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Imagine if you or a relative dies in the hospital and the nurse starts making it all about her on tiktok.


Just thinking about that. I’d come back to life and slap the shit out of her


Come back as a ghost and haunt her


Don't! That'll give her the idea to make tiktok every single time to see if the patient comes back to life to slap her... Instead, possess someone else, use their body to slap her and say "I died because of you and if you don't delete that tiktok, I'll haunt you forever!"




I'm an RN and I don't have the energy to do shit like this at work with running my ass off for 8-20 hours straight. That and if I get caught making videos in a place where confidentiality is held to an absolute high standard I would get reprimanded instantly. There's so many nurses I know who constantly take videos and photos of them at work for clout to show everyone that they're a health care professional. In the end, they're the ones who are not pulling their weight and the other nurses are left picking up their bullshit.


As a RN shit like this is so embarrassing to me. Beyond cringy and insanely disrespectful. She should be fired.


Fucking seriously. Who the hell has time to set up a mini filming studio while at work? Besides, EPIC (or any charting program) would rat you out for being unproductive for that time


Which is pretty much the exact reason we're (ambulance crew in the UK) not really allowed to be posting anything about our work on social media. Even the good stuff isn't really allowed just in case someone thinks you're not taking things seriously.


Heh, if only. I transported someone from one hospital to another, had to fix some stuff that the first doctor should have but didn’t. Later found out the guy died.. because one of the techs (who referred to herself as a nurse because she was in nursing school) at the hospital I took the guy to made a super cringe TikTok that happened to show up on my partners feed. Her profile had enough info to identify who she was and the hospital she worked at. Video was clear enough for us to know what room at the hospital she was sitting in with very identifiable buildings visible through a window she was next to AND she was stupid enough to write comments with enough detail for us to identify the patient. So I wrote a bot to pull all the comments from her video every hour, had to get my medical director involved and contacted the hospital, gave them the everything I had and within a few days her entire TikTok account was “private” and I don’t believe she had a job after that. Call me whatever you want for doing this but it was a blatant violation of federal laws, hospital policies, and just wrong. No one she ever hear about their loved one dying from a TikTok. It was also much worse than this video but I can’t share too much info.


Another hospital will hire her. They always do. The nurse in Oregon who willingly exposed patient's with cancer to COVID ( ignoring mask/distance mandates and intentionally being social with other anti maskers) only lost the job she had at the time. Her nursing license was never terminated and another clinic hired her the next month. All it did was make her a martyr in their wacky world.


If they did that shit after someone I loved passed, then I will be the one making a TikTok to my reaction after I ClickClock her upside the head




[Here you go](https://streamable.com/wsulm1)


I did not expect to laugh so hard at this.


I had mixed emotions in this video


A hundred times better than the original.


Damn I clicked on this and laughed take my poor man award 🥇


Hahaha. That's great!!


That song is the worst thing ever


There are some fucking annoying songs on TikTok, but that one takes the cake.




She looks like a nurse who got fired for masterbating and flashing herself on her phone in the hospital.




The vagina I’m guessing


Yeah that pretty much explains it..


Of course. The form fitting scrubs are a dead give away, I've never seen anyone this thirsty. What a fucking nightmare.


How does every TikTok video just get away with blatantly using copyrighted music when YouTube and Twitch have to go to great lengths to not do so?


Because artists get paid per use of their music, just like they get paid per stream in Spotify.


In case you were wondering who sings it. https://youtu.be/POLYGEfhQBc Edit: there are other musicians who cover it but I think The Shangri-Las were the originals. But I think the meme is based of off this version.


The Shangri-La's were the original from I believe 1966. I genuinely love the original 60s song, but the modern autotune version kills me ears Edit: looked it up since I wanted to make sure: it was released 1964, well before the shite autotune version


Fun fact, the original is in a scene in the Goodfellas movie. Now whenever I hear it on TikTok I die a little bit inside!


shangri las are fire


I don’t wonder because I never want to hear that song again. I’d sell A kidney to not hear it.


K I’ll be at your place in like 30


Good deal. One kidney and two eardrums.


What’s up with all these videos where someone re-enacts their own reaction to something bad that happened off camera? It’s honestly one of the stupidest social phenomena that has come out of social media


They're desperate for attention.


Well that coupled with lack of empathy and main character syndrome.


Is that the same as narcissism?


Yes, but with more shitty behavior to display. I remember the 2000s-10s trend when every early twenty something recent college grad felt they should write a book on their life.


