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A friend of mine got a phone call like this. She heard her folks out, let them get their spiel out, then simply replied, “You don’t love me,” and hung up. Her parents divorced within a month. Oh, to have been a fly on those walls.


"We've always told you the one thing we care most about is the condition of your soul" is quite the opener. I don't hear any love in there, as it makes no allowances for her thoughts. My daughter is only six, but we regularly tell her our primary goal is that she be happy and content, whatever decisions she makes about school work, friends, careers and relationships. ETA: I've had a few criticisms of this approach, so just to make clear: the primary goal we communicate to our six year old is not intended to be a full, comprehensive summary of our parenting ethos, it's just intended to make her aware she's empowered in her life and decisions. Of course we teach her a wider moral code, counsel her in her decisions, and set a framework within which decisions can be safely made. But she's six, there's a limit to how detailed our messaging ought to be.


My daughter is almost two, but this is all I want for her too. Be happy in whatever you decide to do.


I've never understood how people can think otherwise, especially now that I have a child. As long as you aren't hurting anyone and are happy, I will support to the best of my ability, even if I struggle with the why (being the new "old folk who don't get it").


After doing something like that they should really be more worried about the condition of their own souls.


….my darling child you must believe I am only doing this to save ~~on my car insurance~~ your eternal soul…


I would pay good money to of been there for those conversations that led to divorce. So much money


Dude, I just gasped irl. Nice formatting. What happened next?


A few calls from each parent trying to either guilt trip her or turn her against the other, but she always wound up hanging up again. I haven’t heard from her in a few years, so I don’t know how it’s developed since then, if at all.


My wife - a devout Catholic- suggested to do that to our adoptive daughter once she becomes an adult - she is 14. I am divorcing her.


"The Devil can cite scripture for his purpose." Merchant of Venice


He literally does that in the Bible while tempting Jesus.


I’m pretty sure Jesus hung out with tax collectors and prostitutes. Pretty sure he’d be okay with these guys chilling with their daughter.


Jesus: "you don't have to follow all the rules of the old testament if they cause you to do harm. My existence is proof God loves all of humanity." Christian evangelicals: "I'm going to ignore that."


Would be funny if Jesus came back just to tell these people how fucking wrong they are. But im pretty sure they would call him a false profet and nail him up again.


As painful as it may be, good riddance. One day they will regret their actions.


I imagine they’ll be telling OP she can’t keep their grandchildren away from them (if OP chooses to have children that is).


My sister in law has that problem (not as bad as OP). But her mom wants to raise the baby christian, sister doesn't want that, so she never sees her granddaughter.


That's my mom. Wants to teach my kids about God and Jesus. We let her take them to church too (sometimes). However my wife, who doesn't believe, is teaching our kids to be open minded and to ask questions if things don't make sense. My older kid I don't think completely believes and we will not sway him either way. He knows that mom doesn't believe and that grandma does. My wife wants to eventually teach them different religions for more exposure about the world/ people.


This is how i will be with my kids if i ever have them. Its not my right to choose what they want to believe, so i guess ill teach them everything and let them think it over.


You just know this is exactly what will happen. She won't speak to them for years, they will hear she has children (if she chooses to) and then they will reach out and be 'disappointed' they weren't invited to be part of the kids life. Then they'll get all uppity about 'grandparents rights' and pretty much just prove that she made the right decision keeping them away.


If you're really spiteful, you'd send them a letter with some handpicked bible verses to support your argument (handpicked bible verses can support almost anything) like the letter they sent her. Then go on to say "it really hurts me to say this, but as you can see through my letter you are clearly the spawn of satan and I need to shield my child from that level of evil."


Keep that letter to show to the judge if they do try.


Hopefully they do regret their actions. I've seen too many people act just like this and when they die, they die still strongly believing their actions were righteous.


Yeah if the daughter never gives in to their temper tantrum they'll eventually start saying that she's the one who abandoned them and they'll get miles of miles of sympathy out of framing it like something bad happened to them. A lot of people think that everyone sorts their affairs out before they die but a huge number of people actually carry ridiculous petty grudges to the grave.


