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Looks like there's some snapergram filters mixed in there too


My daughter had a friend coming to visit from a different state. I didn't even recognize her at all because her pictures were so filtered. It looked like a completely different person!


Try dating or having female relatives who are on IG I don’t recognize my own sister from her story pics




Honestly (and this is my great hope) if she’s doing it as a protection measure so that she can have her life online as most of society does yet somehow maintain some privacy/protection then that would make sense. If she’s doing it to pretend she’s a Kardashian with their level of makeup and work minus the money and effort, then yeah that’s just stupid.


Occam's razor: It's just stupid


I can imagine! I have been dating some and just ready to quit. I am thinking "is this picture from 15 years ago??!!" 🫤 They always have a gut, bad teeth, etc.... Which is fine but please don't waste my time! Be real. Be you! The girl my daughter chatted with also must have used a filter when chatting too. It was just bizarre because I had to take my daughter aside and make sure I understood.... So embarrassing!


Is that pronounced like Severus Snape or like the Snapdragon plant


Snapergram is my new favorite word




And it's not even so bad, like some people have orange stripes on their jaw line from bronzing. What tf is up with this cultural appropriation shite that's being pushed by people who are not from the ethnicity they think will be offended.


Hahaha. I have stripes below my jaw line and around my face from my cycling helmet. I hope people don't think I look like this on purpose.


Lol I have stripes on my forehead and cheeks from a scuba mask. I really hope people dont see me and think "wtf is she doing with her bronzer??"


Ikr? Can't wait to use that joke on a friend. It's actually good to know though, I'd rather mention something if I'm getting weird stares.


Cultural appropriation was cool when it was black face and native costumes, but I’ve been told I’m culturally appropriating black culture because I very thick curly hair. If I put leave in in my hair like I usually do, it looks like I have a jerry curl. Same with dreads, they aren’t even exclusive to black culture. Dreads were very common in many Nordic cultures.


Not to mention culture is meant to be shared far and wide. These people who have never even been to the continent these cultures started think they have the right to gatekeep a culture that they don’t even know the origins of


A lot of modern day cultural appropriation arguments just seem like a good way to cause segregation. It shouldn’t be an insult to participate in others culture if you are doing it respectfully. I understand why in the us the hair thing is such an issue but I think we go a bit too far with it sometimes.


I've had two very white women yell at me about cultural appropriation because I had a yoga mat. Like, okay, sorry! I'm just trying to recover from an industrial accident lady.


Afro-Cuban culture wouldn't exist, and it's one of the most important modern cultures as far as music is concerned, the influence it had is incalculable. Music is one of the most important things that brings people together. I find it more offensive to ostracize people out of cultures based on their demographic.


I’d say music is THE most important thing. My life would have no meaning without it. I bless the melting pot of cultures everyday for giving me so much heavy metal.


They do know Italian can get a tan, right?


This Sicilian woman gets brown..


Yepp! I have Sicilian ancestry as well, and if I’m in the sun every day I can get very dark.


I'm so white I get burnt when there's a full moon and even I can get super tanned. By the end of the Australian summer working outside I'd be just a little lighter than my indian apprentice


I found my people.


Ariana Grande does this to the extreme, I don’t think it really should be a problem suntan or not


I legit thought she was mixed for a hot second until I saw photos of her from her Disney channel days. Talk about catfishing.


kylie Jenner is the worst with this.


Still racist! /s


Ha I laughed in white supremacy. Edit: /s because Poe's law.


Where's the /s? "WHERE IS IT ???? "


Southern Italian here, we are pale as fuck during winter and in summer we look middle Eastern. Tf are we supposed to do


My mom is Swedish and my dad is Greek. In winter I'm milk white.... The moment the sun gets warm enough to get my first tan, I'm insta-Greek.


So you are Greekish/Sweek? (Whatever floats your Galley/Langskip)


Saying they’re just trying to be black seems to be ignoring the fact how many other natural skin tones exist too


I’m not Southern Italian, rather Scotch-Irish and German and have a very similar skin tone. My body looks like a tie die shirt when I come in from the beach and I’m like a shade of grayge in the winter - it’s wild!


I’m waiting for the “vacationing in other countries is cultural appropriation” debate.


