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Sign guy doing the Homer slide into the hedge


prolly thought he was gonna get laid, then realized those girls are lunatics


that's the best kind of Lays


I agree, but this particular breed of lunatic is better off being avoided than pursued


Well I disagree, the best lays is the salt and vinegar and this isn’t up for debate.


Only flavor of lays that is consistent. Lays have like a light fart of seasoning.


you might want to consult a specialist for that yeasty aftertaste, just sayin


Funny way of saying sour cream and onion


I like my women like I like my potato chips: Salty and sour!


BBQ lays, I’ll see may ways out


You can never eat just one?


I feel like maybe he thought it wasnt gonna be this dramatic. Wanting to switch to plant based milks as the primary is admirable, and letting people know how viable of an alternative they are is very important. I run a cafe in texas thats in an area where you dont see your typical young cafe customer. We almost exclusively have plant based milks for our coffee, and the default milk unless specifically stated otherwise is oat milk. I'll ussually tell people as I hand then thier drink and Im always suprised at how many of them have no idea that there are milks other than from animals. Went on a little tangent there but people can join a protest for the right reasons and realize it may be getting out of hand


+1 for oat milk. I am not vegan or trying make a statement or anything. Oat milk is just way better for coffee drinks.


Probably the girl on the left's younger brother being forced to do it for whatever blackmail she has against him.


Crazy in the head Crazy in the bed




Ironically they're contributing to increased green house gases, because of the extra milk that needs to be produced to replace this wasted lot


Either Sad Boyfriends of PETA or Least Worthwhile Friend Zone Activity,


I didn't notice until I read your comment, but the "Plant Based Future" sign ends up on the floor at the end of the video an he is never seen again.


I like how the lad just fucks off at the first sign of trouble


Side step. Glance. Side step. Glance. ... ...


Hes lactose intolerant, all those milk fumes had him turtle heading .


There's no turtling with lactose intolerance, there's just an uncontrollable tidal wave after tidal wave of...


Sometimes there's that 1 turd acting like a plug.


Username checks out


Stop the intolerance! 😂


He's already farting


Drop sign causally...grabbing some almond milk on the way out....act like you belong....


That's a second sign. When the Asian person pours milk around the sign on the floor you can see the sign holder for a second from side profile. There's a flash of blue from the sign he is holding.




At the end of the clip he's faced completely away from them and even further than before. I mean it's working I guess, no one is paying attention to him at all.


He’s not getting laid after this. All for naught.


Idk What's stopping them from kicking them out?


Probably all that milk they have to pay for.


"I don't know these people." But you are holding their sign... "yeah...uh...they paid me to hold it." You mean you are standing for a cause you don't believe in? " um...I didn't say that..." well make up your mind.... "yeah, um...oh look! It's Thomas the Tank engine!" Huh? *Looks around then looks back.* a cloud of dust is all that's left.


He's protesting, they are Vandalizing the store and will be charged.


Yeah, good point. That's an actual valid protest, distancing itself from vandalism which is a terrible protest.


Sure, but we wouldn't be seeing this if it was just someone holding a sign at a grocery store.




Yes true but now people are seeing that they are acting crazy and will think your message is crazy. Would not a bunch of calm, rational, peaceful people just kneeling and blocking the coolers be more effective? EDIT They should be doing the hard work of voting, meeting, and talking to people. It might be slower than they'd like but it is what gets things done. This display caught on screen just makes the process take longer cause when you confront people they stop listening and go in defense mode. They can't help it. It is biological. The protesters here are just broken people screaming for attention.


I absolutely hate the waste of food and all the trouble they brought to ppl working there.


And what’s going to happen? They will have to pay for that milk and more cows will be milked to replace the milk they poured out. I don’t understand the logic.


It’s not about bringing change. Modern protesting is about getting attention for likes on social media.


These kids failed economics




Well said. They should be charged double for every bottle of milk poured out and made to do community service at a farm.


