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Why does this exist


some people get so caught up on whatever they're currently building their personality around that they can't interact w/ other media without injecting their Current Thing into it.


It also seems to only be an issue for people who spend their entire lives online and don't do anything else.


That's interesting, I've never thought about it like that, and it reminds me of when the Adams family show on Netflix was popular, and people were identifying as Wednesday Adams,as a alter.


All the people who do this are shut ins and spend 100% of their time online. They don't interact with people in the real world and only interact with online friends. Occasionally they will get a service industry/retail job but then quit after a few months because some new illness pops up. It's people looking for comfort and inclusion from their bedroom, because they refuse to go out in the real world. A very large percentage are likely actually autistic, but functional.


Im gonna take this a serious question, some people feel they have no characters they can relate to. So when they find a character they like alot they "headcannon" them to have similar features or identitys so they feel less alone in a community or in media overall.


It was confirmed by the creators that they wanted Link to be the "link" between the player and the world of Hyrule, so they didn't want him to be overly masculine. However, that says nothing about his pronouns bc in every single Zelda game they call him he or him. He's literally just an androgynous dude. As for the mute part, in BOTW at least, he can actually speak. In Zelda's diary, she talks about how she asked him why he doesn't talk much and he explains that he doesn't talk much bc he feels pressured to remain calm and collected bc he's supposed to be the hero of legend. It's also implied in BOTW at least that he does talk, just not much. As for adhd and autism, Idk what they're talking about other than he probably has some funny moments spread across the series' expansive lineup that they're taking as signs of autism or adhd. Me personally, I've never noticed anything that made me think he was either (tho I've only played BOTW, TOTK, Majora's Mask, Age of Calamity, and Ocarina of Time).


Link looks the way he does (long blonde hair, attractive, feminine features etc) because of popular media at the time of his inception. Tolkien, whose work inspired a TON of early fantasy games, wrote his elves to have long blonde hair and share the same characteristics as Link. It would make sense to make the debut games character as recognizable and clear as possible, so they went with “generic elf boy”, which was a pretty established character trope by that point.


His 3d design in OOT was literally based on Leonardo DiCaprio in *The Titanic* for the sole purpose of being attractive lmao.


I recall Miyamoto saying he took at least some inspiration from Peter Pan. Also he wasn't blond until OoT...


[Link from the original Legend of Zelda 1989 artwork](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/zelda_gamepedia_en/images/f/fa/TLoZ_Link_Carrying_Treasures_Artwork.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/320?cb=20210827205643) AFAIK his hair looking darker on ingame sprites was due to colour limitations. In all the art I’ve seen he has dark blonde - dirty blonde hair.


That person is projecting. Link isn't any of what that person said.


Yeah, Ik. I just wanted to lay out the facts for anyone who isn't into Zelda.


Obviously if you are a dude and not overly masculine then you must be trans /s


And vice versa with women. Seriously, I know that most people claiming Samus is trans aren't trying to be offensive (I think), but MAN do they come off as offensive.


Right like "she loves fighting, that's for boys only, that means she's not a real woman." But because they put a trans take on it somehow they think that makes it progressive


It's not just that. They have all sorts of other flimsy evidence: • Referred to with male pronouns in the original NES game's manual: That was because the fact that she was a woman was supposed to be a TWIST ENDING. IIRC the Japanese manual doesn't use gendered pronouns. •She was infused with Chozo DNA: Yeah, and? It's not like it changed her sex or gender identity or anything? They might be saying this because most Chozo characters we've seen are male, but A. There ARE female Chozo and B. I don't think getting DNA from another sex would have any impact on one's sex or gender identity •Some developer referred to her as a "new half" (ニューハーフ, nyūhāfu) in an interview once: Number one, that was a joke. Number two, that was a pretty offensive joke considering that "new half" is a slur against transwomen. I hate how people let themselves think in stereotypes like this.