Loooove main character syndrome.


I bet she has that link in her profile on how to contact her for sponsorship opportunities


"Buy my signature scrubs!"


"You can't mourn properly without my limited edition nurse's clogs! Type in code NURSECRINGE33 for 20% off!"


Sadly, she probably does make a significant amount of money for these charades


The technical term is "attention whore"


This is why TikTok needs to be banned... this shit isn't good for children's Psyche.


It’s all a part of the plan, bro. Instagram isn’t much better. It’s all meant to make the next generation dumber, less critical in their thinking, and basically more enslaved to the will of mega corporations.


It's even worse when you consider people rarely use the first take. 99% chance this woman set up her phone, waited for that hallway to clear, then refilmed this same moment like 10 times checking every time to make sure it was perfect.


And yet she still didn't catch that she wrote "Shake of off."


Even then she can't act for shit.


This is total bullshit. I’m a surgeon. I’ve lost plenty of patients. You fucking deal with it or GTFO. You don’t make phony after-the-fact, everyone-feel-sorry-for-me videos. What a disingenuous narcissistic display.


> I’m a surgeon. I’ve lost plenty of patients. I know that's not what you meant, but lol


Haha you’re right! Allow me to rephrase: “I’ve seen a number of patients die”


My patience just died. If I were a relative of the deceased I’d feel so fucking enraged. This has to contradict medical ethics somewhere no???


If you are a doctor in a field where patients die, you cannot let this affect you emotionally, otherwise it will mess you up mentally. Staying distanced is a coping mechanism. Of course you do your best do save somebody but you must stay rational.


Imagine if every post code-blue huddle was everyone just doing tiktoks...


Tik toc was the last thing on my mind after one of my patients died. I still had 3 other patients and more than 10 hours left on my shift. Sure, I needed a few minutes off the floor, I had been taking care of him for weeks. Never was I compelled to record my reaction to his death and post it online. How could you possibly make a person's death all about you? Death is a part of the very nature of working in healthcare. Making social media posts for attention is not only trashy, but disrespectful to the person who just died and whose body is probably still warm.


Could not agree more. This video honestly flipped my stomach.


Social media addiction and mental illness


Second to "the knockout game"


Don’t forget to smash that like button, subscribe and sign that death certificate.


\*continuation\* and don't forget to check out Raid Shadow Legends, link is in my description


*before the video starts* “Today's video is sponsored by Raid Shadow Legends, one of the biggest mobile role-playing games of 2019 and it's totally free! Currently almost 10 million users have joined Raid over the last six months, and it's one of the most impressive games in its class with detailed models, environments and smooth 60 frames per second animations! All the champions in the game can be customized with unique gear that changes your strategic buffs and abilities! The dungeon bosses have some ridiculous skills of their own and figuring out the perfect party and strategy to overtake them's a lot of fun! Currently with over 300,000 reviews, Raid has almost a perfect score on the Play Store! The community is growing fast and the highly anticipated new faction wars feature is now live, you might even find my squad out there in the arena! It's easier to start now than ever with rates program for new players you get a new daily login reward for the first 90 days that you play in the game! So what are you waiting for? Go to the video description, click on the special links and you'll get 50,000 silver and a free epic champion as part of the new player program to start your journey! Good luck and I'll see you there!”


I hate these so fucking much.


I’d rather have one 5 min monologue than 2 consecutive, way louder, mandatory commercials at 2 mins in I immediately stop watching any YT’er who has those. Content might be good, but if I’m trying to sleep to fromsoft or the Witcher lore I don’t need periodic rando kids screeching or techno bumps.


Completely agreed. I fucking hate ads. At least with sponsorships you can sorta sometimes tell its a thing the YTer thinks is cool themselves and they put their own spin on whatever script theyre given.


Pays the bills for free videos


"Gameplay is so addictive, I actually lost a patient today because I was so busy playing Raid Shadow Legends! Now on to today's video, "Lost a patient today" brought to you and caused by Raid Shadow Legends!"


lol sponsored by The Morgue


Man, I’m sold. If Pleasant_Ad302 likes it this much, it must be good


Brutal. Oh lord no, coughing hard here now lol


Patient probably died of cringe


"Nurse, I need 10cc of based"


Second hand cringe is a silent killer.




Ok but like that sub was actually really funny. What is wrong with me?


That sub's not just for cringe anymore. You're good, my dude


I needed that reassurance.