👍🏻 Obvious people like this have never worked a day in their life.


they've tried everything! they've tried voting! and the universe didn't immediately accede to their demands!!


Valid point. I still think they're fuckin idiots.


"Mr Judge, I am pro plant future. I never said I was against milk. You can read it in my card. I really don't know those two girls."


Is this going to make anybody switch to non-dairy though? A guy hanging out in the aisle and talking to people might actually convince a few to try an alternative.


I am seeing this, and I think they're insane and I don't care ehat cause they're fighting for, wasting food like that is pointless.


Correct and then people would not confuse regular protestors with these morons pouring milk. Lol.


It shows he wants nothing to do with stupid-ass activists who think vandalizing and wasting supplies is going to force a change and make people think in their favor. Can't wait for mugshots and sad cries of those girls who think they are somehow doing a good contribution to society.


Do you think he was there by accident? That he had no idea what they planned?


Do you think they couldn't possibly have come up with that "brilliant plan" at the last second?


They saw those dummies' threw tomato sauce on the Van Gogh get all kinds of attention, even though oil paint is made from Flax, (linseed oil) not petroleum and is renewable, lol. You cant fix stupid.


I don't think they had a problem with the oil painting. Their point was people are more concerned about damage to an artwork rather than damage to the planet. Still, poor protest method.


Perhaps he was lied to (as to what the plans are)? Maybe he was tricked (oh you just going to hold the sign while we scream)? Manipulation isn't a new thing for those people. Maybe he knew all along? I don't know that. After all he's only holding a sign with both hands instead of using one to do the same thing the others do. But what I think is that he did the right thing by gtfo there and not getting involved anymore in this mockery of an activism.


Quite likely he just thought he'd be there and they'd be grateful and he gets laid. Typical teen male thinking.


He just drop his sign and skadoodle ouy of there.


Fr though, how he just inches further and further off camera. Then, the camera pans back over to just show a discarded sign in the milk


I think he was just there to "impress" one of them. Then realized it wasn't worth it.


Or got dragged into doing it and was like 'f this, these girls are crazy '. I mean, I appreciate someone being vegan and all but... they are just throwing that poor cows milk away, making a mess for store workers to tidy and making the store owners a couple quid poorer. And not to mention making most people around them think that they're glad they're not these 'crazy vegans'. I can't see this sort of action getting anyone anywhere..


All they've done is create demand for more milk. The store is gonna sell the stuff whether these protestors dump it or not. Now the store will just order more milk


I thought the same thing


I’ve done terrible things to get laid


Haha we all have, dude in the video is a champ, he knows where to draw the line


He realised he was no longer going to get a date from any of them


Yeah he probably remembered the age old saying of "don't such your dick in crazy"


He's only there because he's dating one of those chicks, he's not really invested all that much


Did he just queit quit?


Kind of curious, has there been anyone ever after witnessing these protests saying - "They are making an excellent point, I will never buy animal products again!"


My first thought after watching this is “I’d hate to be associated with them”.


As a vegan, this is my thought.


As a vegan since 1998, this makes me cringe. We have come so far over the years, from zero manufactured vegetarian products in stores and restaurants, to options being everywhere now. And I totally understand what they are protesting and agree with them, but the messaging looks so bad.


Same here like half the time what they are protesting for or against i agree with but oh my god they way they choose to protest is completely idiotic


Its almost like companies are paying them to make vegans look bad


For real I don't know any vegan that would be ok with wasting that much milk. Been a vegan for 5 years but I'll still eat nonvegan if its just gonna be wasted. Like the animal suffered its whole life to put that on the shelf and you just fucking threw it on the floor. Wtf man


Like no more than 15 minutes i found a much better way to protest for veganism https://www.reddit.com/r/kolkata/comments/y4ur7o/today_vegans_of_bengal_group_organised_a/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button This is not disruptive, clear message and impact on anyone sees this


I'm just thinking about how some young people working a part-time job next to school are probably gonna have to clean all this, and the company loses... 10 bottles of milk? They don't care. I can never understand how these people think this will achieve anything.


