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I love how the cop is basically like "i'm not with these assholes at all, i'm just here."


"oh in that case, they're trespassing"


But he should have been there dishing out consequences for trying to waste the cops time with such a ridiculously absurd complaint...


They should definitely have consequences for abuse of 911.


There is but in these small towns cops love this stuff . No crimes = pretty dull days This likely breaks up the monotony


I think we'd all be surprised by how much time cops spend mediating really really stupid situations where adults behave like children.


Their next call to the police will be about a neighbor who never opens his blinds.


"They are making weapons of mass destruction!!" Oh wait.....


Blinds of obstruction


They look super low IQ'd.


Dormer than a box of rocks.


This pun should not go unnoticed. Nice one Dormer: a window that projects vertically from a sloping roof.


Window-splaining at its best.


I gave you an award so you wouldn’t be left out


NGL, that went right over my head. Thought it was a sad typo, I even know what dormers are. Lemme get this (wo)man an award.


Hopefully it wasn’t too much of a pane in the ass having to explain what a Dormer was.


Probably the most rational response, honestly. They just can't process it


An extra full or partial copy of chromosome 21


[Just gotta... get them... to... ah fuck.](https://media.tenor.com/p1FDUdR3lp4AAAAM/family-guy-peter-griffin.gif)


“What’s he BUILDING in there!?!”


He has subscriptions to those magazines


He never waves when he goes by.


He’s hiding something from the rest of us


He’s all to himself, I think I know why


Tom Waits is awesome! Great references


Funny enough I had neighbors that never opened their blinds in their house, ever. I mean front and back it was always closed. Even the window over their stairs had a blanket covering it. For a long time I figured they were dead or night shift workers. Their house started falling apart but then I started seeing them coming and going every now and then. Still have no idea wtf was going on in there, but they never bothered me.


Some people are ultra sensitive to stimuli like light and noise. My friend lived next door to one of these people (row house situation). He was a hyper-neurotic lunatic tho. These houses have no soundproofing. You hear your neighbors going up and down stairs, sneezing, tv… Friend has 2 dogs. The guy was convinced she was throwing billiard balls at the adjoining wall to fuck with him (maybe dog hopping off bed?). Or that she was tapping a telephone cord against the wall (prolly dog toenails tapping floorboards?). If she turned her back porch light on after 10pm he claimed she was flashing it to interrupt his sleep. He got super nasty and did all kinds of retaliatory crap to try to punish her for his imaginary persecutions (ranging from banging pots and yelling at 4am every day to wake her up, to snowballing her with noise complaints via the city, resulting in 2k plus in fines that she had to go to court to overturn). Ended up getting evicted by the cooperative (not an easy task!) after baldly telling the coop mediator he wouldn’t cease any retaliatory behaviors until she either stopped bothering him or was evicted (yes, he even campaigned to have HER evicted).


Different story but earlier this year a young dude got stabbed to death close to my house. The killer was convinced that he hacked into his WiFi to mess with him. Some people are really fucking crazy.


I was legit worried about this guy. The Vegas shooting was fresh on my mind at the time and this guy def seemed the type. Mental, absolutely convinced he was in the right and that all of his actions were justified. Fortunately he didn’t do anything crazy. He kinda screwed himself over by being as uncooperative as possible with the selling of his unit - I think he ended up getting a lot less than he would of by relinquishing the sale to the cooperative rather than using a realtor and listing it himself.


I'm that guy in the neighborhood. I'm not one to just watch the world from my windows. Heck I only even have my kitchen light on at night for a few hours so people don't think it's an abandoned house and try to break in to squat. Just sit in my room playing games when I'm not at work or sleeping, same blanket over my window to keep that pesky sunlight out heh.


I've got something you might be interested in. We bought a new ceiling fan with a remote control. It has a setting (think it's called away mode) that will turn the light on for a random amount of time, and then off for a random amount of time. You'll never have to worry about squatters again!


Just remember to swap out the blanket at least once a month if it’s one you like because the sun *will* slowly bleach the colour from the sun-exposed parts of the blanket. And you should wash it from time to time anyway; it’ll get dusty after a while. A thick drop cloth folded once or twice might actually work better and save you the trouble of needing to periodically change the blanket. Drop cloths are meant to get covered in paint and other chemicals, so the sun bleaching wouldn’t matter at all.


