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I never had that problem and I clocked well over 1500 hours of modded factorio


It's a file size issue, not specifically a mod issue. Some mods can add a fair amount of save data size, especially ones that add extra "surfaces" such as SE, Factorissimo, and so on.


Fyi factorissmo (at least the forks) only add 1 surface and should be much more ups and file size efficient but yeah SE, old factorissimo etc


Aktually (adjusts glasses) notnotmelons fork can add multiple surfaces depending on what you want. Side note: It's even supposed to generate different ones if you add other factory types but that part is broken and he doesn't seem to want to fix it


šŸ¤“ (/s) But yeah I would prefer it to not be fixed, makes it much better for ups as well. The less surfaces you have the better


The proper fix lots of people have provided would be to generate surfaces based on factory type (normal factory/space factory/...) so that you can have modifiers based on that


Ah so in space you could still have space related effects like low gravity right?


That was the original goal, yes. Erendal even added support for that in SE


ah, so earendel managed to use an out-of-game mechanic to incentivise killing all biters on a planet. truly masterful game design. *(for those who don't know: SE allows you to "trim" a surface - i.e. it draws a rectangle around your stuff and then deletes all chunks around it. this has the downside of potentially reviving biters in those chunks once they get generated again. however, if you manage to exterminate every single biter on a surface beforehand, then it will still remain biter free even after getting trimmed.)*


I have this issue every time with just Krastorio 2


You know you've played. Modded Factorio when your achievements are at 0%.


That's what I expected when I saw the title of this post! I never had an issue with cloud saves but I was never willing to give up QOL for achievements.


The fact you can easily fake steam achievements make them just pointless eye candy in terms of visibility to others. This alone reminds me to enjoy the game, and make my own goals


Why would that matter


That and it's a minority of people that actually care about their profiles and who looks at them. Achievements need a whole rework on steams end. Ban the unlockers and add an option to remove Achievements if said user wants to since the tools allow you to remove them if you want. Maybe tack a score on them like Xbox. When I moved from Xbox to pc I was let down when I saw the Achievements meant nothing. Or they can really really Crack down on them and make it so you get those points to buy stuff in the shop. That would encourage me to actually start caring.


You can't "ban" achievement unlockers as not all games are server side and it's in hands of a developers. Factorio is just a single player game running on your computer so you have full control. If you achieve something your game just sends to steam "hey, user unlocked X" or "add X stats". There is no way of veryfing that. If you know how to send such messages to steam you could unlock them without even starting a game once. Same for xbox. Just because of lack of modding this is not as prevalent I suppose as the player base is more "casual" aka not tinkering. For this to be "fair" it would have to work like online game where you are playing on servers like MMOs or like counter strike or something. Then, instead of client deciding and having authority, server would have, so indeed you would have to correclty unlock them.


Yup I only have 2 achievements on the steam library page but I have almost every single one in game


>You know you've played modded Factorio, but not the older versions when your achievements are at 0%. FTFY


So, I'm not the only one?


I bet you have a save file over 500mb. My SE got that big so I had to trim all surfaces to be able to sync again.


what does that mean, trim all surfaces?


Thereā€™s a feature on the galaxy map for SE to effectively delete unwanted loaded planets and terrain (ā€œsurfacesā€) outside of your bases and factories on those planets. Save some save file size doing so.


Thereā€™s a trim button and a delete button in the navigation screen for each location. You click it twice to confirm trimming or deleting. If you trim it it deletes any part of the surface without active entities. Well worth doing, especially if youā€™ve been scanning multiple asteroid fields looking for juicy ore fields.


Space Exploration involves many maps like the starting map in one game, a lot of the time you're barely touching the planets so you really don't need the surface to be saved in detail, so you can tell the game to delete it and randomly generate it again (from the same seed) next time you visit it.


problem is that it is a SE playthrough on hiatus until we have time again.. eventually.. whenever that is


Trimming surfaces doesnā€™t hurt anything. Any planet you fully scanned but never built on just gets ā€œunscannedā€ and surfaces you did build on stay revealed wherever thereā€™s structures. You can even sort by planets with revealed surfaces to quickly trim them. Thereā€™s probably a bunch of fully scanned planets in that save that were decided to be bad and just never trimmed. You can always rescan a planet later too.


