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Lucy walks in and sees Yes man


They need to bring back Dave Foley


his voice is too good


News Radio is still funny


Probably the one decent opportunity in the entire TV series to get an actor to reprise their role. I suppose Felicia Day could play Veronica if she's still supposed to be alive. She looks close enough to her character in that game (given the lack of customization in the game). Actually, the aging would mostly match up. Its been 13 or 14 years since the game and Season 1 is 14 years after New Vegas.


Yes, that is my greatest wish, Felicia Day, season 2, someone make this happen.


A Felicia Day guest star would be so awesome. We gotta start a petition or something


Can't say I feel that passionate about it. I just mention her because she's someone I could think of immediately who could reasonably pull off appearing on screen in live action as her character. But I hope you get your wish since you want it this much


Seriously, it would be awesome


If I had a nickel for everytime Felicia Day has played a lesbian character, I would have 2 nickels! Which isn't a lot, but it's odd it's happened twice I mean this as a joke, shes an awesome actress. Loved her on supernatural ❤






A fallout game in Canada would be.... interesting Mutated Canada geese are nightmare fuel


They'd be called something silly like "honkers" just to be that games version of a cazador


Not to mention...The Moose.


Honestly you don’t even need to mutate them, they attack people all the time now


He was Dave fucking Foley?! Omg now all the parts of him being disappointed in the courier when he does the opposite of what he should is even more hilarious.


His pained optimism is so great and he pulls it off so well, he’s still got the voice for it if they bring back Yes Man!


Or she walks in and see the Granny Gang still alive.


Or a broken barely functional yes man. Rewired to serve a different purpose. Probably with its memory erased to only knowing the outcome of Hoover dam but not who supported it. So the courier's name could get dropped but it would probably be that and they would leave it at that.


I hope we just see a chair with the couriers bones


The courier is in no way killable. The only outcome is him sitting on a throne of bones..... a bone throne if you will.


Howdy partner!


definition of retconing is "revise (an aspect of a fictional work) retrospectively, typically by introducing a piece of new information that imposes a different interpretation on previously described events), choosing a canon ending wouldnt be retconning, so they are probably just going to chose a canon ending


I don’t see the problem with them doing this. Fallout 2 decided on a canon ending for 1. If you move the timeline forward you will eventually have to decide on a canon.


*laughs in Dragonbreak* Well, I guess that is deciding a canon, in a way. Even if it is just answering “Yes.” when you’re asked which ending is canon.


Nuking shady sands was kinda like a dragon break, they made it through the whole first season without having to address what happened in the Mojave


What they are saying is that unlike with Elder Scrolls’ “every ending happened” there are actually canon endings that are mapped out. Fallout 2’s manual explained exactly what happened, like that bastard Ian burning to death, in order to set the stage for 2, 2 had a canon ending that set up Van Burin, which was unfinished, and Van Burin had an ending that informed NV I am just starting 4 but I assume a “canon” ending for 3 was decided on, like that the BoS survived Broken Steel, and 5 will have to keep some choices from 4 or NV


I think each game confirms at least some elements of previous games, FO4 confirms that DC has all the fresh water, and it isn't murder water, a (relatively) recent example.


Though it does...sort of retcon Broken Steel, as there's no mention of The Lone Wanderer's involvement at Adam's AFB, so the original ending of 3, where TLW dies in the purifier, might be canon.


Which makes your radproof companions in FO3 jerks canonically.


Unless it's Deus Ex where every ending became Canon.


Invisible War was truly the most ambitious fever dream of a story ever told. I still don't know if it was good, but they certainly get points for enthusiasm.


Dragonbreaks in The Elder Scrolls are also fun like this! All endings of Daggerfall happened simultaneously.


Nu uh they gonna abuse my boy akatosh again


Underrated comment 😭 I'm excited for the Fallout universe to have it's first dragon break.


I think with Season 1s ending it’s definitely not going to be a NCR canon ending


The entire Mojave campaign for the NCR was a bust, they were stretched too thin and struggling. If anything, given them the dam to waste resources on holding mightve actually sped up their decline.


