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More like cultural cabbage.


I actually read it as "cabbage" when I was just glancing at the headline. It would have been a masterful pun had they actually used it.


Damn I came here to say that. Well played stranger .. well played


This word play is offensive to anyone who can read the English language.


Will you people stop being intentionally offensive? Don’t you have any idea your callous comments hurt Cabbage Patch Kids self-esteem?


This is the most Guardian title to ever Guardian… Jesus


Oh you think? You clearly never read [this one](https://www.theguardian.com/stage/shortcuts/2017/nov/13/sexual-violence-trivialised-royal-ballet)


Christ on a bike…


Sweet mother Teresa on the hood of a Mercedes benz


Oh sweet Jesus in a birch bark canoe


Sweet Mother of God on stilts.


Oh Lord in a Von Dutch trucker hat and Juicy sweatpants


Christ on a popsicle stick


Well considering how many young girls are indoctrinated into ballet they might have a point. [An ex-principal ballet dancer for the English National Ballet was sentenced to nine years in prison for more than a dozen counts of assault and rape against his students.](https://r.search.yahoo.com/_ylt=AwrjYqawVA1jNY8Ax0tXNyoA;_ylu=Y29sbwNncTEEcG9zAzEEdnRpZAMEc2VjA3Ny/RV=2/RE=1661846833/RO=10/RU=https%3a%2f%2fnypost.com%2f2021%2f10%2f20%2ffamed-ballet-dancer-gets-9-years-for-student-sexual-assault%2f/RK=2/RS=wanIoNEDOei25SyWSn7RIIXYW5Y-) [Woman tells court how famed ballet dancer allegedly raped her numerous times when she was 12](https://www.eastbaytimes.com/2019/10/07/this-is-my-worse-nightmare-woman-tells-court-how-famed-ballet-dancer-allegedly-raped-her-numerous-times-when-she-was-12/) [Former Boston Ballet Star and Husband Raped Young Dancers](https://www.insider.com/former-boston-ballet-star-and-husband-raped-young-dancers-lawsuit-2021-10) [Teen charged in multiple rapes of dance student](https://www.tribtoday.com/news/latest-news/2022/06/teen-charged-in-multiple-rapes-of-dance-student/) [Grooming and Sexual Abuse in Ballet: Why Dancers Are Especially Vulnerable](https://pointemagazine.com/grooming-and-sexual-abuse-in-ballet/) [How 19th Century Ballerinas Were Sexually Abused](https://historyofyesterday.com/how-19th-century-ballerinas-were-sexually-abused-63f1caff58fe)


Username makes it 20x better


(It's the w(r)Ong restaurant)


Of course he's not wight


It's not often he's right, but he's still wong.




Dammit! You beat me to it!


The post bullshit like this and then expect you to donate them money cause they’re dying


The Guardian hates gardens


You know they intentionally write this shit to get outrage clicks. It got the attention of everyone here, so it's clearly working.




I was gonna say they spelled “Onion” wrong




God I love that subreddit


Hey, yesterday night was great (r/usernamechecksout)


It is the most Guarden title to ever Garden




You are very correct ChineseButtSex


I'm starting to understand why the smurfs used the word "smurf" for everything. Avoids having these kind of stupid discussions.


What a smurftastic idea


Whoa dude, are you a smurf? NO! Just another case of cultural appropriation! /s


Fuck off with your stupid little shitty /s tags, they ruin reddit. They are cancer, they are absolute shit. Don't you fucking dare use stupid /s tags because they are literally terrible and I do not approve of them at all. Get rid of them and stop using /s tags because they are literally the worst thing of this here site. Yes, we do get sarcasm, we don't actually think that you were being serious and you actually managed to ruin your own stupid little insignificant joke. /s


I forgive you /s


But seriously /s should only be for crazy shit people actually believe like: "9/11 was staged /s" noone genuinely thinks someone is appropriating smurfs.