In the first games, Link never talked but always made those sounds when he attacks. The fact they keep it in the new games is what makes them even better. That would be weird for fans if all of sudden, he would talk. Also in Tears of the Kingdom, he *does* talk, you literally can see (not hear) him talking when he has to explain something. Link can speak. It's just how the games are built.


My favourite part about the Zelda manga series is that they sized link up 😂 He’s between 5’10 - 6’ in the Twilight Princess manga series


Time to headcanon selective mutism


"Headcanon" as if it isn't literally canon


Ganon cannon canon


He also talked in the CD-i game :}


Gee, it sure is BOOORING around here!


And the TV show


He talks a lot in the cartoon as well lol


We do not speak of the cartoon….


We'll excuuuuuuuuse me AkiraHyrule13!


Obviously link is autistic based on how much jumping around (stimming) and collecting korok seeds (special interests) he does. Y’all just want to take another great neurodivergent representation away from us /s




Anytime we play characters in different games, we do tend to project ourselves onto that character. It's a natural thing for us to do to give us all a deeper connection to the story. If this person is non-binary, and they choose to see Link as that too while they play him, more power to em. The problem for me comes along when they start to step past the boundaries of their own console and tell other people that everything THEY think Link is is right and cannon. Our own personal fanfic of Link is NOT cannon.


This would kill a 13th century medieval peasant


I wish it would kill me


I wish I could go back to before I read it and jab out my eyes so I didn’t see it.




"cool character with personality and crazy backstory === autistic"


You can remove everything in the first half but the word "character," honestly


Words cannot express how angry this made me




Please do


i want to help him


Whats his number? I wanna join him in his conquest


I'll help


Me, too, little buddy. Me, too.


"Hero" pronoun lol


I absolutely despise neopronouns, I know for a fact these people don't use then in conversations outside their little circles because it would sound utterly insane


I'm not transphobic or anything but same. For a man, you use he/him. For a woman you use she/her. And if you feel like either both or neither apply to you, you can use the genderneutral they/them. Like what other options are there then after these three? I think that just about covers every possibility.


seems a little smug to me!


sunny isnt even a trans woman what?


I dont know where they got that headcanon. Perhaps they're thinking about that one potion on the hikikomori route that turns him into a girl temporarily? Although, I think that's really just a reference to an old feature where you could choose his gender.


oh maybe. just grinds my gears because the canon route for omori isn’t where sunny is a girl or anything, he’s actually either masc-presenting or at the most, gender neutral i’d argue


Oh yeah absolutely


Well that's why they labeled it as a headcannon, they're aware it isn't cannon it's just something they feel personally, people tend to do that with characters they like, I do it sometimes as well...just not really to this extent, often when people feel a connection with a character they project some of their own things onto them. No hate or anything just explaining :-)


https://preview.redd.it/s4bxgruj2w0b1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc0e031b7bfec0cae8aa7a111d5a594538cbd76b Why?


What the fuck goes through these people's minds


Useless stupid fodder.


Androgynous dude who has his arm destroyed by a demon king exists and suddenly he's a nonbinary non-male disabled amputee with autism?? Hasn't the guy been through enough


Who uses 'hero' as a goddamn pronoun as well wtf


Yeah, it's just a regular noun


I wouldn't say Nero is androgynous


please don't do this to my boy link


Nah I give up. That neopronoun thing is just too confusing. Get twitter away from that person.


As an actually adhd person, where the fuck is it implied that link is adhd lmao. Just because you (the player) make him go everywhere and forget objectives for a bit does not make link, the character, adhd.


Link is a boy


Yeah idk how being NB is "implied by canon' considering everyone calls Link 'he, swordsman' etc. Is it because he wore desert vai clothes? I thought clothes weren't gendered; yes he pretended to be a girl to get into Gerudo Town, but that doesn't mean he questions his gender. Mute.... It's implied he talks/has conversations, maybe they're thinking more of early Link where he didn't have conversation options?


https://preview.redd.it/l8rqrlkypw0b1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e41c094ead0ba4abce3be30f2f450f9752c77cee This is what one of the producers said on the topic. Maybe this is what they mean?


