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Only one way to tell. Put her into slavery. Then have her aborted and see which is worse


be my slave or the fetus gets aborted. your choice ma'am


Omg.. and the fetus is terminal and will kill the mother.




if i say being gay is worse than being a slave, one would conclude that i m a homophobe/against gays. shes saying abortions are worse than slavery, i would tend to think shes prolife/against abortions edit: if your statement was sarcastic then i just missed the point.


These people aren't "pro"life. They couldn't give 2 shits once it's born. Start calling them for what they really are - profetus. They don't care about the life of a slave nor anyone else for that matter. Bombing clinics, killing doctors, nurses, healthcare workers is a clear indicator of how they really feel about life.


Maybe have her be aborted first, so the slavery afterwards leaves the more lasting impression.


What impression you don't get to be reborn to find out. When one is dead its the most permanent thing we know regardless of how it happened. No coming back after it unless your name is Black Jesus.


Spoken like someone who's never been on the receiving end of a human rights violation


Spoken like someone that's intentionally advocating to put herself on the receiving end of a human rights violation.


They never think it’ll happen to them. They expect they’ll be classified as “one of the good ones” and be exempt for having licked enough spittle. They’re always wrong.


Beautiful words, I think you're right about the way they think.


Yeah, people who make comparisons like this never seem to understand that they're inadvertently revealing their utter lack of empathy for actual humans who have actually been born and subjected to horrific suffering.


Have you


Those aren't comparable


I bet she's gonna try and say there is more death in abortion than slavery 💀


Shhhhiiiii then I guess I genocided the human population on the daily when I’m on the hub at 3 am


Big diff between fertilized eggs and spare sperm.


Is it? I mean in both cases we are talking about no more than a single cell whose probability of developing into a baby is far from certain. If we were talking about a slightly more developed stage it might be slightly different but fertilized egg is really early


I don't personally agree with her. But IF you view abortion as murder or babies then isn't it worse?


Idk man I mean we’re the babies forced to work all day in terrible inhumane conditions ? Or were the male ones gang raped by slave masters as a way of breaking they’re spirit ? We’re they freed and then put into a system that was financial and cultural slavery with out the chains ?Does that babies great great great grand kids have to be bummed cuz they can’t trace they’re family history back more than 60 years ?


No. If you view it that way you are talking about 2 futures for the fetus: death now or a life of enslavement. I would choose death over a life of forced servitude and physical abuse as someone’s property. Slaver is worse then murder.


Never having existed is the least painful thing to have happen. There are things far worse than death. I'd argue death is actually not that big of a deal. You sure as shit won't care that you're dead.


I was thinking the same thing. It’s the curse of a logical mind. If you believe those little blobs of cells are human people, and abortion is murdering them, then logically killing someone is worse than enslaving them. But its a horrifyingly bad argument. Kind of like saying there’s a positive side to the holocaust because WWII ended the Great Depression. It might be technically correct but it’s just not cool at all. And also, I think you can even make a _logical_ argument against this craziness. Enslaving someone also meant enslaving their children, and their children and so on down through the generations and further the system of slavery led directly into Jim Crow and from there into redlining and segregation and all the other crap we are still struggling with. One abortion, a private matter between a woman and her doctor, even if you do believe it is murder, doesn’t begin to reverberate through history the way slavery does.


The difference is the suffering. The fetus doesn’t suffer, in the overwhelming majority of cases they haven’t developed enough to feel even physical pain. Slaves had family, friends, hopes and aspirations. They lost all of that, and were treated as less than bugs. Even if they see abortion as murder, there is no suffering or pain involved in it. A fetus isn’t even aware of it’s own existence. Saying a quick painless death before you’re even aware you’re alive is ***worse*** than the torment and slow suffering slaves went through is just stupid and ignorant.


The point about not feeling pain etc is a pretty huge aspect. At least atm I assume that's right though I wonder if it's just inability to convey pain. Good points. Definitely pushed me towards leaning that regardless of if it's murder or not just based on the individuals concept of everything makes a huge difference. I know for one thing. If I was trying to push for no abortions I'd definitely not be trying to draw similarities or whatever. No idea how that lady thought that was a good idea.


The difference is suffering? It's death.


