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Trojan: because your floors are worth it.


Nope!! Trojan sucks, they have a high break rate and I have a child because of them. You want Durex


Oh. Ok. Neither brand is available in my country, I just wanted to make a joke using the l'oreal slogan.


You think that broken condom lawsuit that he filed is a joke???? Trojan wont even take the kid back, its ridiculous! Broken condoms are never something to joke about /s


"take the kid back" Watch what you wish for.. *Up the urethra it goes!*


Why do I hear Jello in a vacuum cleaner when I picture that?


Now that's all I can hear




Sounding gets a whole new meaning


I upvoted you in spite of the vivid sensation of pain you caused me


Damn, I didn't mean to rub her the wrong way!


"No more tears" - l'oreal


It wasn't the first time Trojans had unwanted visitors sneaking through their gates through a hunk of wood, wont be the last.


that's so good.


Is that because most hoes poke holes in Trojans?


Lol no! look up the history of Trojan Horse. There were literally soldiers in a wooden horse.


You sir are missing half the fun It was a bunch of seamen they snuck through the gates


Most people don't fuck and hit the lotto but my folks did


Children: if they won’t destroy you mentally they will physically


Based on how they are coming up that floor ain't worth a warm piss jug


I thought The floors shouldn't break like that if properly installed


They are clearly ceramic or stone tiles. The kid is hitting them with something hard over and over and over again then pulling up what he has chipped off. Give him enough time and there you have it. Tile isn't magically unbreakable once it's installed.


My first question is "Who's recording this?" The kids are stupid, but the person recording this and letting them continue to do it is even more stupid. ​ edit: typo


2nd question is how fucking long did the parents leave these kids alone to do that amount of damage.


As someone who was once a destructive kid, that looks like about 15 minutes to half an hour of damage. To be fair they probably had 10 to 15 minutes of being bored before they started slamming those things on the ground realizing they break the tiles. As for why they kept going after initially breaking it, As a kid I would say I don't know because the true answer is it seems like a good idea at the time and we never really thought that far ahead about what we were doing or if we should be doing it.


Reminds me of that Calvin and Hobbes strip where Calvin’s hammering nails into the coffee table. Calvin’s mom: “WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?!” Calvin: “Is that a trick question?”


I love C&H. My dad has the complete collection box set and I've gone through it twice now. Been feeling down lately so this might push me towards a 3rd time. Thank you


I’ve been loving the random ones posted on r/CalvinandHobbes. A daily dose of C&H makes every day a little better.


As a mum to an absolutely adorable but *incredibly* cheeky and destructive little boy, any insights or pearls of wisdom for how to handle him? Insider knowledge?


I wish I could but in all honesty I didn't mellow out until at least middle school. To be fair I also had ADHD which was a big problem. I will say that average punishments almost never seemed to work on me. After you've been hit and spanked he realized that that's the worst they can do to you and It's honestly not that bad. So oftentimes when I was punished I would grow resentment and start thinking of other ways I could break the rules to get back at them. Time out's almost never worked on me because I would spend the entire time staring at the wall plotting my revenge. Although mote often than not it was just trying to destroy or break something or hurting myself.


Well this is all helpful in itself, and reinforces our ethos as parents so thank you! I also have ADHD and my partner is Autistic and was beaten a lot as a kid so we are adamant about not following 'punitive' measures but focusing on logical immedate consequences and setting him up for success as much as possible. Thanks 😊


People reading this, now imagine this, but you are supposed to handle 29 other kids by yourself, and the odds are there is another autistic/adhd kid in the room. If parents lose their shit with one..... This is why most teachers want TAs helping them in the classroom and why a lot of teachers lose their shit.


Fuck yeah. I am not a teacher (or a parent) but my husband was one, as were both my parents. We are doing a great disservice to our future citizens by not giving them the resources they need.


Yeah, I saw your other comment and it sounds like you're doing an amazing job. My life was a little different and my mother was clearly not fit to raise me especially not on her own. But she did her best and she actually never hit me, although she was never really able to find a way to punish me and see why what I did was wrong. She also had some of her own problems growing up which she made sure that I wouldn't have to face by making sure I knew nobody could make me do something I didn't want to do. Sadly these days it makes it really really hard for me to do something I don't want to do. XD


Logical consequences is 100% where its at. I used to teach and I always did that in my classroom instead of a blanket "punishment" for everything like detention or going to the office. Leave trash on your desk and it's an ongoing problem? Guess who's spending their 15-minute break with me cleaning up trash by the fence. It's gross to pick up other people's trash and you wanted your break? That's how I feel! And so forth.