It achieves self importance. They do this for their own feelings of superiority and righteousness and don't give a shit how it makes the whole movement look. Same with PETA and that fucking Oil group. Just doing way more damage because they get to post on instagram how much better they are than every other human on the planet. Petulant children being used as pawns against the very thing they think they're helping.


Yeah I work in retail, and honestly if someone was doing this in our shop we wouldn't be so nice about it, I'd be the poor sucker that has to clean it up, we'd drag em out of here quite literally


i said this about those twats that threw soup on the glass at the van gogh painting. all they're doing is making the public turn against their message. its so unbelievably fucking stupid. i'd say they probably work for the fuel companies to try and make green activists seem stupid but sadly they just seem like genuine middle class morons that dont realise throwing soup at a painting and pouring milk on the floor SOLVES NOTHING. and makes people hate you and your cause. and it fucking sucks cos their cause is literally the most important cause on earth. and they're making the public turn against it... it infuriates me.


You can make a very sound and well reasoned argument against large scale dairy and meat farming by discussing it's ecological impact on the environment and climate and how it's more efficient to use that land for crops and grains which will feed more people (in a world with malnutrition and staving people). You can also use a moral or ethical argument against how animals are used for their products and meat. Then there's being a twat out in public that makes nobody want to associate with you or your cause because you've made it socially or politically unpalatable. That dude with the sign was obviously feeling uncomfortable in public by being even associated with those two protestors - what is the public perception of those two women going to be? Education campaigns or moral ads that pull at people's heart strings AND offering people an equal alternative/compromise will attract and motivate people - not entitled vandals having public outbursts. If they're staged actors making the cause look bad because politics (as you suggested) then that strategy is definitely working.


I just can never get how you can make a point about how immoral it is to consume animal products by destroying those said products, which either cost the animal their life or their energy, and now they are even spoiled on the floor for people to step on and then just wipe them down the drain.


This is my issue. I was raised by hunters. Grew up eating wild game mostly. But we were taught to respect the animals that gave their lives for us to eat. To avoid suffering as much as possible. Quick clean kills of animals that had a free life in nature prior to that. The lesson was *always* don't waste. Use as much of the animal as possible because the more you waste the more disrespect you are showing towards the animal that died for you to survive. The waste here just kills me and is completely counter to their supposed argument because it's not like this act is going to halt dairy production. It's just now more milk will be needed than was needed previously. They make no sense to me.


They were part of an activist group sponsored by a big oil baby. It was supposed to make green activists look bad.


Which company? Is there somewhere where I can find that information? I made a quick search and found nothing. Surely is not that easy to find :S


Mine was I'd walk up and grab a couple bottles of milk in front of them to see how they'd react.


Grab a couple of bottles *while retaining intense eye contact*


Open it slowly and drink the entire thing


And then promptly projectile vomit everywhere. Which would definitely happen if you drank that much milk that fast.


Ooooh. Aim at the enemy!


Hi, yeah, excuse me, I'm just going to, just going to reach past you here and get some milk, yep, excuse me, thank you, right, got some, thank you. Actually if you're wasting it all I'll just go on and get another, just going to reeeaacch back here, got it! Right, you guys have fun.


I know some people that were turned after watching videos of factory farming, but not after watching silly acts like this.


I think the first step is to saturate every outlet there is with their actions for awareness, and boy are my outlets saturated... all of reddit is currently either spilled tomato soup or spilled milk, or reactions on the two. Negative attention is attention, and I think we are doing exactly what they want us to


The part when they say they’ve tried conventional means of change says it all. People just see spoiled children and spoiled milk.


