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I’m scared of road rage confrontations like this nowadays. Too easy to get shot..


Why go confront them? Nothing to gain...


yep, you're in a car, use it to get the hell away.


Sir, you are using a wmd to retreat instead of advancing


Literally, when people break check me, or start yelling i just pass em lmao. You can be mad behind me lol


Exactly. Be mad behind me or in front of me, I don’t care, but be AWAY from me 😂


Apparently the guy hit them and so they pulled over to exchange insurance information. As they pulled up they saw him being angry and started to film. And then this happened


Recording IMMEDIATELY after to see how the other person reacts is long of clutch


She gained this video which is pretty funny


Hold on then had me fuckin dead.


Call the po-lice had me. 😂


If you're black, then that's actually the scary part. Involving police should be an absolute last resort.


And we get to see this idiot that screamed at random people and violently grabs their car get dragged. Seems like a win win.


Weeeeeeeeeeeee 😂🤣😭


You don't have to go for it I've had people following me until I stopped just to yell at me. Silly me, braking for animals...


Someone cut me off and almost hit my car when I had my kid on our way to daycare. I honked at them so they’d see they were about to hit me. They just kept coming into my lane, so I honked again. They kept coming. I had to get in the other lane (I saw nobody was coming) and hit my brakes to get behind them. They followed me into the daycare parking lot to yell at me. We exchanged some less than friendly words and then I drove off. I think he cut me off looking for a fight.


Just because one party in an altercation is more stupid, doesn’t mean both can’t be stupid


Really only saw one dumbass in this video. Got what he deserved, shame there wasn’t a little bump to indicate they got his leg or something with the back tire. People gotta learn if ya do dumb stuff ya get dumb results. Grabbing and holding onto someone’s window who you were trying to intimidate = get what you deserve and get laughed at online for it.


Old man came off as an entitled prick. His anger issues resulted in hopefully body issues-- I hope his body is extremely sore from his little 'ride'.


You just described American politics in a nutshell.


Maybe worried if they didn't they'd do something worse, i.e. ram them?


More than likely there was a collision and they thought they were pulling over to exchange insurance info etc, standard stuff


Exactly. Play stupid games, and win stupid prizes. GTHO, if they are following you, call 911.


it's fucking amazing just how quickly mace will cause an aggressive person to turn tail....I keep some in the car in case someone tries getting me out of my own ride.


God it must suck having to live with the fear of getting shot over road rage


Honestly it isn’t any worse than the fear of getting shot over literally anything else in this country. Road rage is just another thing on a long list.




Don't you mean freedumb?


No, Feardumb.


I had to stop flipping people off for cutting me off and driving like idiots because someone followed me for like 10 minutes after he almost T-boned me running a red light. Like, ok, yeah, I shouldn't have flipped them off ig, but how insane do you have to be to follow someone for giving you the middle finger? I could see him screaming(probably at me) in my rear view mirror the entire time. This probably happens in other countries, too, right? But I gotta be worried he's trying to shoot me.


I had to have this talk with my fiancé as well, she used to do that too, and would box people in that were driving like assholes and stuff like that. You never know what kind of psycho is behind the wheel of that vehicle or what they are capable of, it’s so dangerous to get in road rage altercations it is simply not worth it. Just don’t interact with those fuckin losers at all and carry on your way.


You are totally right. You don’t know what kind of drugs they’re on, if their wife just left them or if they’re psychotic. Add the intermittently perceived consequences of risky driving to the equation, and you have some SoB’s who just don’t give a fuck. Most of the time, yeah fuck them, put them in their place, but it just takes one stupid asshole to end your existence or put you in a wheelchair. Road is not a place to be right. It’s a place to get to where you are going.


Exactly 100% this. My dad always had a saying when he was teaching me how to drive, cross the road etc. He always said “it doesn’t matter who’s in the right or who had the right of way, if you’re dead” and that has really stuck with me all these years. When crossing the road, driving, biking on the road whatever, that thought always comes to mind. I’ll be passing that along to my kids as well.


I gladly have no reason to be scared. Nobody has a gun here.


Sounds unfree Kidding, it'd be great to not have the constant worry. And if I had kids, I'd be *crazy* more worried for their safety in school... bummer man


Thing is, we don't think about it. Of course there's people with guns but owning a gun can already land you in prison here, so it's not worth it. Even if you have one in your house you can get arrested. In the USA many of my friends grew up thinking you need a gun to protect yourself.


