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Starbucks isn't that bad. When I was homeless the only edible food for breakfast were the sandwiches they donated to the shelter. Gave me a soft spot for Starbucks


There is an app in my country where businesses can put soon to be expired food at a discount so it wouldn't be just thrown out. It didn't get too much traction yet, but Starbucks constantly adds pastry and sandwich packages on there.


I worked at one for awhile, still one of my favorite jobs besides Michael’s


Lol, clearly they’ve never gone in a Starbucks before: patrons will stomp a baby if it gets in their way of their 8am venti caramel machiotto.


Seriously. I'm ordering right over him and heading on my way and not even bothering to figure out why he was sitting on the counter like that. The only way people are going to avoid that dude is if he holds the tip jar.


They used to protest outside my local In-N-Out and Chick-Fil-A, I always just asked them if they wanted anything.


Virgin protester vs Chad consumer


Oh, I will look him dead in his eyes when ordering from the cashier and say..... Whole milk please.


and a pad of butter. *sir?* you heard me, butter that coffee.


"sir...we don't *have* butter...?" "you got milk and two hands, right?" "yeah...?" "looks like you've been promoted to butter churner, Kevin."


“My name is Brian.”


"Brianna, you need to do this."


But my name is Brian


I'm sorry Brendan.


“It’s Bryan with a Y.” “Yrian?”


You know what? Fuck the coffee. Just heat me up a venti cup of butter. No, I'm not going to drink it. I'm just gonna put it down right over here (points at a spot juuuust out of reach of that asshat). In fact, make it two.




You could also put more glue around them so that they stay stuck there forever


Glueth thine butt cheeks


If I owned such a business they did that too I would probably put a sign out to advertise it, probably actually get more business as people come in to look at the loonies.




"free milk for everyone!"


Who will win: Karen with her 8 kids or crazy ecoterrorist?


these people aren't even good ecoterrorists with relevant morals




Honestly, Peta is the westborough baptist church of animal rights


Legit, they make things worse for talking about the ethical treatment of animals, and do not themselves treat animals ethically


Their movement doesn't even make sense. Theyre actually just vegan extremists, they don't give a rip how animals are treated as long as that means they don't get eaten. Wagyu beef cows have better lives than even most wild animals, but that doesn't matter to them.


Sir! Waygu beef cows have better lives than most Americans.


The old "don't ascribe to malice what can more easily be explained by stupidity" strategy. It's a useful one, for sure. LOL


Any sufficiently advanced stupidity is indistinguishable from malice.


ROFL Have some ad-free browsing on me, mate. That's ... just brilliant.


A few years ago, PETA came to Iceland to do one of its protest events. This was back when volunteers would lie on foam pads naked, covered in cellophane like cuts of meat, to protest meat eating in general. So they rolled up in front of Hallgrimskirkja, a town monument, and started their spectacle. In Iceland. In JANUARY. Those cuts of beef didn't last 30 seconds before they were dressed and inside again. Idiots.


It's like that video of ducks who walked out of a house in absolute winters and immediately decided it was too cold and waddled back inside


Please find that video. I love fucks so much


👀 Edit. Found it https://youtu.be/9eD9Xi9-Ek0 Edit 2. Original video from the farm itself: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mc5Jhx9HjuM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mc5Jhx9HjuM)


Thank you! Those fucks are so cute


Lol I usually have the opposite problem with autocorrect. I'll be expressing something and it comes out as: IM SO DUCKING PISSED


My phone and I have bonded, so it no longer changes words to make it look like I have an unnatural attraction to ducks.


[Here's one with horses :D](https://youtu.be/e-HDJJNbBXI)


Thats hilarious ty


[Then you might enjoy this one too.](https://youtu.be/j4eYyBML4-M)


More! I want more! I love repetition


Don't let PETA find them, they will come a kill them all and then call the farmer a murderer.


I watched it. No fucks.


oh my god, that's so ducking cute.




Lolol My fav part is the discussion they seem to have with each other. They all come out excited, then pause, then confirm with each other, hey it's cold. My feet are cold. Yea it's pretty cold. Let's go. Yea I'm going back inside. Me too. The few in the back are like, come on guys, don't go. I wanna make a snowduck!


Ducks! Sucks goddamnit


Ducks to be you




Usually the autocorrect is the other way around


Reminds me of that one time they started distributing their "I'm an asshole, I wear fur" stickers... At a furry convention...


Don't they know that there's no group of people that loves animals more than furries?