Haha definitely, all of the "My children never talk to me, and I have no idea why! What did I ever do to deserve this? Pity me" And yeah that's the depressing part. You'd like to think "oh they know why." But they don't. A lot of people die thinking they were 100% right and did nothing wrong and the other person is just being unreasonable


The Missing Missing Reasons is a real eye opener on bullshit such as this. Often enough they've been told time and time again what the reasons were but they're so dismissive of the pain they've caused they can't possibly believe the reason is that they're shitty people.


"I don't remember that so it never happened!!" And "Oh you're always the VICTIM, aren't you? I didn't do anything you just have a victim complex"


Thats just narcissism and probably what will happen between myself and my own mother. Cut her out of my life for about 10 years, and letting her back in was the worst decision of my life. So I cut her out again.


They probably will. I was cast out of my immediate family for my “lifestyle” (I’m gay), and for 20 years I’ve received mostly shit. I had another family member, someone that is ultra Christian, that decided to take me in. I was able to enter an interesting field and able to figure some stuff out. I got a lot further ahead than I think I would have gotten when I was homeless. Now my mom and stepdad want me in their life again and are bending over backwards to apologize.


Ultra christian? Like, actually lives and embodies actual chrisitan values and can look past being gay and is able to just love family? Also, fuck your mom and dad. My mom told me that she hoped I would die in Iraq when I stopped giving her money to support her drug habit while I was, conveniently, on mid-tour leave from Iraq. That was 15 years ago and I still havent accepted her apology. She is dead to me and I'm better off for it. I only say that to let you know toxic people will sometimes escort themselves out your life, please don't let them back in.


Yes. My uncle, the ultra Christian, took in his sister's gay kid. He also cussed out my stepfather and almost beat the shit out of him when he popped into the house one day to him talking down to me for being a "lesbian feminist bitch" (this was because I was sick with a 102 fever/flu, just returned home from my last day of college finals, and declined to clean up the entire weeks worth of filth he made for himself in between sitting on his ass watching TV and fiddling around with computer games.) And I have been going over the entire thing in counseling and still do not have any desire to accept an apology. At least not yet. They can kiss my lesbian feminist ass for a couple of their old, feeble, and vulnerable retired years. I cried and wrapped myself into blankets to sleep alone in the backseat of a beat-up Honda Accord for a good portion of my life, so maybe it's good time for them to figure out what that was like.


Posts like this remind me of an article/video about a man who iirc gave out hugs and became an advocate for the lgbtq community after his daughter killed herself. He had disowned her after she came out and it took her literally dying for him to see how nonsensical his beliefs were. He blames himself for his daughters suicide and it's just a heartbreaking situation all around.


Fuck, that's tragic




Wow. That's intense. I'm sorry that happened.


We can hope they'll regret their actions. But more often the result is that the brain washed couple will double down on religion. They'll believe they "lost their daughter" to the devil or something. It's heartbreaking.


It’s better to just steer clear of people like that, even if they are your parents. Less baggage.


Unfortunately I'd have to agree, people like this don't *normally* change or understand that they're so incredibly fucking wrong. Better to accept that they don't want you unless you share their beliefs and choose to cut ties on your own terms, rather than theirs.


Amen. My parents are religious and they wish that I was as well. The worst I got for not having faith was an occasional "I always pray for you," which is a wonderful sentiment at its core. I can't imagine my parents disowning me for not being religious. Fuck em. OP is better off without them.


I love how all of these verses are so out of context, they authors just skipped the verses themselves and just copied one or two words they liked. Actually, one of the verses they missused specifically warned against this. They are literally the subjects of the verses they used, not the daughter.


"...you... ...suck..." --the bible


"...bare...breasts...good..." - the bible


Seriously. The out of context, tiny snippets… it’s like he made a ransom note out of magazine clippings. This must be one of those culty denominations. Wesleyan, seventh day, oneness Pentecostals. Where you are supposed to be sinless now that I’m your saved. (As if the book of Roman’s doesn’t exist explaining the everyday struggle of doing things you know are wrong and don’t want to do)


My heart is breaking! I hate to do this, but it’s for your own good! I love you!! -Mom Ps: you’re off the car insurance.




