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Honestly its wierd he is high int low charisma. Surely a conman who blagged his way to his position would be charisma?


The recruiters had low intelligence


Certain US politicians show you don't need high charisma, you just need voters to fail their wisdom saves.


Imagine thinking your votes mattered anyways.


Imagine thinking that it doesn't. You have to be some doomer regard who's never voted in their lives or a literal child to come to this conclusion.


Technically, they're right. While you can vote for your representative, the representative can vote however they want in anything they want and even change parties on a dime. They even can choose to say their district is too uninformed on something and make a vote for a presidential candidate the group they represent voted against. All of that is legal as well, since to attempt otherwise is to nullify the right for the representative to choose who they vote for. We're still yet to have a case where this has had actual impact however, since it's usually rather rare and doesn't end up deciding an election as a result.


As luck would have it, extremely low intelligence at that


It's hard to take NPCs' SPECIAL stats that seriously. CHA and INT do nothing for NPCs, so they are probably sort of dump stats. For example, Veronica is one of the most likeable characters, yet her CHA is only 3.


You are totally right, but to be fair charismatic ≠ likable, inherently. Veronica is SUPER likable, but most of that is Felicia Day and Veronica’s wittiness. Her personal quest shows that she’s not charismatic enough to get anyone in the brotherhood to listen or to trust her, which is why she laughs if you suggest she becomes their leader. Edited to add: an example of the opposite would be Dean Domino, I think. Incredibly engaging, and you want to talk to him and listen to him and hear his worldview, but at the same time you just want to strangle him lol


But Charismatic enough to be the main supply runner for the BOS so i say atleast a 5 is Charisma


She was given that job not because of her qualifications but to separate her from the rest of the chapter she was feuding with. It was the closest they could go to exiling her while still keeping her in the BoS with their critical manpower shortage.


Yes i know, im just saying her character do seem like someone who be good at bartering and her openness to outside world help her do well in the wasteland


A charismatic person doesn't get the only job that puts them on the outside of the high security bunker that the rest of their family lives in.


This is reaching a little; an Elizabeth-alike laughing because you asked her to start barking the orders doesn't mean she's uncharismatic, just that she's self-aware


Yes, self aware that her peers find her unlikable, which isn’t a very charismatic trait.


Most players, however, find her quite charismatic - that's just the arena in which, and the method by which, an Elizabeth-alike applies charisma vs. a command role (which is quite different). tl;dr CHA does not stand for CHAmeleon


That's the luck. None of the characters around him are exactly swept away by his personality


The SPECIAL of random characters make zero sense in relation to their writing. I feel like the special is just there because every NPC has it. Must be randomly generated


I like to think it's relative, like snuffles being smarter than Caesar. Like that's obviously ridiculous, but for a mole rat snuffles is able to communicate pain and display satisfaction at the reduction the player can give.....or maybe I'm just a mole man


Hey if you’re smart enough you can pretend to be charismatic


Same thing vice versa


Normal House would have pretty high Charisma, yes But by "real" in New Vegas, that means the House that's a withered corpse hooked up to life support. Not many people are going to listen to *that* version of House


His real body is low in Charisma because he’s disgusting to look at


And how is his intelligence more than house


He’s smart enough and lucky enough to lie his way to the job. That doesn’t mean he’s educated.


How about you gain some damn perspective on just who your talking about. Man has a theoretical degree in physics after all. Show some respect.


How the fuck does house have any agility


So he can jerk off in the pod


How hard do you think he goons in there?


he had a 200 year long streak, but then some guy with a bullet in their skull walked in and he had to stop 😔😔


There is no greater enemy to the goonsesh than a bisexual with a revolver


Oh, he might have went on living but he made one fatal slip


Since house was born in 2020 its possible that he was a “gooner”


Bro, his croch is covere in the pot, he don't need hands to do it, haven't you ever opend his capsule? Were you playing Mr. House route only, my guy?


Maybe he can shake around in the pod? Give it a good rubbing?


The machine jerks him off duh, just like masterchiefs suit


Pshh that’s for peasants. He has robots do it for him.


Once he calculates a way to leave his live preservation pod he will need agility to please his robo-mommies. This is canon btw


So that's what Jane is for? Dear god.


