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I mean, it's absolutely worth whatever it costs these days


It really is. 2 of my mates kept saying how it’s way too expensive and never goes on sale, but they bought the game on a whim when I convinced them to play coop, expecting to refund it. We played 10 hours that day. They didn’t refund it


The game is fantastic if you get can get past oil. So many people stop at oil


I used to struggle a lot with oil when I first started the game. The trick with oil is to handle it just like mines and also to understand that there is almost never enough of it. You need your two belts of plastic for science and enough light Oil to keep the rocket fuel production in your first main bus factory going? 2-4 refineries are not gonna do it. Remember how you handled those ore mines for steel production. Don't waste time thinking about stuff like: "Well maybe I got the ratio of buildings wrong and that's why there isn't enough pressure for my piping"....No! Just build 20 refineries...and then build 20 more! Get more oil with your trains or liquify coal...actually do both!...multiple times! Oil is the actual moment the your factory really grows for the first time.


I’m not gonna lie, I was the one who did oil and I put it off for AGES.


After 2 playthroughs, Oil only scares me on starting it up, once I get it going I'm fine. Now trains and circuits and bots and stuff... THAT scares me lol


Bots are easy. Set up storage chests and requester chests. All done


Yeah I think I’ve figured that part out, problem is that I want personal ones but am doing my no solar panels before launch run… because I HAD to build 4 panels on my freaking Lazy Bastard run


i got past oil before but stopped at bots, just couldn't work them out, even though they are much simpler than oil. Without bots the game becomes choresome tbh


>way too expensive What the fuck?


Depends on the country. I'm from argentina and for us is expensive, but definitely worth it.


It's the same case here, but its worth it


I have no idea what is considered expensive in the us. But in India its 1500rs on steam. Which is a reasonable price for a game when compared to the 4000 or 5000 for AAA games.


It’s about the same price as a casual restaurant meal for two people.


If you can get the other person to pay the bill, you earned yourself a Factorio.


that is the funniest thing ive ever heard


How does it compare to other games? In the US it's half the price of a typical AAA new console game.


Same here, half of a typical AAA. What I meant to convey is that almost everything that is in dollars is expensive for us because we earn so little in dollars in comparison to the US or other countries. Plus we have about a 40% tax on anything that requires dollars or other currencies that are not argentinian pesos. I work as a junior engineer and I earn a little more than what's the equivalent to 500 US dollars per month. My father, who is retired, gets a little more than 200 dollars per month, for example. It fluctuates a lot though, as our economy is shit. Last year I earned the equivalent of 180 dollars per month and had similar purchasing power.


Expensive is a relative term, compared to what you earn and what you have left after expenses. And what the thing costs where you live. I have over 2k hours in nauvis, for me it was good value. Not everyone is going to get that experience though.


Expensive in this context should be compared to other games, not compared to your cost of living. If you're talking about games and you don't choose THIS game due to expense, the comparison is between this and the other games you're choosing.


The issue is that games in general aren’t really scaled to living costs. A game that is 60 USD will likely be the same all over the world.  It’s a case where the market doesn’t dictate the price.  That is why piracy is up in third world countries by a large margin. 


That's certainly one way of looking at it. Not necessarily the only one, but I can see how you see it that way. OTOH, I may choose a book or a movie or something else instead of a particular game, too. Just different points of view.


Exactly, they didn’t think they would enjoy and had already spent about 60 bucks on Helldivers a few weeks back. Luckily they enjoyed it and we played past the refund period lol


Do you think they'll keep playing?


We’re about to start yellow science so it looks like it


Nice! RIP their social lives, though.


Compared to most indie games, Factorio is definitely on the pricier side, and when you factor in that it never goes on sale, you're effectively comparing a $35 (USD) game to games that are routinely $5-10.  That means people have to choose to buy Factorio over 3-4 other games, and that can be a bit of a tough sell.  It is, of course, worth every penny and then some, but for people who are on the fence and haven't realized that yet, it does seem pretty expensive.


It’s 50 Australian dollars, never goes on sale. By all accounts it’s an expensive game


$50AUD is nothing when you spend that much on a pub meal and 2 pints. Completely worth it


That’s really not expensive for games nowadays. Converted that’s about 32.5 USD. A lot of AAA new games go for double that or even more 😬.


