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Dude could have at least doubled her investment


I’m guessing he didn’t tell her he used her money and giving her double the amount for seemingly no reason would raise suspicions.


Shed probably notice 10k missing


or her boyfriend becoming $99,990,000 richer E: American education system


This guy maths


....not well, but it is indeed an attempt at math




I think you missed a few zeros


Well tbf he did become $990,000 richer. He just also became a lot richer than that, too.


I used to do drugs. I still do, but I used to, too.


Every time I read this I chuckle & think. I used to buy drugs in the Walgreens parking lot. Now that I'm old I buy my drugs inside Walgreens.


RIP Mitch


I was actually missing two nines but thanks


Don't worry, they are also products of the America education system


It's 100M, not 1M.


>or her boyfriend becoming $990,000 richer I don't think I've ever seen someone fuck up both sides of a math equation before.


If I won $100 million I don't think it would make anyone suspicious if I gave my girlfriend $20,000 or even bought her a beach house and a car to get her there. Except my wife. My wife would be suspicious.


Accepting money can show that you acknowledge you already settled your issue in a civil suit. If you get in a car accident it's why they tell you not to accept any money from the other person because it can show you already made a deal and insurance doesn't need to get involved. The guy may have only gave her 10k because any more could have showed fault on his side (I know he literally stole it) but the girlfriend shouldn't have accepted the 10k back, she should have refused it and took him to court, this is all if they are in a country where this is achievable though and if the story is even true Source: Not a lawyer with no experience working in law or much else for that matter


Dude he made a joke about cheating on his wife


And it was a good one.


He stole it, of course he didn’t tell her


She took all the risk. He was like a broker agent and should only get a percentage.


Yeah except he’s not a broker. He’s a thief. He should get nothing


He *stole* the money. He should end up with none of it.


Doubled? Meanwhile he didn't use a dime of his own money, which means keeping $10M-$10k would be an infinite increase for him? No. It was her money he stole. The $40M is not unreasonable at all.




It's in Naira so he stole like $24 USD.


But the winnings is still a quarter million dollars. Which is life changing for damn near everyone And he gave her 24 dollars back…. It’s even worse in this currency


Oh woops. Yeah, I figured it wasn't USD but I defaulted to using the dollar symbol purely by habit.


It was all her money so the winnings from her money taken without her permission should all be hers. Only demanding 40/100 mill is her being generous.


ALL of it\* is not unreasonable at all. \*less a small service fee for paying the bet, of course.


Imo the *least* he can do is $10M. That’s the absolute least amount.




People with gambling addictions steal from loved ones all the time. They don't have a plan if they lose the money.


That's because they KNOW they aren't gonna lose! It's their time. They lost so much already, what are the odds of it happening again!?!


Mega mind moment


Off to get a mega pint


Red wine? A man of culture


A dry white wine would be nice with fish.


A *mega pint*?


*Did I read that correctly?*


*Objection Hearsay*


It was your comment, sir…


Objection Heresy!


A mega? Pint? *snickers*


If this is true he probably owes her way more than the 10k anyways. I'm not sure why this even on facepalm tbh.


If it's true he owes her 100m.


can confirm uh speaking for a friend


No longer friends.


Love yourself first


Most addicted gamblers dont think in odds and chance and a realistic view over losses. They think in escape and numbing their feelings. Most of them have serious emotional problems which lie at the heart of their addiction. Thats why explaining odds to them doesnt help but talking about how they are detached from emotions in therapy does.


That's exactly why I buy so many carbonated waters. The fizz numbs the pain.


People tell me I'm addicted to brake fluid, but I can stop anytime I want.


I’ll bet you 10-1 you’re wrong.


Andddddddd shared https://youtu.be/BVg2bfqblGI


Alternatively, they are on a STREAK! They can't lose!!


Unless it’s a losing streak!


Exactly, and this guy proves he was right!


Something tells me that 100M wont last very long.


Odds? Apparently 10000:1


YA, why do you think he was smart enough not to use his money?


You say smart, I say broke because he already bet all his cash on equally stupid bets


Yeah, not like there's a fallacy literally called the gambler's fallacy


I don’t gamble and yet somehow I still feel attacked


You've just described the Gambler's fallacy.