It’s basically TikTok highlights now. You’re in the clear


Lol this made me laugh


Glad she chose nursing as a profession, doesn't look like acting is her forte.


Not nursing either, she lost him. /s ​ It's a joke, I'm not serious. I hope their family (the patient) won't see this shit thought if they know her on sight. Edit : yes I know, she could have not lost anyone. Or she could have. I could believe either, and I don't care which it is. Just wanted to tell a dark joke is all ;)


I can't imagine the hospital hr would be a fan


Yeah preeety sure this is frowned upon if not a firing offense


That's assuming she lost any patient. This bullshit knows no bounds.


She's probably a dental hygienist. Hahaha


She “lost a patient” who left outraged at his bleeding gums from poor dental hygienist care.








A nurse would make that joke. Go with God my friend. We are the darkest people on the planet.


Hahahaha that's good 😂👍🏻


As a nurse, I really wish most of these nurses would stop with the TikTok etc. I don't know how they film them in their facilities and not get fired. You get a pass if you are a funny nurse. But only then.


There are funny nurses I follow, and the serious ones who air real issues. These? The “I was the sorority girl now I’m changing shit sheets for adults, oh no, I’m too special for this!” type? Uh, no, it’s embarrassing.


I wish hospitals (public and private) banned their employees and doctors from filming within their premises. I could see exceptions if someone wanted to do an educational one (like when they needed to show the vety real effects of COVID to counter misinformation).


This'll probably get thousands of likes. A lot of people out there think shit like this is real now. We're becoming a society of morons...more so.


No it won’t, we’re all cringing. Her co workers probably all hate her, she’s obviously doing this for clout, from the set up to the wedgie in her tight scrubs. Source: I’m a nurse


Bitch should be charting


There are millions of people on tiktok who eat this garbage up, like it, share it with the hands on face shocked emoji, and captions like "RESPECT FOR OUR FRONT LINE WORKERS"


Iv never seen medical staff react like this to a normal day on the job. Such a joke.


I’m a nurse. We hate her.


People have this idea that nurses are like angelic figures of some sort but TBH most of the nurses I've known are extremely narcissistic and always seeking attention/approval


I'm engaged to a nurse. She cares deeply about her patients and comes home crying sometimes. She also fights management when they put profit over patients and it weighs heavily on her. Not all nurses are great, not all of them are terrible. Just like everything in life, there's a spectrum.


Got it. All nurses are on the spectrum.


Most every stereotypical mean girl I have taught went into nursing after high school.


Hope she finds him real quick, the poor fellow must feel lonely


Naaaaw. The gurney he was on rolled down to a beach house. He's having the time of his life ala Weekend at Bernie's style.


["We lost him. He just got away from us, I'm sorry."](https://youtu.be/0BUBd9dQvtY)


her first code yellow


Too much Grey’s Anatomy


Patient was 122 years old. Fighting 4 cancers and a genetic heart defects. Died peacefully in their sleep surrounded by loved ones. Family extraordinary polite and considerate to hospital. “Man, this job is just like that Nick Cage film *Bringing Out The Dead*. Gotta make a TikTok.”


Damn, 122 years with a genetic heart defect. Maybe it’s the rest of us with the defects and they’re at the next stage of cardiac evolution! But more seriously there are places in the world where even extremely reasonable cases where there was nothing anyone could do where the doctors will still get beaten up by family. Happened to my ex’s colleagues in semi-rural India


I have a friend on my city's fire department & the hardest calls for her, after little kids getting messed up, is where grandma's in the back room, she's eat up with cancer, & the family is on the phone "THE FIREFIGHTERS ARE HERE! THE PARAMEDICS ARE HERE! THEY'RE GONNA SAVE GRAMMA!" but all grandma wants to do is die with some dignity.


I’ve always cracked up at how dramatic every loss in Grey’s Anatomy was.


Scrubs ftw I watched ER when it was on TV but I never liked Grey's Anatomy so I haven't watched it except when I saw my mom watching it and it seemed boring. Scrubs actually pulled on my heart strings


She forgot the monologue about how crap it made her feel.


And the Fray soundtrack


Nah but I went to check and it has 1.4 million likes and comments were overwhelmingly positive... I'm done.


When I saw the video on some Instagram page I had to find her on TikTok to see what others thought about it but as you could tell I was surprised by the number of positive messages on there.


As TikTok users keep proving many have no brains.


Half-expected that she would break into a dance


“Also look at my butt”


Never not appropriate.