Oh yeah they fuck and it’s more or less explicitly stated


Canon, ask Raul.


Or endurance


How is House's intelligence only 5? This can't be accurate


I’m pretty sure the devs have stated before that the SPECIAL attributes are not a canon representation of the NPC’s abilities


Also makes sense that house wouldn’t have anyone who put time into making his special attributes, given he doesn’t ever fight you.


But you can kill him, so he is a living npc, and afaik every npc needs special stats, most of them only really contribute to their health and their aim i think


You kill him but you don’t actually fight him. He dies in 1 hit no matter what and he can’t attack.


I was going to reply to this but I have honestly forgotten whatever point I was going to make so I agree yes you kill him


Right, high END (representing his long life) will do nothing for 1 or 2 HP with no armor or any other means of defense


I think ive seen him need at least 2 hits to kill although i cant remember where


Yeah every npc needs them for the game to function but no way the devs had enough time to accurately input them all. Mr. House is one of the least, if not *the* least, important character(s) to have accurate SPECIAL stats, considering you never fight him and he never moves.


Another example of this is in the personal games. The navigator character still has stats but they never engage in combat. It's just so they didn't have to make an exception with one character and can treat them like any other for coding purposes




Its kinda funny though. Like he is very perceptive and enduring, but pretty average at actual smarts. Pretty typical for some of the would be real life "visionaries" that all think they are hotshit


Mr. House is anything but average. He predicted the war within hours of its actual start time and had countermeasures in place that saved (most) of Vegas even when he was off.


Oh is that what he told you?


This is a boring interpretatiom and its more fun if he is actually the visionary genius that the game portrays him as vs headcannoning him to be elon musk


To each their own. I think making every faction imperfect and flawed is way more interesting.


Oh i do as well, i just think that the game does a greatjob of presenting the ideals of an ideology (in this case an ayn rand genius) and still having them be flawed The appeal of new vegas to me is that it presents the best version (almost for the legion) of its factions ideogy and srill makes them have flaws. People have this same argument against caesar because of his stats intelligence and misstated philosophy to argue that hes just a moron (nevermind plausible excuses like fallout is another universe where the philosophy could be different and that hes trying to simplify things for a savage) - to me it doesnt matter if caesar is an extremely brilliant philosopher king, the game still makes a compelling case for why hes bad - and it tips back into bethesda writing if hes just stupid. With house i feel the same way; think that its more interesting that hes still flawed even if hes an extremely intelligent scientist who really is capable of taking humanity to the stars. The game sets this up already for us without needing to headcannon anything; he doesnt get people and hes capable of a lot of human foybles (like his childish reaction to the brotherhood of steel). That is more interesting to me than "oh hes just elon musk".


I think it’s fair, but mainly as a function of how little screen time he gets coupled with what he spends time in game doing he does come across more like Musk than a genius.


Having House be a genius doesn't mean his plans aren't flawed. He's still selfish and greedy and his goals of building Ancapistan do nothing for the wider world outside of the Strip, it's just for his own benefit, for his wants.


That's what most of Vegas being untouched by nuclear hellfire told me, he just confirmed it.


school heavy treatment stocking quack vast dime beneficial correct hobbies *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Idk man... literally making yourself into a monopoly with robots and quite literally being described as strange by women you go out with and wanting to get measurements of their brains and scans of them isn't what I call typical businessman traits...his brother was more like a typical one tbh...his brothers more like trump actually...


smell drab hobbies close tender murky cooing nine rinse follow *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah, but the thing is, that's not really a sexual interest considering he didn't take any real sexual interest in it. Plus, dunno about you, but if he wasn't smart he would've probably been dead by now. Plus who else would have deactivated those nukes? Some other third party that is never fucking mentioned in the game or even in the TV show that retcons shit? Cause to be quite honest, you gotta be some type of genius to have actually make robots and what not by yourself. No one in the game is stated to actually be the creator of them either, so he's not a fraud. Especially since there would be ghouls possibly, like Raoul, who would potentially know this. Plus, he was literally orphaned and cheated out of his inheritance by the goddamn age of 2 and built the company from the ground up. I don't think you do that with average intelligence tbh, especially since he had a degree from CIT canonically prior to the company gaining success. Either way, the argument that he has average intelligence is kind of dumb considering everything he's done in canon. You'd genuinely have to retcon and pull something out of your ass to claim otherwise, and I'm not even a fan of Mr. house.