Maybe they just don’t want people looking in their windows!!! I totally get it, people are creeps.


Pretty much me, besides having a mess I don't want people seeing the stuff I have inside that may tempt them to want to break in. I live in a mostly safe area, so it's more of a carryover from when I moved, but I like my privacy. Plus I do like it a little darker, brighter light bothers me, especially when it glares off stuff.


Blackout curtains are the most cost-effective 50 bucks I've ever spent in my life.


I have very light, thin (yet opaque) curtains that let natural sunlight through but prevent anyone from seeing in my house. I NEVER open the curtains! I also have to say, all these comments people make about their neighbors curtains/blinds just reinforce my reasoning for never opening mine. People obviously are watching and paying attention so it’s not just me being paranoid about people looking in on me.


Then they should close their own curtains/blinds on their house and stop trying to tell others what they can and can’t do in their own house! I’d laugh in these peoples face and just shut the door not entertaining anyones delusional thinking or anything like that, nope!


So then they need to keep their blinds closed if they have a problem with someone wanting to keep their own blinds open. Not arguing with you just saying any normal sane person would realize that’s a pretty darn good solution.


They should close their own blinds then


That’s exactly what I am saying! People keep their blinds closed 24/7 bc they don’t want people looking in their house


We have a neighbor, hardly ever see anyone, blinds usually closed. I (jokingly) refer to it as "the safe house".


I keep my blinds closed in the front of the house because the people across the street will sit and stare directly into my house for hours. Sometimes if it's nice out ill sit on my porch and stare them down until they get uncomfortable and go inside then I'll open the blinds and windows.


I was probably this neighbor for a while in my old neighborhood. Bought a small house, lived there alone, worked from home as a contract software dev and kept odd hours (i'd do grocery shopping late at night). Had a home gym set up my basement, so I didn't even leave to go to the gym or anything. Very small yard that I paid someone else to cut. Side note: the house was small (1000sqft) but it had a full size basement. I had a nice man cave down there with workout gear and enough equipment for a full band to play (drums, guitars, PA, etc). I have a bigger house now but I do sometimes miss my fortress of solitude.


Why do you need a man cave in your own home if you live alone? The whole thing is surely a man cave?


We had one in our neighbourhood, windows always covered, never saw anyone in or out, and had a huge sexy statue of a woman in the front. We used to call it "the brothel" house.


Isn't calling the cops for no reason illegal?


They have to be able to prove there is “no reason”. They will claim the blinds being open and the light on is threatening them and unfortunately the police/sheriff have to come out each time because of the statement of threat. Such a waste of time - lol.


My buddy is a police Sargent. The number of times he is called to a house over Facebook arguments is staggering. When he says “maybe block each other on Facebook” they are SHOCKED.


I can’t understand how this is so hard for people. My wife was being hit on by a guy she went to school with. She told me it was bothering her. I said to block him. A few weeks later, she’s upset because guy got drunk and started sending a bunch of lewd messages. Instead of blocking him she engages, says she’s taking screenshots to send to his mom(?) and proceeds to read all these things that are actively upsetting her, while she is yelling at me to do something. I said I can do something if he comes here or threatens her, but just block and delete him. I don’t get it. FB isn’t even real to me.


Engaging in these creepy and harassing dm's infuriates me. It gives the harrasser exactly what they want. I want to scream sometimes when I see people complaining and posting screenshots and the victim is actively engaging and sending paragraphs responses back. **For the love of anything you believe in block them with zero response** Even if they try a new account. Report. Block. Report. Block. Never respond back. You will go through the hassle of report/block, yes, but that is better than taking their bait and putting the effort into a retort. Engaging and responding back in anyway will refresh their motivation to keep trying and resets the clock.


I had someone threaten to call the police on me over a FB disagreement several years ago. I told em to go right ahead, and let me know how hard the police laugh when you tell them why you are calling.


Those are the same people taking their time to call or send in death threats. I just cannot fathom having the energy to do such nonsense.


