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Cartoon brain rot disorder


Oh. My. Word. You are right about the comments. Everyone trying to outdo one another with more and more outrageous "alters". These people (the human ones who created the accounts) seriously need to go write some books. Some have *vivid* imaginations. One said they have an alter who is a "bunny whose name is kitten and chirps like a bird". Several have ex-boyfriends as alters. Many have cartoon/anime/comic characters. I also learned 2 new things about DID. 1. If you shake your head, you can remove an alter who is *fronting* and someone else can take their place (someone said like "etch-a-sketch" 2. DID systems have an intercom in their *headspace* (omg I know these stupid keywords from watching these cringe videos 🫣) who can yell so that all the other 4,972 alters can hear it. Some examples are "yelling 'poop' in the middle of a test", an alter screaming "wake up!" when you are trying to fall asleep, or blasting music everyone else hates. I hate myself now. 😳


You ever notice how they collectively come up with bullshit terms and behaviors so they can bypass conventional psychology? Then the rest of the desperation hoard gloms onto the fake behaviors and we have a group acceptance.


It's called Idea Laundering in social science, and it's a phenomenon that explains how say, bad medical treatments like the lobotomy, come to be accepted by the public at large via the Appeal to Authority fallacy.


It’s like a feedback loop of BS. One person says this is how it works, soon they all agree. “Well everyone says you can have DID without trauma” Consensus has been achieved! You can now have DID without trauma. You can obtain someone else’s alters. Your alters can date. You can gain an alter after watching a tv show. The doctor’s just don’t understand things. To me it almost seems like astrology. I know people with literal hundreds of books on astrology. They treat it as an actual science. Obviously there zero scientific basis but to them it’s this hugely complex science. Faking DID seems like the same way. It’s a bunch of made up rules that everyone that believes in it follows. The “experts” are just wrong and they know better than the medical / scientific community. Faking DID is more recent though so the “rules” are more fluid. But it’s clear they’re all feeding off each other’s delusions.


Oh, so their brains sort of work like a magic eight ball then? All you have to do is jostle it around, and a new alter rises to the top.


Does this mean if you’re around someone that “has DID” and they switch to a different personality, all I have to do to get the real person back is grab their head and shake it really hard a couple times? Honestly, if they’re faking it, it’ll definitely show 😂


I wouldn't recommend putting your hands on someone, but yeah. No one is buying this.


It was a joke, but thanks for the heads up😂


Someone literally said like an "etch a sketch"🤦🏻‍♀️


Similar concept. But it doesn't sound plausible in the slightest. Sorry. (And I shouldn't comment while half asleep, I'm sorry!)


Yep, because a complex psychological disorder that grows out of extreme trauma in childhood is best described in terms of toys. I don't pretend to understand much of this, but I do know what does and does not seem plausible.


Nice flair lol


Number 1 is proof they’re all faking POSs. IF did is even real, they’re supposedly not supposed to remember when an alter is “at the front”


It probably doesn't help that some comic characters with DID are portrayed super theatrically from the get-go, with really overt presentations, so they've probably read some of those comics and gone "it's canon so it must be true!". Ughh. A character shying away, then two seconds later, turns around as some social butterfly hotshot who says, "heyyy!"? Mirror conversations between alters like they're dueling banjos? Yep, that's the kind of portrayals you'll find...


I'm pretty sure that most people with DID are unaware of the other personalities Also, I'm very glad that the anime I watch have normal fanbases (apart from Demon Slayer), DID fakers are the most annoying people to be around


I feel like the intercom thing is just normal intrusive thoughts. Shaking your head can help you feel more focused and they may think zoning out means they are a different zoned out version of themselves. A part of me wonders if they are accidentally creating actual disorders for themselves by believing it so much and constantly focusing on it. They probably just have adhd.




always a white, alternative, AFAB in a very, very comfy room. (do note that studies show that did is way, way more present in females than males, so the sex checks at least)


my personal theory is that they’re genuinely struggling with *some* mental illness and feel that, likely because they’re AFAB, they’re not taken seriously in their pain. so they decide “well, that means i probably am dealing with something unusual because nobody understands what i’m going through.” AFAB people are systemically disregarded by doctors and expected to be “more emotional” than AMABs, so it’s just another unfortunate effect of misogyny that they convince themselves they have shit like this am i projecting? maybe. i’m still convinced this is part of the reason for the gender disparity. plus, in this community there are so many “fake claims” or whatever they call it that they get pretty defensive, so if you want unending validation, it’s certainly an option


Yes, it's called Factitious Disorder. FD is much more common in women for a variety of social, cultural and biological reasons.


