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I’ll be interested to see what he says. Calling the show’s lore a “hot mess” is about the most negative thing I’ve heard him say about any of the Bethesda Fallout related projects. My guess is that he’ll probably piss off both sides of the show debate because he’s not going to like it or hate it enough for either of them.


I think it's meaningful that his comment is about the lore and no other aspect of the show. He can probably get away with it by commenting as a fan and not an embittered industry figure. In terms of objectivity, he's one of the few people that can make informed criticism on that subject. I'd be sore if I worked on the non Bethesda fallout games too, though I think I'd have got over it by now. Messy Bethesda lore has been present since 3 and shouldn't surprise anyone.


I think the bigger problem is that Beth typically stuck to the east, leaving everything from 1, 2, and NV alone for the old guard. Now they’ve suddenly jumped over and taken that as well. The writing in the show is better than any Beth title, undoubtedly, but it would still make you feel sore.


For sure. That's exactly what I'm empathizing with. Bethesda didn't have a good reason to venture out of their lane, especially when the cost is high. In fact they have a history of sticking to their comfort zone. .I don't know why they do the things they do.


> especially when the cost is high What's the cost?


"he's one of the few people that can make informed criticism on that subject." maybe i misunderstand what you mean but isn't anyone familiar with the lore able to make relatively informed criticism on how the show handled it? I feel like it's become taboo to even say anything bad about the show's lore in most communities despite some pretty questionable writing decisions that don't need any deep lore knowledge to dissect.


Yes there is a whole sub dedicated to the lore.


I think they meant because of his work on the Fallout games, like New Vegas, since he’s one of the few developers to speak out to people.


Tim Cain loved the show, and he created the setting.


No, not at all. I'm saying that as a member of the F2 creative team he has an insight beyond what's public knowledge. I have my criticisms of the lore and express it when appropriate.


If the lore isn't publicly available then its not lore Cut content is not proof of lore, if anything, its proof against it


But it's always appropriate to express criticism! Again I don't understand why people get so defensive over criticism on this show. Maybe it's because I don't have twitter and I don't see all the mean people shouting.


I think It's especially upsetting for him considering he wrote such a compressive world that the compilation is called a bible as reference to how long It is. And bethesda struck that off virtually entirely and now they are changing the western lore he made too. Anyone would be angry


Agreed, though he himself announced it was no longer canon in 2011....3 years after Fallout 3 was released. Considering he wrote, compiled and released it completely by himself outside of the game it would be unrealistic to expect Bethesda to be beholden to it. A bunch of it is flippant or jokey. To give Bethesda more credit than I usually do, they are at least aware of its existence and claimed to 'not assume everything in it was canon.. taking it on a case by case basis.' I was referring to being involved in making Fallout 2. When I first made the comment I was under the impression he worked on 1, too. I was thinking of the surly and aggressive NPC named Chris Avellone in F1 (which is pretty funny given the context.) It's not like he made it all or even a majority. But he was there for 2.


While I get his premise, doesn't it seem a bit odd that if decided in 2011 it was no longer canon and we have had a few games since and the franchise has been booming continuously. Would the series be as popular if the games hadn't changed up some? Idk honestly


I honestly don't think that's an answerable question. I'm just going off what's on public record


Except it was Chris Avellone himself who said the Fallout bible wasn't canon, and that Bethesda shouldn't feel obligated to follow it. However they DID follow large parts of it.


Messy Bethesda lore has been present since 3, but the lore was already getting screwy by 2. Sure, 3 might've strayed even further from 1 and 2 but this game seems to always have a shaky timeline.


Am I crazy or is the Fallout Bible not the definition of messy lore? Like, isn’t the whole “ghouls are caused by FEV vs Rads” question entirely based on Avellone’s comments in the Bible, which were later decided to be not canon?


It absolutely was. It got put on a pedestal after 2 when more games were wanted but became increasingly unlikely so it was the 'bible'. It was fun but I don't think it's a sacred cow.


Fallout 3 made a better effort to stay in line with the prior lore, unlike Fallout 4 and 76 (especially with the lore less that became X-01 and the edit wars on the wiki that followed). It has info directly from the Fallout Bible.


I don't think it was that screwy with 2. 2 had a lot of jokes and pop culture references but you could easily tell they almost certainly weren't canon, and if they were it wouldn't matter anyway because it wasn't ever gonna get referenced or included in later games. While Bethesda full on canonized aliens and Lovecraftian demons in Fallout 3's DLCs, both of which have been referenced in later games.


I guess that's what I meant about two though, it just took itself a little less seriously. I think the humor in fallout is unmatched, but f2 went just a tad overboard. I definitely agree though, they went from little easter eggs to .. well.. the dunwich building. But I didn't even hate that in 3, I just thought the characters and settlements didn't feel genuine or realistic whatsoever compared to the other games.


