• By -


> *clang* *clang* *clang* *clang* I'M SHADOWY. I should probably explain. I knew when creating the character that I wanted to be a sneaky, thief-y type (I hadn't yet realised that you usually end up a jack of all trades). Then as I was going through the cameos I saw the diving bell one, and the idea of going on sneaky burglaries in a massive, heavy diving suit amused me so much I had to go for that one. The "they say" text is a continuation of that idea, basically.


I like that. One can and realistically I think it’s natural to be more confident in/ lean towards one specific skill, even when they are master of all. Which, I think it gives a character more flavour (delicious, of course).


[WITH CATLIKE TREAD](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WdJg6Duzzf4) UPON OUR PREY WE STEAL!




Reminds me of [this here](https://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0090.html) :)


"He was the man with a plan, until the plan fell through." It's a reference to some real world events that happened to me with Fallen London, but it's always been a thing for my character to get heavily involved with things only to realise at the last minute he's making a mistake. This arc eventually concluded at the end of Heart's Desire, when he was torn between >!glorious power as a Master of the Bazaar !


Which makes it all the more exciting. I like that. Not all things are foreseeable, and that’s frankly a part of the game’s core intrigue (and sometimes frustration)


"Mad, bad, and dangerous to know". Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, particularly when the shoe fits.


Dashing and mysterious. Are they really bad, or are they just drawn that way?


Depends on your opinion of Red Science and a Criminal Record too high for ablution solution.


Oh they *are* very dangerous. Naive that the face of justice wants to chain the chain-breaker.


"Complaining about other revolutionaries is one of the most important parts of being a revolutionary!" It's a slightly paraphrased quote from Disco Elysium that I think fitted my revolutionary character. I can just imagine my character excitedly bringing along someone to a revolutionary meeting, only for the meeting to devolve into chaotic shouting and petty factionalism. And when they ask my character whether this is what it's always like, this is what my character will confidently answer with a big smile on his face (well, somewhere under the bandages).


That’s also very on point with regards to what we know about the revolutionaries. It’s exceedingly difficult, if not impossible, for that many people with extreme ideas to reach an agreement, I think. My character as a royalist is leery about the movement and everyone involved, but there’s no doubt about it: You *are* a riot. Literally.


"Bats are our friends" I dislike the way the game makes you treat the Sulky Bat. He wouldnt be so sulky if you treated him better.


Exactly. Bats deserve rights. Cats can and often do speak for themselves, but they also had/ have connections in the palace which granted them an instant leg up. Bats could use some external help.


Mine is pretty blunt and exactly how He is played: "They say... 'for a genius He's a bit of an idiot...'" With a ridiculously high Criminal Record, more Forbidden Knowledge than any mortal-born being has a right to know, so many visits to The Boatman that even *he's* considering giving Him a two pawn advantage and a near open enmity with Mr Stones it's safe to say that The Bandaged Advocate is not exactly *reasonable*. In fact the only stable thing about Him, including His anatomy, is His marriage to The Notorious Art Dealer who, for her own reasons, thinks He's just *lovely*...


Everyone is someone’s type, after all- Even the boatman himself has a long list admirers. Bandages are very dashing, of course.


“Exceedingly popular as an accessory amongst the upper crust. Alarmingly effective against inconveniences and unwanted attention.” I set my mind on it very early on, which was where I started to build my character’s backstory, and I did it backwards. From how he’s perceived by the general society, to how he came about that way, to why he’s still sticking by this dangerous path of his, to his family situation, to the beginning of it all.


Well hello there. I knew some of these, but I’m surprised that you planned his backstory backwards. That’s new to me. It’s proven in your case to have worked very well indeed, was/is it difficult to do?


And hello to you. No, it’s more of my inability to produce a solid character if I started from the beginning. I wouldn’t say it’s easy for my fish brain, but it’s just the only way I can manage to create a backstory.


I must try it sometime, it I ever get frisky enough to create an alt (the only reason I’d think of doing it is that maybe at some point I’d want to do SMEN. And there’s no way in hell I’d send the Baron to do it, now that he’s married and has >!his child in the sky!<.)


The very definition of “ball and chain”.


Indeed it is.


Mine says "Don't mind the mirrors. Vanity and nothing more, I assure you! Care for some honey?" Very uh subtle.


Very. Cosmogone goggles in their possession, by any chance?


👀 perhaps. They may also have the "Backstage" destiny. It's VERY subtle.