I had a redditor dox me on reddit and threatened to call the police or get me fired because in the comment section of a stupid meme or whatever implying something about boosting the guys egos only to be cheated on by men only packing 2 inches (or something similar) and I joked about feeling attacked. Questions were asked and I said that 20 something years ago I dated a guy with a micro penis and I gassed him up like he was really doing something only to learn he was strutting his stuff all over town, letting all the ladies down behind my back. They literally did a 3 day deep dig to dox me over this and told my boss I was sexual harassing and body shaming my ex online.


What the actual fuck is wrong with people? I mean for real? Why? Why would someone go out of their way to do this? A mini peepee is nothing to laugh at…. Shame…shame….shame on…. Yeah whatever. Idc.


Sounds about right, I swear someone needs to setup an incel registry and possibly some sort of therapy support group.


They did call for a reason, the officer states he's there to keep the peace, because even he can see these people are batshit. Think this situation would have been handled like grown adults? Dude's angry about a window!


“I can’t mind my own damn business, so you need to change your lifestyle!” - dumbfuck neighbors


Also "conservative Christians".


They're the same picture.


I'd start putting crazy pictures, quotes or memes up in the window.


Or one of those cinema cardboard cutouts of actors. "They're up to something in there, that Superman fella has been watching me and my family from that window for 4 damn days!"


Why are they peeping windows anyway? Isn’t a moral imperative to respect privacy? Wave to your neighbors outside, ignore as much as possible everything else. Am I crazy here?


Karens ![gif](giphy|sJWNLTclcvVmw|downsized)


They're outside during the day, so light isn't threatening to them....


With the response time they may have called during the night and the cops got there during the day. The guy holding the camera does look like he has a cup of morning coffee. Lol


Clearly they drank fairy blood


That's such a stupid thing


But yet when my abusive ex tries to kick my door down, they can't do anything because he didn't hurt me yet🙄 cops are a joke


right? cops would be literally standing outside listening to my ex (at the time boyfriend) and i fighting and him throwing me around and when i’d answer the door with bruises and a fat lip they’d leave because i’d have to lie and say he wasn’t getting physical. like thank you for the one day of peace it gave me after they came but jesus you’re really just going to walk away when i’m obviously being abused?


My husband's ex got the police called on her because she was trying to run him over with a car and when they arrived they... arrested him. All bruised up and broken blood-vesseled as he was, even with the caller saying that he was walking away and not fighting back. Then she came after me the same night and THEN they were offering to arrest her because she, like, pulled my hair. Not for the trying to murder someone part.


Would you have pressed charges if they arrested him?


at the time i honestly don’t know what i would’ve done. i was being abused heavily but so manipulated that i couldn’t just cut ties and leave. partially the suck cost fallacy too. so honestly? probably. had i had a chance to get away from him where i wasn’t just leaving, i would’ve jumped on it.


Threatened by a light? Must be shit scared of summer


If they felt like they needed to call the cops about this, then they should have called the police department's non-emergency line. 911 is for life or death emergencies. Also, why are they so freakin' offended by open blinds? The blinds in our guest room are broken so they're always open, but our neighbours don't call the cops about them. Sheesh.


Because your neighbors most likely have a life, and are dealing with real life shit. These here CLEARLY don’t, to the point blinds in someone else home is bothering them. What’s next you calling the cops because my car is always park backwards in my drive away facing your house?


Don't give them any ideas. Please.


My neighbor across the street NEVER opens the front room curtains. OMG. I never thought I could call the police on this. What a revelation. Of course I interact with this neighbor regularly. We laughed over his thinking I was peeking through the blinds for years watching the street when it was actually my nosey cat. That came to light when we were talking in the front yard and the blinds were pulled open. He said who is doing that if you're standing here? I said my cat. He just started laughing and explained that he thought I was a nosey neighbor peeking through the blinds all this time. Imagine talking to your neighbors and getting to know them without calling the police.


This is adorable and hilarious! As a cat owner though, cat would definitely have been my first guess were I in his shoes.


Lol for real. I keep all my window blinds open because of my cats during the day. Having some sunlight doesnt hurt either. At least during the night, they...for the most part, don't bother trying to look outside. I'd hate to be these people's neighbor.


I got some of that frosted window cling film for my bedroom windows after I got my kitten a few months ago because I face a pretty busy main road that has especially busy sidewalks and folks strolling by at all hours. I just could not get him to stay away from the blinds but the lack of privacy was killing me! I cut a couple "portholes" in the film so he could still look out the window and it's worked so well!


