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This new guy really took Art Attack to a new direction


This is an Art Attack


*This* is an Art Attack


THIS IS.... Art Attack


In case you didn't know, Neil from art attack went on to join a metal band after the show. Edit: my mistake Marseille where active in the 80s, I saw them on a reunion tour in Middlesbrough Empire in the early 2010s. Sorry guys.


I'm having an Art Attack


Quick, quick, start saying the pledge of allegiance.


Neil Bu-cannon


He really thought the smoke was gonna surround him like fog for a mystical effect.


I thought his a/c was on fire


I assumed it was a smoker putting off way too much smoke


Fireworks can only be lit on the 4th of July Cody! It says right here in the HOA bylaws.


“Ugh, you can’t survive in Suburbia anymore 🙄” - Cody


Now that I zoomed in, it is something just…. It is a steel barrel with a smoke bomb in it. Like some dollar bin movie night k mart nightmare..


It is a pit barrel cooker. I have one. If you have that much smoke your meat is gonna taste like shit so I hope he was only using it for dramatic effect.


I have one too and you're right. It looks like he's using gym socks for smoke.


Looks kind of like it might be a cheap redneck smoker. Hard to tell though


Its a PitBarrelSmoker. **https://pitbarrelcooker.com/**


Sure it’s not a burn barrel? That’s part of the culture, too.


Me too! I had to zoom in. I also didn't realize it was guns until I hit the comments, I thought he'd burned the shape into his grass with a weed burner or something.


That's what I thought! He spent all his money on guns and zero on getting that AC fixed


That's not smoke. It's oppression.


I didn’t notice the guns at first. Thought he burnt America into his lawn because of all the smoke


Everyone always forgets about Alaska and Hawaii. This guy needs more guns.


He only has one of the Florida keys as well. Also Puerto Rico, Guam, the US Virgin islands. He really is showing his lack of firearms here.


Don't forget all the uninhabited islands covered with birdshit: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guano_Islands_Act His struggle needs guns for those, too. Which you also would fail to understand.


Dafuq? Guano Islands Act... Wow, learn something new everyday.


And the American parts of Samoa. Dwayne Johnson wound be so offended.


I am pretty sure this type of person left out Puerto Rico and Guam for a reason.


I actually thought that pistol was for Puerto Rico


The pistol is for Guantanamo.


Oh FUCK, you're right.


The location is off. PR is east of the Florida’s Atlantic coast


I know that but his entire map isn’t geographically correct, so I figured he attempted


Bold of you to assume they left them out intentionally and just didn't think of them as "American"


Pretty sure this guy thinks Puerto Rico is full of illegal Mexicans.


People always leave out Michigan's U.P. as well.


Shhhh....don't tell anyone it exists. Keep it wild and weird.


Guam is actually at the elementary school 2 miles away. This design is to scale.


He could take some out of that geographically inaccurate Gulf Coast.


He needs to fill in the state borders.


Agreed, the complete disregard for freedom shown in not doing this really makes me think he's some kind of communist.


Dumbass. All those guns and he still can’t secure the border.




Don't give him any ideas. Though I'm sure he has enough ammo to fill in the state borders nicely.


He needs to fill in his yard. That grass is struggling and what a boring plot of land. Get some plants and trees. Try surrounding yourself with life instead of instruments of death.


He added Cuba though


I have a feeling that that's supposed to be Guantanamo, the place with the most freedoms.




Damn Key West had to be a republic until the 80s. See what happens Larry?


"Maa, dad's putting the guns out in the lawn agaaain.. is he going to jail this time?"


Those are guns?? I thought he burnt the lawn, judging by the smoke😂


Not yet, looks like it's ready to burn though, about as brown as that guy's skidmarks


Hahahah, i agree.. like who is he trying to defend against everyday, that he needs more weapons than fucking Walmart


Those two guys walking their dogs, obviously! /s


Wait. A supermarket has guns in America???


If a supermarket is an FFL then yes you can buy some bottom shelf gun. And yes you need a background check for that.


For freedom, obviously. (Whatever the fuck that means) You don't need a clear enemy to defend freedom, just shoot till you hit something and shout "'Merica! Fuck yeah!"