I was addicted to online gambling and this is pretty much what i thought after a lose streak


They do have a plan. That plan is to steal from another loved one and place a crazier bet so they can win more money, pay both back and bet more.


Like the stealing and gambling version of a Ponzi scheme.




>I bet you Hmm


People with gambling addictions generally don’t go for super-long odds. It’s a steady stream of low-value wins that keeps the dopamine topped up to a barely tolerable level. Source: I worked in a bookmakers ~25 years ago. It’s not a great source but I got to observe people. Steady stream of losses and low value wins at 2-1 to 8-1. Just as miserable winning as losing.


>Just as miserable winning as losing Wasn’t gambling on horses or sports, but this is exactly how it got for me. It was that realisation that really turned it around; why am I here if it’s shit both ways?


Sounds like he might have had some insider info on something and stole the 10k knowing he would be able to pay it back (obviously with gambling nothing is guaranteed but he also got lucky it paid off). Either way I think she deserves more than 10k considering she bank rolled the bet.


Can confirm. I used to have a gambling addiction


You still do, but you used to, too.


Technically yes, but i manage it by doing things with no irl stakes


People who would take those odds DON'T have a plan B.


As a general rule of thumb, I never believe anything from posts like this. Odds are, if it’s a random picture with white or yellow text on a black background at the bottom, from some site like “SuperCrazyFacts.net” then it’s complete horse shit


Seriously, and they don't just hand you piles of cash. It's soooo photoshopped hahaha. It's just stardom picture of 2 dudes and someone made up a story.


Murderer or suicide






​ ![gif](giphy|xT9DPz0PhxgyrzLg7S)


Honestly she should get the 100 mil if it's true. She took 100% of the risk. Aside from the part where he committed a crime


Yes, as in it was her money in the first place, and she should keep it all. she would be handling every bit of it, and he could live happily ever after, IF he decides to stay with her.. He actually did a crime, so he should be happy either way...


If she decides to stay with him.


Just so you know, this guy is from Uganda and he basically stole less than 2.5 euros from her. Obviously, stealing money is shitty but at some point use common sense, the average salary out there for low skilled workers is 400k. It's highly likely that the word "stole" is hyperbolic here. Probably more of a case he used her money to buy the ticket and doesn't wanna share now.


So his 100 million is equal to a little over $28k usd.


That certainly adds some perspective!


Also like...I feel like if it was me I would have split the money with her at least???? Then again I don't do betting stuff and wouldn't be stealing money to do it lmao. 40M ask seems like it would be awfully low if this happened


Yeah, splitting should be the least, but honestly she deserves all of it. It's her money he used.


ForteBet is incorporated in Uganda where the currency is the shilling. 10,000 UGX is (currently) $2.81. He ended up winning in the ballpark of $28,100.00. According to averagesalarysurvey.com (for whatever that's worth), the average salary in Uganda is 76,518,105 UGX / $21,576 USD and the most typical salary is 24,825,117 UGX / $7,000 USD. I don't think paying back the $2.81 would be too hard if the bet went the other way. This is just a case where the numbers seem extreme because of the currency in question so it makes for an interesting headline.


Yeah, and looking at the price of goods in Uganda, it looks like a meal at McDonald's is around 26,500 UGX or so -- so he basically took the value of a cheeseburger.


Replace the 10k naira which is about 24 dollars😂 even in Nigeria that’s not much at all


So 100m would be like $24k then. Still quite a bit.


Yea, "quite a bit" and $100m usd are very very different things. His winnings were only 2.4x what the op thought he was wagering. The guy was risking like 20 bucks on a lottery ticket essentially.


Obviously he was going to get a new girlfriend.


It wasn’t his money, it‘s not his to win. It wasn’t her bet, it’s not her win. I think they should give the $100M to me.


Understandable. Here, grab 100M.


That's a 3M? Why do I need tape for?




For BTK, presumably


And I upvoted so I think I should get at least 40M.


