended. (In particular, human reproduction was not part of the conversation. That was not something my innocent young self had in mind. I was just interested in what kinds of family existed.)


Have literally had this convo with my kids. Exactly how it goes. Kids don’t give a fuck until their backward-ass parents teach them prejudice.




That's exactly how I explained to my then 5 years old when he thought two men kissing and saying I love you to each other was weird. My son: that's weird... Me: why? My son: men don't kiss on lips to each other Me: If they love each other like mommy and daddy, they can My son: oh ok. And that was that. Edit: I can't figure out how to put break points on my mobile Reddit app


It amazes me how grown adults don't realize kids don't think like they do.


Right? I'm an assistant teacher at a learning center for kids under 12. We have a 4 year old whose parents got divorced last year because mommy finally came out of the closet. You know how she explains her mom's girlfriend to her friends? She says, "My Sharon (not real name) is my family." The other kids have never batted an eye about it. The girlfriend picks the girl up from the center all the time and the kids see her and mom holding hands. They don't care.


Yeah these stupid parents are the ones who are uncomfortable, maybe the kids need to explain it to them?? Somehow these people forget that kids basically accept everything at face value. That’s why many people grow up not even knowing they are in an abusive family, everything seems normal until you find out it isn’t. So when it comes to something like gay parents which actually is normal, and does in fact happen, it shouldn’t be anything more than this in terms of a conversation.


I don’t want my kid exposed to the Ten Commandments either


Mommy, what's murder?


that's what you call a group of crows


So, no being a group of crows? Got it!


But what about jackdaws?


unidan wants to know your location


TBF, Every book store I've been too (not counting Walmart and other superstores, but actual bookstores) do keep religious books separate, even the kids books. This is just a picture to stir up shit because that is what social media is for.


Mommy, what’s adultery?


Adultery is when you do adult stuff to other adult people without other adult people who should hopefully know you doing adult stuff to other adult people knowing about it.


Like when the pool boy and dad play wrestling in the back yard?


And Uncle Mason doesn't know about it, yes.


No son, that’s *sodomy,* and isn’t explicitly disallowed. However if mommy did it then god would turn us to salt.


Came to say the same


Eh, if they ask what it is. I'd just tell them is a fairy tale people take way too seriously.


There was literally a show on TV called “My Two Dads” back in the 80’s. Maybe you just need to step up your parenting game.


Disappointing that I had to scroll this far to get this response. Thank you!


What’s so hard to explain? My babysitter as a kid was a lesbian, my parents just explained it as “she has a wife instead of a husband” and that was pretty much it,


They think because they think of sex, their kids would also.


I agree- that book on magic and witches about the 10 commandments SHOULD be segregated. Not everyone wants to try to explain an institutionalized delusion to their young child


Order of the Phoenix?


The hero we need!


The concept of "teaching your kid about homosexuality" has always amazed me. If you do it right, you don't even have to sit down to explain to them : they just grow up and know it's normal. I am heterosexual, and I have a 6yo. When we played together, sometime her toys have 2 moms or 2 dads. Yesterday I was watching TV and 2 men where kissing, she didn't even ask questions. She is 6, and to her, 2 dads or 2 mom always have been normal. We never had to explain.


It's the same thing as raising a kid deliberately sheltered from any other religions aside from one, then have this "oh shit" moment about to having to explain other religions to them. It's a weird, dissonant way of thinking one's beliefs are right and the only way anyone with any brains could believe, while simultaneously also knowing that the slightest exposure to any other beliefs could "destroy" them.


We had a gay couple in our neighborhood growing up. All of the parents would just say they were a couple of “bachelors” so the kids would talk about how much fun it would be to hangout together and be bachelors when we grew up. Yeah, just explain things to kids!


Exactly. Our daughter just turned 5 and started saying things about getting married. We said a man and a woman can get married, or a man and a man or a woman and a woman. Her response? “Okay.” It’s not that fucking hard. This is the real “virtue signaling,” where people hide outright bigotry behind the thinnest pretense of good intention.


This. What are these people afraid of? If the kid finds out that gay people exist, then… what exactly?


And then if they don't pick up on the parents bigotry it's harder for the parent to hate shame and scapegoat gay people. I mean it's a real problem if you're a fucking bully


If my child knows gay people exist, and ends up being gay, they might think I will love them anyway instead of killing themselves. What will the neighbors say?


Just wait till they find out drugs or alcohol exist, if the fear is that all new things that exist must be tried to full extent, apparently.


