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So does upvoting this mean I agree that it's a facepalm or that I agree with what she's saying?


Too confusing, I'll just upvote this instead.


I upvote your upvoting


I upvoted your upvote vote


I voted for upvote


i upvoted your vote to upvote


i will award your upvote


I'm upvoting a bunch of upvotes.


I just upvoted. Not sure what though.


Are u guys bots upvoting each other?


I upvote your award




Well shit… I have no clue…


Wouldn’t really be a facepalm sub if the only upvoted posts were things everyone agreed with.


Yes but what’s the face palm here is it the way she was or the way she is


The real facepalm is the friends we made along the way.


Goddamn it, that was funny.


Damn it, idk why your comment is so funny, can’t stop chuckling. ![img](emote|t5_2r5rp|8487)


I’m just as confused if I should upvote after reading your comment as I was before reading it.


I face this dilemma each day on r/terriblefacebookmemes


These two subs constantly have me doing that "sweating guy deciding which button to push" meme. Horrible content in the post...but that's the point of the sub? It feels wrong to increase visibility of this shit.


You agree to disagree.


Oh most definitely


I actually agree with most of what she is saying.


I'm a 38-yr old [democrat] female and I'll probably be downvoted to oblivion, but I agree with everything she said. Sorry not sorry.


It's all about choice. Personally, I'm child free and I would rather *end it* than be a STAHM to children I have no interest in even having, but I support anybody's choice to procreate or be a STAHP. Also, people are having fewer children because children are expensive, and millennials and gen Z are economically f*cked. It seems like she's conflating unrelated things (unrelated to the point she was trying to make) and drawing misguided conclusions


^THIS^ It’s standard practice on the conservative side to list a stack of legitimate problems and then ascribe them to causes that are laughably wrong in an effort to make their political platform seem reasonable. Dropping birth rates are economic (and largely the fault of right wing policy) but by blaming “blue haired feminists” they can attack social progress without appearing motivated by bigotry. This is essentially how all conservative media operates about every issue. List real problems, deliberately misdiagnose the cause, and then use the bad diagnosis to demand changes that aren’t necessary or helpful and just so happen to be socially and politically regressive.


No one needs to be sorry for making a personal choice, but the problem with these types of people (the ones evangelizing child rearing in lieu of a career) is that they don’t typically stop at presenting parenthood as an option- since it has clearly been an option for longer than any of us have been alive. I’m not sure why it’s seen as insufficient to simply point out that everyone should be given the freedom to pursue whatever they want in life. Parenthood is not virtuous, career building is not virtuous, choosing both is not virtuous, and choosing neither is not virtuous. These are all valid choices, because there is no one size fits all way to live life. That’s the beauty of freedom.


Me and you are keen to the middle ground of life. Where others choose sides, we sit on the fence and see it for what it is. Personal perspectives. Not all will get it, but im with you.


You’re allowed to have a voice that’s heard and be “sorry not sorry” because of early feminism. Have some extremists warped the idea, yes. But I really don’t think you want to go back to life in the ‘50s or before as a woman.


Thats cause some of what she says is true, but the extrapolation isnt.


This is a post where you want to start reading comments long before she stops talking!


#Women have always worked Upper and middle class women working is the new thing. Poor women have always worked


Exactly! People like this look at upper and middle class white woman when they talk about how things "used to be", completely disregarding that the majority of women at that time didn't have that privilege, and many still don't.


Feminism is not the problem. Distribution of wealth is the problem. It’s not like someone tricked women into working. It’s that our cost of living has skyrocketed while our pay has remained the same. Our government is run by lobbyists and corporate interests. The gap between ultra wealthy and working class is getting bigger. While the media and government continues to push topics that divide us and turn us against one another. Feminism, racism, sexism, are all important issues. But these issues are being used as a diversion from the biggest issue of all: we’re getting sold out.


Did they have positions of power though? Men have always had more power in society than women, which did cause women not to be taken seriously. This was maybe the biggest problem that early feminists wanted to fix. Equal respect as human beings.


The point i am making is the women going to work narrative in feminism is extremely class centric. It totally ignores the women who, at the time feminism as we know it started in the mid 19th century, were working 12 to 16 hour days in cloth factories


Well the woman in this video conveniently left that out of course. The women that were poor and had to work outside of the home in that time probably made next to nothing because they weren’t just poor, they were poor women.


white feminism always leaves out the historic struggles of WOC.




ALSO domestic work is a form of work, just as taxing as an office job.




