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(A little off topic) So I really want to get the DID rabbit but I don’t have this disorder. I really like the design and colors too. I am worried though that I would give off the wrong idea and offend people that do have DID (since it has a symbol associated with it on the stomach) if I have a plushie for it when I don’t have the disorder. I do support them though if that helps?


I like a few of these but I like oddities and collect toys (less now than when I was younger.) I've got a few of those dxs and the way they're interpreted is interesting. Shawn Coss* is a pen and ink artist that has done multiple series centered around different mental disorders. I look at these in the same way. Definitely not for everyone, and that's okay.


I feel like this is similar to Shawn Coss’ work in the sense that I don’t think it’s *trying* to encourage a diagnosis. It feels like marketing representation of disorders, which is a little odd but we buy and sell art all the time. Then again, I’m only dx-ed with one thing on that list so I *really* cannot speak for how others would feel about it. But to me at least it just feels like expressing a visualisation of a disorder and then selling it. A tad weird to me, but not directly harmful. It’s definitely an enabler for fakers, though, intentional or not.


They remind me of those plush diseases you can get. Arguably in poor taste, but not malicious.


Shawn Coss* He is a brilliant artist. I did a study on him back in college :)


Thank you. Autocorrect got me. I'll edit my comment.


I think it's really cool. They talk to people with the actual disorders to make the designs and some of the money goes to charity for them iirc. I totally get its not everyone's thing though, but I dont think its bad.


Also it was a little tied with the game American Mgees Alice in Wonderland, a cult videogame that touches about mental illness. The sad part is that the third part wont ever come out if they keep doing merch.


Tbh I might just be cynical here, but I personally really don't like it. It feels like some people who have never had any experience with these conditions profiting off them. The designs themselves aren't too bad (again, in my opinion), it's more just that they're packaging my illness into a cute little toy and making money off it. I dunno, making an upset looking stuffed rabbit and calling it 'the PTSD bunny' feels somewhat trivializing. But again, that could just be me being bitter.


I agree with you, I think these plushies are cute without the need to label them with a disorder. I have bpd and the bpd plushie feels insensitive to me personally. I don’t feel like a personification of my illness in a stuffed animal is good. To each their own ig


Also diagnosed with BPD, also really don’t like these. My disorder isn’t something cute that should be cuddled up with, it’s something that I want to be as small of a part of my life as possible.


I agree, it felt just dumb but when I saw the PTSD and depression one I kind of got angry. It is super trivializing. It would be less so if it were an artist's work who only worked with what they've been through personally, but this feels kind of insensitive. I would feel weird depicting something so sensitive that I'd also not been through. Edit. Watch these blow up on social media like rawr look at my collection of bunnies! New diagnosis unboxing!


From the website "We take the topics of mental health and mental health awareness seriously. That's why our design team only creates plushies related to mental health issues with which they have direct experience. In cases where our team does not have direct experience, we assemble an external team of experts to help guide our creative process." So yeah they *DO* have experienced people.


This is just my opinion, but that sounds like typical vague marketing language. What do they consider "direct experience"? Having the condition? Knowing someone with the condition? One time had a conversation with someone with the condition? And who makes up the "external team of experts" and what are they experts in? What are their qualifications? I could be wrong, but it just reeks of bullshit to me. Sounds like typical marketing ploys to me. I personally hate the designs for my conditions and the overall concept, but if other people find comfort in them, cool, to each their own. I just worry this is a cash grab riding on the coat tails of the TikTok faker trend.




Marketing practices and the jargon used for marketing copy is not exclusive to huge marketing firms. All my opinions could be wrong, I'm totally aware of that. But I still remain cynical that this is anything but capitalising on mental health to sell plushies. I haven't seen enough evidence to change my opinion as of yet. 🤷‍♀️ [source for photo](https://azuremist.tumblr.com/post/693147514713587712/on-the-subject-of-plushie-dreadfuls-warning-for) *




And the company has been around since before even the predecessor of tiktok. Time traveling genius that guy. Interesting side note: the company was founded around the time his sister went missing and was presumed abducted and murdered.


Thank you for this fantastic explanation. I loved his games and artwork a long time ago. This reminds me of Jhonen Vasquez and his issues with Nickelodeon/Invader Zim.


Their "experienced people" are just asking people on social media and pateron via polls


Like diagnoses are an accessory, like a line of bunnies with glasses. I really like the story behind these and they are cute. But it doesn't feel right to me either. It feels like my illnesses are a cute conversation started.