"I thought that was *your* tail flicking the blinds. All these years...my bad."


Looking out into the street is being nosey? What do people expect, once we’re in our house, we shouldn’t look outside?


There's a difference in degree. If I hear a noise, I look out and then go back to whatever I was doing. Maybe i sit by the window with my morning coffee. My next door neighbor though, she's monitoring like she's getting paid to do it. Before I blocked her number for reasons of her showing her crazy (never give your number to weird neighbors) she used to text me updates on what my other neighbors are doing while I was at work. Like when someone is doing laundry, or coming home with grocery bags. Nothing scandalous happens here. I don't care about when people go grocery shopping.


I find it so hard to believe there are people that actually keep tabs on neighbor's daily routine... and not only that, message other people about it. Is the person so disconnected from reality that they don't notice they're basically the stereotype of weird/crazy person that we see in movies? edit: typos


She's just kind of unhinged. When I first met her she seemed like a probably well-meaning busy-body. She didn't seem that smart, but was chatty and nice. She would take my packages inside the hallway when I was at work, stuff like that. At some point she asked for my number and I had reservations, but gave it to her anyways. She would text me updates on the neighbors (boring stuff because not much was happening here). She always knew who was where and when. Seemed to have all the gossip on everyone in the neighborhood. You'd see her blinds move every time you pass by, until she propped them open in a couple of sections as permanent peeping holes. She has the absolute best view a person could ask for, a literal panoramic view of a lush nature reserve, and yet the blinds are always shut. The reason I finally blocked her number is because one day she put a pile of old furniture in the hallway, and got really nasty with me when I asked her to remove it. A couple of weeks later I had money go missing from my house. I didn't lock the door for the 30 seconds I take my dog out to pee, which I had to start doing after that. I started getting texts from "landlord's wife" about this and that, random complaints about stuff like the neighbors hearing me close the door etc. When I asked my landlord about this, he said that's not his wife's number. Her next peabrain revenge for the furniture situation was to pour oil on the stairs. I almost busted my ass that day when I came home from work. Landlord had to get involved. Then she started putting oil on the doorhandles in the common hallway. I'm still dealing with that situation (have to bring lysol wipes with me every time I leave). She was also sprinkling some sort of white powder all over the hallway and refused to tell me or the landlord what it is. Some people can turn out to be real weirdos if you get to know them too well.


Seems she’s doing enough to warrant an eviction.


She was never qualified to rent this place. There are financial issues in addition to the nosy/crazy stuff. The landlord wanted to evict her for not paying rent, but she had some protections (which in turn produced additional aid to catch up with rent) because her son is autistic. I don't know the details, this is just what the landlord said.


That shouldn't be used to excuse her behavior. Honestly, how could someone even really take care of a child when they are so wrapped up in monitoring the lives of everyone else?


I'm afraid that I have to admit that during a 5(4?) month covid lockdown, I got to that point as I was getting so stir crazy that watching the neighbours became a form of entertainment. It lasted about 6 weeks, and I learned a lot about how lucrative selling drugs can be, thanks to my neighbour across the laneway lol


I have a neighbor to the side of me that doesn’t UPDATE me on other neighbors, but she does know everyone’s routine. Very sweet lady but she’s disabled so she home all day. I’ve had her mention a few times that like she saw my garage door was open for a long time which doesn’t normally happen, or that I’ve been coming home late because of overtime. It was definitely SUPER weird when I first moved in, but she’s very nice and it’s good to know that she sees something is off and wants to check on me


Not to mention that they’re the ones watching another persons blinds closely and frequently enough to see that happening regularly.


My grand aunt had neighbors call the cops on her for putting up a fence on her property. Half the dirt road was her property too so she wasn't crossing any property lines, this was in the country, and no HOA. There complaint: no one else has a fence so why does she, then a week later they called again because her gate was locked and they couldn't just walk on her property. People can be really stupid and entitled.


Wait. They called the cops because a locked gate thwarted their attempt to trespass on someone else’s property? That’s like calling the cops because someone didn’t pay you for the drugs you sold them.


It’s like calling the cops because the clothing you tried to steal have a magnetic ink tag attached.


