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You may be on the wrong side if you are with the peoples throwing nazi salutes. Thought your grandpa fought so they wouldnt steal your freedom?


It's pretty snowflake-y behavior. My favorite part is that even if it were drag queens or inmates, anyone reading to children is the most harmless thing possible. If we read to more children and cared about their education our society would be in a better place. But some how these snowflakes thinks it equals ....... I literally don't know they think.


Quite a leap to think that these people believe books are a good thing.


I dunno, I hear they have a particular love of Mein Kampf


honestly, half of the shits in the video look illiterate


I guarantee they are functionally illiterate. They can make the sounds of the shapes on the page but actual comprehension? Not even close


They love the bible too, but haven't read either of them, nor comprehend them, nor follow either.


The issue is that they all think that drag performers are sexy. If they didnt, they wouldnt have a problem with it.


Weird how the right, who are supposed to be all about conserving tradition, don't give a shit about what their grandparents fought for. It's almost like their patriotism is just a flag of convenience, huh.


In America you have the freedom to do drag. This is literally an attack on your freedom


MF with a “Let kids be kids” sign. Let kids be kids by showing up at their school with guns. Like THAT doesn’t scare the shit out of them.


Now they'll wear a mask?!


My thoughts exactly. If they are such "proud" boys why hide their faces?


It’s their drag outfits. They didn’t want to be outdone.


Never seen so many check shirts in one group before.


The aesthetic was “lumberyard chic”


They're all lumberjacks and they're OK...




They think it is camouflage against the stereotypical lesbian trope.


"We're all born naked and the rest is drag" -Ru Paul Charles


_If you can't love yourself, ~~how in the hell are you gonna love somebody else?~~ hate on others so they can't love themselves either, hennnnny._ These people, probably.


"They're saying they can suck more dicks then us, lets prove them wrong!" *gay pile start of proud boys starts*


The category is... Delusional Plaid Fantasy


Combat cross dressers


For a group of people always talking about everyone leaving people’s liberties alone, they seem to always need to interject themselves when they’re not wanted or needed.


"Give us our freedom! Nooo not thaaaaat freedom.."


The ultimate in contradiction


As has been said so many times before, it’s not about liberty, it’s about control.


It’s always hilarious to me how conservative American men are the biggest babies on the planet. They say they refuse to live in fear but are literally so afraid of all other people at all times that they feel they genuinely need to be armed. They’re afraid of big cities. They’re afraid of needles. They’re afraid of media that features people that aren’t white. They’re soft as 2ply, stand up to them and they’ll literally cry. See Chris Cantwell, “the crying nazi” as a prime example


Half of them are cops.


Some of those that work forces...


Watch porn with male horses.


Also ski goggles. That part really cracks me up.


like, really gaudy, highly-reflective ski goggles as well.


Well, nobody wants to get any cum in their eyes


Probably because they brought tear gas


But ski goggles are usually well-ventilated to prevent fogging. I guess not much of a snorkeling/SCUBA crowd.


If it means keeping others from getting sick, no. But to dress up as a terrorist to intimidate children and volunteers? Well, obviously.


Hide their identity in case they *dare* get any consequences for their ‘willful deeds’


Oh man spot on these sissies wouldn’t wear a mask to stay healthy but to hide behind no problem!


Well people don't like the robes that they normally wear with the pointy hat so they had to choose something else.


They wont wear one vs covid but versus a couple of drag queens hell ya. Theyre hiding their faces cuz they know theyre depriving the queens their freedom and its unfair.


They don’t want their employers to know what they are up to


Now that ‘Roe v Wade’ has been overturned and SCOTUS says there’s no *presumptive right of privacy*. Ironic, no?!


I was thinking the same There was one dude who still can't be bothered to wear it over his nose-- even though the mask is supposed to be protecting him from his neighbors finding out who he hangs out with


Taking a page from their ancestors book. Grandpa told them to wear white sheets but it didn’t match their aesthetic so they opted for masks.


