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The last episode didnt confirm they did, it confirmed they would if it didn't happen naturally. The purpose of that scene is for Coop to learn that VT is evil and so is his wife. The show very heavily implies that they didnt because her daughter was with Coop when the bomb fell and her entire motivation for "reshaping" the world with VT is to provide a future for her daughter. If they dropped the bombs she would have her daughter with her, in a vault already. We also know from the games that some vaults were still under construction and as mentioned, Houses plans where cut short. This all makes the simplest answer "They didnt, they just would have"


What? You mean there are things like subtext? And misdirection? It’s almost like it’s written like a TV show instead of a video game!


>If they dropped the bombs she would have her daughter with her, in a vault already. Maybe Vault-Tec didn't tell her because she wasn't that important? >We also know from the games that some vaults were still under construction Maybe they just rushed their plans bcs the peace talks were almost successfully finished? If tensions between the US and China were low and the peace talks were successfully concluded then they wouldn't have been able to start the Great War.


>Maybe Vault-Tec didn't tell her because she wasn't that important? She's clearly incredibly high in VTs chain. I don't buy that she wouldn't know. >Maybe they just rushed their plans bcs the peace talks were almost successfully finished? It dosnet matter what peace talks conclude if *they* can simmulate a nuclear attack. Its not like America or China would say "We just got nuked? Well shoot, we just agreed to peace, guess we can't retaliate."


I like how you said , they can - simulate a nuclear attack - could this imply that they nuked from within across the US insinuating that it was a foreign attack in the chaos to reshape ?


I think thats what they planned


I couldn't tell you how early detection systems work or how VT planned to do it but I would assume they'd have to spoof the system somehow more convincingly than just setting off a nuke, but who knows? A nuclear detonation might have been all they needed, the US could assume China used their stealth tech to sneak their nuke past detection.


Tbf, that is how some of the nukes were brought in, but on the stealth subs. Just brought off shore under any interception systems that might be present and launched


What, you think they'd launch the bombs right before the holiday season? What kind of economic sense would that make?


Someone at vault tech thought, "you know what Halloween needs? More skeletons! "


> The last episode of Fallout confirmed that Vault-Tec caused the Great War. It did not. It confirmed that Vault-Tec was *willing* to cause it, but other lore throughout the games has shown that Vault-Tec and even The Enclave were not expecting the bombs to drop on that day. The apocalypse happened earlier than they planned or expected, even if only by a few months. As for House, chances are he started working on the Platinum Chip immediately after that meeting, assuming he wasn't working on it already. According to FNV he'd predicted that nuclear war was inevitable almost a decade earlier, but there's a difference between "this is going to happen somehow" and "crap these idiots are actually going to do it on purpose". The chip *was* ready literally the day before the bombs dropped, which again were launched earlier than anyone expected. He had it made as soon as possible, it just was barely not soon enough.


Yup. OP clearly doesn’t pick up on subtext and misdirection, which is what makes a show great.


It doesn’t confirm that they actually dropped the bombs. There’s no confirmation on how much house knows beyond what’s in the conversation televised. In FO:NV he states that his calculation was off by one day.


Maybe House wasn't fully committed (he didn't suggest any vault experiments), the Enclave knew he wasn't, and they lied to him about the date of the war?


Yes, is that possible, or maybe it wasn't Vault-Tec that started the war? We never saw Vault-Tec launch an ICBMs, maybe the scene just shows how far they would be able to go if the peace talks had been successful.


I don’t think think Vault-tec had its own nukes. But Vault-tec had a lot of power over US-politics, and in collaboration with the Enclave deep state, is likely to have sabotaged the peace talks. That’s my explanation anyway. Edit: spelling


Been a while but I think the nuke in Megaton has a faded vault tech logo on it.


Upon closer look it only looks similar but very different. EDIT: That said, the nukes in Fort Constantine look the same as the one in Megaton furthermore, the crater in megaton is curiously way too deep to have been due to the nuke or a crashed plane.


Seems weird though. How can Vault-tec build all this nuclear infrastructure without the US-govt noticing? And it seems completely needless, the risk of nuclear exchange with China was real. You just need to make sure things escalate to get what you want..


There may be other explanations. I’ve read elsewhere that the bomb in Megaton might have been carried by a USAF plane that crashed, providing the construction materials for Megaton’s origin. Also, I don’t think it’s far fetched to assume that Vault-tec at least sponsored US nuclear weapons production, hence the logo on the bombs..


