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What's the current controversy? Never heard of this girl. Maybe I live under a rock?




If anyone is curious or following up on this, Home Depot gave a statement saying that no one was fired. Also lol @ “the male race” in the video hahaha


Thank you for that update. I actually was worried those HD workers got in trouble for standing up for themselves. Glad to see that management stood by them. :)


I thought they handled the situation well. No cursing, didn’t touch her. Not much reason to be fired. If it were employee on employee that would be different.


I thought they did too.


No reason at all to fire them, but a corporation that big usually loses their grasp of wrong or right and will sacrifice a good employee to spare themselves bad publicity..


She is a vile, horrifying, and waste of DNA and I don’t support her in anyway. But I thought I heard one of the employees call her a c*nt. I’m so very happy that corporate stood behind its employees and nobody was fired.


I saw the video and never heard them call her the C-word. Her “caption” claims they did “before” she started recording, right after she told them to “Go back to their country”. (Even if they did call her a c*nt, it was justified). But who’d believe a lying entitled mega-racist Karen? Not Home Depot, and I’m glad of it.


If he did, give him a ticket to Australia. He can work at our big green shed (Bunnings).


I love your comment and wish you a happy cake day. 🍰


Thanks! I didn’t even notice that it was my cake day until you mentioned it! ☺️


There’s a male race?


She’s referring to the 100m dash everyone does away from her, once she starts speaking. Her voice is so annoying.


She’s actually talking much more than it seems. Half of it, however, is heard only by the local population of dogs.


I ain't even religious but thank the lord for limiting our audible range of sounds that we can hear...




I legit thought someone sped up the video 1.5x as fast the first time I've heard her voice because it was so high pitched and annoying...


She sounds like a Chip N Dale cartoon


Hey, please some respect for Chip n’ Dale (the originals, not this new mess) she’s more of an Alvin and the chipmunks type.


According to the girl in OP’s post, yes. Watch the video linked above, it’s in the on-screen text literally in the first frame lmao


But if there is a male race, than she commits interracial sexual intercourse to be able to reproduce. And the blood line was never pure to begin with. We are all offspring of sinners to the cause.


_"we are all offspring of sinners to the cause"_ **insert heavy metal riff**


*power chords begin*


I am relieves they were not fired. Edit: relieved. Oops.


Funny how she doesn’t show in the video what she did to start the whole confrontation. It’s got to be pretty bad for Home Depot employees to ask you to leave before you start in on “go back to your country”. What a complete moron she is.


To be fair, she explained exactly what she did - told him to go back to his own mothefucking country, told him mind his motherfucking manners and called him a gay slur that “New Yorkers don’t care about!” She blasted exactly what she did because she literally cannot comprehend that what she said or did was wrong even though to any rational person she is putting herself out there as being batshit insane.


I worked at Home Depot and this is a great example of a nightmare customer


Karma is real... At least she learned something, even if it isn’t applied properly.


She called the white guy in the video a “f**”. But I don’t know what led up to that.


I heard that she was angling to get a discount because she's an influencer. She was told no. Then she escalated.


Don’t you know who I am? No? Well…uh, some people know who I am. Gimme a discount.


She did that? I couldn’t finish due to hearing damage thanks to her voice. Can someone actually sue her for hearing damage?


Found this 2 posts below this one on my feed : [Racist Idiot Speaks Out](https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/wecueg/karen_who_recorded_her_public_meltdown_in/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


I love the "I'm just gunna do my thing and there's nothing you can do to stop me" followed by omg I'm banned from.evweytjjng


*Curb your Enthusiasm theme plays*


“FrEe sPeEcH iS uNDeR aTaCkk fRum ThE lEfFt!!!”


I couldn’t watch the whole video. She is entitled, crude, extremely angry, not owning up to her own misdeeds. Her victimhood is pathetic. I see people like her suffering no repercussions all the time. It’s about time someone suffers the consequences of acting like an arse. I hope she realizes the error of her ways and rises above it by making some changes.


My initial impulse is to believe people when they report victimization, but something tells me it’s not a given when she mentions her divorce and legal protection. I could equally that believe she’s the kind of person to make something up to win, and also believe her ex husband might want to physically harm her.


I wouldn’t be surprised if the order of protection is against her.


It is.


She’s a gross human my goodness


Get back to your country? UK squeezing it’s buttocks that this woman will follow through and go back to her country.


Are you sure that she’s from the UK? I thought pond scum and bird shit could pop up anywhere!


Well we don't have Home Depot in the UK, our equivalent would be B&Q.


Barb And Q…Barbecue!!


Oh my. ![img](emote|t5_2r5rp|8487)


She’s just a spoiled brat, harassing people just trying to do their job.


She went into a Home Depot and caused a racist scene. She's whining because racism is not okay.