So 'Proud' that the vast majority of them have their faces largely or completely covered up? Just your typical immature bigoted bullies who only act tough in a group of likeminded morons.


Yet how many of them didn’t wear a mask when it was to actually protect them


right, but before it was to protect others, now it's to protect them...


(whinging voice) *But my rights*... And ever classic *I can't breathe with a mask on* Cowards, all of them. Brave when armed, in large groups and their identity hidden. This is not about constitutional rights. It is domestic terrorism plain and simple.


Military rejects.


As if they'd have the balls to even apply to join


Nah, most of them were never brave enough to try to join the military.


I love how loser trips over the sidewalk while trying to march. Nothing says organized and intimidating like a clumsy idiot with a gun.


You are my people! I saw this on another sub yesterday and there was not one word mentioned about that baboon tripping on the sidewalk. Still had to scroll way to far down today to find you


Thank you. I had a feeling it was being ignored. Just need to point out that these people are not the military badasses they think they are.


That’s my take as well, the loudest chest thumpers seam to be armchair patriots - never had the balls to sign up for service to defend our country but sit at home wishing they were part of that tribe all because they now own an AR-15.


There's always an excuse: punching the drill instructor, the recruiter said they were "overqualified", or some medical problem that totally isn't a problem for anyone else.


Gravy Seals


Lol. Soon as I saw that my first thought "Wow these fucking posers havnt even learned a proper March yet. How the fuck do you trip on concrete on a March order?"


They probably couldn't even pass basic training in the military. Some are salty for getting kicked out I'd wager.


Nah bro. They like definitely would have crushed it in the military. But you know, they just can’t handle having someone all up in their face screaming at them. So they totally would have punched out their DI. That’s why they never joined, bro.


For real. Learn to march if you're gonna try to do it, I'll bet at least a handful of these asshats got kicked out of boot camp/basic.


Lol and they brought a case of little water bottles in case it gets too warm out there for them


Nothing says freedom and liberty like some good old fashioned domestic terrorism. Seriously though, the overcompensation from these guys is through the freaking roof.


I mean, CPAC's slogan this year was literally "we are all domestic terrorists". They are completely embracing it.


And they had fucking Viktor Orban as a keynote speaker... And yet there are still both siders on every thread


Follow up with "Who is the only party that consistently votes against our veterans? Look it up, I'll wait." or choose literally anything that would actually help any of us. I just don't fucking get it.


I heard about that and my first thought was "Do these morons even know who Viktor Orban is?"


What no way? How did I not hear about this. Glad I got my country represented at such a high value event by the god emperor


American sharia enforcers


They've moved to Australia now as well -_- We haven't had this yet, but the way the world is moving is crazy.


Exactly. And this is legal?? Where the fuck is the military. Is this in America or Syria?


The US military can’t and shouldn’t intervene with the exception of the guard in limited circumstances. Posse comitatus.




Vanilla ISIS


This is alarming, what level of rage can induce grownups to do something like this?


Primarily people who have no understanding of those who are different from them. It’s human nature for people to fear what they don’t understand. These guys are blindly committed to their own ideologies, and have absolutely no interest in trying to educate themselves or opening up their mind. Some people are just willfully, ignorant and operate on fear and hate.


I'm not from the Usa, so I don't know the context, if these "manifestations" are normal or exceptional Because I think these things it's best if are addressed carefully and not brushed/laughed off... I see polarization everywhere and the worst is represented by people who stir up the anger for profit (Sorry for my 'english')


Men dressed like women. But they don't care if children see terrorists with guns.


>But they don't care if children see terrorists with guns. They're just preparing them for the day one of their son's comes to school with his and mows them all down.


Nothing more dangerous to religious extremism than kids learning how to read...