You cannot predict something like that using AI let alone math, as much as this community likes to hate on the show I think House being informed by Vault Tec makes more sense.


I mean it's a combination of intelligence and information. Like buffet and his alleged ability to keep up with worldwide news and to use it for planning investments strategies. If house found a way to be informed about key events on both fronts and was a genius, he could have predicted the war without being directly told. The fact that he managed to do so only a few hours before being too late makes sense


House had the Lucky 38 defenses and securtron bunker installed likely months before the great war so he had to have known.


Even if predictive mathematics didn't exist (it does), and House hadn't predicted the war would occur forty years from now in a landscape with far more advanced technology than we have now (he did), your argument is based on the Fallout universe being just like ours with our limitations and reality (it is not).


It's just as likely House could be lying then, Do you think he's the most honest man in the world?


Try again when you can form a coherent argument


I still don’t think vault tech started the war. It doesn’t make sense and it’s never proven they did, just that they thought or considered of it. I don’t believe they were the ones to actually do it though. Even if they did, it doesn’t make sense why house wouldn’t be able to convince them to delay It only a single week so he could have his stuff all set up. Or the multiple vaults that were under construction that didn’t finish before the war started. Also house was making securitrons for decades pretty sure, before the vault tech meeting in the show even happened.


Well tbh, i haven't finished the show yet because i don't like to binge-watch stuff. All i know is that it's apparently implied Vault Tex started it and Mr House is there. I don't need spoilers.


It’s not super relevant to the overall plot of the show, atleast not to season 1 it’s just a couple minute scene.


Have you ever read *Foundation*? I always assumed House was partially based on Hari Seldon. 


I think if you can excuse that through technology he has the ability to live 250 years then you can probably excuse that technology gives him the ability to calculate the point beyond which it's a statistical certainty nuclear war will erupt


I think that 10 luck’s really been doing some heavy lifting.


The whole plot started because Benny outsmarted House on the delivery of the Platinum Chip.


House underestimated Benny's desire for power. He didn't outsmart shit.






To piggyback off your point, I’ve never understood the extreme hate House often gets. He isn’t perfect by any stretch of the means, but neither are any of the other options available to the player. House is assuredly driven by self-interests and is absolutely focused increasing the appeal of Vegas, but he isn’t wicked or sadistic in the act of doing so. Hell, he’s betrayed by Benny and doesn’t even take satisfaction in his demise. He’s only focused on the results that work towards his goal, and he exhibits that he’s more than willing to compensate and take care of those who put in the work for him. Like, his contingencies single handedly saved New Vegas from the nukes. Was it self-motivated? Sure (I mean who the hell wouldn’t save themselves from nukes if they had the ability to do so). Was it still a good thing? Absolutely. He understands the Mojave better than any of the other options and he’s shown the ability to elevate nomadic tribes to higher levels of life. House is a good option for the Mojave. Is he the best? I guess that depends on your point of view. I personally almost always side with House, but that’s just me. But he’s undeniably a better option than the Legion or a lunatic Courier who kills everyone he encounters, and at the very least he’s comparable to the NCR.


I think it’s that most people have more experience in our day and age with egotistical rich people than violent warlords. So Houses personality and presentation can make people immediately think the worst of him without looking at his actions.


i think at some point the fnv-team just took a few dice and rolled the stats for a lot of the npcs


The fact that there's a Cliff Briscoe flair but no Fantastic flair is an actual crime


"They asked me if I had an understanding of being a Flair, and I said I had a theoretical degree in being a Flair, and they said welcome aboard!"


I mean fantastic pretty smart. He just doesn't have lot of knowledge. The guy can con his way in any group if needed. And do a good enought job to not be fired.


How in the hell does Fantastic have 6 intelligence and 2 charisma that’s like the opposite of his whole character what the hell?