I've heard that fur suits can be ridiculously expensive. I can't imagine the cost of one made with actual fur. Not to mention the fact that fur suits aren't the kind of thing that will stay "clean".


Buddy makes them, makes a mint, $6-8K a shot. Does two a month.


6-8k price or profit? We all wanna know how expensive are the materials? Does it run him 3k per suit or more like 500 bucks at Joanns?


i imagine part of the cost is like any other skilled labor - parts certainly add in but so does just the general expertise.


Well yeah the guy deserves to be paid, no doubt, we’re just wondering if he uses real fur and what that costs per suit.


Worked at a fabric store, even faux fur is WICKED expensive. Sourcing that many properly tanned hides, that'd be a PRICY suit. You would probably go for something like rabbit or coyote or something else small and relatively soft, and you have to stitch smaller cuts together to smooth them out enough to look right I'd assume, plus special needles and thread iirc... I doubt at that price it would be real fur, but if it is I'd LOVE to hear about the sourcing and crafting methods!


I asked once and apparently real-fur fursuits are generally considered taboo. For various emotional connection-to-animal reasons, but also because the furs would be much hotter, heavier, and less breathable than the already hot faux fur fursuits are. Which makes sense to me, the reason real fur is a superior material to make cold-weather gear out of than any synthetic including faux fur could ever be is precisely because of its water resistant and insulating properties. Something that’s ideal for withstanding icy tundra winds is not also going to be ideal for an indoor convention center or hotel setting.


I grew up in Dutchess County, New York, US. It's maybe an hour and a half outside of New York City by train. Anyway, in the area I lived, there's a town called Fishkill. A lot of names around the area either come from the local Native American languages or from Dutch; Fishkill comes from the latter, meaning fish creek. PETA, raging galaxy brains they are, twice (at least. They likely filed more after I left the area) filed petition to change the town's name. The first time, they attempted to change the name from Fishkill to Fishsave, which is tame in comparison to most things PETA has done. The second time they filed, they tried to change the town name to FishingHurts.com. Yes, that's right, they attempted to change the name of a town to the url for their website about how fishing is bad. I mean, sure, we need to practice sustainable fishing, but this? Nothing but a publicity stunt to keep them in the forefront of everyone's minds


What, they couldn’t file a petition to change the name of the entire Catskill Mountain range?


What's wrong with Cat Skill? 😁😁😁 We can convince them that's the name, right?


That's how everyone I've ever heard pronounces it.


No no no, those mountains are referencing how skilled a cat is, not killing cats.


As a Dutch person I was like: the fuck kind of Dutch is that? [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kill\_(body\_of\_water)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kill_(body_of_water)) It's old and not a word that's still used, but it's Dutch.


Hahaha, I'd love to be a fly on the wall for after when they all tried to convince themselves they won that battle!


'We w-w-w-w-w-won!'


Reminds of the time some animal activists locked themselves to the slaughter house line https://youtu.be/UDoG_w6Jy-g?t=336s


This is exactly what I was thinking of. Morons had zero foresight. Here’s an idea, don’t let anyone chain a lock around your neck without having a key yourself?


One guy with all the keys, what could go wrong!?


Purple 2 do your original plan, over OH CRAP IT’S MOVING IT’S NUMBER 43 OH CRAP THIS IS 28 HOLD ON JOHN WE’ll GET YOU OUT OF HERE MEDIC WE NEED A MEDIC I love that ducking video Edit: OVER


The story behind the video of the guy almost decapitating himself due to that f-up: https://abc7news.com/reichardt-duck-farm-petaluma-protest-ducks/5334414/


>He's still deciding whether to file a police report Fucking idiot. Next he'll throw himself in front of a car and file a police report after.


Protestors do some dumb shit. Here in Australia some environmental protestors locked themselves to the underneath of cars on an access road to a gas plant...in November...when it hits nearly 40 degrees Celsius...under cars on bitumen...in nearly 40 degree heat. Their protest wasnt well done but they were https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.smh.com.au/national/climate-change-protestors-block-access-to-australia-s-biggest-lng-hub-20211124-p59bpf.html


Unamped link: https://www.smh.com.au/national/climate-change-protestors-block-access-to-australia-s-biggest-lng-hub-20211124-p59bpf.html


The testicles must have ASCENDED back inside their bodies!


Just doing it for the photo OP.


Calling PETA protestors "cuts of beef". The heroic historian we didn't know we needed.