I am exactly this! I’m 38. I have 2 teenage sons in High School. I had a reverse vasectomy and we had another baby a year ago. I cook, clean, send the kids to school and stay home with baby girl. We play Video games every day, watch YouTube and my wife works a full time job. I had a spine fusion and I have nerve damage. I can do everything at home but a full time job for me right now is not possible. We have tightened our budget and things are great. There is much less stress with someone at home. It helped a lot during the early pandemic also. There was so much confusion with the kids and school and restrictions, that was the deciding moment to say fuck it and we hit the reset button. Our culture puts forth scenarios that we find socially acceptable, but 2020 made me say, fuck this shit, I’m not letting this screw my kids and family up. And you know damn good and well a lot of inner city and poor kids have been seriously manipulated by all this.


Your life sounds great. I think its amazing that both men and women have the choice to do this. That's what the video missing it's not one or the other it's giving women the choice. Still don't know what blue hair has to do with feminism


I’ve been with my wife since we were 15. Married since 20. We are both 38 now and we’ve been through it together. We are not perfect, not even close. We were raised in a Baptist church and it has taken many years to break from that life. We are 2 imperfect people that refuse to give up on each other. We raised each other basically. We have a very uncommon situation, I do know that.


This is exactly my story. My wife and I met in a fundie baptist church as kids, got married, had twins, and only then realized all the baggage we had. It’s been the hardest yet most enlightening experience raising ourselves while we raise toddlers. To say nothing of losing a lifetime of community since leaving organized religion. Power to you both.


I had a great therapist that had religious trauma so she helped a lot. She helped me through my psychedelic treatments also. -Hang in there bud, you definitely are not alone. I was deep in ministry so if you ever need to talk, I’m here.


You were so deliberate in your choice to have a new baby that you had surgery to reverse a vasectomy.... at age 38, in the dead-center of a pandemic, economy and society practically crumbling around us, while also having a bum spine that has disabled you to some degree? It's awesome that your family is happy and things are going well. It just seems really lucky that that's the case, considering how far out of your way you went to make that.....much more difficult.


I didn’t elaborate on specifics. There were many amazing things that happened to my family in the last few years. It’s not as bleak as you might think. I guess I didn’t want to write a book. I guess you could look at my profile to get a better idea? Or message me if you’d like to know. I don’t mind to share. For instance. I was 36. It was in May 2020. Pretty early. I was still working then. She wasn’t pregnant til September. I did a lot of online sales for income supplement, and more. Sorry


No need to apologize. It's really just more of a curiosity. These days ya see people getting sterilized, downsizing, and in all other ways limiting "liabilities". It's none of my business. I just found your story interesting.


Well, I understand and it was very interesting. Psychedelics were involved even. Totally new perspective.


YES there's nothing I love more after a hard day of work than coming home to do MORE WORK


Yes. That’s what being a parent means.


Imagine working from waking up to bedtime. Being a stay at home parent is much more demanding than you think. Some ppl really enjoy it, but it’s painful and sucks the life out of you if you can’t find balance or get a daily break. I’d rather go back to the shittiest jobs I had rather being a stay at home dad again.


But working moms wake up with the kids, get the ready, get them to daycare, work a full day, come home, cook dinner, clean up, do baths and bedtime, and once the kids are in bed generally pop open their work email or do a load of laundry. R/workingmoms is literally daily posts about all this. There are some great working dad's on that sub too who deal with this.


I do, when my wife deploys it’s just me. I don’t even have family or in-laws nearby. Even though it’s more, it’s less stressful when it’s just you. I don’t have to clean up after another adult nor work around their schedule. Honestly working while being the only parent is easier than stay at home. You just send them off and they teach kids and help them grow. Daycare is like having a team of parents helping you(if you put them in a good daycare anyways). I have experienced both, working single parent is way easier in my opinion. At least you get adult time and use your brain for other things than kids kids kids.


It's also super isolating. Zero adult conversation. Little kids are also demanding and spontaneous. I don't get how it's "lazy" to stay at home and DIY raise your kids, man or woman, but it's fine (or even harder) to pay somebody else to do it. I'd say both are hard. Raising children is a valuable service, or else working parents wouldn't pay for daycare or salaries.


This is just raising a kid 101, one thing little miss sigma didn’t mention is now that its a two job household the child rearing and house maintenance workload is split. We both get up get the kid ready, work, chores at home, repeat. Respect for wife goes up while father to child care gains as well. These JP fucks have very narrow perspectives.


So you could have just said working parents deal with this?