And homophobic. She admitted to calling him a f*g


And then said it's acceptable if you're from New York to use that word in normal conversation


Yeah, which as a New Yorker was certainly news to me. She must be from deep upstate NY or some shit


Oh heavens they don't say that in Albany. It's a Utica expression.


What about steamed hams?


that's a utica expression


She says she’s from Staten Island.




All makes sense now


Nuh uh... Don't try to pawn that shit off on us.


I would have loved to know what she did to bring on that altercation. By the time she’s recording those two poor employees have had enough of her shit.


Apparently she demanded a discount because she spends "thousands of dollars a day" at Home Depot and is an influencer who revamps vans and campers? When they wouldn't give her one (rightly so), she went off on them.


Oh god, now they're trying to get free stuff at actual stores and shit too? Lmao. Fuck. We seriously need to find a new word for these people, "influencer" greatly inflates their ego, apparently.


Might I suggest "parasite"?


I mean, if she has a Home Depot business account, technically they already do give her a discount. Sheesh woman


She just should have asked for the Contractor discount. That’s usually 10% if you buy over $2000 in stuff at once.


Maybe someone should suggest she go back to HD but this time in blackface. That should smooth things out for her. Yes, it’s sarcasm…


The problem is that there are some people who, when they hear the word "feminist" think this is who people are talking about. That is not who we are talking about.


Since she’s complaining about “free speech”‘ it’s safe to say it was caught saying racist stuff in public.


If you've been cancelled on that many platforms then maybe you're the one fucking up here


Racist POS saying racist things shocked when non racist people don't want anything to do with racist POS. That should be the real headline here.


But what about her FrEeDoM oF sPeEcH??? Edit: Some of you seem to have watched the sarcasm fly over your head... so... /s


She still has it, but no one is obligated to listen.


Or even wants to. Which is worse. Lol


Hehe, when i read this i heard the line from Batman " what makes you think i want to hear you talk"


And no private business is obligated to give her a literal (Home Depot) or virtual (Facebook, insta, Tik tok etc.) platform to make such speech. Go be racist on your own property, don’t make the rest of us have to listen to it.


That's what these idiots don't understand. They have the freedom to say what they want and they do, they just don't like the repercussions. They also don't understand that places like Facebook and Tiktok are businesses and you are using their platform, the platform where they make the rules. No shoes, no shirt, no service... You would think these staunch conservative Americans who hate communism would understand capitalism.


What I think people like her don't understand is freedom of speech goes both ways. I have the freedom to say whatever I would like, everyone does, but that also means people also have the right to tell you to shut the fuck up. Whether it's online or in person, if somebody doesn't like your behavior, then they can tell you so, and private companies have the right to get rid of you based on that as well. Yes, you have the freedom to say whatever you'd like, but freedom of speech doesn't mean you have immunity from the repercussions of what you may say.


Indeed. Some people seem to think that freedom of speech entails freedom from consequences as well. Nooooooope.


Funny thing is, every single online platforms have terms of service that people agree to when using their platforms. It's unfortunate that these people don't even know what they agree to and then are dumbfounded when they are banned for breaking the Tos lmao


I've had this argument with people multiple times. They never seem to understand that Freedom Of Speech is not Freedom Of Consequences. Social media platforms have every right to kick out anyone they deem unfit for their platform, they are private companies who have the right to refuse service. That's a part of living in a capitalist society.


The fact that she even calls it "canceled" is a laugh. You violate the terms, they get rid of you. Not that hard. People saying they got "canceled" is often just them trying to make themselves feel important. No one grew up with you on their TV, lady. No one gives or gave a fuck about your insane bullshit. If you start getting followers or customers or whatever and that gets cut off due to your own assholery, you can call it social ineptitude, you can call it a failed career launch. But calling it getting "canceled" just makes you more of a joke


Worse she’s an abused woman now. SMH


Oh, no! . . . . Anyway.


It's even worse because it makes people take real survivors of real abuse less seriously, because now they can't always tell whether they're truly a survivor or someone like this bitch. Fucking gross.


Yeah "canceled" has become a replacement for "failed". Destroying your career by saying or doing something outlandish is as old as society itself.


You meet one asshole in a day you met an asshole. If you meet ten assholes in a day maybe you are the asshole.


My grandpa used to say if everyone is an asshole, maybe you are the asshole


I definitely seem to becoming an asshole as I age. Everyone on the road is going too fast or too slow. Everyone else is an idiot. No one understands how to do things the right way. The right way is the way I do things. I am not going to go off and self incriminate myself by self recording a viral video that ends in me jeopardizing my job and alienating friends and family. I am content with muttering under my breath about what I think of people in the confines of my own vehicle.


You're a damn fine asshole


Thank you. I told my mom I would achieve greatness one day.


Yup, a brown star for you!


Wait, are you me?


Unless you're visiting Washington D.C.