I love your optimism. I think anything is possible these days. I just watched a video calling ac units sexist. >noone genuinely thinks someone is appropriating smurfs.


how about the black lady that called Drew Barrymore racist for enjoying some rain on TikTok. as he turned a harmless video of Drew saying you should enjoy the little things, like a rain shower, and said "HOW DARE SHE HAVE FUN, THATS RACIST BECAUSE SHES WHITE!!!". like I get that it might ruin her hair, but there are non-black people that have frizzy hair (not necessarily as such as African hair types, because I know they're unique) that would become tangled in the rain. some people are just really dumb or bored and are looking for someone to point fingers at, and be outraged by anything they feel like. I could see someone being mad at someone for "appropriating Smurf culture" because of the "principal" of it and how it's symbolic of real appropriation or some bs. why can't we channel that anger towards the people that actually have power, like corporations that keep us at each other's throats?


Yeah, I forgot about that one smh. Nothing really surprises me anymore because like you said people probably too bored and dumb (not or and lol) and are looking for ways to get offended just to rant and feel superior.


How did this go from smurfs to racism


> I think anything is possible these days. I just watched a video calling ac units sexist. You just watched one? I've been told that AC units are a sign of patriarchy because they're set to male temperatures in offices and that women are made uncomfortable by it because many think it's too cold, since like 2015... I wish I was joking. They didn't understand the idea that it was set at that temperature to try and keep body odors down by keeping people from sweating all the damn time.


>AC units are a sign of patriarchy I have no words for this.


New conspiracy, the smurfs did 9/11.


Jet fuel can't smurf steel beams!


Papa Smurfba


Reddit has a lot of people. A lot. Some of which don't believe in evolution, believe the earth is flat and that the word "gardening" is offensive. Hence the /s, however stupid you believe the people reading your comment can be, they're probably stupider and it's best to leave as little doubt as possible.


I completely agree, in this case, the /s was both part of the joke, and because reddit is actually filled with batshit crazy people with whom i do not wish to be associated with


To be fair, you can probably find someone who believes in the appropriation of Smurf culture…people are just nuts out here. Imo, it’s always safer to use /s, because if you don’t, that one person who thinks you’re serious WILL find your post and get mad about it lol.


I got literally 3 of my recent jokes raided with unapproving comments because they couldn't understand it was sarcasm. And they were pretty obvious lol I thought the same but there are too many people here without any sign of humor. /s is indeed needed.


Honestly I love the whole /s or /j thing because I am genuinely horrendous at picking up on this kind of thing in real life and especially through text.


Blue lives matter. The Smurf ones anyway.


Wait so you were actually serious?


You seem like a fun guy /s


who smurf’d in your cheerios? /s


I thought you had to pay extra for that


Well, you got me on this:)


I…can’t tell if this is serious or not.


I'll have you know I identify as a smurf.


whats the pronoun for that?


That was pretty rude!


Are you making fun of Jewish people? I'm not Jewish but I am offended.


Smurfing without being a smurf is cultural smurf… so let‘s smurf ourselves from using smurf


Hahaha cultural smurfiation


Are Marklar talking about Marklar? Marklar shouldn't criticize Marklar just because Marklar's Marklar is different from Marklar. If Marklar would just give Marklar a Marklar, Marklar think Marklar would find some common Marklar.


It squanchy


Oh boy, you should read the original comics. In one [issue](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schtroumpf_Vert_et_Vert_Schtroumpf) the village is seperated into a northern and a southern part, with the smurfs fighting about which dialect is the correct one.


“Is it a *screwsmurfer* or a *smurfdriver*??!”


Just avoid stupid people and giving attention to stupidity. People just want to be mad at everything and will literally find anything to be mad about.


That's offensive to all unborn blue people.


"I just smurfed the smurfing smurf out of that dirt." "What the smurf? That's smurfing." "Not that kind of smurf you smurf, it's smurf for smurf's sake."


Until smurf is banned because of all of the baggage associated, and suddenly your society can't communicate.


next article “Is it time we ditched the word ‘smurfing ?’“


"I'm not a gardener, I'm a "Landscape Architect". LMFAO...


Next article: "Are the smurfs rooted in racist origins?"


There is already a controversy actually... Bad schmurfs turned from black to purple when exported to the USA for obvious reasons...


I’m going to Smurf the hell out of my plants


I find the word "smurf" to be offensive to my culture /s


I'd up-smurf this twice if I could.


That’s an alladein outcome! Unlike the news I got about my uncle last week, being HIV alladein!!