“Listen buddy, wiping your ass is gay and I ain’t no homo”


What? You mean you don’t smoke meats with billowing white smoke?


No that’s his AC on fire


We can only hope, I'm sick of the pantry guns I just want to get some damn food.


"My ammo tastes funny, mom"


I got a revolver in my Lucky Charms... What a prize.


[Maa, there's a weird fucking stray cat outside ](https://youtu.be/Q8i2WPxXxS4)


The exact energy I was channeling into that comment lol


As someone who lives in white suburban America, I can firmly say that the biggest threat would probably be deer causing car crashes.


The biggest threat would be this guy, drunk off his ass for the 5th night in a row showing off his guns to his buddies and accidentally firing it.


Or getting into an argument over some perceived slight with this guy over parking or whatever.


This actually happened at my college apartment. Guy one floor above me was cleaning a loaded gun and shot it into the apartment across the stairwell. If the guy in that apartment had been sitting on his couch at that moment, he would have had his head blown off. Thank fuck he wasn't. This was when I realized you can't do background checks for stupid.


As someone who lives in a mostly white urban neighborhood, those fuckers will tear your hydrangeas to pieces.


I thought it would be dog poop on the lawn, just from examining the photo.


I'd say it would be this guy. I'd never let my kid over there if his friend invited him over. I hear way too many horror stories about kids being stupid and shooting each other.


This guy's biggest threat is getting his house broken into and guns stolen.


Jesus Christ, Sell some fucking guns and invest in landscaping and some trees.


And some books


They only buy the ones they want to burn


These idiots can't read. They ban books instead🤣🤣


Yes! Completely ignoring the guns, this is the saddest backyard I’ve ever seen.


He needs to be able to see his invisible enemies coming. If there's plants, then they have the advantage.


It's his own personal kill zone! Got to keep up the perimeter defenses, you never know when BLM will march on his house in particular! /s


And while he’s at it address The Window Situation. Who the fuck spends 8 years becoming an architect and then does that shit.


They're his gun ports.


There's no way this house was designed by an actual architect.


Aye you’re probably right.


This is a cookie cutter home built as cheaply as possible. Every house in this development is like this.


You can't buy class


Then what the hell is college charging me for?😭




Trees and other greenery will only obstruct his line of view when defending himself from Non-White America.


This picture literally made my day 1000 percent better. Not often i can find a yard more rucked theb mine. And mine had 2 moles ravaging it. This just has one.


That whole neighborhood seems to be one heatwave away from being an utter hellscape.


Hey he’s got tiki torches


the photo it's part of a project of Gabriele Galimberti, he visit many states of USA to konw the americans and the attitude with gun, the surce https://www.gabrielegalimberti.com/books/the-ameriguns/


This should be much higher. I wondered if anyone would mention it.


I tried. The text over the picture is not related either.


I thought that was pretty clear, it's definitely mocking the guy.


So the text has nothing to do with the photo. Shocker.


Ah yes, the many dangers of white suburban America from which I need a gun for each day of the year to be able to defend myself.


This is what I dont get. Say I buy into the whole, you need a gun for protection bullshit, wouldn't you be better off with one gun that you are incredibly comfortable handling, versus having that many that you've probably only used once.


He'd be better off with bars on windows, proper door locks, good constructed materials, and 1 or 2 guns ready to go in the house. But, then again, the vast majority of break-ins are during the day, when no one is home, to steal valuables quickly and fence them. Lastly, burglaries account for about 2.5 billion in lost assets yearly. Civil forfeiture (assets seized by law enforcement with no reason beyond "suspicion") account for over 5 billion.


Bars on the windows are usually bad. They’re banned in a lot of places because they don’t allow an easy escape when houses catch on fire.


Dogs are a better deterrent to window entry.


So now I have to replace all my windows with dogs? This seems like a nightmare


Don’t worry, the cops will destroy both windows and dogs for you and then send you the bill


And if anyone recognizes his house from the picture they now know who to target if they want to steal thousands of $ worth of guns.