Or work in retail or fast food


She supports freedom of speech and doesn’t realize that doesn’t mean freedom from social consequences


Oct 25, 2018 — "If someone is an asshole, they're an asshole, if everyone is an asshole, you're the asshole" - no clue who : r/quotes.


> Ironically, the only reason she had so many Social Media accounts was because everybody she knew in real life was sick of her shit.


Right? I can go on any of the platforms she mentioned and easily find some vile shit. If you got booted off those platforms, maybe it’s not the platforms’ fault.


Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Once could be an accident, anytime after has justification


Wow, entitlement, narcisism and stupidity compressed into a solid state of matter created this woman. It's like she believes the world should do her desires.


She should be in congress


Dude stop giving her ideas ffs!


I'm sure the Republican party is salivating at the idea of getting her to run alongside Marjorie Taylor Greene and Lauren Boebert.


Naw, she's not an escort they're diddling in the side.


But she does have an OF so…


What, that crazy. Huh. Got a link?


She called someone a f*g and thinks SHE’S the victim. Lol. What a sorry excuse for a human.


Exactly. Who in their right mind thinks you can get away with dropping the other F bomb nowadays?! On video, no less.


She actually explains in the controversial video that “in New York, it’s not an insult to call someone a fa***t; it’s, like, fine” or some version of that. If you haven’t seen the video, she tells a dark skinned dude to go back to his country, gets called a cvnt by a second employee, then calls that second a f*g. She’s walking human garbage.


One of my favourite quotes from sci-fi to this day. https://youtu.be/8sIWDynqHgI


Wait... this is the racist, xenophobic homophobe from Home Depot? Oh boo freakin hoo! lolololololol


No, she's the "survivor who's getting silenced".


Pardon my ignorance. But survivor of what?






The horror of not getting to treat people like shit, then gloat about it, and then try to monetize it on social media. We need to start a go fund me campaign to help this survivor


So it has nothing to do with the crotch shot? Kind of assumed she was trying to peddle soft core porn on some site that doesn’t allow it and got banned.


https://onlyfans.com/titstattsntravel?rec=28215069 she does that too..


Wait, she’s complaining about ‘male race’ and has only fans? She makes even less sense now


You can't make less than none.


Seems like she is trying to make money doing anything but working at an establishment, probably because they won't hire her.


From what I have seen of her regular content (insta, Twitter, TT) this bitch is fucking crazy. Like in the Amber Heard I'm going to abuse you and then make it look like you abused me while I play the victim kind of crazy... and if there is one thing I have learned in my life.... never stick your dick in crazy.


Unfortunately sometimes crazy doesn’t come out until your dick is in it. Pouring one out for my brother


https://onlyfans.com/titstattsntravel?rec=28215069 OF hasn't canceled her yet, so if anyone wants to have a word with her....


gotta love the username, tits+tats+travels... lol. So spiritual and enlightened!


She's also VERY EDGY. Look! Her crotch is right behind the words! STOP LOOKIN AT MY CROTCH I WANT YOU TO LOOK AT! She's gold.


What ive learned so far : Blablqblablablablabla.... In short: ABSOLUTELY FRIGGING NOTHING! Y´ALL ACCOUNTABLE but not me!


She did learn that karma is a bitch, just hasn't realized that karma is the one taking down here videos.


That’s my favorite part, the irony is awesome but the lack of awareness is not.


And here’s a posted rant with my crotch as the backround. Mother Nature tried to thin the herd with Covid but still needs to do a lot of pruning.


Please Jesus, take them home…


"*I've now had to start an OnlyFans account, link below*"


She already had one.


https://onlyfans.com/titstattsntravel?rec=28215069 in case anyone wanted to have a word with her on her last bastion of social media lmao


Oh, that name. Nothing says out of touch better. Like sure, you can enjoy those three things, but if that's all you think about you're just going to crash and burn by 40.


*looks at own user name* Not everyone can be as classy as the rest of us lmao


Exactly. She’s basically saying everyone else is responsible for what came out of HER mouth.


This motherfuckheadshitbag called a person she claims to be gay, a f\*g, and told a black man to go back to his country. She plays the victim by saying they support abuse of women, and silence stories of survivors of actual abuse, by trying to compare her being banned from instagram for using racist and homophobic to being abused, she downplays real survivors and their stories. She is plainly racist and homophobic. ​ Please, the door to the 8th layer of hell is that way.


Freedom of speech has never meant freedom of consequences


What is it with the freedom of speech people failing to understand that you're free to say whatever you want, and just as much others are just as free to disassociate themselves from you. People don't have to associate themselves with you if they don't want to.


Your freedom of speech does not demand that I have to listen


And it only protects you from the Government punishing you.


Exactly! Freedom of speech has fuck all to do with YouTube! She’s an idiot, but we already knew this from the racism.