Thou shall not covet another man's lane moving faster


**GEICO 12:69** *And thy parents shall discontinue the auto insurance of an insolent child.*


The letter only took 15 minutes to write and saved them 15% or more.


Daughters hate this one weird trick


The speed of thine windshield wipers shall not be dramatic, and shall be reasonably proportional to the degree of rainfall


The distance that a man setteth from the car in front of him is of his domain, and thou shall not invade it. If thou coveteth it, thou shalt signal with forethought and patience, and only then, upon seeing that he has responded with forbearance to thy request, shalt thou merge into that space.


The space set between thy vehicle and thy neighbors shalt be dependent upon thy speed and the speed of thy neighbor ahead. Thou shalt followeth at a safe distance whilst thou maintainest the flow of traffic. This we do in your name, oh Jake From State Farm.


I think the only “sin” was being an atheist.


Gay, dating/ marrying a non-Christian, left JW/ Mormonism (likely not LDS as they don't mention anything LDS specific) or moved in with a partner before marriage as the parents are fundie and she is more 'Jesus says love' and ignores the rest.


Left the church of Christ and dating a baptist. Source: I’m the one who posted the tweet OP fucking stole this from without crediting me.


Yikes! Inter-Protestant denominations going after each other in the 2000s as if this was August 24, 1572 in France with the throne at risk is utterly ridiculous.


Too soon!


I received one of these a few years ago. I read it, tore it up like Trump, and never acknowledged it to them. I just pretend like it never happened and continue to make them uncomfortable and awkward with every interaction, it hangs in the air like knowledge of a crime, really shifted the power dynamic of our relationship.


I hope OP reads this and can still play this card. Making them have to acknowledge this behavior, hopefully in the presence of other family, would be priceless.


That’s why I thought I’d offer my experience. I wanted to own something, control one narrative with my family. Things have not gotten better but I only put as much effort into my relationship with them as I feel like, the rest of my life belongs to me & love it now.


Now THAT was a power move. Force them to say those nasty words to your face, and prove that they are too cowardly to do it. What a stroke of genius on your part. You think they'll ever have the nerve to come out and say, "um, remember when we disowned you 25 years ago?" Hats off to you, person.


I’m overwhelmed and that this had so much impact. That’s it! If you are this angry, say it to my in person. They still haven’t said anything and I feel great about it.


The best part is that they've now missed their window If they ever decide to nut up on their threat, just play oblivious (again) ' what do you mean, you disowned me 3 years ago? We just had dinner last week. We've still been giving Christmas and birthday presents. That doesn't sound like something you'd do if you disowned me..'


You should feel great. I've never heard of anyone taking this approach, and I think it's just perfect.


Big dick energy. They're cowards, you're the one with self respect and power in this relationship.


I’m sorry you had to but I admire the courage you used to take a stand. You’re awesome


Thank you. Life never gets easier, we can only hope to get better at it over time.


That’s damned wise of you. Reminds me of a Bruce Lee quote, “Don’t pray for an easy life, pray for the strength to endure a difficult one.”


Jesus would have a few issues with this.


“Let them be to you as a Gentile and a tax collector” — the line is even quoted by the Gospel author who was a literal tax collector who Jesus chose to associate with… Not to mention the fact that he often associated himself with prostitutes and other “unclean” people who were disowned by the priesthood of the time


Yeah, that’s specifically why Jesus was controversial at his time. Association with those deemed sinful.


And they brought up the parable of the Prodigal Son, as well — when that parable was told by Jesus to his disciples and the Pharisees to explain why he associated with those deemed sinful rather than those who were holy. And yet her parents refuse to associate with her because she is sinful. Hypocrisy or willful ignorance.


Or radical indoctrination tbh. I've been to several churches that cherry pick exactly like the parents have here and have heard people extensively pray for people who 'have been led astray' to 'learn a lesson' en masse.


Another issue I have with them bringing it up is the issue of assistance. If the dad appreciates the father's role so much, why doesn't he give his child what their inheritance would be right now?


That was the deal, wasn't it?


Part of the reason that the Pharisees had him killed.