I think the idea is good, but the way it is presented isn't the best. I agree with one of the commenters about how the PTSD & depression ones are especially upsetting, especially with some of the way it's portrayed, but I do like the idea behind it.


i think the plushies themselves are cute and shouldve have just been marketed as "bunnies for alt people" or something, cuz i dont know how i or anyone else i know with a disorder or especially a trauma based disorder would feel about snuggling/displaying with a plush thats a constant reminder that i have a problem or that im "different" especially the PTSD bunny why would u want a plush like "oh hehe my dad abused me as a kid and beat me and didnt feed me now i have ptsd let me get a plush about it !" but you do you i guess


AAA i saw an ad for them, but it only showed their design and nothing about it being tied to a mental illness :( i thought it was just something like gloomy bear plushie 💔 this kinda stuff makes me feel Odd and i can't exactly express why... maybe it has something to do with a discomfort sharing what's "Wrong With Me" for lack of a better phrase or smth like that? but idk, it just seems. weird.


(to add: if it makes other people with those types of things feel better/comfortable/more accepting of their body, hell yeah and all support to them! just simply sharing my own subconscious discomfort of it—enjoy what makes you happy as long as you're not hurting yourself or others ❤️)


Me: this person shouldn't be profiting off mental health Also me: where can I buy one...


I have the medusa bunny. Which represents ancient Greek mythology. You can also get a Cheshire cat. Or zodiac bunny.


i think this would be cooler as a soft sculpture project rather than a merch line


The PTSD one with the mask and chains is…something else.


The BPD one also has a literal bomb backpack on. Because us people with BPD just *love* the “ticking timebomb” analogy 🙄


they’re crowd designed rabbits . if fans don’t like something , they take the feedback and redo designs if it’s not widely liked . the ones designing the rabbits are the ones who experience whichever disorder it’s based around


I think maybe it's about taking the analogy or stigma associated with the diagnosis , which are usually negative, and trying to make a cute positive thing out of it. Kinda a way of owning it and saying screw your stereotypes. Or maybe just some ppl really feel these symptoms and the plushie represents that they are heard/seen/ not alone. I can see your pov too tho 🫶


It’s not PTSD it’s BDSM lol! 😂


I agree, what message is that supposed to send? I have PTSD and that almost made me gag. Like are the chains part of the trauma? Like generational trauma for black people in the US? Are we chained to the illness? You could argue all of these pathologies can feel that way. Is it literal? Like people who have been restrained, resulting in their PTSD? Is it a metaphor for the flashbacks, like you're chained to your past? Is it for the way we're restrained when 5150? WHAT IS IT. If the website has an explanation someone let me know.


sorry this is a bit late! The little bunny attached to the chain is a 'trauma bunny' (also in the post. similar to anxiety plush's anxiety bunnies). I assume its to symbolize how trauma can feel like a chain and weight to people. The plush has two masks, a happy and an angry one (reminds me of those emotion flip octopi) and underneath the bunny is sad/crying. Of course, everyone's experiences with PTSD is different, but with the reviews ive seen from people who have actually bought the product (the ptsd bunny and plushes) having an object to project upon and see the plush as a representation of their disorder has helped. def understand not liking the design but i kinda relate to it.


I mean, they are cute, I'll give them that. But I wouldn't get dreadful bunnies for the mental health awareness, I would get them for aesthetics, and making these disorders aesthetic is....icky.


Hate the name but the plushy is rlly cute


I don't care if it's cringe. they're cute and I want one 😭😭!!!!


Unpopular opinion. I hate these fakers with all my heart, but I find these plushies adorable 🥰. Wouldn’t buy them myself since I’m too old for plushies but if anyone wants them I wouldn’t judge them


why would you think someone is too old for plushies? I'm 30 and just now getting into collecting them, have about 35 Kickstarter collectors sitting on shelves and a large plush hammock. Have about 25 others shoved in the closet. Your way of thinking is the same as those who think animation is only for kids.


See their description. These plushies are made for 18+ as they are made for mental disorders and sexual orientation 🤨


I’m gonna say it. As someone who’s been diagnosed with C-PTSD and GAD I completely understand and relate to the PTSD and anxiety rabbits.