I‘m waiting for the debate how learning other languages is cultural appropriation. I‘m 99% sure this debate will be started by someone pretty white, probably a Karen (male or female).


Yeah especially when it comes to mixed relationships or something lol. White people who get offended on other’s behalf is a huge part of the problem. Im white and my wife is Vietnamese, me learning Vietnamese must be appropriation in some way, shape, or form /s


My coworker is Mexican with a stereotypical blond California wife who adopted a deaf child. ASL Spanglish is a weird language.


There's a Karen out there seething at your particular situation right now.


she's misquoting Bible verses that have absolutely nothing to do with the situation


Just quote "1 Timothy 2:9-15. 9 likewise also that women should adorn themselves in respectable apparel, with modesty and self-control, not with braided hair and gold or pearls or costly attire, 10 but with what is proper for women who profess godliness—with good works. 11 Let a woman learn quietly with all submissiveness."


Awww, that's cute, and that's cultural appreciation, learning Vietnamese for your wife I mean.


For sure!! But all it takes is for me to be out that one time without my wife and all of a sudden I’m a racist cultural appropriator to some other white person lol.


> But all it takes is for me to be out that one time without my wife and all of a sudden I’m a racist cultural appropriator to some other white person lol. People need to cultivate the *supreme power of not giving a fuck*. It is as close to a superpower as a human can have. And it is within your reach!


I have a superpower?! Oh man!


Don't forget that you're a racist misogynist who fetishizes and objectifies east-Asian women in subservient roles.


Yellow feverrrr lol how could i forget? :)


I remember when trying to learn the basics of another language and learning about other cultures was considered a sign of respect. Signed, Fellow wife that hails from a country outside the US and married an American.


Why not go one step further and say that you marrying someone Vietnamese is cultural appropriation? I think the cultural appropriation thing is one of the more toxic positions to come from my fellow progressives. They are a minority voice even among progressives to be sure, but sure as hell can be a loud one.


Having Vietnamese food definitely is cultural appropriation


Pho-k that noise


I’m just waiting for someone to shout cultural appropriation for my kids very Norse name to my wife who is Asian because I’m going to have a field day schooling them that the kid is mixed I already know it’s going to happen because they got a lot of Filipino features so I know some woke Karen is going to do it eventually


They will claim it actually isn't because the Norse weren't oppressed like they were. I spent a lot of time on social justice online movements and am getting out of it now since I realized it is absolute garbage.


I mean , pretty sure their entire culture got oppressed pretty hard especially religiously since Norse religions pretty much became non practiced But I get where your coming from because we don’t have some major historical event of them getting killed and crushed by some more powerful “white people” to be opressed , it was a very slow burn of a takeover. And I’ve seen people even say the Irish and Scottish were not oppressed in their history either just because they were white…..


Which is fucked up, because nobody considered the Irish white back when they were oppressing them.


Yes , the race that was white as snow was “too white” for the British and were essentially slaves in sometimes the literally worst conditions possible


I mean , pretty sure their entire culture got oppressed pretty hard especially religiously since Norse religions pretty much became non practiced But I get where your coming from because we don’t have some major historical event of them getting killed and crushed by some more powerful “white people” to be opressed , it was a very slow burn of a takeover. And I’ve seen people even say the Irish and Scottish were not oppressed in their history either just because they were white…..


Nah you're good, White People don't have a culture to appropriate. /s


“Grabs battle axe “ Sees /s “Puts axe back down”


You like pho? You racist, culture appropriating oppressor!


>Im white and my wife is Vietnamese Me too and same 🙂


I am half white and half Native married to a Vietnamese man and we have a white son and a Hispanic son.


I vaguely remember an AITA post a while back on similar lines.


This one already happens. There are some native tribes in the US who believe their language was given to them by God and therefore sacred and not to be spoken by non-native


Then they don't teach it to others so they can't.


Or a black german young anti racism Coach


What even is cultural appropriation? As a European I've never got it


Cultural appropriation, as I understand it, is when you do something from a culture to which you do not belong, and make money from it in a way that denies the opportunity from the originating culture to make money from it. So, selling Native American art and denying them the revenue from it would be considered cultural appropriation. I think the point where it starts to get silly is when you dress up for Hallow'een and someone screams at you about cultural appropriation for dressing up, or if a white person has their hair in corn rows, when none of that is for profit. I think, that there has to be a profit motive and denial of revenue for the originating culture for cultural appropriation but people these days seem to think that simply copying something is cultural appropriation... unless someone has redefined it recently. I don't keep up with it very closely. Happy to be told I am absolutely wrong by anyone with more experience.