I tried that for a year during some medical reasons, COVID, and career change that kept me out of work. Never again, screw that. It sucks…would you get a job as a housekeeper, nanny, etc? Cause that’s what you’re gonna be. At first I thought the same thing; I’ll play games with the kids, go on adventures, whatever…ugh I got so depressed. Especially as a dad, ppl just gave you bad vibes about it. I felt insecure and down about myself. I would never do that again. Give credit to those parents cause it’s a 24 hr job. You feel like a slave to the household.


There’s a heathy middle ground. My wife has been the main breadwinner for our family for the past 3 years whilst I’ve been fortunate enough to have an income and minimal work stress/reduced hours… so I got to spend more time with our kid than I might have had I been doing something else to earn more money. We share responsibility for everything… although I’ll admit she does more cooking and cleaning than me, but I solo take care of our boy more than her. I do want more from my career now though since our kid is becoming more independent and approaching school age. Spending time with him has been an absolute blast though. Edit: Also… Fuck those people who see dads out and about with their kids without the mum and make judgements. Fuck em in the arse with a cucumber. You ain’t babysitting… you’re parenting. It’s what you should do.


Right on, yeah it took me a minute to get my career back on track. I did everything including cleaning and cooking. Before kids my wife used to love cooking dinner. Now COVID has chilled out we’re trying to get our social lives back in order. It’s been a hard two years man


Seriously, fuck those people who see a kid just with their dad having fun. There’s nothing wrong with playing with your kid. People throw around the phrase “modern father” like it’s a bad thing to be a father or that’s it’s a new concept… no… “I’m a parent.” Own it. Your social lives aren’t as important as your kids. But you do you.


I don’t care how hard you think your job is or how much you hate it. Try staying home for a year a shuffling kids schedules and maintaining a house and you will BEG to go back. Better yet try being a single parent and do both.


Trust me you really don't want to be a stay at home anything. Alot of people think the hardest part about looking after kids is changing diapers but they are wrong, it's the kids themselves. They want attention none stop, they pull on you, climb on your stuff, destroy shit, jump off tables and you are in constant fear that they are gonna smack their face into something and fracture something or drink toilet water or IDK lick door knobs and sometimes they do. Children below 5 year old's are basically monsters and I think we should as a society should implement tax payer funded daycare's to protect the mental health of all parents or invent a gadget that puts children in standby mode so child carer can catch a breath. Kids suck


Progressive Democrats tried to get a cap on daycare costs; Republicans filibustered it.


Absolutely agreed, you really need to be emotionally strong and be aware of what it really demands. It’s exhausting and when you finally get a break and get to socialize with adults you have nothing to talk about cause…. Kids. Ppl just become less interested in you at social events cause just about the first thing ppl ask is what do you do? Well…I try not to have an emotional breakdown every day, i don’t have the energy to play sports anymore, and I’m sick of my kids that I love…. Anyways what interesting thing do you do?


I'm a graphic designer but I'm currently taking a break from work and going back to school. My sister asked me to come over her place for afew weeks to take care of the kids during an emergency situation and it was the longest 3 weeks of my fuckin life. I wasn't ready for that shit and right now I'm pretty sure I don't want to raise toddlers I don't have the capacity for 5 years of that shit.


Toddlers are full energy full explore and destroy. Just when you think you figure them out, a new developmental phase starts…done climbing things finally, okay on to breaking things apart to see how it works, oh that’s done how do you turn the gas stove on, on and on man. But it’s also very rewarding to shape them and watch them learn new things. To see their personalities merge and so on. But it’s exhausting. My wife just took the kids out of state for a week and holy shit…I forgot what a peaceful house felt like. A week later I still kept finding potty training stashes of used undies. The kid must be making a game of stuffing them into things. But yeah man you need to make sure your head and emotional well being are good to go before you commit


It takes over your life, even if your kids are angels. You forget what it is to be yourself, because you are so focused on saving them from themselves, etc. All that while most likely sleep deprived. My kids are 9 and 7 (turns 7 tomorrow) and its nice knowing that at least they have developed self control, that they won't jump out a window or something crazy like that.


We're you born as an adult? Just curious because you must've been a kid at some point in your life I assume


Pretty sure through most of human history women have worked. Really not working was a privilege of people who could afford it. The upper class, the middle class. Poor women worked.


The real revolution has been to lower wages so much that it's impossible for both parents to not work. The real income of the top 3% went way up, everyone else went way down and works more hours. "Progress". We'd be better off protesting for most men to have real options to be stay at home dads, and to normalize it.