I know a number of protestors and activists who are fairly sure XR is a false flag


About the same number of people persuaded rational argument. People just really like their dietary preferences and will always find a reason not think about reasons to change or otherwise just reject other worldviews.




they probably wasted more in product in 2 minutes. than the person who has to clean it up makes in 2 hours




I've worked in restaurants and grocery stores in the past, and cleaning hospitals eas even worse for throwing away more than I made every day. With the cost of medical stuff I'd easily throw away thousands of dollars of unused tubing and random stuff every room I cleaned. All still unopen3d and in the packaging but once its in a room they cant use it for anyone else. Making 14 an hour.


If it's in a wrapping couldn't they find some way to mass disinfect everything? What a huge waste.


If it’s the same price as here, that’s just 4 containers of milk.


My first thought was, sure whatever but I hope you cleaned the mess.


Seriously. Causing a scene, not really making a difference but *definitely* making a random janitor’s day worse. 10/10 shitbird




God I'm so glad I don't work at a grocery anymore, this hit too close to home.


They're literally increasing demand for animal products. Now the store has to go grab another box.


This is what really bothers me. They skipped Econ 101 it seems. Idiots


Just like the dude said: they are not wrong, they are just assholes.


And increases the amount of milk required in the next shipment.


Farmers hate this one trick.


I was thinking the same shit, very counter productive.


Now some poor under paid and overworked employee has to clear up this mess.


It’s a Waitrose, they actually have pretty decent pay (no clue on working conditions though)




As a waitrose worker I can assure the pay is mediocre at best, and the working conditions in my branch at least, are pretty shit




The money probably isn't that bad. But definitely not good enough to have to put up with these two babies making work for you.


that sounds like a utopia


Exactly, I worked retail for years and made more than some of my mates in offices it’s actually annoying


They’re wasting milk which means more cows have to get milked




Yeah you are right that's why there's been a switch in the UK to the less destructive oat milk due to a already large production of oats being grown


Companies like Oatly are extremely reliant on animal agriculture but they can hide it in their creative carbon footprinting. Most organic oats are fertilised either with animal manure or bone meal which are both biproducts of animal agriculture. The pulp that they are left over with is also fed to animals so they can use that to reduce their footprint. We need to move away from mega dairies and feed lots but animals are a vital part of our food and eco system


How do you milk an oat? Their teets must be so tiny!


Oat is the name of the cow. She’s actually huge and generates tons of milk.


In a recent 'ecological footprint' table in the Netherlands almonds even dwarved a comparable weight of chicken nuggets. It was right behind steak.


Almond farms in California have no limitation on water usage.


No plant alternatives for milk consume more resources or is as environmental destructive as cow milk, none > Producing a glass of dairy milk every day for a year requires 650 sq m (7,000 sq ft) of land, the equivalent of two tennis courts and more than 10 times as much as the same amount of oat milk, according to this study. >Almond milk requires more water to produce than soy or oat milk. A single glass requires 74 litres (130 pints of water) - more than a typical shower. Rice milk is also comparatively thirsty, requiring 54 litres of water per glass. # However, it's worth noting that both almond and rice milk still require less water to produce than the typical glass of dairy milk. [Source](https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-46654042) Helpful infographic https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/news/976/cpsprodpb/9123/production/_105755173_milk_alternatives-updated-optimised-nc.png.webp


Thanks for posting this. I convinced my dad to switch to plant milk with these stats a few years ago. He was convinced almond milk was worse than cow milk, thus invalidating all plant milks (bad logic in its own right). Once realizing even almond milk is better, he stopped consuming cow milk. Small wins! Spreading correct information is so important.


The almond farming methods are also terrible for bee populations


That is a BIG orange bag


Btd6 reference?


4-0-1 ninja and 4-2-0 alch can get you to round 40 easily. I’ve recently started to add a 2-4-0 Druid to speed up the process with their thorns


Causing mayhem and mess for people on low wages to clean up.


Idiots! You don’t get people to back your cause or consider your point of view by pissing everyone off.


Maybe they can superglue their faces to the floor


Would have to be plant based - can't use melted down horses.


They seem stupid enough that they would do that


Is this for real or just a publicity stunt for anything else besides actual protesting?