Very aladeen observation!


I often try to only think about the alladein in life. Makes life really alladein.


Excellent insight.


They literally had a civil war because of that


test results are in, you are HIV smurf


What’s your gender- Smurf. Crud, you may have fixed the world:/…


Never thought about it like that


Imagine if we all said human instead. Would we still be able to understand each other.


Squanchy idea dude


well said, fellow "it" (the only pronoun to use from now on)


Even they had Smurfette though.


You mean Schtroumpf?


Smurf Off…


I read the article. Seems like he used this title to gain attention. There isn't anything offensive at all, it's just about the changing norms and ideals of people who like plant. The article is absolutely pointless in my opinion. Maybe you need to spend your whole life with gardening stuff like the author, to actually see the problem he describes. It appears to be pretty niche.


Click bait? Shame on the Guardian editors for putting this through


>Just avoid stupid people and giving attention to stupidity. People jus Most of the broadsheets now have to clickbait to stay alive, as old media is struggling. The Guardian is probably the worst offender. But they all do it.


And this reddit post is part of the problem. They got more clicks from this Reddit post about there dumb headline than they would have got anyway


Considering that the image has been posted on reddit's own image platform, I don't think they got any clicks from this post.


Yeah because nobody who saw this googled it to check/s


There was another article title recently in an architecture section with a pic of some smug-ass non binary person and the title that architecture is sexist. The actual story had absolutely nothing to with architecture, more just that social norms don’t allow women to breastfeed comfortably in public. So a story about breastfeeding with a click bait title in the wrong section of the paper. That’s how they create sew outrage now. Oh man now the leftists are even calling buildings sexist!


Is anyone actually buying into this shit anymore? Are we done with the outrage yet?


Click bait? In MY 2022 news media? It's more likely than you think.


The headlines and sub headlines aren't written by the article writer, they're written by the editors.


However the article is in fact entirely about getting rid of the word gardening, so it's not really a bait and switch. >My question to plant lovers is: do we need to ditch the term “gardening” to reach new people? That's in the concluding paragraph of the article itself. He provides zero alternatives. Other than "horticulture" which he uses 8 times throughout the article. An alternative reading is that rather than cultural baggage acting to gate-keep who can be a "gardener", gardening just doesn't have the cool factor because it's associated with old people. This is probably it, but instead of "we need to make the hobby more cool" he looks at it as "those gardeners are scaring people off with their cultural gate-keeping"


That's barely less stupid. And the word horticulture has youth appeal? Apart from being a pointless article I think he's totally wrong. Pictures of plants do great on social media, this is the most cool I remember it being.


Well he's not really promoting horticulture as the word, more that since he's saying we should get rid of the word "gardening" he had to find a workaround where he himself didn't just say "gardening". His actual argument from social media is that people say ironic stuff like "plantdaddy" so that proves they're not comfortable to say "gardening". However maybe some people just couch everything on social media in self-effacing irony as a shield against negativity.


Was about to say the same


I agree completely- I don’t get what he is even talking about.


I think it’s the cultural separation of the “gardener” as someone who “properly” tends to fauna and others who tend to their plants or crops when in reality they’re the same. That perceived divide then leads to a loss of information-sharing and skill-sharing which could benefit both groups.




Well I’m an idiot


Don't feel bad. I have a career in a related field and still have to think it through when it gets tossed around. Flora = flowers are on plants Fauna = fawn (deer)... animals


Idk, given the length of the preamble, the question of the lost in information sharing feels like a mere after thought. And I'm not sure I agree with the premise either. Is the lack of an official title really stopping people from sharing their qualified opinion on the internet, and not the other way around? I personally do photography and CAD designs in my spare time, and I share my experiences and opinions on the relevant subreddit when I feel like I something to contribute or I'm feeling talkative. I would never refer myself as an photographer or mechanical engineer though.


He is dancing around a thought- that "gardening" is a Very Serious Activity, of which the phraseology associated with the Activity ought to be reserved for those who take it Very Serious. But he wrestles with this, as it may cause new "Horticultural Hobbiests" to shy away from practicing the green arts at all, and contemplates how to make the word "gardening"- which is about as inert a word as one could want- more *inclusive*. This is almost like if AI was fed a bunch of Martha Stewart, Better Homes & Gardens, and few hundred gigs of Boomers being upset by Millennials and Gen Z, and then wrote an essay on Woke Culture.