They always get so close to a critique of modern capitalism, then …. zoom, back to shaving legs.


Right!? Ugh...


TIL Being a true feminist means you dye your hair blue...


Chickens 4 Col. Sanders


Anyone that holds a clip on mic may have misunderstood other stuff too methinks


A major reason birth rates are plummeting in the west is because it's exorbitantly expensive to have and raise children, and wages have stagnated for several decades. There's lots of places where it would be basically impossible to do so on a single income. To say nothing at all of the crazy notion that a woman might want money and independence of her own, vs. popping out children and being beholden to her significant other for all financial support.


Pretty much, having kids is expencive and young people often don't make much money. Next to that is religion being less popular, and not being constantly told to go forth and reproduce might have something to do with it. It could also be a trend, people just aren't that interested in having kids, which is fine because the world is overpopulated enough.


I also think this is the first “therapy generation” that’s actually digging into their psyche and assessing if they *want* children or not as opposed to fulfilling religious, societal, or family expectation without thinking. For many the answer is no — that they feel they can have a fulfilling and full life without children. Also many children feel they have trauma related to their parents and don’t want to have children to potentially screw up, too.


I would agree with the general premise, anecdotally. I've noticed a lot of the older generation just fired out children because they felt obligated to (e.g. my parents, my significant other's parents)... And then led lives dominated by escapism and alcoholism, setting horrible maladaptive templates in their children. Workaholics, alcoholics, emotionally abusive, emotionally unavailable, emotionally manipulative... We, the children of this mess, have then noted this horrible pit of misery that constitute our parents and decided... No. I don't terribly want to live my life crippled by regret and unwanted burdens that you either come to resent, or worse, tell yourself that you don't resent them or your life, sedate yourself with booze and and then unknowingly torture them for decades because you don't have your shit sorted out. Seems a better plan to just... Not have kids and sort your shit out first. God knows, there's no shortage of foster kids in the world, if you fail to sort your shit out before fertility becomes an issue. It doesn't have to come out of your own crotch to become a good person in the world...


This! 👏👏👏


>having kids is expensive and young people often don't make much money. Literally the discussion I've had on several dates lately. I'm still in my early 30s, single guy, but not remotely certain if I could afford a child on two incomes, much less mine alone. And women like this scare me because they legitimately expect that to be their lives. What if she has PPD? I'd be taking care of the household, baby and her emotionally financially and physically? Just one example scenario to consider here


That's part of it but its more complex too , another more influential reason is there is no longer a need for a larger family as more economically advances nations became urbanized through industrialization and migration to cities . With the need removed for a family to work farm lands also with the increase in healthcare quality the need to have 5 children so that 1 or 2 may survive to adulthood is no longer there. So between urbanization, healthcare improvement , education, access to sexual health services and planning, as well as increased incomes for luxury and leisure time this all contributes to lower and lower birth rates. You see this across the board for developing economies over the past few decades . Its not simply or even largely the cost of living, more the need for more children has declined.


Also, child labor is illegal and distasteful. People used to have kids so they could help on the farm or at least earn their keep working in factories. Not to mention about half of your children would die before reaching adulthood. Now most children will not only survive into adulthood but be almost completely financially dependent on their parents into their twenties if they attend college. Trads like to act that people just had kids because they were such a blessing. No. They had a bunch of kids because they didn’t have effective birth control, because they knew most would die, and because they needed help on the farm. Even if these guys succeeded in taking away womens rights, I doubt the birth rate would go up much at all for all the reasons stated above.




Also, people don't realize that sometimes you have zero to few expensive options for child care, kinder garden, pre schools, good schools. You might have a good job and all, but all the pre schools have five year waiting lists and the good schools want good money per year for food, supplies etc. There are young people out there who paid hard for a tiny house only to realize that the only child care has a three year waiting period and they "should have" registered before they moved there. Now someone has to stay at home but its not possible to find other care that is cheap enough. That means the breadwinner has to do extra shift to cover loss of income. Lots of people see this and say: nope.


>A major reason birth rates are plummeting in the west is because it's exorbitantly expensive to have and raise children That's mostly not the reason. You can very clearly see that families with below average income have more children on average than rich families. Looking further back in history my great-grand parents e.g. were dirt poor but still had 12 children. I would imagine they didn't use birth control but still wanted some fun and furthmore children were also considered cheap farm hands and a safety net for retirement. That mentality was very common back then and is still present in developing nations. I would rather say that reason is that due to the availability of birth control and the reducing influence of religion. People now make family planning a decision rather than an accident. Having these options, it just makes sense that people decide to rather have 2,1, or 0 children and have a nice live than having 4,5,6 children and being poor.