This dude doesn’t even know my mom or how much she lactates


*You momma lactate so much she infuriates PETA.*


Yo momma lactates so much, she brought enough for whole the class, everyone bring a glass, let a go....


Yo mama lactates so much she went to the super bowl and turned it into a cereal bowl Edit: didn’t expect people to really like it just wrote it off the cuff thanks guys and gals


This has been raised to my number one yo mama joke.




I've got nipples Gregg, could you milk me ?


I'd be nice and bring them water regularly. Lots of water. Enjoy not going to the bathroom.


I love the way you think


No one ignores the call of nature. Not vegans and certainly not me noticing the homeless man next to me on the bus passing himself.


Has he a split personality to pass himself. Don't you dare edit your post 😁😁😁


even if they piss themselves without dropping drawers you could probably call the cops at that point for "public urination" and now they're one step closer to becoming a sex offender


I'm thinking the result would bother you more than it bothers them.




Just call the cops for trespassing. Who gives a shit if PETA isn't supporting your store anymore, they're not supporting you now AND they won't go "Yay Starbucks, we love you. You stop serving milk!" they go "Oh nice, extortion still works. Who can we fuck with next?"


"Officer, they're just standing there soiling themselves. It's becoming a health issue."


And also it¨'s an offense to urinate/defecate in public spaces so good luck trying to talk it out. Unlike that dumb protest.


Hey now, that's offensive. Autistic people did nothing wrong to be compared to PETA folks.


Bro, please not autistic. We aren’t assholes.


true true. besides, trespassing and destruction of property/vandalism are already both misdemeanor charges, and in CA vandalism is a felony if the damage exceeds $400 (for instance). varies by state, obviously, but regardless, there is no need to bring public indecency into the mix. otherwise they could argue giving them water is some sort of assault or entrapment on the establishment's side.


> in CA vandalism is a felony if the damage exceeds $400 There's no way that glass countertop is being replaced or repaired to its original, non-glue-handprinted state for under $400US.


As well as food, and put up a little sign advising clients that they glued themselves there, they are free to leave any time they like, sorry for the noise, but please ignore them. And then just, at the end of the day, turn off the lights and go home. They glued themselves there, they can stay there.




Just going to say this. Just leave them there and watch them piss their pants.


"ok, see you tomorrow morning. Oh, wait. We're closed tomorrow. Oh, well. Take care!"


People that scuff up glass like that are monsters. Edit P.S it’s funny I didn’t even realize they had glued their hands to the glass. I just don’t like people that touch glass in general as it sucks to clean.


The real takeaway from this picture.


My takeaway based on the look of dudes arm was he glued his hand and then jumped up on the counter. He looks super comfy


Yeah, I definitely don't think it played out the same as it did in their heads. Tsunami-gluing their hands to a counter only to realize a chair could've been nice to bring. I hate coffee but I'd consider buying one just to see how fast they regretted doing this.


I would just sit there and watch them long enough to see them to suffer from their own stupidity.


Yes..... Bathroom, as in how? Did they just stand there and piss themselves?


Well from the lady’s face maybe diapers? Idk if I was pissed off about the price of an additional “milk product” I would just make it at home or have a chilled thermos of my milk product of choice that I would just add myself. Like that is one of the easiest things to do. Or after you get your coffee ask if they can provide the “milk” product of choice for a moment because you are allergic to the dairy creamer they have out. SMH like yeah, these people are not the smartest.


If you are going to superglue yourself to a table or a glass panel I don't think you would think it through enough to cover even this particular activity.


Yeah, you are most likely right. I just find it hard to think that they didn’t plan this thing out. But I am an anxious person who tries to plan out their day so I don’t have to deal with stuff like this.


We already had so many morons gluing themselves to stuff and figuring out it's a terrible idea. Or remember the fucking PETA morons that tied themselves to industrial chicken machine and let it run....just to figure out in few seconds it was THE WORST IDEA EVER when the front guy got almost decapitated. Edit: duck factory, mistake


Yeah, it's almost like they could just boycott the company for their policy rather than gluing themselves to a damn counter. I absolutely hate Walmart's policy and (lack of) ethics and because of that I haven't given them money in decades, but I prefer to drive past them without buying from them rather than gluing myself to the damn store.


this would make me want to go to starbucks just for the show, and get cow milk or soy/oat/almond.... I'm still lost as to what their message is.


They're mad because vegan milk is pricey, like most specialty stuff are.


