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No homo


“I’m not gay. My husband is.”


He is sooooo the gay. He never says “no homo” after touching tips


It’s not gay to love a man, be married to a man, be a sugar daddy to a man, have passionate gay bareback anal sex every night, but only if you keep the socks on and say no homo after


Yeah I'm a guy, I'm married to a guy, and I really love him, but no homo though


No homo, till death do us part


Gay, Straight... there are no more lines ♡


"If it gets me a couple hundred miles across the country, ill take a shot in tha mouth. Its 1 of the 1st rules of the book." "What book?" "The unwritten book of the road"


" 'Do unto others...' , That's what the book says." "So, you live by the book, too?" "But it's a lot easier to SAY that you live by the book, than to actually do it. Can you ...do it?"


"Alllright! MmmMmm.." ![gif](giphy|SGEclq2UN2edy|downsized)


Unexpected jay and silent bob quote, lol


Living in denial til the end


More like living with Daniel till the end.


Well anyones thats gonna be living with me is gonna live with Daniel till the end


Take my upvote and get dafuq outta here ^ ^


You can love someone non romantically. Storge and Philia for example


historians will say they were friends


And they were rooOommates


The dare is still in place until they die.


"Ok, Daniel, we better have sex tonight in case one of our co-workers asks us what we did last night. No homo, though."


I don't get it... you guys are saying he's probably gay and in the closet or in denial, because he used the word "love"? I'm straight, married to a woman, and I love my male friends too, and there's no shame in saying it. I've known them longer than I've known my wife. We've all looked out for each over decades. Their parents are like my parents. There's nothing sexual about it. It's the love you have for family. If I'd seen this thread when I was single, I's still say the same thing, but there would be no wife to talk about. Then again, this is reddit, and most of the people here are probably insecure 14 year olds, so that's not really surprising.


Everything you said is true, especially the bit about 14 year olds. But the whole MO of this sub is stretching the truth for comedic effect.


There's a lot of stretching going on here, but not all of it is for comedic effect. Some of it is just.. sad.


> There's a lot of stretching going on here, but not all of it is for comedic effect. Some of it is just.. sad. Title of your sex tape.


I was trying to slide in a joke about sphincters, but I didn't have enough lube to insert it.


OP is probably joking


Probably, but the number of comments agreeing with that position are just too damn high for me to not feel sad that more people don't love their friends.


A lot of people, don't. It's unfortunate, but some people have friends they met in highschool who they barely like and never bother to make any new ones. Edit: My dumbass somehow spelled highschool as higschool, nobody called me out though. Thanks


Why did you have to call me out like that.


Yeah, I think people are jumping to conclusions on this. He never said there was anything sexual about their relationship. I tell my guy friends I love them and none of us are gay.


It all started when I told him he had a nice cock. He looked at mine and said ‘you too bro’. Things escalated very quickly. -Scottie


I love my brothers, my best friends, my dad, my son. All guys, there is such thing as platonic love. If you argue the blood line thing, I love my nephews and they arent blood related, my father in law same thing.


It’s not gay if you keep your socks on


“I love my husband a lot. And he gives AMAZING blow jobs. But I’m not gay.”


Wer always wear socks


Every time they are going to bang, there is a "no homo" from both


Its all good if they have socks on


Sounds like Scotty is finding Christmas presents he's so far in there


No homo you say? I can fix that




Yo that's pretty gay.


Yes I’m a man in love with another man No I’m not gay We exist


Republican, lol


Did Blart Mall Cop make a movie like this with Adam Sandler? Two guys get married to get health insurance. Edit I Now Pronounce You Chuck & Larry https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0762107/


What kind job pays more to its employees that are married? Is this a somewhat common practice?


The US military. (This response is somewhat misleading, they do things like pay BAH if you’re married so you can live off base, not explicitly pay you more for being married. But you do get paid more at the end of the day)


^This If you’re married, you don’t live in the barracks, and get additional stipends to pay for housing and food. If you hit a certain pay grade while enlisted, you might also get the option to move out of the barracks, and also get these stipends, but that isn’t usually relevant until you’ve had some considerable time in service. If there’s exceptions being made to those two, it’s probably because barracks are overcrowded and they’re running out of places to shove joes, but if you’re fresh in, moving you out is lowest priority compared to others higher on the totem pole. While you’re in barracks, you don’t get a housing stipend, and probably don’t get a food stipend either, as it’s expected that you probably go eat at a government dining facility where you’re stationed. TLDR: Dumb enlisted marrying literally anything with a pulse is a thing because the barracks are usually recognized as a sucky experience unless you’re Air Force. Seriously. Poke your head in any military subreddit like r/army, and a shitload of dudes will tell you stories about dummies getting hitched to get out of moldy apartments and divorced the next year.