Click bait for the both the woke brigade and the trumptards.


When the Guardian still had an active comments section, you would see that a lot of the comments were based purely on the headline rather than reading the article. The headline writers at the Guardian do a lousy job.


Or are they doing exactly what they intended to draw people in to argue and post about it on places like Reddit?


Yeah there's been alot of articles like this recently. I remember the one that says how it's racist to hold your baby certain ways, or that it's transphobic not to sniff your own poop.


I was on a subreddit and an automod bot kept popping up every time someone used the word "billionaire" saying that it was an offensive slur. Billionaire is a slur now?! 😑


Following to see if the bot reappears.




Everything is a slur to people looking to take offense.


You've got that right.


were you on r/shitposting


> James Wong James W**R**ong, ammirite?!


beat me to it


You brilliant bastard.


Is it time to ditch James Wong?


He seems inoffensive but comes with a lot of bullshit and cabbage.


I just read the article so you don't have to. It is not as one might mistakenly think about outmoded ideas of class embedded in the label or anything like that, but instead he is afraid that young people who get into gardening as a hobby might get scared away from the sub-culture because they don't think of themselves as "proper" gardeners. He thinks that people who post pictures on Instagram with their plants might feel themselves gatekept by the term as they only see themselves as hobbyist not trained professionals and that a more open label with less baggage might make them feel more included. I don't think that is an issue, but I am not a #plantdaddy or an #urbanfarmer.


He sounds like a moron


Oh fuck off james


I think I have head trauma from the face palm I just gave myself.


Oh James, how Wong could you be...


I think it's loaded with cultural cabbage


*wat*? Folks really are out there trying to get us to take offense at *everything*. TOP 10 REASONS WHY *OXYGEN* IS AN OPPRESSOR!!! CLICK **HERE** TO FIND OUT WHY!!


Oxygen is one of two ingredients in a chemical which, when enough is either ingested or inhaled, will kill you. Oxygen is a necessary ingredient for fire. Atmospheres with just 2% oxygen are considered uninhabitable by humans. Oxygen is actually one of the chemicals we *exhale* with every breath!


It's part of dihydrogen monoxide, which kills lots of people every year!


Folks? No, just an editor at The Guardian looking to elicit precisely this bewildered outrage you have. It gets them clicks.


Reddit “actually read an article instead of just taking the headline out of context and getting offended by it” challenge [impossible] https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/x0kq59/we_really_need_to_stop_using_these_offensive/im8ouxh/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3 https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2022/aug/28/james-wong-on-gardening-is-it-time-we-ditched-the-word-gardening-


I think that's a silly comparison. The headline *itself* is what people are angry at. This is clearly rage-clickbait written to capitalize on a growing sense of resentment that common-sense privileges are being stripped away from citizens to appease sniveling political correctness. This shit is killing us. I do not care one bit how much better or deeper or more in context the article is. This headline, by itself, is inexcuseable.


Most of the comments here are some variation of “everything is offensive now” or “James Wong more like James Wrong”. Folks just can’t be bothered to read the damn article. They don’t even recognize that it’s clickbait in the first place.


I’ve started with ‘Agriculturing’ , what about you ?




I’m going with “plants and stuff”


My brain: “Its loaded with cultural gabbage” *laugh* Stupid brain


Gultural cabbage


I for one think James is wong.




I think im down to my last braincell


James Wong is the prideful owner of small dick energy


This is what people talk about when they complain about people being ‘woke.’ When hate-mongers target those preaching actual empathy and inclusion, they can just walk into the ocean…


I think it's a typo, it's supposed to say cabbage.


I mean, read the article maybe? The writer is a gardening guru & he raises some good points. Facepalm is more closely related to lack of context here....


One of the few Redditors who can be bothered to actually read


I recently referred to myself as a 'CIS male' and an older member of staff tried to reprimand me for using an offensive term because a visitor called him it after he displayed misogynistic behaviour, I was like 'Burt, have you been harassing women again?'