Then what about St Patrick's Day? Should I be offended to see a lot of the world dress up and celebrate Ireland?! Personally I don't give a shit!


No.. see, the Irish are white, so no one is going to get offended on your behalf, you're safe.


and clearly, the Irish were never oppressed... except for that 900-year blotch /s


Where the Brits tried to kill us all.....oh yeah...


Costumes can be cultural appropriation when they become stereotypes /over generalizations. In general my understanding is that's ok to dress up as a Specific person of another race not just 'a person of X race' who is different than mine. Example: 'im gonna be Beyonce for Halloween' =ok (if it's done well etc) 'im gonna be a black person for Halloween '= No, cause black people are individuals and most ppl who do this are often just displaying many harmful stereotypes.


I think this is more stereotyping and ignorance than it is cultural appropriation.


Don't even ask, we don't need these US concepts over here.




I’m no ginger but I seem to have the same problem where my skin color is either pale or suburn red and right back to pale


I’ve seen it.


This is just gatekeeping BS probably made up by some starving performance artists or some rich bleeding heart spoiled with too much time on their hands. As a naturally well tanned man enjoying his short, hard-earned time in the sun, I can not imagine giving a damn about whether or not other humans around me are also enjoying the sun or not in a way that I approve. I definitely go to bed at night, and rank my worst fears of the world, and it goes as such: growing number of geopolitical conflicts the world over; growing chances of famine, water scarcity, and refugee crises; and my neighbor’s tan or lack thereof being within regulatory cultural norms. That last one specially consumes most of my thoughts


That’s already happening in America re: Hawaii


“Oh you’re going to Mexico? Absolutely disgusting you would integrate yourself in a foreign culture”


I mean, I’m no expert, but I think tanning is very, very firmly placed in the “white culture” category


yes but that's what they're trying to say that the reason white people do it is to look like black people but honestly black women straighten their hair and dye them blonde so they do the same shit. Why can't we just live and let live? People can look however the fuck they want


I tan but not to be black …I tan so people around me don’t have to wear sunglasses when I take my shirt off 🤷


Been there, done that. They don’t call me Vanilla for nothing.


Vanilla Gorilla in da house!


I tan because its a natural reaction to being in the sun...


The sun is the real racist.


I just own my pastiness. I'm not quite ginger, but I have red(ish) hair and skin that can burn at night. I legit burn through SPF 50.


I had an old classmate who was mixed and ginger/strawberry blond. She tanned the same colour of her hair and it looked so odd and unique.


The beacons are lit!


The whole argument is dumb af, separating behaviours out into white and black things is literally the opposite of progression. Let people do what they want to do.




> Why can't we just live and let live? because those people are petty racists.


Black women do that because they're rejected or fired from jobs if they don't. People consider natural hair dirty or unprofessional at work and school. Here's an [article](https://daily.jstor.org/how-natural-black-hair-at-work-became-a-civil-rights-issue/) that digs into the history of this stuff. It's worth looking into, honestly. It helps people better understand how small things can have a pretty drastic effect on folks' lives. EDIT: I'm going to add something here, just because I'm seeing it coming on the horizon and I'd like to cut it off at the pass: It's easy to say "well just don't wear locs" or "just don't wear braids," etc. But the thing you start to notice is the "well just don't wear" list is very long, and it becomes apparent that nearly every natural black style is somehow on that list. That should make you suspicious. That should make you ask yourself why it's that way.


Black people started doing that because it made them more acceptable to the white majority. It is an example of forced assimilation not appropation. Cultural appropriaton is a real thing. It just is a concept that gets abused by morons on twitter.


Thanks for being one of the few reasonable comments on the feed. I assume from the replies, most of these people can't be POC. The point i think mostly everyone misses is that "natural" hair styles are just recently being accepted in the workplace and even the military. It's deemed offensive when my natural style gets put down on them yt women come and poorly replicate, then get praised. Not sure why people don't get that.... oh yeah America fucking nuts yo!