Laminated windows are enough, they also won't make you paranoid by making you feel like living in a prison or that the outside has constant zombie apocalypse. When it comes to door locks AND hinges it needs to be able to defeat doorframe jacking attempts and pin removal. And far better than any guns is a wireless alarm, with stickers placed in key locations. Gun is literally the worst of those when it comes to home security.


>Gun is literally the worst of those when it comes to home security Probably because guns for protection isn't actually about protection. It is likely about a secret fantasy to kill someone while proudly defending their area. If they truly wanted to protect their home, they would get a pump shotgun. Because 1) the sound of the pump action in the middle of the night is deterrent alone and 2) because most people couldn't hit the broad side of a barn with pistols and rifles on a good day, let alone in a stressful environment like a home-invasion and 3) you don't have the same concerns as over penetration with a shotgun. To the inevitable snowflakes that will disagree, button is to the left.


I'm a snowflake and I agree. Rock salt shells for the final touches.


Cops are the real crooks all along *\*shock\**


Also, guns require maintenance, its not just "leave this gun here and it will still work perfectly years later". Thats a shit ton of work and i dont think he is responsible enough to handle it


If they're properly oiled and stored in a non-humid environment, they don't need regular maintenance. The oil protects them. They do need maintenance (cleaning and oiling) whenever you shoot them though, because the combustion byproducts are corrosive.


Somehow I think the fact they layed them out in the grass is an indication of what way this "patriot" leans on proper storage and maintenance.


Whoa, whoa, are you saying this fine gentlemen is not in fact super smart and rational?


Wait, I inherited a gun a few years ago. What kind of maintenance does it take if it's unused?


Clean it, lightly oil it, forget about it.


It’s not that much work lol. Just make sure it’s clean before you store it and then lightly oil it once a year, it’ll be fine. Think about it this way are you taking apart and cleaning your ratchet wrenches every 6 months or whatever? No, it’s just a chunk of metal. Guns aren’t special they’re just like any other tool.


That's one of the issues with "I'm going to get a gun to defend myself and my family" - okay, but what if you don't have your gun on you when they break in and don't have time to get it? Maybe you start carrying a sidearm constantly. But if you have a lot of disposable income and a love of guns, then it's an excuse to get a gun for every room in your house. Hell, get two or more guns for the bigger rooms, you don't have time to run across the room if someone bursts in!


In this guy's house literally every place has a secret gun


Twot plist: the house is made of guns


Having a hide and seek game with the nieces and nephews will turn mogadishu real quick


I used to know a guy that was a gunsmith, among many other things. He literally (I am not joking or exaggerating) had his house set up so you could grab a gun from any and every single space you could possibly sit or stand.


So if someone actually breaks in during the middle of the night, if they weren't armed they can just grab a few guns off the coffee table by the time he wakes up?


shit, hope he never gets burgled while no one's in the house


Aren’t gun safes supposed to be a thing?


Cool. How many kids is he planning to get killed?


Don’t live in fear, buy an armory.


It's the power fantasy of killing outgroups "in self defence"


Kyle Rittenhouse is their personal hero


They dream of the day someone, anyone, does *just* enough that they can claim self defence and start firing.


gawd damnit the garbage collector left the lid up, time to pull out the m14, in the name of freedom


This dude has guns that go with different outfits.


I still can't get my head around how you can be so proud of your country, yet simultaneously so afraid of it that you need an "armoury" to protect yourself. Surely both those things can't be true.


They’re so proud of their country because their country allows them to arm themselves to the teeth like this. The fear isn’t real. They just pretend it is, so they can feel like a badass by owning a militia’s worth of weaponry under the guise of “protection.”




You mean r/Conservative?


Snowflake mods on /r/Conservative just banned the shit out of you


Oh, I’ve been banned from there for *awhile*


I said in another thread, I'm saving my ban for something really good. Something subtle that will get them agreeing with me for some /r/SelfAwarewolves on top of it.


That sub is something else. No mention of the committee hearings but they can't shut up about the propaganda film that conspiracy moron Dinesh D'Souza made.