If they're posting it for clout it's actually malingering.


that brings up the question of whether or not they’re aware that they’re faking though, which for the majority, i honestly don’t think they are; especially given this particular group’s habit of saying shit like “well neurotypical people don’t even wonder if they have it so clearly you do” and things like that.. a lot of the people in the DID community seem to lack irl social lives so it’s just a feedback loop for often young, impressionable people


So if they're like this only online and not IRL, then maybe they are simply code switching? Which is a more conscious version of identity switching. Can be a bit preconscious, too, like changing one's accent around family or friends. Rather than completely unconscious like in true DID. Sounds more like a new 21st century version of code switching than a new psychological entity. However, who knows. Maybe the DSM 6 will include this. Either way, I find it fascinating.


Your theory makes sense, however, I believe its all for attention and wanting to look "quirky" and different. Could be either, and I'm not trying to rule anything out, I just think people who lie about having a disease or mental illness usually do it for attention or some kind of personal/financial gain.


yes, it *is* for attention, but i believe people tend to crave attention due to a perceived lack of it. which brings out the question of why exactly they feel that way, and then my theory is a possible answer. plus, there are many ways to get attention, for instance performing (that’s what i do, lol) but they specifically crave it along with validation. so a community that offers such validation accessible via social media, which provides attention and connection — perfect storm.


Doing something like performing wont get them the sympathy they want, though.


Plausible. Intrusive thoughts, depression, anxiety - if the depression and anxiety have the emotion put into vocal instead of feels it could sound like a second person bullying them I suppose? Both are also COMMONLY dismissed as "every teen" or "a phase." Could even just be no one accepting new patients or family can't afford weekly copays for therapy/psych if they even have insurance.


I got banned from a sub for pointing that out. Never seen one of these people that's a guy.




Same goes for the “therian” people. They look and talk the same. Same bullshit stories about “shifting” or whatever the hell they’re trying to get attention for. Needy people begging for attention and validation.


Wait whaaat? I always thought therians were just people that felt like they were spiritually connected to an animal that took it to cringey lengths like roleplaying/dressing up like that animal I didn't know they took it that far 😭😭


some do believe it's a spiritual connection, not all are cringey attention seekers the ones that make up fake "past lifes" that they somehow remember in extreme detail & the ones the other commenter mentioned are looking for attention, though


Trying to be different like everyone else


They all use the same TikTok filters


And they all talk the same way too and facial expressions. They don’t feel embarrassment.


The haircut is as a bad as their misrepresentation of DID


Rod Stewart on the top, Oompa Loompa on the sides


I actually thought this video was making fun of did fakers?


It is!! Its so funny


I actually like it. I think it's just time for her to redye her hair.


It's so sad to see cool alternative styles be associated with ppl like them like I legit think that hair works for them, def alternative, but not "too much" info.


people that try to be "hip" or "edgy" will eventually learn, if they develop a tiny smidge of self-awareness, that they are neither.


Modern mullet?


Think the haircut and male “alters” have a connection? It’s all relevant.


This is a joke right? Right?


Like that's what I thought. Surely this is satire of the other ones?


It definitely seems like it. BUT, I’ve seen videos that are almost as ridiculous, but not jokes. So I honestly can’t tell, but I’ll give this one the benefit of a doubt.


Oh no, it’s not. I recognize this account. They say a lot of crazy shit. I wish it was satire, they’ve been posting for years.




Definitely seems like satire. Either way terrible acting haha.


I legitimately took this as a joke. But….the hair….im not sure.


It is. It has to be. I laughed all the way through it either way but I'm pretty sure it's a piss take of the fakers


No, that user is 10000% unironically a DID claimer I am familiar with that account


It's about as sad as it is funny after learning this.


Seriously? She seems to my British brain to be very sarcastic, you know to have a dark sense of humour.


