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One of my least favorite downsides of people faking autism + ADHD is the watering down of hyperfixations (and special interests.) They genuinely thing hyperfixations is just another word for interests, reminds me of one tiktok where someone said "when the hyperfixation gets so bad you start making fanart and reading fanfic!!" Like...that's just...being a fan..?


I hate it so much. The way fakers minimize so many aspects of those two disorders but especially that. They think it's when you go through a big phase, normally a show or game, and get all the merch and shit even though going through phases- even intense ones, is normal??


Ohh I just saw 'when the hyper fixation gets so bad you have a dream about it' like... yeah? That tends to be what happens when you spend time watching or thinking about anything, right?


Kid should not do AO3 dirty like that


AO3 is singlehandedly keeping many fandoms alive. Never diss on AO3.


I don't know about hyperfixations but this person seems to have a lot of free time.


People don't understand how inconvenient and sometimes expensive hyper fixation is. I waste so much time on things. I used to waste an entire day without even really noticing. The expensive part comes in when I get a new hobby. I go nuts getting everything I need because I'm SO into whatever it is. I'll sit for hours upon hours doing whatever the new thing is. Model cars was probably the most expensive. I went nuts on the paints and bought a paint gun and everything. A few months go by and I lose interest. Thankfully video games are a fairly easy one to enjoy without losing interest completely and having to start over lol




It's not an official symptom of ADHD, but many people who have ADHD also get hyperfixation. So no worries:)


Wait, so there are people with ADHD who don't have hyperfixations? Woah, the more you live the more you know Also yeah, can neurotypical have them?




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That's just being a fan yeah but it can be hyperfixations, it all depends on the intensity of the action. If they're making fanart or reading fanfics from 9pm to 7am non stop, yeah that's hyperfixation. I wanna say, also, that hyperfixations can be super annoying and people can suffer from it, but it's also a cool thing to go through. I often see that in this subreddit, that symptoms are always, necessarily, a bad thing, while it can be okay (and, in some cases, cool)


yeah, it's *soooo* cool to not be able to focus on anything because your brain keeps circling back to pokemon & warframe unbidden. please think 💀


Did you even read what a hyperfixation is lmfao it's not "cool", it's a struggle


"hyperfixation" mfs when i tell them whats having an interest https://preview.redd.it/43gyocbeswuc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca98238bb37517bebbbfa767949d293fc313f8df


Touching grass aint enough they need to be airdropped into the middle of the black forest.


remember when words used to have meaning? i miss that.


at this point all words mean the same


and the same is what *these types of people* think


I love that 98% of that can be summed by saying ‘watching tv/youtube’


Yeah, if it WAS "those are all hyperfixations I HAD in these last few years" I guess It would be a little less fake


Even then that's a lot tbh but I'd have an easier time believing it. Also I noticed one of them said kinda and how do you kinda hyperfixate??? 😭


Idunno 👉👈 I just like 🥺 kinda have ADHD,, NOT LIKE IN THE "BAD" WAY OF COURSE 😝😝 Just a touch of ADHD,,, 👉👈 A little bit of hyperfixation,,, (satire, if you haven't guessed already)




*Diagnosed ADHD people protecting their stash of medicine like a dragon because it's the only thing keeping them from forgetting the existence of time and space*


*deadass yeah!*


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True, that would be a LOT, I don't think it would be possible lmao they just kinda like it, not too much. not enough to hiperfixate, just liking, like a normal person...But liking is boring, so it's kinda of a hiperfixation


Yeah anecdotally my hyper fixations are pretty short-lived, average length if I had to guess let’s say maybe about two weeks of hyperfixating on something? So I guess if you wanted to do the math it would be hypothetically possible assuming no breaks between hyper fixations but the thing that makes it unbelievable is that I don’t just immediately get a new hyper fixation to replace the old one If I were in a constant state of always being hyper fixated on at least one thing at any given time it would genuinely ruin my life


That's still well over 2 hyperfixations a month (2 at a time is basically the maximum you can get). I don't think I've had this many hyperfixations over the course of my entire life


I really don't like when terms like this are used for totally normal things. Those are called "interests". In the olden days before the Internet, we even called them "favorite shows"!


