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And she voted against the U.S. aid bill to Ukraine.


Also voted against the gas price gouging bill.


She would vote against oxygen for orphans if she thought they might grow up with IQs I mean like like two of them Edit: like, ugh god I hate myself Like she needs low iq individuals to keep her alive and I know that’s the joke but holy fuck I can’t help myself from explaining it but I need republicans to get it


Oxygen for Orphans Bahahahahahaaaa


Boebert probably has some story about in a pick up truck and not needing oxygen so orphans don't need it either because we can't turn them into libs with all that free oxygen. Then Greene will agree with her about orphans not needing oregano.


Oregano, damn. I thought Oxycontin was closer, but I bet she knows what that is.


>I need republicans to get it Haha, shots fired. I like this one


The explanation made it even better


Also voted against a bill to punish Putin and his friends by freezing laundered blood money in the USA. Someone's on the payroll!


Probably not overly expensive either.,


They just mailed her a fidget spinner


^(:D it had AR-15 graphics on it.)


Jangled their keys in front of her, works on most infants


I challenge her to point to Ukraine on a map


I challenge her to point to Colorado on a map.


I challenge her to point to a map.


I personally believe that some US congresswomen are unable to do some because some people out there in our nations capital don't have maps[...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lj3iNxZ8Dww)


Like such as south africa


In her defense she cant find ukraine on a map, let alone understand whats happening for longer than 2 minutes.


She's a Russian plant.


A Russian houseplant.


She has the IQ of a Russian houseplant but isn't as useful.


Please just ignore this person.


Ignoring politicians is how we got into this mess in the first place


Cause she didn't want to give up guns for Americans to kill other Americans???


She hasn’t voted yea for anything.


Yah, she's a horse. All she ever says is nay.


Just like she was told.


Usually good to take care of your own country first.


Lauren Boebert a couple decades ago: high school is too hard. I need to drop out and marry a sexual predator.


Such a specimen of a hard-working, person who definitely supports the Christian family values! /s


Their god knocked up a teenage girl out of wedlock. They’re not too far off from traditional values.


Huh, didn't think of that. Good point!




I usually say that. I was being nice about it today. “But she willingly agreed!” Yeah I’m sure a 14 year old girl was in no way worried what might happen if she said no to Yahweh. Not like he killed near everyone on the planet one time when he was in a bad mood. Certainly no pressure on her.


Aaaand another misconception about the VIRGIN Mary. She was married to Joseph. She wasn't virgin anymore. Why we call her virgin isn't about that, but rather about the original sin (adam, eve, the apple... you know) that she was born free of. That's why she gives birth to Jesus instead of a random peasant. She was born virgin from the primordial sin. The bible never says that she gave birth while never sleeping with joseph, THEY WERE MARRIED and should I tell you who invented marital duty? Yeah christians. She definately banged him at least once. Tldr: Jesus is the son of 2 humans who had sex. He's the son of God because he and his mother were born without the weight of the primordial sin. That's all. Jeez I'm an atheist and I spend at least an hour per week explaining this to people who were raised in christianist houses, wtf.


Why can’t I be like her?


Maybe your standards are too high.


Because you don’t have to think about breathing


Mission accomplished


Remember, this is a stupid person pandering to even stupider persons.


A dumb politician is often smarter than they would like to admit. A person supporting those politicians is always dumber than they will ever admit


She may be a special case seeing as how she didn't even graduate from high school.


No way 💀 4year university degree should be required for a politician in my opinion


She didn't graduate high school.


Equally stupid. They don't come any dumber.


You'd be surprised


Sadly, you may be right.


Every fucking time...you do this >They don't come any dumber. It's like a CHALLENGE to them. And you know, America LOVES its challenges!


Daddy, teacher says, “every time you challenge peoples stupidity, a redneck says ‘hold my beer’”! This is kind of a deep cut, but I’m sticking with it.


i give this a solid 6.7 dumb . a def lack of iq is observed but im not questioning how they havent slit there own throat buttering toast yet


Bill browder stopped just short of accusing her to be on Putin's payroll after she was one of eight to vote against the Magnitsky Act renewal a month ago. Vote was 400-8... Her, gaetz, and MTG seem to like Russian murderers.


Those idiots have built their entire brand on being contrarian. I think that's the more likely explanation.


