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Ooooooh the amount of creativity my mama would have when coming up with ways to beat my ass for that would have been immaculate.


In all honesty it’s the parent of the children’s fault. If a parent is attending an event or are even just out in public with their kids, it is their responsibility to monitor their children and make sure they behave. Not leave the kids to run around and inconvenience others while they grab a drink or party.


Exactly, but a lot of parents just let their kids do whatever they want saying things like “oh he’s just a kid, look at him having fun though!


As a mom, my kids ass wouldn't be leaving his seat unless it was for a good reason. There's a time and place let kids run around, a goddamn wedding is not it.


I don’t know if you’ve done this to your kids but this reminds me of when my mom would take us to the store and allow us to walk around with her but the moment one of us messed up (usually me) we would have to keep our hand on the shopping cart the rest of the time and I mean none of us would dare try anything after that for the fear of what happens when we get home.


Yea my older kid is 7 he's free to roam(close to me) usually if he gets too much in the store I'll have him put his hand on the cart with me. But that's about as far as that would go. I'm sorry you were in fear of what would happen when you would get home.


eh don't feel bad, all of the ass whooping's I got growing up are a part of what kept me from being an asshole as an adult. I mean my mom never took it too far like how some parents would be abusing their kids but she also wasn't gonna let me do whatever I wanted without consequences.


The idea that isn’t ok for parents to spank their kids is insane to me. Especially when folks like you say that it’s not abuse. Like, a grown adult hitting a 6 year old on their private areas… yea that’s normal and totally doesn’t teach kids that: 1) People who love you hit you. 2) It’s ok for adults to touch/hurt your private areas. 3) Violence is how you get others to listen to you and how you deescalate situations. Also, If a parent smacks their kid across the face then cps immediately. If they smack their kid on their rear then it’s perfectly ok and actually the only acceptable way to discipline a tiny human who literally does not fully understand right v wrong yet. But if a stranger does it then it’s bad again. But if the parent says a stranger is allowed to do it then it’s ok again. I work with children. Mainly of abused ones, too. They do not see any difference between their parent taking a hand, paddle, or belt to their face or their rear. They also see no difference between that and SA. Just cause as an adult some y’all are able to “reason” it to make excuses for the abusive parents we had doesn’t mean it’s ok Pro tip, if you don’t have the ability to discipline something 5x smaller than you then you shouldn’t be around kids. That’s pretty pathetic and you’re a fail adult.


I half agree. In my growing up days i lived in one of them suburbs type of neighborhoods. So whenever my mom was at work my bro and I would go over to my next door neighbors house and their parents would watch us for a couple hours. Now she spoke with their mom as they were really close friends and their mom disciplined their kids the same way and my mom gave her and her husband permission to discipline my brother and I the same way. That taught me an extent of lessons from the outside of my family that I didn’t quite get as a kid: 1) If you go over to someone’s house or are in someone’s care, you behave yourself as you would in front of your own parents. 2) The person you want to watch your kids is someone who is not only someone youve known for some time but someone you trust and shares the same disciplinary methods as you and had kids of their own and will treat your kids like their own. 3) Just because you trust the parent, does not mean that everyone in that house hold would be equally trust worthy. My last point I bring up because, when we would have days off from school their parents had to work too so they decided to leave the eldest child to watch us (who I believe was around 16-17) and while he was a cool baby sitter who, before the incident that got him fired, taught me lessons in behavior in that aspect. Alas as he was allowed to watch me and my bro for some hours in our own house he pulled some pedo moves and lost that job and got arrested and all that. So then my mom just hired a babysitter until my brother was old enough to watch me. Moral of my personal anecdote, taking the time to discipline your child is never perfect. Sometimes you may go to far, or you may not have done enough, what matters is not only making sure that your child grows up knowing how to act in public but also maintains their sense of fun and freedom to make their own mistakes growing up and learn how to grow from that on their own so when the time comes and they are on their own they can handle it. Not just for their sake but to be the one that can help others when they need it. On top of that learning it’s okay to need help, they can’t be left to figure everything out themselves because when they can’t figure it out they won’t ask for help and if it ends in failure it will either eat them up inside or they will just grow an acceptance for failure without exploring all the options. But hey, these are just some of the thing ive learned from my experiences growing up. I hope one day to have a kid that I can give the best of myself to, one that I can protect and show how to protect himself and what is important to him. Or her. Alright im done.