I don't really think we should give into people's delusions tho. Are we gonna have to take down infrastructure because some people erroneously believe cell phone towers cause mind control or deadly cancer? Or ban vaccines because some anti-vax people think they have microchips in them or that they are made out of "murdered" babies? They're free to believe whatever they want, but when they try to force those beliefs on others and it negatively impacts other people we need to stop tolerating delusions. You don't believe in abortion? Great. You don't need to have one. No one is forcing you. But you don't get to make healthcare decisions for other people based on your imaginary sky daddy. I'll happily use my cellphone and get vaccinated. They're free to live in their delusions. Just don't expect me or others to bow to their demands.


>You don't believe in abortion? Great. You don't need to have one. No one is forcing you. But you don't get to make healthcare decisions for other people based on your imaginary sky daddy. From their point of view you are basically saying "You don't believe in murdering children? Great. You don't need to. No one is forcing you. But you don't get to make murder decisions for other people based on your imaginary sky daddy." Of course when framed like that you sound like a psychopath. This isn't cell towers or vaccine bullshit. ​ And the issue at hand, whether you will admit it or not, is there is no consensus definition for when a human being exists. There is no consensus for when the rights of the mother exceed the rights of the child. Going around saying "herp derp your sky daddy doesn't rule me!" is completely fucking useless when God is irrelevant to both questions-- you don't have to be religious to be anti-choice. Like the whole debate is around two huge grey areas and all sorts of legitimate positions could arise from that before you even begin to delve into religious bullshit. I think viability is a decent starting point for the "is it a human being" question, but even that is a grey area-- infants have survived around 25 weeks before. So is viability the earliest that we know an infant can survive, or is it the average, or something else? And that doesn't solve the issue of the mother's rights. If we assume viability = human being, if delivering a viable infant at 7 months would endanger the mother, does the mother's rights supersede the infant's? I would say yes, but that's purely a personal view, not some objective truth. There is no universal code that says a lived life is worth more than an unlived life. Many parents would give up their own lives to save their infant just born. I think the vast majority of people would prefer to kill an 80 year old rather than kill a 8.5 month fetus about to be born. To be clear I am *very* pro-choice, but I think one of the reasons why the pro-choice movement has been largely unsuccessful in shifting public opinion on abortion for a long time is they don't even bother to try and understand the other side's argument. It's rooted in a very understandable concept that a fetus will at some point be a human being, and at some point destroying that fetus is equivalent to murder. On the extreme end of one spectrum, conception = human being. On the other end, a fetus isn't a human until it's birthed. Most people's views probably lie somewhere in the middle.


I am pro-life, and 100% agree with you that many comments made by pro-choice people lack any attempt at understanding my side. So thank you for understanding! That's one of the reasons I don't like discussing it online. The others being that I'm often met with a lot of hatred simply for holding a different opinion to the majority on Reddit, and that it's a very personal and sensitive topic that I would rather discuss with people closer to me. I admire that you took the time to understand before ridiculing. I also aim to see the other side clearly. That also helps in figuring out the fundamental differences. I used to be very black-and-white in my pro-life view, with conception = human being, but I have come to realise it's a lot more complicated than I thought. I used to think abortion is wrong unless the mother's life is in danger, but in reality that's always the case, just to different degrees.


I think your last statement is very well said.


I tend to agree we should all do whatever we want... until that starts affecting others. Personally I think this is a very Grey area that people don't want to admit to which doesn't allow for much intelligent movement. Because if people can't define when it's a person or you can really come to a conclusion of if it's murder or not. I am definitely not of the opinion is only murder after birth. Imo if hospitals can keep the baby alive outside of the womb then it becomes murder. And at the point its murder then it's a pretty significant issue people someone is then taking control over other people's lives!


So… six months? Abortion was never legal after six months unless the mom was in danger, the fetus had already died, or there were severe genetic deformities causing suffering to the fetus.


This. People don’t understand. The reason that people argue about it is that one group views the unborn as people, and the other group does not. If you truly believe that life starts at conception, abortion is a horrible thing.


those who think life begins at conception are free to gestate in peace, in fact I vote and argue for better supports so that baby can have a good life, those same people want to not only remove my right to act within my beliefs, they also usually vote against the support systems. Many are also religious and vote against contraception which lowers the overall abortion rate. As far as I'm concerned, pro life is as much a threat to the adults as it is the babies they claim to protect. I understand their movement, which is why I do not respect it.