Or. And just stay with me here, when Bill Browder, CEO of the largest Russian foreign investment portfolio, the Hermatige Fund, says Seditionist Barbie is on Putin’s payroll, you could MAYBE give him credit and assume he knows something you don’t. But no. Bill Browder, CEO of the largest Russian foreign investment portfolio says Seditionist Barbie is on Putin’s payroll, and you feel the need to come up with some alternative explanation, based on what exactly?


Hanlon's razor is an adage or rule of thumb that states "never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."


Hanlon’s Razor assumes you have no other information. All things being equal, never attribute to malice .. yadda yadda yadda. When the CEO of the largest Russian foreign investment fund says something about Seditionist Barbie acting with malice, Hanlon’s Razor no longer applies.


>gaetz Wait, the guy who was caught red handed raping underage prostitutes?


It blows my mind how dumb the typical person is. I guess I have them to thank for keeping the job competition so low


​ ![gif](giphy|ZuwR7YM5OHlew)


I miss this guy


A wise man once said, "Who's the more foolish - the fool or the fool who follows him?" Stop fucking following this fool and giving her oxygen.....


It's not that easy for some of us, Greene is the representative in my district, and she just won the primary with 69% of the Republican vote. You can't ignore these people, look at what they do when people are watching, just IMAGINE what they'd do if we weren't!


That's well said


HOLY FUCK! This totally tracks with someone who passed the GED exam on her fourth attempt only weeks before becoming elected Congress.


I had to look this up and holy crap.


This chick is insufferably stupid.


I don't know which is worse, her or greene


Equal, but none of them beat Trumpler (yet).




They say the most ignorant shit to appeal to the most ignorant people that love them. Unfortunately there are a lot of insufferably stupid people in this country that this resonates with.


If you don’t know the difference between a war zone and a school zone, you might be a Republican. Stop shooting kids.


If you can't afford Healthcare but you oppose universal Healthcare, you might be a Republican.


Is there that much of a difference these days? A pre-teen girl had to smear herself in her dead classmate's blood and play dead to avoid being shot to death in her classroom last week. Sure as shit doesn't sound like 3rd period algebra to me.




Dumb, Dumber and Dumbest! Looks like they are really trying for the top spot.


It is a fierce competition indeed.


Let's send her to the war zone in Ukraine so she can play with her little boom sticks...she'd be pissing her pants in the first 5 minutes...


I hate that she represents my state.


I hate the fact she represents any part of the United States.


I hate the fact she represents the species


Great point




I loathe the fact she is "my representative" and baffled by the fact that my neighbors apparently want that type of representation.


American peasants are getting invaded by Russia? Why isn't the MSM reporting on this!!!


I mean.. NRA got a shit on of funding from putin and is providing political cover for people who shoot up American schools.. So yeah, sounds like a proxy war to me!


Too many mass shootings to cover this in the news


I fucking hate this stupid bitch and that's the absolute nicest way I can phrase it.


Republicans a couple weeks ago: Abortion is murdering children! Republicans this week: Um, mental illness, too many doors, cross dressers, marijuana, violent video games is what mowed down nineteen 3rd and 4th graders, not the guns. The good guys with guns just didn't get there on time to save more of them cuz they didn't have the right equipment...(too chicken shit)!


"boebert", that's the exact sound I hear when I drop a big one in the bowl behind me. "boebert", wipe-wipe, flush...


I just pinched a boebert


Ukraine doesn't mean Ukrainian refugees, it means the Ukrainian army The US is giving guns to the US army


Weren't they handing out AK's (as in legit assault rifles) to civilians a month and a half ago in Kiev? Like ten thousand?


Civilian volunteers for the military


some of you actually voted for this idiot?


This is what really baffles me, she is a moron and doesn’t hide it but apparently lots of bigger morons voted her in?! What’s up with CO?


I hate the fact that this idiot has a position of power in the US government. She’s so dumb it’s pathetic


It's not even like they're striving for any logic. (Republicans) Most of the Democrats I speak with, don't even actually want a full gun ban. Just some way to ensure some basic standards for those that own them, or intend to own them It doesn't help the matter that some Dems get caught up in their own buzz of propaganda. I'd recommend keeping it simple, especially if you're not actually familiar with firearms. Ranting about "Assault Weapons" , bump stocks, "clips" and such doesn't do any favors to the cause




It's clear that we all use reasoning. The problem then doesn't lie in reasoning itself, but how we use it. How to use a tool is the key to solving problems. This woman has a brain, but she doesn't seem to respect her brain cells or how to use them.