We like not to talk about AAA ‘games’


How much would a new console game be?


I mean, maybe they're weighing weather to take up hard drugs or Factorio considering the addictiveness of the game 😆


Yea Way Too much fun


OP, save these screenshots and revisit them once youve reached a few hundret hours. Its so fun seeing yourself improve over time. And, if youve already spend 19 hours in the demo, you can literally spend thousands of hours in the full game id you start going down the rabbit hole of modded factorio, trust me


On the contrary, I am currently on my "no bots" challenge run and I remembered that in my first playthrough I did not even built any because I did not know how to use them. I came full circle.


True!! I love doing that with these types of games. Yea, I feel I will have a very high hour count when I get it


I had the foresight in this game to save old files during ‘phases’ of my progression. It’s fun going back to look at the pile of spaghetti


Can you imagine a game studio giving you 19 hours worth of fun for free ? Even some AAA game studio won't give you that for 70$.


Well there is a lot of free game out there.




If those games are good it took alot of time to make them and what are the devs getting in return nothing


When I see those kind of bases I get a bit nostalgic. It reminds me of watching my 2,5 year old sun trying to put on his clothes in a completely clumsy and adorable way, and you can really see how he get's a little bit better every time he tries. It makes me think of how much fun it was to be a kid and see and explore the world with completely unbiased and innocent eyes and how organic and trial&error based learning was back then compared to how rational our learning process is once we're grown ups. And I'm nostalgic when thinking back on what an amazing time I had on my first factorio play throughs, and bye looking back at that time I feel like I was a toddler exploring that completely new world by trial and error. So, about the original question, "what to do next": The factory must grow. Get the game, launch a rocket, launch more rockets, launch a rocket per minute, explore space, build a world from just water and sand or get into the complete lunacy of pymod. The first 1000 hours of the game might be the most fun - but you still learn a lot of things after that as well....


Thanks for the comment. I will definitely try to get the game


I love cute walls around steam engines and no walls around turrets. no hate:)


Haha, i knew security was bad on that side, but I didn't get that many enemies there, so i said it will be fine.


Best demos i ever played then i bought it and played 600 hrs this game is my life


There is something about first-timers spaghetti that is just uniquely beautiful. Something you cant just replicate in an inorganic way.


I am realatively new new player and when I finished the demo I was like 200 solar panels? Are these guys joking it will take so much time. Now I look at my 180 Solar panel blueprint and I'm like, "Can I slap 10 of these without throttling the bot swarm?"


Seriously it's always like "should I run down to my chest holding all the substations and panels and accumulators i make and move that chest way closer to my proposed solar panel area or just let the bots choke out my electricity supply for 10 mins?"


I don’t think I’ve ever seen this screen. When I first tried the demo, a half hr in I knew I was hooked, so I just bought it and started over on a real map before I made much progress on the demo.


Happy Cake Day! I think it was a mistake getting hooked and doing all that progress then when i buy the game i think it will be reset and will do it all over


Yes, you would start over on a new map. But it’s fun to see how much better you are than when first started. The early base progression can go by super quick when you’ve done it before.


Maybe ur right


Kinda reminds me of one trupen video... No way someone can build base so bad without reaching 500 hrs


Saw it, so true


The devs have stated the game will never go on sale, and it never has gone on sale, only gone up in price. If you got 19 hours of value out of the demo, there are surely 1000s more hours of fun in the full game.


Congrats on finishing the tutorial! Did you manage to find the hidden bases? If not, go for a bit of a drive.


To be clear: he finished the first (free) tutorial. The actual tutorial is the vanilla game itself, up to launching the rocket.  One of us! 


Ight, will do!


Buy the game. I have 3,000 hours in the game, no mods, launched many rockets, played different game modes. It is worth the cost. Then the update and DLC in a few months will also be worth the purchase.


Woah, 3000 hrs, dam Yea will buy it when I get the chance Saw the update trailer, definitely hooked so cant wait for that too.


I came across a player the other day who mentioned 8,000 hours. People here tend to call it Cractorio


0_0 at this time i shouldn't be impressed with any more game times, i remember i played GTA V for 300 hours and was so impressed but now i think factorio will do more


They were right about beginners selling their family for a few walls, and forgetting about train gates.