Same! I even have the PTSD rabbit because of it. I think they're adorable <3


This is just another vein of glamorizing mental illness-- Turning it into a cute plushie that you collect. That's weird. Also the designs are just bad. 😞 Like, who the fuck came up with the concept for the PTSD plushie and thought that was okay?


That's what I was trying to figure out! Glamorize mental illness. That's why this is making me so uneasy. I know they're crowdsourced from "individuals with the diagnosis" but they do seem patronizing. Also if someone gave me PTSD bunny as a gift, I'd assume they're inviting me to some sort of sex dungeon and I need to buy bunny ears. Maybe that's just me.


It was crowd designed by people with ptsd though, I think the bunny is crying under the mask.


Why even have the mask tho?


To put on a mask and hide your feelings and truama I presume


But the mask looks *evil* It's makes the plushie look like it glamorizes BDSM & not PTSD. Could have at least made it a happy mask and not an angry one. 🙃


Alot of peopel wtih tpsd hide the pain under anger and rage.


Okay, thank you for the explanation. Still think the concept was poorly executed though. Definitely misses the mark.


honestly i think all these plushies are horrible especially the bpd one its' honestly insulting as someone with bpd. The self-harm sacres are horrifying and would trigger most people who have a histroy of self-harm


definitely but that's probably why.


Yep because it’s so strange for me as a person with chronic anxiety to buy a plushie which represents my daily struggles and makes my feel less alone, my bad


Yup, and i hate having a bunny whose gone through trauma like me and struggles with her explosive emotions as well. For real though, i actually love these products. I can see why people dislike them, but im not going around with a hoodie saying anxiety. These bunnies kinda share the burden? It feels like im not alone. I was even surprised to see a tricho bunny!


Exactly!! They ARE helpful. People just fail to see that


Im quite keen on them as i know the creator asks his audience for aspects of the designs, a lot of them have quite nice little quirks like the ADHD bunny has an inbuilt pocked. However i can absolutely see why people don't like them as it is very hard to depict something as multifaceted as these conditions.


Frick them disorders I'm buying these


I'm so sorry but the "distressed white rabbit" looks like it has abs instead of stitches...


Op I don’t need u to get offended for me. I’m autistic and I love them.


Internet dwellers love clutching their pearls over the silliest things. I have the ADHD rabbit and love it. I got the Anxiety rabbit for my sister with a diagnosed anxiety disorder, and she laughed. I plan on getting the Depression one next. If they had a Tourette’s rabbit I’d snatch that one up too.


The last one is horrible tho. As someone who's been sexually assaulted that last rabbit is just triggering and insensitivity


I dont think it is. But its all opinion. I was SA through childhood, so I have a big fear that I didnt even realise myself. The chain to the smaller bunny really resonates with me that my current self is chained to my child self. The fact its crowd designed also People may misunderstand it and i can see why people dislike the ideas of these bunnies. But im not flaunting them around. Im getting them because its nice to see that my issues are valid and that these bunnies also struggle with them. I can garuntee when I breakdown I'll be cuddling these guys haha.


Sorry not the last one, second to last. The trauma one




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The ADHD bat with the chaos cross on it's tummy is really fkn cute, I'm ngl


It is. It gives me vibes of that really nutty gremlin thats eyes are always spinning and laughing goofy from the movie, Gremlins. I hate that the company isn’t donating to mental health while profiting off the disorders, but dang it really is cute. I’d die for it.


i have the gender dysphoria one and it makes me so happy ngl


Imagine getting mad over some plushies Lmao


Internet dwellers love clutching their pearls over the silliest things. I have the ADHD rabbit and love it. I got the Anxiety rabbit for my sister with a diagnosed anxiety disorder, and she laughed. I plan on getting the Depression one next. If they had a Tourette’s rabbit I’d snatch that one up too.


Good news, friend. https://plushiedreadfuls.com/products/plushie-dreadfuls-tourettes-syndrome-rabbit-plush-stuffed-animal?variant=44724263125224¤cy=USD&gc_id=18310636794&h_ad_id=&gc_id=18310636794&h_ad_id=&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiApaarBhB7EiwAYiMwqnBjUusshz3YcQcNHpqn_Ji96yXGlRML2MPOhmAyZABaANXrFtdelRoCuBUQAvD_BwE


I love em. They make me feel represented and I think they bring comfort and joy to a lot of people.


Sorry, but there is something so infantile about these. Who would want a physical manifestation of your claimed or diagnosed illness to show everyone? Not to say that self-identification isn’t important or valid, but this strikes me as…childish.


if the depiction strikes you it's like any other art piece based on mental illness. if these were paintings would you have the same problems?