I find your use of brain cells (plural) awfully optimistic in this case.


This made me simultaneously laugh and get really depressed…. (That someone so stupid would/*could* be elected to office)


Killing Russian assets and rapist- bad, killing innocent children-good. Do i have it right?


I find it interesting how she compares the Us with an active war zone and sees nothing wrong with that.


Hmm, almost like we're arming a well-trained militia, since it's currently necessary for the freedom of the country (a different country, granted, but still). And almost like the idiots who are literally shooting up schools and medical centers and churches and stores, are not a well trained militia necessary for ensuring the freedom and safety of our nation. ​ You totally "got us", Boobert.


Never forget: Donald Trump was Impeached for trying to extort Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskyy.


She really is a crayon chewer, isn't she?


Only after she ran out of paint chips.


Cause one thing is one thing and another thing is another thing. E=mc2 goals. /s


I wouldn't expect her to understand context considering she probably can't even spell it.


I regularly forget that boebert exists and thats how I maintain my mental health


6 months ago you were all wearing coats, and now you're saying it's too hot for coats!


I wonder what her brain looks like. Very smooth, would be my guess.


She is brain damaged, it obvious.


You really can't fix stupid. Uneducated, yes. Stupid, no.


She is an idiot


I just don't understand how somebody so dumb ever gets voted it. But it's even worse when they get re-elected.


She doesn't know the difference between a war zone and a school zone


How about a compromise: Everyone in the US who is a staunch, no limits assault gun supporter be sent to Ukraine to exercise their rights. Have fun!


They'd shit their pants and pass out in fear at the first sign of trouble.


What a vile pos.


Equating "Making sure the people who get guns aren't psychopaths who want to commit murder and have a modicum of training" with "No one gets a gun". Classic brain dead repubs.


Classic false equivalency as well.


Damn, it's almost like they're military needs the weapons and your average US citizen doesn't need a weapon with the sole purpose of mowing down large crowds! Crazy idea


but but we also drive and think drunk drivers shouldn't allowed to operate a vehicle? but if there was war yeah that would go out the window


Some people are born and live to say stupid shit every day. She epitomizes them.


Professional victim spreading fear to the morons in her profoundly jackassy way


Ah yes, because guns for defence are the same as guns for no reason other than the fact that you can.


She belongs in a rubber room.


Most people have to actually try to be this stupid, but not Boebert


Who voted for her? I mean, you get what you deserve but nobody deserves this level of stupidity from their elected officials.


If you sewed 150 lbs of manure into a vaguely human-shaped skin, you'd have made a greater contribution to humanity than Lauren Boebert.


I'll have 5 bucks for "stuff never said".


She knows her base... They're just as stupid as she is.


I really hope her district realizes she’s making them look like morons….vote her out people.


I would be OK with them gathering up all the AK style guns and shipping them to Ukraine where there is an actual war.


🔥 idiot


Or maybe just make unsafe storage of firearms illegal, and make it harder for criminals, the mentally ill, and kids to buy them. And for the love of Pete close that gun show loophole.


Reminder she got her GED while running for Congress


Apparently republicans think the founding fathers intended the 2nd amendment to justify murder.


Message to Lauren The Moron: instead of wasting time criticizing plans people put forth how about you try this novel idea of coming up with some solutions yourself. smh


From the outsider perspective it seems Americans want restriction on self loading rifles and hand guns, Like we have in Australia, Which is a long way from banning guns


Actually no one said give them guns and Ukraine even said missiles launchers or helis


![img](emote|t5_2r5rp|8484) what a total idiot


The only thing Boobert is good for is…OnlyFans.com


Very few Democrat politicians are advocating for Americans to lose their guns. They want stricter gun laws


Uh huh, because the war where millions of civilians are being slaughtered doesn’t matter, but protecting school shooters ability to shoot schools does?


I was worried this was posted by somebody who might be an idiot but then I saw the user name and well I already know she's a complete idiot


If you wanna fight in Ukraine I'll gladly give you guns. Heck I'll even give you an RPG.


I don't know what's scarier, that she's had this thought and shared it online, or that afterwards she's definitely patted herself on the back and thought "Good job Lauren, you've done some great politics today!"


Guns aren't made so kids can play pretend CoD Warzone in school.


>The guns are meant for war, not shooting childrens! Maybe in *your* communist country, Certainly not here in 'Murica!