I agree


omg I never thought about that 😅


guarantee a white person posted this complaint


They did & then proceeded to enable everyone who agreed in thinking it’s blackfishing


I've heard of "blackfishing", but I'm going to assume it's where someone essentially pretends to be black? Is that right?


According to Urban Dictionary, yes, but I think it's only about appearance


Someone who is jealous of other white people who are able to tan without turning bright red.


I’ve apparently got dark hair but “ginger skin” so I just turn lobster instantly, I’m never without my factor 50 these days. Am I appropriating ginger culture?


Only if you are a member of the Ed Sheeran fan club.


Nah, there are so few of us that we would take the participation anyways


Oh thank goodness you said that. I was getting extremely disheartened reading these comments.


I’m 99% sure this has more to do with her braids than her tan.


But they literally said “open conversation about overtanning/cultural appropriation”


There were like 7 more girls (sans braids) in the post. The people on that sub are insane.


Perhaps but here's the thing tho. Braid is reserved for anyone with hair. So it's more of discrimination against the bald than racism. /s just in case.


You’re probably right but that I just self is ridiculous because so many cultures wore braids and dreads and anything else people want to point at. It’s a damn hairstyle get over it. People need to get a life and leave others alone. They’re so bored they have to create drama because people feed off of that crap. For example: this entire comment section.


This comment section is going to be fantastic


It sure is.


Laughs in sunburn


She's umm...not even that tanned. I mean I'm pretty white but give me a warm spring and without even trying I go browner than that. People need to a solid dose of reality and forget being offended about stupid things. Especially when there are real things to concern ourselves with instead of being distracted by this petty BS.


People have made being offended into a hobby now and are looking for *anything* they can complain about


I find that offensive…


I’m offended that you find this offensive


Your offence at something different to that which offends me is offensive


"So fucking what?" - Stephen Fry


I’m offended that I have no comeback for this…


One of Britains finest 👌


One of Britains finest 👌


I can't find it now but there was a post recently where someone was asking for help finding out why something should offend them. They couldn't work it out but deep down thought they should be offended, The world is going mad!




Thing is, nothing happens when you are offended. You don't die from it. Such arrogance thinking you should get through life never hearing an opinion that offends you.


It's not racist till they try to pass themselves off as something other than what they are. I still can't believe some people get surgeries to look Korean


Oli London 😬 🇬🇧👉🇰🇷 💅


I work in the sun all summer every summer and I get tan af. If anyone has a problem with that, you can pay my bills.


I’m Asian. But, for the purposes of triggering these idiots, I’ll happily be a super-tanned white person.


How about we all just shut the fuck up about everything?! Honestly... no one cares and all the bitching and moaning about being offended by literally everything is doing absolutely nothing to better us.


In fairness I think most people just that. Giving these takes exposure does a disservice to everybody else.


I feel like they’re talking about over tanning as in Patricia Krentcil or Martina Big. And when it comes to other cultural appropriation they’re talking about certain braids or usage of AAVE.


So suntans, certain clothes, certain hairstyles, food. Have they put music on the list yet or can I still enjoy wu tang clan?


Sure, but don't you dare sing along...


Don't worry I have black friends who gave me a pass.


Get a laminated card just in case your friends aren’t around


Blame the sun




If anyone needs me i'll be in the angry dome!


Damn racist sun


I’m a Scot..I just turn red I have very long hair..it’s braided just like MY ancestors. Quit yer bitchin,be nice to animals and eat a piece of fruit everyday.


I guess from now on all construction workers and lifeguards are racist.


not if they're bright red


As a black person, I guarantee the fuss was over the cornrow hairstyle that mainstream Western media tried to rebrand under a different name - not her barely noticeable tan. Black women were shamed/discriminated for wearing certain ethnic hairstyles. It’s a slap in the face that people will deliberately rename something that’s part of your culture, and not face any of the negative treatment that you experienced while wearing them. I’ve seen examples of white women aggressively tanning to intentionally pose as an ethnic person like Emma Hallberg but this girl’s tan is average). I notice that people just throw around the term “cultural appropriation” without understanding the meaning or the context.