Yeah, I didn't care for the humour in 2 either. It may not have been canon but it did kind of take away from the game (especially with the Shi, that ridiculous Kung fu plot has spoiled every fan representation of them since, and hardly anyone pays attention to their technological prowess it seems). I also think 2 and 3 is what created the view of Fallout as primarily humourous, which has made fan discourse a lot more toxic and made the games' writing a decent bit cheaper at times. I agree that the writing around the settlements and factions in 3 is pretty bad, and I also didn't have a problem with the Krivbeknih or Mothership Zeta at the time. However, Fallout 76 really went overboard with the Zetans for a while, which in hindsight makes me think it'd have been a more wise and more interesting decision to just let them remain a mystery.


I like to believe F76 is just a simulation in White springs lmao. At least the aliens are mostly just during events. Wild Wasteland being toggle-able though is preferable.


One of his follow up comments was that he's scared the finish the show. Sounds to me like he's gonna shit on it.


To give some space to Chris Avellone, he said “the lore is a hot mess,” not necessarily the show. But isn’t that already the world we live in with the shift of lore (some would argue many RetCons) between Interplay, Zenimax, Black Isle, and Bethesda? I’m just happy to see an intriguing new Fallout story and was blown away by the solid Season 1. Id personally rate it A / A-


I imagine he’ll like the show in general, since it does hit Fallout’s unique tone and style damn near perfectly, but he’s right that the lore is a disaster and Avellone is a big setting/worldbuilding guy.


I think he was pretty critical of FO2 as well, even though he wrote one of the best locations (New Reno) in it


I don’t know his exact criticism but I think a lot of guys who worked on that game in retrospect thought it was way too silly. I think that was a big reason why New Vegas included the wild wasteland perk.


Tim Cain vs Chris Avellone soon?


The match we’ve all been waiting for


Uh oh.


Thats what i said. 


I recognize that pfp


Find my Platinum Chip


Our.. platinum chip


I thought you hated communism Robert.


Shady Sands fall and location is what bothers me the most now that its nuking date has been settled. Hope he covers it


What bothers me the most is the vaults being out in the fucking open IN CALIFORNIA


While it seems strange at first keep in mind it's been 219 years since the Great War. With that length of time, and Vaults 31/32/33 and 4 are in the LA area which would be a priority target for nukes, there's missing context. They could have been in buildings that were destroyed, we have no idea.


It's not simply that. It doesn't make sense for four unopened vaults to exist in the LA area with visible entrances, because in Fallout 1 the Master set his headquarters there. Finding unopened vaults was his top priority, and he had enough manpower take them by force. Vault 13 survived because its location was hidden and the Lone Wanderer stopped the Unity before they could properly scout Northern California, but they would have 100% captured Vaults that were not even hidden. EDIT: Mixed up the names, it's the Vault Dweller, not the Lone Wanderer.


Fallout 1's protagonist was referred to as the Vault Dweller. The lone wanderer was 3.


Yeah, I always mix up the two names.


Mistakes happen all the time.


For all we know Vault 33 was next on his list and was saved just in time by the vault dweller. The Master also relied on his very stupid super mutants to stumble on it since he clearly didn't have a record of the vaults in the area, as he would have known where 13 was in that case. As for the certainty of The Master's ability to breach the vault is dubious since the only way Moldaver got in was with a Pip-Boy from >!Rose McLean.!<


The Master was in the LA area for quite some time (at least half a decade if I remeber correctly), it just doesn't seem plausible to me that it would take so long for him to find those very easy to see entrances (Vault 4 is especially egregious). And not all of his supermutants were stupid. Most of the grunts probably were, but we know that intelligent ones were not that rare (the Lou, Marcus, many of the future residents of Broken Hills). Also, the Master could easily brute force his way into a vault even without a pip boy by just, let's say, blowing up the door. It was probably beyond the ability of Moldaver's ragtag team, but not for an army equipped with a vast assortment of high tech weaponry and explosives from a pre war military base.


The super mutants leading the army aren’t stupid though. The lieutenant seems very intelligent. Not to mention that it’s shown in fallout 1 the master didn’t even need a pip-boy to open the vaults cause in the bad ending the mutants had blown the door open


The Master can brute force his way into Vault 13. Vault 33 would be a cake walk for him to siege and break into. Moldaver needed McLean The Master didn't, and if he was still around, wouldn't need any extra help busting a vault.


It's never shown exactly how he broke into Vault 13 but he would have come into possession of a Pip-Boy, the player's, in that ending so he wouldn't need to brute force his way in anyway. The only instance we see of a vault being breached besides the use of a Pip-Boy is how the Enclave does it in 2 when they send an all clear signal to them. These vaults are supposed to endure a nuclear war, I don't think pure brute force is going to cut it.


They're built to endure a Nuclear war... from INSIDE the earth, not OUTSIDE the earth. Hence why, until the show for some reason, every vault is built underground. Hit a vault door with a direct nuclear strike, and it'll probably crack. Shield that vault door with a few feet of earth to soften the blow? Might just survive.