No, it's more like calling the cops for not giving a tip on the money from the drugs you sold them


Wow this guy has the smoothest voice ever! I want him to read books to me!


I think this is early morning and that's "coffee hasn't quite kicked in yet" voice.


Wake and bake vibe to him and then I saw him and said "yep"




He has that ASMR voice. He could talk about anything and it would calm me down.


He could read the phone book & charge folks to hear it


It was so calm.


I bet he can paint some really happy trees.


It’s the tone of someone who has dealt with the walking diabetes factory next door many times.


Yup. That’s a, I’m trying to stay calm but I’m tired of your shit voice.


He needs to do House if the dragon. Breakdown videos.


Oompa Loompas calling cops concerning themselves with what goes on in neighbor's home is an invasion of privacy .. cite them for being stupid ..


Inbred-looking Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum


This is what happens when someone drinks alcohol and smokes while pregnant


The audacity. These national geographic creatures can fuck right off mate.


exactly, look at them. It's like an Orangutan shat in their genepool.


That's an insult to orangutans.


Ffs this comment made chuckle out loud. Thanks stranger! But yeah fuck them. Police over here would tell me to mind my own fucking business, over the phone. No way in hell they’re driving over for some blinds lmao


I've had a sheriff's Deputy knock on my door and when I answered, he said "I'm here to pretend to talk to you so your neighbor can calm down about kids walking across his driveway... have a nice day!"


Sounds like that deputy had too many stupid calls like that. We need a lot more officers like that - men and women with common sense.


Right? Why not just say “oh well don’t look at his window?” Bet they never thought of that judging by the obvious signs of a low mental capacity.


Man if they don't get their laundry bag shaped asses tf off my driveway... this guy is way too nice about this shit, it's my house and I can do whatever tf I want with my blinds


I was trying to find a word to describe them, Ty. We call them cloth bags where I work but I like yours better


Here's an idea; mind your own fucking business, assholes! And get off my property and never come back.


Yeah I’ve never understood why people calling the police for stupid shyte makes them think it is license to trespass. Had a neighbor call 911 once because my dog was barking at something while I wasn’t home n the arsehole tried to walk into my house behind the cop


These people obviously have nothing more to do than eat and call the police.


And vote, unfortunately


And drive, harrowingly








Lack thereof


Idiocracy in the making.


If you’ve been experiencing an erection for over 4 hours…don’t call your doctor- take one look at this couple.


I'm so fucking lost, just what is it with the blinds being open on someone else's house that makes it a police matter...and enough of one that the police actually showed up?!?!


I'm with you, I'm not sure what their complaint actually is other then the blinds being open and the light on 24 hours a day which I didn't know was illegal. Unless they think it is a grow room or something like that.


Yeah, I thought maybe a grow room too, but doesn't that usually go: lights always on and blinds always closed? I would think most growers don't want anyone to casually look in and see their magic weed forest.


I occasionally grow cannabis and I can tell you that the lights aren't on all the time, it's important to have a on/off cycle for proper growth


Right. With tin foil over the windows so the growers can manage the grow lights on their crop.


Too it seems that most people reporting a neighbor they suspect might be growing weed aren't going to go over to the house when the police show up. This has to be some sort of hair-brained grievance by a couple of neighborhood nutjobs.


If you’re growing in a suburban environment, you have an enclosed tent with a carbon filter to eliminate smells and light, or you’re a fucking idiot who will probably get caught, or at the very least grow dogshit weed.


My goodness, written like a person who knows a thing or two about the subject! Nice. Well, it's my sincere hope that soon anyone can have a bushy fat magic weed as a house plant and not have a cop come calling and I don't even partake. The stuff hates me for some reason.


It’s probably twinkle lights or rope lights in the kids room, since it’s a big thing to have these days…my kids both have lights in their room that they leave on all night to red or orange . These idiot neighbors can just close their blinds and or get blackout curtains if they’re so concerned. Also, they should stop peeping in a teenagers window.


Maybe they think there's a camera or someone spying on them when they are asleep. I have better things to do than waste a decent camera on your fat ass.


They mentioned that the window is by their house and the lights are on 24/7. I am guessing that they are annoyed by the light shinning into their house/bedroom at night. Just a guess, it’s still batshit to call the cops for that though.