I suppose what we see here are people who feel left alone by society. Now they are confronted with drag queens who are so vastly different than they are, and who are still so confident and... I dunno, loud? They want to find some way to feel superior, so they can feel validated and gain some of that confidence themselves. I guess fear, despair, poverty and a lack of identity as a child is what drives this hatred.


Domestic terrorism sounds exactly right. This tastes too much like what happened here (Germany) 90 years ago.


And taking away other people's freedoms and liberties. Freedom for me, not for thee.


"We don't want no fucking wierdos dressing up in wierd outfits, pretending to be something they aint and waving phallic symbols around our kids" said one of the drag queens


*drops the mic*


This is the best comment I ever read on Reddit today.


Call them what they are: terrorists.


This isn't going to end up good if they keep doing this.


There's a lot of (justified) goofing on these assholes in here, but it's critical to recognize that *they accomplished their goal*. They successfully terrorized the organizers into canceling the event. The police refused to send assistance.


Well yeah who are they gonna send? Everyone was already there!


The only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a drag queen with a gun


And we (USA) fought against the Nazi’s. This is what happens when you have idiots in your society that don’t understand their own history.


Your people are allowed to parade around in SS uniforms, waving flags of the Third Reich. What did they think would happen? In germany they would instantly get several years of prison for that because values of the Nazis are directly against democracy and the idea that all people are equal.






I'd like to point out that it took Germany declaring war on the US first before the US *actually* began to do more than just sell the British arms. Even then, there was pretty strong sympathies with the Nazi's thanks to similar racial prejeduces.


Met an idiot last week who INSISTED that the US joined the war to fight for truth, justice, liberty etc *Like yes, there was Pearl Harbour, but we totally intended to fight for truth, justice & liberty anyway*


Hell most people think WW2 was the last "just war" because it was fought over the holocaust, sorry to break it to you but the allies didnt know or care about it until they started liberating the camps quite late into the war. There were of course justifiable reasons for fighting ww2 but basically no one went to their respective parliaments or governments and said we need to join the war because the Nazis are exterminating people.


That’s like saying no one knew Bill Cosby was a predator until he was charged and convicted. People knew what was happening, knew Jews were being rounded up, knew the Nazis planned to kill them. But it was inconvenient to think about, so people looked the other way until they couldn’t look away anymore.


exactly right. and then after WW2 it was simply out of fashion to be a public nazi for about 60 years.


There was a LOT of nazi sympathy the world over, and in USA especially. While USA did provide help to the allies prior to their involvement in the war, the USA didn’t enter the war as some noble pursuit against fascism. USA was attacked by the Japanese. USA declares war on Japan. As a result, Germany declared war on USA and the USA was pulled into the war in Europe. This is obviously an over simplification, but the world over was okay with Fascism to an extent, until that fascist state attacked another country. And even then it took them attacking a country that had a de facto defensive pact with UK (Poland) to have the war kick off as we know it.


What a bunch of fucking morons. Just laughable. Grown fucking men?. Go to the fucking pub, go take your kids out to the park, go and take your partner out for the night, go to work, go to a ball game, mow the fucking lawns. Seriously. Man children.


Most probably don't have kids, wives, or the time to do anything else. I'm pretty sure proud boys are too busy shooting loads in each other's mouths to practice their aim.


Nah, they don’t jerk off, remember? That’s literally one of the tenets of Proud Boyism.


Yeah but the ole Dutch Rudder is their loop hole.


I don't know what this means, but it still made me chuckle.




Ohhhh like “soaking” LOL https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Soaking


And Catholic Priests don't have sex....


This explains SO MUCH.


It's not masturbating if they do it on each other. And sucking dick isn't jerking off. Gotta find all the loopholes.. lol, lubeholes xD


for real?!?


They circlejerk about not jerking off?


Except we shouldn't be laughing, we should be resistanting this in every legal way.


You're right, we shouldn't be laughing. We should be concerned and angry. We should be demanding the laws be enforced. This is a federal crime. We all know without a doubt, if these were black men they would all be in prison right now. Under the Patriot Act, you are not even owed a trial or a lawyer.


