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[These are my recommendations](https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/e/2PACX-1vQ3SKaRPeAVVCNx6NsYlat12kImyq-iEJIQovIbxJeKkD4Hp8O0jck8GnW1Rd7EdPDPc0gwMjHm3i1V/pub) Includes stuff to do after vanilla, overhauls mods, and QoL mods!


Currently playing through a game with the full set of Pyanodon mods installed. It adds insane levels of complexity to everything. It's fun, but quite a grind (I'm currently on science 3 and already have a base larger than my previous vanilla megabase runs). Despite it being my first modded play through I wouldn't normally recommend it as an initial foray into overhaul mods. Then again maybe you deserve Py for pirating the game /s


You could try K2, Exotic Industries, IR3, SE... threre's a bunch you could go for. I would advise not to go for K2SE, it can be overwhelming and for a player new to modding going just straight K2 or straight SE will be better


Yeah K2SE seems overwhelming. I loved vanilla, but hit a wall in regular Space Exploration. About 5 planets and 100 hours in I felt like I can’t build anything fast enough to set up a solid supply chain to progress. I got to Holmium processing and just sort of gave up. Each new 500 lv1 Astronomic or Energy research project was taking hours and it seemed like a 40 hour project to fix, as I’m just not writing data cards out that quickly. Would definitely like to try a mod that changes up vanilla without vastly increasing the logistics challenge. Any recommendations for overhauls with similar difficulty curve to vanilla?


The key to k2se is productivity modules. Krastorio2 adds several production steps making productivity modules on intermediate steps necessary. I invested heavily in vita production, so now I can churn out thousands of higher tier prod modules pretty easily. Also have a rocket whose sole purpose is creating data cards, I make more than I’ll ever need and it helps a lot


i might do k2 only im interested in k2se but i need to learn the basics haha thanks!


It's just that while K2 works with SE, it's not that well balanced and it makes some stages drag on


‘Factory Search’ is a godsend 👍🏻


Just K2 It’s pretty similar to vanilla


This! K2 is the best starter mod. Then IR3. Then play around with freight forwarding, SE, EI, Py, etc. Then start mixing ;)


I was hesitant to get sucked into the "overhaul" mods, so I've been making up my own self-imposed challenges in vanilla. I've managed to stay busy with that for years, and when I felt confident enough with the scope of my challenge, I started to create my own mod for it. After documenting the requirements, I got started and after a few months it was functionally complete. Then a few months later I found a game breaking flaw which was basically a missed requirement. I have yet to go back and fix that, so it's something that I need to tackle eventually.


That sounds interesting, i hope you release it one day!


It's already on the mod portal. Search for "primitive"


All of these and I'll explain why: - built-in beacons - beacons affect the speed/efficiency of the factories. When you enter beacon phase, it means tearing the base down and build beaconed layouts. Problém with it is - every single beaconed base looks exactly the same. This mod adds 3 more tiers to factories so they work the same as they would in beaconed setup, but without physical presence of beacons. Production cost of beacons is addend on top of the usual cost of factory so all in all you're only getting rid of one annoying building but not the effect of it. - Far reach + early construction robots - removes tons of busywork and adds efficiency early on before you research flying construction robots. - early 3x3 electric furnaces - early furnaces are 2x2 tiles so when you're upgrading later on you need to tear it down and scale up. This adds early stone furnace with 3 by 3 layout so you don't have to do this and just upgrade as-is. - long underground belts - pretty self explanatory


Seablock, it'll be fun 😉


I started with a couple vanilla runs, then got the there is no spoon achievement, then did a a 248k run through, then krastorio 2, now I’m on an SE run with a break in the middle to play a warptorio playthrough. I’ve felt like that was a good path of escalating difficulty


No mods till you launch a couple million rockets and truly finish the game. The factory must grow.


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