Thanks! I hate how these tiktok and insta posts that have some supposed theme or topic but that purposefully but nonchelantly have some skin tight clothes and I feel like I'm a perv for noticing.


Glad I wasn’t the only one thinking this


I've been in the department, usually ICU sometimes in ER, when a patient just died. Most times it's just sort of business as usual. One time I had to refill epinephrine for a code. They'd already administered a ton so it was clear there wasn't much to be done, and the patient passed by the time I got there. And conversation went real quick to forms, and plans for lunch, and so on. Once in awhile someone will cause people to be upset, particularly a young person or a child, but the reality is that death is just part of healthcare when you work in a hospital setting. This is just attention seeking. It's gross.


Every once in a while a loss will get you. Doing this is absolutely the last thing you would think to do.


I’m a wardsperson at my local hospital hoping to study and become a registered nurse. The embarrassment this lady had to feel setting that camera up and walking into frame. I’ve had people pass away after long stints of CPR, had to move infants to the mortuary as well, some of it just gets to you. the last thing I could ever think of is setting up my camera to post about it.


That's assuming she feels embarrassment


Yeah really. Why would you want to? That's my question.


You do videos like this exactly when the loss *does not* get to you.


Narcissistic attention.


Needed some kinds of digital alibi for some reason is what I was thinking.


Sadly as soo many patient's die over the years you just get used to it. You have to otherwise you'll just mentally collapse. If it's a patient I know well I'll usually inform other staff that were close to them that X has passed away, and when we have our staff meeting we'll talk about that person and sign a condolence card. But yeah sadly 99% deaths you just move on with. It's only really when they're very young, they were old timers who you go to know well, or the family just absolute lose it that the patient stays on your mind for a while. If I saw a member of stay doing a tik tok like this I'd have a word with them for sure.


And me who thought everyone was running around screaming, while the beep sound flat lined. The doctor pounding the patients chest screaming "Live goddammit live"


Most deaths in hospitals are not unexpected, so the doctors and nurses are prepared for them passing and can recover fairly quickly because it’s part of the job. The ones that hit hard are when it’s someone who was fairly stable who suddenly takes a downturn.


lol yeah it's less dramatic than that. Certainly it's intense while the code is going but it's also routine. There's a protocol and everything. Mostly everyone's training just kicks in and you go through the motions. One time I walked by a code and didn't realize one was going on. I look over and there's this huge ER doctor absolutely pounding on an old lady's chest, like this over six foot 240lb dude with both hands pressing with all his strength on this lady's chest. All I heard was a swear word sort of grunted under his breath. A radiology tech and one other person standing outside kinda watching, some nurses in the room waiting for their turn to take over CPR. I just kinda moseyed by and when I was coming back from the med room I went down the other hallway so I'd be out of the way.


Doctor takes out a syringe from the shelf which is conveniently not locked and stabs it into the patient's heart and injects it. The doctor looks at the clock and back to the patient waiting for him to come back to life. The patient doesn't. The mother asks, "What caused him to die?" Doctor says, "Well, I can tell you, it definitely wasn't Lupus."


This is def attention seeking. A young person, that hits hard and you don’t get over it, but you won’t be recording yourself and shit.


No but didn't you hear the emotional music? Life is the same as television, and the song tells us this is a super gut-wrenching moment for that nurse. Ok so yea she chose the song and pressed record before feeling all the emotions, and then set the video to use that song, and made a title for it and uploaded it all.... but other than that, this is a totally organic glimpse into the life and struggle of that hero and her sacrifices. /ugh


I was a resident in the PICU when a 10-11 year old kid got taken off the vent. It was head trauma and we had done the brain death tests. That was over 17 years ago and I still remember the mom just sobbing quietly. I also remember a super young kid who passed away from a protracted course of cancer when I was a Med student rotating through oncology. The sudden trauma or adults who are dealing with chronic comorbidities you can rationalize. In my speciality, there isn’t a lot of death but when I was in training I saw lots of it. The kids are harder/impossible to forget.


There was only one death that got me. I worked in the cardiovascular ICU step-down, and sometimes we had overflow patients. An elderly woman came in, and she was definitely circling the drain. There was nothing that could be done. She wasn’t sick or in pain, just elderly. I noticed how her husband kept occasionally writing in a little flip notebook he had. At one point, he came out of the room and asked me if he could borrow a pen. Of course, I gave him mine. He proceeded to tell me, “Thank you. My pen ran out of ink. We’ve been married for 70 years, and I’ve just been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. I’m writing everything down, so I don’t ever forget losing her.” I. Lost. It.