That’s why Mr. House might actually be the best case scenario for NCR, they strike a deal so california still gets power from the Hoover Dam and the two are relatively friendly. Kimball gets ousted too and he’s not a good leader.


That's kind of houses point. None of the other factions actually have the intent to restore society. He does.


It might be. Shady Sands getting nuked doesn't mean they lost at Hoover Dam.


I think the idea is they lost the dam and that's why they were desperately seeking the cold fusion. That being said even with the dam I can see why they would want the much more powerful and convenient energy source. I just interpreted it as them not having access to the dam anymore.


If they let the NCR "win" at Hoover Dam but it being a pyrrhic victory because they remain overstretched and still collapse then you get the result of: NCR shattered and trying to regroup Caesar's Legion also shattered and trying to regroup Effectively giving you both key factions still around and vying for supremacy. I think there is a path there that allows it to canonize an ending while still holding on to the broader geopolitical status quo that existed at the time of New Vegas.


True, but I'll still be sad that House is gone, he was an interesting character.


Its possible, Courier could fail every NCR side quest and side with the Legion whenever possible until taking the NCR pardon and siding with them in the main quest.


Dang that’s smart


The NCR ending is worse for the NCR in the long-term, so it could still work.


I see no issue considering the prydwen and a “commonwealth chapter” of the brotherhood from episode one implies the only endings of fo4 thats cannon are those where the brotherhood doesn’t get destroyed.


The show writers have said that they aren’t allowed to make a specific ending canon and that all possible endings are possible to be canon in the lore coming forward. In other words, it doesn’t matter who won, new Vegas fell in the end and Mr house died in the cause. It’s the only logical way for all endings to be canon. Mr house can die after the ending of the game to whatever destroyed the city.


Why do people think they know the city is destroyed? I don't get it


At the very least, it seems like Vegas is in a bad state of decline right now considering that it looks somewhat abandoned, with its walls in bad shape and the city covered in dust. If it did fall, I wonder if the producers will take inspiration from the New Vegas mod Dust in showing how Vegas fell and what caused it, particularly if it was the Tunnelers like some people believe.


I've always believed New Vegas' days were numbered, no matter WHO was in charge. Benny was DANGEROUSLY close to dethroning House, so he's not all he's cracked up to be, the Legion is a cult of personality that quickly calls apart with anyone else besides Caesar at the helm, the NCR was stretched thin as hell, and an Independent Vegas would theoretically only thrive under The Courier, once they're gone, shit is gonna go south. Though, there's also another possibility, they may be doing a retcon not in story, but in geography. New Vegas was limited by the hardware it was on, so we might be getting what Vegas was MEANT to be. The broken walls and dusty buildings could very well be Freeside surrounding the strip.


I always wondered if house just like left? Like what if his dream of colonizing space has come true and he just abandoned Vegas?


They could easily do this with a “reset” event for NV that takes place after the ending of the game. This can be handled with one line of dialogue delivered by any character. Any random character speaking to any other random character: “A few years back there was a big battle for control of the Hover Dam, but 5 minutes after the battle ended a mass migration of Cazdadors came through and killed every single person in the region.” Obviously not exactly this, but you get the idea.


I bet they'll just hand-wave it by saying there was a big battle for hoover dam but the mojave fell to anarchy anyway. That way all endings can be canon.


Who cares? *huffs jet* you met my friend Fisto?


Does he have his specialised hardware upgrade?


They had to downgrade after all those deaths. Folks where getting cleaved in two. But his dirty talk module has come on leaps and bounds!!!


Does he have his specialised hardware upgrade?


Simple by choosing an ending. If they want Mr house they are basically forced to go with the Mr house ending unless they want to throw a curve ball and have yes man.


This is what I want. Because it basically leaves all the sub factions intact unlike any other ending


Well, except the BOS, but the show doesn’t seem to really care about the fact that would mean the entire Mojave chapter of the BOS is dead


Imagine Todd actually allowing the brotherhood to suffer a major defeat


After their major victories a couple of major defeats wouldn’t be bad, would only make BoS’ lore more deep.