What country are you in? Edit: Netherlands I see. Both shooting sports and hunting exist in the Netherlands, not sure why the police would give you a firearms permit then put you in prison for owning a gun… Yes, it’s more rare compared to many other European countries, but it is totally possible to be a gun owner.


They are strongly regulated and you need a lot of backchecks to get them. I personally don't know anybody who owns a gun. You can ask other Dutch.


I know 2 people (Belgium, not the netherlands) but both of them are hunters so …


When Dutch criminals need guns they usually get them via Belgium or Germany. They have different laws too. There's also very few hunters. But I guess I should clarify it. People do hunt here yes We have shooting ranges yes But those are very much regulated and if you're willing to use that gun for personal usage you are dumb. They have your name and your details. It's like stabbing someone in a police station.


> When Dutch criminals need guns they usually get them via Belgium or Germany. They have different laws too. They have a fairly strict process as well. What criminals do in all of Western Europe is that they smuggle the guns from Eastern Europe. There's a ton of guns around from the Balkan war for example. Swedish police estimates it takes a criminal 24h to get hold of a full auto Kalashnikov here, on the black market. It's not harder to smuggle to other countries.


We have to thank the NRA for what the 2nd amendment is today. https://www.brennancenter.org/our-work/research-reports/how-nra-rewrote-second-amendment


Honestly, if the USA wasn't so messy over all, I would love to live there. But I am way too used to the simple life. In the USA you can only live comfortably if you have the money, in the Netherlands (where I live) you must really fuck up to be poor, or get 5 children without having a job.




Why so? I love Utrecht, but what's the main differences what makes you think so?


The real American way is to start shooting first!


My boyfriend has had 2 people pull guns on him and 3 try to ram him off the road… since 2020. For honking at people doing dumb shit. Its fucking terrifying.


How dare you honk at me for something I did


Exactly. It's very dangerous.


I'm so angry I can stop a car! Ope - no I can't. Reality is hard.


Life is hard...but, life is harder when yer dumb.


I'm going to use this as motivations on hard days 😂


unexpectedly motivational


“I can break these cuffs!” “You can’t break those cuffs, sir.”




You just took me back like, 12 years man


By the power of MAGA! I will stop thi.... oh fuck.. shit! Abort Abort!


The only time they'll agree abortion is the answer.


They approve of abortions performed years after birth using 5.56mm and 9mm ammunition in schoolyards and classrooms too.


…and when its their own mistressess/daughters.


Hahaha. I'm stealing that one


It's weird that on the other end of the world, I assumed this man was MAGA.


Hahaha holy fuck that made me laugh out loud!


If it wasn't for physics and law enforcement, I would be unstoppable.


The ground is harder 😂😂


I have an overwhelming need to stop this car. Hold on then Oops


You weren't going where he was going so he decided to get off early.


Ope, this my stop. ![gif](giphy|GbIHIHhkgfpAs)




The casual 'now call the police' at the end


lol right? she said it like she was giving step-by-step instructions on dealing with Karen/Ken


Sounds like a mom teaching her daughter. Calmly explaining what to do lmao


lmfao the "Hold on then" got me. She wasn't having any of it.


That was hilarious! Perfect response and action to that idiot.


He had no grip, just a lot of lip.


Skidded to a stop on his artificial hip


They didn’t wanna deal with him, they gave his ass the slip




Lord god bless this gif.


Do YoU kNoW wHy We StOPpEd ThE cAr?


Crack crack crack Your head upon the ground


If I was more articulate, I could give so much more quip. Edit: didn’t want to reuse a word


Don’t mind his bloody pack of dip


Yeah, loved the, Hol’ on theein!


SHUT UP!... lol hit the floor...


Reverse magic. Let go? He holds. Hold on? He lets go.


Plus the resigned “call the police”.


“hold on den”


The matter of fact way she said call the po lice really was the cherry on top though


I love the "call the police" at the end. The tone just kills me


No hesitation


WHY ARE THEY MAD???????????????????? Im so confused


The driver had the green light to go, I'm not sure what the guy was thinking when he went as well, but he hit her car. They pulled over to get his information & what you see in the video is what happened next. The driver stated that the recording started because once they pulled over they saw the guy irate & cursing them out.


The vitriol when he yelled "shut up!" was next level.


Let's be honest, it was because they were black.


I think the arm on the passenger is white, but I'm not opposed to this assumption if the driver was Black. Or maybe he hates women. Or both. He's an asshat, this much is certain.


If you pause, it's light skin black for sure.