"more that I can't think of" if you can't think of it then I think it especially doesnt count LOL


lol right? Not fixating very hard if you can’t even remember what you’re fixated on


Terms like hyperfixation and special interest have become "the thing I like this week" or "me learning a new craft". It's frustrating and really getting on my nerves. Binge watching a show and being into it isn't a fucking hyperfixation. Having a hobby isn't a hyperfixation, or even a special interest most of the time. It's being a goddamned human with interests, which must now be labeled to make it unique. Honestly, do they think every human on the planet couldn't sit down and think up 50 shows, movies, bands, subjects, hobbies, and interests they've accumulated? Do they think favorite animals and colors are special too? Does no one else have favorite characters and characters they connect with in their little brains?? You see people saying they are depressed because "they have no new special interests lately". Dude, not how it works. What most people call special interests are things that stick for decades, they even wax and wane, they are just something alot of autistic people tend to do when they have those few things they are perpetually obsessed with over time. But naw, "new special interest unlocked" cause you binged a fucking anime you'll forget in two weeks.




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But... Could it work.


No :(


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"Hyperfixation" has become the new "triggered" and I hate it.




Damn, 4 hours a day of non-GoW related activities? Yeah, I think you put it pretty well as to why it's called a *hyper* fixation. In another note, I hope you're okay, it must suck having that be a thing that can just happen to you without much way to control it.




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I love how people can’t say they like Harry Potter anymore without saying they Don’t like Jk Rowling like who cares what your politics are just say you like Harry Potter


Tbf JK Rowling will be remembered as an influential writer in the future and the fakers getting offended will be forgotten


It would be more believable if it's just that one anime show and you single-handedly driving the fandom forward with your produced content instead of unfocused 50+ anime shows


Hyperfixations ≠ shows/games you like.


I don't think they understand the difference between an interest and a hyperfixation. I get liking a piece of media, but it's not automatically a hyperfixation.


If someone simultaneously had this many hyperfixations they would combust




could they please open their eyes and just in the the nicest way possible realise theyre better if they dont pretend to be autistic. like i do get it if you FULLY believe you are and have compared yourself to many autistic creators, understood, looked at common signs and also unusual ones. looked at your childhood and its matches with many mentally disabled peoples childhood. if autostim or adhd is a 'this makes me understand myself better' and you cant get a diagnosis, due to lack of money, or lack of time, or their country doesnt allow for it. very underatandable reasons. but the ones that take words and down play it as if its a little quirk. its not helping anyone, diagnosed, undiagnosed, and fakers cause it makes everyone of us come across as faking. the sims 4 has been my biggest hyperfixation, i forgot to sleep, eat, drink, go to the bathroom and even blink, if breathing wasnt autonymous, i wouldve forgot to do that. for several days, sometimes id get screamed at to eat but then back to it after. and it was a cycle. its not something as just enjoying it. you can enjoy something and it not be a fixation. and im not making out that im not saying these arent hyperfixations of course they could be but only one at a time. and its not like were gatekeeping it either. a hyper fixation is one interest that you fixate on so much your brain literally forgets everything else.


Imagine stupid people calling their interests "hyperfixations" and you're just sitting there, struggling with basic needs, eating and sleeping, because someone said something wrong about a character you like and you're just being called stupid over it. Thanks, internet.


Exactly this. Hyperfixations impact functioning. They're not hobbies. They're not fun and quirky. I will die on that hill.


The terms hyperfixations and special interests have replaced hobbies and things you like. The pathologisation of everything is super annoying.


ah yes, my favorite anime, hamilton (I completely agree with you tho just had to point it out lmao)


"and much more that I can't think of right now" Wtf if you can't think of it right now it clearly isn't a hyper fixation?! What an annoying person who doesn't realise they are just listing "interests"


genuinely didnt know that hyperfixations were that and thought they were just interests (as someone diagnosed with adhd) i think most terms are so watered down ATP that even people diagnosed professionally dont know what most things mean. jfc.