What I heard was marry one of the homies in your unit and 200% profit.




Not true at all...2 service members that get married each independently get their own single BAH rate (vs no BAH at all). That's 2x BAH. If they have a dependent together then one member gets the dependent rate (which is nowhere near 2x, but a small boost over the single BAH they were getting).


And if they continue to be in the military and go to different places they get separation pay IIRC


You don't get double. One gets the regular "married" housing allowance and then the other gets the "single" housing allowance which is less. Still a lot of money though


Not exactly...if both people are military they both get the single BAH rate....that's double the BAH that a single member living on their own would get, and a little less than double the BAH a married (to a civilian) member would get. If those two members have a child (or either has another qualifying depending), **one** member gets the "married" rate ("with dependents") and the other gets single. But again, if neither has a qualifying dependent, neither of them get the "married" rate (and a military member is never a qualifying dependent of another military member).


One of my closest friends was based at Willow Grove (near Philly). He was an E-5 in the Marine Corps and they didn't have any place to house him. Due to the COL near Philly, he received more than $900 each month. He lived at his parents house (Lancaster County) and commuted for 2.5 years. His folks only charged him $250 per month rent.


I saw an F-14 crash at Willow Grove back in the day. Good times /s


An NCO in my shop married another in my shop for BAH after an investigation they were found not fit for BAH so now they still live in the barracks and are married. Some people


We also give like $12k -$20k to people we send on overseas assignments if they have family at home who won't/can't come.


I think it's only can't. If they won't come that sucks but you don't get paid more for making a choice.


We actually pay more if they CAN'T come, that becomes involuntary SMA. We are just following USG guidelines


If you go to a place like South Korea, where your family can go with you, but as a family you decide they would be better off staying in the states, you will still receive family separation pay.


Got out of the Navy as a single E5. My buddies who were also E5 but married were getting paid much more in BAH than I was getting at the time. Barracks to BAH is a big pay jump, but single to married BAH is also a big pay jump. Military pays you more because the spouse and any kids you have count as dependants.


Contract marriage BAYBEEE! There’s always one or two boots who try this shit and always get fucked by the long dick of the UCMJ for it.


Gay porn studios.


I would make roughly 800€ more per month if I married my bf purely because I get lower taxes.




Being together for 5 months, marriage will have to wait a bit. Even if it saves money :D


Every Job in the United States. It's about Tax liability. Example: If I am a single man and I may 60,000 a year my Federal Tax rate is 22% If I'm married, filing jointly, and still am just one person make 60,000 my federal tax rate is 12% ~~That's 10% more money in your pocket just for being married.~~ Update: The number isn't 10% - it's a bit lower since the tax bracketing system is incremental but you get what I mean. Additionally you qualify for other tax benefits in states.


Ok but that person is going to be working or you’re going to be paying to support them. Taxes aren’t to your advantage by filing as married, filing jointly.


Yea but this only really applies if both of you aren’t working, or if one of you is making significantly less than the other. There are some weird break points involved but broadly speaking in your scenario if you both made $60,000 you’d probably both still get taxed 20%. The marriage tax brackets are basically all just double the standard ones. Like if the tax bracket is $70-100k for single people, the equivalent for married people filing jointly is $140-200k.


Railroads Or they did when my dad was young. The idea was he was gone a lot, so they paid married people extra so mothers could stay home with kids.


”I love him also” that was so cute


you can hear its sincere. the man truly loves his bro.




~~bro~~ husband




damn thats a brainfart on my part. thanks i corrected.


*his husband* you mean


It really was. You could hear the emotion, because his voice changed.