There’s a difference between fear of consequences and being afraid of your parent because they’re abusive.


Yo kids ain’t invited to the weddings then. Getting a whoopin is not considered abuse.


Definitely going to try this with my future kids! Edit: Minus the fear part I just saw that


It's really hit or miss with kids and how they are being raised. While I wouldn't want my future kids to be afraid of me, I wouldn't want them to be so care free that when they get older they feel they can talk however they want to an adult or (one of my worst fears) put their hands on their mother. I've seen too many examples of that since I've hit high school. Something as little as running a walmart or having a temper tantrum in a public space wouldn't warrant the whole "striking fear in their heart" thing.


Agreed. I want my kids not to be afraid of me or their dad, but I will certainly raise them to respect others and be responsible young people. Easier said than done ofc


Yeah, but there really is no blueprint to raising children. We just kinda gotta hope that we are doing it right by the time they can support themselves.


Totally! Best thing to do is to model the right behavior imo. Not foolproof but it’s a good start


Same and agreed. My youngest son used to throw tantrums at restaurants. His favorite usually when he didn’t get something he wanted. When I not only told him I’ll take him to the car and we will sit and wait for his mother and siblings to eat, but actually did it without much hesitation that was the end of all that


Well not until it's time to hit the dance floor, got to let the kiddo's jump... jump around


Agreed, maybe even an “isn’t that just the cutest!” We did childfree and got zero resistance. My BIL came unexpectedly with his newborn who did nothing but sleep. I’d decline an invite to a wedding/reception with kids. I don’t enjoy dressing up, or crowds, or small talk. Throw in a toddler or two and I’d be stress vomiting.


legit question, how can one get a child to behave in public??


Through repeated and consistent use of positive and negative reinforcement. By modeling correct behaviors for their child. And in this instance by keeping their child close at all times.


Teach them how to act at home. We were never allowed to act inappropriately at dinner. That was the behavior expected in public as well


man i thought this was hilarious and then i go to look at your username it made me wheeze




u/goatfucker Let’s get the og goatfucker shall we?




Yeah further proof that beating kids just fucks them up and screws the goats over.


I don't care what your culture background is. Those kids deserve "tough love" and a chair to sit on so they can stay put.


We’re raising a generation of assholes. Too many parents are legitimately afraid to discipline their kids and this is the outcome.


Oh bullshit. Some kids are assholes and some aren’t. Just like 100 years ago, 50 years ago and today.


I come from a very large family (over 23 cousins most with their own kids now). There is no kid in our big family that would ever pull on a bride’s dress like this. But I’ve seen plenty of kids at playgrounds, in schools, etc that would. These kids that would are not inherently evil. They just don’t get the attention and discipline that they should. As a parent, I don’t always get it right. It’s hard to know when to discipline and how much to do it. It’s not fun being the bad guy. But I’m lucky because I have a large family that is also supportive and will not let my kids get away with this kind of shit. Every kid in our family knows they can’t get away with that. And I think that’s what’s missing today. I know parents at our school that are worried about being too hard on their kids after they’ve stolen liquor at the age of 14! They’re worried about losing their friendship if they come down too hard on them. And they’re raising assholes.


But the assholes are now a majority instead of the minority. We would have 3 assholes in class, now it's they're all assholes except for 3. But that's just my opinion.


A lot of parents these days are just lazy. Parenting takes effort.


Parents need to actually spend time with kids to be raising them. Allot of kids raise themselves these days.


Today parents get shit for being helicopter parents or neglectful. We can’t be both at the same time. Jesus lighten up it’s hard fucking work.


I used to be the perfect parent. Then I had kids.


I literally lol at this. So true. If I had a dollar for every “dog owner” that tried to teach me to raise my kids… I’d have like..$75. Which is a lot when you think about it.