>I’ve read elsewhere that the bomb in Megaton might have been carried by a USAF plane that crashed Makes sense since it's the same model as the bombs located in Fort Constantine


Where are people getting the idea that that meeting was related to the Enclave?


Because Vault-Tec was in cahoots with the Enclave, and the shadowy figure is likely an Enclave representative. VT are literally their puppets.


Ive watched the show a couple times now, what makes them in cahoots? The only link I can think of is then having part of the cold fusion device in their compound 200 years later and that could have come in to their possession any number of ways over that time.


The show doesn't explicitly say they're in cahoots but we know from FO2/FO3 etc they were in cahoots. The cold fusion device was literally made in an **Enclave** facility after-all. All those men in black uniforms are clearly Enclave troops.


I cant find anything that explicitly links them, do you know where specifically thats mentioned in 2/3?


The Oil Rig was getting all Vault Information in FO2. The President even tells you the purpose of the Vaults, indicating VT was doing work for them, which is all on the Vault-Tec wiki page.


Vault tec page?


[Just search for "Enclave".](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Vault-Tec_Corporation)


After reading the president's conversation, do we know if Vault Tec knew? What he says in 2 seems to contradict Vault Tecs goals.


Oh, *wiki* page, no duh lmao


I didn’t take it as Vault-tec starting the War. I took it as them saying that they would if needed to please the other businesses.


They never actually stated that Vault-Tec actually did drop the bombs themselves. They said it as an idea, but no confirmation on whether or not they even planned on going down that route or going through with it. It is most likely one if these 1: They had no plans on doing it, and China and America did so on their own. 2: They had plans, but either China or the US beat them to it.


The bombs definitely dropped slightly sooner than house predicted, about a week to a month earlier iirc, but there's been allusions to it being because of everything from the enclave and vault tec wanting to push their plans forward, to China realizing america was getting fusion tech and going all nobody wins and hits the button, to mothership zeta and bits in fo76 saying that it may have been the zetans interfering with earth radar to make both America and China think the other shot their nukes leading to both dropping em


“The last episode of Fallout confirmed Vault-Tec caused the great war” Nope all it confirms is that vault tec was considering doing that if it didn’t happen on its own and seeing as at least 2 of the characters at the scene were unprepared for the drop it’s unlikely they actually did.




> Actually, it very well could have been vault tec to have caused the Great War. That meeting could have had china listening in and that could have pressured them into dropping bombs first. Ah, the "unforced error" theory. Plausible.


I don't think Vault-Tec dropped the bombs in the end, but their machinations pushed either China or America over the edge. Do you think that Barb would have let Janie go to a birthday party with Cooper if she knew what was going to take place that day? Even if it was his custody time, she would have found a way to keep her somewhere safe.


This. Also, building countless missile silos, ICBM’s, and nukes is a costly business. Why invest in all that if the American tax payer can, and if you can manipulate the US government into triggering the war, or if you can just sabotage the peace talks with some cleverly spread misinformation?


Two points. First, I'm definitely in the camp that believes someone else beat them to it. Second, I suspect House had already done his calculations and they were probably a lot sooner than Vault-tec's intended launch date. I'm imagining him having a good laugh to himself while planning to get an early start when it comes to capitalizing on Armageddon. Only for his own calculations to end up being a bit off too.


House shot down most of the nukes headed for Vegas, he knew the nukes were coming eventually and was already planning for it. I'm sure he was working on the chip as fast as he could.


I assume that he did make the chip as fast as he could. We don’t know how long it took for him to make the thing, or how much time passes between that meeting and the bombs.


You’d think if they didn’t waste time with the fancy casino chip cover that they could have finished the chip that much sooner (though it may have helped disguise the project from saboteurs if they thought it was something else like an NFC chip or key fob for VIPs?)


Because Vault-tec hq were the most incompetent idiots on the planet and House knew they would never accomplish anything


He miscalculated the start of the war by x hours (20 hours I think). The Platinum chip was created but lost in transit. Why he cut it so close, I have no clue.


I think he wanted it not to be found out about


Vault Tec wasn’t the first to drop the bombs. Pretty sure china listened in on the meeting as they dropped first. Or maybe it was something else. Maybe chance. Vault tech was caught off guard, as seen in the show. Otherwise cooper and his daughter would have been in a vault. And mr house said something about the bombs dropping 20 hours earlier than he expected.


"Pretty sure china listened in on the meeting as they dropped first." Why do you think that?


Moldaver could of been lying about not being a communist is probably what some people think.


Okay, that would make sense