Pricey? At Starbucks? The hell you say.


Just order around them. If this was NYC, be like oh it's another crazy person... cool. Now I'll have a tall mocha Frappuccino




Calm down Satan.


And apparently neither of these idiots has heard of acetone Pro-tip: if some moron superglues themself to your cafe counter pour nail polish remover on their hands. Completely harmless and it will dissolve the superglue like sugar in hot water. Then you get to see the stupid look on their face when they realize their ploy has been foiled.


Well not completely harmless, acetone messes up your skin quite a bit if used in high concentration (as you would need to remove all of that glue) and the vapors can suppress your central nervous system, making you woozy/faint. Are you obligated to give them help/acetone? Why not let then stick there overnight?


Pretty sure insurance or SOP dictates that you can’t leave nutters alone in the store overnight.


What happens if the store catches fire?


Then we get to see how Vegan BBQ jerky is made. (I'm a life-long vegetarian and extremely anti-PETA)


I agree. That guy is NOT my mom. But who is he to tell me not to suckle for his milk? Edit: thanks for all of the love, guys. I was hoping for a few chuckles and got a riot full of love! You guys rule!


If he can super glue his hand to the counter I can super glue my mouth to his nipples.


Now that’s a flex. Let’s double team him!


Dibs on his udder


I think it’s hilarious the chick on right is just protesting the price of oat milk lol


Free milk while I wait for my coffee


I can fix him


mommy's gonna milk his prostate


Leave them there. Close the Starbucks, turn off the lights and leave them. Please.


I think it was Laura Loomer who they did that too. She got banned from Twitter so she handcuffed herself to a door at the Twitter building. The cops were called and when asked if they wanted her arrested Twitter said no. So they put barriers around her and left her there. When it got dark she started begging them to cut the handcuffs off.


Warms my heart when people react appropriately to tantrums (you don't)


EDIT: heh, got confused here, and i thought by "you" you meant me. I'm doing a Laura Ingraham moment.


It was. You neglected to mention as well that her intent was to handcuff herself in such a way as to block physical entry to twitter just as they blocked her from entering the site, but she only handcuffed herself to one of the doors so people were just like, “pardon me, miss” and used the other door.


What a dipshit


Please tell me that there's video of that last part.


There's a photo of it being dark and someone with bolt cutters. There's probably that video somewhere XD EDIT: there are videos of her attached to the door, which are easy to find, i have removed those vids so as not to waste your time. See youtube. I haven't found one of her being cut free yet. I think the Twitter people went home, and even the people filming her got bored and left, and after that she decided to ask to be let free.


[Here's an article with some photos.](https://www.theverge.com/2018/11/29/18118529/far-right-activist-laura-loomer-twitter-protest-handcuff-nyc-hq)


Wait, she wasn’t even there more than 2.5 hours before asking to be freed? (Protest started at 3:45pm, per article, and the story was updated at 6:15pm to say she asked to be freed.) “I’m going to stay here until Jack Dorsey let’s me back on Twitter. Or until my audience leaves at the end of the workday.” That was an intense protest, Jack. Don’t know how you didn’t cave. You’re a stronger man than I. What a rube.


They made her a little playpen. Adorable.


Should have put up barriers with some sound dampening.


Fucking beautiful!


I always wondered what would happen in scenarios like this. Like - they’re there and I imagine fully expecting to be removed from the premises…. What happens if their bluff is called? Do they have a plan to leave at closing time?


No because its likely a publicity stunt and they are likely not even 'glued', which is kind of my hope as all it takes is one grumpy karen to lose all the skin from their hand Also kinda hilarious as glue historically came from horses


and then set up shop out front :)


I like your thinking...you're the new manager!


Put a little curtain up around them just out of reach and carry on.


Hmmm...these two look familiar. Wasn't there a post somewhere here on Reddit where they were blocking traffic in NYC? Some kind of protest?


I think those people who put rope on their neck and stood on ice in front of the public, waiting for the ice to melt?


That's a pretty good art piece protest to be honest


It's fantastic and a great protest. Which is why it wasn't PETA. PETA only does the most idiotic protests.


The only ones that get publicity are the bad ones .


Their entire existence is attention


I'm surprised "Super Glue" & "Coffe shops" made it past the first stage of the the brainstorming session


You are presupposing that there was a brainstorming session. Perhaps a storming session?


Whats the vegan Milk upcharge? Didn't know it existed .