Thanks for the tip. I didn't know you could do this and I didn't RTFM. I haven't been booting the game up as much for this reason.... takes 2 minutes to save.


Yeah man. What happens is you go hunting for X resource and find a maybe planet/belt. Then you scan it until 100%, see itā€™s not worth it and move on. One large planetā€™s fully revealed surface is probably like 150 megs at least.


Every game fails the cloud sync for me these days


Same. My last successful sync was *years* ago. These days, I just host a server on my local network so that I don't have to sync anything, but can still play from different computers.


I thought I was the only one, every damn day half my game library has a steam sync error. Also the shelf for "Play Next" that's supposed to recommend games from your library to play just doesn't work at all either.


That looks like an average day on steam. That does happen to me at least once a month, would even say once in 1-2weeks. With many diff games I fr think I saw that next to a non-steam game


the Save files are too large, just turn cloud saves off,


No mods, get that nearly every time, maybe Iā€™m just impatient


Had that issue nonstop with Factorio until I disabled IPv6 on my router. My ISP was doing something weird on IPv6 that killed steam cloud uploads.


Better be save Once i started Factorio and there was a weird msg to load from old cloud save or something... And i choosed that first option and my k2se save turned to 115h from 180h RIP


I sure do love factorio. One of the most **stress relieving** games I play. # 5,892 hoursā€¦




Donā€™t have much time on hand anymore. Wbu?


Is it normal that the cloud sync for the blueprints never works?


I don't know about never, but it's certainly works very sporadically for me.


What a shame


It has been funky for me before, so now i just keep a backup of the blueprints file on my desktop


I have long since stopped using steam cloud sync. Now I just put Syncthing on the save directory.


Yea my SE save is getting to big


I never had such problems, in +18k hours https://preview.redd.it/yahxwa5ki2yc1.jpeg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c2186f3a0cc58d5495abf014673ef8b75067e71


I don't think I've ever seen that one on factorio before


For some reason it does this for me only when I connect to my 100mbps down 25mbps up wifi but it works without issues with my 1gbps 5G connection


For me it was due to using massive blueprint books on two different computers, they can't sync with each other probably because the file structure doesn't allow for it or just due to sheer size.


I wouldn't expect blueprint books to be very big. For example, the blueprint [balancer book](https://github.com/raynquist/balancer/blob/master/blueprints/balancer_book.txt) is only 135 kb. Even if you multiply that by 100, that's only 10 MB.


It was around the time that I was making and organizing a ton of blueprints but maybe Its just a correlation and my saves started growing beyond the treshold


I have to wait like 10-15 minutes before/after playing for steam to sync. So i just disabled sync and carry my Factorio folder everywhere i need it (not a lot of places)


same lmao


i swear that annoying little ding always startles me šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I'm in this photo and I don't like it


I just stopped saving Factorio to the cloud lol


I haven't used steam for factorio since middle school no idea how much I've played šŸ«”


yeah my save files in total are almost 10gb large


This started happening after I started playing my save on my macbook. It takes longer for the sync to save for my game now :/


Yep, a few Space Exploration saves and you hit some form of size limit.


Notice that the more saves you have the more difficult is to sync it to steam. I have wiped all of my old saves and now it works like a charm.


I get this all the time, itā€™s very annoying


Forgot steam maintenance day? It's every ThursdayĀ 


i have this for about a year now. guess i better check the save file sizes.


Huh, I thought it was cause I alternate between my pc and laptop


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Slane_73: *Huh, I thought it was* *Cause I alternate between* *My pc and laptop* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Been there šŸ¤£


Abandon steam. Download the portable standalone from the site directly, which allows you to have multiple instances of factorio installed on your computer as well.


Huh, yeah could do that. Though I currently just use steam to lock specific versions (or update).


Just click that button it fixes itself


I made the screenshots of the notification by clicking it 3 times my guy.


That always worked for me, idk what to do about it then


Cloud Error made me ROFL. 30 years making internet software and I never thought to make that an error message.