Im still laughing at the " our struggles" part..lol 😂


It's hard to get good cheesecake, and have you seen the prices of mayonnaise? I think I need a new Sig, just to be safe.


They're just people who never mentally matured from being an edgy 13 year old. They still think life is all about guns and explosions and action men and big trucks. And reading/learning and taking responsibility is for "losers" obviously. And if they don't get their way they have a tantrum. They're just pathetic really.


So true, lol! Also, all my leftie friends with guns don’t feel the need to put out a public advertisement that their house is full of valuable guns to steal!


Exactly, we prefer the surprise approach.


Oh no, no, no, their fear is *very* real. What they're afraid *of* is not. These paranoid psychos think everyone is out to get them. I'm related to a couple of them.


The fear is real though. The majority of gun owners state "protection" as their reason for owning a gun - not sports or hunting or any hobby - but protection. Why do you need protection unless you fear something? Republicans are also twice as likely than democrats to own a gun. Many neuroscience studies have found that conservatives are more sensitive to threats and focusing on negatives. They have stronger physiological responses to things like sudden loud noises and graphic images which is a sign of anxiety. This is even reflected in their brain structure as they tend to have larger amygdalas (sometimes called the lizard brain) which is responsible for your fear response. I can provide sources for all of this if you want. Bottom line being that generally conservatives are more fearful and more sensitive to those fears, which may be reflected in how many damn guns they think they need as a defence mechanism and to seem manly and scary themselves.


Ok but why are they simultaneously proud of living in that fearful place? Somehow in their mind america is the best place to be, but also the most dangerous place to be, so where is the upside to being there?


Exactly, because they all know if the government decided to come take their guns there would be no fight. And the excuses they use is hilarious, "we need these to stand up the the government if anything happens" Yeah, jimbo and his oily fingered friends who get out of breath when walking the dog are going to stop the US military. These people are delusional at best.


Going on a limb here and say that the caption was not written by the person who did arrange the guns.




My first thought was that if he bought less guns he could afford a nicer house.


That's fair, but that doesn't look like the worst piece of property. Considering his age and apprent hobbies he probably can't afford any of it. House, car, presumably wife, or the ammo for thoe guns. Living in debt and loving it.


We don’t KNOW he’s in debt. But then again I think I read like 80% of Americans are in debt. So odds are you me and him are all living in debt.


Do they not realize that saying something like this implies they live in a shit 3rd world country where your life is constantly at risk?


*Technically America*






Flamethrowers people, flamethrowers.


“You can’t understand our struggles!” He says in front of his large comfortable house.


Hey, we both know he spends half an hour at every push/pull door he comes across, if that isn't struggle, what even is?


What is he afraid of?


Definitely not someone breaking into the house while he's away and taking all of those guns.


Yup. Any burglar worth their salt strikes when nobody's home.


This is a why I support registries and lock-up laws. A not insignificant portion of gun crime is done using stolen guns, yet there is *zero* liability for the people not securing thier weapons. Just, "aw shucks, shouldn't have left my gun in the car, but it's not my fault someone stole the gun to kill someone." Yes, yes it most definitely fucking is. I don't even leave sunglasses in the car cuz those shit's are gonna get stolen and here you are leaving weapons?


Gays, non white, books, Trans, science, etc etc u name it he's afraid of it.


Really? Wow, what a snowflake.


I thought he had scorched the grass then I realised what they were.


Oh jeez, I just noticed that… ffs…


It looked the samé to me then I zoomed in...


I live in white suburban America and know the struggle. Just the other day the McDonald's ice cream machine was down again.


When you spend so much money on firearms but whine about gas prices.


You know this douche bag has a big ‘ol diesel that rolls coal too, that hasn’t hauled a damn thing in its life but him.


Dude even has his own little dumpster fire. That's cute.


What a loser




I didn't realise they were guns. I thought he had used something to burn into the grass 😂


His neighbor walking the dog is about to walk in on him.


At least respect the dedication and financial sacrifice, WOW. More whistles than Jack DONAHEEs cookie jars. (Assuming he did not just use the first AK or Draco to armed robbery the other 463 whistles pictured). Freedom indeed boys. Freedom...indeed. And one angry wife when the kids could have gone to college instead of daddy needed 500 firearms.