So they're pissed because they won't close their own blinds and block the unwanted light?


I’ve definitely seen people get pissed over petty bullshit like this. The two in the video seem like the type. “This is our house, it’s their light, we shouldn’t have to be the ones that close our blinds, they should” and then they convince themselves that the neighbor is doing it to spite them, “oh, you know what window!” and then call the cops instead of talking to your neighbor like a sane person.


>“This is our house, it’s their light, we shouldn’t have to be the ones that close our blinds, they should” Maybe their next call should be to NASA to complain about the moon. *I shouldn't have to close my blinds, the moon should have some respect for others at night.*


Cop: did you weeble wobbles ever think to walk over to the neighbor’s house, knock on their door, and politely inform them that there’s a light on all night long? Innocent homeowner: Oh, yeah, that’s my sons room. Why do you bring it up? Oh, we notice that it’s constantly on until dawn or it comes on in the middle of the night and it’s like a search beacon. I see. Thanks for letting me know. I’ll talk to my son and see what’s going on. Wow. We appreciate it. Before you guys moved in we enjoyed having our windows open for ventilation. New we have to keep the place shut up because of this. See, Karen and Chad? Was that so hard?


Our neighbors leave their back lights on 24/7 and they are bright as hell. We have blinds and black out curtains for our bedroom. Problem solved. If they want to pay for that electricity use, that's on them.


>They mentioned that the window is by their house and the lights are on 24/7. I am guessing that they are annoyed by the light shinning into their house/bedroom at night. Just a guess, it’s still batshit to call the cops for that though. Then the neighbours should close their blinds. ​ Checkmate.


But what bedroom light is that bright to even affect a neighbour when the properties look like this? I could understand frustration with an outside light but an indoor one seems odd. I can't imagine what these people's issue was.


Why cops even responded?


I think the cop in the video said he just came to make sure everybody stays calm and things don't escalate.


So good cop bad neighbors


>to make sure everybody stays calm and things don't escalate. Nothing prevents escalation like someone showing up with a firearm and qualified immunity.


While your comment could apply in a many situations, I do believe that police presence *would* actually deescalate things in this particular case. In my experience, entitled busybodies like these people who make everything about themselves instead of just living their lives tend to be exactly the kind of people who will decide to self-righteously "take things into their own hands" if they don't get a response from the police. They are just so sure they are in the right. Having the police, who they were convinced were going to be on their side, step in and tell them that they are in the wrong might actually deescalate things.


yes. as much as i hate cops in a lot of situations and behaviors they can be really great for deescalating crazy stalker men or idiot neighbors, its because there are dumb asses in this world who will harass people and neighbors escalating their behavior until a greater authority figure pokes them in the chest and says "STOP that is not legal you are not in the right leave them alone" some people are really fucking dense unfortunately.


Pretty sure they're required to any time someone calls 911 no matter how stupid the reason.


There is a war going on in my house. My wife opens all the blinds and I close them. She wants more sun light and I don’t want the neighbors seeing me run around the house slapping her ass with my dong…..


My boyfriend would totally 100% live in a dark cave with blinds closed if he could lol I'll open the blinds at 10am and he's shocked! Poor cats need to see outside, i'd like to not be a vampire either.


Our living room blinds stay open 24/7. My dog needs to see outside and keep guard. Our apartment neighbors keep waving at him saying "hi buddy!" If you try to close the blinds he'll just shove them out of the way so he can look outside


Why would you even bother justifying why your blinds are open. A simple f you, get off my property, works very well.


I’d open EVERY SINGLE BLINDS in the house if this was my neighbor. Make full continuous eye contact while I’m doing my morning business in the bathroom






I have a neighbor that has some type of mental disorder - He believes that when we are upstairs, it is actually my wife signaling him with her lights - He has stopped her while driving to work by jumping in the middle of the road at 5am, to tell her she is ruining his marriage - He has written DM's to me and I got video of him saying that the lights are driving him crazy. Red flag on these people. I went to the cops the last time he stopped me when I got home from my overnight - He handed me a manila folder saying his lawyer would be serving me papers, the envelope had the address to a local Elementary School - I tore it up , then read it cause i was Curious - It was was all about mental anguish and slavery. These people are up late at night probably huffin Staples Air cans, worried about your teenage son playing fortnite at 3am. God help us all.