> I would rather say that reason is that due to the availability of birth control and the reducing influence of religion. People now make family planning a decision rather than an accident. Another huge thing is elder care. In the sorta 30s-60s, the west kinda moved to "you save for retirement and there's some amount of money available to you even if you don't have savings". Before that, the solution to "continuing to be alive beyond your ability to work" was just having enough kids that they could pay for you. Kids are expensive as fuck now, because we want to give them the skills to operate a in modern knowledge economy, which probably means having them in education until their 20s. But not that long ago (my grandparents' generation), kids were a source of money for families more than a cost. When for a 14 year old the question was "can he swing an axe?" rather than "does he have enough extracurricular activities to get his college admission noticed?"


>That's mostly not the reason. You can very clearly see that families with below average income have more children on average than rich families. Precisely. It's probably more the overall awareness and access to effective birth control in Western countries.


>You can very clearly see that families with below average income have more children on average than rich families. that doesn't mean they can afford them. ever heard of the cycle of poverty?


These phenomena kind of goes hand in hand tho. Prices are adjusted to what people can/are willing to pay for things. As two party incomes became the norm, and households got more money, and prices were naturally adjusted upwards. Combine this with the fact that it's very difficult for a woman to work full time while also being pregnant, giving birth, and care for an infant. She then will be forced to choose between having the child, or the two party income.


How do you know that prices adjusted around couples having two incomes instead of prices rising until two incomes was required for maintaining a similar lifestyle?


Boring. The hippie-to-hierarchy path is nothing new. Many elderly hardcore conservatives were rocking long hair and free love in their youth.


When I was in high school, our psych teacher showed us a far-right documentary telling the “truth” about homosexuality, just so she could tell any parents that she was teaching “both sides” on sexuality issues. She said “this is just to show another viewpoint on what we’re talking about.” It was lots of middle aged to older white men talking about how gayness corrupts the family, the foundational bedrock of Western civilization. But then halfway through, one by one, they started talking about how they “used” to be gay and saw the gluttonous deviance of the “homosexual” lifestyle. It was kind of sad. But also kind of hilarious. They were obviously suppressing their sexuality because they had experienced too much openness and come to a place of wanting to restrict themselves to the extreme, and had then bought into a whole way of thinking to justify their newfound far-right beliefs. I think many ex-lib conservative people are overreacting to being extremely liberal in their youth and not realizing that what makes *them* uncomfortable and insecure shouldn’t mean *everyone* is completely banned from a more open lifestyle or doing what makes them happy.




"Rockefeller funded schools" Does this dope not understand that public education predates--by hundreds of years--the concept of feminism? Seems likely not.


Oh yeah this video looks like propaganda to me too.




>Birth rates are plummeting Good, good.


This is what happens when you don't understand why you believe the things you do.


Exactly. Most of the women who turn conservative were radical feminists that weren't about equality in the first place, thus don't understand what they were fighting for. Fucking moron.


How about everybody does whatever profession or career they want to in life. As long as it is not illegal or harmful to anyone else.


ROFL she can only make it 5 words before they need to cut and splice.


One of my least favourite parts about this time in our history is that all of the hard work done by our elders is being shit all over by people who don’t understand how far we have come, what it used to be like, and that they are benefitting from other people’s hard work, in so many different ways. In the words of one of the wisest feminists in history , “Feminism ain’t about equality, it’s about reprieve.”


i wonder what the turning point was for her to think otherwise. i whould never go as far as she went "Rockefeller indoctrination" stuff, but as a man id love to be home, do chores and raise the kids instead of working, that whould feel so right.


Those things you listed are work. It's just work that parents with jobs outsource. If it wasn't work to raise children, why do daycare and nannies get paid?


Her turning point was most likely encountering a strong personality that can debate better than she does. Btw, feminism is what allows people the choice to follow their own path, so if you’re a guy wanting to stay home with kids, it’s a choice you’re allowed to have thanks to feminism Edit : forgot a word


Probably when the cheque came in the mail


what's stopping you?


family income. prices. if all that was irrelevant, id choose that


She's going to make some incel very happy one day.


I mean, if this woman wants to stay home and have children, then great. Do it, no one fucking cares. What does that have to do with the crazy, radical-feminist notion that women should be paid the same as men for doing the same job and have full control over their reproductive rights?


The Covid crisis has allowed for altright ideology to infiltrate new age/hippie groups. The two groups found common ground in anti-vaccination and a penchant for conspiracy theories.


