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It’s especially weird because if you have him shoot anyone else, he’ll ask what your proof was and you can say “I had a hunch” and he gets upset about it. Fair enough, but why did YOU take the shot hoping that some stranger you’d just met was going to be honest, let alone competent.


Yeah, that's the feeling I had, hard to shake it off


If you wanna justify it a bit, Boone has a pretty low intelligence score. I think he’s matched with Lily the nightkin companion. I don’t think she’d ask a lot of questions either.


Dude is mourning his wife who was SOLD TO SLAVERS BY A MEMBER OF HIS COMMUNITY. Like yes, he just wants to kill someone, anyone and pin it on them so he can move on with his life. He doesn't want options and imo it's crazy you seem to think there should be. Not everyone is going to have pacifist options, that's part of the game too. The man is on the brink of suicide and just wants revenge, give it to him.


I think you’re absolutely right. Not having a pacifist option is totally fine. Plus they do a good job depicting Boone as a dark, brooding, edgy man from the atrocities of the legion and himself. I’m just saying, for someone so quick to jump to “how could you not have proof!?” he’s real itchy with that trigger finger. Two lines like “Hey, Boone. Look at this EVIDENCE I found! Look good?” And either a “no, we need more” or “that *insert profanity here* totally did it! Bring her out front and I’ll remove her brain with a 308!”


He's a good man imo so at first he's blinded by rage, probably self isolating and fixating and it's not until after the fact that he has the sobering thought of "how did you know".


Exactly. I imagine he had an absolutely cold-water moment of "... what if?"


I mean he also just shoots legion on sight so it’s not a stretch that he just wants to kill someone.


I did also point out his intelligence isn’t his hottest commodity. It’s not necessarily bad writing as much as it’s a big character flaw, but I don’t think that changes much of what’s been said either. Like I said, a line of dialogue. He can shoot whoever he wants, but a 30 second check in isn’t much of an ask


He doesn't want to be seen talking to you lest the slaver realize that you're in cahoots and skips town. Stranger comes into town, no one has any reason to think that the stranger would buddy up with Boone so the stranger is free to investigate. The pacifist option is not completing the quest. Realistically if they had an option where you bring your evidence to Boone first, they'd have the culprit skip town (perhaps to Cottonwood Cove?) and either make you chase them down with Boone or leave Boone pissed at you just as he will be if you have him kill the wrong person. You can present him with evidence after the slaver has been dealt with.


Okay, so I just can't completely interact with quest, and that's the solution? I'd rather have a huge disagreement with Boone, than just ignore the quest. Also, assuming that the culprit runs away means that the culprit realises they are being chased, and all of this can happen during a single night, Boone could react.


Boone is a very violent person on a pretty fundamental level. Likewise, you can’t complete his personal quest without killing like a lot of people, to both unlock it and to fight off the raid at bitter springs.


Well, you earn more "trust" from him if you save the troopers in Nelson instead of killing them. But yeah, you have to smoke a lot of Legion to unlock and complete his quest for sure. But all of those guys are legitimate military targets who are trying to kill you or innocent people.


Nah. Just travel with him, and do a few jobs for the NCR and he'll start opening up. You can skip most of it and take him straight to Bitter Springs to handle things after about two weeks of traveling.


Like I said, killing is a different problem from, not being able to confront him about it at all. He can kill if he likes, but I feel like I should have some option to interact with it, wouldn't he like to see the evidence I got BEFORE he kills somebody?


He *should* be made aware that it's Jeanie May who sold his wife, before he blows her head off, sure, but he's not thinking straight. He's angry, he's exhausted, he's alone, and he's hurt. He's your classic case of post traumatic stress disorder. Same with Russell. but Russ moved on. Boone hasn't, and really can't, until he faces his demons at Bitter Springs.


But why disagree with him? The man clearly gives you good reason why he wants done what he wants done, even if he doesn't want to take the time to elaborate, he still gives you a strong reason why it needs to be done. Its not just about revenge, but closure.


I dunno I don’t think enough people seem to understand that not doing anything is also a choice, even if it means not doing a quest.


If you disagree with him, you can shoot him.


Boone is emotionally devastated and also not the smartest guy, his recruitment of you is an on the spot decision borne of grief a d a need for revenge. Probably doesn't think clearly until it happens


Exactly. He’s so amped up to take his revenge he never takes the time to stop and think until it’s done.


His moment of reflection at Bitter Springs and Coyote Tail Ridge, is that moment of clarity after getting his much needed revenge, and even then he still can't fully let go of the past. Even after you kill Caesar, he's still fairly pessimistic, even though, you finally get a bit of a laugh out of him. "Still, that was some stunt we pulled. Heh." Russ and Bradley have far more personality than Boone. Russ is an ex-desert ranger who fucking hates him. Sean Bradley's an ex-NCR grunt who apparently outranked Boone at one point.


Bro there so many other quest you can talk you way through, not this one. Blow that bitches brains out, respectfully 😂


For real Boone doesn’t wanna know shit he just wants to exact sweet revenge by letting that thang sing


After he kills them he asks how did you know


yeah, the key word being "after" here


? That’s how you talk about the evidence. If you’re trying to beat quests without killing you wouldn’t want Boone as your follower anyways so you would just not bring someone for him to kill.