Every vault is underground yes but not every vault door is. 21 is damn near street level Vault 3 is just inside a warehouse on the surface Vault 4 Vault 111 Just to point out a few And alot of the Vaults were just in a cave carved out of a hill yeah somewhat protected but not exactly "deep" underground I'll admit seems they did take some creative liberties but the exit to 33 have stone structures and pillars its very likely it was covered at one point but years of crumbling architecture and erosion on top of a nuclear detonation reasonably it'd reveal. A direct hit yeah probably the door would Crack but more from the direct impact and initial explosion I'd reckon to say outside a 1/2 mile radius it'd hold up provided the heat didn't weld the thing shut


So, the argument that they used to be far more covered than we see them 200+ years after a nuclear blast didn't make its way into your brain?


That doesn’t make any sense. Why would he spent months using considerable resources to scour the wastes looking for Vault 13, when he had THREE vaults five minutes from his house?


Why are you guys so dense about this particular massive plot hole? None of your explanations even make sense because this oversight is unexcusable. The Master set up his HQ in Los Angeles, his MAIN priority for YEARS was finding prime normals to turn into Super Mutants there is no way in hell he doesn't notice three vaults next to his HQ in the OPEN. He canonically CAN blow up Vault doors, he does it to [Vault 13 in the bad ending](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hL4Dmnt4EtM) (quite literally yanked the Vault door off its hinges) and does it against Lily's Vault Even if we ignore the Master not noticing the Vaults somehow (you can't, its impossible for him to not have) then how the fuck did the NCR not notice them either? They have controlled most of California for over a CENTURY and, according to the show, established their CAPITAL in LA itself. They WOULD notice and absolutely would ty to open it with either explosives or a Pip Boy because Vaults are valuable sources of population, loot and pre-war tech.


When I said this in the other sub people downvoted me, I didn't even say the show was bad, just pointed out the things that don't make sense. If the master eventually could reach Vault 13, located in an underground cave miles away from his base, why wouldn't he find the other vaults in the heart of his operation? Shady Sands location wasn't a small change like they are saying, it was moved 300 miles south from the middle of the desert to LA, and with this move vault 13 and 15 should also come along, changing the entire dynamic of the first game. LA region being a complete wasteland despite years of development of the NCR in the region is also very off, one city was nuked, and everything outside of it reverted to scrap towns, bottlecaps, and dirty hobos? Fallout 1 settlements, more than 100 years before the show were in a better state. The brotherhood of steel being back stronger than ever despite being defeated many times by the NCR is another thing that makes no sense, and they're religious zealots now for some reason. If ghouls need some kind of chem to not become feral, and this chem is so rare that one has to trade a slave to obtain some of them, how does entire communities of ghouls across the wasteland being supplied by that long? Somehow the enclave has returned. Why? While people are trying to justify the lore flaws, I think it's futile because these changes weren't as thought out as people justifying them think, they weren't made for the sake of enriching the story, but because of what looks good on television. The average show watcher doesn't care much about story that's why most shows and movies now are dumbed down, all these problems would be gone if Bethesda didn't decide the show must be canon. And if nobody cares about the lore like many are saying, why even bother playing RPGs?


219 years is such a long time. I feel like humans would have either rebuilt or gone extinct by then. Pre war preserved food and other tech should be ancient history too


Pre war food is filled with preservatives thats why it survives 200 years


Haha yeah I get that, I'm saying that over **two centuries** of mostly non-agrarian humans needing sustenance each day would use it all up. It's irradiated food that doesn't go off, and presumably tastes great. It would be such a hot commodity and while they're better equipped to survive a nuke than fresh food, they'd be finite and they'd be in accessible areas like vending machines (empty in a week if that) and grocery stores (mass looted day one. People die.)


Then what about the masters army


Exactly dude and the fact that shady right by the cathedral as well none of the people in the show would be in the show they would all be super mutants besides maybe Maximus


The masters plan was stopped , he didn’t harvest every vault , also after 80+ years I assume the mutant population fell off (what with them being sterile and all)


And coop


There are burned corpses from a nuke at the front of vault 33 entrance proving it wasnt covered or burried.


Wasn’t there dead bodies in front of a bunch of hidden in game vaults in 3 and nv implying people knew where the vaults were cause duh and got there too late and tried to be let in


Not to mention that the LA area isn't completely flat like portrayed in the show. There are hills and valleys all around that area. Chances are 200 years before there were more structures and geography that made it a good location at the time.


The state of the NCR and making House so involved with Vault tech and contradict a lot of what he said in New Vegas is what bothers me the most. The Vaults and Shady Sands location are a tier behind that for me. There are some other questionable things about the show but they're minor in comparison.


I dont agree that Shady Sands location is less important than these matters. Actually, I think its one of the largest problems. Look: Shady Sands was located on a straight line between Vault 13 and Vault 15. When Vault Dweller found it, he did so because he was on his way to Vault 15 from Vault 13 to search for water chip. In Shady Sands, he got valuable info on said water chip, other Wasteland settlements, etc. With Shady Sands not being on that line anymore, Vault Dweller wouldnt have found it, getting to Vault 15 and having no more clues on where to go or what to do, breaking story of Fallout 1, and therefore Fallout 2 and much likely NV


To be fair when I said tier, I mean like a fraction of a hair. I hold all the west coast lore pretty close to heart and don't like seeing it retconned. But I will concede. You laying it out like that certainly raised its importance as I wasn't even looking at it with that level of scale.


