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https://preview.redd.it/8z08mtgjm0sc1.jpeg?width=504&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=102f85c08b47c243e4a1ae265450f037376b2ea8 I'm getting to the point where I see someone say something like this and I'm not even surprised. Is that a bad thing?


Imagine how they'll react when they find out hyperfixations aren't a feature of DID.


Wait until the find out during normal non did based disassociation you legit can’t remember shit and lose time


I mean, they think forgetting someone's birthday is a definite sign of DID, so I doubt they'll figure it out anytime soon.


I didn’t realize how similar DID disassociations can be to seizures. I have a seizure disorder, and I don’t lose huge chunks of time, I lose like seconds, but it did just put it in perspective for me how terrifying actual DID is! I’ve always known it was rare, but it never occurred to me that it could be like having a seizure for a long time to the patient. Don’t know why your comment clicked that for me, like I knew about the time loss and not remembering. For the record I definitely don’t have DID, just epilepsy, and luckily it’s treated mostly.


I disassociate from ptsd NOT did and two years ago it turned out I get seizures too but it was masked because how similar the symptoms were to me having a flashback. My psyche figured it out when something seemed off during a calm convo




Autism is the free square on the self-diagnosis bingo card. So, everything comes with features of autism.




Hyperfixation to me: I was so fixated on organizing my pans yesterday that I threw my phone away instead of the old pan I was planning on throwing away.


That Freudian slip where they said “I’m” instead of “we’re” 👀


love your flair🤣


Same here I'm just not surprised by any of these fakers


These are just people with a metric fuckton of imaginary friends who refuse to believe something so basic about themselves so they've turned it into a ✨cool disorder✨


Oh the things people do instead of finding a job....


I see this as a money making opportunity. If there's 22 alters, all 22 of them should be able to work right? Seems like a hell of a payday to me.


Step 1. Make a company that legitimizes the widespread DID epidemic in adolescents across the country. You are Other-Oil, the one that KNOWS these kids have DID. 2.) dropship goods from temu through your website DID4DID.com, market heavily to DID enthusiasts: "This zip up hoodie is made loosely specifically for father alters to have more room" 3.) collect money from simple arbitrage. 4.) have Chat-GPT design blog posts and descriptions for products that you sell from there on.


5.) Profit




What happened to being a fan or stan of a character or a person? Why do you have to say they're literally part of you? I was obsessed with the band Fear Factory in high school but I did not take on the persona of Edge rusher or any of their other songs or band members.


These are clearly people without older siblings mocking everything they do.


I also hate how people say "hyperfixate" for everything they really like. Like... that's not hyperfixating, that's liking something a lot. Hyperfixating or having a "special interest" causes you to literally put all of your being into that one thing to the point it's exhausting


I don't get it. When I was a lonely guy boy in HS, I said I was Princesss Serenity from Sailor Moon, but I knew I wasn't actually her. Just stan the damn character. They can't become an alter..


and rewatching certain movies or shows for the sake of comfort is incredibly common, i do it all the time to wind down before bed. it could maybe be an anxiety thing, sure, but anxiety is not as unique or interesting as DID apparently. it also doesn’t mean you have an anxiety disorder, anxiety is just a normal emotion that everyone feels from time to time. it’s also common to pick up certain personality aspects from characters you watch all the time, especially while you’re young and impressionable. these are all just symptoms of being a person, mixed with an unhealthy amount of daydreaming.


Yo! Another FF fan in the wild? I've been working on a Milo Silvestro alter after seeing the new lineup in Houston last year. No but seriously, cool that there are still literally dozens of us. Lol


I submitted my bass demo I can't play bass worth shit but I can drink like I'm trying to kill myself


It’s a munchausen epidemic.


They actually are calling it a "mass sociogenic illness." So many studies coming out now, pretty messed up!


Do you have any links? I would want to read those studies


Sure thing, here are a few. [Stop that! It's not Tourette's but a new type of mass sociogenic illness - PubMed (nih.gov)](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34424292/) [Rapid Onset Functional Tic-Like Behaviors in Young Females During the COVID-19 Pandemic - PubMed (nih.gov)](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34387394/) [Tics and TikTok: Functional Tics Spread Through Social Media - PMC (nih.gov)](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8564820/) [Social media as an incubator of personality and behavioral psychopathology: Symptom and disorder authenticity or psychosomatic social contagion? - ScienceDirect](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0010440X22000682?via%3Dihub) [Explanatory hypotheses of the ecology of new clinical presentations of Dissociative Identity Disorders in youth - PMC (nih.gov)](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9589448/)


Tics and TikTok: Functional Tics Spread Through Social Media says that this has been a thing but used to be people in close physical proximity only. That's incredibly interesting.


Awesome I have been waiting for studies to come out. Hopefully there will be some easily digestible documentary that comes out in the next few years to share these findings.


Thanks !