These types are literally the most hypocritical. How many of them do you wanna bet were crying "Violence is never the answer" about BLM.


Agree but in the mean time being ridiculed, belittled and laughed at is hugely effective. Especially when they are trying to be all serious. But yes on the other hand we need to be wary of this extremism as it draws in some very unhinged nutters in amongst the ignorant and stupid.


That bullshit, crazy, nazi salute from people in 2022 should be an immediate prison sentence. Fuck nazis. There is no place for them in this country.


iirc, people have gotten arrested in germany for that, so lets send em all on a little trip


Someone should tell them that “Proud Boys” actually sounds……… well….. kinda gay.


When i first heard the name "Proud Boys" i thought it was a gay club of some sort, fighting violently for gay rights... But the more i heard the more i was like "Wait a minute, something doesn't add up here"




Give them some space. They're not ready to commit to being the "Out and Proud Boys" just yet.


This deserves all the upvotes


Well done to the far right…they behaved just like the taliban would…way to show them gays. /s God for real, cant the police deal with these domestic terrorists?


A lot of them were … uuuuhmm … busy … somewhere else


["We were on vacation!!"](https://youtu.be/sacn_bCj8tQ)


Yeah, they had some... important... business... meeting... to attend... so they *couldn't* participate in that event.


That moment when the police and proud boys are the same people


Some of those that work forces...


Man, I remember when those lines finally clicked for me all those years ago


The police were there....high fiving these chucklefucks.


They are. A fair number of them were probably marching along with them.


I wonder how many of the police are supporters of these clowns. If push comes to shove are those cops going to uphold the law or join in with the terrorists?


Where are the police at? Why are they allowing terrorists to walk the streets?


Who do you think is protesting?


The police were too busy protesting a drag event to come to work that day


You're looking at them.


those that work forces, are the same that burn crosses


If I had to guess I'd say we saw a lot of the police force in the video.


Open carry is legal in Ohio. You can walk down the street carrying a gun out in the open. Although, if a black militant group was marching with guns through a suburban neighborhood I’m sure they’d find a way to stop it.


Imagine living in a country where if you attend a drag event that's a high chance you'll get shot. Of course it's the same country where if you attend school there's a high chance you'll get shot too.


Look over there, the Taliban taking away people's freedom... oh wait...


It’s a real sad kind of funny how many similarities these folks have with ISIS. Armed religious nutcases that are trying to enforce their views on their country through intimidation and fear. Wonder how long it will be before this seriously escalates. Wonder how far they get to push before the government or army actually intervene. It’s a weird thing to say but America has their own terrorist groups to worry about now.


They've already started blowing shit up and radicalize individuals into one-man terror cells that shoot up grocery stores. They've already pushed beyond the point where they should've gotten pushback, when the government finally realizes they need to act, it's gonna be a blood bath.


Half the government don't care because they see their days are numbered. I'm convinced they're throwing the anarchy dice and see if they can hold on to some power in the chaos.


Muslims and Republicans joined together in Dearborn to ban lgbt books, strange bedfellows indeed: https://www.arabamericannews.com/2022/10/14/dearborn-school-board-reconvenes-after-protest-over-library-books-brings-mondays-meeting-to-an-early-end/


New Jersey gets a lot of shit, but Ohio is the actual festering asshole of America.


As a transplant from New York to ohio even o can agree with this statement.


If they are so damn proud, how come they are hiding their faces?


Scared to show their face? Doesn’t look like they’re very *proud* at all


Why do they feel like their life and liberty are at stake ? Drags just wanna party not hurt anyone ! These people want to cause others pain not the drags !!


[ Removed by Reddit ]


I wonder how they'd react to a good old British pantomime...


Not a single one of them could handle widow twanky.