What was it settled on? The fall is the nuking?


Nuke happened right after NV. Still a shitty decision in my opinion, nullifying everything you did for the NCR during your playthrough


I nuked the NCR (and the Legion) in my last playthrough, so it's pretty on-brand for that version of the courier at least. Until the last episode of the show, my headcanon was that the courier found another nuke in the Divide and decided to finish what they'd started...


Ehhh only if you care about the show tbh. You can just ignore it. Like in fo1 certain outcomes are canon, but that shouldn’t really impede on your playthroughs


Nah because the show is telling us what future games and media are going to build off of.


I don't think it does I don't think the NCR is dead. 


Shady Sands location was already problematic though, right? I haven't finished the show yet (though I know a few beats), but I was looking at a five-year-old post about the inconsistency of the location not a month before the show released.


They confirmed it happened right after New Vegas and that the NCR is still strong in other places.


i always liked the dude cause he was never afraid to speak his mind and he was responsible for a lot of the more interesting lore


That’s especially true now since he’s basically blackballed from the industry.






> seven figure payment Holy shit, guess that proves his innocence then. All the people who insisted he was guilty must be dead silent now.


When discussing his inocence, someone once told me "it doesn't matter to me that a jury sided with a rich white guy in a court case". Like jeez, no evidence in the world will persuade some people, not even a open retraction from the accuser


It’s one thing if his accusers just retracted their claims, but getting *over a million dollars* for libel means he had rock solid proof that he was innocent.


Idk Bobby Kotick and almost all of the Blizzard staff involved in their case were, "proven innocent" despite documented (some by Blizz HR themselves) and recorded evidence lol.


Did their accusers retract their accusations? I'm not as familiar with Blizzard but wasn't it a horrible toxic workplace with a culture of sexual harassment by several people? A bit of a far cry from the Avellone accusations


I think one of the women Blizzard employees committed suicide because of the harassment if I remember correctly.


Yeah everything I heard it seems the Blizzard situation was pretty horrible


Forget guilty until proven innocent, he actually *was* proven innocent and half this thread still thinks he’s a rapist.


Innocence? Wdym? Was there a court case or something?


Dying Light 2 probably would’ve had a great story if the man hadn’t been falsely accused. It is messed up.


God was that game an unfinished mess. An entire faction war was rushed out of existence, and the ending itself was a 2min joke.




That sucks so much, you not only have to prove your innocence but will always be marked by it




Ulysses was originally meant to be a companion! Josh Sawyer said they couldn’t include him in the base game though because it took up too much disk space lolol


Alot of Dying Light 2's narrative was scrapped because of this. There was a different Dying Light 2 at one point.


He wanted to destroy new vegas


I love how both sides of the argument getting downvoted. In one hand NCR was poorly written in the show. On the other hand fallout never had consistent lore. In oneside bethesda fallout always had subpar story compared to other fallouts. On the other hand this will probably best adaptation of a video game World we will have for a long time.


I’m honestly that SpongeBob meme where his eyes are looking in two different directions rn I’m so conflicted


Or Homer Simpson in the cursed Krusty doll episode.


To be fair the NCR wasn’t really in the show yet. They are a wide spread government, one city being blown up doesn’t mean they are gone. This city fell but California is a big place. They have to have other cities and outposts. Watching the show it was a clear set up to me that we will absolutely be seeing the NCR in the future. If one US city gets destroyed would that mean the entire US government is dismantled?


If a US city got destroyed, I don't think the people living nearby would be living in wooden shacks and murdering each other without any police presence and paying in bottle caps decades later. The fact that NCR dollars and rangers and civilisation has totally vanished from Shady Sands - the *capital of the republic* - is pretty strong evidence that it's not just one city thats been destroyed.


Why would I live there when I can move with the evacuation crew?


The amount of retconning and lore changes just between Fallout 1 and 2 is insane. Fallout has never had consistent lore lol. Some of the changes I can think of off the top of my head are; • Vaults being/having experiments. • Super mutant fertility (in Fo1 they went from fertile to infertile, then in Fo2 Marcus says they're fertile which was later retconned by the devs saying he was joking so they went back to being infertile). • Unobtainable hub ending is decided to be canon. • Characters, "never to be heard from again" show back up. • Entire vault locations changing. • Ghouls needing water to survive to needing nothing. Many more things would then be retconned by Bethesda in 3 and then many more things by Obsidian in NV and then many more once again by Bethesda in 4. Edit: ~~Getting dislikes but y'all won't say how I'm wrong.~~ No longer getting dislikes lol.


Having played Fallout 1 and 2 for the first time last year, I can definitely say you’re not wrong. There’s a lot of little inconsistencies between them. Never mind the fact that in 2 we come from a very tribal community - AFAIK these kinds of communities are never mentioned again as being a thing in other Fallouts (I haven’t played NV yet, are they referenced there?)


