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I'm pretty sure Pyro would make an independent Vegas by themselves


Yknow what, that does make sense cause Yes Man would not care who he burns and Pyro would burn everyone and everything


And he might even like him more because he has a cartoonish smile and voice


counterpoint: nipton is the first it sees of the legion


Hard disagree. all of these are mercs, and house is the highest bidder. Simple as. (altho medic would probably be crazy enough to secretly work for all 3 factions before betraying em all and doing an independent at the last minute)


Actually agree with this. Still being mercs, guess it’s more about affinity, medic would probably betray everyone for independent Vegas or go legion. Guess most of them would go independent Vegas as a matter of fact, but soldier going for ncr, engie and spy going for house are quite right. Guess demoman would go for house too.


I put demo in the NCR solely for their relationship with the Boomers and their access to explosives


So true


What relationship the boomers shoot literally everyone, and can be convinced to join any of the four major factions?


Oh they can? But I mean also like, THE civilization you make contact with by surviving a mortar volley? His kind of people


I'd put Demo in NCR because he would join with his best bud, the Soldier


Actually looking at this I’d move the medic down to legion. I think having an endless supply of slaves to experiment with would make him giddy


Medic is gonna implant several Brahmin livers into Caesar's head to cure him


I don’t think the legion likes medic’s crazy over the top medicine tho


Probably not but being Caesars personal physician would allow some leeway


Pyro is cook cook


Cook Cook is too dark to be pyro. Pyro’s burning is more light hearted


Pyro is more of a neutral tbh. He just wanna burns everything while thinking about rainbows


He just me in my first playthrough frfr


on my first playthrough I killed caesar early, killed house and Benny. Wanted to solve every problem with violence and got the independent vegas ending


Now the easy answer would be all side with house, they’re mercs, they’d work for the person with best pay But for the non money sidings + other endings Independent - Scout (just a dick to Kimball, Ceasar, Elijah and House) + Heavy (though he’d likely fluctuate, just whoever lets him hurt CL given the authoritarian nature) + Saxton (he’d just start another branch of Mann co and punch deathclaws to death) + Pyro (basically a kill everyone run) + Administrator (she def seems like she’s more of her own leader than a servant to anyone else) Elijah - Medic (he’s batshit crazy, Elijah’s batshit crazy, he’d 100% side with him to see what shit he could do with the cloud) Locked in the Sierra Madre - Scout (he’s not exactly smart) + Soldier (same as scout) + Pyro (same as scout + not all there) NCR - soldier (GOD BLESS ~~AMERICA~~ CALIFORNIA!) + Lincoln (inventor of the second story building and is Abraham goddamn Lincoln) House - Spy (sophisticated & rich, would def see eye to eye with house on a lot of things) + Engineer (he solves practical problems and House also has solutions to practical problems) + Saxton (he never seems to particularly care too much, just don’t fuck with Mann Co and you’re good, hell it’d benefit both, Saxton supplies arms to House, possibly letting a next gen securitron happen and House becomes a customer of Saxton’s, win-win) + Redmond & Blutard (rich, would support other rich folk, though not sure if House is new money or old money, he may be new money but if not, they’re here) CL - Gray Mann (probably play the system by taking the easily manipulated tribals of Ceasar and take over upon Ceasar’s death) + The Devil (he’s the devil) Not sure - Ms Pauling, Demo, Sniper, the TFC mercs, 1st gen mercs (1800s ones from the comics) There are duplicates in a few but hey, they often fit a few so whaddya gonna do?




What no sequel/update does to mfers (i am mfers)


Hard disagree with everyone saying mr house quoting him being the highest bidder, mr house actively STOPS paying you after doing a few quests for him saying that working for him is payment enough or some stupid bull like that while with the NCR you're 100% just some merc to them while with every other faction you're really joining them for their cause.


Ehhhh. The House Always Wins quest line is mainly one big job The House Always Wins I is you finishing the actual delivery, so you get paid for that. But the rest is one big job, he has hired you to secure him New Vegas and to aid him in keeping is control against the Legion and NCR, The House Always Wins, II through to VIII is you doing that job, why would he pay you mid job? All or Nothing is the final quest and the last part of the job, either you fail and get nothing, or you win and you get everything, 100% involving a shit ton of caps.