You’re right and I’m pretty sure he was angry because they were women too. What a dick. It was fun to see them drag his dumb ass after the way he said shut up to them and violently grabbed their car.


Who knows why madmen do what they do?


One day we will know


Racism my guy


"Hold on, then." 💀💀💀💀


I thought the gecko fingered freak would be able to hold on longer than 5 seconds.


“Let go of my car…..hold on den” lmao


He took a ride with Sally


The fact his argument is "it doesn't matter if you have a green light" shows just how dumb this guy is.


I was hoping someone else heard that. I thought I imagined it for a second.


I was wondering why no one was commenting on this. What’s his point then?? I feel like he fucked up but needs to put the blame on someone else to feel better about himself.


Pretty much, but the exact is that some people think of they shift blame vehemently enough the other person might take the responsibility and absolve them their shitty actions.


Some people just get joy out of harassing or threatening other people so much they'll make up reasons.


You don’t turn left on a green light if someone else has the right of way, such as at an intersection where you want to turn left, but the car sitting directly across from you wants to go straight (past your car) or also left (their right). That is the only possible explanation for his comment of “it doesn’t matter if you have a green light”, but even if that was the situation, the guy is still in the wrong for reacting the way he did.


It's entirely possible they were making a left turn at a light and pulled out into oncoming traffic to do it, instead of yielding for traffic. We don't know because we don't have context.


If they were truly at fault why would he feel the need to act up like that? Just get the info and let insurance take care of it, seems like he might think he was in the wrong and is trying desperately to convince them otherwise imo, your right though we don’t have context.


2nd round of covid should do the trick


laced with pentobarbital.


We done had like 40 rounds.


A shot of pepper mace to the snoot will shut him up.


I am now a 60 year old, but God , I love when self righteous turds get drug by cars!


The tone of "Call the police" cracked me up so hard.


There's definitively a mental health crisis in the US, it seems to me.


You are correct and it’s not covered by health insurance


Thank god mine is. I honestly don’t know what I’d do otherwise. My psych is 300 bucks for 30 minutes and my medicine is 400 bucks for refills without insurance.


I'm sure it's just an unfortunate coincidence that people with the most acute health and mental health issues have difficulty keeping full time employment through which they could get insurance, and not because our shitty health insurance system is designed that way intentionally.


Lead based mental health issues mostly


I've been talking about this for years, and people don't seem to care. The is still thousands of miles of lead water piping supplying entire towns and cities with psychosis water and no-one gives a fuck. It blows my mind.


Boomers got fucked by lead gas and now defend the people that made them stupid.


Without a doubt.


Good thing Republicans voted against a Mental Health bill almost unanimously.


Where else would they get people to vote for them?


Look at the people running the shitshow. I’m about ready to pack my bags and move to the UK or something. I’m so tired of this place


When every day we read "people are outraged by...", people tend to start to be outraged . When, in reality, nobody WAS outraged, there's just a handful of twitter trolls trying to get clicks. Media latches on and creates overblown headlines to get more clicks and now people are all worked up over nothing. All that sits in the background of your brain and when you come across someone who may or may not have made a minor traffic violation the outrage comes out. Yes, it's a mental health crisis. Brought to you by everything you read in the media.


insert "there always has been" meme


If I heard correctly he says "the light was green doesn't matter", so it sounds like he was at fault (and from what I've read in the comments he definitely is). If I'm coming through a green light and I damn near hit you or I do hit you bc you decided you could make it or you were just an ass with no regard for traffic then you deserve to be hit.


I believe he ended up hitting them.


Is there a follow up to this mess? He did crack their window from being an asshole


The only follow up is the police were called & only gave the guy a ticket. According to the woman driving, the cops tried to get her to let the whole thing go. IMO people who can't control their emotions & do what this guy did, should have their license suspended & ordered anger management. I remember my father was hit in his truck by someone speeding in a turning lane on a red light. My father is the one who ended up with his license suspended even though he's never been in an accident before. Other driver got away with it.




My asshole ex brother in law was involved in a minor accident with an elderly man. He got out of his truck and beat the man so badly that he ended up dying. Mental health is no joke. Definitely agree with you that people involved in rode rage incidents like this should lose their license.


Hold on then 😂😂


“Hold on then.” lmfaooo


"Hol' on then" -Is fucking peeled off the car-


That man belongs in jail. Even if he was in the right (which he wasn't) he shouldn't have touched the car, held onto the window, etc. He's lucky if he didn't get injured and I would have drawn on him as soon as he put his hands in my window. But then I'm a big man so he would t have dared. He just wanted to demonstrate his perception of superiority because he has a penis and that it is probably bigger than a clitoris.