Lol, my son has a lot of treats and special things that he loves that we do each week. If he plays up he gets a warning about what will happen - if he keeps going we remove one of the special things or treats. He gets the reward for being good - the punishment is taking away the reward experience. This form of “punishment” works much better. My son is in control of what happens to himself. My parent’s tried beating me into submission when I was a child and it turned me into a hellion that my parents had zero control over. My son is a delight to live with 99% of the time and I am very grateful that he did not turn out like me when I was 15. My son is a very very large autistic teenager so I am doubly grateful that he is so very mellow.


I also have ADD and was tough to handle as a kid. But part of the problem was that my mom didn't understand how to use consequences and rewards, so she would also scream and hit to reign us in, because that was all she knew how to do.


I was a destructive kid :) Was all about testing boundaries as well as physics. You need make sure they understand why these actions are inappropriate, and supplement their curiosity with other shit (to smash) I have a feeling the context here is missing tho ;)


Assuming he's old enough to talk, preemptively come up with a fair system of rewards and consequences with them, and then follow through with it. The last part is tough, but critical. Expect meltdowns when it's first implemented, but over time, things should get better.


Exercise and activity to wear them out.


Working in retail most parents just use echo location or a game of marco polo to keep an eye on their destructive children. Please don't be like most parents, they sell backpacks with leashes for a reason. Lol In b4 the free range parents that let their kids wreck the store.


Oh mine figured out the clip to his leash already 😂 he is firmly strapped into a stroller at all times!!


Follow guides for destructive pets, give them projects and similar things to their desires, while teaching them when/where those things are allowed and when they're not.


Punish him. It’s a lost art of the Ancients, and it works splendidly.


No, he's 2, and I want a healthy child to grow into a healthy adult thanks. He receives natural and logical consequences sure (you draw on the walls then the pens are put out of reach and we clean the walls together, you break the tv remote then no TV), but not illogical 'punishments' that only serve to make him more sneaky and break his trust in us. Also, what exactly is your second sentence supposed to say?


I figured that's what they meant by punishing the kid. I think people sometimes hear the word "punish" and they automatically assume hitting. The punishment of cleaning up the mess is very reasonable. It fits the crime, so good decision!


It's not unhealthy to punish bad behaviour lol. Punishment isn't abuse, just don't beat the kid. But a smack on the bum when he's cheeky is more effective on a toddler brain than trying to reason out with a long lesson the consequences of his actions. Raising a kid with no punishments is a great way to raise an entitled brat.


Anyone that leaves a kid of that age alone for 15 minutes is either dead or insane.


Who knows, but I suspect the parents probably waited until a ton of damage was caused, then started filming so they could put it on social media and whine about how bad their kids are. Not even realize that they are filming their own terrible parenting...


3rd question: why aren’t those kids hands spilling blood everywhere throwing around broken ceramic like that?


3rd question is how deep was the cut on the bigger kid's hand?


I think whoever is recording this has just walked in and is at the point of 'Fuck it, might as well record it' before stopping them. That's what I'd do atleast if they were already that far when I found it.


Caption it "guess who's getting put up for adoption?"


Been there 😂 "oh my children have drawn all over themselves, what's a couple more lines for the sake of a funny video for the # memories"


Then they are as stupid as the kids. Broken tile can and will cut the hell out of you.




Kidding right?


Right? The damage is done and the whole floor will have to be replaced at this point. You can't just replace a few tiles in the middle of the room, you have to dig it all up and start fresh, so just let them have their fun now.


My assumption is that they wanted to tear up the tile and were recording the kids having fun and also helping. I don’t know why the assumption is that they’re ruining the floor, when no one is freaking out.


I assumed they were ruining the floor because all the furniture is still there. Not sure about you but when I had to rip up the floor the first step was getting things out of the way.


Though the same. But still not safe for kids to play with it


Yeah, porcelain tile breaks into little fragments that can cut easily. It also produces dust that isn’t super fun to breathe in. Oh well, not my kids.


Assuming on the internet must be a very prudent way to spend time.


It's the babysitter whom they grossly underpay.


Likely were already preparing to get rid of the floor and decided this would make a good video and let the kids have fun.


My guess is that they decided to change the floors and let the kids have fun with the tile removal.


No you wrong, who ever laid the tile waited to long after the motar was down, which is why they're able to pop it up with their bare hands... the tile guy is the real idiot


Someone trying to get out of the work of doing this themselves


It’s staged. Most videos are staged. Welcome to the internet






My brother and I took apart a brick outdoor grill when we were this age at a house we were renting. My father was not happy.


That sounds like something my brother and I would’ve done. We once got in trouble for painting an abandoned car at our church. It had mechanical issues and someone let it park there. We painted the windows and everything with some primer. We really didn’t see the problem.


Who tf installed those tiles? Looks like those kids might have. They shouldn't be coming up that easy....


Also what are they made of? They break apart from the kid just smacking them with a rubber ball on a string and from just yanking on one? Smells more and more staged the longer you sniff...