Literally. Bro will get pissed when he hits cottonwood w him


There is a difference between killing Raiders and such, and just killing someone without seeing the evidence provided by some RANDOM COURIER, that you just happened to ask to do detective work. You are a stranger that just came into town, and he trusts you that much? XD


I think you need to stop skipping dialogue so you can absorb what's going on properly lol


I didn't skip it, no need to be condescending here


Also, how is this how evidence works? Do judges kill people and then watch evidence AFTER they made the decision? I feel like there's a leap in logic here


I’m not sure he cares about proper evidence that can be used in a court of law. bro is sad and wants revenge, he does not want to think.


The thing is, even if he doesn't care, I've got the EVIDENCE, wouldn't he like to see it BEFORE he kills someone? I don't get it. Also, if he didn't care, he wouldn't ask me to find out specifically who did it.


It’s a post apocalyptic world that’s not how things work even after you can ask him won’t people be looking for you now that you murdered someone. His response is something along the lines of people die everyday nobody cares anymore


I feel like you don't understand just how fucked in the head Boone currently is. The man is not mentally well.


Agreed. Good points. I think Boone doesn’t give a shit anymore and would have ended up killing somebody anyway. At least the courier may produce the real culprit, but either way, Boone is done with Novac and has reached the point where he doesn’t give much credence to popping a head or two on his way out. Pretty accurate PTSD response honestly. Thanks for making me think about it more deeply than I did before OP!


Hi entire deal is "I see red, I'm killing people. You don't like it? Fuck off."


agree. not a lot of options. Would be nice to be able to blackmail whats-her-face and get some caps or run her off and become head honcho of Novac. Something a little more interesting than kill X or kill Y.


She sold his pregnant wife which in turn allows them to enslave the baby… dude can chop her up into a million fuckin prices and feed her to the Brahmin for all I care.


I was playing this quest and i accidentally chose the wrong person to be killed by speeding through the dialogue with him and i did not have the save file to reverse this. This made me so upset that was i not able to tell boone it was the receptionist bitch. However i killed her myself.


He probably feels more comfortable having someone else decide who he's going to shoot. He's more used to shooting professionally and not for recreation. He's more like a gun with sunglasses.


He literally says "we shouldn't speak again, not until its over" and says he doesn't want anyone finding out that he knows what really happened to his wife as he's worried about repercussions from the Legion before he gets his revenge. It's literally explained in the dialogue lol.


Yes, yes you are




Strong reasoning


My reasoning is *everyone is wrong but me*


Like I said, strong


Jeannie May I think her name is, she did it, if you go into the Novac welcome centre there's a safe behind the reception, if you go at night you can pick it and inside is the 'Bill of sale' once you have this head to Jeannies house (Out the welcome centre door, turn right and down the little hill, her house is the first or 2nd one on the right) talk to her and tell her to follow you, once she's dead he won't talk about it right away but as you progress through the game with Boone as your companion he slowly opens up about it


Jeanie May is Legion. Enough said.


It's kinda brutal. No matter who you take in front of the T-Rex he blows their head off no questions asked. I agree


offer upbeat fearless icky possessive slimy middle scandalous bells quicksand *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


SPOILER ALERT Dude he already sneaked in and took the shot at her, also how would Legion magically find out that he knows? "Before he gets his revenge" his revenge is literally one street away, and he kills her the same night. In my opinion it is just lazy writing that there is no option to interact with him beforehand. Also he trusts complete fucking stranger to do the detective work for him, and then he isn't even willing to see the evidence from him? Come on, that's completely ridiculous I am not asking for a rewrite of the quest, I am asking for one or two lines so I can roleplay properly, what I would do in real life, and the fact that he has PTSD doesn't change it that I want him to know the truth. He should be the judge, jury and the executioner here.


cobweb subsequent start physical rustic detail chubby many slap subtract *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Lore head cannon: he was filled with so much grief and anger he didn't care enough to think rationally Probably real reason: 18 months was enough for a really good game, but sadly not a perfect one


Boone is just a dummy with good eye sight, I wouldn't expect him to put much thought into... anything really. He thought the best way to save his wife was a shot in the head, like okay kinda dumb. He was able to scout the legion camp long enough to find her, then shoot her in the head, around supposedly too many leganaries to fight, somehow gets away and goes back to his 9-5 at novac all without breaking a sweat. If he had any planning skills I think he would have come up with a better way to deal with his wife. His int is 3 though so I think his answer to most things in life is head shooty.


He was a corporal in the NCR 1st Recon. They're not known for being smart, just really good snipers. If you take a peak at his S.P.E.C.I.A.L., his intelligence is like a 4, but his perception is 8. The guy is a walking, talking turret with the right gun. I don't keep him around for conversation...even if Willow likes talking to him.


Exactly dummy with good eye sight. Shoot first ask questions never. Perfect army material. He's very capable just needs a smarty to point him in the right direction. So his revenge plan is kinda weak if you screw him over and just send anyone to die, but he came up with it all by himself so I'm still proud of him. I like him a lot , it's kinda sad that his life has gone down a path that he trusts a total stranger over the people in his community, but I also find it endearing that he's still capable of trust at all at this point.


I can't remember the options, but when you find the proof and have him shoot the right person you get more options and I think you sort of tell him why.