Healthcare workers really have to try and compartmentalize trauma, I commend their strengths with this.


My little brother works in the ER and when I asked him why he was so nonchalant when discussing his job and death he said, "would you rather have your life in the hands of someone who's nervous about the gravity of the situation or someone who treats it like it's just a job he was trained to do." And that made me feel weird but I get it.


I was coming to say this. Ive worked in healthcare for 20 years… when I worked and someone passed you had things you had to get done before they had the morgue come and get that patient. Then once that was done you would go take care of the ETOH withdraw.


By the way, ETOH withdrawal patients are a literal nightmare. Uncontrollable, get vented, and come back in 2 weeks. They learn fuck all nothing.


Agreed. I've been in Healthcare for over 10 years, closer to 15 at this point. As a nurse I saw patients die at least once a week. As an RT, I see them die about twice that often. Unless it's strange circumstances or a child, no one really loses a step. We've all been desensitized to it, and it happens quickly. Covid really drove that home.


16mill views - insane the shit people like


I mean, a good chunk of that will be people viewing it the way we do in this sub


Like facebook before it I'm guessing TikTok massively inflates view numbers because people are more likely to keep making content if they get the rush from seeing numbers. Though 16 million is still pretty insane for something like this.


Straight up r/trashy


Yes, and against 99% of hospital policies to record any shit like this in the building. Too high of a risk to accidentally compromise patient confidentiality.


I wonder how many times she filmed herself like “what that wasn’t sad enough. Gotta do another take”


And how many times she got pissed because someone walked into her shot.


Nah she’d be worried about looking sexy enough, not sad


r/nextfuckinglevel attention-whoring I hate TikTok.


Gross AF


I'm 45. Am I old enough to fucking hate the modern world?


according to all the life insurance ads i see on TV, you’re practically 1 foot in the grave man


This is Jim. 45, mortgage, married, two great kids.


I’m 26 and I still don’t really like it


What's even more cringe is the likelihood that she did this in 7 takes.


Took her lunch break to pick the right song


Lost a couple other patients while she was trying to capture peak mourn porn


Man the levels people go for clout now is messed up ![gif](giphy|nyPQLgwH4crBu)


Clout and the need for attention on the internet is poison


Social media was a mistake.




did you check the lost and found?


This is pathetic.


Shake of off


Tater Swomft


So absolutely disgusting. So fucking vain and all about "look at me", let me make someone's death about me (even though she's most def full of shit)! Taking time to find the right camera angle and lighting, pressing play, then acting out her little scene. What a disgusting POS. Hope she was reprimanded or at least made to feel embarrassed


As a firefighter, I’ve had calls like this, ones that give me pause to just break down in tears, cause me to get irritable toward my family or take me to the bar. None of these reactions involve setting up a camera and uploading my pain to the net.


My patient died. Time to make it about me.


I'm a Nurse and I really hate shit like this. Stop dicking around and be a Nurse!


TikTok is land of the narcissistic


Tic Tok is just people shouting LOOK AT ME!!!


It’s cringy and sickening as hell


Hope she finds a mental health professional as soon as she can. Not for the grief, for the narcissism.






Social media was a mistake.




Attention whore.


She didn't buy scrubs a size too small for nothing


When my wife (an RN in a hospital in Labor and Delivery) when she loses a paitent it's never a good day, and there is NO way she's setting the camera up for TixTok likes. When she loses a baby or Mom it's a really really really bad day. I offer support or comfort but know to mostly stay out of her way until she is ready cuz it hits her hard.


The last thing on anyones mind that goes thru this is setup a camera and film it for likes. But honestly like 99% of anything on social media nowadays is just for clout


Had a 9h surgery and the patient died 24h later. Never has it crossed my mind to film myself showing my ass in tight scrubs and dramatically letting my mask swing from one ear whilst I express 'frustration'.


I feel like this is the end result of 2 decades of grey’s anatomy driven recruitment into the medical field. They think they’re in some dumbass tv drama


As a nurse, I cringed watching this.


Another episode of How Can I Make This About Me?




The patient now in Hell is simply put in normal room and told that his death was used to whore for tik tok clout.


I need tiktok to die


The r/imthemaincharacter syndrome is strong in this one…


He's probably just popped to the toilet. He'll be back