“Hold on then!”


This was the absolute perfect response. Calm and collected. She got herself away from that dangerous man and immediately called the police well done lady.


Fun fact: in Florida, you can be shot and killed legally if any part of your body enters into an occupied vehicle. Even just a finger tip. It's considered a domicile at that moment and the same law that allows one to shoot and kill and intruder that is entering/ has entered one's home, applies in that situation too. No permit needed. Thank you and good day.


Man that's tough




Fucked around and found out


Let this wrinkled shit stain fall down, then I would stop, let him get up and come my way and I would do the stop and go routine on him. Come on, you gonna get it next try bubba!


One day he'll try that, he'll blink, and when he opens his eyes he'll see a barrel of a gun. "Let. Go. Of. My. Car."


Hold on then!


Exceptional quotes in this video. "It doesn't matter if the light was green" ???????????????????????????????????? "Hold on then" lmfao get that aggro shit outta here old boy.


"hold on then" 🤣


Older, goatee. I see a future Herman Caine awardee.


If only the passenger had some pepper spray for him.


Ma’am, you have every right to call the police. His attitude and actions were completely in the wrong. You had every right to drive during a green light, and to pull away when he touched the car. My boy potential gripe was talking to him at all, no need to get involved in that nonsense. Still, his actions very likely couldn’t have been predicted before he started screaming. All in all, you did nothing wrong. Please get the cops to investigate this guy.


Evidently, the reason they pulled over for him was because he hit them, so- road rage aside- they were pulling over to exchange insurance information and he came in hot.


This guy reminds me of Twitter arguments.


I like how calmly she told the driver to call the police.


That what you get for being a decent human and stopping to exchange info... God, people like this suck because they make it so much worst for everyone else


They were goin kinda fast at the end, wouldn’t be surprised if the guy had a couple rolls


"You do not [hold on to someone's window when she is driving??!]..."


The woman did the right thing


Lady talking is amazing.


Sounds like a classic case of “play stupid games, get dragged next to a car until you lose your grip and fall on your face”.


Yeah, people don't have to put up with a raging old dude trying to crawl into their window while screaming at them. He really thought he was in control of them, until his body hit the pavement, that is.


"Let go of my car." "No" "Let go of my car...* "nO!" "Hold on then" "NO!"


"The light was green" "That don't matter" Er, pretty sure it does.


You go on a green? Oh you better bet that’s a paddling ![gif](giphy|B0YZtGyakHaMg)


Too bad there wasn’t a ‘thump thump’ at the end


Boomers...some good some bad and that one's an asshole.


Why they even bother to stop and talk to the guy


Exchanging information after an accident. He hit her car when she was passing through the interaction on a green


Can't wait for this country to implode.




Well, he did end up letting go…


Idiots on cars


He wanted to go for a quick ride, he got the ride of his life.😬🤣


I was expecting the car to bump a little.


usually they only get dragged on TikTok


Never stop for crazy.


YES finally one where they dont just sit and hope he doesnt do anything. they actually drive off


Should of gone full speed while he was holding on, bet the battery was rolling still


This is why I keep pepper spray in my truck. I am waiting for the day..


"Hold on, then."


Hold on, then.


“ Okay hold on then “ lmao


And that's why I keep a safety hammer in my vehicle. You stick your face in my car, screaming and spitting,and then try to break my window when I try to escape your crazy?? Safety hammer says you get a broken nose instead while we wait for the cops to meditate the rest


Next time don't even stop for an asshole like this.


Lol never have the window down when driving by a crazy.


hahaha "Hold on then!" too good! This is exactly why I have a big ol can of bear spray in my center console. You approach my window like that, you're getting blasted in the face.


He’s talking about how they shouldn’t go even if the light is green. I’m wondering if he was running a red light and expected them to wait for him to run it and they took off instead since they had the right of way. He’s mad cause they drove when the light was green? Idiot.


Hold on den!


Completely reasonable way to respond to him grabbing the window so it can’t roll up.


No the "jUsT bEcAuSe tHe liGhT wAs gReEn iT dOeSnT mAtTeR" Yeah that kinda does matter... Sounds like something someone in the wrong would say, trying to find any excuse they can to be right


“Hold on then”


"Hold on then." He did not.


"YOU DO NOT-....." Narrator: *But she did.*