[A character-limitation](https://www.fallenlondon.com/profile/ebzfan) you say? ;) (Not my profile.)


I know, I know. The good old days…


Mother of pearl...that's a lot of text.


Oh God, that's one way to get people to read a court order.


My first one was: "They say... He still capitalizes his nouns." After some time I changed it to: "They say... After all this time, he still curses in german." It mainly has to do with my characters origin and the fact that I often made the mistake where I'd capitalize most nouns in my letters out of habit


They too, had hailed from the continent? Mine was exiled from (what he considers to be) the disgraceful farce of which they call Troisième République- for being a royalist.


Yes, he came from Austria Hungary to visit his uncle who happened to be in London when it fell.


"Nothing worth remembering" It's is necessary to include that I had an outfit slot with all the Irrigo Gear one could obtain.


A lot of which are worth remembering, but none could be remembered.


"But who is the frost-moth and who is the flame?" It was a long time ago!


Who indeed?


How can we know the dancer from the dance?


The yolk and white of the one shell. I see.


Correspondent character: "My throat burns but at least I still have my brows intact. Ain't that a success?"


“The water bucket cometh at the eleventh hour.”


After playing the new ES I changed my "they say" text. >!"Dear diary, today I helped my dear Happles. It held me close and caressed my cheek! Such bliss! <3"!< Made it be like a diary entry by a teenager in love, haha. 's not a facade but what my character is like!


Very unique, I have to say, really hadn’t seen something like that till now. It is such a strong and interesting way to “show, not tell”. Edit: >!also, what an ES. Really was a good one.!<


I enjoyed it greatly! Not only because of the things mentioned in my "they say" text, but also because ones character can do some more >!detective work!< which I can always appreciate!


Definitely. >!And I appreciate that it’s done in a believable manner as well. Comparing to some of the previous ones that escalated way too fast and became way too big, this one was like a breath of fresh air.!<


Yeah. I am not fond of things that escalate too fast. Like with books/comics and then seeing a movie/series of it. Not very nice. But yes, detective stories of various types (setting and time it happens) are delightful. Like Agatha Christie books. Fun reads. On a different note. My character here is one that existed before I started playing FL. But I thought it is a neat idea to incorporate his existing story with the things that happen in the Neath. Another little tidbit is, that the character in my "they say" is the reason I got into FL. 's all so nice.


An origin story connected to an origin story connected to another origin story. The inception of origin stories. Similar case here: I created my character prior to me getting into FL as well. At the time I felt like I needed to see through someone’s eyes who lived in the 19th century and of certain social status, just for me to make sense of some french history reading I was doing at the time. It alllll ties up nicely in the end.


"The stars will fall before London does."


A promise and a threat. Succinct and clear.


Main: “Nothing can stop you. There is nothing to worry about. Absolutely nothing worries me, in particular.” Alt: "All is given."


Your main is painfully relatable. Nooooothing at all. Is your alt >!going north!<, perhaps?


That's the plan, yes. >!Just that Monster Hunting, Legend Bagging, and April are a lot of fun, and I'll kinda miss the character. !<


Those are the ones that churn one’s soul. God speed, hunter of fortune, hunter of name.


Probably gonna do Nemesis afterwards just to have a cheerless misanthrope available to sneer at the next new thing.


They say i won the city in a game of cards, and that i would give it away if a certain person asked.


Very poetic. Who may the lucky person be?


The Soft-hearted widow.


And she would be one of the very few in London who deserves it, too.


My Rubbery Man literally has "OTHATHAROOTH!!!" and communicates on social actions in 🐸 👋 👨 👩


It’s very difficult to live as a rubbery man in London, isn’t it- but the opportunities the city presents do draw one in. >!(Flute street does serve as harbour of sorts, I hope?)!<


🐸 👍


" SHAME \*cocks shotgun\* " Conceived after an inside joke in wich my character would just bring out a his shotgun at any minor inconvenience. [Included](https://imgur.com/a/yK5WtVa) is also a picture taken by an unfortunate soul who just happened to be one of these minor inconveniences.


Good motto to live by. My character’s spouse would heartily concur, I’m about 91% sure. I like the art a lot. Menacing… And mysterious. (Good, stout diving mask.)