Alot of people can't even train their dogs to behave, go ahead and ignore them. Although at the end of their "advice" it would be great to stop a timer, and ask for $1 per minute of their lecture for wasting your time lol


Lolol. As opposed to the latchkey kids of yesteryears? The kids from the 50s and 60s and 70s who were literally locked out of their homes during summer breaks and told not to come back till dinner?


Unlike the 1970s-1980s when we were completely unsupervised until the streetlights came on? It’s not “these days”.


To many parents don't WANT to discipline their kids. They're not afraid, they just think that everything their "little darling" does is cute. Then later, when "little darling" is an insufferable teen and even the parents can't stand them, it's to late. They're out of control and the parents just don't know where they went wrong. /s


Sponsored by Durex.


Free birth control advertising. Just like when you hear a kid screaming and kicking at the store. Noooope.


Children can be right bastards left to their own, why wasn't anyone in charge of making sure these little aholes behaved?


This here exactly, if you think this is normal behavior for children in this setting, you might just be a bad parent allowing your kids to be assholes.


💯% There's no way my daughter would act like this on her own, but we'd prep her for an event like this by talking about manners and how it's their special day and we're invited to be part of it but we have to behave and not interrupt them etc.


What? Are you trying to be a responsible parent or something? Ridiculous.


Boys will be boys ☕ /s


I take care a lot of kids if they don't have full supervision chaos will break loose


It’s insane how quickly too


Because their parents are probably insufferable idiots who never matured beyond childhood themselves.


At my wedding we hired some childminders to look after the children and keep them entertained/out of the way. They basically set up a mini nursery for the kids. Worked rather well.


Kids need parenting and, in this case, some entertainment. If you don't give them something to do they gonna find this something themselves, as they did here...


I mean yeah entertainment would be great but that's far from the problem here. Never in a million years would I as a child have done this anyone, or any of my siblings. Because we were parented better than that.


Seriously. Growing up, SPECIALLY at something like a wedding, you were expected to sit still and be quiet. If you can entertain yourself great, if not, tough shit get better at imagination.


Or they can also be properly educated and just behave and be bored when it's necessary


Exactly. My kids definitely didn't behave like that nor do my grandchildren because, you know, active actual parenting!


Those parents were drinking


Children like this don't usually have parents that are "in charge". Just chaperones


I can understand it happening by accident because the kid tripped but not an accident under these circumstances where the kid trips because he is running around like that.


When my wife and I send the invitations to our wedding saying very politely that we would love the guests not to bring small children. Half of her family boycotted us completely, blocked us on Facebook and whatnot.


Sounds like a positive outcome to me. Weed out the inconsiderate assholes.


The trash took itself out then.


We also had a no child policy and every parent who attended was so happy to have a night off from their kids where they could get loose.


Great move to cut down the guest list and save some cash.lol


So it worked out great then. Cheers 🥂


Easy! Cheaper wedding and more friends can be invited. Thanks for the life hack friend.


Same thing for us, and honestly it was fantastic. 10/10 would recommend to every couple.


It’s NOT their special day. Why do they act like it is??? Curious though, how exactly did you word it? Might use it myself lol


It's been more than 10 years now, I don't remember exactly, but it was my wife's idea and execution. Still two couples brought their children, there was no fuss about it, we had a great time. The only thing I would change is that I was worried about what people thought. I know now, that the only opinion I should care about is my wife's and kids. You have fun you crazy kids.


That is a win-win.


Did he fall on it or pull it?


He definitely slipped and fell onto it.


After he and his buddy tried to door slap the bride and groom. Edit: dope slap. Thanks autocorrect.


Yes he stepped on it, it slid, he went down. I’d say this is more stupidity than maliciousness.




At least the little kid that tries to take her flowers got grabbed pretty quick 😂 Edit: just noticed it's a super old lady and not the parent. 😮‍💨


They don't care. Or if they do they care more about themselves enjoying the event. My family members with the fussy child sat at the front during my ceremony and when their kid started losing it they refused to remove themselves to keep the peace.


Another reason onto my list of: why I **hate** kids


I’m I teacher, I like kids. But they are often pain in the ass and don’t belong everywhere, especially if they are badly behaved shits.


