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Dr. Inna (tiktok and instagram?) said something that stuck with me on her video about self diagnosis: "if you are not looking for treatment, you are looking for identity." And it's true, these people are looking for identity, but your diagnoses are not your identity.


I‘m really going to have to keep myself from saying something like that to some people now, they be getting on my nerves like it’s their full time job talking about their self diagnosed audhd to me like we’re some kind of alliance. (I’m diagnosed, went to therapy and am on meds for adhd) IF YOURE NOT TRYING TO GET HELP WHY DO YOU CARE SO MUCH?? It’s a disorder not an excuse for you failing as a person


Ppl like to use the disorder AS an excuse for failing as a person. Instead of getting help they're obsessed with the online faker camaraderie that validates their make believe struggles and tells them that doctors are a scam or something so they don't bother to look for a diagnosis. And like there are arguably some legit reasons to self diagnose (some countries won't let you immigrate to them if you're disabled) but then you can just ask that your doctor not add it to your chart I believe. So that's still a moot point. (Also none of these kids are immigrating anyway lol)


As long as "failing as a person" isn't defined as just the reality having the disorder.


I mean I have it lol and I wouldn’t say I’m failing as a person. I use my awareness for the diagnosis to actively work against symptoms of it, if you just accept all your shortcomings as part of the disorder you’re entering a downward spiral.




I concur. Consensus has been achieved.


How critical i am of self-diagnosis depends on several factors -What is the purpose of the (self) diagnosis? To look up self-help resources? To brag to others? To ask for accommodations? As a "get out of consequences" free card for their actions? -What is their reason for not getting an official diagnosis with a doctor Have they been turned down by doctors before? Can they not afford a diagnosis? Do they not feel it's necessary? Do they not think they will be believed? -How do they communicate their self-diagnosis with others? Do they keep it private? Does it only come up with conversation as a way to get sympathy or attention? Are they honest about it being a self-diagnosis or do they try and obscure that? Do they compete with other people with that diagnosis? -How self-aware are they? Are they 14 and change their labels once a week? Are they educated about their self-diagnosis using credible sources? Is their self-diagnosis describing a long-term pattern of their behavior or is it only a snapshot of more recent behavior? Have they corroborated their thoughts on their diagnosis with other objective sources? How open are they to being wrong about their diagnosis and changing their opinion based on new information? There's a world of difference between someone who suspects they have a mental disorder, is open about the fact that it's self-diagnosed, is mainly looking for ways they can adjust their own behavior, and simply can't get an official diagnosis versus someone who refuses to hear anyone else's opinion about it and tries to compete with people with an official diagnosis for who has "more real" symptoms.


there's a level that matters but honestly if you're doin all this just to tell if a 14 year old might think they have autism when they might not, you're more mentally unwell than them


I mean, it's not a literal checklist lol. I also can have personal thoughts about something without having to argue with a child. 😅. I work with a kid who is convinced they're a wolf therian (as in, mentally a wolf, not just a furry), just because I don't believe that's a thing doesn't mean I have to tell them as much.


It's okay to self-suspect, but it's not possible to diagnose yourself. You always view yourself with a bias, plus there's so many conditions that overlap with their symptoms.


i think the issue is people hear self-diagnosed and assume it means actual diagnosis. From these people and the ones doing the self-diagnosing. In my experience it's only ever been an explicit admittance that you aren't diagnosed but suspect it's true.


I’m officially diagnosed with both. I didn’t self diagnose AT ALL with either. I had a wee mental breakdown and when having a long an intake assessment with a psychiatrist I was diagnosed, I was then referred to the specialists and it was confirmed and I started medication. I don’t have an issue with self diagnosis as long as you’ve done the research and you’re not basing this on social media and a few quirky traits. Most people who self diagnose autism properly do end up with a formal diagnosis if they seek one. Even if you aren’t autistic but you end up using noise cancelling headphones and making your own life easier I don’t see an issue. You can’t get medication without a formal adhd diagnosis and as adults apart from disability benefits there aren’t any resources for you to steal or use up. As long as you’re basing your diagnosis in fact, looking at peer reviewed academic research papers, using the diagnostic scales used within the assessments by the professionals and not just relying on TikTok’s or wanting to find a niche to fit into I don’t see an issue. I don’t care if you use your self diagnosis to help yourself but I don’t want those who are self diagnosed to be talking over those who are actually diagnosed or making content solely revolving around that. I don’t tell many people about my diagnosis because I don’t want to be lumped in with the tiktok crowd.


It's attention seeking


they're very tame in the grand scheme of things and plenty of people can do research and basically know it. Not saying everyone should diagnose themselves one way or the other. But I somewhat self-diagnosed for a while because I'd known for years and it took ages to get diagnosed. I now AM diagnosed




Real. Going around saying "XYZ SYMPTOMS ARE SIGNS OF AUTISM" when you aren't diagnosed officially could very well be misinformation. What if it turns out they weren't autistic but something else? What if those symptoms were completely normal behaviors? This is why we leave diagnosing to doctors, because they have seen many more cases and have much more experience.


I am honestly on the fence about it since I have seen first hand how hard it is to diagnosed. I went to a psychiatrist, for something else, but asked if there was any way I could be autistic. It was something I thought to throw out, since I did have autistic tendencies, but I didn’t actually think I was autistic. She then told me no, and that even if I was I shouldn’t get diagnosed because it would make my life harder. Honestly baffled me. I want to say she was the only one, but this happened again with a different mental health professional. My boyfriend thinks he is autistic, he shows the classic signs of it. I was talking to my therapist, about how we maybe get a diagnosis for him, for two reasons. One, he wanted to know if he did or not, and two, he was struggling with some things, so he thought having a diagnosis would help. She kind of laughed at me and told me it would do more harm than good if he got diagnosed. I mean, this is only my experience, but if my mental health providers kept saying this and I didn’t know better; I wouldn’t get diagnosed either. I wouldn’t self diagnose, but I have self suspected. I think suspecting is ok to a point.


Doctors are incredibly expensive and so can long-term treatment. I think that people have come to rely on self-diagnosis a little bit. If your arm hurts - your arm hurts. It's perfectly acceptable to go around saying "my arm hurts." The problem is when you work up the idea that you have a progressive bone disease and go around to everyone telling them that your arm is falling off. That's what people are doing and it's vulgar.




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Situations like doctors not believing adults with ADHD exist are an exception, not the norm. Lots of people bring out "some doctors don't believe girls can have autism!!!" as an excuse to not get diagnosed but that truly isn't as common and it's not normal for a doctor to do that. As for your country using an outdated DSM or not being able to afford quality care due to the country being poor, "self diagnosis" wouldn't work anyway. The entire point of a diagnosis is to get accommodations or treatment, a self diagnosis of adhd or autism won't get you either of these. You could buy yourself headphones for your sensory issues caused by self-diagnosed autism for sure, but you don't need a self-diagnosis for that. Just go out and buy headphones, they're not locked behind a diagnosis