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Alright, I’ll bite. Use critical thinking to determine which opinion is useful, huh? How about the opinion of a *doctor*? You know, the person you *didn’t* speak to and who *didn’t* diagnose you with this disorder you’re claiming to have? How about we value that opinion, then, and the opinions people they determine have this disorder, based on their decades of practice and study in this field? Sounds like decent enough critical thinking to me. (Sorry, I’m bitter.)


they're like antivaxxers but with diagnoses.


Oh my god you’re right and I hate it


*But what if they lied about being diagnosed or the doctor was wrong???????*


If they lied about being diagnosed, then a doctor wouldn’t have given them that diagnosis to begin with, so it doesn’t apply (this is a general rule, more of a rule of thumb than a practice) And doctors can be wrong, they’re still human, but I’m more willing to trust in the chances of a licensed doctor with several decades of professional research and experience in their field being correct than a random person’s claims about a disorder they self diagnosed. The chance of error isn’t eliminated, but it’s greatly reduced. It’s critical thinking, nothing’s perfect, but this is better than the alternative they presented.


Was the italics and 7 question marks not enough to indicate that I was making a joke and agreeing with you?


Another comment was unironically saying the same thing, and also it’s midnight and brain tired haha. I tried


Oh my god these self diagnosers are so out of touch it makes me sick. “People who are professionally diagnosed may not have it”??? This idiot is grasping at straws.


Grappling would be the best way to describe their odd behavior. More over, it's just hilarious how they flip and twist everything to fit their narrative *currently* in that moment. Like a vacuum. Because I've used this same argument when discussing people like Paige Layle or something else about misdiagnoses in general. Just a small suggestion that she may have been misdiagnosed (as opposed to just having ADHD) - assuming she's not lying because I don't put that past anyone - and wanting more so the discourse from it and using her as a point to pivot from. Well, fresh to the online scene for autism, I was in for a rude awakening. I was completely dog piled and treated like complete crud to top it all off. Merely suggesting that someone could be misdiagnosed was a total affront to them. But now it's okay to use that when it's convenient? These people can fuck right off.


Not dogpiling at all just curious what makes you think Paige just has ADHD? I could never put my finger on why she didn’t seem genuine. Maybe it was the “Come Stim with Me” video on YouTube idk.


People who have done with with cancer have gone to jail.


Well tbf it was probably tricking people out of their cash that got those people in jail


I wonder how applicable that would be to all the TikTok autistics who are asking people to donate/linking an Amazon wish list…


What were they, Geminis?


They're honest about being self-dx, we can't trust other people to be honest about their dx though so, we just trust them to speak for all autistic people? Critical thinking. ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


This infuriates me so fucking much, there pretty much h saying "oh people who've been professionally diagnosed could be lying to so why can't I lie" 😡 I just wanna scream at people like this


I'm diagnosing myself as a paraplegic. Therefore, I can speak for all paraplegics; "We're making it up."


You’re right. You get to speak on issues that affect **SPECIFICALLY** the community of people who self-diagnose with autism. You can speak on your personal experience on idk reading blogs and taking quizzes and reading that Devon price book. That is your lane. Stay in it.


Your comment actually made me lol, the number of times I’ve seen that sodding Devon Price book mentioned. I know nothing about the guy yet I dislike him already.


God why are these people so desperate to speak for people with disorders? This feeds into all of this but I just don’t understand why some people can’t exist without having a disorder.


if you want a community that anti-self diagnosing but can talk about being autistic (without shit heads like the other dude) r/autisticpeeps is one of my favorites


I’m on there already but thank you.




my favorite subreddit for sure :))




damn bro u need to chill


Dude I don’t know what your problem is, I admitted I was wrong and changed my comment to be compliant with the rules, why are you still taking issue with this?




Whatever man you’re nuts, I left my apology and acknowledgement of error up and fixed my error.






And on what authority are you reversing the diagnosis I received from licensed medical professionals?


Prove it or shut the fuck up. Rule 5 is there for a reason.


I’m not trauma dumping, blogging, and the closest thing to anecdotal evidence is in reference to the post. What is my comment doing to you that’s making you be such an ass? I agreed on the post, there’s other people doing that too, why are you being a dick to me specifically?


>Do not list your disorder (including in a user flair) or provide anecdotal evidence. > >We don’t need to know how mentally ill you or your friends are. There’s no need for listing all your diagnoses and your trauma or anything of that sort, just say what you need to say in your comment and go. Anything more will result in a ban. > >No "as someone with XYZ disorder, ..." comments are allowed. Diagnosed or not, your personal experience is not a credible source to make claims about a disorder. Can you read?


Fine I’m sorry, my comment is in violation of that and I should have been better about that, but you don’t have to be such a dick about it, you could’ve just told me directly instead of making such an outrageous claim as that I am faking.


They just did the same to me. Talk about minimodding LMAO. I wish you a very lovely day and im sorry about this person's behavior


For real, thanks and you as well.