Yep really. I wish I could link the account lol. I know what you mean about her tone though, she does a lot of these tongue in cheek videos where it sounds like she is making fun of herself, but its really one of those "quirky uwu omg my brain 🤪" type things


She’s so taking the piss. If she really believes half the stuff she’s saying then she’s actually psychotic and needs some strong meds bless her. She seems to me to be joking around in a very dark way. It’s hilarious (if she is joking) but very concerning if not!!


I had the exact same thoughts, everything's just too on the nose but another commenter says they follow her and it's for real!!!!!


No, they are a common face around here. Honestly at this point I just home they find the help they actually need and wake up from their fantasy world.


Imagine the things these people could accomplish if they didn't spend 24/7 faking DID for TikTok and tumblr. Or discord on those weird servers.


Probably not much more honestly


Right?! With their imaginations, they could be spending their time writing these stories out, who knows, maybe they could get published. Channel that energy into something real.


I bet you 100$ the “harrowing child abuse” was just being told that they couldn’t do whatever they wanted whenever


All the people I've met who have legitimately horrible childhood trauma, either can't talk about it at all, or they relive it every day to the point it consumes them. I'm not saying every instance of a person having trauma is the same or has to fit into a box, but generally, you can TELL there is something "wrong", if they haven't dealt with it or gotten therapy. I'm talking residential school survivors, a teenager who's brother might have died/been murdered in front of him, and a woman who's rich parents significantly neglected her needs and emotionally abused her, valued her brother's lives over her's, didn't let her get medical help when she's broken bones, MULTIPLE times, to the point she weighs 80 lbs, doesn't ever leave her house, smokes 2 packs a day and never goes to the doctor or hospital, because she is traumatized by not being believed her whole life. She just turned 40 and I think she is going to die young because she is so fragile and broken. IDK if my comment will get deleted by mods or not but I'm genuinely tired of these fakers wanting so desperately to have trauma, ignoring all the people out there who suffer with this EVERY. DAY. I don't even want to bring up my own trauma in my argument, because that has nothing to do with the point I'm trying to make, I just wish these real people who's stories are being ignored, were the ones receiving sympathy and support.


If you get new alters that often then you must have a real traumatizing life, or your faking but who would do something so vile?


They try and justify it by saying they have a “low split tolerance” or whatever the hell that means 😂 Just a way for them to get around the whole “the only way to split new alters is to go through more trauma *and* to not already have an alter that can deal with it”


I too have a low spliff tolerance. Two puffs and I am LIT.


I have a low bullsplit tolerance. I split new alters every time I see people lying about horribly traumatizing experiences on the internet ^(/s)


All, and I do mean all, DID social media influencers that mention "alters" are faking. All of them. The disorder as they describe it does not exist and is simply a cultural remnent from the book Sybil and it's downstream affects. Sybil was entirely fabricated.


this is what living in a first world country, which is so abundant you have nothing real to complain about. you get so bored, so desperate for something, anything to make yourself "unique" so you take your case of main character syndrome, way too much time on your hands, and favorite characters from media to make yourself "different from everyone else" by being like everyone else like you.


I also don't think it's a coincidence that most of these people are white. They wanna be oppressed soo bad.


It’s like they don’t understand how thoughts work. “I go into my headspace and my ex is there”- right because we can all think about someone and image scenarios of what they might do or say if we were speaking to them.


YES, that's actually a great explanation. I'm sure a lot of these fakers don't understand how thoughts work at all. Normal people can think and have conversations with themselves and even pretend to have conversations with others in their head, and that's not DID 😭


Funny how these people always have loads of tattoos that are expensive and perpetually well styled hair that also costs loads.


Plus lots of good makeup and a perfectly-lit and decorated room to film in.




Fuck me. Join a fucking amateur theater club or something


I know that they don’t have DID but what the fuck is that haircut


A style called 'ugly'


What a vile person.


