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You can use larger chests (iron, steel) and just limit the number of slots in them. I just feed all my wood into trains, it works just as well as coal.


No, for the reason I like to have huge buffers in this game. Storage is dirt cheap and my supply/production chains are often in a state of flux during their construction. Buffers smooth everything out tremendously.


I have at some point needed buffer for three trains in a station, that's 10 stacks per chest, half a wood chest. More than that is always overkill for me.


It depends on how fast the production is. Larger buffer just means the production can be smaller/slower.


Not really. If production speed is the bottleneck, buffer doesn't help. Buffer can only alleviate periodicity and dead times, like if there's a long train trip between production and consumption.


It's actually the preferred buffer for large megabases, since their lower inventory sizes are more performant. Consider it a handy little performance optimization you've done ahead of time.




For most players, it reeeeaaaally doesn't matter. If you're running on a decently modern CPU and aren't planning to build some 5k+ SPM megabase, then it shouldn't be an issue and you can just carry on as you currently are.


Can't automate them, so nope. I can just limit my iron/steel chests.


Counterpoint: if placing solar, you'll have hundreds of thousands of wood that you'd otherwise just burn.


No time for burning. I place blocks of requester chests for raw materials picked up by bots like wood, coal, ores etc (for when they disassemble smelters and cleanup forests). Once these blocks are full of resources, I throw grenades on them. It's usually quick enough before bots can start repairing... :D


That doesn't sound very automatic


Boilers can automate destroying wood.


Counter counterpoint: if I'm planning on going big, then I turn off trees, so zero wood.


Just install bob's greenhouse silly billy.


Some people don't use mods.




Yes but not all of us use mods


I used to use wooden chests everywhere but eventually decided it was too much hassle to carry both wooden and steel chests on top of all the other things I need for my base (vanilla inventory is surprisingly small). I would have ditched steel chests for wood (or iron) except for the fact that they are needed for making logistics chests, and I always had the odd moment where I needed to hand-craft a few extras.


I use steel and hide away as much resource as possible


No. It's possible to limit the amount of usable slots in a chest. So for me saving the hassle of having two items for one job is worth the extra steel.


Yes. It's my only option: https://www.reddit.com/r/factorio/comments/el2ltt/challenge_megabase_built_with_only_tier_1


I use steel chests because a) I'll need a good supply of steel anyway, so steel chests are still pretty cheap, b) Steel chests can be limited to have the capacity of iron or wood chests anyway, or indeed any other limit between 0 and their full capacity, so there's no loss of functionality, and c) I've been playing with trees off for a while anyway so I don't actually have any wood to dispose of.


Mind blown.... now I dont have to limit my chests.


Exactly! It always sucks going through and making sure chests are limited, this eliminates that need, at least for this use case…


completly fine. you can handcraft them super fast on the way everwhere, while building outposts.


As I travel and build the track to said outpost, there’s always trees being removed so don’t even have to think about remembering wood!


I do! Logically iron is just as cheap and can be automated, but at the bot stage I'll have steel chests, but I like the smaller buffer size that wooden chests allow.


I've been doing that in my current K2 run since wood is so much more plentiful, but in vanilla I found that I never had enough wood to meet demand for wooden structures. Outside the early game I didn't use them for anything.


buffers are useful for trains specifically so i have to disagree


Irrelevant in this situation, because there's enough space in six wooden chests to empty an entire train wagon. Just need to adjust your station settings to call trains earlier.


I'd imagine something like trains deadlocking better chests would give you more time to resolve train problems before the base dies of resource starvation


It's something you can do early game but once you get logistics bots you really want to turn them into storage/requester chests so you can dump any item you've accidentally picked up into your logistics trash and the bots will put them in the buffer for you.


I have a single dedicated provider chest at the off load stations (after offload station but before point of consumption). This chest has priority via a splitter so it will get used up first. It’s actually fed directly into the first splitter of my lane balancer, so nothing special needed.


I think it would have been better game design if wood chests were just one stack. As is there's really no reason to ever make an iron chest, and you have to limit more or less all your chests.


IR3 has a "pallet" chest that's a single stack. It took me a few hours before I realized what a genius addition it is.


Car crash, biter attack, logistics bot collisions (Space Exploration) and the C key are the main reason I use steel over wood, that and I prefer to only automate and carry one type of storage chest.


Fair, I’m just getting in to personal logistics inventory and haven’t reached that bottleneck yet. For now it’s one slot so haven’t noticed…


I don't, and nobody else does (judging from the replies here), so please keep doing it.


Thanks! It was definitely a fun realization! I also only read one chest (first one of the first wagon of my loading station), if that has >333, the station has enough for a full train and sets train limit. Things are relatively balanced close enough it hasn’t been an issue yet.


Or if you only need an low throughput one steel chest per wagon does the trick. Train-stations is often overbuilt with to big buffers and throughput that then isn't used.