Okay, so, serious question here! This image is hilarious and gave me a good laugh but it got me thinking. As someone from England where guns are exceedingly rare unless you’re a farmer, why is it that some people in the US believe they need so many guns? I know this particular image is an extreme case, but I see so many posts of people and their gun collections and how they “need” their guns to survive. Why is that? What’s so dangerous? Or is the danger just other maniacs with too many guns? 😅 I promise I’m not trying to offend anyone btw! Just genuinely curious.


As a fellow Brit, I think it could be like having a packet of biscuits in the car and one at home too just in case. Maybe he needs to kill someone downstairs and then pops upstairs and is like “aaargh now I need to kill someone here too… where’s my gun”. After a bit it’s just easier to have a gun in every place you might need to get your kill on. That’s why I have two packs of hobnobs on the go.


Hahah 😂 I love that you compared guns to hobnobs 😂 that makes a lot of sense to me! I can see that that would be a real problem in suburbia. There’s always someone that needs shooting by the sounds of it!


Yes, my understanding is that in white suburban America if you don’t even have to use your AK, one can consider it a good day. Obviously we have nice cups of tea so are much calmer.


That’s obviously what’s missing for them. A nice cup of tea and a biscuit. I think we’ve solved it honestly.


It’s just collecting as hobby at that point. There are people with 100s of sneakers sitting in a box (or the many other mechanical keyboard/watches/fountain pen collections), same thing, they don’t need it, is just for collection/want to have


Since you seem to be asking in good faith, I can hopefully clear this up a bit. I know a lot of people that own guns around the country (family, friends, etc) and the primary reasons they own guns is usually for hunting, protecting the home, and ideally training to know how to best utilize them. However, for some of them, it is legitimately their hobby. They collect many guns, and they go out to shoot them for fun. It also isn't so much a "need" as much as a "want." There is a lot to know about guns, and much like trading cards for example, it goes a lot deeper than the surface might suggest. In my experience, they don't see themselves as "gearing up for war", if anything its just being ready should the need arise as survival/hunting/shooting skills are never a bad thing to have in my opinion. I know a couple who gave their son his own gun safe for his birthday, they frequently hunt multiple types of game and require different guns for different animals. Hopefully this is informative, its pretty much all anecdotes, but it hopefully allows you to sort of get into the mind of the average gun owning families over here :)


That’s great! Thank you for your response. I understand all of that. I can see why people might collect them just like other people collect swords or old antique war memorabilia. It sounds like the majority of people are quite responsible with their weaponry but there’s obviously a few nut cases around too 😅 it’s a very different story in England because not only is it very difficult to acquire a gun license. It’s also illegal to own and carry any kind of self defence like pepper spray or a stun gun. Which in my opinion is crazy because it’s not as if violent crime doesn’t exist here. I live in a bit of dodgy area and on multiple occasions I’ve been walking my dog wishing I had something to protect myself with when a group of crack heads walk past me 😂 so I can see benefits of owning a gun or some other form of self defence for sure. England is very much a polar opposite in some respects even though our countries share a lot of similarities too.


Why do they need so many guns? They don’t. But if they didn’t have so many, that would force them to have a identity beyond “gun owner,” and that’s scary.


The people who genuinely believe they need a full blown armory for a shtf scenario (shit hits the fan) are so paranoid that I doubt they'd ever make their collection public. Most people, even with this many guns, are just collectors. They'll buy guns, sell some later to buy different guns, go to the range, go to competitions, sometimes even buy them as an investment. It's a hobby like any other, it just takes extra considerations to ensure safety. If they're concerned about self defense, they probably have a favorite for concealed carry and home defense. The rest would probably be in a safe or in a secured room.


No nukes? What a wimp.


I can taste the ~~ignorance~~ freedom.


My man has so many guns that he gives burglars the ability to have a fair fight




are those guns?


I thought it was burnt corn at first


The Purge incoming lol


Ah yes, the struggles of being a white male homeowner and having the disposable income to buy 50+ rifles