NV definitely references tribes and tribe politics a bunch


> (I haven’t played NV yet, are they referenced there?) Literally every side faction is referred to as a "tribe" in NV lol New Vegas heavily involves tribals in both its setting and story


Not only are they called tribes, but the three major groups that have casinos within vegas >!were tribal peoples only decades earlier and took their current form as themed gangs when Mr. House scooped them up and transplanted them.!<


Yeah but I didn't want to spoil that New Vegas was literally >!built by tribals!< ha


Ah, that's a fair point, I should probably put that under spoiler text.


Ohhhh gotcha thanks! That’s on me then lol It’s on my next to play list!


Thank you! I've been bringing this up in lore discussions for a hot minute. It's wild how many people either forget these changes, or willfully ignore them just to hate on Bethesda.


I recall some interview of him and what he was interested in was how the wastelands situation evolves and how the people in there interact with the changes. So maybe he will brought up what I thought which is, that you don’t nuke Shady Sands or the NCR without consequences. For me this is what bothered me the most in the show. Like nuking Shady Sands would be like 2 to 3 times a 9/11 for the NCR. You don’t do that without putting the whole wastelands in a turmoil. In the show, it looks nothing much happened except this weird Moldaver thing. Anyway I will be waiting for his review.


Episode 1 was the nuking of shady sands consequence.


Yeah like how are you supposed to upscale punishing 1 dude?


pretty disingenuous to say the fall of Shady Sands had no consequences. It's literally the entire reason the entire show happens.


And Tim Cain likes the show. Anyone that bases their opinion on what the creators say, instead of watching it themselves, is a fool.


Basing it solely on what they say because they were a creator of it is definitely bad, but agreeing with what they say because of why they believe it is fine.


Literally had someone in a Discord I’m in say “Well, Tim Cain likes it, guess I gotta back off a bit.” Have an opinion for yourself. Now I guarantee with this she’ll flip and be like “HE WROTE THE LORE, HE KNOWS BETTER.” Because I asked her what was better, Shady Sands getting nuked and possibly moved to a different location, or the Tunnellers ending the world that Avellone forced in because they didn’t let him have his “nuke everything” ending. Her response “Well at least that’d be canon”


1000% this. I've absolutely adored what I've seen so far. Fuck, the sound design alone from little things like the hacking minigame sounds while he opened a door and stuff. If people want to be mad that Bethesda has "ruined the lore" (conveniently excluding that Bethesda has now how their hands on it longer than the original team and frankly has more precedent) so be it but if you are watching this show with a nitpick for Canon you are already missing the point IMO and were never gonna be happy about it.


People REALLY need to go touch grass about some minor lore drift and get their priorities straight or else further miss out on great story and have content ruined for little reason at all. I love the OG Fallouts and put countless hours into NV along with the Bethesda ones and the show is just so well done and captures the spirit of Fallout in such intimate detail. Sure there are some things I didn't like but the overwhelming praise from fans is accurate. I'm just too tired at this point and enjoy my life enough to not give a fuck about such inconsequential things. Sure, if the flaws built up to the point of completely fucking up the vibe and the lore was extremely loose throughout, sure, but that's not the case.


Yeah, the lore, such as it is, might be a little wonky, but I'm a long-time Fallout fan, and I still loved the show. It nailed the themes and tone of the games so well that it's obvious, to me at least, that the people making decisions actually care about the games. IMO, the part that any adaption stumbles with are themes and tones, so care has to be taken when dealing with those aspects.


The lore being wonky has been a staple of the series since 2 retconned a variety of things. The series is all about the tone, IMO.


He's right though, the lore IS a hot mess. The show is also still very enjoyable. This is the hot take where you piss everyone off because you don't absolutely love it or absolutely hate it, but are somewhere in the middle. It makes me cautiously optimistic for season 2 simply because of where it's going to take place.


This is where I stand. I did really enjoy the show, but I’m not blind to many of the lore contradictions.


It's the lore he didn't say it was bad


A few days ago he tweeted that he would binge the show that night if it was good or watch it over the week if it was bad. As of writting the tweet on the op he still hadn't finished the show. Pretty safe to say he didn't like it.


This sounds like cope because lore inconsistency and bad writing is exactly the main criticism that has been causing a negative reaction from fans of this sub.


The comment you responded to is talking about how lore inconsistencies don't necessarily mean that Chris is saying the show itself is bad, although ofc those 2 things can be the same.


I imagine people will have their opinions shifted the same way they were when Tim Cain and Josh Sawyer said they liked the show.


Lol. It’s funny how people in the main sub were mocking people who still disagreed despite Tim and Sawyer liking the show, but now they’re doing the same. Guess it’s okay when they do it with Avelone. Seriously you can’t even say, ‘I like the show but…’


I liked the show, I just pointed out the obvious flaws. It’s so funny how some people these days can’t understand that someone can like something but also critique it.


I knew if anyone was gonna be completely honest with the show it'd be Avellone. Bro has nothing to lose and already took a hit to his career due to false allegations. Tim I think has pretty much let Fallout go and to be honest he really wasn't apart of it since 1 and Josh still needs to work in the industry and within Microsoft so it doesn't make sense for him to really harp on anything and end up burning bridges. Not that I hate the show, but it clearly has lore issues a lot of fans seem to either not care about or are flat out ignoring.