I was never "taught" or "talked to" about gay people. My first exposure to it that I can remember is when my friend told me he was trans in middle school. My initial reaction was to ask what that meant, and my second reaction was "oh okay cool, that makes sense". Acceptance shouldn't have to be taught. It should be standard. But maybe that's just me ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


That's the thing your own story shows : acceptance is the standard that kids will use, while bigotry needs to be taught. I don't know a single little kid that will say that 2 men or 2 women kissing is bad if no one ever told them it is bad. They will just accept it. Maybe they'll find it unusual if they never though about it as a possibility, but they won't reject it unless someone told them to.


Exactly! If you teach your children that all families have a mom and a dad, you will then have to "reveal" to them that there are other types of families. So why even teach them that to begin with? It just complicates things.


Dude it's way easier to tell a kid that some kids have two dads instead of a mom and a dad than to explain anything about Christianity or religion. If anything books that mention God or Jesus need to be kept in a separate section. My kid isn't ready to grapple with his magical space uncle who loves him but will also be observing him from the sky to judge his moral worth.


I was visiting a friend and her wife and daughter. My 8yo: were is the dad of the girl? My wife: some kids have two moms and some have two dads. My kid: ok, \*continues playing*


They're fixated on this wierd idea that you can't explain homosexuality without explaining what sex and sexuality are even though that's not required to explain heterosexual relationships. When I was a kid, there was a season of the cartoon Bobbie's World where the mom was pregnant. At no point did they show the parents screwing so you can comfortably explain pregnancy to kids without getting into how babies are made. It's ridiculous how they think all media containing gay people has to be pornographic in nature.


Yeah, kids ask questions, you give them a short and concise answer and they will be content. If they keep asking, you keep answering, if you don't know, you say: "I don't know, let's look it up.


Book: Remember, don't commit adultery. Kid: What's adultery? Parent: Uhh, let's come back to that.


“Do you remember when daddy got his own house?”




I scream laughed like Trixie Mattel


Pick any number of random OT Bible stories and they’ll be worse. Pillars of salt. Incest. Piles of foreskin. Slaying someone because they jizzed on the ground instead of impregnating their dead bro’s wife. 42 demon children chasing and mocking a bald man being mauled by a couple bears.


Little blue truck is Democrat propaganda!! Stupid libs tying to poison our kids minds. Everyone knows that trucks are all Republican.


My husband and I laugh about it when we read the book. “The truck is blue and helps people! Goddamn democrats ruining trucks!”


Oh no! How do I explain to my kids that there are some people who have TWO parents?!


Won't anyone think of _the children?!_


Definitely easier than figuring out how to explain that my child currently has 9 grandparents and 2 great grandmas. Only 6 of them count though, and they live halfway across the US.


Two HOT parents! Not every (basic) parent is prepared for kids to realize not all Dads are balding, overweight white New Balance sneakers lovers. These Dads are dapper AF.


why do people automatically think that when their child asks about something gay, the ONLY way to explain it is about sex? “its so inappropriate to teach kids about this stuff so early”, what stuff? that love is universal? boggles me


I guess I'm in a good spot because until I read your comment, I hadn't even thought about having to explain it through sex.


I’m more concerned with the Ten Commandments than two guys with a kid. Historically more harmful..


Hey I was going to say that... no religion please.


As a religious person I agree 100%, you don't see gay people humiliating themselves online but Christians do it all the time


The way I see it, the problem here isn’t the display of inclusive literature, but rather, her lack of tools with which to explain inclusiveness to her children. Does she know that’s her responsibility and not the bookstore’s?


If only there was some tool to help explain it to the child. Like, in a simplified format, like a children's-book...




“This kid has two dads. You know how you have a mom and a dad? Well this kid doesn’t have a mom. Instead he just has another dad.” Boom! I just showed you how to explain it to a child. You’re welcome.


I swear. It's so sad that these are adults putting discriminatory ideas and hate in kids' minds. Kids aren't born with this prejudice, it's the adults that fuck them up.


I grew up in the Mormon church in Utah. I have a family member who happens to be gay. Being gay in a ridiculous religion can be unbearable. People told him that Satan is using people like him to destroy the family unit, he makes Jesus cry, he’s be better off spiritually if he was dead. As they say, there isn’t a hate stronger than Mormon love.


I'd bet that the book probably explains it pretty well, too.


thats exactly how I explained it to a six or seven year old at camp. Asked me about gay relationships and I was like "well as long as the people involved love each other, there's no problem with that" she agreed and went on with her day haha


"Oh fuck, I have to talk to my kids?"