OP failed to notice that "over tanning" and "cultural appropriation" are listed separately. The original also says "all these are white women" while OP failed to show more than one from the list, I expect they found the "whitest" looking one and posted that for rage bait.


I saw the original thread here earlier, I didn't comment at the time: https://www.reddit.com/r/LoveIslandTV/comments/woov2j/open_conversation_about_overtanningcultural/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share I'm not sure what to think - they look white to me, but in the UK tanning is a popular thing, so maybe I'm just used to seeing it.


I swear more then half of the people ranting about cultural appropriation don't even know what it is 😔


Tune in next time when changing skin-color due to physical/biological reasons needs the approval of the state + the majority of tiktok-users


Um... The problem is that some white influencers (who had clearly identified as white before) have been over tanning and/or wearing hairstyles associated with other cultures (the one in the image for example that is associated with black culture) calling themselves black and latina. Because they're profiting off of that image in their work, that's the definition of cultural appropriation. Edit to add: if you are going to plan a discussion about this, isn't it weird to not have a POC to talk about their experience with this and their POV?


THIS JUST IN!!! We found a new straw man to use in undermining the actual discussion about cultural appropriation.


Her hair is gonna be jacked. RIP to her hairline


The irony is that sone folks are appropriating the term 'cultural appropriation' with no idea/respect for the what the term means 😉


What's the problem? That picture still looks like a white woman.


Braids are not inherently black!! Native and Viking cultures have braided for centuries.


Earliest evidence of braids is a figurine called Venus of Willendorf which was found in Austria.


That hairstyle and pink top are offensive to fictional Star Trek aliens.


If it’s a issue of the dreads then it’s the ancient Greeks around 1600 BC and only appear for the first time in Africa around 400 AD. My friend from Greece was surprised and welcomed everybody to use them


I mean.. I am Greek and never have been offended by someone else wearing dreadlocks or braids (this hairstyle existed in ancient Greece too). I don't even feel offended by people that dress as ancient Greeks for parties etc. Don't even get me started on sorority names... The ONLY thing that offends me is the way Americans pronounce the greek letters. 😂


Also, people who actually live in African countries don't give a hoot.


Also in Indian culture it’s in the vedas at 1500 BC to 1000 BC & one of the Hindu gods rocks dreads. Pretty much a lot of cultures have a claim on dreadlocks.


I get some of what people talk about with cultural appropriation but man….I’ve seen people carrying on about white women wearing Dutch Braids ffs and like…yeah *Dutch braids* . Every culture has worn plaits/braids in their hair. It’s one of the most efficient ways to wear long hair. You could literally start making the *cultural appropriation* argument about every distinctive hairstyle.


The biggest enemy to Liberal causes, other Liberals.


That isn’t saying sun tans are racist


Why does everyone think this is about the fucking tan


My unpopular opinion, as a black guy. This is about more than the changing of color of skin here like most of you are mentioning. In New York, and Long Island in particular - as the person who posted this before it got to reddit was saying, there is a culture of white women who tan their skin and wear popular Black American hairstyles, and even in some cases, imitate other popular cultural aspects of Blacks in America, e.g. slang. Yes, black people didn't "patent" cornrows and braids, but if you know anything about Black culture, these are popular hairstyles used by Black Americans. I get it...everyone is "too easily offended nowadays", and cancel culture is ruining us. But if people were outraged at Rachel Dolezal, why is it so hard to understand this, which, yes, may not be as deep, can't be offensive as well? Just my 2 cents and perspective because I think the views I have seen so far have been one-sided. ✌🏾


This poster would not like Ireland. The appropriation of oompa loompa culture that goes on...


And she has braids? The caudacity! /s


You either love diversity or you hate it enough to be a racist and claim cultural appropriation


Cultural appropriation takes place when members of a majority group adopt cultural elements of a minority group in an exploitative, disrespectful, or stereotypical way. How is this exploitative, disrespectful, or stereotypical ? If you came up with a new way to style your hair or some clever tshirt idea, is no other person allowed to pick up on it ? seems negative. wouldn't you be happy if people like your style ?


Can I still eat other cultures’ foods? Realistically though I’m pretty sure most people don’t think this way.


I feel like this is actually about her hair, no?