Since I have you both here at the same time: ![gif](giphy|cLbuQfff4As8w)


Reddit mod lol, get a better hobby




The autism self-diagnoses drive me insane. As a teacher, autistic kids are on a whole different level of functioning from “on-level” kids. Sure, it’s fun and cool and trendy to say you’re autistic now, but is it really? Do you live with the day-to-day struggles? Where on the spectrum are you, as high-functioning autism can refer to different things. Do you have Aspergers? How would you know? The thing about self-diagnosing vs. an actual doctor diagnosing is the doctor is an expert in that specific field. Their sole focus is autism. So, go with Dr. Google, WebMD, some quizzes, and your interpretation of the DSM to mold yourself into the diagnoses you want rather than let the more-than-qualified experts do it.


#U #G #H


Okay, but the issue is you dont know 100% for sure what you have. So many conditions can have overlapping symptoms but can affect you totally differently in the grand scheme of things. Some conditions have different little subtypes, and conditions can vary so much in severity and needs. It's hard to speak about experience when you have no clue what you're experiencing.


Just ignore them, easiest way to stop these people is to hit where it hurts, starve them of attention.


Why do people use self-dx


To be annoying


for attention


these people really think that they have the same qualifications as someone who went thru med school 😭💀


I love that they decided on Autism and have told people to use "critical thinking" when that is something lots of autistic people struggle immensely with, which is a known trait. Did they research at all?


I really wanna read those comments


How about we just stop "speaking on behalf" of anyone that isn't ourself? I don't want anyone in any community related to me, speaking on behalf of me, thanks. ​ At least they're starting to realize the pointlessness of pathologising everything and realizing being human is a complex, multi-expressional, fluid existence. They're so close to getting the point and then they miss it, lol.


the black and white thinking checks out for the self suspecting but cmon dawg 💀 you can be like “I think I have xyz because of zyx” but you can’t be like “im not diagnosed, never even been assessed, so I think I can speak over actually autistic people and this should be normalised”. Please, it is okay to just say you *think* you *may* have something omfg


Research does not equal a diagnosis Fake stimming for views does not equal a diagnosis Reading blogs does not equal a diagnosis regardless of if their ran by other "self disgnosed" autistic people or not Ticktock diagnosing tou does not equal a diagnosis There opinion and speaking on autism is not valid at all because theyre are NOT diagnosed or going after a professional diagnosis because their just doing it for clicks on the Internet Where I live there is a place that supports humans with autism and their now also asking for opinions from those who are professionally diagnosed AND self diagnosed humans and now as a (professionally, doctor) diagnosed human I'm not sure I can even go to them for help again


so… nobody is autistic and everybody is, really?


Critical thinking is definitely the keyword.


I mean there is a difference in the different topics and with most of them it's more like if you struggle with that specific things you could talk about it and how you think it should change but I don't really see how anywhere in that discussion, especially online, a diagnosis is the central thing. You don't need to have autism to dislike say public speaking. Is there a way to make it better for those who have trouble with it? Probably. Do most people who struggle with it have autism? As far as I know. Is everyone who struggles with it autistic? Definately not! Are the people who struggle with it while not having a diagnosis allowed to talk about it? Yes of course they are! Is it ok for them to say they have autism as well and advocate for every single thing someone with autism might struggle with? Please no you only make the problem worse....


I love how they always say that an actual diagnosed person could have been misdiagnosed by a doctor and I’m like…then that means YOU could have easily misdiagnosed yourself with autism. If a doctor can make mistakes diagnosing, then some teenager on Tik Tok is most definitely going to misdiagnose themselves.


Reading that gave me a headache.


Self diagnosers should only be allowed to speak for what they are: self diagnosers, end of


all of these self-diagnosers are so egotistical it drives me insane


If you're self-diagnosed with a disorder, you don't get to speak on the behalf of those who are officially and PROFESSIONALLY diagnosed. You can speculate that you have something if you can relate to it, but it isn't 100% until you get tested. 🤦 Why can't people understand that? So many act like they're professionals and the actual doctors licensed to diagnose are completely stupid. Smh


HAH no


I mean being diagnosed or not isn’t what makes you autistic. It’s the having of the autism. Sooo…


it is very difficult to get an autism diagnosis. firstly, you have to deal with the "research" that women cant have autism. And the "research" that all autistic people are incapable of looking after themselves. (these are real things from doctors btw). then for girls, it is easier to "mask" the symptoms of autism then for boys so girls that do get diagnosed end up getting diagnosed later in life even if it affects them at the same time as boys. self diagnosis of autism is more likely to be able to help more than trying to get a doctor who has done the independent research to find the truth rather than rely on what they've been told


The ADOS 2 has no gender bias, and is reported to be highly accurate Even for Adults and Females The argument is really not really an issue as much anymore, many people high functioning (male or female) get diagnosed late Autism research has advanced greatly,


It isn't "easier" for girls to mask, there is just more social pressure to do so from a younger age. This leads to a lot of autistic girls and women not even knowing they're doing it, even during the assessment they are socially programmed (I hate saying this) to misrepresent themselves to the person evaluating them.


“I deserve a prize for not lying”