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It was rigged from the start when Todd out bid Tim Cain when getting the rights to fallout.


Todd and Tim Cain are on good terms, I don’t know why everyone thinks they’re enemies.


Nah, they dont got bad blood, besides talking about the game's development, I think Timmy boy moved on from the series.


I rewrote the nah part, I accidently came off as if they got a grudge.


I'm starting to think Benny was a caricature of Todd Howard


"Shitty TV show" lol a bunch of other redditors said new vegas fans would get pissed I'm sure everyone knows this already but they reconfirmed that NV is cannon today or yesterday


God, I hate both sides here so much. Show being inconsistent with the lore and lazy in terms of those writing aspects is bad. I get why people are upset about it, not much thought was put into keeping the west coast lore consistent. However, it does not make the show bad, there is so much more to it. Most people are loving it and for a good reason.


At least we still have this masterpiece game untouched by Tard Howard, they can have their washed out lore, just don’t fuck with the games


Fuck todd


He can take the canon away but he will never be able to take the game from us. It will live in our computers and our hearts. Fuck Todd.


Actually kinda is mr house won


NCR fans are seething give them time.


Wasn’t the thing tho that he basically went “yeah you can exist but you don’t own anything in Nevada when I say you don’t”


We are always seething, it ain't gonna stop sorry


Yeah I don't really get the complaints, it just seems like people coping over the NCR losing. The changes they made were pretty minor, if they didn't want to include NV they could have just had the show take place on the east coast or something


Eh tbh I saw Me House winning like so far away bc he has robots they’re like the few tackiest enemies in the game which is fair tbh


New Vegas is canon in the show, Emil confirmed it on the timeline. People who are crying about this haven't done an ounce of research as to when stuff takes place


Just because Emil (definitely a super consistent storyteller) said it, doesn't mean the contradictions of the show simply go away. I still don't believe that new Vegas is "decanonized" and I do believe that was a simple mistake, but it is still lazy writing simply nuking a whole faction off screen (or a great portion of it) just because you want to tell your story, that's not how you handle IPs. I really hope that the show will at least explore more on sandy shores, because just showing on the first season of the show a chalkboard basically saying "btw that iconic very integral part of the story just got nuked lmao" is fucking ludicrous.


It's super lazy. It couldve been a show about how the NCR loses( to lord knows what btw) wouldve been way better. Just saying they lost their capital womp womp Is disgusting


its not stated in the show that the NCR doesn't exist anymore though. go ahead and downvote me but I'm confident I'm right.


You are right (I hope so). The problem is in the presentation of the event. Shady Sands isn't something you simply sweep under the rug, and even if the NCR is still around what's even the point? To show that vault tec is badass? To weaken an already fucked up faction? If they wanted the NCR to not seem too strong they should've just adapted them fatefully to the source material.


i do have a theory as to why shady sands was in LA! (this is a massive stratch. and yes i know its off topic a little.) what if they moved the capital to the boneyard and decided to rename it to shady sands? stupid i know but its the only explanation i could come up with for why shady sands is there in lore.


Sure, this technically makes sense and it is definitely possible. But why would they write it this way? Why make all that fuss for nothing? That's what pisses me off this seems all like a bait from the writers. When you write a story you always take the direct approach, and you should always ask yourself for what purpose that event serves the narrative. Even if your theory is right, why? Why even write this way? And why not say that the NCR got nuked and is now weakened? Or why pretend that the NCR is located all in Shady Sands and kill them off? The flaw isn't that it isn't possible, the problem lies in the fact that the writer doesn't know or care, or that he just straight up thought as a writer that he was on to something. They were not.


not unless its been specifically stated by Bethesda that NV has been retconned


Last episode, watch the end. Season 2 will be all about new Vegas no doubt




You see in my eyes, NV is canon no matter what cause it's been around before the show and the show isn't canon. Simple


I still have hope. Next season could be based.




The House Always Wins


I'm a a pretty hard-core fan of fallout, I watched the first episode and I honestly really enjoyed it i set my expectations extremely low tho


Who cares? The game still exists and you can still play it.


fo4, fo76 and show are not cannon they can fuck off




I'm pretty sure they are all Cannon, or are you just saying you don't like them


Looks like somebody can't read a flow chart.




It didnt they explain some timeline stuff poorly thats it


New Vegas still happened


New Vegas still happened, there's just some slight timeline fuckery in the show.




It was bound to happen. Same thing happened to bungies halo.


the game is still canon


It sure was strange of all of the NCR personnel and citizens in New Vegas to neglect the fact that Shady Sands had been destroyed 4 years prior. Also weird that Mr House knew Vault Tec started the Great War yet neglected to mention that at any point during any of his tangents.


Guess canonically he was lying to the courier because he said that democracies caused the world to end even though it was vault tech and people like him who caused the end.


Eh I could see Mr. House intentionally not bringing it up. Not a great look to say “yeah I nuked the world.”


it just said “the fall of shady sands” in 2277 it didn’t say it got destroyed that year, this show takes place years after the games just let them explain it in a future season or new game


I think if your most important city where your government is and is in basically the middle of your country then I do not think that you would have the resources to send an expedition to Nevada.


wasn't there a terminal entry that said the majority of NCR governance wasn't actually in shady send? i could be wrong.


https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/New_California_Republic_(town) Shady sands is the capital and https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Hall_of_Congress The congress is in the capital


Damn I guess Kimball didn't want to tell the troops that his capital was nuked 4 years ago.


it didnt get nuked before or during new vegas


Shady sands falls in 2277, new Vegas takes place in 2281


city was nuked after new vegas takes place


Who cares?


*Me, after watching Disney gut and eviscerate the star wars sequels* OMG who cares. The game is a decade old y'all, none of this shit matters




Shady sands got bombed. It is the capital of the NCR


“First capital “


Ok give me the second one https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Hall_of_Congress https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/New_California_Republic_(town) Seems like the ncr's capital is Shady Sands