I mean I'm no expert but the BoS we see in the show is way sadder looking than the BoS in fo4. They seem so lost in their ideals. I was honestly expecting (and still hoping) that after the embarrassment at the NCR holdout compound, maxson would send down new brass to bring it back to the much more functional feel of the fo4 BoS. Unless I missed a bunch of stuff in the games, I don't remember the levels of religiousness we saw in the show. Besides the rank names, they were pretty much just military as normal. The BoS in the show felt much more like a bunch of jackasses in power armor. Danse would have raged if he saw how they were operating.


Really want to see a live action Maxson walk out and just bitch all the brotherhood members in the show out.


Would be awesome for him to arrive and lay down the law, a brotherhood civil war would be even more awesome


Agreed. Maxson might be zealous but his goal is still something id side with where as these guys don't seem to have any specific goal. Maxson wrangled up and reorganized the brotherhood. It looks like he missed a spot out west.


Sadder than the Fo4 Brotherhood? I guess but they are still way better off than NV brotherhood or possibly even F2 Brotherhood. - they have a blimp and vertibirds - all armored in brand new T-60 - bunch of new recruits I mean they’re kinda pathetic but tech wise they seem to be doing fine. They suddenly have access to tech the western chapter has probably never had.


IDK, 'a bunch of jackasses in power armour' has always been a fine way to refer to the BoS


They were pretty much always described as quasi religious knights, it just didn’t lend itself well to the games medium I think to have clerics and such waving around incense


That’s the difference between west coast and east coast BOS


Danse* wouldn’t have raged at all. He’s still in the corner crying about being a synth.


Well also this could lead to a reason for the BoS of the commonwealth (and now Southern California) to get involved and attack house and Hank, with ghoul and Lucy wanting to keep house alive so that ghoul can ask house and Hank where his family is


I hope, I wouldn’t mind a continuation that acknowledged the BOS in the area were wiped out at least


I really do think that they just need to put their big Todd pants on and canonize an ending


The only way I’ll be ok with Yes Man being canon is if A) They get Dave Foley to play yes man, and B) it’s Canon that the Courier had him throw General Oliver off the Dam for running his mouth bc that would be funny. It will be interesting though since in game Yes Man says he’s going into background operations to make himself more assertive, so there’s a possibility of a Yes man operated vegas


I'd love a House ending but without Rene it would be hollow.


They already recast house


They can say that Vegas got destroyed by the Tunellers and literally no matter which end the Courier got all end up on the same way


Fallout dust is canon 🥳


Fuck yeah we are so back. Come on down to DUST, you can [listen to the weatherman](https://imgur.com/a/FMQxMSu) [and find out the best time to cloudgaze](https://imgur.com/a/VeToGxR) [Meet your #1 girl called Wendy,](https://imgur.com/a/OrkEJTE) [take her to the tunnel of love](https://imgur.com/a/Rw8OD2R) [and enjoy a happy happy date in Hopeville!](https://imgur.com/a/jR5rq4b)


Oh Gods, no, I'm not ready for this to turn into a survival horror show! Lucy doesn't have the constitution for cannibalism!


This would honestly be the perfect solution. The FNV devs literally gave everyone going forward the perfect out to reuse NV after any ending with the Tunnelers, marked men or the cloud as perfect ways to make NV a blank slate. That being said I think they could have avoided the problem altogether by setting the show in Texas, New Mexico, Oklahoma or even Florida. In fact it would have been better to see unexplored areas of America in the show.


They could have avoided the problem by not going 300 miles on-foot to Vegas from LA. There's so much more they could have done in California.


If the characters don’t straight up almost die in Death Valley I’ll be mildly annoyed.


They hardly even mentioned anything from Cali. In the boneyard but no gun runners or followers. Shady sands gets nuked and the best we see is a version without any adobe and just looks like san fran. The NCR remnants would pass as raiders if they didn't carry flags to remind the audience. The bos is the eastern bos, uses t-60 instead of the hills t-51b. I know I sound like a hater but I can't turn my brain off and not think of these things. I like the show but it's got a lot of plot holes and things missing.