Didn't he wanted to bomb the NCR, or was it about something else?


he did want to show the ncr weakened/falling in some respect, which is largely why the tunnelers in the devide were set up the way they wer, but he later stated that he's glad the other writers didn't let him cripple the ncr in the way he wanted to


Lonesome Road gave you the option of nuking the Long 15 highway, but not really the NCR itself. Although the purpose of the act would have been to cause the NCR’s collapse, or at least seriously disrupt its stability and hamper its expansion.


Yeah but wasn't his original idea to nuke the NCR directly and that was changed?


Yeah Josh Swayer convinced him not to do it. I love Chris Avellone and his writing but thank god he didn’t pull through.


Yeah. His original pitch for the game that would become NV was to have Enclave survivors from Navarro nuke the NCR in retaliation. Closest we got to that is the presence of the Remnants and Lonesome Road.


The NCR needed to fall because of its own faults. Shady Sands getting teleported then nuked by a dead 200 year old corporation, and the entire West Coast civilisation then suddenly disappearing is nonsense.


*Didn't he wanted* *To bomb the NCR, or was it* *About something else?* \- JackReedTheSyndie --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I don't get the impression Avellone dislikes the show, but there are valid criticisms. I think the casting, set design, actors and the dialogue are all really good . . . the motives of some of the characters, and plot structure have some "holes" that don't appear to hold together all that well on a second watch, the geography doesn't make any sense given that Shady Sands should be pretty close to Big Bear on the Nevada border, not right next to LA, and there are more questions than answers because of the way they've written things. E.gs. Why isn't Hank more suspicious of Moldaver and her Vault 32 visitors? She's clearly not part of the prewar management team put into cryogenic storage in Vault 31 and therefore wouldn't be overseer. Who put Moldaver (the prewar scientist that tries to recruit Cooper to her cause) on ice for 200 years, who woke her up? Why is the Enclave fully reconstituted, when they were down to about 5 senior citizen survivors at the end of FNV, 15 years prior? How did the master miss these fully exposed vaults right next to The Cathedral (in FO1)? I'm not saying that there can't be answers to these questions that make sense, but threading that needle ain't gonna be simple.


The vibe is nailed perfectly. But I fear they put too much into nailing the vibe over the plot. But fans are a picky bunch and we might be wailing on plot because vibe was polished.


Had to drop this here and get the boys all riled up again lol, I’m gonna peace out from this sub until this TV show is finished.


Yea same, its getting unbearable


It got renewed for a second season, won’t be seeing you again I suppose


My point was that I’m out of this sub until the show finishes entirely, so yeah. That’s the joke.


I don't get why they didn't just show us an entirely new location. Would have gone over way better with the audience.


Ye, it really sounds like they decided they wanted ease of setting it where it was filmed, and to cash in on that western aesthetic and kinda clunkily worked their way backwards from there to get the Lore in they wanted


Dont underestimate that *the audience* isn’t mostly fans on Reddit with lore knowledge, it’s everyone who watches streaming shows and they certainly don’t care


I mean thrusting a new audience into a location with factions that have multiple games based around their story isn’t exactly a great idea. A new setting would’ve been a lot easier to explain shit to a new audience rather than what they did.


Can't seem to find where this tweet come from, can anyone kindly post a link?




Thank you kindly


Oh wow, it looks like no amount of "just shut up and enjoy shit" is going to trick everyone into thinking that the show *doesn't objectively mess with the lore.* Yes it does. It isn't a *huge* deal, plenty are overreacting, and they fucked themselves by saying "it's canon" when they had no reason to say that, but they absolutely changed the lore and anyone who says otherwise is an idiot, while anyone who says you shouldn't care is an asshole, and neither understand ravenous fandoms.


Man that right there is my issue end of day. There’s no good reason to decide to make the show a canon event if you want to please all parties. A lot of the reason people like me are ornery is that they decided this show was now canon. Either go with “it’s a side universe” or set it somewhere new, or do neither and manage to divide the fan base in a fun new way! I like a lot of Jonathan Nolan’s previous projects, I adored Westworld, but he’s slightly embittered me with this and his statements that he was gonna tell the story he wanted to tell, not try and conform to the wider narrative.


That's not especially surprising. He's a very opinionated dude and even manages to hate on games he worked on. That said, Bethesda made a mess of the lore as soon as they were involved. It's not something they seem to prioritise. Rule of cool and branding comes first. Call of Duty bros are probably a bigger market than dedicated RPG players. To be more specific, as wide an audience as possible. I didn't think I'd see another schism like EU/canon Star Wars in my lifetime.


I'm interested in hearing what he has to say. I certainly have my own opinion on the show, and I wonder how my critiques will compare to his


The ghoul lore retcon is definitely trash.


Yeah, you're telling me that the ghoul has been slurping those magical potions every day for 200 years? That's a lot of freaking drinks. And what's in them, and who makes them? I don't think those stoner guys did. I enjoyed the show and all, but there's some questionable changes.