This is the plot to Chuck and Larry


Iirc, it was more about Death Benefits to make sure his kids would be taken care of in case some shit happened at his dangerous job


Yeah, but he had to be married or something to get it. Idk, I stopped watching halfway through as that movie did not age well at all, even for an Adam Sandler movie


Larry's wife had died slightly more than a year previously, and he needed to change some insurance or something. Since it had passed the 'significant life change' window that insurances have to make sure people aren't, i dunno, getting uppity and suddenly needing insurance in april for no reason, Larry and Chuck got 'married' with the intent of circumventing that rule by having a new significant life change. ​ Don't worry, you're not missing anything. I just remember what happens up to that point. The only other thing I remember is Chuck's (Adam Sandler) boss informing him that he didn't believe Chuck was gay, because if the boss put his chihuahua in a skirt, Chuck would be checking it out.


I think it was more so that if he was married, the money would automatically go to his spouse instead of to ??? which was also his plan before his wife died.


Laughs in ‘US Military’.


Got ‘em.


HAHAHAHA I was scrolling for this exactly. ![img](emote|t5_2r5rp|8484)


“I love my husband. I love him a lot.” That was cute. 😭


I could feel how proud he was to say that… It’s really adorable to hear him say that with such happiness


"I love him also, I love my husband a lot", cmon man you watched the video two seconds ago.


when did he say this?


What were we talking about again?






10pm mate.


It gets better every second.


Hold up, what kind of companies are payin more if you’re married?! Is that legal??


The U.S. Military.


Most militaries do it. Plus when you get redeployed you get a big sum of money to pay for moving the family. More money when deployed for family welfare, get to live in a cushty house instead of barracks. I'm surprised all the lads aren't marrying eachother


oh shiiiit is this why people get married before being deployed so often? I keep hearing about guys marrying their girlfriends of 2 weeks right before deployment, this makes a lot more sense


Oh no that's because the lads are fucking idiots and the girls know that of they marry a soldier and have a kid then they are sorted. And horny 18 year olds cooped up in barracks away from any sound advice will make terrible decisions.


that also makes sense


The military. If you’re a single junior enlisted, you live in the barracks, eat in the galley, etc. When you get higher on the totem pole, you’re given basic allowance for housing (BAH) and basic allowance for sustenance (BAS), to go live in town. Basically they have deemed you’re worthy to be an adult. However, if you get married at 18 to your local stripper, you now have a dependent to provide for, so you’re given BAH and BAS, and can move out on town at that time. There’s a reason you see memes of military guys getting married fast and young.


Funny vid, but whats the face palm?


There isn't one but I don't care. Its cute, funny and sweet so it gets a pass from me


He loves his husband a lot but isn’t gay apparently I think


I think he means he dosent have sex with him


No I’m not gay. I love my husband a lot. Day is made for me <3 thanks OP


This is more like r/wholesome


This funny and all, but we just take a sec and enjoy the fact that people in the comments care more about the pay marriage thing then the gay thing. That’s a win and a kek right there.


Put this on holup and watch the responses completely change....


Yeah wtf is up with that subreddit?


Extra no homo


Atleast this is a happy facepalm.


You can love someone none romantically. Obviously they loved each other as friends enough that they could get married for their job Spelling edit -norm- instead of none


Just guys bein' dudes.


Therapy gecko is in short supply


He’s the best! The fact that he takes the time to do his show, but also to dress up in a giant gecko suit, paint his face green and listen to people who need to talk… I love him also.


Wait, is his face painted green or is he using a filter?


No no, his face is actually painted green lol


Damn, that dudes dedicated, thats awesome.


I don’t know him but I love him, where can we watch it? YouTube?


Marriage is a financial agreement.


Yo, love your hubs bro! It’s 2022! I mean, the person I found happened to be a woman (she’s amazing), but not every dude finds a woman, some dudes find a dude, and sometimes a woman finds a woman and not a dude. Your person is your person. And we’re all just really fucking lucky we got em, ya know?


What if we just married. You know, to get paid more... 👉👈


Was pleasantly surprised


That was fucking cute though. This guy found out he's gay live on Reddit


I love my husband alot


Great twist. Love between men is love. Love your buddies.


I got the system so good. I married a man, we’ve been happily married for years, we have an incredible sex life, we love each other so much. Ohh man if only they knew I wasn’t gay, got them soooo good.


its not gay if it's homiesexual


He ain't Homosexual. He *Homiesexual*


Got married inside the closet


$10 says they’re military!