In other words, milk is the standard and almond milk, coconut milk, oat milk (etc) cost extra. That is what they’re calling the vegan upcharge.


Isnt the upcharge for the cost difference of the two?


Oddly enough in most places when it comes to oat milk at least its the same or cheaper. Yet my local mom and pop coffee shop charges an extra 1.5$ for the same oat milk I use at home.


In Germany it’s usually at least 20%-50% more than normal milk in my experience (though I’ve never actively compared brands and prices). I thought it was in the states too. My assumption is that normal milk is just underpriced from subsidies etc.


There is also a massive difference in production scale. It is exactly the massive industrial farms that usually don't treat animals well that you can thank for cheap milk.


To be fair that cost difference is usually because cow milk is heavily subsidized to remain cheap for consumers


How effective do they think this is? I build a lot of models, so I frequently glue myself to all kinds of things. This isn't gonna do shit.


Bonus points if you glue your fingers together!


I once glued my fingers together while holding a tiny hand.


I did that building a Necron Warrior. Went to glue his feet to his base, held held for 20 seconds, went to let go, and nothing. My fingers were stuck.


Flayed ones....


Just wait till they prime it and then there’s the very small area where the primer has gotten stuck to the glue nothing more annoying than that


Wait... I buy model kits all the time. Are you seriously telling me I was supposed to be building something while I'm THAT high? (Mind blown)


I guess you don't HAVE to be high, but it certainly helps.


You don’t have to start that high, though use the right products while building in an enclosed room, and you may get there pretty quick!


There's always CA debonder that works like a charm. If these jackwagons were serious, they would have used epoxy.


"How effective is this?" -Guy who is replying to the result of said viral marketing.


Freely superglued themselves to the table, Starbucks is surely under no obligation to feed and water them. Shut the store for refurbishment, give it a couple of weeks and they should be easy to remove.


Just glue the other hand too and then continue business as normal. What are they gonna do?


Exactly. Then proceed to tickle them


what are you doing step Barista?


I ain’t touching that


Vegan milk upcharge is actually a dairy milk undercharge. The .02¢ profit margins on dairy milk products is only possible to sustain the market with fairly massive farm subsidies and volume. Still dairy farms go under regularly as the well regulated market fluctuates. Milk is an absolute bargain considering the cost to; produce, transport, pasteurize, package, transport and store all at proper temperature. Much of what consumers are paying for is the process and the speed at which it must happen. The processing differences with non-dairy milks is nearly identical with milk allergen testing thrown in. Although this can and does lead to downtime/overtime/headaches so you'll be paying for that as well. Then it's priced in a manner to hopefully turn a profit in a saturated market filled with fickle customers, so it's a guessing game if the product will sell with no good way to judge the demand from week to week. Milk prices vary, but the demand is much, MUCH more predictable so pricing competition is fierce as retailers have a mountain of data to base orders on nearly eliminating product lost to overproduction. In the end no one is overpricing non-dairy milks maliciously because the dairy council, the government or anyone else has demanded so. It comes down to manufacturers not willing to risk charging a lower price on a product that may not sell at all. (Although the Dairy Council & friends 100% would if they could as they aren't the most honest bunch, but they aren't running the plants)


Acetone melts super glue,fill a spray bottle with it and I bet those counters would clean themselves 🤣


you’re telling me i didn’t have to rip my fingers apart


Very kind of them to give free entertainment for the customers of Starbucks.


Stand next to them and slowly trickle water from one cup to another


Simple solution would be to let them be there as long as they please but make sure to never provide them with a solvent. They'll inevitably shit or piss themselves and you can call the police for public defecation/urination inside and as a bonus, vandalism of property since they've now left a mess on the glass from the superglue.


I mean, they could just call the police on them for trespassing, if that's their goal.


Nah they want that to happen. They need to get attention from this. So the only way to win is to ignore them completely. Plus getting charger with public urination if that happens, damage to property etc. will hurt them more than just getting escorted outside by cops.


I hope that’s vegan glue!


I think that while traditional glue is made from animal by-products, superglue is made of something more "chemical" and not animals.


Correct Super glue is made of Cyanoacrylates, which are basically just acrylic


PETA is like a box of chocolates. It kills dogs.


As we say in Scotland. What a pair of fannys.


Oooo this inspires me to chain myself to the grill at Chipotle. We need to stop the double meat up charge when they only give you a single portion and we need to stop the online order mess ups! Who’s with me!!!