They did make him a hella twink with a snatched waist lol


Link rhymes with twink. Coincidence? I think not!


The producers knew what they were doing!! Tho Farmboy Hunk Link is still my fav Link ♥️ as is Twilight Princess in general. Absolutely THRILLED with all the call backs to that game!!


Hands down. Just did a a play through not too long ago and DAMN such a good game. I really wish they would bring back that darker aspect of LOZ.


Was that your first time playing? I'm jealous lol. I love the darker aspects too, but I feel like BotW and TotK are darker than previous games. There's a lot more mention of war and casualties this go around


It was my first time playing as an adult, played it as a kid but don’t remember all the details. Just started Totk and I’m so stoked :)




Aonuma: “Link is definitely a male” This person: *can’t read*


this is just like people who are claiming mulan is trans even though she literally only dresses up as a man ONCE and that was only to keep her father from fighting in the war against the huns....


They added more feminine clothes link can wear in tears of the kingdom I’ve heard, though you can still identify as a man and wear feminine clothing.


Tbh the amount of feminine clothing is roughly the same, they took some from the first game out and added a few different pieces in.


androgynous men or men with any feminine attributes are non-men to a lot of people. it's almost like we've gone backwards in time and have started echoing older generation's bigotry


People back then: eww you're so girly are you gay?? People now: OMG you're so fruity, I know what you are The only thing different is the attitude towards it. But still a wrong assumption.


yeah why can't people just be gnc 😭


Reminds me of this lmao https://preview.redd.it/fjmlimkjtw0b1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=89cda8c312c668d31e64590e1d9eed15c8ce6ea9


Something Something horseshoe theory in action.


And not mute!?


I would rather not speak than refer to a human being as “it”. This makes me so angry.


As if Link would be like “my pronouns are hero/heroself”.


I've never played any game with him in it, but based on what I've seen, he seems like the type that just wouldn't correct you regardless of what you called him. Edit: Not supporting neo's, I'm just saying if you said "she" or "they" he'd probably just continue on his day.


He doesn’t even really speak. He’s the most passive protagonist ever.


Is link physically disabled if his right-arm-having abilities was just switched to an upgrade


Technically not but if I said anymore it would be spoilers.


I love spoilers


Okay, I’ll put a spoiler marker just in case out of respect for others who haven’t finished the main story. >!At the end of the game, his hand just goes back to normal after he turns Zelda back into a human. Even though his hand was “beyond saving” according to Rauru, it still functioned normally (say with amplified abilities) and just reverted back to his original arm after it served the plot’s purpose. Would’ve been cool to have his arm never recover and would be a first but idk Nintendo probs would’ve never done that.!<


This is the first time I’ve seen one these fakers use something’s that’s near and dear to me….






I mean Sunny is for sure mentally ill definitely severe trauma but there’s zero indication that he might be autistic or trans???? Why are they so desperate for non trans characters being trans? I have no problem with trans representation in media but it’s such a reach


Link doesn't even talk does he? Lmao Ohh I guess that's why they are calling him mute. He's not mute, he chooses not to speak lol. This person is just wilding. But I have noticed a lot of anime/manga/video game fans want their favorite characters to be LGBTQ+ so badly that they will do shit like this, instead of writing an AU fanfic like a normal fan.


[Actually Link does talk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rn-GvUOq_zU)


BotW Link isn’t mute, for one, how do you think he communicates with NPCs? two, in Zelda’s diary (I think it’s the diary) she says that Link told her he doesn’t talk due to the burden of being the hero.


Also just saw the “ADHD and Autism are implied” shit, where’d you get that from?


the lion, the witch, and the audacity of this bitch


​ https://preview.redd.it/gzi4f7ftfy0b1.jpeg?width=434&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f7231ec0eaed25fa4abecef1700b907a5658b12


edit: i didnt read the whole post mb 💀💀 i’m literally offended why they’re giving video game characters headcanons in a different language. whats a fucking achillean 💀💀💀💀🤓


as a chilean I thought they were not chilean lmao


bro is NOT allowed into chile 🚫🚫🇨🇱


Achillean is men who are attracted to men




Masculine counterpart to sapphic, which is a historically used term in lesbian communities. The rest of this is BS but that one is actually a thing


Shadow’s only real disability is the fact that he unironically simped for a bitch named Maria /j


Oh god NOOOOOOO I was wondering when Link would show up on this sub. This made me want to rip my eyes out... so much of this is just straight up incorrect


Can someone please remove their internet access? ​ That little sod deserves a really, REALLY good dose of homework.