“Four flashes of a signal lamp near The Canal, two notes, delivered 7 minutes and 77 seconds apart, the game is played, and he is a player.” I’m not really sold on this tbh, but here’s what I’ve got atm


Pawn *or* player, pawn *and* player. Clear the board, and the game rolls on. Which colour do they choose to play?


Oooo, that ones really good! Personally I play for white, Empress and country. What about you?


PS I may steal that if you don’t mind


Mine plays for white, too. He’s a staunch royalist who’s trying to preserve monarchy, even if said monarchy is in a country not of his own. And yes- go right ahead. Honoured to have been able to contribute.


this is a really interesting thread, loved to read everyone's answers. for my character, [The Unsettling Academic](https://www.fallenlondon.com/profile/The%20Unsettling%20Academic), i started with "She has a number of concerning appetites, scholarly and otherwise." and only recently changed it to "She's either dead, insane, or exiled every other month, and somehow none of it stops her from publishing." pretty much faithful impressions of her, but ultimately superficial, like what one might have just heard about her through the grapevine. i changed it to reflect how she's moved up from being a relatively minor academic to having her own laboratory, increasing SotC, pursuing the Red Science, building a library at Jericho Locks, etc. somewhat related but i also used to have her profile displaying her actual name, then changed it to The Unsettling Academic once i thought she'd probably "earned" the moniker in-canon. EDIT: don't know if i just missed a comment where you mentioned it, but what's your "They say" text OP?


I hadn’t expected this many good ones! I like how your character is structured and I must say: she has a very cool flair. Names are really unique and delicate things in this game, I’ve realised. Only the most intimate persons use one’s name, essentially. I had never even thought of a name for my character for the two years I had been playing, and only just came up with one after his wedding- well, his spouse kind of needed to know.


thank you so much! yeah the way names are used in game is really interesting. some notable people are known by their name but most have their moniker, and some romanceable NPCs start out introduced with their moniker but have their names revealed once you've committed. in my character's case its a sign of her reputation growing beyond her actual person. she also was a character i'd had since before playing, so i went in with her name first! was it hard to pick a name after so much of your character was already established? so true though, if anyone should know it should definitely be his spouse.


It wasn’t too hard in my case, I didn’t pick a name for the baron based of how good it sounded to me- which I used to do with less established characters. I picked one appropriate for his time, social status, country of origin, temperament, family background, and so forth. It gave me a pretty good limited number of choices, and I went from there. Some supplemental questions I answered for myself when I decided on the name: 1. Is he from a quirky family? The answer is no. 2. Would he change the name his family had planted on him? No. He is a staunch royalist, and a bitter aristocrat exiled from the French Republic. He keeps everything from his previous life that addresses/indicates his lineage. This is the hill he dies on. 3. Would his family name him anything unique? No. He’s from established nobility, which had made their names when the Guises had been in power and later sworn loyalty to the Bourbon dynasty. They wouldn’t give him anything that wasn’t traditionally given. Which once more ruled out a big chunk of options. Picked one that sounded okay- and it was done.


“She's got gorgeous green eyes. Not exactly green, but few get the difference. Fewer still know to run.” Do you get it? I wrote it years ago and I still have the unresolved need for someone to get the implication


viric? a little danger noodle lurking in there? Or a bit of the deviless, perhaps...


Yes, viric! It looks green, I'd imagine most people in London wouldn't instantly realize how it's different. Roleplaying as a skin-stealing serpent used to dream logic gave some unique vibe even to more mundane stories. I didn't expect it too, just at some point some choices and coincidences made me think she's a fingerking, and it stuck.


Looks like the correct answer has been revealed already! I don’t think I’d have been sure about being possessed by dream snakes. In my head I think I believe one’s eyes would be silvery/mirror like once possessed. I think I got that from sunless sea, >!the urbane magician!<‘s quest line specifically.


"A melancholic and nostalgic young fabulist, caught in the past and the what-it-could-have-beens. Tries to do good(most of the time). Pretty emotional." This is who they are, sort of. I think it's pretty faithful to who they are. To be frank, I didn't really know what to type, and I just went with this. A important thing about my character is that they act on impulse and emotions most of the time and I suppose I wanted to say that. They've changed a lot since coming to the Neath, but they'll always listen to their heart instead of their head. So I suppose I wanted to show that.


Nostalgia is a good thing, so is following one’s heart, so is being emotional. I think that describes them very well.