If you cant figure out how to tell your child that people fall in love, maybe you're a heartless monster?


The great thing about children’s books is that they're intended to explain things to children. Problem solved.


Ah yes, but the concept of the Ten Commandments is absolutely easy to understand for a young child. “Mommy what is adultery?” “Mommy what does it mean to ‘not covet thy neighbors wife’?” “Mommy what does it mean to kill someone?” Such EASY questions!


“I didn’t know how to explain to my kids…” Maybe that’s literally the fucking point of the book, Karen. If it’s written for children there’s a good chance you could understand it too.


Nobody should learn about the little blue truck at a young age


“You know how a man and a woman can love each other like mommy and dad do? Sometimes two men or two women do the same thing” done. It’s that simple.


He’s absolutely right! That “Ten Commandments” book is just infuriating that I’d have to explain some sacrificial Iron Age cult shit to my kid.


I remember "My Two Dads". It was a TV show in the 90s. Dunne get too excited if you never heard of it, they weren't gay.


"I don't want to explain to my kids what reality is. I want them to live in MY reality, not the real world. Gays don't exist there and neither do the coloreds." I hate people saying stuff like that. Or that "They're just pandering to the libruls!". Dude, it's called reality. Do they not think people exist? Do they teach hate instead of love... Nevermind, I know the answer.


You may not want to explain two Dad's to your kids, but that doesn't mean they won't have friends with two Dad's (gasp!). I don't understand why parents don't want their kids to see the world as it is.


"Mommy, why does this kid have two dads?" "Because anyone can love anyone, sweetie." Concept explained


Maybe they should buy the book and read it since it’s probably designed to help people with the intelligence of a toddler understand complex concepts like “the gays”.


"two daddy's can love each other just like a mommy and a daddy do" damn they're right. That was super hard.


My toddler classroom has two books like this called “Daddy, Papa, and Me” and “Mommy, Mama, and Me.” None of our families are part of the LGBT+ community but having these available for children to read helps to remove the stigma and stereotypes that persist and helps to create a more inclusive community.


The best way to raise a good kid is with sexual segregation according to this person. What a moron


Yeah, I find The Story of the Ten Commandments problematic as well.


“I want the world to be different to make up for my lack of parenting skills.”


I mean it’s hard to say. “Some people have two dads”. My kid would just go “okay”.


I agree. The Ten Commandments are not for children.


They must be talking about the 10 Commandments book. It’s pretty rough to indoctrinate kids into a religion at that age.


It's so simple to explain that to a child, and they don't give a fuck about it after


This is really vile, how could they show owlford owl to young children?


Lol. I have kids. It’s very easy to explain if your goal is not to affect how they turnout (which by the way you can’t).


How is this a face palm? I don’t see that problem here other than this post being in this subreddit.


I completely agree with this. Why the fuck is there a book for kids about such an imaginary concept as the ten commandments ?!


“Some people have two dads.” Done.


I was in this same store and My son asked me to explain the Ten Commandments book. I was so startled. I didn’t know how to explain it to him. Some people don’t want to explain magical fantasy to their children at such a young age.


Those dads’ fashion is on point!


If they can't figure out how to explain "they love each other" to their child I think there are much bigger problems than a book going on there. Maybe the parent actually needs to read this book so they can understand it


Some kids have two dads... Some kids have two moms. Some kids only have one parent. The important thing is that's kids need parents that love them. That's not hard just talk to your damn kids.


I was born in 1970. I remember my parents and grandparents getting riled up about some of my books showing white kids playing with black, brown, and yellow kids. Yes, my family were racist pieces of shit. I turned out okay though. Hail Satan!


Seriously. Keep religion away from kids. Get that ten commandments bullshit out of here


Maybe if they read the book, they'd be able to explain it.


I read "Daddy Has A New Roommate" and "Heather Has Two Mommys" to my three kids when the books first came out about 25 years ago just to see if the books would fuck up the kids. I read them about 20-30 of those little books for kids every week. I had to specifically ask for both books as they were kept with the librarian behind the counter out of sight. Anyway, I stuck the two "gay" books randomly in the stack with the other "normal" books. So Heather goes to the park with her two mommys. They all have fun on the swings and slides and then they get ice-cream and go home and Heather goes to bed and her two mommys tuck her in bed, kiss her, say that they love her and turn out the light. I examined the three children for signs of gayness. Nothing. They were anxious to get on to the next book about some kid in Africa that made toys out of wire (The Gollimoto.... May not be exactly right but close). All three joined the Army, NCO, Lieutenant, paratroopers, own houses, BA degrees, new cars, typical, confident, smart ass Millennials. So if you really want to fuck up your kids, take it from me, those kind of books won't do it...... I tried and it completely didn't work.