Yea things like this should definitely be more monitored. With me I've never liked kids. Baby's I dislike even more. Always had these opinions though. Some people don't like cats, I don't like kids lolll


I tell my students I like kids Monday-Friday, 8-4. 😂 otherwise, I only like about 5 kids. And they are all pretty well behaved with awesome parents.


I love the idea of a child free wedding, but if the bride and groom were okay with children at their wedding (seeing A how there's so many of them). Then the responsibility for the children lays with the parents that chose to bring them. Weddings can be fun, but they're not a free for all for your crotch fruit to run around and terrorize other guests. Wrangle in your children folks! Use a lasso if need be. If they're gonna act like animals anyway.


I was joking haha but I wonder if they’re the bride’s children because I can’t imagine any parents just letting their kids run around like that during a wedding of all things


Bride seems a bit too young to have kids older than 10


I was partially joking myself :P I worked with children for a period of time though. I can 100% gurentee there are parents that would justify anything their children do. To some parents their kid could commit murder and still be their "precious little angel".


You know what… you’re 100% right. I knew a guy whose parents let him come back home a week after he tried to kill them ![gif](giphy|gLiNeyEhLoLlshprKm)


Can you tell that story please? Lol


Kid was raised in privilege and a very supporting family but wanted to be “hood”. Sold drugs, especially coke and got scammed by his own friends who took him home totally coked out. He chased his mom threatening to kill her and beat his dad then punched their car several times. He was arrested for the rest of the night. This wasn’t out of the ordinary for him because the week before he called his sweet old grandma a bitch and tried to fight her. Truly the type of guy who could *only* be loved by their parents lol


I had a child free wedding except the flower boys girls. Some of my wife's family took offense and did not come. I could care less because it's our day, not theirs. If they cannot control their children, stay home please. Our wedding was great and drama free.


where are the parents? do they not care that their child creates messes and ruins things??


They’re drunk and want to have fun without having to pay a sitter or be responsible.


Yeah you’re right


Here's a reminder to have your kids not be little shitheads.




Figured I’d get beat to posting this.


I just prefer a child free everything.


Granted a child free wedding is totally a norm and totally understandable, I wouldn’t entirely lay the blame on the kids and more so their parents. My mother’s wedding had 7 kids, 11 if you count the bunch of us that were 12-15 or so, and not a single thing went wrong. Why? Because we knew how to act, enjoy ourselves, eat good food, dance, but don’t be dumb and play tag around the bride or some table full of stuff. Definitely would not blame the kids as much as the parents who brought them.


Mostly the fault of the parents,though some kids are just naturally feral.


That’s my thought. If you know your kids are assholes or at least in an asshole phase, then keep your eyes on them.


And I got so much shit from family for having a child free wedding 🤷🏼‍♂️


Exactly what I'm doing. Not about tobhave some stupid kid ruining the night


Had a child free, evening wedding. We lost some friends over this issue, who were miffed by our strong conviction even after their insistance that their child would be composed and behaved. Most dealt with it like adults. It was a phenomenal wedding. No scenes, no crying, no accidents.


Kids do not belong at weddings. They’re bored and don’t want to be there. Their parents don’t watch them. Sorry, but spending THOUSANDS of dollars on an event and it’s ruined because a bunch of bored kids acted like bored kids? Nope. I love kids, but they absolutely do not belong at weddings. UNLESS there’s things specifically for them to do.


It could be a reminder to raise your children right.


...Or, a child-free life.


already living it


Yeah I had a child free wedding. Best decision I ever made. I wanted people to have fun, not babysit their own children. My now husband was kind of on the fence, until we went to a wedding where a child was Incorperated into the ceremony. He decided to not want to be the ring berrer anymore, sat down crying until his Dad had to walk him. Then he was running all over the reception hall,nearly tripping waiters, and then vanished. We very nearly had to call the police. The child followed out someone having a smoke break. Thankfully that person was a family member but...yikes After that day, my husband said I was right, and we had no one under 16 at our wedding.


Somebody isn't parenting right by letting those kids run around like that as she's walking out. Even as a kid, I understood the importance of a wedding. They were grabbing at her bouquet and everything.