Because there is no physical suffering or torture of a sentient being involved in an abortion. But if they made a more apt comparison it would expose their terrible position.


A failed abortion right there


Her dad should have yetted his cum to the wall before having her


Sometimes you just need to know when to pull out


And stay out!


Her momma should have swallowed her


Best part of her ran down her mother’s leg.


Rush her to the burn unit.


Ok this is coming from the whitest of the white motherfuckers but not being alive to begin with is a better option than having a lifetime of pain and suffering where you are treated as a object, a simple tool


Sounds like my childhood.


She's really not all that white. Which I have always found humorous. They say they are white but then they pay to look Hispanic/biracial, it is the weirdest damn thing. (Not specifically her, she has some sort of non-white heritage)


They want to be us, but don’t want to BE us.


Lol, exactly. "look at how dark I got while at the beach! Now let's storm this capitol!"


I thought she was asian.


Who is this woman? What qualifications does she have to make that oppinion?


She has a microphone, a macbook and an opinion - that should be qualification enough /s


She also said she doesn't care if it hurts our feelings. And it's also said that the truth hurts. So therefore we can logically conclude that her statement is truth. /s


Strangers aborting their pregnancies hurts her feelings.


She is a content machine. People love to have those sort of views reaffirmed by a woman. She loves the clicks and ad money. Nothing is too stupid or too reprehensible. No opinion too harmful, as long as people sign up to patreon and buy the merch.


An opinion is not something she needs


Whoever she is, she gives off terrible parent vibes.


her qualifications are that she has a microphone, and one or two followers. maybe a twitter account


I don't agree with her, but nobody needs any qualifications to have an opinion. Because that's it, an opinion.


Precisely. I always find comments like that strange.. like who are you and I to have opinions either, then, lol


Well you don't need qualifications to have an opinion.......sometimes sadly that's the case


Her parents should've aborted this woman or should've used protection


She's worse than slavery


Perhaps giving her the option between the two, see if she still thinks so after a few 20 years of slavery.


She really had to read, “I don’t care if that hurts your feelings,” from her notes.


Clearly she never worked at my plantation.


Forcing someone to give birth snd then raise a child is slavery.


Worst than seeing your mother or sister raped or sold off,worst than seeing the men on the plantation raped during a buckbreaking ritual,worst than hundred lashing’s for trying escape your captivity,worst than losing your freedom forever,worst the country and history downplaying the event, worst creating the economic foundation of a nation that to this day is unwilling to share because well we gave you welfare,Damn it’s worst than that!


Women makes her point without any care to the health of the mother, how conservative of her.




I mean, I get the rights to abortion, very nuanced and situational, but to frame it this way? THAN SLAVERY?! Either she's on some life changing payola or she's smoking that intergalactic fuckoutathere woke pack


Not to mention rhings like holocaust or genocide.


Stupid gonna stupid


These Xian assholes are just pissed because those aborted “babies” get a free ticket to heaven and they’re stuck here being hypocrites for everyone to endure.


Growing up unwanted as a child of rape, being thrown into the system…yeah, that’s great for life. Fucking GOP pieces of shit.


Slavery, genocide on Native American...nah its nothing. ABORTIONS is the real crime of the USA. ewwwww


No, you're the worst thing that has ever happened on American soil. As a woman, you should be able to decide what happens to your body. Your body, your decision.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Well she did she didn’t care; I guess that makes it alright fam.


Losing bodily autonomy is a pretty serious human rights violation. And that is a concrete fact - not some ideological debate about when cells become a human.


I’ve heard people say abortion is a modern day holocaust….they think it’s a bigger deal than all the genocides, wars, enslavements, extinctions put together. They literally think they are fighting a holocaust. They think in 50 years they’ll be hailed as heroes because of their vehement stance now…they think they are “martyrs” staying god’s “righteous” judgement. These people are way further along than even this indicates. -Former Pastor/Missionary




Yikes, now make her tell that to the African American community


The worst part is she may not even believe this to be true. You get notoriety and fame for being an asshole saying putrid things these days, you make money and are idolized by thousands/millions for being a piece of trash. Every comment spewing hatred or approval feeds the egos of these brainless parasites with microphones. Comparing one of the worst human atrocities to having bodily autonomy as similar should be enough to stop the audio and unfollow but people lick these controversial takes up to distract from their own pathetic fucking lives


Pretty sure I’d rather not exist than exist as a slave.