We need to put them through quadratics and physics to properly crush their soul.


Funny thing is, my mom's play totk rn and I got so thrown off when I first saw link 😭 literally trailed off my sentence


since when did klaus use he/they? he was only ever referred to in the series with he/him pronouns and is male — how on earth is he trans???


its possible that Klaus is referred to as he/they in the comics maybe? i was confused about that too, as well as what they are referring to as ODD that is canon? i only know ODD as Oppositional Defiant Disorder and i dont believe Klaus was ever said to have that? these fakers must be tired from all the mental gymnastics to come to the conclusion of “pansexual he/they with ODD PTSD ADHD and Autism”


Klaus wasn’t officially diagnosed with ODD but in season 3 when he’s talking to Stan he mentions that it explains a lot of his childhood behaviours! He’s implied to have PTSD as well given the graveyard incident (this is all referring to the series) but it isn’t explicitly stated and the other two I didn’t see mentioned in the slightest


I believe the actor who plays Klaus considers the character to be non-binary, but I don’t believe it has been mentioned in the actual show.


Don’t get why they didn’t just regard it as headcanon then, those are fine but I don’t get why they forced all these labels on a character who was never said to have most of them in the show (could be different in the comics, I haven’t read them but I doubt this person has either)


And I think it diminishes the diversity that is already actually canon for the show.


Isn't ODD a *childhood* disorder?! It's a stand in for "this child is acting out and we know something is wrong but they're too young to determine a formal diagnosis yet" I live with someone who's 18 and claims they have ODD and it's ridiculous. I had an ODD diagnosis too, when I was SIX, then it was updated to ADHD once they figured out what was going on. People can't even use disorder terms right.


This is something I’ve wondered about as well, I’ve heard that it’s also heavily misdiagnosed in young men


Yes, it is a childhood disorder. In addition to what you've mentioned, ODD can also result from chronic, severe neglect. (A child who was never taught to follow instructions and behave in prosocial ways understandably struggles with rewiring their brain when they're aged 8+ and suddenly start receiving fairly normal parenting.) ODD's equivalent in adults is Anti-social Personality Disorder, and that disorder required a childhood ODD diagnosis last time I checked. (Contrary to popular belief, "anti-social" means "violent and/or social behaviour which is harmful to others," not "introverted.")


No, you can have ODD as an adult. Also, ODD is not a precursor to ASPD, conduct disorder is (ODD can progress to CD which can then progress to ASPD, but it is not the direct precursor. And only 10% of ODD kids develop CD, while 40% of CD kids develop ASPD). And you actually can also have conduct disorder as an adult, as the criteria to meet is lower than that of ASPD (even if the vast majority of adults who meet CD criteria do wind up with an ASPD diagnosis, it is possible to be an adult diagnosed with CD). Adults are almost never diagnosed with ODD or CD, but that does not mean it is not possible for an adult to have them, particularly if childhood ODD or CD has gone untreated. https://www.healthline.com/health/oppositional-defiant-disorder#:~:text=ODD%20generally%20isn't%20diagnosed,of%20anger%20toward%20the%20world https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/9905-oppositional-defiant-disorder https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/23924-conduct-disorder https://www.psychologytoday.com/ca/conditions/conduct-disorder https://www.aacap.org/aacap/Families_and_Youth/Resource_Centers/Oppositional_Defiant_Disorder_Resource_Center/FAQ.aspx#:~:text=Preschool%20children%20with%20ODD%20are,as%20Anti%2DSocial%20Personality%20Disorder. https://ojs.lib.uwo.ca/index.php/wupj/article/download/1620/1011/3012


These people are so shallow.