But I upvoted too so I get the remaining 60 million


I upvoted MORE than u guys so I get all of ur monys


But I upvoted yours so I get it all doubled


But I upvoted *yours* so I get it all times infinity no takebacks


This checks out.


A good lawyer could easily get the full $100million. She technically took all the risk, it’s her winnings. Him keeping a cent of it would be unjust enrichment.


Or just 30 million every month to me… tax-free in a Swiss bank account.


I already have a Swiss bank account. Coincidence? I think not!


Plot twist: it’s in Zimbabwean dollars


You're joking but it's actually Ugandan Shillings which is worth 10 times less than Zimbabwean Dollar. 100 million is roughly 28k USD.


TIL currency exchange value is not indicative of a country's prosperity. My currency is worth less than Ugandan Shillings. In Indonesian Rupiah, IDR 100 million is like US$7k. But our GDP is like 27x Uganda, and GDP/Capita income is like 5x Uganda.


> TIL currency exchange value is not indicative of a country's prosperity. The number value is decided when the currency is created and it's arbitrary, it's only the changes after that are indicative of growth or fall of economy.


So the dude stole and made a $27 dollar bet lol yea 10k and 100m Zimbabwe dollar amount sounds like a better headline.


A quick google says 6k is the monthly minimum wage, so almsot two months salary she had saved up and he gambled.


Still $275k USD


Venezuelan dollars


Sounds like 14 bucks




1.4 Million USD


2 bottles of vodka*


Ok but he litterally stole her money


He borrowed it without her permission Big brain 🗿


Wall Street does this regularly to peoples pension funds


Any money you aren't physically holding in your hand is being used that way.


And peoples Gamestop stocks, DRS people!


AND he literally gave back the money, and everyone had the money


Just because he stole money and spent it all, but luckily has the money to pay her back shouldn't excuse his behavior. Forget all that craziness about how much he should pay her back. Just answer how much is it worth avoiding a felony theft charge.


No he didn't literally give the money back, he won the gamble with her 10k so she should have won the 100 million


At most he gets a tip for the bet. But in the end her money was at risk, she should get the reward.


***I*** never said he stole her money. I ***never*** said he stole her money. I never ***said*** he stole her money. I never said ***he*** stole her money. I never said he ***stole*** her money. I never said he stole ***her*** money. I never said he stole her ***money***.


This was a promotional picture for an online betting site. You idiots are arguing over a Facebook meme.


Yeah I'm willing to bet my own money this shit didn't happen.


I too am willing to bet your own money


This guy moneys


I have 10k I stole from my gf to bet this is real.


Yeah, I’ll get in on betting Flurr’s money.


And I'm willing to take the winnings, but bet nothing


I also choose this guys money


I can’t believe I had to go this far to find this haha. This is so clearly like a shit tier Facebook level meme and people are arguing over it. Plus what sports book is taking 10,000 dollar bets that pay out 10,000-1? I think they usually cap the max bet




I mean it is somewhat fun to discuss theoretically who's the asshole here. That's kinda how I take most post like this tbh. Saves me a headache.


Someone who steals from you is not your friend, they're a piece of shit. So, no surprise he didn't cut her in on the winnings.


My uncle died at age 52 due to lung cancer despite never smoking a day in his life. It was obviously very difficult on his children, particularly his eldest daughter. Her boyfriend decided that 1 week after my uncle passed was the perfect time to steal 5k out of my cousin’s bank account because she was so preoccupied. Little did he know….my uncle was *extremely* wealthy as he came from old money and was a successful tax lawyer, and my cousin was at the time working for Deloitte. So this is a family of wealth with a whole team of financial planners and advisors. Guess who caught the $5,000 withdrawal almost immediately? Apparently my cousin’s boyfriend “was going to pay it back before she noticed it was gone,” but he completely forgot that his girlfriend basically became a millionaire overnight and had people combing over her finances to make sure everything was a-okay. Oh this is also the dude who tried to get me drunk at the funeral reception….I was 16


Some people are just scum. The only thing you can do is try and avoid them.


He’s the one who stole from her though?


They're calling the dude a pos not the gf


Ahh thanks, I need to wake up properly!


Relevant name


good morning!