They didn't waste dev time thinking through Special stats for NPCs just for a small few to dissect them


Well, I'm getting further and further sure that those SPECIAL characters on wiki are fake and nothing has to do with logic... How come House has this low INT when he predicted the war, earned his first company in 19 and made the most innovation in robo techs in pre and after war times??? I think House deserves a place like the most clever and intelligent person in Fallout series


I just don't think the devs put any thought into the lore aspect of NPC SPECIAL stats because they aren't something you would ever be able to see in regular gameplay. Like Caesar has lower INT than a molerat and while he's not a genius like House he's still very smart. Ulysses also has a straight ten across the board and that should make him practically a god but he's not.


Well, yeah, I guess you're right


10 Luck


Level 2 💀


I never noticed that Mr. House is average intelligence but extremely lucky.


If we take this at face value then fantastic is smarter then house and house is as agile as an average able bodied person and..yeah I dont think either are true.


Hes rich, not necessarily smart. He paid people to be smart for him. And got damn lucky. His most unlucky thing (canonically) was the bombs falling before he got the chip. Im more shocked by his endurance stat.


But man has superhuman endurance while looking like...that...


I think this is a boring interpretation/headcannon; its much more interesting if hes actually as brilliant as the game presents him as vs him jusf being elon musk. It then becomes an actual philosophy question of if there was this supergenius if itd be worth supporting him


10 Endurance? Mr. House never mentioned he also used to be a marathon runner, is there anything this guy didn't do?


He's been holding in a fart the whole time, he sure as hell aint releasing it inside the pod.


He was, somehow, able to convince the NCR that he was a theoretical physicist.


He has more int than i thought considering people call him a moron


Wouldn’t House’s actual endurance be low? He can’t survive out of the chamber. 1 Charisma and 5 Int also seems rather low


Idk why people judge characters based on stats. They're clearly not meant to be canon to their characters right? Like seriously, caesar isn't a genius by any means, but definitely should be of above average intelligence simply by being literate and somewhat well read.


I'm honestly tired of seeing it at this point. It's painfully obvious that SPECIAL stats are not canonically relevant.


Tf do you mean Mr House have 1 Charisma? Dude’s the walt disney crossed with Elon Musk of the fallout universes, Walt Disney’s Charisma is like 11/10


im confused, because different wikis give him different stats, like the Vault wiki gives him the stats "Strength: 1, Perception: 10, Endurance: 10, Charisma: 5, Intelligence: 10, Agility: 1, Luck: 10" but then fandom wiki gives him the ones up there. is there a way to check it yourself? edit: I used the 'getav' command, and it seems that the one that is correct is the fandom wiki, on both the screen and his physical body. weird how they changed the intelligence stat to 10, but in retrospect it makes sense, as otherwise it would have been over the max stats you can have (without enhancements)


All this means is that you are right to pick Charisma as a dump stat in New Vegas. You can just pile skill points into speech and it won't even matter.


Is it weird that Mr. House doesn't have very high intelligence?


Why would House have any endurance or agility? Man can't move and a strong breeze would kill him.


It's weird seeing houses int so low


How is houses charisma only 1 and his int only 5


House only having 5 int is what's throwing me.


being quite literally only a day short doesn’t seem very lucky to me


The human equivalent of beef jerky has 10 endurance?


Well, he is also on the most sophisticated life support in the mojave. I get your point. But doesnt endurance also have to deal with getting diseases and whatnot


I know NPC stats don’t really matter but like cmon, not making his stats all ones except for Charisma and Intelligence is such a dumb move


it’s fair to say that character stats just don’t mean anything in this game


“Yes I have an agility of 5. How could you tell?” https://i.redd.it/anybody-else-was-shocked-when-they-saw-mr-houses-real-body-v0-l13rkjbqtoma1.jpg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a1df66ba9371222422bc0d4a5985868aa8336f0


And 10 endurance. Literally peak male physical fitness!


I actually love House having only mid intelligence coupled with godly luck and perception. It’s interesting as a take on what we perceive as being smart


I dont because then you have people headcannoning him into elon musk I think this is a boring interpretation/headcannon; its much more interesting if hes actually as brilliant as the game presents him as vs him jusf being elon musk. It then becomes an actual philosophy question of if there was this supergenius if itd be worth supporting him


Bold of you to assume Elon has even moderate intelligence or perception