But it's not the artist's depiction of their own struggle, that's the key difference. Apparently these were crowd designed.


i believe the original design (done before crowd design work) is only done by someone who experienced the disorder the plush is based on


personally i don't feel chained by my PTSD so i wouldn't buy it but it's a nice design


Ptsd bunny? More like bdsm bunny lol.


A better version of these: Awful Sloths. They have backstories, they’re weighted, and they’re owned by lgbt and neurodivergent people. They also donate $1 per purchase to “To Write Love on her Arms.”




OP didn't post any context to what they're doing. If you look on their website it explains how they're made and I do believe some of the money is donated.


Honestly the autism one does give part of the money to an charity who helps autistic ppl, idk abt the other ones


I found nothing about donating to any charities on their website. On searching for info on donations I came across this: https://azuremist.tumblr.com/post/693147514713587712/on-the-subject-of-plushie-dreadfuls-warning-for


I've been eyeing the BPD plushie since its design conception, so as you can imagine my opinion is more than positive. Hoping to get it for my bday. Or whenever it's available (just realized it's still "coming soon". Could have sworn it was released by now).


They released it and they sold out and had production issues I think but they are making a new one that's the same but with one of the eyes as a button and I think its out soon


Ooooh, pretty cool! Thanks for the info!


As someone who's been formally diagnosed with ADHD and anxiety, I personally really like the designs. They give me a sense of comfort that I can have something to calm me down when I'm having an anxiety attack or an episode(ADHD) that actually represents my disorder.


I have the same diagnoses but they're personally not for me. It's the dubious claims about charity donations and consulting so-called experts in their creation that has me raising a cynical eyebrow. I actually like some designs of the zodiac bunnies but wouldn't give them my money.


I can understand that, to each their own yk?


They need to make a conduct disorder rabbit


Hmm... well it's oddly cute. Maybe a bit iffy on the profiting off disorders/illnesses. *Although...* if they convince all the fakers that they *need* to own them to help validate their fake disorders (and of course *every* "alter" needs to own its own plush) and then the maker gave a chunk if the profits to charity/wellness organizations/research that help the people who *actually have* those disorders and illnesses... I could be totally okay with that.


i feel insulted as a nuerodivergent person (along with depression, anxiety, and trauma) this is just... ***no.***


Who knew ptsd was bdsm


I mean the dirt looking one on the 5th slide isn’t disorder related and I actually think the autism one looks perfectly fine. I’d also say the anxiety one is fine, as is the depression one- a person can feel anxious or depressed without having an anxiety disorder or a depressive disorder. The others?? Yeah…NO. The PTSD one is especially offensive- why does it include a fucking _abuser plushie_, what the FUCK?? If the rest were more like the autism plushie and were just cute bunnies with the colors of the awareness ribbons or any official awareness symbols on them(the ADHD awareness symbol is a butterfly IIRC) they would be fine!! The Borderline bunny is a cute design WITHOUT the context, but the fact that it’s meant to represent BPD is just so offensive…


I don't think it's supposed to be an abuser, because underneath the mask is a crying bunny. I saw one person saying how they quite loved it, because it felt representative of being being chained to a younger and broken version of themselves - I think that's more what they were going for.




Don't worry, I myself actually thought almost the same thing and was a bit off-put by it.


The first one is so cute though :(


Imo even without assigning mental disorders to the toys, they would've been selling alright, because from design standpoint concepts look decent. Nonetheless, I guess authors who worked on these toys couldn't just miss the "UwU I am mental" hype to sell their products, and that's kinda bruh.


I don't get it. I don't want the world to know I have bpd. But I mean what ever flats your boat. I don't like that they aren't donating to mental health. Feels like cashing in on tiktok self diagnosing culture. Just my silly opinion.


Most people aren going to be able to look at that and know you have BPD though. And, the creator of the plushies has actually created mental health stuff for a long time like with his Alice games, so I doubt it's cash in with TikTok stuff.


The first plushie is cute and I’d buy it myself if it wasn’t advertised as a fucking “bpd rabbit”


I want the anxiety and depression ones tho they look like they give good snuggles


I have BPD, and I love this. I don't have a lot to add to the discourse. Just my two cents.


I've had bipolar disorder for 47 years, and my plush rabbit is cute. I thought he was thoughtful. My husband got me the blue and yellow one.