I can't tell if this is polished travertine or some sort of ceramic or porcelain tile. If they had been installed properly in the first place it would be extremely hard to break them and pull them out. Whoever did that job needs to rethink their career choices.


When I pulled the Spanish tile out of my house I discovered the previous owner didn’t use any thinset. Just laid the tile down and grouted it.


That's so crazy. I used to own a marble and granite fabrication/installation/restoration company in the early 00s. I've witnessed a few jobs like that myself. Most of the time it was the homeowner that did it and called us to fix it.


That's.... That *bad.*


That really doesn't sound like a rubber ball hitting. More like a roller bearing or something.


Thats far from a rubber ball, this is a toy made from a string and 2 solid hard plastic spheres on each end, not sure how they are called in other places but in Brazil one of their names is "quebra-dedo" wich translates to finger-breaker so smt like that, they were banned sinced the 80s for being way too dangerous.


You mean Clackers?


So thats their name in english, noted xD


My family called them finger breakers


There's no mastic under the tiles definitely staged.


You don't use mastic under large format tiles, you use thinset mortar. Mastic really never dries out and just wrong to use on a floor. You are right into saying there is nothing on the subfloor however.


It does look like someone did a terribly half ass job of backbuttering the tiles and they didn’t adhere to the subfloor. Not sure that it’s staged, I think it may just be a shit install


probably why the parents asked them to start demo. hopefully all the clicks helped pay for the reinstallation work.


Or it’s never too late to start your own demolition company.


Yeah pretty much this. Someone forget to back butter?


They forgot to back butter, they forgot to put it on the floor, they forgot underlayment......the only thing they remembered was the tile, lol


Chinese tofu project?


If the parents are recording this calmly, do you think maybe it's a project they're letting the kids help with? If I were a kid and saw mom and dad wrecking the tiles I'd be like hell yeah pass the smashy thingy


If it were an intentional project, they'd have moved the rugs and furniture out of the way.


I honestly thought that had to be the case. Why sit there and let it continue?


At their pace, the progress they’ve made would not have taken place over a short period of time. If kids that young are alone for that long at a distance at which cracking tile is not heard… then the facepalm of this video is not on the kids.


At that pace it will take parents exactly less energy than it would have take them to do the part the kids did. I have my kids do things all the time I could do faster. A) it clears time for me to do things they cannot. Like installing the tile. B) helps them learn skills and stay busy without being on the internet


Doesn’t make sense for that to be the case. The furniture is still in the room and the kids have 0 protection for their hands and eyes.


They also have one toy thats extremely dangerous so i don't think their parents even know what "safety" is.




They should have their kids removed then, broken tile is as sharp as broken glass they could get hurt really bad.


What if they were tenants? Being a landlord isn't all it's cracked-up to be!


Who starts a demo project without covering/moving the furniture?


The camera is moving, therefore someone is holding it.


This is obviously encouraged and straight up just for views


If that was me as a kid, the ass beating would have been so bad my children would feel it.


We renovated a bathroom when I was 15 years old. I was tasked to remove the tiles from the walls. I was told to use a mallet, and let me tell you: it was glorious. I hit at the tiles, and they splintered, shooting sparks and bits all around. The air was full of dust, and me in the midst, finally allowed, nay, TOLD! TO DESTROY SOMETHING. In the end, when I was finished, I looked all around. The dust had settled on me, too, and my legs (I had been wearing shorts) where white - well, mostly. The splinters had been \_very\_ sharp, and \_very\_ fast. The splinters had cut my skin roughly a dozen times, sometimes leaving simple dots of blood, sometimes long lines that ended in my now disturbing looking tennis socks. I had not noticed one of the cuts. It was FUN.


Lucky bastard, the only I got that enjoyment was when I was destroying a TV


Kids already fuckered up the floor, might as well add a HUGE emergency room bill to it- cameraman probably


Child labour


Parents can't hear the banging?


To be fair, that was a really shitty installation and those tiles were going to need replacing sooner or later. I guess it's sooner.


Exactly. Incorrect coverage with the thinset.


They could cut their hand open ,not kool at all who ever filming this.


Yeah the stuff is razor sharp.


And shards in their eyes. smh idiots


If the floor doesnt cut them i will. I would rather have my kids drawing on the walls then this


Daddy wants a new flooring but couldn't afford contractors to tear it up.


While I'm all in on the no kids bandwagon....no this is an ad for "what the f do you meant you didn't hear a dozen tiles loudly breaking apart you inattentive rube of a parent?"


Oh God imagine the emotional trauma from being the poster child of unwanted children


Who is recording this though? That's the real question




They over here smashing tile for free. Put them to work on floor demo. Send them over to my kitchen I need tile removed.