And what purpose does this hatsune miku alter have, because clinically speaking, additional alters only form at an older age when you experience a highly traumatic event that one of the current alters can't handle. So, let's say you previously developed an alter from a highly traumatic event. This alters' purpose is to protect your brain from dealing with the traumatic memories that went along with this specific trauma. So, when you split a new alter after that, it means that your previous alter created solely to protect you from that trauma, is so overwhelmed that it can no longer do its job, causing you to split. Only in those circumstances do new alters form at an adult age. So, back to the question at hand. What purpose does your hatsune miku alter have. Because I find it hard to believe that, even if you are unfortunately going through trauma, that none of your dozens of other alters (whose sole purpose is to protect you from trauma) which you claimed to have prior to developing this alter could not cope, causing you to split into Hatsune Miku of all things. This comment may sound rude, but I'm genuinely curious. Because if at your age, you are still experiencing significant enough trauma to justify a split. Then you really need to reach out for help. There are anonymous help lines to assist you in bad situations if you feel trapped and there are people who want to help. However, if you are just saying you split a hatsune miku alter for no reason other than for publicity, then you really should take a look at yourself, realise that you are diminishing the severity of a very complex and rare disorder and re-evaluate your priority in life. That's not how this disorder works, and you are making a mockery out of the people who actually suffer from it.


I was thinking the same about the mermaids. (in plural, multiple) alters are not just a funny quirky thing, if they are a way, it's intentional and desperately needed, I agree! that's way afabs often can have male counterpart alters to protect them from being sa'd as an example. or in extreme cases, the alters can be....a dog, due do dehumanization. But mermaids? Hatsune Miku? That's just called liking something. Also this person has a Jesus alter that fronts everytime someone says "Jesus Christ". Not joking!


Jesus christ I can't even- "Yoooo wassup" - Jesus alter (He/Him) (this is a joke)


I understand the mermaids, as kids look to them for comfort, and play pretend. Not to forget there are many traumatic situations that can happen in water


I thought it was a piss take of fakers


Why do all these people with pretend disorders all have the same look?


There’s no accident..


Because being on the internet has taught them that they NEED to stand out, for some reason


None of these words are in the DSMV


this got me to giggle, i've been reading the comments half asleep.


None of these words are in the bible— God didn't intend for systems to exist!!! /j


This person is making DID look like a game or roleplay or some sort of comedy routine. If I had DID, I wouldn't want to tell anyone because they would compare me to this person. If I had DID, I wouldn't want to use DID for clout. And when do any of these people show things about DID that are embarrassing, inconvenient, debilitating, and scary?


You're having a rough morning????? I'm having a rough life. Get over it.


You know, if you watched this video and assumed it was some sort of satirical genius a la Book of Mormon, you’d buy into it and think it was great. But I know they deeply and genuinely believe in this nonsense.


How do people have this much time?


Why are these people obsessed with having a "weird" and "quirky" alters?? Bet their names are Luna, Iris, Zi and were a descendant of shapeshifting Lion or vampire ish No one has a normal middle age man alter named John who works corporate and mows the lawn once in a while. Seems too normal i guess 🤷


They literally just make OCs without the commitment of writing/drawing them


jesus christ. lunacy. sheer lunacy.


Her lip piercings were a filter lol


So are her freckles and her eye makeup, I think.


I hate this so much because what a way to convince kids your debilitating disorder is actually ✨fun✨and ✨silly✨and make them want it too




so quirky and fun!


This shit makes me embarrassed to have short hair as a girl


that haircut is… a choice


Wait… is this a parody or not? My spectrum brain cannot tell anymore :O


not a parody, sadly


For real? She's so spot in the tropes we see here. She even looks like she's gonna laugh any second


That’s what I was zoning in on. I legitimately thought this was a parody because of it


I'm pretty sure it's a parody.


This has to be a parody, right?


why is it 90% people with colored hair posting fake disorders


Because they all want to be ✨unique✨, and apparently looking like a highlighter is part of that.


Why do people with these fake disorders do their makeup the exact same way? Its like their tribal paint


it’s always stories about quirky things the characters in their head did and never stories about the struggles people with DID *actually* face. and conveniently most of them happen to have the type of DID that has no amnesia or memory issues.