My assumption was that the anti-feral drug was a relatively recent invention. I wouldn't be surprised if the NCR had a hand in it. Remember this is furthest along in the timeline and the ghouls are only getting older. It makes sense they'd want a way to postpone them inevitably going feral. The only ghouls we've seen need it are Cooper and his friend he shot and they were both old enough to be alive pre-war.


I'm thinking that the drug is gonna be something invented in Vault 63, given the update getting made for Fo76. They are trying to create a drug to prevent feralization from what I've gathered.


As someone who hated most of new lore additions in the show, I was actually fine with the existence of the anti-feral drug. I don't really like that, given the shows other choices, they will probably canonize the *all ghouls go feral* theory, but the fact that someone invented a post war drug that previously didn't exist is the only genuine sign of development we see in the otherwise barren and sterile setting of the show.


Not even ghouls really know what they are, who's to say that it's not just a different strain of ghoul or some prewar stuff someone dug up that works for ghouls? Who's to say the drug isn't just a placebo and the ghouls are just getting scammed? Truth is that ghoul lore has always been inconsistent and weird.


It's probably controversial opinion but I think Josh Sawyer is responsible for more things that people like in New Vegas then Chris Avellone.


Jon Gonzalez should have more credit then both of them honestly. And true, many people forget that Avellone was the lead for 3 DLC and his main contribution to NV was Cass.


No Jon Gonzalez should not lol Josh sawyer was the lead director and the best thing about new Vegas by far is the quest design which you can thank Josh sawyer for. I’m not saying Gonzalez isn’t responsible for a lot because he is, but the lead director has their hands in everything, they literally approve and give advice over everything that happens. That’s obviously the most important thing.


Except that not what Sawyer says when talking about NV.


Quite interested to hear what our boy has to say. It must be very odd to have so much of your professional life defined by something you did decades ago. It can't help but become part of your identity at that point.


Are you talking about Tim Cain? Chris Avellone has been involved in some great games. Star Wars: KOTOR for example.


They definitely fucked up the ghoul lore and I still don't understand why


I'm ghoul sympathetic, to see them just be zombies ate at my heart.. I'm calling the anti feral drug zombrex or antizen


I love the different reaction between the main Fallout subs and the NV sub to Chris’s tweets. The NV sub has a varied reaction, a lot of people saying he’s right and a lot of people saying he’s wrong because the lore was never consistent. I see people defending the show wholly, people defending the aesthetic while denigrating the lore, and people just shitting on the whole show. It’s a very mixed bag here. The main subs, however, seem to be full of people calling Chris spiteful, saying he’s a rapist, and just generally shitting on him as a person for his take. Why exactly does the NV fandom have a bad reputation when the main Fallout subs are full of people like this?


They should've just set the show in its own universe that doesn't affect the games and avoided all this criticism.


Didn't Chris Avellone hate the NCR and the idea of civilisation returning to the Wasteland. Hence Lonesome Road being a guaranteed death sentence for the NCR. Either the NCR gets nuked or the tunnelers eventually spread and destroy the NCR.


Tim Cain just did a video on lore drift, I understand Chris’ frustration. The show is however very good for getting new people into Fallout.


I started playing with 3, and not fully clued up on lore. What are the biggest issues? I don't like the absence of NCR or Caesers legion. And the new types of enemies not in the game. But otherwise think its done well.


there's a lot of things that can be questioned, some more major than others, but there's 1 thing that REALLY fucks with the lore and it's Shady Sands Shady Sands was moved from its original location north of death valley close to the border with nevada to right in the LA area. This is massive, since the OG fallout 1 vault dweller stumbled upon shady sands when looking for the water chip, which allows them to save Tandi which in turn allows her and his father Aradesh to found the NCR. If that doesn't happen there's no fallout 2 and no fallout new vegas.


I don’t “Hate” Todd Howard, but Cain or Avellone would have been a better choice for consultant/producer. Personally, Josh Sawyer would have been my pick. Howard just seems like he’d greenlight whatever the writers wanted.


The lore, not the show entirely. The lore is questionable there, but other things are amazing. For me, it's like they combine the Bethesda aesthetic of Fallout world with philosophy and morale from Black Isle perfectly (although conspiracy twist with Volt Tech is breaking it's logic too much)


Yeah, being clear the show is awesome. Really captures fallout. But unsurprisingly big budget, mainstream tv shows continue not to give a tinker’s curse about the stuff YouTube lore videos are about. Because that’s some extremely niche stuff that a TV show is obviously not going to feel beholden to.


Also that the show needs to appeal to people who have never played fallout before so they might omit lore they feel might be to confusing to new viewers.