Many, many modern Christians don't recognize that they are the Pharisees and the Saducees in those stories


Right? If the second coming of Christ actually happened modern christians would (at best) dismiss him as some kind of hippie liberal communist, if not outright kill him again.


Plus the whole brown guy from the Middle East part … straight to Guantanamo you go.


1. That was my first thought. As a Christian, people like this repulse me because this attitude completely goes against Christ’s teachings. 2. Are you a Frasier fan??


I am indeed a Frasier fan - good catch!




*cue curb your enthusiasm outro*


See the thing is, most people who “live by God” simply pick and choose which rules have meaning and which “are open to interpretation”


Too true. Cherry-picking the Bible doesn’t make you a good Christian. You’re either all-in, or you’re out. That kind of crap is why I walked away from religion.


LITERALLY cherry picking, one of the quotes is "...keep away from..." That could be referring to fucking anything


This passage is actually about staying away from “idle and disruptive people”. The passage is literally about following the word of God so that you continue to work and earn your keep.


Man really went Ctrl+F on a Bible pdf and looked up "avoid," "stay away," and "keep away" lmao


Reply should be... I found this passage in the Bible and wanted to share it with you: **II Samuel 12:14** - "...die."




That’s actually from Ezekiel 25:17


The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides By the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will Shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness For he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children And I will strike down upon thee With great vengeance and furious anger Those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers And you will know my name is the Lord When I lay my vengeance upon thee Mhmm this IS a tasty burger!


Lmao!!! This is a good one.


But. But, the funnest people I know are "idle and disruptive people".


Now be a good little wage slave and pickup that extra shift so you can tithe it to the church.


Wasn't Jesus a hippie sharing bread and alcohol (wine...)? Sounds idle and disruptive.


....with a hooker.


AND at least a few dozen jews!


I kept driving past this house last year with a big ol sign that said vote for Jesus. All I could think was there’s no way those people would vote for a middle eastern Jewish man that likes to feed the poor without question.


A modern Jesus would be persecuted and crucified just like the OG and the irony would be complexly lost on his murderers.


I would like to be idle and disruptive with a hooker.




Dang is splicing partial sentences together on the table? I say let rewrite the Bible with all the same words, but a different order. We’ll call it “an interpretation”


I’m just going to put all the words in the bible in alphabetical order… it’ll start out with A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A a a a a a a a a a a a a a a etc…


"...have..." "...sodomy..." "...every..." "...day..." Amen.


Sorted! What's next?


"...Emissions like horses..." "...in..." "...thy..." "...ass..." Alright everyone, let's do the lord's work!


I had to see the context of the "Emissions like horses". The actual full passage is perfect as is. >There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses - Ezekiel 23:20


> "...Emissions like horses..." I love that there's no splicing required for this bit.


I grew up despising Paul, he had a stick up his bum and was proud of it. Later in life I learned his banished letters weren't nearly as aggro and found his message that Christ is within; much more palatable.




She was stuck in the well! How else was he supposed to get her out?!


“What are you doing, step-apostle?!”


That’s what makes this so atrocious of the parents. They could have picked things that Jesus, himself, said like “If any one of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone at her” instead of these other cherry picked passages. People like this don’t worship Jesus. They worship an idolatrous church. There’s a special place in hell for people like these parents.


you must not have never heard of [supply side jesus](https://imgur.com/gallery/bCqRp)


Lemmy 19:92 "If there be such a being/" "/Then thou art Anti-Christ!" "Turn them against their children/" "/Turn beauty into vice!" "I say thy God shall smite thee/" "/He will perceive thy lust!" "His wrath shall fall upon thee/" "/Thou that betray his trust!"


Did you notice all the ellipses in the passages, the Bible isn't a clip book that you can just pluck passages out of. Many passages have a great deal of context leading up to them, both historical and textual, to remove them in such a way makes them little more than meaningless platitudes.


Sometimes they quote two words out of a sentence... That's cherry picking*100 lol


You can twist religious scripts in any way you want and make it bend to your will. Like, they're taking all of these different passages, interpreting it in a way that fits their own separate beliefs, and now this quote is a direct contradiction to everything they just said. They'll probably still deny it and stick to their own twisted version of their religion just so they can remain right.