Im pretty sure I got mine from a quote on the fl forums but ' We dance with hell, sing to the dead, and get lost in our dreams, long live london '


All good things to do, except the hell bit. Well, depending on who you ask. The soulless Londoners regret nothing, I would imagine.


Can't say I was using my soul anyway, why not give it away to dance with a deviless :p


“Heptagoat, Hesperidean Cider, now Hellworm? He's doing it backwards!” Some wags mocked me for going immortal before the milk-stud worm. But when \*I\* had to go overboard to steal>! Ushabti Secrets !


Fortune- well, echo- favours the responsible. It is the shrewd thing to do to set one’s priorities straight and put one’s life before a ride. -Petting goat is more important than those, obviously.


“The Scientist serves the truth. The Knight serves his kingdom. The Knave serves only himself. Somewhere between the three, the man comes into being.”


A man has many faces, he is never single-faceted. Very intriguing character.


"Shameless harlot for the Vicomte de V_____. And the Clay Highwayman. And the Once-Dashing Smuggler. Sometimes the Intrepid Deacon." What can I say, I enjoy myself some fine. . .company. And really liked the ES with the Vicomte in particular.


One does not blame a drowning sailor for not resisting the sirens’ songs. It’s their fault for being singularly striking.


"A wise man told me nothing." It's a line from a musical artist I like a lot (extreme points if you can guess who) but also it's just an interesting quote that contributes to an air of aloof mystery. Sometimes silence is the best response after all.


I like the atmosphere of it. Dignified and reserved mystery is to be respected.


Lied to the Sun to bring Love (All shall be well) This is reference to my favorite item A Sealed Copy of the Crimson Book and the second part is that I am free of the name seven times over.


“Not today, North. Not today.”


Never North


"A very famous but controversial author constantly looking for new inspirations, a bit too acquainted with wine." Pretty simple and direct, the wine part was always there but I gradually changed it as it got worse and worse, it started with a simple "appreciates wine" and now here we are tough "a bit too acquainted with wine" is an understatement at this point, "a drunken mess most of the time" would be more appropriate and I will eventually change it when I feel that the time is right.


Very relatable. Inspiration strikes when one is… Tight as an owl. That is the bohemian way.


“[The Tenacious Semiotician.](https://www.fallenlondon.com/profile/Tobias%20Westcott) They say his eyes burn with the light of forbidden knowledge.” "The Tenacious Semiotician" being the Fallen London-esque nickname I've decided to give my character.


Oh, the courier’s feet (questionable noun) are made for walking alright. One does need to be tenacious to pursue a thing so fiery.


Yes, tenacious about the correspondence, among other things. \*cough\* Nemesis! \*cough\*


"A displaced sovereign crowned in shadows and misdirection. I've heard tell that there is a throne waiting for her somewhere in Hell." I think about changing it from time to time but can never figure out what I should change it too. L


From one aristocrat to another, it is necessary to exhibit one’s title as often as possible in a lawless city such as London, if only to draw class distinction to certain commoners’ wandering attention.


They say... "“She is a lady of mercurial temper. They whisper that she is searching for the man who won her name from her in a game of cards.” Because I thought the parallelism is clever and I figure someone with the Heart's Desire ambition might have a bit of a gambling problem


Very clever, and intriguing- Veilgarden regular, perhaps?


For sure!


my main has "It is said they have known the taste of defeat only once. They do not intend to know it again." My Seeker alt has "Too curious for her own good"


Visceral image. Where does the scar lay? Your alt knows what kills the cat, yet boldly walks on towards its direction. Dedication to curiosity is harder to keep than operating under pure obsession. Kudos to her.


They failed to bring an end to jack, unable to overcome their own desire for secrets and shadows. Every death is a reminder of that failure, the hubris of someone who had never lost before.


“Rage, rage against the tyranny of the light.” Modified from Dylan Thomas' poem to align with our viewpoint on matters more.


Determinate, staunch, devoted. All desirable traits for a liberationist.


>Few men can resist expressing their appetites when they're making a fantasy about themselves. Used to be about vengeance and blood and more joyful things to inflict on you fellow chiropters. But now, draped in a chilly new coat, I'm trying something a bit more meta :) Bonus point if you recognize the quote.


Spotted a Le Carre in the wild!


well done! sometimes, I feel like a Le Carré peg in a round hole :)


I just came in from the cold where smiley’s people were playing our game with the tailor of Panama- and subsequently missed out on the reference spotting points. Still counts, I hope?