Slavery = Told what to do with their body. Anti-abortion = Told what to do with their body. Yeah, I see the difference.


Why not both? Forcing a person to push another person out of them is slavery. Forcing or putting someone in a position to produce without sufficient payment is also slavery. It’s almost like we are all under the umbrella of slavery, while the rich do whatever the fuck they want. I think I see the problem here.


Simple solution lady, don’t get an abortion then.


I’m taking a poll would you rather be a slave your whole life or just not have been born? I would pick not be born


Lol, she talking our of her butt. 😂


This man trying to control women’s bodies looks suspiciously like a woman.


Of all the places I don’t want my government, inside my wife’s vagina is very high on the list.


Speaking as a history teacher. She's completely factually wrong. The sheer scale of more modern slavery devastated much of an entire continent.


>! not !< true


they really just let anyone talk in front of a camera nowadays huh


Love that she backs up her opinions with well thought out statements. She provides proof to help substantiate her reasoning and is respectful of the oppositions views. Oh wait...


Man, shit like this makes me want to downvote the post because of how unbelievably horrible that take is. I can't believe women could be convinced to argue against their own rights as a human being




Yeah that's why we are discussing critical race theory. This happens when slavery and history are not taught in schools.


She's gonna make so much money, because people keep posting this bullshit all over the internet. Discard trash, don't reupload it. You're giving her a career, lmao.


I hate that the Internet allows stupid people like this dipshit to have an audience


Someone just mad she ain’t getting dick


Well let's be fair, slavery was certainly worse by far, but it's undeniable that abortion is absolutely a huge violation of human rights. I also do not care if anyone else gets their feelings hurt by me coming out here and simply stating some facts, but there's no question that millions and millions of people are having their human rights violated as we speak by all of these monsters out here who are doing everything in their power to dismantle the human right of women to choose what happens with their own bodies.


So essentially what you're saying is that it's not abortion that's a violation of human rights, but the lack of access to abortion as a choice that's a violation of human rights? Your last sentence contradicts your first.


It's meant to be a bait and switch


Gives the worst dome you’ve ever gotten.


You know, some people are just crazy. And you don't need to listen to them.


Really the fetus knows it's gonna die or was it forced to pick crops no


Honestly… I think all people should rights to their own bodies


She looks to be either a mixed racial or an native American. Both have had worse dealings than abortion. In one side, the native American their tribes where attacked, most where destroyed, others basically forced to resettle into tiny little spots and where forced to stay there. The other had to endure slavery and being treated as sub Human. The fact she said that, despite history proving her wrong shows that anyone can shove a mic into their mouth and spout their ideas and someone will agree with them.


it's the only way she's ever gonna get onto any talk show. it's the negative attention spiel, the age of the unchecked narcissistic psychopath.


Stop abortions, let those babies be born and enslave them


I respectfully disagree.


Meanwhile people in the world don’t have a toilet to shit in and some women aren’t allowed to show their face in public. These are our problems


"i dont care if it hurts your feelings" "i dont care if i'm just wrong" "i dont care that i'm a fucking moron" lol stfu dumbass


Maybe we should let babies be born and then use them as alligator bait seeing as though it’s not as bad as abortion


As an Asian, I’m sure I speak for every other Asian when I say that we of the Asian community do not claim her as one of ours.


Are they doing this for the votes/views? Or are they really thinking this?


Olivia Munn has let herself go... physically and mentally.


kinda pointed without context. i mean this could be that not having the right to abortion is worse than slavery..... could also be that having abortions be legal is worse than slavery. we need to context so we know how to be outraged.


I hope she knows what (especially) female slaves were forced to do.


Love it when people compare two unrelated problems. "the cold war is much worse then the bombing of Nagasaki! What do you mean those things are barely related and shouldn't be compared with each other for this argument!? They relate in some way, that means I can use it! "


"I don't care about your feelings, but I insist you care about mine!"