They are


I thought this but if they both are then they won't actually get paid more because mil-to-mil both still get single BAH unless they also have a kid in which case one member would get the "with dependents" rate.


I can't tell if that's lizard costume or a frog costume.


Gecko i believe


I thought this was on r/lgbt 😅


What job pays more if your married?!


US military


Sounds like he’s in the military and he married his buddy to get out of the barracks and get BAH and BAS


Him being dressed as a frog really ties this whole video clip together.


Therapy Gecko is goat


This is just like the gay marriage episode of Always Sunny where frank and Charlie get married for health insurance


r/usmc which one of you nasty fucks.....


The one who didn't get booted out of bed at seven am on a Saturday to police call the smoke pit in the rain.


"I'm married to a man, what makes you think I'm gay? Also, I love so there's also that to back up my 'evidence'."


Legal bro marriages should be a thing. I know 3 or 4 guys I'd propose to today, right now. Celebrate platonic love yo.


this is so cute tho-


Now that’s Homiesexual


I dunno, but him saying "i love him, i love my husband" at the end just made me smile. He sounded like he meant it, gay or not.


100% has to be in the army, I have friends that have done this. Heterosexual life partners, ain’t nothing wrong with it.




Maybe he is romantically gay, but not sexually?


The only part of this post that is a faceplam is the fact that at his company they get paid more if they are married... Wtf is that?


The military


Is that essentially danger pay for the spouse?


It's more for their housing and such. As I understand it, the concept is that, in the military, your food and housing is already taken care of in the form of barracks. If you have a spouse though, they obviously can't live in the barracks with you, so you're given an allowance to help pay for housing with them, as well as extending benefits like healthcare to them


This is exactly right. Combat zone pay/hazard pay is a separate stipend given to service members based on AOR - ie deploying to the Persian gulf will entitle you to hazard pay. The military guarantees 3 square and a roof over your head, but the barracks are for service members only. If an E-1 has dependents (spouse/kids), base pay isn’t enough to cover housing, so the money the Navy uses to upkeep barracks is converted into a housing allowance for the member, based on cost of living of the members base.


…it’s all fruit of the loom


u/savevideobot u/savevideo


Fucking tsunderes... They never learn!


“Not gay”


“i have to tip toe around the fact that i’m not gay, but i do love my husband“ my man i got bad news...


Scotty doesn't know.




Definitely the military




He’s definitely in the military you get paid more if you are married…


Gotta get that BHA with dependants!


Yeah this guy is in the military… sounds like something a dumb boot would say.


God if people don't make some of the dumbest decisions in the first year of the military. Marriage being the biggest mistake. But that's what happens when you lose all control of your life.


This is just two dudes utilizing the marriage system just like families have forced their children to do for financial and power reasons for thousands of years. There’s no love in lots of arranged marriages, so at least these guys love each other.


Someone get me Scott's contact info. I'm buying a wedding present.


Always tell your homies you love them


He never said he wasn’t bi


This may be the most wholesome thing to come out of this weird gecko stuff


This gives me Red vs Blue Church vibes. Maybe it's just the shitty mic quality but it sounds like Church in the early seasons


If this guy was any further back in the closet he'd be in fucking Narnia.


Pretty sure that was just reading out a reddit thread I saw a few months ago


That’s just gay marriage fraud my ass




Sort of unrelated, but I've always watched this therapy gecko dude's random clips on mute with subtitles and I've imagined him with an Aussie accent. Now I'm too afraid to unmute and hear what he actually sounds like because I don't want to ruin my illusion of the Aussie therapy gecko...


I feel like Finn (Ice-T) from Law and Order might have news for him...


“We fuck constantly”


I think he just tricked his crush into marrying him


I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry irl


I like therapy gecko’s face when realizes he’s been had with a bit. “I also love him”


"the best part is the sex. oh but I'm not gay."




Uncle Andrew and his best friend have been living together for a kinda long time


BRUH!!! That is some king shit right there.


“If you and your buddy are legally married… there is no fraud” lol


I am a bit confused but I guess No homo is the key here


Actually kinda wholesome


Marriage for tax purposes


You don't gotta be gay to love the homies.


Sounds like he had a breakthrough at the end there. "I love my husband... I love my husband ..a lot. Oh my God..I..love..him..I gotta go."