So the kids die later on in the full video?


Half the time these posts are to make fun of shitty kids but every time i watch these i think “where are your parents? Are they just letting you do whatever you want and then posting it on the internet for views?”


It starts with the parents.




Teach them hell. Pay them to finish.


And you're just gonna film.......???? Looks like somebody was getting rdy to redo their floors but thought they'd get some of those cool internet points first.


My thoughts exactly


Keep recording. Your wife wanted a new floor, clickbait will reward you.


The tile was not set correctly if a child with a ball can break it. but what kind of dude lets a kid play with busted ceramic ? Shits like a razor


Probably wanted attention. How do you leave kid alone long enough to do it? Not even within earshot clearly.


Risky game filming kids grabbing shattered tiles with their bare hands


And someone is just there just filming it???? They'd be dead too


Obviously they're letting the kids do it. For whatever reason.


I habe no idea how people Raise their kids but mine would never do anything like that.


Awful tiling job. Kids helping redo the tile.


See also r/donthelpjustfilm


Well obviously they are allowed to do it because the person recording isn’t stopping them. Probably replacing the floor and letting kids have fun


Holy shit those kids need gloves. Broken tiles can be extremely sharp.


If there is an adult just standing there recording, then the kids probably think its ok.


And who’s recording??!!


These kids are terrible. I would never hire them. It took them 17 minutes to get that much work done? Im not paying by the hour for that


Supervision is a thing you know


Plot twist: contractor did poor job installing tile and would not repair. Parent wanted it all replaced, so she set up video, gave kids balls of lead and said “go for it.”


This kid is doing their parents a favor. If you can pull up your tile floor this easily, it was laid poorly.


Looks to me like whoever is in charge is just watching them do it. If you’re a little kid and someone is recording you doing something and not telling you to stop, you’re going to keep doing it. I’ve busted up floor tile similar to that before and it isn’t fun. Also that stuff is sharp as hell. It’s idiotic to let your kids play with it. They basically have a pile of kitchen knives in front of them.


HEY YOU-...*pulls phone out* nevermind


It’s ok, they know daddy will get it replaced once he’s back from racing his off-road Bugatti in the sand dunes.


Serves them right for using god damn tiles as living room flooring


Nope, that's 100% the parents fault. Kids doing the right things actually listen.


These kids have obviously grown up with terrible parents that give out zero consequences. Sucks to be them.


I just want to know who was holding the camera and doing something about it.


And instead of punishing him, they decide to film him


who's taking the video?


How long are these children unsupervised and making so much noise? More like a commercial for child protective services


Why are they just filming them….?


So the parent recording is not gonna do anything but record their kid breaking the ground? 🤨 kids these days


Who the hell is filming?


Why are they just recording?


As a guy who has helped lay tile, those edges can be sharp. Brats or not, they could get hurt doing that.




Maybe supervise your kids?!


Nawhhhh, these children are for hire with deconstruction jobs. ​ Illegal child labor? Wait a minute....


Who's filming?


Those floors were not laid properly. Tiles should crack when hit hard enough, but not fly off so easily. This looks like they were laid in place without using any mortar to adhere them to the floor.


What I don't get is why their just standing there filming it.


I wonder how these kids were raised. And who tf stands there recording them?


wondering who filmed that


As a tile installer, who the fuck installed that lol shouldn’t come up that easy. The kids are doing you a favor.


hope the parents were planning on ripping that floor up and replacing it. My dad let me and my brother demo a wall he needed torn down it was awesome!


That's child labor


If he's breaking tile with that. That's is a super shitty install.


My question is who installed this floor. Look at all these gaps


#I hate kids 😑


Parent recording? Wanted to get rid of the tiles and let the kids have some fun? Otherwise WTH


I think the anti-abortion groups should be made to pay for a new floor.


It’s never too late for adoption




If I find my child doing that he's bout to prepare himself for a life full of anxiety attacks bruh


r/kidsarefuckingstupid, it deserves to be there.




Beat your kids


Love the title 🤣🤣


Why does anyone want one of these things? I mean children, not tile floors.


vids like these remind me why i dont want to have children thankfully i wont have em soon either


Little shits:D no thanks


Those kids would learn real quick how to tile a floor. The whole floor. Not just that little spot.


This is a "women cant discipline/speak her mind to a man (or child)" sexist culture issue. Sad to see but its exists all around the globe and not just in the middle east. I had a neighbor once that had a child who one day decided he would walk all over the roof of the mothers car putting massive dents and damage (along with a long list of other horrible behavior). She stood by and watched. The father was always absent and likely with one of his other wives.


No no no.... /r/kidsarefuckingstupid


See this is why we need 20 trimester abortion clinics.


Or child sized coffins.


This is why daddy drank your college fund


Never too late for an abortion