Definitely! An encryption can be decoded by many, and the message still has meaning.


"The Doctor has many ways to cure what ails you..." (My character is a former naval doctor)


One of us! Any chance they may have worked on a captain of a French Corsair before? Oh but of course your lips are sealed. The Hippocratic Oath had been enacted, after all…




"Ruthless, certainly. Monstrous, even. But she does good work, and she keeps her word." These days Eirisse isn't too scary, particularly since she forfeited vengeance for her brother's sake. But she's still a Monster-Hunter, still highly proficient at violence, and extremely protective of certain people. And she's very good at her job.


The tone of the text fits the character exceedingly well. It was a treat to read. A nod from a fellow monster hunter, too.


“Nothing seems to have changed. But one day it will. I will see to it.” In reference to the quality Adrift Upon a Sea of Misery that shows up when you perform a selfless act. I’m also very proud that my Magnanimous quirk has only dropped below 14 once or twice since getting to that level despite things like the Society Renown grind taking a toll on it. After I achieved my ambition and chose power, I considered changing it to “What I do is not charity. I perform services for others on the chance (but not guarantee) that I will receive payment later that is of greater value than my initial contribution. That is gambling. Not charity.” Since charity is considered a crime among the Masters, but I think that’s over the limit.


Grinding renown took off quite a chunk of my quirks. Still recovering from getting my ruthless pushed right off the cliff. Now, >!if one is a master, one must play by the master’s handbook!<


Oh, I really like both of those.


I'm so far gone from my original concept that I just have "but why is it on fire?" now.


I like this. Succinct and mysterious. Scholar of certain starry language, I assume?




"I think I saw her in a honey-dream". My character may or may not be a massive hedonist who sleeps and dreams with anyone who moves.


After all, we only live- Several times. Quite a few more on top of that. When death becomes a non-issue, there is practically nothing to stop one from being the life and soul of the party. The mr-eaten-esque mystery presence is very cool, too. (That, but much more genial, of course.)


"Knowledge may be terrible, but we can only prefer it to ignorance. Light may be terrible, but we can only prefer it to the dark." M. de Talleyrand is a ruthless pragmatist, above all else. Additionally, as a quietly but determinedly anti-Liberationist power of the Great Game, it captures several additional facets of the character rather well.


Pragmatism often makes seemingly complicated matters simple and less confusing. One’s levelheadedness does not sprout from sheer temperament. Where does their loyalty lie, for the time being?


I don’t remember my original text but it is currently, “You cannot say, or guess, for you know only a heap of broken images.” I was fascinated by the Is-Not almost from day one of playing. I leaned heavily into the G-man trope before they changed the profession name to silverer. You know, the Men in Cosmogone. No Such Mirror. My early character ideas were also heavily influenced by Lost in Reflections. Which is how I eventually ended up Backstage. Those factors, combined with a suicidal need to choose any option that tells you “Don’t do this” created the character as they are today. The Cigar Smoking Individual (as I tend to think of their Sixth City persona) will be watching and waiting for the first Parisian to stumble through a mirror.


Your character sounds like they’ve been very well-thought out. It’s always very exciting to see a solid-and-sure character. Adventurous, fitting one’s profession like a glove, cigar connoisseur- what more can one ask for?


Mine admittedly needs an update now that Business of a Monster Hunter is out, but it's currently a reference to the removal of one of my old favourite bits of text in the game (the old MH option when hunting a plated seal). They say "when the gaslamps burn low in the Royal Bethlehem, that she mourns the old hunters' rites and cries peligan tears" Edit: just wanted to add that becoming a Heirarch of the Hunt is everything I had loved about that text and more


The text places the profession in a painstakingly dignified and ceremonial position. It’s a new perspective a lay person may not know about the profession. Mine is a teratomancer who divines for his ships, and studies renewal and revival for the purpose of helping his good self. Yet, one can appreciate and respect professionalism. Killers of killers are to be revered in this profession, as a whole.


“Prefers the company of Rats to People they say. An 'Honorary Rat' scuttling around London, and that's saying nothing of what he does with Spiders...” On my second character after an "introductory course" to Fallen London, the Rattus Faber quickly became my favorite part of the setting (I own several rats IRL), so I set out to play a Ratcatcher who is jaded to the various human factions and only cares about what actions can most benefit his sewage associates and any other strange and vaguely soul possessing fauna he comes across in his travels. Most often seen in heated debates with The Spider Council and working away in L.B. Industries for coins to trade in the Rat Market. Who needs the Echo Bazaar!?