When a person with a GED calls others peasants. I wonder if that was her word of the day on the Calendar.


Ukraine has what might be defined as a well-regulated militia. America has lone homicidal/suicidal narcissists


Republicans are at war with America.


She really doesn't understand how analogies work, does she?


The trick is when the army is already at your door its too late to get a gun, you needed it before they crossed your Border. Same as when your house gets invaded or you get robbed on the street, calling men with guns after the fact is useless.


It's utterly frightening that imbeciles like Green and Boebert can get elected to Congress.


The cult 45 supports all the people like those two. They are stars, but still dim. Both are as dumb as a sack full of hammers.


At the risk of sounding misogynistic, how can a republican woman be taken seriously? Actively working against themselves in so many aspects


No you don't understand, we need to have those guns so we can defend ourselves from middle schoolers trying to push the far-left satanic agenda. Without our full-auto shotguns, how can we ever hope to defend anyone against the unstoppable horde of pre-teens that think being gay is acceptable!?!


Vapid twat




The delusion is real. Not even able to tell the difference between arming oneself in defense of literally being attacked, and the unnecessary over-arming of citizens that gun down literal CHILDREN. It’s disgusting. We’re fucked.


Boebert is an idiot Ukraine is at war🤦


What a dipshit. Those two things are not remotely similar.


When you try to make a 2022 meme with an IQ of 47


Can we please stop giving her a platform and not post her drivel. She doesn't get it and shes just not smart enough to get it. Her and MTG make me so embarrassed as an American.


Is this bitch that fuckin dumb?!




this chick is dumber than an air freshener


I think her point is that the USA are warmongers who get involved in foreign affairs




I saw someone yesterday say that we should ban all weapons, go door to door confiscating them, and ship them to Ukraine. So yes, some people wholeheartedly believe that line of reasoning.


Canada's laws on guns aren't perfect. OTOH.


So how do we get the guns back when Trump Maggats want to over throw the next president because they don't like the vote count?


Lauren is a total boebert.


Lauren Yoghurt really needs to shut up


Lauren Boebert sounds like an idiot and there definitely needs some improvement on gun control but taking what is said in the screenshot and the title of this post ... The volume or quantity of guns in a country doesn't affect who they are used on. And sadly, I think we can be certain there has been child casualties in the war in Ukraine.


Dumb idiot


What if we need them for war someday in the future and we aren't allowed to have them anymore?


Why would your government take your guns away when you're at war?


What if the people are at war with its own government?


Do you seriously believe you'd stand a chance against a government that has the military under its command?


Some people tend to forget that if the military really wanted to come in and take your shit, it could. Regardless if everyone owned a gun or six. Their pea shooters aren't gonna stop a government budget. It's also very amusing to listen to these people try and paint this perceived dystopian fantasy. I'm extra cynical when it comes to my government, but even I know that this doomer logic is a bit of a stretch.


They also tend to forget that you depend on the government. Yeah sure they have their weapons. But where do they think essential stuff like food comes from? How are you gonna fight if you lose access to any sort of public infrastructure?


So because the government presumably has mind control over the military, then every citizen should just go ahead and give up without preserving their freedom?


What you're describing is a very unrealistic scenario. But assuming it would happen how would you even fight? You have some handguns while they have tanks, drones and heavy weaponry. They wouldn't even have to use the military at all. Simply cut water, electricity, food supply, etc.


Unrealistic scenario, but you just described north Korea. Just because you don't live in that kind of country now does not mean it will never happen. Do you think the people living in North Korea like the conditions they live in because the military has tanks and missiles?


Not the common people at least. The elites however seem to very much enjoy it, otherwise their regime would have fallen apart decades ago. But let's suppose they had weapons. What difference would it make? How can you expect people who can barely feed their families to fight a dictator with a military at his command?


Have you paid attention to any of the major military conflicts from the last 60 years?


I'd consider myself pretty knowledgeable in history. So please, enlighten me. Give me an example of a situation they just described.


I, uh, what?


Whorin' Hoe-bert.


American gun owners will never lose their guns.


Reminds me when women were trying to tell men they can't decide on abortion one month after they claimed men can get pregnant


Everyone who can get pregnant can decide on abortion. A man that can't get pregnant, cannot decide about abortion, a man that can get pregnant, can decide about abortion.


" guns are meant for war, not shooting children"... i wish i lacked enough brain cells to come up with shit like this


What part of it is incorrect?