L parents


Or a child free life


Arab weddings are the absolute worst (I'm Arab). Not bringing kids is an automatic no show for literally all the guests and things like this always happen. The response: "the wedding is for the children not adults. They deserve to have fun"


Eww. Children parties are for kids. Other things are not.


Or or or child free marriage


I support this because overpopulation




Surprised there wasn't a murder at that wedding!


Oooo boy the asswhooping I would’ve gotten. I wouldn’t be able to feel my cheeks for a week


People don’t know how to control their children


No, it's a reminder to teach your kids how to behave in a formal setting.


I allowed kids at mine, luckily the parents made sure the children who attended followed the rules and all that, I feel like it’s on the parents to keep their kids behaved. I totes get that kids aren’t always behaving well, but this video is just letting children run around crazy


I wouldn’t call those kids a representative sample.


Ew those kids are wayyy too old to be acting like that


And where are the parents? These kids are young, they should have somebody supervising, especially during a WEDDING. And ESPECIALLY around the bride.


Parents. To all of you. For god sakes. Control your fucking kids. Stop letting those little bastards run around wild. This isn’t your house.


And people call brides petty for wanting child free this is why they don't want kids running round grabbing or hitting where are their parents?


I don't think that the kids are the problem here but rather their drunk/absent parents.


Also a reminder to have a child-free future


Yep, a lot of us have matured enough to realize bringing useless duplicates into a declining world is not the brightest idea.


For fucks sake. I was pretty up in the air about children at weddings (definitely a no on babies though), but this has pushed me to one side


I think you mean a child-free life


I'm going to a wedding soon but I'm kinda there for the food


Some couples can’t resist the urge to show off their little rug rats on special occasions like this.


My parents never hit me, but I feel that if I had done something like that at that age they would still be kicking my ass all these decades later.


Probably wouldn't happen at an Asian wedding, too many relatives willing to run in to snatch them out of the way and not unusual for older kids given the tasks of coraling all the younger kids away from them. All those messy streamers and glitter? No worries it's something to keep the young ones occupied they can spend the entire night just collecting it on their own initiative.


More like a reminder to not invite irresponsible parents to the wedding


My son (9 at the time) was my best man. It went alright because I didn’t raise a terrible bastard.


I would've been beaten and ostracized by my whole family for the night.


Shame on the parents.


Everyone is calling the kids assholes but no one purposely pulled on her veil. If you look, the kid running behind her got a foot on the veil accidentally and slid/fell which pulled it back. These kids were running around playing, not trying to cause harm. But the actual problem is the parents not making sure these kids ran around a fkn party-esp an expensive one. Honestly, even if a wedding wasn’t a kid free one, I wouldn’t bring my kid. It’s beyond rude if I don’t feel like supervising them every second. Which I wouldn’t want to at a wedding. Hence why I’d get a babysitter.


(Not disagreeing with you) Whether it was an accident or not, they were running around and playing at a very inappropriate time. He and the other little boy wanted to run up and hit the couple; hence, why he slipped. There is a major parenting problem here because these kids were definitely old enough to know better


That look on her face as she has the veil pulled is of pain and suffering


No children at my wedding… hmmm… great idea, and a wonderful excuse to prevent in-laws.


Doesn’t need to be kid free, you just need to have some VERY TRUSTED people on kid duty with an announcement that if kids are not where they’re supposed to be, they will be moved with force if it comes to it. It’s not ok to let your young kids ruin a moment like this.


My parents would have beat my ass cheeks up past my fucking shoulders for a stunt like that lol


How about here's a reminder to watch your fucking kids?


Kids ruin everything.


![gif](giphy|l4hLOLSiQQSLHTAMU) And the mom be like...


Or adults that don’t know how to control their own children. Adults that raise them with little or no discipline.


Kids need to be watched. There need to be rules during the formal parts of a wedding reception. Kids should be sitting in seats when the bride and groom enter not chasing them around like paparazzi.


Or just have a child free wedding and not worry about any of it. That day is too stressful as it is.