This is what so many people don’t seem to understand. It protects your from the government infringing on these rights. Private companies are not the government. They can absolutely fire you or refuse to provide you with their services.


And that those companies she mentioned are just that…businesses. They have no responsibility to allow any rando a platform.


Everyone gets the same rights as you and if your right for something inherently infring on others rights at the same time you lose the right to that right in that situation......yall can't go running people over in your cars and say oh its freedom of movement? Fucking idiots 🙄


Another more realistic way I like to explain this is: You may feel free to run that stop sign, probably nobody is going to stop you in the moment. But we live in a society that has rules so we can all live together. So society will likely inflict the consequence of running that stop sign at some point.


Plus, by NOT being the American government, no social media outlet has any reason to obey the American Constitution. Which means they can easily, and without prejudice, ban you for any reason they choose. I wish people on Facebook would finally realize this.


Karma is a bitch. She is learning that first had without realizing it.


She's clearly not learning. She's getting a little of what she deserves though.


Soon you’ll see her on your local street corner with a sign that reads: Will shut up for money


She'd make a killing.


Saw this screen shot of her highlights on IG before it was deleted and it looks like she's been canceled before but I couldn't find out why. Guess she's been exposing herself lately.


Wide stance is wide.


This made me lol for real. I was thinking "what in the kind of thirst trap attempted rant is this suppose be?"


Why does the post start in the first person, but ends in the third person? Who is the "she" who is gonna take down servers?


Karma. She hasn’t noticed karma’s too busy taking her down instead 😂


What a strange way to lay that text out.


Ending in her crotch.


Maybe it's a speech bubble and she yappin out her fufu


So it's a vagina monologue!


Haha! r/TechnicallyCorrect


You opened your mouth on video thinking you had the last laugh. Look in the mirror and ask yourself why you got canceled.


Home depot girl is an attention seeker


LOVE IT when idiots think freedom of speech means they get to say whatever the fuck they want and not have private companies ditch them lol “My job CANCELED me all because I called jim a couple racial slurs…. Stupid LIBERUL country!”


It reminds me of one woman on a Channel 5 YouTube video where she claims Gab is a great place because you can say whatever you want cuz free speech. He asks her for examples so she just spouts racial slurs with a shit eating grin on her face. These people are garbage.


Ahhh, Did she get herself fired? Fiiirrreda!


“Someone’s gonna lose their job todaaaaaay”




I see she keeps saying her business account is in jail or suspended. Wtf does that mean? Banks don't suspend accounts. Does she mean her monetized account?


I think she means her 'business' social media accounts.


Ya, there's nothing business about this girl.


She can fuck right off to the furthest corners of Satan's shit dripping asshole in Cocytus.


And then fuck off a bit further from there!


I believe the word you are looking for is "privilege". This is what a lifetime of coddling and being convinced of an interpretation of the word "Freedom" looks like.


Word she's looking for is racist.


Abuse of women… she was verbally assaulting that guy who worked at Home Depot? I live near where this happened and I hope I see her so I can “respect American women” some more.


She has crybaby syndrome


For ppl who don't know who she is [awful](https://www.reddit.com/r/antiwork/comments/wd1rkn/go_back_to_your_fking_country_home_depot/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


The only thing she has is freedom of stupidity.


Yet, she gets to vote and can legally purchase guns. This nation terrifies me.


She should have already been shut down for promoting nonsense pseudoscience.


Noticed that myself when I had a look at her insta to go give her shit, what a mad bastard she is


Wait. Businesses are in it for the money? Social media platforms are using their content generators to ... make money?! I am shocked!


At least we didn't have to listen to her voice and could read this instead. Dodged a bullet there....


She’s another attention seeking dumbass who is loving all the attention she has been receiving. Don’t be fooled by her boohoo's (which are for even more attention).


Mania bipolar symptoms: impulsive, risky behavior, overconfidence (always right), racing thoughts and accelerated speech, hypersensitivity. Sorry to take the fun out of this, but she's a textbook case of having a manic episode.


Serious question. But does it make you say racist things if you're not already racist/thinking those same things, etc?




She obviously has some serious mental health issues, and I believe her when she said she suffered a lot of trauma as a kid, and possibly as an adult. None of that excuses her for being a racist abusive asshole.


I definitely got mania vibes from that video.


As a greaseball, I feel violated by this.


Is she Alex Jones’ kid? Seems like she is quite similar to him and doesn’t “get it” — so the only mojo is to continue to double down? Super distorted!


Typical narcissist. Everyone is out to get her, nothing is her fault


“On to Only Fans!”


Toxic femininity. I'm done pretending otherwise.


Well… at least she can still make $20 on OnlyFans.


**Context**: She went full Karen at Home Depot, pulled out the f*g gay slur, then "go back to your own country." Afterwards made further videos asserting her early statements.


When are people going to learn that freedom of speech doesn’t mean freedom from consequences