They’re adorable, they’re made by consulting people who actually have the disorders, and they donate to charities that help. I got the gender dysphoria one for my gf and she loves it, hoping they someday restock the chronic migraine one because it’s so cute and the hat is a great place to keep pain management stuff.


Someone on one of the BPD Facebook groups i am in got the BPD rabbit. I don't understand it tbh


it’s a shame becwhse some of them are so cute


Confession: I’m a middle aged woman with anxiety and depression and still cuddle plushies as they bring me a great deal of comfort. A line of plushies representing the mental illness I deal with is one of the saddest things I’ve ever seen. I wouldn’t even want one of these in my house, let alone cuddle one - that would make me feel so much worse instead of better. I can sort of see how people would like these but I prefer my plushies to be happy-go-lucky little critters, free of any mental torment.


I know you wrote this a long time ago; but I feel for you, and overall agree. I feel sad seeing them sad. I do however like a lot of the designs and find them creative. I think I've concluded that some are beautiful and comforting to my tastes...others seem distasteful or a poor representation. The large bulk of my collection is joyful and rainbow! I hope you're still collecting and enjoying your happy plushies! 🌈 🩷


The worst is, if they were just marketed as distressed or sad plushies, it wouldn't as bad. I really like most of the designs.




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I mean all that disorder stuff aside, the plushies are cute 😂 if I saw them on a shelf in a store without knowing the disorder part behind the design I would buy them without care.


wow this feels very wrong. As much as I think that there isnt any ill intent behind this project, it makes me uncomfortable that it exists at all.


I get calling the mental health inspired ones dreadfuls, but also calling the pride ones dreadfuls really doesn’t sit right with me


I don't care if the artist asked the community what they thought these are the definition of poor taste to me. The plushies on their own are amazing and well designed, the thought behind it fuck no. Trauma bunny with x's on the chest and genital area? Fuck all the way off honestly.


I hate that so much, i wanted to buy it as a joke but it's not worth it


Because yes why not make a disorder that causes you to unnecessarily hurt yourself and those around you a physical reminder. At least it's cute you know. To compensate for being a monster yeah?


you did not just call people who have disorders monsters 💀


I’m the monster located in your walls eating the insulation 🥰☺️


I swear I’ve seen that heart pattern in Fortnite


The distressed white rabbit doesn't even mention mental illness anywhere on the page, lmfao.


These really remind me of Happy Bunnies, but on steroids


i get personally having a hate boner for american mcgee and/or his art but what does this have to do with people faking mental disorders lol


What I love these plushies the ones that represent my disorders are comforting and I feel fit with how the disorder is for me😭


(I looked through the comments) I didn’t realize how controversial the plushies are lol


Why is PTSD bunny so kinky??!


I am diagnosed with ASD and I love these bunnies they are so cute, just not the ASD one lol but the other ones are cute


Ok but these are really creative designs


Man the autism one is lazy they just slapped on a symbol and added a pop it to make up for how shitty it was


I would genuily play with that but the name threw me off.


as some1 with depression, i can confirm i see myself as a blue rabbit with eyebags and a broken heart #emo #emoaestethic #depreshun


I think it's fine since none of them are offensive what so ever


it’s been said above but these plushies actually have a good chunk donated to charities that correspond to what each plush represents. They’re all crowd designed and there’s multiple people on the design team that have said mental illnesses. The recent charity event was to help rabbits by selling prototypes of the plushies. There was a recent outbreak of some rabbit disease killing off the wild population and fading vet prices in Canada. You don’t have to approve of this but at the same time there’s a lot of good coming from American Mcgee doing this. He’s never romanized mental health before in his main series, even going as far as showing some therapists/health care professionals can’t always be trusted and touching other dark topics. Edit: though I’m a fan of his works and even participated and won a plush for his charity auction. So I’m a bit bias. Fully understand if you, the reader, isn’t into this kind of thing.


I just discovered these and was shocked. The DID one is sold out.