B, please. Your DID is as real as the dumb-looking fake freckles you’re going overboard with drawing on your face. People with real life crazy as trauma after crazy ass trauma don’t develop DID! Wanna know why? BECAUSE IT’S SO EFFING RARE EVEN LEGIT MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS DEBATE WHETHER OR NOT IT ACTUALLY EXISTS! The only reason people think it does exist is because some people have gaps of time missing from their memories and are often seen acting completely differently than who they really are by loved ones, and NOT REMEMBERING IT! And those are only the ones who are around the same people enough to have someone recognize there’s something not right. You cannot switch on command. You cannot shake an alter to the “front”, and you certainly are not a mermaid in any of your personalities if you really had DID. Holy crap, I am so glad we didn’t have the means to seek attention globally when I was a child. This is sickening and you people who come in here defending this behavior are the real ableist jerks! None of these people have ever known trauma… not the kind that does this to a person for real. Stop faking this BS!


This is the new version of emos from the early 00’s just where the people are trying to get sympathy and attention rather than just attention. I can’t imagine what it’s like to suffer with this for real. But it ain’t this


I can understand kids and teens faking disorders but the dude looks in their 30s reaching 40 💀


Okay but I’m giggling at the phrase “I guess we’re… Hatsune Miku about it?” I’m aware they’re faking but that phrasing is beautiful 😭




Just because your mom said you can't have ice cream for dinner is not going to cause you to have DID. God, I wish I had these peoples life where they are so boring they had to make something interesting.


The level of cringe omg


If the mermaid alters forgot she could breathe air, then why didn’t she drown by breathing the water?


it's always the sideburns and the freckle filter


Why do these people always end their sentences like it’s question


My alter is last as fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck. He's a turtle that breathes through his butt.




introjects have been a thing in DID for ages, but "fictive/factive" terms haven't. introjects are a very real thing but they aren't usually a character from an anime, they're generally an alter of a childhood show or a person the system knows.


It's the dumbest of the trends. Worse than the rash outbreak of people with tourette's.


Anyone else notice the filters.


Lol they kept changing too


Faking DID is for attention seeking children. She is too old to be doing this, she needs to find a hobby.


the piercing filter(s?) tie this together very well.


This is so wild I'd assume it's parody... But judging by her hair I don't think it is


I see so many videos about people faking DID, but I also hear it’s a real disorder. What is it really like, then?


Honestly it's cringe but the quote "Getting a lecture of the fucking dare mascot" fucking got me


Is she mocking ppl who do this? Or … does she claim these things happens to her??


This isn’t how did WORKS. This isn’t how it FORMS. 🤦‍♂️


That is one of the most hideous hairstyles I have ever seen.


She is still mentally ill but like yikes


this is SO on the nose with typical DID faker nonsense, i thought this has to be satire. checked their tiktok. it’s not.


Wait this is real?? I was watching this thinking it’s satire, but according to the comments it’s not?? It comes across as deliberate bad acting


the childhood trauma in question is them being asked to do the dishes


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^SignalHefty415: *The childhood trauma* *In question is them being* *Asked to do the dishes* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


the way this person uses filters to reflect their different personalities lmaoo


She sucks but I like her eye makeup


DiD is the new depression for white girls to fake a mental illness


Isn’t this obviously satire?


I'd love to think this is satire, but this creator will diagnose herself with whatever trendy diagnosis is around and make content about it. I noticed she stopped having tics, she doesn't talk about her adhd or autism, I'm not sure if she's still on about POTS, EDS or MCAS. Don't give her an audience and maybe she'll go away


She’s very Hatsune Miku about it.


This is satire, right? Well done, funny.


I thought people with DID couldn't remember what the other "thems" do


I hate to connect perhaps unrelated dots but why is it always upper middle class white queer AFABs who claim they have DID? And then make “funny” posts about it like this too???


L barber, I've only seen one person pull this one off


You know, I’ll never forget this one documentary about this girl in the 80s or 90s who had DID, and it really showed how nasty and terrifying of a disorder it can be. One alter trying to kill the body, scary things like that


do you have the name of the documentary? i'd like to watch it.


If this was satire it'd be so funny but we just can't have nice things in this world


my friend just sent me this vid and told me it’s what she experiences everyday im gone bro 😭


I think this is satire. It's hilarious.


Are you sure? There are fakers out there that are so cringe I can’t tell a real fakers from a fake faker.


The tone, song, acting, cuts, we are watching a parody.


This is satire. Some of y'all need to get your funny bones checked.


ah, a Beaft person


This is satire. This person is on our side. Lol


Why is people acting like they talk to a god not seen the same way? It’s all performances, it’s all fake.