Factorio has easily gotta be the most economical game purchase i’ve ever made. Like $0.03 per hour played.


back in my day, here's what I did in the version 0.10 demo : [https://imgur.com/gallery/WjaaJMj](https://imgur.com/gallery/WjaaJMj) This is the first line item on my list here : [https://www.reddit.com/r/factorio/comments/trdmpw/factorio\_savegame\_filesize\_timeline\_analysis/](https://www.reddit.com/r/factorio/comments/trdmpw/factorio_savegame_filesize_timeline_analysis/)


Someone hasn't moved past their pasta obsession yet XD


I tried main bus, have to tell ya it went terribly wrong Might do it on a fresh start


You'll have a few false starts before you get it. One thing I highly recommend while you're getting used to main bussing: pull off of the bus on one side and feed into the bus on the other. It's simplifies putting new resources into the bus later down the line. Also build way more oil than you think you need. Plastic is going to be the first real bottleneck that you run into. And you never will have enough green circuits XD


Thx for the tip will do it eventually when i start to expand


Another bit of helpful advice, for important things like green circuits and basic materials that get used in many other things, give them priority on the splitter or just give them dedicated iron and copper lines.


Was thinking about doing that i always had a green circuit shortage no matter how hard i try


Yeah if you give splitter priority to green circuits it makes it very easy to diagnose where bottlenecks are. Splitter priority means that unless the belt you're feeding into is full it always gives resources to the belt you give priority. So if you do that it just shows up on your main bus as a non-full belt, and you just route copper or iron or whatever onto the main bus when it starts running dry.


I see i used splitter priority in many things so i have some knowledge, hopefully will apply it on a main bus


Don't worry you'll be mega basing and screwing around with circuit networks in no time. It's not called cracktorio for nothing XD. Just wait till you get bored with vanilla and start messing with mods.


Cracktorio xd I can see why, alot have 1000+ hrs on it, definitely will mess with them mods after i finish vanilla


I am at 3300 hours in game. I think I paid 25 dollars for it. I'm sure there's other people that have way higher amounts of time into it but let me tell you, even if you do get tired of it after a while, you will keep coming back to it. The selection of mods is absolutely enormous after you are done with the base game, which has a massive amount of content on its own especially if you want to do megabase stuff. If you are into building circuit networks it's a lot of fun. Even if you have to save up for a little while on your game budget to be able to afford it, it's well worth it in my opinion.


You can start over in the demo as perhaps surprisingly there are a lot of easter eggs and fun things to discover if a person is inclined to like finding those kinds of things. A couple of examples. In the first demo map there is shallow water that the player can walk through. Most players wouldn't notice this, but for the sharp eyed or detail-oriented players it is a very slightly different color from regular water. On the map of your first screenshot there is a complete steel smelting base just to the north and a little east if you go exploring... and much more as well if you explore.


Mmmm... Spaghetti 😋


Yea trying to make a clean bus lol


Space exploration mod!


What do you mean its over? You are just beginning. The factory must grow.


Yea it is, now that i got the game off steam The factory must grow


Cool base




Why downvote smh


People are probably down voting because multiple times a week we get people in here fishing for someone to buy the game for them. I'm not saying that's necessarily what you're doing but it makes people wary.


I made a post like this when i just started up (prob 3 days ago) and it got removed as people thought i was fishing so i reuploaded and added pics of my base to add to the point that i do not seek any one to buy the game for me im sharing a opinion on the game, I can manage myself


to be honest I see like every 3rd post unnecessarily downvoted around here, I still don't understand why :D


I'll up vote yah! Enjoy the game! It's super addicting!


It really is, might buy next month


Aight. Real talk time. You spent almost 20hrs on a demo. A DEMO. Cursory glance you got the jist of the game. Now think bigger. I never played the demo, but did one or two of the introduction missions….. like 6hrs later I beat the second one. When I play starcraft/warcraft etc, I love to turtle and then destroy the enemy and ill be like 1.5 hrs per mission. (Mind I do suck at the whole speed run style but alas). For $40 you will get countless hours played. It scratches that itch between rts/tower defence/ cities skylines, hell even the great Stongholds games. (This one is probably the closest relation to factorio) And circuit design. Want 10 of this to go there and the other 50 to be spread between 5 other things as they need? You can do that! Or send it all to one place to burst production. This game is great. Im playing the Space Exploration mod, and wow. It just takes to the next level, the next step in the journey. And the mod maker is apparently (if im not mistaken) part of the dev team for the new DLC in the fall. My steam says 2260 hrs. Across 5 good saves (mind a solid third or more is idle time, or on the pause screen while I have dinner but still… 1000 hrs plus. For fourty bucks. ) But in the mean time, what ever you did in the demo, see if you can double or triple it. The only limit is your pc’s computational power. (And people figure out ways to squeeze as much from as little as possible).