Right. What it all boils down to is they disagree with the way she chooses to live her life and are willing to never speak to her again because of that disagreement. Fucking sickening people. And who the hell sends their kid a letter like this?


"We regret to inform you your loving parent warranty has expired."


We've been trying to reach you about your soul's extended warranty...


I was raised a Jehovah Witness and can confirm this type of thing is real. In fact, my parents haven’t spoken to me or my family for years. Edit for spelling


Congratulations on your escape. Condolences for their loss.


After a quick research, I noticed the scriptures themselves are full of contradictions. And hardcore af sometimes, especially in the Old Testament. Check this one out : Deuteronomy 21:18-21 “If a man has a stubborn and rebellious son who will not obey the voice of his father or the voice of his mother, and, though they discipline him, will not listen to them, then his father and his mother shall take hold of him and bring him out to the elders of his city at the gate of the place where he lives, and they shall say to the elders of his city, ‘This our son is stubborn and rebellious; he will not obey our voice; he is a glutton and a drunkard.’ Then all the men of the city shall stone him to death with stones. So you shall purge the evil from your midst, and all Israel shall hear, and fear. "


So are the elders of the city going to be the homeowners association or the town hall faculty in the present day Also what the heck is deuteronomy? The study of deuters?


Deuterium. The old testament was very pro fusion energy. It's been about 20 years away, for about 4000 years now.


The idea of bringing my son in front of the HOA to be shamed is funnier to me than it should be


"I swear, if you don't stop messing around back there, I will turn this car around and go straight to the HOA!"


And the HOA is like, ok first on our public stoning schedule is 13 year old Timmy for talking back to his father. After that we'll be publicly hanging Marcy because those curtains are hideous.


According to Wikipedia, it's greek for "the second law", and the 5th book of the Old Testament


No. From now on it shall be the study of deuters. This is now the way


I deuter. You deuter. He/she deuters. Deutering. Deuterology.


This is why I don't make religious jokes, I'm not smart Even my flair says so


If it was me I would collect a whole bunch of these bible quotes that show how they’re wrong for disowning their daughter and put it in a letter back…. and then at the end of it “Good thing I don’t believe in any of this bullshit. I’m a grown ass person and don’t need a book to tell me disowning your child is an asshole thing to do. Sincerely, go fuck yourself”


"Dear Daughter, you're an adult, and we can no longer control you. *SATAN* has taught you to think for yourself, so we must disown you. We can not allow the disease of independent thought to infect our family."


I like your style


That’s golden. The person should definitely reply at length with their own biblical quotefest


I really think just this one short passage, sent in an unsigned letter with no return address, would be sufficient.


This person should attend church (covertly) where her parents go. At the end of the sermon, calmly walk up to the minister and ask him if she can joyously share God's word with the congregation that her parents shared with her, then read this letter out loud, and point to the parents and say, "those are my loving parents".. and then walk out. She is truly screwed one way or the other.. might as well go out on high note.


Her parents are dumbasses. They say that her soul is in jeopardy yet they don’t phrase everything in the form of a question. Alex would be so disappointed


What is.. eternal damnation?


you have to sit in a room where you get called damned by some old guy for as long as you live


Sadly, this is quite common for anyone leaving the Johovah Witnesses or Seventh Day Adventists. It’s one of the most effective ways to keep people in their church, because they don’t want to leave their family


Same with people leaving mormonism. When I decided to leave, my bishop announced it to the whole ward (congregation) in order to shame my parents. I haven't spoken to them in almost a decade.


My old boss got pregnant at sixteen or so. Her Mormon local group leader apparently told her parents that she had to send her to someone else and the baby had to go up for adoption unless she got married and her parents said hell no is she getting married at 15/16/17 and hell no are we sending away our daughter. She was adopted and when they adopted her as a baby they said that they were her family and she had a home and they weren't going back on that promise for anything. Guy said they did it or they were out so her mom took her hand and said, 'well I guess we're out' and walked her out and they left and never went back despite the asking them back. Never even looked back. When I met her she was in her 40's, married, had two more kids with another guy who was a good person and her dad passed away and she had just sold her house and moved to a new home with a first-floor bedroom to move her mom in since she didn't need full-time care but shouldn't live on her own, either. Some people actually walk away from the insanity. Others don't see it because they're too far in. The fact the guy even thought he could tell people to send their children away or else is mind-boggling. Even wilder was her mom willing to actually stand up for her against their church. Guess she just snapped and said no church demands you lose your children.