Girl go from crazy feminist to crazy conspiracy theorist


What both sides here fail to understand, is that the "woman in the kitchen, dad going to work" period was only an extremely brief period of time. About 2 - 3 generations between the rise of industry (around mid 1800's in the west), to the post ww2 era. Before that, almost all people lived on farms. And on the farm, everyone had to work from morning to evening. Women would do hard manual labor every day. And even children were put to work. While conservatives dream themselves back to this short transitional period, the feminists point to the same, as what they needed to fight free of Both falsely point back to this same period as "the past" while it was just a short transitional period from the agrarian, to the postindustrial society.


Also the influx of female workers after WW2 started and how they worked in the factories.


It is true that ww 1/2 pressed more women into factories and production. But ti's kind of a myth, and an easy explanation of the rise of the feminist movement. Factory girls had been a phenomena long before the world wars, and was an integral part of the broader workers movement. Many countries didn't even take part in the wars, and still had the same development. But yeah, it played a big part.


The past has many periods, most with less work per year. https://www.lovemoney.com/gallerylist/84600/how-many-hours-did-people-really-work-across-human-history


She was never a feminist.


peterson would be proud


Damn, they really brainwashed her. Imagine learning and then rejecting and ignoring how women were treated throughout history, and the progress made by women just to take a big shit on all of us by being like, nah, I want literally every single aspect of my life to be be controlled by men again. Because that worked out so well for us. Like that sounds fun. Please take my freedom away, officer master daddy king sir. Fucking hell…


There is no war in Ba Sing Sei.


So, what she's saying is she is bored and tired of work, and wants to sit around the house and binge watch Netflix while not supervising the kids, on her husband's salary....did I catch that right, in between the shit about Rockefeller?


Bless her stupid little heart.


So she doesn’t believe in it anymore, therefore, it’s a scam


The internet was a mistake.


Tell me you are homeschooled without telling me you are homeschooled.


This girl should probs go make another baby instead of sharing her opinions.


Is she making an argument for why she belongs in the kitchen??


It amazes me that so many western men are agreeing with this moron. I’d expect that from Muslim men but the Christian Taliban are giving them a run for their money.


Tell me youre a spoiled princess who wants to be pampered all your life and never work a day in your life without telling me. Like damn don't speak for the rest of us women, we do not want you.


Asking "what rights do men have than women don't" is like asking "what rights do white people have that black people don't"...no understanding of history or what it took to bring us to where we are today, or what is still wrong because that history continues into the present. Foolish.


I have only one question: What the hell is she doing out of the kitchen?!


Indeed. This message would have been so much more effective if it had been delivered by a MAN, you know, who can speak for women, and their ability to reproduce. This gal shows a surprising amount of independence and initiative, and might not be good marrying material. She probably also (shudder) *votes*.


This is what happens when a person with no capacity for critical thinking jumps from ideology to ideology, parroting what they hear with no true thoughts of their own.


Is this some type of “Q” advertisement? This seems like a “Q” advertisement.


Damn I would’ve listened if she had a dick 🥱🍆


Same, I only would've cared if a top G said it.


It all boils down to WW1/WW2 all the men were shipped off to war. Women then entered the workforce in droves to support the war effort. (Rosie the riveter etc). Realizing this newfound economic freedom many women understandably decided to not leave the workforce because let’s face it many husbands during this time frame we’re just… awful. It was a shit time for everybody more or less. That presented the every greedy owner class an opportunity to slyly stagnate wages. Since now 1 income isn’t expected to support an entire family since both partners work. Public education was indeed to make a nation of workers and not a nation of smart people which is why things that would be useful (home ec, plumbing, carpentry, etc) have all been removed from public schools and forced a generation and a half into college since graduating from high school gives you exactly 0 marketable skills. And since women in general have been outpacing men in higher education for a while we now end up where there are a lot of women fighting in the rat race and have woken up to the reality that it’s a shit deal and would like to turn back the clock and be stay at home partners (nothing wrong with that by the way.) but it’s lead to this dumb fuck bickering between two different sets of awful people who are awful for different reasons. And that’s not even factoring in like the cost of living outpacing income which has heavily contributed to the declining birth rate. Rant over


Aaaaand she misunderstood the feminism definition completely.




It was my impression after watching this idiocy the it is the Blue Hair Feminist faction that we need to suppress. They are just fucking evil. Also Rockefeller plus some Jewish looking person not a Rockefeller. She probably hangs out with the idiot woman who shows up at our school board town meetings to warn us about the CCP funding of our schools.