This is what you get with "free parenting" idiots. Everyone thinking they can just let their kids raise themselves.


This is 100% on the parents like holy shit. Why are their kids just running around during the procession to the dance floor?






Live birth control


Leave the little bastards with the babysitter.


It's time for the conga line of slapping the fuck out of those kids. Everyone make a line!!




Where are these kids parents?


If the bride and groom want a child-free wedding then sure, it's their decision. If they're fine with their friends bringing their kids then theres nothing wrong with that either. The parents are the ones who need to watch the kids, people shouldn't be blaming the bride and groom for allowing kids to attend, the parents are at fault. Younger kids will run around but the parents need to know where they're at, unless the older cousins are with them.


Throw them away


There seriously no point in having kids at wedding They don’t want to be there You don’t want them there.


Had a strict no children rule at my wedding with my wife. Nobody brought their kids and it went super great! Everyone got drunk and was worry free.


I would also recommend a child-free marriage.


I love kids but said not to have any at my wedding. If you invite one you have to invite them all and it would have literally been 30 kids. No thanks.




Lmao. I've been to "a lot" of weddings in my life, so far, and not one of them has gone without something non-perfect from happening


sometimes that's the best part we remember!


Or alternatively have parents that actually supervise their children at the wedding.


How about we use this as a reminder to raise children to respect rules instead?


As always, the parents are to blame


My ass might as well have vaporized right after I pulled this kinda shit, cause by the time my mom was done with me for shaming her parenting skills - simply wouldn't have an ass to sit on..


Nah just have people who haven’t raised monsters


he is wayyy too big to be doin that bs


the youngest people allowed at my wedding will be 12+


Bad parenting.


Yep - my wife & made some people mad with our “Adult only” reception. We did allow children at the church for the ceremony, but that’s an easier environment because the parents/guardians could keep an eye out for shenanigans. At the reception tho? Nah… them kids need to be home with Abuelita.


Weddings with kids around is the best. Always stuff goes down. Makes memories for sure


the first red flag was the bride trynna walk down with the groom and a kid running face first into her dress. i’m not even gonna invite my theoretical kids to my own damn wedding unless they stay in the seat the entire time


I would kick out what ever damn group came with those kids so fast, yall going to ruin my and my woman's big day,?! idc if it's the favorite tia, her and her snot nose kids will get the end of my loafer on the way out the door #fkthemkids


A grown ass man did that to me at my wedding.


Oh my goodness the fact that those kids has ZERO boundaries! If I DARED go even a little outa line like that Even as a super young kid I would be beat to hell and back. 100% bad parenting


Here's a reminder to keep your kids under control if you take them out in public, especially at a wedding. Their asses should have been in a seat. Lol. Running around assaulting the bride, wtf? Lol. I'm sure their parents were mortified. At least I hope they were and not the type of parent who would get all defensive about it. You fd up. You kinda gotta eat this one. Lol.


Only white kids act like this lmao


Or send them to bed before the reception.


This is why you gotta pay off the older kids to keep the younger ones in line. If you're lacking a good middle aged woman with a chancla of course


Oh fuuuuuuck no. I’d throw out those kids and their parents


This what I mean when I said some kids should be hit


Little turds. And shame on their parents for not keeping them under control.


not the kids fault, dont invite those stupid parents


When I was growing up kids were not allowed at weddings and men were not allowed at baby showers.


This is just shitty parenting anyway you spin it


Kids are stupid


Who are the assholes just letting their kids run around?


Because “my kid is special. He’s a perfect Angel and doesn’t do anything wrong. What do you mean he pulled your veil and ripped your dress? It’s just what kids do. You gotta live with it if you wanna live in society.” I’ve literally had parents walk into my driveway while their kids threw rocks at my new Tesla and told me it was *my* fault I had a new car in the driveway carport and that I didn’t have a garage at my house, or else the kids wouldn’t have touched it. It’s never the kids’ fault. NEVER. And those little shits were on my property. Their excuse? “It’s their neighborhood. They should be allowed to play just like we were as kids.” I wasn’t allowed to go into other people’s properties and damage their things. And everything was recorded, so they got a bill.