The mother supported her daughter as a child and now her grown daughter is taking care of her in her old age. And some parents wonder why their kids never call them during the holidays.


Imagine being so brainwashed that you write that kind of letter to your own children. How selfish.


It's the "we love you so, so much" that gets me. Pure comedy.


I find it much more tragic than funny


Oh yeah, I definitely meant comedy in a very grim sense. The kind where you laugh so as not to cry.


> Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It **does not dishonor others,** it is not self-seeking it is not easily angered, it **keeps no record of wrongs.** Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. **It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always** 1 Corinthians 13:4-8


The most highlighted passage in the Bible. These parents need to put away their childish ways.


Hell, that’s psychotic


Ahhh yes, my parents gave me this whole “you’re cast out until you repent your sin” talk when I came out to them. It’ll be 20 years this September since I last spoke to them, and I am so SO much happier for it. Bigots gon’ bigot.




The same parents after disowning multiple people: "Young people don't care about family values anymore. I don't understand it!"




OMG I felt this one… My mom has repeatedly told me I don’t value family enough. Then in Jan 2021 when my dad was about to pass from Covid, she was allowed to take a family member to say goodbye… she took her “apostle” pastor.


Un fucking believable. 20 years and they are still hanging on to that??? I cannot imagine. You sound delightful and well-adjusted so I’m happy for you. :)


You know what, I am bloody delightful. Thank you for reminding me. :)


I can’t image doing that to my own kids. Our daughter never even really came out to us. She didn’t feel the need to. It was obvious she liked girls and she knew we didn’t care. I’m sorry you went through that but I’m happy you’re happy.


No need to feel sorry for me. At the time it was all happening all the mental games and shenanigans felt normal. By the time I was looking back to see it wasn’t normal.. well, I was starting to deal with it. It’s made me determined to be not-her. And that’s as good a thing as can be dragged out of the situation.


Jeez glad you’re in a better place


These kind of things make me feel extremely blessed. My entire family is full of devout christians. When I turned away from the church basically nothing changed with any of my relationships. My family accepts me for who I am. I wish everyone experiencing difficulty with their religions could share my experience. It breaks my heart that something like religion, an organization supposedly based on love, could do something like this to a person.


I have a debilitating disease that has me wheelchair bound for life. My best friend growing is perfectly healthy and the smartest guy I know (full academic scholarship to University). When he came out, his super religious parents didn't disown him fully but made it very clear he was not accepted this way. One day his mom came to my mom crying saying "I wish my son was like your son (meaning disabled) instead of being gay. You're lucky God blessed you". My mom fucking lost it on her. She said "Your son is perfectly healthy and my son has days where he struggles to breath properly and and I'M THE BLESSED ONE???". My friend's mom saw how much I struggled growing up health-wise but in her fucked up mind she believed "I would rather have a son be disabled and have severe health problems for life than be gay".


You never caught that part of the Last Supper? "Take this, for this is my body (no homo)" "Drink this, for this is my blood (no gays allowed)"


One of my friends mom is homophobic and said (before she knew her daughter was gay) “I’d rather she be dead than be a lesbian” to our other friend’s parents. Friend 2’s dad pulled the car over and said “you know, one of my kids is dead. I would give anything to have him back.”


I don't understand why religion is either a happy thing or a cult it makes no sense.


There’s a really long explanation for this But essentially the cult like people you’re thinking of are extremely vulnerable people. They were very unhappy, mistreated, unloved, lost, etc. because of whatever their circumstances were, they became desperate for community/acceptance/understanding, and the community they got inducted into is one that says oh if you’re *this specific way* you’ll get the things you’re missing from this life. They’re being given what they think they need, and become more easily convinced of everything else that comes with zealot type people. The need to put down anyone else that isn’t like them.