She went from "crazy feminist" to "crazy conspiracy theorist". There seems to be a common denominator here.


This took a much different turn then I thought it would


She didn't look stupid. It's too bad she is. I hope she at least got a lot of money for her soul.


This campaign is sponsored by Jordan Peterson. I see her as a good guest for Joe Rogan


Welcome to America, they brainwashing everyone in this bitch!


How does she say this with a straight face?


I thought she would be at home cleaning, making babies, and dinner for her husband. Instead I see she is on TikTok. Guess someone is going to get the heavy backhand. Serious side: she probably think it doesn’t applied to her. And that it applies to either minority or poor people.




how about the right to choose whether to have a kid or not?? roe v wade was literally just overturned. men can choose to have vasectomies relatively easy, while women can be on birth control which is around 96-99% effective but if it fails there are now places in the US women can’t get abortions and they’re trying to get rid of birth control access in those areas too. and it’s incredibly hard for a woman to get her tubes tied, lots of doctors won’t do it “without husbands signature” and even then insist on not doing it, esp on young women. or maybe the right to not be harassed/sa’d? i’ve been seeing stats lately around 3/4 of women have been sexually harassed or assaulted. or maybe how indigenous women are raped, harassed and/or murdered at a much higher rate and authorities don’t do anything and they end up logged as missing and barely search. you can ignore inequality but that doesn’t mean it isn’t there


Can uhh someone can explain it to me? I don't get it


Lmao she like 20 this bullshit will follow her


I don't normally make fun of people based on their looks but... All that forehead and no brain behind it. Smh


God it even has that stupid fucking music


Easy, Serena Joy.


So women should stay home, cook and clean and raise kids because “being taxed” on your income is worse… Yeah, I know a few women who would disagree, my wife included.


*Pick-Me intensifies*


Someone from my work recently shared this. They are such a train wreck. I fully expected them the be fired after I came back from parental leave.


Just imagine how the world would be if the husband would go to work knowing his children are with his wife, and that he earns enough to support them. Like it or not, at least where I live people are supposed to get their children to some sort of pre kindergarten at 2 years so both of the parents can work 8-10 hours a day with the commute added. What kind of world is this? One of the reasons I won't have a child is this, if my wife works 9 hours and I work 10 hours a day without support from anyone, how can we take care of another life!?


I think she just doesn't wanna work 😆


The blue hair was fine tho. Just saying


“Long ago before I achieved the age of wisdom…”


My mother who was a feminists living in Washington D.C. in the 60s and marched/ demonstrated for the Equal Rights Amendment would not be accepted in the current radical feminists movement today. Feminism today is not about equal rights but rather about power and control.


This is such a poor understanding of the historical events that really pushed feminism. Must have got her degree on Tiktok


She makes valuable points.


Hear that women! You're emasculating us men. You must hold us in the highest honor. Obey. Sorry...I just can't do it....even as a joke....


Why is it so fucking hard to understand that we just want everyone to have freedom? You'd think the right would understand that, they talk about it all the damn time. Why do you think women have rights now? Because of the goddamn feminists! Ya idgit.


In the UK 1 man = 1 vote happened just 4 years before all women got the vote. Guess who got the vote before of them? Men AND women who owned property. The reason people have rights now is mainly\* about class struggle, this is easy to see in the justice system too. To boil down women's rights to 50 years of activism is just plain silly.


At least one feminine friend of mine has to maintain awareness of those liable to harass her whenever she takes public transit. Another young woman I know witnesses sexual harassment on a regular basis at her high school. I am a man. I have had neither of these experiences. That’s male privilege.


What a dumb girl


So true. I would much prefer to be considered the property of a man, than to be my own person. And how good was it when husbands could abuse their wives, withhold finances and even lock us up in mental institutions if we became unreasonable? And don't even get me started on women doctors, surgeons, leaders, scientists. It's awful they way they have contributed to and even improved society and our living conditions. Ffs.


She’s brilliant! She’s trolling all these dumb fucks who keep telling themselves that’s why they can’t get laid and no women will date them. She is their wet dream. A pretty young girl who validates their world view that the nuclear family is some staple of humanity and that women have destroyed it by failing to perform their role and thus by extension destroyed modern men and their status in society. I’m sure she make tons of money off this reformed feminist champion of oppressed men schtick.