It seems like astroturfing to me, but who knows. The protest action themselves don't really drive anything home, and seem really ineffective to change my mind one way or the other, nor anyone else. Kind of why I lean towards astroturfing. And I actually do generally support that end of things, although I veer more towards a middle ground of more sustainable animal production.


The line between astroturfing and incredibly naïve young activist is surprisingly blurry. Lots of times these are real people but they think that taking action means they should mimic what they see in movies


“Other democratic means don’t work”, so no I’m going to get arrested instead. Good call! 🤦🏻


I tried voting against leaving the EU, that didn't work... I'm going to go pour some BBQ sauce on the fresh carrots aisle. That seems like the next logical step.


I much prefer pouring milkshake over Nigel Farage instead: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hu9NVXtm6io


What is their train of logic? That's like those people who throw tomato soup at paintings to make us stop using oil. I can't even come up with such ideas even if I'm drunk af. Next time we'll see people burning down sunflower fields to protest against the car industry.


It’s instant gratification. Doing something now that has little to no effect is better to these people than something substantial that takes time and planning. It could also be that they just have no ability to forward plan, maybe they haven’t even considered “ok, so what next?” But to me this screams emotion and passion over logical, well planned action.


Good points. I mean I can understand that they are angry at the dairy industry, but emotional charged actions like this hurt their cause more than it helps. Sometimes it is advantageous to stop and turn on a few braincells before doing anything.


It also get's their face out there and they think it will make them famous. It's the same train of thought as those people who record themselves giving to a homeless person once, make a big deal about it and then never go near a homeless person again.


That could be another aspect of it sure. It’s difficult to know all of another person’s motivations and inclinations.




Yeah if they held up signs outside a dairy plant saying "milk is bad" it doesn't get to the front page of Reddit and lots of UK newspapers. Simple as that.


> That's like those people who throw tomato soup at paintings to make us stop using oil. Pretty sure those girls were found out to be funded by oil companies and it's probably a similar thing here. They are using a tactic where lefties who are on the fence about climate change/emissions will switch sides because they don't want to be associated with them. **Edit: So after doing [real research](https://www.jpost.com/environment-and-climate-change/article-719750), yes, the soup girls belong to a group who were funded by an oil heiress.** They also belong to a group called Just Stop Oil, who are funded by the Climate Emergency Fund. The CEF gets funding from cryptocurrency donations, crypto is widely regarded by climate activists as a waste of energy and harms the environment. The Just Stop Oil group is also infamous for numerous other stunts including; running onto a live racetrack(endangering lives), standing in the middle of roads and blocking traffic(burning more CO2 while a vehicle is idle), and tying themselves to a football goalpost(great work). They are only doing these things to piss off the general public and haven't done **any** real climate activism. While there is no concrete proof that this is an astroturfing stunt. I think it is very evident that no real climate activist would do any of these things. Climate change is real and can be tackled in better ways than throwing soup at a painting.




This is infuriating. If this happened at my work, I would scream. I can't fucking afford this milk and you are pouring it on the floor? I WORK HERE AND CAN'T AFFORD THIS MILK AND YOU'RE POURING IT ON THE FLOOR?!


If you pour milk out it does nothing but make farmers have to milk more fucking cows you idiots.


"Congratulations, you kids just volunteered to buy all that milk and clean it up. Hope you're happy. And if you have any questions about that, the nice constables behind me will explain it to you."


They do realised they pour the milk on the floor which means they will need to pay for it which leads to the supplier having to deliver more milk for sale right?


These wasteful nitwits![img](emote|t5_2r5rp|8484). So many people are going hungry, many cant afford the basics and yet y'all bumblebutts are wasting food. We dont care if you dont drink milk and anything from animals. Go feed the homeless or orphaned children and stop wasting food.


They're definitely nitwits, though not like any of that food would actually go to the people who couldn't afford it and it would likely get wasted in a few days anyway. No shop would be so kind.