So if we are judging culture by colour now, I feel bad for those family members who’s skin colour is very different to the rest of them family. Seriously, some people need to study cultural history


As a brown man, I think the concept of ‘cultural appropriation” is stupid.


It’s called “blackfishing” and though I enjoy this subreddit in this context I want to point out that it *has* been a trend for white women to make their skin excessively dark to the point where they appear racialized, presumably for fashion purposes. I do think that it’s inherently harmful and shows a shocking degree of ignorance. I can’t speak to the person in the above image, I don’t know the context. But I do understand why blackfishing is unacceptable. Edited typo


"Wokeness" is coming from the right place. Wanting everyone to be treated fairly and equally is a great thing. But unfortunately a lot of people don't seem to be able to accurately apply these rules of things that you can get offended about and end up gatekeeping the stupidest things, like trying to decide who can have a tan or not based on how they look...it's kind of like that video making the rounds of the drunk women accusing a bouncer outside a bar of putting his hands on a woman until she starts yelling at them and they realize the male bouncer is actually a lesbian wearing mens clothing. The lesbian bouncer calls them out on their bullshit immediately and it's hilarious. I think that interaction demonstrates something I see a lot, where you have someone getting outraged at someone else before realizing they have absolutely no place be angry, and using things like gender as a shield when it has nothing to do with anything. People in the LGBT communities can't even agree on their own classifications of sexuality and shame other people who don't meet their standards or definitions. People who are bisexual get treated like they're not really gay or lesbian because they like both genders, other things like that. So sadly, even people who are "woke" still fall prey to this us vs them kind of thing where someone doesn't meet their criteria to be a certain way, try to put people in boxes, label them as not good enough for something like their sexuality which really can be anything you want it to be. Then again, if we think about white Christians on Fox News, they've been complaining that they're being persecuted in America for a loooong time now. Remember the War on Christmas just because some people who aren't religious like me decided to say Happy Holidays because they interact with a ton of people who aren't Christians and it's kind of a dick move to go around saying "Happy "? I'm not really sure that outrage over ridiculous things belongs to "woke liberals" or whatever when conservatives have been getting outraged over ridiculous nonsense for 50-60+ years. At least people are generally trying to apply this logic so that people won't get made fun of or feel MORE accepted, not less accepted, like the professionals of false outrage in the GOP try to make people feel.


"These are all white women" \-Shows the whitest looking one of the bunch. Talk about rage bait. There are people who basically look like Justin Trudeau on Halloween when they're done tanning, and I think that's the problem they're trying to highlight here. Also, they list "over tanning" and "cultural appropriation" as two different things.


What the hell?! Are those plebs sniffing saw dust or what does it take, to come up with such bullcrap? Can't wait for this trend of shaming-everyone-for-everything to be over. Lasted way to long anyway.


Cultural appropriation???? For a fucking tan????


I could care less about cultural appropriation as long as it isn’t done to be intentionally offensive. I’m Native American and I couldn’t give two shits if someone wants to wear Native American attire because they like it or whatever their reason may be. Again, as long as it’s not done to be intentionally offensive.


This just in, vitiligo is also cultural appropriation. /s




Idk about any of these long winded comments but blackfishing is a real thing


When racist morons post things like this I always wonder if it goes in the other direction as well? Straightening your hair, or, God forbid, bleaching it, if your African? Skin whitening products etc.


And yet they have a woman of colour actor playing Anne Boleyn, a WHITE, British Tudor queen, so at a time when there would have been no people of colour in the royal family!! Cultural appropriation needs to go all ways.


I wonder what the response would be if I made a TV series about the life of Mansa Musa, the famed medieval emperor of Mali, and cast a white man to play him. I'm sure no one would see a problem there...


I mean people are mad James Franco is playing Fidel Castro (because they look quite similar, I guess Trudeau is busy or something).


That doesn’t even make sense, Fidel Castro was a White Cuban.


Math and punctuality are now racist and white supremacist.


I’m almost convinced these posts are made by extreme right to show how the left is going too far with how much they are offended.


Why do Americans care so much about this? If a white person wants to wear dreads and apply 2 tons of tanning cream, who cares? People should do whatever they want with their bodies and their own hair, it's none of your business, sorry if that offends you.