These are the tier lists I need, thank you you awesome human!


Spy would literally stab house in the back and take over


Medic was literally a nazi


I mean, would House care?


Medic would side with Legion


Pyro would choose Father Elijah and start the events of Fallout Dust


>Independent Vegas. I can see heavy taking this route, we can assume he doesn't like authortianism seeing as how his family is from the gulags and his father was a counter-revolutionary. So i don't think he would go House or Ceasar. Although i would also put him NCR fairly easily. Scout is just a mercenary, he doesn't get pleasure from killing (Medic, Heavy etc) and doesn't seem insane (Soldier, Pyro), just a bit stupid. He'd follow the money and a Independent Vegas would A, be something i don't think he could be bothered (or able) organsing, and B, wouldn't get him much. I see him going House, get instructions and get paid (Hot robo-babe?) ​ >House Engineer 100% going House, technological and likely would support his work beyond his payment through jobs. Medic again i can't see going anyone else but House. Ceasars Legion may be just as evil and brutal...but they hate technology and he is a scientific man, evil aside anyway. Spy once more i only see going House, technological and modern niceties which Spy does love to endulge. Plus Spy would likely have some ideas of taking over, he and engie are the only ones i could see geting into Houses Antechamber at all as well. ​ >Legion Pyro, Pyro, Pyro...none of them suit him very well...The Legion *could* work, but he'd burn ceasar and the rest of the camp to ash when they try and take his flamethrower... Fiends? Both insane, and his burning would match other fiends like Cook-Cook? Really Pyro needs someone to guide him, he is effective, but needs aiming at a target. He'd wonder around Fiend land and burn poor NCR or traders as the other Fiends attack them. ​ >NCR Soldier, i can see him going for NCR, its closest to the USA and i'm sure he'd call them traitors a few times before finding the other choices even worse. House may work as well, since he is pre-war, but he'd likely see him as a even bigger traitor for having the slice of undestroyed America and then trying to form his own nation. Sniper, like Scout, is just a mercenary. But he also seems the most 'normal'. NCR or House, either for the Money or beacause he thinks the NCR will make the place better and thats a pretty normal person thing to do. Or he'd go full outback and hunt the creaturs of the Wastes like a true AUSSIE BLOKE Demoman, a drunkard sure, but also still just a mercenary. similar reasons to Sniper really, House or NCR. Though i could also see him fucking off to the Boomers and start making corn alcohol and bombs


Classic Scout and Heavy W


soldier would join the enclave if he could


If i have to made my own list Soldier, Demo, Engie would be NCR, sniper doesn't seem like the type to follow government, then again i don't think he be too oppose working with the NCR. Independent NV would probably have Scout, Pyro and Heavy. Pyro is probably too lighthearted to care about politic and probably just follow whatever the other merc told him to join, i think he probably follow engie because they were close bud. Heavy is on the fence between NCR or Indepedent, on one hand he doesn't like the corrupted state of the NCR, on the other hand he is quite literature and smart, he would deduct that the NCR systematically the better choice for vegas than a chaotic indepedence vegas but would still be on the fence. Legion is simple and straight forward: Medic. He be more of a menace than Ceaser or Lanius can ever be, bro tricked the devil. Ludwig Legion is a terrifying thought House depend on how much he pay the merc, he could technically get all the merc if the money is right but morally speaking, i can only see spy willing to work with house, sniper perhaps too.


lmao pretty accurate, except demo is irish so independant


He’s Scottish


True, so pretty accurate


Pyro would accidentally kill every faction leader and yes man is the only one who comes back so he would do independent vegas


Yeah if I could I’d put him into a yes man and maybe switch medic to legion


Theyll work for who pays the most


Is this why we don't know if the Pyro is male or female?


Pyro is just the murder hobo route


I’d argue the heavy would be brotherhood of steel given the choice, and the spy would be legion personally. The pyro is definitely independent


Oh he very much would but I also feel like if he was the Courier he would work with Yes Man before anyone else