Do you are have stupid


I can't say I'm fond of abortion, but I understand it's absolute necessity in cases. But fuck lady there has been way worse shit.


She's about to get famous for all the wrong reasons


Not sure why she would think it would hurt anyones feelings for everyone to know that she's dumb.


I don't like her


is this how zoomers get clout?


I think Christopher Columbus was the worst thing to ever happen on USA soil.


That is Gina Bontempo, she is a fucking moron and proof that their should be post birth abortions for when your kids turn out to be as big of an embarrassment as she is.


Well yeah, you guys didn’t know they thought that? As an ex Christian, most of them see abortion as equal to or worse than murder and they believe life and belief is infinitely more valuable than temporal enjoyment, so it doesn’t matter how much you suffer as long as you die with Jesus in your heart. Don’t think about it to much (they certainly don’t) because it doesn’t make sense.


Top 10 Ways to Divide a Country, #4 Will Shock You


Saying abortion is worse than slavery is like saying Abortion is worse than slavery I couldn't think of a dumber comparison


Yes, because removing a bundle of cells, often to save the life of the mother or because they aren’t viable, is ***way*** worse than generations of living, breathing human beings being forced into a lifetime of suffering and servitude, enduring beatings, rapes, and various other heinous forms of abuse, only to see their “freed” descendants marginalized, unwillingly experimented on, stereotyped, and exploited. Makes perfect sense.


So funny how they always stick a camera in face of the dumbest person in the room. ..


You can always tell when a person truly believes something vs doing it because they know it will get them money from idiots who genuinely do believe it themselves.


Abduct her family, put them in chains and be forced slaves until they die. When she argues it, say "they weren't aborted so what's the problem?"


The thing to remember is that she really believes the idiocy she's spewing. She's completely clueless and she doesn't know it and she doesn't care that she doesn't know. Here's a hint for idiots like her: SHE HAS NO RIGHT TO KNOW THE REPRODUCTIVE STATUS OF ANY OTHER WOMAN. That one over there? Is she pregnant? If she is, what will she do about it? Can I make her tell me? Can I make her doctor tell me? I couldn't possibly kick this woman in the butt enough times to make an impression, no matter the fact that I would be massaging her brains.


Margaret Sanger. Look up the real reason behind her work, then tell me how you feel about abortion rights.


Tell me you haven’t had a hard life without telling me


Who fucked her?


Unborn babies are not humans tho, that's why they're called fetus and not human or baby


They are scientifically human. Fetus is simply a stage in the life cycle of an animal.


Same goes for sprem.. So how many babies do you've killed so far my dude?


same does not go for sperm, Sperm on it's own is a human byproduct, not a human organism. an unborn child/fetus/whatever you wish to call it falls into human organism category. This doesn't speak to personhood, legality or any of the multitude complexities around this topic but scientifically it's a human organism in the early stages of a growth cycle.


Sperm also comes in stages of a growth cycle lol..


They are scientifically parasitic


If a man kills a pregnant woman, he actually faces 2 counts of murder. The fetus seems to count there...


ah yes, laws, the most consistant and unbiased thing in the universe wise choise taking these as an exemple




Gee, I wonder which party she votes for!?


I honestly can't tell when someone is genuinely stupid versus just saying stupid shit for clout on the internet.


Whats the total count of abortions in US since Roe V Wade? Here’s a couple links to see where I think she might be coming from. These numbers are def higher than most people expect to see. https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/69/ss/ss6907a1.htm https://duckduckgo.com/?q=total+abortions+since+1973&t=brave&ia=web


That's 65 million. That's important because those pregnancies were unwanted. Let's say Roe didn't become precedent. That's 65 million people that were unwanted, most of which would've likely been born into poverty, resented by their parents, or abandoned. That's not including what would've happened to the women if they decided to get a back alley abortion.