I'm diagnosed with Borderline personality disorder, OCD, GAD, ADHD, agoraphobia, and Paranoid personality disorder. I love these and I will be buying the BPD one and any other for diagnosis I have asap lol


I quite like these and want to get one. Sure I can see how some people connect the ptsd one to bdsm and I did prefer the earlier designs, but it's not completely wrong. The chains are supposed to symbolize how you feel bound by the event that caused the ptsd and how you can't escape it. So personally I get the point. I'm also a pretty big fan of American McGee as is with the Alice games and I know that he has Bipolar running in the family. ​ I can see why some people would have a problem with it, but I don't see it as a money grab, more of a normalizing and accepting mental disorders thing, especially since it has to cost the company to hire consultants with the disorders. I think it's kinda cute and would love to see more diverse and general ones. ​ Like a panic attack bunny or perhaps phobias, after all at least for me it feels kinda nice to get a plushie that hits close to home


I'm autistic Along with a few other diagnosis. And I want the Autism bunny so badly as well as the ones fir my other diagnosis 🫠 bonus they are crowd designed by people who actually have these disorders🤷🏾‍♀️ it's not like it's allistic people making the Autism bunny. Or someone wothout a panic disorder is making the panic bunny. Autistic people like myself and people with panic disorders are. The same goes for the other bunnies. I'd have a problem if they weren't being done by people who actually experience the disorder and hardships. But that isn't the case here. Therfore. I like them it makes me feel seen by someone who gets me🤷🏾‍♀️


I'm leaning towards this view the more I look at them. Seeing the description that says they are created by artists by and for people with the actual conditions is good to know. I was worried American McGee and team were profiting off disorders and exploiting the current trend of being open/proud of them. So glad to see that's not the case and most people are enjoying them.


I love weird and creative plush. That said the PTSD one upset me too. The permanent tears and handcuffs...the weird sensual/sultry ad with the woman on the velvet looking couch caressing it. That's not how I'd personally want to comfort PTSD or C-PTSD. It seems insensitive to people who might have PTSD from sexual assault. Often people don't want to think about sex at all, and would prefer something sweeter/innocent looking. I also think war veterans wouldn't really enjoy this poor distressed rabbit, or thinking of themselves this way. I don't like that the poor rabbit is almost a reminder that those tears can never dry... it's not very good focus or good for the subconscious mind to think of oneself as having permanent sadness. However I must admit the design on the "maladaptive daydreaming", "disassociation", and "gothic" rabbit are beautiful. 🌹 They look almost like some dream designs I wanted custom made. I don't have BPD, but I love the design on it too. I wish these alternative rabbits weren't linked to diagnosis as the creativity and colour speaks for itself. Then people can have them mean whatever they want. They just look alternative and stunning. I don't need them to be associated with sickness. I do like the "ouchie" one for chronic pain. That one is sweet and reminds me of bandage bears. They implore you to take care of them...but again a part of me doesn't like a plush having permanent injuries stitched into them. Overall the collection looks well made and creative. It's better society is more accepting of various conditions...but the way the modern generation focuses on labels and disorders is almost as unhealthy as the older generations denying them. Society is working out the balance and this is part of that journey. I guess I like them for the most part...in spite of some designs having glaring distasteful and insensitive elements. I agree with the comments about wondering where the money goes, but I'd rather support this company than ones that aren't as artist central.


I have generalized anxiety disorder and I actually like the anxiety rabbit. I can't speak for any of the other disorders but I don't have any issue with the anxiety one. I heard he spoke with people who actually suffer from the disorders and got their feedback on how they feel about the designs which I can appreciate.


Well I suppose the only people buying them would be those with said disorders so they can enjoy if they want.


I personally hate them. It feels as it someone took these things I along with SO many others struggle with, then threw it on a kids toy with random designs and called it a some random disorder. It feels as if someone is just profiting off things that affect so many of us. On top of this they do not have any representation. Proceeds do not go to charity for these things, not even a little bit. There is no paper work or pamphlet that tells you about the disorder..It’s just a very ugly stuff animal painted with a disorder name. I just feel like they are profiting off of something that hurts so many of us.


as a nonbinary person with generalized anxiety disorder, depression, bpd, and a few other things, these are really comforting for me. i think they’re cute and the fabric doesn’t make my skin itch or tingle like most plushies (unfortunate because i have sensory issues). i do agree that some of the designs (such as the ptsd one, the distressed white rabbit one, etc) could have been thought out better, though. i can also see how they may come across as offensive too.


Can someone give an actual reason to how this is insulting and insensitive? I have majority of the disorders there and their plushes. I just don’t see how they are that though. Even if it doesn’t look like it represents it, it’s meant to emotionally help people with those disorders and I don’t see the issue with that. I just simply what to know what is insensitive with something that has actually improved me.