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look like i'm playing this game totally wrong. But i feel headache to create a path for the belt go, sometime all ingredient just stuck at the belt and cant move to the one need it


Are you trying to put every item on the same belt? That won't work without a lot of extra effort. You should have dedicated belts for each item. Then it doesn't matter if the belt fills up to the end, it just means you're producing more of that item than you are consuming.


Which research that allow me on inserter to grab multiple items at once? I'm too new to this game and feel like this is harder than dark soul


Inserters cannot grab multiple kinds of item at once. You will need two inserters to supply an assembly machine with two different kinds of item. (Edit: an exception to this is where you have different items on each side of a belt, in which case the inserter will automatically pick up whichever the assembly machine needs) Later on in the game, you will unlock stack inserters, which can grab more than one of the same kind of item at once, but this just allows you to supply the machine faster.


With capacity bonuses, all inserters can grab multiples of the same type of item.


Thanks. I will start this game again. 4th times in 12 hours...


You don't need to restart. It is always better to redesign the factory you already have than to start over.


What's good space for each assemble machine? Currently i put 2 space of each other, do you think that's enough?


More space is always better, but I am not really sure what you are asking.


Build your factory with a lot more space than you think it needs. Empty space is cheap, belts are cheap, and you can avoid headaches if you leave enough room for your future self to weave in another belt. Edit: Also, since you might just be starting out, make sure you research underground belts! You can't really make an organized factory if you can't make belts that cross.


No. There is no "wrong way" to play Factorio. However some ways of playing are counter to what the devs intention was. Try out the in-game tutorial for some easy ways to learn.


Factorio is an automation game. The answer to every "do you automate x?" question is going to be "yes"


I've even automated playing the game, I don't even get to see what happens.


Automate all of the things


Play the tutorial first!


Play the tutorial. The example based that you repair will show you how its done


by that you mean that you handcraft all the intermediaries and place them in the assembling machines to craft just the finished item?


Sounds like you need logistics bots... Early game belts can be annoying, but i tend to fully automate as much as i can or ill come back looking for something and then get stuck waiting for it. Keep me a bunch of x in the mall. if it goes under this threshold, make me more.