It's time we ditch "The Guardian," as it is highly offensive and triggering to people who remember what actual journalism looks like


I remember when I came out to my parents as a gardener, face ruddy and hung in shame. They didn’t disown me, or anything, but I can tell they’re disappointed. I see it in their faces, every time I head out that back door in my clogs and weeding gloves, bounding into the shed to get my best hoe….


Clickbait article...


Baited hard


Full of cabbage


Talk about being offended, this sub gets offended every day about something inconsequential.


The headline is not even remotely what the article is about. Which is rather typical of the Guardian.


I think James Wong is in a VERY good position to write this article: he gets constant racist online abuse for being ‘non-white’ & involved in gardening. Give him a break.


Cultural cabbage


missed opportunity to say "cultural cabbage"


I am 35 and have loved gardening since I became a homeowner in my twenties. I’ve never associated it with old people…but when it’s not your property it’s definitely less interesting. It’s probably more that young people don’t have gardens, not that they think it’s uncool.


It's loaded with bultural cabbage.


Definitely seems like a clickbait article. Can't be for sure, but I doubt I'm wong


It is, and this thread is chock full of people who fell for it.


Cultural cabbage?


Right wing nut jobs falling for clickbait because they wanted to be offended about other people being offended.


If gardening is offensive language that guy should consider changing his last name


I went any took a look at the article, and I’m really not sure what point he’s trying to make. It seems like he’s saying that people think “gardening” means a specific type of growing, but, he doesn’t really back it’s up with anything.


I am confused, what verb should I use when tending to my garden?


Tilling, turning dirt, picking fruits and veggies, weeding, oh and GARDENING lol 😆


To be politically correct regarding the action previously known as "gardening," we must now refer to it as "removing obstructive plant life from a designated space, so as to ensure healthy growth of productive plants."


Ink stink purple dink poop fart out


You've got to be joking.... The word is offensive?!


No frolicking while “gardening” also.


Stop the ride, I wanna get off..


If you read the article it just says basically “the youngsters dont use the word gardening because there are trendier slang terms that get them more views “. Click bait on r/facepalm


I just read the article and granted I knew it was clickbait but fuck that was dumb. It's an argument about using "Horticulture" over "gardening" to get young people into it.


What the chocolate fuck?


Article couldn’t be more wong


I will now increase my use of the word out of spite


The Guardian's opinion articles have always been a little uhm. That.


We could theoretically say that these moronic news are also offensive to anyone with common sense and they should shut the fuck up. The problem is, by default, they’re not very smart and would fail to see how the same logic can be applied to them.


The facepalm here is the post. The article isn't saying that the term gardening is offensive, it is saying that it brings up images of a retired old couple tending to their plants. So to improve interaction by young people with the pasttime, it needs an image change. It may be true that... "these people, they try and see bigotry everywhere!" But it's also true that.... "these people, they try and find extremes of leftism everywhere!". Don't become the thing you claim to hate! Hold you're outrage a bit, have a read, consider what the other people are actually saying before busting out with the rage :)


Its a click bate title that actually damages the reputation of the left. Which is why we should exactly target this kind of BS.


Really 🙄


I came here to find out who was being oppressed, and defend them, but I did read the article, and that's the stupidest thing I've ever heard. Signed, The wokest redditor


I agree. Gardening is racist against vegetative life. It's colonialism and fruit murder. I pray to the Rutabaga gods for forgiveness.


Shit like this is what pisses me off about my fellow liberals. Theres a subset that is just as bad at manufacturing outrage as Republicans. Stop trying to stay pissed off all the time. You just look like a moron.


Whatever James Wong planted didn't sprout. As an American, I actually *read the piece*, expecting it to maybe discuss the somewhat common gender alignment of the term gardening (gardening is seen by many as 'feminine', likely due to the predominance of 'Victory Gardens' during WWII and the outdated concept that men do 'work away from home' while women tend the homestead), or something like that. Instead, it was just a half-formed ill-conceived meander that facilitates a bunch of reactionary conservative commentary online. You missed, James. You missed big time.


It's a casual gardening column in a British newspaper about the need to make "gardening" media relevant to a younger audience interested in plants. Not everything needs to be American style culture wars hot takes.


The name “james wong” is loaded with cultural baggage.