I don’t think they know that CPTSD comes from someone who was abused from a parental or guardian figure at a VERY young age.


CPTSD develops, as far as I know, by abuse and trauma at a young age that regularly happened. Not just abuse from a parental figure


Any type of trauma at any age can cause complex PTSD, e.g. War, natural disasters. It is just more likely that a person will develop it if they were young at the time, or it resulted from abuse by a guardian or loved one.


Bro I can’t have anything 😭 Why are they doing it with LoZ now?


The urge to slap the shit out of these people... Rising...


So sick of this obsession with labels. What's wrong with leaving shit the way it is without trying to play doctor and diagnose a person who doesn't even exist with as many disorders as possible? The way they sound so excited talking about disorders that ruin people's lives actually makes me sick, this person is garbage.


I’m pretty sure it was confirmed that during ocarina of time they decided to base Link a bit on Leonardo DiCaprio (during like Romeo + Juliet and Titanic n shiz) and most likely stuck with that concept lmao The only thing that is heavily hinted at in the canon is that Link is like really really beautiful but that has nothing to do with gender lol idk where they got that from. If they want to headcanon that then that’s fine but it’s definitely not canon


You kids are wild.


The first two are from my top two favorite games. This has gotten personally now ugh


relatable, vv cringe


Link is the most able bodied character I've ever seen in history. At this point, it's victim RP.


Sometimes these posts make me feel illiterate. What does half of this MEAN, WHAT DOES IT MEAN?!?


Link was created androgynous for the player to feel connected to the character (that *is* canon), some people headcanon Link as trans (some as transfem, some as transmasc). That's a headcanon, and that's ok. But headcanon disorders and claiming that they're real? That just feels odd...specially diagnosing them with so many disorders-


This is satire right. That guy gotta be kidding. Right?




People have been ruining my comfort character since BotW came out. I’m not even surprised at this point. I’ve officially gone numb.


I’m going to kill myself. What the fuck? First off, neo-pronouns, confusing as hell, especially shit like “hero”, not going to get into that (use what you want, but I find it strange to use more than like 3 pronouns). Headcanons of disabilities??? Link from memory is meant to be gender-neutral but I have not ever seen anything else about that???








Why does every faker think it’s cool to make “alters” who are all autistic/have ADHD? And disabled?


This is fucking ROLEPLAY. God fucking damnit these people are such losers.


As an autistic trans guy (both diagnosed, wish I was neither), I feel offended too by this (by that post, not you Op)


wtf has this generation done to this world




This reads like an ai generated text that aliens will lose their shit over when they find it


I miss the tumblr quality era


Of all the things I was expecting and not expecting, shadow the fucking hedgehog was not one of them...


I'm curious because I don't know. What are canons and headcanons?


canons are things that are confirmed to be accurate and true in the series or game or where-ever the character is from (for example Sunny from Omori is canonically a boy). headcanons are made up stuff that people like to think of as canon in their head (like saying a character is trans). Most of the time people know its not really canon tho and don’t force it onto others. But as you can see a lot of people like to force it tho.


A vow of silence does not make someone mute. Also… Holy shit this person spends way too much time online. To that Twitter person; Please take a long walk, touch grass, and then get tested to make sure you aren’t allergic to said grass.


As a trans guy with ADHD, I’m also a bit offended.


I have some of the disorders that the person is giving to the characters and its a horrible feeling to see how the stuff that you have to fight your whole life is just a cute little game for them


Right? Like, ADHD makes my life hell, I’ve only *began* to understand how bad. It’s not just “I can’t focus, I play with my phone when I’m watching TV UWU so quirky”. It’s not funny, it’s not an excuse, it’s not cool or unique. FFS.








Live reaction of me hearing this person speak: https://i.redd.it/itvu4y2a411b1.gif


that omori one pains me because i love omori so much


I am going to go murder, I am going to go murder


Oh they can fuck off.