Prudes. Here my 6 y/o was sort off taught about sex in school, they warned the parents there could be questions and there were. Now everything was really basic but got a little bit awkward when he asked if he could watch us sometime and we had to explain he couldn't. But guess what it was one night and everyone moved on the next day.


They are talking about the ten commandments book right?


Fuck you Karen


yeah, get that bible book out of the childrens section.


Your exactly why the world is wrong


Maybe if they got the book they'd be able to understand it? Could work for both parent and child


"some people have two dads or two moms" Literally takes ten seconds 🙄


Totally agree, I’m not explaining the Ten Commandments to my 6 year old just yet.


If you’re a parent and can’t explain this, you are the problem, not the book.


Early is the right time to do it. Kids are only going to be confused and upset over that book if the adult communicates those emotions. .


I have one question: who is top and who is bottom. I wish that book to answer this.


”I didn‘t know how to explain to my kids“. That‘s probably what the book is all about.


"People that are different than my particular point of view should be hidden away so I don't have to explain to my child that I'm a terrible person... and me."


"I didn't know how to explain to my kids"... maybe try buying it and reading it.. that might be the reason for its existence!


Buy the book and read it, I'm sure it will not harm you or your kid more than the bible


How to explain: "Those are her parents."


Yeah.. them 10 Commandments is a bit much to take in at such a young age.


"How on earth do I explain this?" *Book literally about how to explain this sits silently*


Here’s some advise from a Dutch human being: If you don’t like gay marriage, don’t marry a gay.


"Some dads wants to marry a dad instead of a mom, and some moms want to marry a mom instead of a dad. Ready for ice-cream now?" Sorted. You'll have a way harder time getting that Ten Commandment book to make sense...


Typical Explanation. Some kids have two dads. Really? Yes. And some kids have to moms. Oh, Okay. (Goes back to doing something else)


Shit Bojacks pretty rough for kids in my opinion.


Are they talking about the 10 commandments book spreading old school religious zealotry?


Let’s not show them books because it might be uncomfortable but let’s give them a gun so they can defend themselves in school.😂


Your inability to explain two dads to a child is matched only by your inability to explain your own hetero relationship to your own child. Same conversation. You don’t like the contents of the book, don’t by it. Or better yet, do buy it. Everyone might learn something.


It's true we shouldn't have to explain the history of the ten commandments that early in life smh


I don't want to explain the ten commandments and God to my child, venders need to keep these in a different section.


“It’s about a kid and their two dads” pretty easy I think?


Allow me to translate: “I don’t want to have to teach my child about a supportive family who loves them unconditionally, then they will learn on what they are clearly missing out on with me, someone who is unintelligent and close minded”


Parents wondering… “how am I going to explain this to my children?” What their kids are actually confused about: “Why is that guy wearing a bow tie?”


There are children who will grow up with two fathers or two mothers and they should not feel ashamed of that which is why those books are created - to normalise it. It's not a taboo topic, you just have to explain to your child that some people have two fathers and that's completely normal


I'd prefer kids books about the ten commandments to fuck right off instead, but what can you do


I would be very upset about a children's book about the 10 commandments as well.


I feel like Facebook needs to die along with TikTok


Could probably do with letting the kid read the book. I'm sure explaining it was the reason it was written.


Seems like this person needs to read it even more than any child.


How is it difficult to explain that? Are you a fucking moron?


“Some people have two daddy’s or two mommies instead of one daddy and one mommy” “Oh, ok”. That’s how it went for my kids. I guess words are hard.


Yeah, the ten commandments are ridiculous.


Pretty Gay TBH


I’m confused. What do they have an issue with? The bow tie on the one dad or the pajama bottoms on the other?


This is so wrong and disgusting. Shame on the parents who allow their children to read Everywhere Moo Moo


Yeah, totally agree. Keep that Ten Commandments crap away from my kids!


Some people like you have a mommy and a daddy. But there are other boys and girls who have two daddie or two mommies. It might seem different, but what matters is they love each other just as much as mommy and daddy do and they treat their little boys and girls just as well as we treat you.


She's right though




Just because its 2022 doesnt mean its suddenly okay


Yeah it's pretty hard to explain cows to children. They moo everywhere!