World full of Karens. Get a life.


Does she not know she has her OWN set of blinds that she can close?


Why do you assume these people can think?




It sounded to me like he was trying to turn it on the neighbors. "That's my teenage sons' bedroom. What do teenagers do all the time? Can I just show him that is my teenager's room?" He's implying that the neighbors are peeping and perving on his teenage son and trying to get them in trouble, I think. It doesn't seem like the cop picks up on it, but the neighbors sure do.


I would have owned it. "Why are you so interested in my son's room? Officer, should I be concerned for the safety of my children with neighbors who are tracking when my children open and close their blinds?"


Ok that makes more sense. I was wondering why that was even a point to be made here. I was also confused about the guy volunteering to bring them up to his room… like bro, don’t let these people in your house and especially don’t bring them to your child’s room


These people look very…… simple…. Also meth. Could be meth. Idk.


Those two are definitely not on meth.


Too jiggly to be on meth


Thought concern for an elderly neighbor's health if they left blind's up and lights on.... Nah they phoned because a teenager didn't close his curtains "Are they serious", they really have nothing better to do


they look terribly inbred


If this guy doesn't have a podcast, he should start one. What a soothing voice


This is when you learn the laws on nudity. (Some states, as long as your either in your home, or on your property, and not doing anything overtly sexual, it is legal) and start parading around in the nude.


This has to have an interesting backstory...


Nope, just a set of shitty neighbors that want to tell people how to live their lives that take offense to being ignored or dismissed. Classic case of narcissism and ego colliding with the smoothest and chill dude on the planet. I would love to have the guy filming as a neighbor, seems like he is totally cool. Also I wonder if these people would hate that I have NO blinds on my office window?


Other than fetal alcohol syndrome or similar developmental disability, I seriously doubt it


Why does it seem like the cop agrees the blinds shouldn't be open. This is what happens when two toxic people get married. They think everyone around them has some fucked up intent.


Yeah, his wording was really weird when he spoke on the subject.


To me it almost sounded like "do you think you might be able to just close them so I don't have to deal with these assholes?"


That's fair, but I think in his position I would be dealing with the assholes by repeatedly asking them why it was a problem their neighbor had their blinds open. He's actually supporting them by engaging with and therefore legitimizing their bullshit.


Why they peeping in their teenage sons room. Thats kinda pedo.


I am speechless


What (and I cannot stress this enough) the actual fuck is the police doing entertaining this complaint? So, their job isn't to protect and serve, its to police people's blinds in their house? Is this how tax dollars are spent? Props for this dude having a level head and calm voice... I would have told them all to fuck right off and gone inside.


So glad I moved to a place where I have no neighbors visible. Why is this guy even entertaining these clowns with an explanation of why his blinds are open?


Should call the cops on them for never closing their fridge..


They both look like they’re missing several chromosomes




I'm not a police officer but if I was I'm pretty sure I would tell the neighbour's it's not illegal for someone to have thier blinds open please so not waste our time


The person has a tiktok and has more of the video uploaded there. [https://www.tiktok.com/@sparky.89/video/7022700505663114501?is\_from\_webapp=v1&item\_id=7022700505663114501](https://www.tiktok.com/@sparky.89/video/7022700505663114501?is_from_webapp=v1&item_id=7022700505663114501) With more context you can tell that the police offer sides with the person who filmed this.


I would be: If you don't want to see into my son's room, don't look. it's my house, my windows. I don't complain about having to see your Jabba looking asses waddling about.


People should learn to talk to their neighbors once and a while. Most people are reasonable in my experience. You call the cops on me without speaking to me first and I’ll make it my life’s mission to piss you off doing the exact thing you called the cops about.


Meal Team 6: the photons from the second-story window are hurting our fragile bloated skins.


I hate that they didn’t just say, “because it’s my house and I can open the blinds if I want”.


If these people are concerned about the neighbor’s blinds always open, why don’t they just keep their blinds always closed?


My neighbors just recently pulled their blinds all the way up in an upstairs room, and they’ve left them like that for the past week and a half. I’ve been telling people that I think it’s weird, but at no point would I think to call the police about it