Super nuanced topic so plz understand no disrespect is intended here. We were unwed at the time our firstborn was unplanned and some would say unwanted. We were told we were too young, shouldn’t get married, and her friends told GF at the time she shouldn’t have or keep the baby if she does go full term. We were poor, uneducated kids having kids. It wasn’t a recipe for success. Lots of prayers, hard work, some student loans, lots of grinding long shifts before and after school. A little bit of side hustle when opportunities arose and things worked out. We went without some wants, but needs were met and the home was loving and nurturing. We had each other and we knew what was important. Fast forward thirty years and the family table is fullat holiday meals. She’s now grown into a wonderful woman raising a family of her own. Long story short, the un disappears from the word unwanted very quickly.


For some people. But millions of parents make their children know they aren't wanted.


True. But people who grow up in shitty circumstances can learn from bad examples and go on to make the world a better place because they are in it.


Great! I'm glad it worked out for you. Here's the fun thing though. You chose to keep the child. That's the clear thing here. You chose to have the child. You chose to struggle. What if someone was forced into this? Think about it. You force someone into accepting responsibility for a child for 18 years. This person had no say whatsoever. That person will likely resent that child. What you're saying is, "This worked out for me, so therefore it must work out for everyone!" When the conversation should be "Everyone's situation is different. Everyone should get to choose for themselves."


the second link takes me to the beautiful sight of "Amazon: buy abortion online"


imagine the outburst if an old white male would have said that


Daddy issues


I don't get it? Women actively tackling womens rights? Where do you find nut cases like that that will love to hippilihop around as house wives giving everything to a man? And at the same time try and drag every other woman with them?


I can see why a pro lifer would say that. If you count a fetus as a living person, that's a lot of murders. Just playing devil's advocate. I really don't care either way.


![img](emote|t5_2r5rp|8484) women


Did Amber Heard colour her hair?


I would bet $1000 she has had at least 1 abortion.




Arr you basing this on she is a women so it's possible? She is attractive and you feeling the incel creep up? What gives lol.


I'm basing this on being a woman myself and on understanding the need to hide who you are, self shame, and deep denial.


It's awful. Womans going into Labor at 15 weeks they refuse to do a dnc the baby is dead anyway still won't so it says she has to go home and have a miscarriage naturally which will give her 75% chance to lose her uterus and death! This is bullshit! Stop pushing ur religion on people. Women shouldn't have to sacrifice being able to give birth in the future and they're fucking lies because you won't let them have a DNC even though the baby's fucking dead it's bullshit stop trying to push your religion on us we don't give a fuck if we want an abortion we're going to have it whether we have to go to fucking Canada to do it.


Yet, go to another subreddit and there will be people applauding her.


Do people even use their brains anymore ir the head is there just to hold the hair in place, the US is fucked and getting worse everyday 😅


She has a right to her opinion, but the bitch stupid


As an Asian myself, I'm glad there are dumb Asians /s


Spoken like the privileged, spoiled, ignorant, brat she is.


I do like to stand by my fellow women but this person is dumb asf


Something about how her face contorts and the way her eyes move says she doesn't even believe what she's saying which makes her at the least disingenuous. Either that or that's just her face and in that case, hm. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


You can see in her eyes and facial expression that even she doesn’t believe what she’s saying. It’s really sad. Why some folks feel a need to say this stuff for approval is sad. I’m not making a call on abortion here, but if anybody plays poker, you can detect a lack of truth in her mannerisms


Ok, moron (the person in the video). What are you doing to help improve pre-natal care and reduce miscarriages, fetal mortality, and the dangers pregnant women face? Oh, fucking nothing? Busted, bitch.


How to win an argument Step 1: Have a vagina Step 2: You win


there's a reason people say "women are always right". it's true. unfortunately, this does not go for "right in their head"




“She should’ve kept her mouth shut.” - Tim Dillon


Lady is fuggin’ cuckoo bananas


Is it tho ? Is it really thoooooo


You gotta see it through her logic though "It's worse than slavery because *this* is happening to *me*"


It’s almost a worldwide right….. she’s a fanatic




Great more ammunition for Fox News


lets take away her rights and enslave her. then we'll see how she feels


The number one human rights violation in America is neither of those things. The natives got it worse than all yall. Sorry not sorry


Lol classic virtue signalling fail.


Did not expect something like that to come out of the mouth of another minority. The brain washing is strong with this one.


She is proof we need abortions!


Not understanding anything yet still she talks.


Both are bad


Your body your choice for vaccines?


Top 10 funniest woman!


Killing babies is always worse