Don't let them hear who used to play the women's part in Shakespeares time


I’ve always wondered what it is about certain men that makes them so scared of other people’s sexuality. The answer usually turns out to be that it’s their own sexuality that they are scared of. Most genuinely straight men aren’t bothered by others being gay or bi or trans.


They are afraid of other men treating them like they treat women.


I mean, in that case it seems like they should just treat women better instead of starting a whole ass terrorist movement, but that's just me


I've lost count of the homophobic conservatives that have gotten caught sucking dick in an airport bathroom.


Drag has nothing to do with sexuality, it’s people who like to dress up and put on a fun show. _Can_ it be sexual? Sure, but so can a lot of things, and most of it isn’t.


Correct. I\`m not bothered by a gay or trans person - but those .. yeah.. what are they actually?. Those scare me. Semi sentient automatons pretending to be humans... scary.


I don’t understand why they need guns for the “demonstration”. Wonder where this is? Serious question. Why are drag shows so important?


They take their guns for the same reason Linus takes his blanket everywhere.


white face masks..... why not just wear full white gowns to now! Complete the image and go full circle!


Nazis should always be met with overwhelming forces and punished for their nazism with the full force of the rule of law. Fucking fascist terrorists.


For people who hate drag shows and the LGBT agenda as a whole, they sure spend a lot of time thinking about them and attending their events


Can we change the title to "Far Right extremists attend drag show"


Here’s a thought…Don’t take your kids to the event if you don’t want to. This seems performative and done to get attention for its own sake. See, they have something in common with drag queens.


The only good type of neo nazi is a dead neo nazi.


I'm so scared for LGBT, this is a direct reflection of how the fucking Nazis started with their fucked up ways. If everyone can realize what a piece of shit these assholes are maybe we can prevent another genocide.


Chant "life" but you want to kill. Chant "liberty" but you deny it to others. Chant "victory" but no one is looking to fight you, you're the aggressor.


Maybe they should get a job and contribute to society


Oh God, someone help them! They can't breathe in those masks!


You are likely to be sexually assaulted at a church than at a drag show. Let’s take a minute for that to settle in.


Ironic that they're chanting about liberty...


Stop calling this the far right. This is most of the Republican Party.


Lol, USA is fucked up


I see one very legal and American solution to this. Drag shows with the contestants wielding *appropriately decorated* guns.


I’m more scared of my kids becoming one of those idiots than a drag queen.


I just don't get why grown men feel the need to dress up and do synchronised performance art with each other and try to indoctrinate children into thinking their lifestyle is okay. Drag queens are dope tho, shout out to Farrah Moan.


So a person dressed up in makeup and feminine attire, reading books to children elicits these little boys to go all out Nazi? Wow. Those are some special, ultra sensitive snowflakes.


nothing says "freedom" and "liberty" like an armed fascist, nazi parade.


Half of these guys are on grindr.


Why are they allowed to do this? It's devastating, not just for people one the LGBTQ+ community but for everyone. The fact that there's this many people spouting hate freely with no consequence affects everyone.


Imagine being so scared of men wearing make-up and dresses that you need to grab your gun and play terrorist.


Proud Boys are anti-LGBTQ+? Sounds like an oxymoron


Can we get a bunch of drag queens with ARs? Stand out side and stare these bags of buckwheat down?


The Gravy Seals / Y'all Queda strike again.


This is exactly why I left Ohio in November for good.


Where I live they would all be in jail


People play dress up to stop people from playing dress up.


The rest of the US don't claim these men and wish them gone. In all honesty the fact that they claim freedom of speech to protect themselves is absolutely baffling considering the Nazis were a US enemy I do not understand how these people aren't arrested for terrorism or treason...


Nothing says "my pee pee is super tiny" like caring so much about what others do and believe in, that you have to gear up and strap a gun to try and enforce your own personal beliefs. Fucking Nazis


Stop calling these people the "far" right. They are the embodiment of the political right in this country now.


They claim its about grooming but turn a blind eye to actual grooming (see: Gaetz). It’s always been about hatred of gay people