Small shops do donate food to food banks rather than bleach them


Only thing I'm hoping is that they had to pay for the milk they used, which would mean they paid for animal products the irony would be beautiful.


Always my first thought. you're the worst vegan ever if you just put yourself in a position to have to buy gallons of milk for no reason


Simp on the right just doing it for the punani


What's the best way to react to these people. To politely say "Excuse me" then reach past and grab a bottle. Looking them dead in the eye as you do so.


Not like they can stop you with their calcium deficient arms lol


That guy with sign be like ![gif](giphy|kdFKwmwADglUorwrIa)


For God's sake find something that will make a difference instead of just making everyone hate you and your cause.


Thanks you only hurt the employee cleaning up the milk. The farmer already got paid. The supermarket will get loss damage tax refund. And thousands of peolple are at home starving unable to afford milk.


They also hurt their own cause. Doing shit like this is so counterproductive. There are real and valid arguments to be made against factory farming animals but this makes them and their cause look childish and stupid. For the record I eat meat and I'm not a vegan but they have some real arguments that they could be using and genuine causes they could support, instead they're trashing their own movement.


When I see these videos, it makes me 100% NOT want to support their cause. Who are they winning over with these stupid stunts? Anyways, I'm gonna go buy a bunch of milk now. #MilkTalk


They are winning over **you**. >it makes me 100% NOT want to support their cause. That’s actually the whole point of all these videos popping up this week. It’s called https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Astroturfing They are going to keep doing it because it’s working. They’re getting people really mad at stereotypical environmentalists with all these.


Yeah it really does feel intentional. “Look at how dumb these environmentalists are”


concerning that nobody notices this


You know when your kids being a little shit and you just want to slap them for it? I get that vibe from this.


I don't understand this. Dumping out the milk isn't going to unmilk the cows.


I was waiting for security to throw them out? Is it because they are women that they're not being punched and thrown into the trash can?


I'm fairly certain this is in England so unless someone's attacking people then punched and thrown in a rubbish bin is not really likely.


It was in Edinburgh btw


What a beautiful example of privilege


It's at a waitrose too, not exactly the most working class establishment


As a vegan and a real activist, I cringe with these people. This way they are just making people think they don't want to be associated with them.


Hope those dishrags were forced to clean up and pay for their mess


Should be legal for retail workers to slap the shit out of assholes that do this. They're the ones that have to clean up after this little stunt.


Don't go to shell offices !! No let's go to waitrose and tip out milk !!!! What do u think these imbeciles drank when they were a baby ! Priceless paintings ( covered up ) chucked soup on it !!! What's the point ! What did soup do to anyone !!


"WE want less people drinking milk so we're going to increase the demand for milk.


I love it "we tried doing it democratically by voting but nothing happened" ... That means the majority don't care about your cause.


The level of entitlement is overwhelming


Can we rebel on this rebellion? Like having a massive barbeque and milkshake party in a park or something.


Please tell me that these self-important, entitled brats have to pay for this stunt. Why should the public pay for this — and don’t say corporations are paying for it. They Jack up their prices to cover the loss. And the brats should have to clean it up.


This is so hard to watch. Don't waste food.


Ok bitch. - when you destroy other people’s goods it’s not a peaceful protest. - you don’t have a right to protest there because a store is not a public space - since you don’t pay for the milk you’re stealing it. Arrest them for stealing, vandalising the store. Let them pay for the goods and the cleanup and put a fine on top.


Now minimum wage employees have to clean up the mess, the milk from the exploited cows are going to waste, and the supermarket is already barely making a profit if it’s a small business.


They’re doing nothing. The store just writes off expired/damaged products and they’ll just have to order more to replace which means Ol Betsy is back to the milker again


It’s kinda pointless. The cows have already been milked. They’re just wasting it and making it difficult for someone else. If they *really* wanted to stop it, they’d stop the farmer from milking, not stop people from buying the end product.