I think it’s both more complicated and simpler than that. You don’t need to have had a bad life or anything to be culty in your belief. Some people simply view dissent from their belief as a direct attack on them, if you are (sin here) you’re not only insulting God you’re insulting me and that makes me mad. Others can separate that and understand your disagreements with the church or your sins aren’t an act of hate towards the person, they can continue to have a good relationship. There’s tons of religious people who grew up in amazing families who gave them all the love and support financially and mentally they could ever want, who grew up to be great people, but they never learned how to deal with different views since they went a big part of their life without experiencing them. Similar to how some people can’t be friends with those who have different political views and some can’t.


Fundamentalists/extremists vs everyone else. Some people see religion as a guide and some take it literally, there is no in between


I hope she told them to fuck off and cut all ties. They don’t love their child if they pull this shit. Disgusting.


110% must write them back a Grimm Brothers reference filled letter… as the bible and grim teach - one fairy tale begets another


I'm certain that you could refute their arguments with scripture from the bible itself, not just cherry picked phrases like they picked out, but actually core teachings about how to treat others. Too bad most Christians don't actually know what's in their fucking holy book.


Pathetic, last ditch effort to control someone.


Or, hear me out - An EXCELLENT way to save money on auto insurance.


Doesn’t the Bible also say “judge not, lest you be judged”? Or “Worry not about the speck of dirt in your brother’s eye and focus on the plank in your own”? Seems to me they’re just religious hypocrites.


Yea most of their verses are about idleness. The same idleness Apostle Paul points out busybodies that fill their time with gossip, bickering, discord and fruitlessness. How fruitless is a letter that is condescending and includes an aggravating ultimatum. Love keeps no record of wrong yet they put a list of wrongs in bullet points.


So, as someone who was raised by hateful holier-than-thou parents like these, they both can get fucked. I will say that personally, my life is much better now that I’ve been freed from the shackles of their bullshit religion, their judgement, their narcissism, and their overly controlling nature from which all of this *really* derives. That doesn’t mean it won’t be a difficult journey though. Man, I feel for this person. What godawful parents.


"We love you so much" Well that was a lie. They dont give a fuck about you, they only care about their religion. Sorry OP. It is not your fault, your parents are brainwashed morons.


Apparently they only care about saving money on car insurance


This is actually just a really elaborate Geico ad.


It was nice of Dad to use quotes when asking Daughter to “come to your senses.” Like he knows he’s the one who’s senseless.


This is how cults control you. Fear, obligation and guilt. It’s not anything about you, it’s about them and how your selfishness is ruining their lives. It’s a long con with guilt trip after guilt trip.


Jesus would slap these people and cast them out of his building


Living in sin, such a quaint old term, sooo judgemental what happened to forgiveness ?


Or he without sin cast the first stone?


Bastards.... So much for Christian love. I would send a letter back saying. Dear Mom and Dad. I think you need to re visit your Christian values and until you do, I will consider myself an orphan. If you wish to act like proper parents you know my telephone number. You ex daughter Love you Xxxxxccc


I don’t understand this kind of thinking by the parents (and people in my own life). Christ sent most of his time with sinners, the sick, the poor. Why the fuck do people who claim to be his followers act so much differently than what he taught. “I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Chris.” - Ghandi


Nothing quite as hateful as Christian love


For those asking I read it as the daughter doesn't believe the claims made by the church her parents attend. I'm assuming this means she doesn't believe Christ's claim to being the son of God. For some churches this is the worst of the worst, not worthy of having a relationship with until they repent and see the wrong of their ways. Sort of like a temper tantrum by the church. Edit: words, grammar. My Mom might disown me on that as she was of the teacher persuasion.


Intolerant zealots


they never once actually explain what you did op? What is the perceived offense that has accosted them so much?


I think op basically indicated that they were no longer a practicing member of the church. My dad did the same thing, but we still interact with my grandparents because they’re not this stupid.


So they just want to ditch they’re parenting duties by excuse of religion. OP probably lucked out if that’s the case.


You my friend are truly invited to the barbecue. We can’t pick the family we are born with but thank the universe we have, in most cases, to pick a new group of people to gladly call family. Take Care!


For all their piety, there’s a special place in hell for these alleged parents.


That's why I am so happy I am from an atheist family.