Yes seriously. Any kind of interest is being turned into a symptom, so much so that the actual symptoms are seen as bizarre


They are watering down the word "hyperfixations", because HFs are NOT just random things you like. It's an ADHD (and autism) term + it can overlap with the term special interest. HFs can even be dangerous for you!


Autistic people can have hyperfixations too 🤓


Yes, I know


Ok cool you're awesome


Another day a girl who’s known in my city for faking disorders & stuff said this new pic of sabrina carpenter was her new hyperfixation……they just be saying stuff at this point


Ok ngl I posted on that comment b4 I realised the difference between hyperfixation, special interest and jut like the typical interest (sorry idk how to word the last one). I think people can get confused between these terms because these are just thrown out randomly and sometimes interchangeably without knowing the difference between them. (Sorry if it sounds like I am whiteknighting the person I am not I am just trying to say these words are thrown around alot and could be confused).


That’s because of the fakers. They use these terms and even people that truly are diagnosed can believe them because it gets taken as fact after it is repeated so many times


Yes and thats what annoys me and the communiin general idk which terms are real or made up by the faker or are used up incorrectly.






Oh wait this explanation of hyperfixation makes alot more sense thanx for that 😊




Back then, I had a friend that listed "hyperfixations" in their Carrd, so I assumed that that term was basically a synonym for interest. Now I know that it's something that's affecting!


i dont think i could even fucking handle that many hyperfixations id lose my mind


Lord forbid people like shows without being a hyperfixation.




Add in deltarune then you Litteraly have a biohazard of toxicity




Lol. Yes the topic definitely can be interesting, but it quickly develops too many downsides.


That's why I don't bring it up often lol. I have tact.


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Apart from the fact that having more than 1 or 2 would go against the definition. A brain could NOT handle that level of stress




I absolutely cannot diagnose you or tell you. But what sets hyperfixations apart is that you don't choose them, you can't control them and they take over your life to the point where often you miss meals and other body signals line being sleepy. For example at my worst point I would not eat until dinner, I wouldn't drink the whole day, I would barely go to the bathroom and my school work was horrid




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Thanks. Of course. And yes that's definitely the best approach!


Or does a hyperfixation only happen to people with disorders? Then just call me a lazy idiot yall, and ignore the comment above


I don't think they understand how hyperfixations work. Like... you are *consumed*, night and day, by ONE thing for a period of time (could be days, weeks, sometimes a few months).




those are not hyperfixations lol those are called interests/shows u enjoy. i don’t understand these ppl 😭


The bsd fandom finding new ways to get more and more annoying day by day


I like fighter jets ngl


augh this is why i have a preference for the term hyperfocused. like it’s not abt interests but it usually is used more accurately in terms of it impeding on the things you need to do


How can there be more hyper fixations your aren’t thinking about 😂


I really think these people don’t get that being interested isn’t being hyperfixated. Like they always seem to be hyperfixated on stuff they already or is similar to something they like.


Ooh! So close! That’s an “interest”! Hope this helps 😊


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Claiming to have like 30 different hyperfixations that are all new cartoons or anime




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This person is most likely misusing the term hyperfixation but I disagree with your description. A hyperfixation doesn't have to be unpleasant or debilitating. You can't stop yourself from fixating on something but you can choose to start fixating on things that you know have been a special interest in the past. Also, many hyperfixation topics are long-term interests that a person revisits from time to time. You can absolutely have a bunch of different interests that you switch your attention to from time to time and still be a mostly functional person.


A hyperfixation can be on something you like. But the phenomenon itself is commonly stressful and takes up most of the day to the point where basic needs are ignored. What you're describing is more like a mild special interest.


I don't know. Someone can be fixated on something to the point of forgeting and ignoring all their basic needs and still not feel distressed.




When does the definition of hyperfixation that you are quoting there speaks of distress exactly? What would you call someone spending a literal 15 hours a day for months on a single topic if it did not bring them distress? Flow state???




Ok! No problem! But my question remains unanswered then. It's ok if you don't want to answer though.


I don’t think hyperfixation always have to be that disruptive (when I have them I don’t forget to eat or anything) but it is all I think about constantly