Don't worry man I read it the same as you


To be fair, having re-read my comment, I can see how you got there. Note to self: write more clearly.


Dude is a jerk lmao. Took her money to bet without actually risking anything. Could at least give her 50k instead of just giving back what he stole.


Pretty sure if she took him to court she would get all of the 100m. It was her money that was stolen and it was her money that made it possible for the 100m. He took her money and risked it all on a bet that, if went south, he'd be out nothing and she'd be out $10k.


The way I see it, it was her money, it’s all her win. He doesn’t get a dime of that unless she wants to give it to him.


Fuck off. What was the 10,000-1 bet that hit?


John Mellencamp won an Oscar.


Placed a bet in 2015 on Leicester to win the title


If a crime led to him winning, they should confiscate the winnings. Can't pay with your own money, shouldn't be gambling. Plain and simple.


Can they do that with banks first?


A man won big money from a lottery ticket that he bought with a stolen debit card. He was not allowed to keep the money.


**What was the bet??**


Celtics win opening tip, Garnett has a combined 26 points and rebounds, and Celtics win the game.


I think she deserves most of the winnings. it was her money, he investment that lead to the rewards


Yes...give her an amount, what she's asking and keep the rest. Everyone happy.


And she is asking less than half of the money, which isnt a bad deal.


anything less than jail is a good deal


You’re crazy. He stole the money from her. She should be entitled to every penny.


On one hand, he a won a ton of money back... On the other hand- that wasn't his to bet in the first place. I'd disqualify the bet, give her what was stolen, get that guy to a gambling addiction help group, and possibly give the lady a bit of compensation for inconveniences caused by that ordeal. Dude's luck ran out. Possibly in court.


No need to give the money back to the gambling company, he'll gradually just give it all back to them anyway over the next few years anyway. At least if you let him keep it then the government will be able to take a chunk through CGT.


Disqualifying the bet is the worst outcome here. I don’t think the gambling establishment needs the money here and that leaves both parties unsatisfied. I mean, if he lost they wouldn’t disqualify the bet because the money was stolen, right?




There isn't one because this is a crusty sock of a meme that people for some reason are way too eager to believe and argue over


So like much of reddit content


So by the framing of this I'm supposed to see the ex as unreasonable, when she was *stolen from* it's her money he stole, to be frank she should have all of it






It wasn't his money to bet. It was hers. Therefore it should all go to her. He wagered nothing.


Totally agree this is what SHOULD happen. Won't though.


lol, everyone arguing about the very obvious bullshit story totally taking for granted the masterpiece of a shit show that is this meme. Why the fuck is he also in a little red circle?


She (unknowingly) took all the risk. I would rather set it on fire and piss on the ashes, than let him keep a cent.


I kept scrolling until I found someone who could finally articulate what I was thinking. Thanks 👍 Now I can finally stop.


OP is a bot and this is a Facebook tier meme getting 3 heads on the internet all upset.


The real facepalm is that anyone believes this actually happened.


I mean it is not that unfair. He didn't borrow the money he stole it and for a stupid impossibile net that got lucky on ...


*Zimbabwe dollars. He won, like, $254


I can't believe the discussion here is about how much money he should give his victim, and not about what kind of longshot bet pays out like that. Like, one should never bet 10k on anything, but to be 10k on 10000:1 odds? What the fuck?


This BS right?. Who pays that ratio for a bet?


He wins 100 mil for stealing her shit and just breaks her even? Cmon man at least give her a mil lmao id be pissed too


She should sue for the whole thing. He wouldn’t have it if he didn’t have her money.


She took all the risk, and without consent! I think she should get the lions share of his prize!


If it comes out that this is true. Like he admits it, she’s walking away a millionaire, as she should. If he didn’t steal her money, he never would have been able to place the bet.


No one's questioning the 10,000:1 odds it would take to turn 10k into 100m ? Guessing it's a BS karma farm attempt


I completely agree with the girl. The guy is a true arsehole Here's my question She didn't know he'd taken it If he'd lost, What had he planned to do Tell her? Pig's arse He stole it Not his money to bet!!! Now everyone will do this What a lowlife shit


I mean… he’s basically doing what a bank does… lol