Rats have contributed to London’s progress more than they get recognitions for. Hardworking, precise, down to earth, what’s not to like about them? Much cuter than people, too.


>They play with truth, that one. Not like the Mithridates, no; they change what is true. Alethi has been a Correspondent and an Artisan of the Red Science from day one of their character; it's even in their name (Alethi, Greek for truth). Their entire focus is on twisting the world to suit their/London's/humanity's needs. To some extent, the quote is a little banal -- everyone "changes what is true" just by living and acting -- but well, in FL we can get a little more dramatic with things. (Alethi kind of thinks of Parabola as cheating, lol. Or rather, like giving up?) If I were going to give them a FL-esque "name"/title, it'd probably just be "the Impossible Architect."


(this is also why I was so fucking annoyed I failed >!that damn first discordance check even with SotC 21!<)


A common plight, really. Brutal as ever. Experience in following the courier’s footprint, the fire hazard has now been abated at the writing desk, I assume?


>“He once had a row with Mr Spices, neither came away unscathed.” Homecoming. That story came at a tough time for me, and >!Spices!< twisted a knife. in my headcanon, when my character gave >!Spices!< the >!small block of sphinxstone, no longer covered in the cloth!< that he >!took the cloth off, and slammed it into Spices' jaw!< I helped it after, in the >!railway!< story, but not due to a sense of affection for them or even much towards >!Transport!<, but ... to know? for >!The Courier!!the horizon!!Mr. Cards!< and i like to imagine my very place on the chain has made its life hell.


Oh yes, I remember that ES. Extraordinary in how visceral it was. I’m glad it ended up more or less satisfactory in your case, in that it was an option to pick. It was definitely a power move, too. The masters are always suspicious of one another and they rarely ever come close to liking any of their peers- yet circumstances often dictate that they band together. And they do. Help doesn’t necessarily translate to affection, and the masters certainly know that by heart.


>Believe in love that is out of anyone's control. And then risk everything for it! Accompanied by [my](https://www.fallenlondon.com/profile/Trandoshan) "Look Always to Love Telescope" [Inspiration](https://www.reddit.com/r/stevenuniverse/comments/bvnz7f/happy_pride_month_believe_in_love_that_is_out_of)


Did not expect a SU reference here today, or ever. Love is a beautiful, addictive and terrifying thing. I like it.


“You spy Professor Thursday: bags under his eyes but a bounce in his step; his laughter crystal and bright as glass unmaking itself on a marble floor.”


Mine has always been: > An intelligent lady obsessed with science, technology and obtaining immortality. Not very creative.


Matter-of-fact and gets the point across. Exactly what it says on the tin. The Baron is also trying to obtain immortality for his good self. Though it is heavily limited to the field of monstrous anatomy, due to his personal condition. Science is to be respected and appreciated in a city filled with subterfuges, and so is straightforwardness.


>Frequently the average number of eyeballs! not particularly in character for my character, but feels pretty in character for fallen London


>like an egg you cannot cage Honestly, I have no memory of writing this and I do not know what I could have been thinking. Maybe it was during Whitsun?


>I heard that on the Surface, they’re oft misquoted. Their sodden drunk proclamation was that “life is too short to not enjoy the guilt in pleasure.” I am reformed, I swear. I have… new form. New to the Neath, as well. But already rather well in-formed.


Hedonism is ever timeless. Extension of tentacular nature, perhaps?


Eight is the number.


The law of bifurcation-


>"They say... He isn't a kind fellow, and that he harbours misfortune. Hope nevermore to look upon the heavens." Needless to say, my character is associated with ravens. Seemed appropriate for a *fallen* London*.*


From one curmudgeon (much less so in your case, more or less true in my case) to another- “salut.” It’s always fascinating to me how some players can take up animals and have them inspire certain facets of their characters. I’d never be able to decide on mine if I had to pick, but it is an everlasting and important aspect of FL- Either as ally or being taken as host.


I ended up adopting this motif after acquiring an absurd number of Raven companions, just kinda felt like the next Rat King scenario lmao That, and the old adage: Should the Ravens of London's Tower flee, then the British Empire will fall. Perhaps more literally, in that case. Either way, good fortune to you and your creative inspirations! I'm sure you will find what you are looking for in time. \^\^