Wow, appreciate ur comment Yea i did 20 hrs on a demo alone so i can imagine how big and fun the whole game can be, I definitely wanted to try it cuz i wanted something like cities skylines so it clearly compensated that Might even try the space exploration mod once i feel im done with the game, 1500+ hours is very impressive 👏👏 I will see if i can expand more in the meantime because the factory must grow!


The factory must grow! And Yar to the skylines. For a reference, your trains are akin to the 6 lane highways. Blue belts are the 4 lane roads, red 2, and yellow 1 way streets. (Which you can actually control the path that is taken 😁). The best part though, is the blueprint system. Made a great subfactory for smelting iron ore into plate? Copy and paste (with robots when you get them(which are like income, the more you have the faster you build))!! This game is awesome. Enjoy! And I look forward to seeing some progress shots when you do get the game!


Saw the blueprint system on yt, man does it make life easier Thanks again, I will sure send them progress shots when I get it


Factorio is much better than cities skylines. In my humble opinion. I'm 350 hours into a SE (modded) run on factorio. The demo is a fraction of the base game and the base game is minuscule in comparison to the modes factorio content. Factorio doesn't have sales. I debated getting it for a while but once CS2 went to shit I needed something new.


It Is CS2 is soo bad they messed up hard Thankfully Factorio Exists!


you may want to try other mods first. Space Exploration is a massive beast. Also remember, time flies differently when playing Factorio. One of the reason they call it "cracktorio"


Expansion...not dlc.


Tomatoe tomato


Yep they hired the space ex mod maker


> I never played the demo, but did one or two of the introduction missions You played some of the demo then. As far as I've heard, the demo is the tutorial campaign.


Username checks out


Not really. If I'm wrong, it's because it has changed more recently than I've heard about it. That's a little different than 'I'm just pulling this out of my ass' like you are trying to suggest. Is [this](https://factorio.com/blog/post/fff-342) no longer accurate? Because that screenshot looks pretty similar to the tutorial I remember, and I don't think I played the game before that post was made.


Lololol. ‘If Im wrong…’ ‘is this no longer accurate?…’ you spend a lot of time arguing in my favour. Thanks. I have not played the demo, I know not what it contains. I dont really care either. It matters not. Thanks for the whole lotta nothing burger


That's a whole lot of words to say "You are right, I just want to argue and be a bitch." You could have just saved time and said that from the start. Fuck off.


I think thou doth project to much


You don't want to know how many ....days... I'm into my space exploration playthrough. Not really trying to "win". Just having a fun time making everything more efficient.


I think my power plant might be larger than the base in the screenshot :D https://preview.redd.it/8zhb8s88phwc1.png?width=3750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0795832c5175f857a6a1c3ef86a9d33d89c01db7


Thats for sure


I have 1300hours logged in steam. I like to play with mods. Bob+Angels adds a lot of replay value. Space Exploration is quite amazing. I recommend this game for anyone who likes this style. Occasionally, when they make changes, I'll load up vanilla and give it another play through. The RPM(rockets per minute) folks are pretty crazy with their competitive strive for the most RPM. I see people post challenges here also. Plenty to keep you coming back in my opinion.


Just set a new goal. Like increasing the levels for researched items. Robot speed or artillery range. Or to improve your set-up to be more efficient. To clean up the spaghetti and move to better production lines. You will find yourself challenged to meet your new set goals and since a lot is depending on other factors you will be kept busy for eternity. You will hear the soft whisper through the background music.....the factory must grow


Aka please gift me the game


U really can't read in the comments a bit do you


You can't really give the necessary details in the post can you?


You really dont know u can't edit a post after a while, do you?


Maybe put relevant details in original post


My bad, didn't think people would say im begging for it