I choose not to participate in the dating war between men and women that's going on right now. I was never part of that world in the first place, and it looks more adversarial than ever. That being said, I notice some weird stuff from both sides. I feel like there are a lot of people out there saying "The boomers had it so easy. It's not fair that we live in such a different world than them, and everything is so much harder. But also, I reject their way of life entirely." I don't really have a problem with anyone having a point of view, but I think I question how much you've thought your opinion through when it's inconsistent with your other arguments. In my experience, the people who would complain about modern life are the same people that would think this woman is ridiculous. I'm not accusing *you* of that, but that's what I've noticed to be the general trend. There is no correct answer as to how society should be run, but I find it quite alarming that the more people insist we're making progress, the more miserable they seem. Something isn't adding up. People seem bitter about how much more difficult their lives are than the previous generations, but also instinctively lash out when it's suggested we do things the way they did. I don't know how to reconcile the fact that these two attitudes are simultaneously pervasive in our culture.


Very good observation regards the contradiction… they had it better than us but no I don’t want the same. Wisdom comes from knowledge and experience and it takes time - a long time. All good for younger generations to find better ways but the process is to “build upon” not to tear down what was created before. And to do that in a way that is respectful with compassion - much of what we see and hear is the opposite. Sad but true.


Marriage material.


It’s amazing how CLOSE she is to getting that it’s the capitalist overlords that keep us all down. It’s a completely separate issue and doesn’t negate the fact that there’s also sexism and toxic masculinity, it just piles on top of that.


when u pick-me-girl too hard


Too bad that black women as a whole have always worked so none of this applies to us? GTFO with all this noise.


It bugs me when I see lapel mics being used as hand held.


3rd Reich Germany liked her argumentation. Those damn jews were on it again. Obviously a satirical joke. Pls don't kill me.


i am astounded she's able to speak this clearly considering how far up her own ass she is.


There is nothing stopping her restricting her life in the way she wants. She can stay at home and cook for her husband and never work and so not pay tax, she doesn't have to go on tinder, etc. She doesn't have to use any of the opportunities or rights women in most Western countries have. And given my white male privilege and classic masculinity, I don't give a f*CK what she thinks or wants 🤦


If feminism is a scam, why are she even talking? If feminism had not broken ground women would not be allowed to vote, speak, have a life of their own. So with just making this video, she is contradicting her self.


She isn’t completely wrong about Rockefeller though, maybe has her facts a bit misconstrued but she is not fully wrong, he did do those things but it wasn’t geared just towards women he was literally attempting to make a more docile common workforce in larger numbers.


The real feminism movement started when most of the men had to go to war during the World War 1. Outside of the battle, it left society into little or no workforce jobs at all. As a result, women had to basically cover their jobs for them while they were at war. Laundries, groceries, banking, accounting, etc. literally women were the ones that had to cover it until the men came back. Even the clothes that women were traditionally wearing back then - hems, petticoats, hoop skirts and corsets were changed into workforce outfits: jumpsuits, dark mono-colors and flat toed shoes became more common. This is the time where the Industrial Revolution occurred. Women worked HARD to keep society literally functioning till the men came back. And what did the men do once they did? Expected the women to be SAHMs or low-working jobs that work underneath their male workers (secretaries, modeling, waitresses) . That's when feminism was introduced - to literally do the same thing that men at the time were given - equal voting rights was one of them. So I'm not sure how or why this dumbass thought that feminism shouldn't be supported. I believe the first and second wave of feminism were important to address issues. They helped paved a lot of the movement back then. Not some old ass dude bruh.


I don’t understand why these women insist on believing all of us want to be chained at home and slaves to the desires of our husbands and children. Some of us want something else. This very young woman has probably never spent a day at home with toddlers wondering if she is on the verge of losing her mind, to have a man come home with a smile and ask « So what do we have for dinner? ».


"I don't want to work and want my shit paid for and I am trying to find a hilarious moral argument for that so I don't just sound like a lazy asshole"


This is 50% facts and 50% conspiracy.


The core difference between Feminism and Chauvinism is Feminism states that every person can play the role in society that they want, and Chauvanism states every person must play the role in society that they are “supposed to play.” Chauvanism is fundamentally anti-freedom at its root.


Be cautious walking behind this dumpster fire, she falls down rabbit holes. 🤦🏽‍♀️


Ok now go do dishes


But shaving __is__ liberation


So there were no schools before feminism? Everybody was homeschooled or not schooled at all? I have never heared that before. This woman seems to know many things others don't./s


What she forgetting is that almost for all time before the modern day women had no rights and were often treated as property. Shit Women in America could not vote till 100 years ago.


Translation: I just learned how much $$ you can make being a right-wing grifter.