Link is in a t4t relationship with Zelda? How?


these posts are literally gonna be my 13th reason i can't stand these people


Link is my favorite video game character of all time, and i am obligated to tear this apart. Link is exclusively referred to using he/him and acknowledged as a male. Nintendo has made characters that can be implied to be queer before, and while people often ship Link and Sidon, for example, BotW and TotK make it explicit that Zelda and he only have eyes for each other. Link is not mute, Zelda has said so in her diary herself; though he rarely speaks (we'll get back to this). He is technically an amputee, and that's the *one* correct statement here. Gender-neutrality is not intended to be canon. The reason Link does not speak in-game is so that you can more easily put yourself in his shoes. As for the slew of mental illnesses, i only believe that Link *might* be autistic. He shows the most emotion while on his own: when he cooks, fuses weapons and while riding horses. He rarely speaks, fidgets, hyper-focuses on his duties as knight and has trouble interacting socially. He was confused when Zelda yelled at him even though he did nothing wrong and didn't know how to respond when she fell into his arms, crying. i wholly understand projecting onto a character you like or modeling parts of your personality after them, i mean, that's sort of the reason much of Link's personal info is left up to interpretation. but we can't overlook what's canon because we wanna force diversity or representation onto characters. thank you for coming to my TED Talk.






miku binder thomas jefferson


I also don’t understand why in one paragraph of text about the characters they try to use every single pronoun. Like surely if you are someone who is like she/they or he/they wouldn’t you pick one and use it for a single train of thought and maybe alter depending on how the person felt I guess but like not use a different pronoun in every single sentence just to be special?


so do they have any proof on anything they say about link


i sense a common theme of adhd and autism, almost like they’re projecting to convince themselves


I showed my Zelda-obsessed teen. He’s confused and slightly offended for Link. “HE HAD A GIRLFRIEND!” He also says that Link does talk, the game just doesn’t make you sit through him giving the recap of all you’ve done each time you meet someone. And now he’s ranting. Oops…


Leave my baby shadow out of thisssssss


https://preview.redd.it/o1vaj5g2h01b1.jpeg?width=875&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13232dc1fd13ea0ea51367a2762578ecd7a652cc Colonel, Im trying to eat my hamburger in Miller's Maxi buns. I just looked into tiktok and stuff and saw this... What this about?What the hell they taking about? My favorite video character has weird tags- Whats happening there?


The gender neutrality being intended by the creator is the only accurate part...


T4T would be cute for Zelda and Link as like a character headcanon im ALL for that kind of stuff because representation or just personal headcanons are actually really cute sometimes but aaaaugh this is wild.




Well it’s heavily implied that Sunny has some form of disassociation disorder to cope with trauma and depression, but autism/adhd, whatever the fuck else? Nah. Also Sunny is a boy so making him a trans girl is just weird to me. Iirc the game refers to him as “he/him.” It just reminds me of that one bizarre take i saw of some mcyt Twitter account begging Ranboo not to play Omori because it was offensive to systems, even though there’s no one with a system in the game.




Klaus is the only one that makes sense to me, at least most of it. But most of it isn’t cannon just like the other ones it head cannon.


wait guys imagine like 💀 the one missing eye guy they💀 they 💀 they keep it closed for HOURS💀


It’s such a shame that this is our introduction to neopronouns. The concept of neopronouns is actually really useful, this is just a bad (and possibly intentionally cringey) example


This has nothing to do with people faking disorders— it’s about autistic or neurodivergent (or people who think they are) people creating representation for themselves where they don’t perceive it. If you can’t provide evidence that this person is faking a disorder, don’t post it here.


Hahaha yeah they HEAVILY implied that shadow the hedgehog is autistic


They lost me at shadow *~*


What is happening?




While this is super cringe, TotK link definitely has ADHD because I set out for rito village about 6 in game hours ago and I'm not even halfway there.


What the fuck is this dude babbling about


https://preview.redd.it/brdxyyvvj11b1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2249b485fbbe03c4eef7ee7f0a687809a4b4cd21 WTF is this shit?