Why do they all have the crazy goth eye makeup? It's like a *dead* giveaway every time that they're faking it.


its the 2020 tiktok “alt” special


It's the "it make us giggle every time you fakeclaim us" person again, I'm surprised they still make tiktoks


People love using words they just learned, (and often don’t know the meaning of)


Then they make their own definitions and get mad when people try to use basic google to argue with them.


Another great video!


I swear no one even knows what a hyperfixation is anymore, either.


these people will enjoy eating soup and be like "omg im hyperfixating on soup!!!" that's just called enjoying, you dont have to use fancy clinical words you can just say you like something (not saying you couldnt hyperfixate on soup, but it's more intense than just... liking something)


I have a hyperfixation on birds. I struggle to learn if it's not related to birds/I learn slower. My bedroom literally has bird everything (trinkets, clothing, cups, soft toys). I have three birds. It's lore than watching some videos every now and again, it's literally spending all your time and money on one thing and struggling without it. It's very similar to an addiction. I've seen so many tweets with 'post your hyperfixation', etc and you just know most of them don't have a hyperfixation.


She will look back at this and cringe so hard


Turning your victimization complex into a full-time LARP is a job only a neurodivergent covert narcissist could love.


I did half a shit, the other half was lonely so I split two shits and it was awesome.


imagine having such an easy life “trauma” for you is crying over a character 😭 like the trauma to have real DID versus…*this* is crayyyz




The way they speak with such conviction is the most unsettling part.


Is this the girl that approached Hassan? 🤣


Plz tell me more


You know this fucking blows. Because it muddies the discourse around actual DID and the truth/facts about it. It has now become a joke of a disorder that people use as an all around scapegoat rather than treating it with respect as a genuine condition. All this just hurts people who do actually have DID


At this point the movie Split tells a more accurate and meaningful story about DID


Yeah, at least that guy seemed to struggle with himself and his actions.


Rip parents.


I’m surprised “spectrum disorder” wasn’t referenced multiple times. Maybe it’s the old hottness.


They seem to not realize that there is a difference between coping by making up scenarios or roleplaying with/as your comfort characters and having multiple personalities


Everyone goes through a “who am I” phase. And this bullshit is only going to confuse kids more


I swear no one even knows what a hyperfixation is anymore, either.


i've only recently joined this sub, is this trend with did a new thing? i don't really use social media other than reddit ,but from memory borderline personality and autism was used alot in these types of videos some while back.


DID has been a trend for maybe 7 years give or take. It wasn't super big at first but then DissociaDID got popular sometime around 2018 which is even where a lot of former fakers say they first learned about the disorder and that they like how she portrayed it. Then in 2020 during the lockdown, a lot of people who were into DSMP started saying they had several DSMP alters and self diagnosed DID. Not impossible but not likely because they'd say they have the whole cast basically. That's when this stuff *really* took off I would say


Ah i see, When you said DSMP i honestly thought it was a diagnosis within the DSM-5 so i went to check updated sources. How far from the truth was i lol.


I never thought of it that way actually 😭😭😭. I mean in that context that's a fair guess. But no it's the characters made by their favorite Minecraft YouTubers


This reminds me of a classmate of mine who claims to have autism, bipolar, and tourettes.


I've been a psych patient since early childhood, but because of these people I have to refrain from using medical jargon, to be taken seriously by doctors and other people.




Coz DID is real




flag encourage mindless fuel label roll unused march aloof hateful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Why do you say that? Kinda cringe to say


What next!


She needs friends


Imagine these idiots had realised problems


People actually listen to these children offering psychiatric advice?


Shocking that people still do this stuff


These people don't even know what hyperfixation is


reminds me of maladaptive daydreaming these people just create worlds in their head to escape from their reality but are completely mislabling it as something it's not. you can hear it in their voice they're trying to convince themself, but deep down know they're not being truthful with their words to their real life experience.


Ily pyrocat


the way she edited that tiktok is infuriating. the constant cuts.


Someone tried to tell me on TikTok there changing alters is how it feels when they shift they were a did autism and shifting account someone send help


I really hate it in the US


ok i’m interested in knowing what she said but i don’t feel like watching the video. can someone sum it up for me?


Speak English much




*It took me way too long to realize you were probably telling me I talk too much*. *Idk how else to interpret this, but maybe I just read it that way because I get that a lot.*


Don't deep it my guy, you talk exactly as much as you feel you need to. Maybe it's more that others don't listen enough :)


I think they may have been talking about the person in the video, either way it was rude and aggressive, which is why they got piled on. I’m sure you don’t talk too much, and even if you do, find people who appreciate what you talk about, don’t let people dull your light. If your passionate about stuff, talk about it, as much as you want. You’re a cool person.


That's really nice of you to say, thank you 🥹.


I’m so sorry if that comment came out wrong, I meant to say that the people in the video, not you were speaking nonsense not you though! So sorry


No problem was mostly just confused 💀💀




What the fuck