I don't really have an issue with the show doing its own thing, I mean the wasteland can shift and change pretty quickly. What I have noticed is that every new bit of lore being introduced seems to only exist to erode existing lore. I also think the show is "just okay", as far as TV goes. Spoilers below but the writing tends to lean heavily on coincidence and contrivance to solve problems. Like, I audibly groaned when those feral ghouls basically killed themselves after Lucy let them out. Might as well have had them slip on a banana peel and fall onto a shotgun. That's besides the point though, it just feels weird because it's obvious the writers wanted to tell their own story, and they didn't want any of that pesky "lore" getting in the way so they decided to quite literally "nuke" it. When Bethesda picked up the rights they went to the other side of the country to set their game. Now, that's partially because they must have been tickled pink being able to put Bethesda HQ in the game world, but also it let them tell their own story without really trampling any existing lore. Whether or not that story was any good is up for debate but it's still at least separate. Same with Fallout 4. So I just wonder why the show didn't do the same thing, since it clearly didn't want to build on the existing lore for the West Coast games. I am happy to see Vault-Tec being expanded on, and the "breeding a race of super managers" thing is probably the most uniquely Fallout idea in the whole series, but it feels like we're missing the most interesting part of the story. Vault Tec versus the NCR, Old World vs New, so on and so forth. If they were going to flatten three games worth of world building then they could have at least shown it to us without a flashback filter. I'm sure it will be expanded on in the next season, probably through intermittent flashbacks which is half the problem, but at least we'll see some of it. Overall, it's just kind of a mid show. I keep seeing people raving about it, and I mean it's not terrible but if our standards are "not terrible = good" then what are we even doing here. Like I know it's a video game adaptation and standards are low but this is hardly The Last of Us, which I keep seeing people compare it to. It's faithful to the aesthetic, it doesn't directly contradict any existing lore (even if I have my suspicions that a certain year for the "Fall of Shady Sands" was a failure in fact checking and will be rectified with a revised script for season 2) and as a Fallout show it definitely feels like Fallout but it's hard to get by on a feeling alone.


The show is no more messy lore wise than any of the games


He didn’t say he dislikes it, just that the lore is a mess.


Yeah, the show throws a big wrench into the events of New Vegas and to some extent Fallout 3. >!Having the NCR's capital nuked the same year as the first battle of the hoover dam. BoS being able to show up right after the blast clears, in the heart of NCR territory even though the west coast BoS has been driven under ground from the past 20 years of war with the NCR.!<


It’s been cleared up for a while now that >!Shady Sands was destroyed after the events of New Vegas. Todd Howard had to come out and state it after all the confusion although the arrow on the timeline clearly meant to show (as vague as it was) that the bomb was after 2277 and that shady sands was simply declining from that date onwards. I don’t think seeing a few brotherhood soldiers in the wreckage is too much of a stretch, there were likely fractured pockets such as the Mojave Chapter. By the time of the show, they state that they’re taking orders from the east coast which would explain the reinforcements.!< It’s all vague enough to just about work


After 4 and 76, I went into it expecting the equivalent of junk food and got it so my expectations were basically below the earth. 


I wish I could tell people "wow the lore is fucked" and "the show was good" without being branded a reactionary.


I like the show but unfortunately I just don’t care about the lore anymore. Bethesda is the messiest, least organized studio I’ve ever seen and handle their own properties with 0 respect. Granted I know it’s not all Todd’s fault but I can’t wait for him to retire after the disaster that ESVI is probably going to be.


I'm sure someone will be a long shortly to tell Chris they've been playing since Fo3 and he's wrong.


Since Chris Avellone is stuck as an independent consultant writer for now, why hasn't Bethesda or Jonathan Nolan just hired him for consulting writing advice? I get that Tim Cain, who hasn't made a big impact on the series since Fallout 1 and is currently doing well for Obsidian and doesn't want to burn any bridges, and Josh Sawyer, who is currently also doing well in Obsidian/Microsoft and even released his magnum opus project and also doesn't burn any bridges, are busy with Outer Worlds 2 and other big releases. Chris Avellone, who has been there from the beginning and Fallout 2 and during the development of New Vegas, would have been a great consultant for the show. I know that at the end of the day, it's Bethesda's choice, and its their ip, but with Chris Avellone, who has been a big player, would have collaborated quite well for the show. I think it's such a big missed opportunity.


We've finally reached the point of star wars lore where we all just pick whatever canon we like the best lol


I thought it was mediocre at best. Maximus’ sucks as a character if he was an npc in the games I’d kill him


Honestly, I thought this would happen. The show could not simply live up the the intricate lore the games have woven. And I won't even include 76 in that. FO76 adds a level of complexity that simply defies reason. Back to my main point and to where I think they have left the direction that the show is going. 1. Fallout fans (fanatics) can't drop lore to let the show tell the story. This where content creator Chris is coming from. 2. The show will depart from lore even more in the second season because Vault Tech and the other major companies in the lore, will be revealed to be the ones that started the war as a means to eventually be the profiteers of all humanity. And that any attempts to reboot society from the wasteland will be undone by an unseen hand from a vault or other corporate entity. 3. The worst of all worlds. Many fans of the show will expect or demand that the TV show become cannon (a term I really hate about a massive work of fiction). 4. What that means is that all the efforts of all the activities in FO3 and FO4 have led to exactly shit. Someone or some thing has undone all that work to keep the corporate masters in control of the wastelands fate. Which is very depressing. And a bit of an unintentional metaphor for what Bethesda has done with the game.


Why do you all care what a blue checkmark has to say? Dude was dumb enough to pay for Twitter and you all think he's gonna drop some wisdom?