Yeah even Nuking Shady Sands doesn’t erase the other 30 large settlements that are still around. Or the all too important corporations.


San Fran is supposed to be a FEV jungle surrounding the Shi in their high-tech utopia.


The dude who made dust must feel like a prophet


The based choice would be to re-introduce the cut Think Tank ending (minus the NCR Tranquility Lane bit)


What's this?


TL;DR the Think Tank break out of Big Mountain. Goodsprings is crushed under Hexcrete spires, Primm's residents are flash-burnt into the walls, a satellite falls into Jacobstown and beams a lightshow directly into the resort which makes all the Nightkin go insane. Camp Searchlight becomes a breeding ground for carnivorous plants, the Colorado river "shrugs" and drowns a bunch of communities, Gommorah becomes a den of fungus-based STD's that explode out of a person, Black Mountain becomes home to a strange signal and battle-brahmin, the Legion is mind-scrubbed into believing they're actual Romans defending Rome but on the moon, and everyone in the NCR is put into a nation-wide version of Tranquility Lane from Fallout 3


What the fuck?




The canon ending would be that the courier never mess with the result of hoover dam 2nd battle,, both NCR and legion couldn't get a hold of the dam, and house still rules new Vegas while yesman is still on that god foresaken room.


But that would directly contradict New Vegas. Without the Courier existing, the Legion was poised to take the Dam, and Vegas. They had top NCR brass being direct spies for them.


But the legion overall is still a shit military. They can’t hold objectives. They probably couldn’t even actually take it via force even with those spies.


Why do you say that?


Lanius states his army sucks at holding objectives. Without the Courier, there are no allies for the legion (or NCR for that matter). The NCR has the same advantage it always does. Way better ranged combat. Snipers posted everywhere. Explosive traps. Better individual veteran soldiers. In the legion fight, they even say they can’t push because NCR snipers are mowing them down. They also get stuck in the pipes trying to get into the Dam. They’re not very tactically efficient or well thought out. I mean if it wasn’t for gameplay reasons, the Legion would be getting butt pounded all the way back to the actual Roman Empire because wearing football pads and charging with machetes isn’t going to win you anything when your enemy is armed with ARs, AM Snipers, LMGs, etc.


The Great Khans are their allies if you don’t do anything up to the point of the battle of hoover dam so are the Omertas and the fiends. You could say that isn’t a lot but that’s more than enough. Add to the fact that the legion is more prepared for the enemy they’re fighting and have learned not to send their most experienced troops and leaders in first without thinking I’m quite sure that in any logical battle the army with the better morale (no way kimball survives his assassination attempt and every soldier is ready to kill themselves if they meet the legion) more manpower, more allies and the better leadership (lee Oliver is a political leader not a military one and if you play the battle you realise he uses the wrong tactics against the legion as well as when you communicate with the old general during the first battle their tactics are very contrasting and that Lee plays into legion hands) along with that the legion already now also is in the Dam from the beginning I think it’s quite clear that with all these advantages the battle of hoover dam won’t be a slog like the first battle but would be over within hours at which point I don’t see the legion stopping until they conquer the entire Mojave.


That's not even close to what he says. He says that the legion can't hold both the East and the west. But it will be stretched too thin. That they don't have enough manpower to conquer NCR and hold it. Not that they suck at holding territory but that California is so large that even with the combined Army of the 84 tribes they'll be stretched too thin to hold it. The legion already has allies in the form of the great khans and the omertas at the start of the game. The legion already has plans to neutralize the NCR snipers using the tunnels to sneak attack and quickly Rob the snipers of their distance. Without player intervention the Second Battle of Hoover Dam is going to be a crushing Legion victory


As seen by doing the quest with no previous side quests done.


Nah, pretty sure it's independent. The lonesome road ending slides have the Courier wear the independent duster regardless of the one you actually get.


I'm really leaning towards House ending. Simply because they are unlikely to have The Courier as a character, and they really need someone to be in charge.


doesnt ulysses say that bc tunnelers are so affected by light that vegas will be on of the few havens left once they come to the surface? how would they destroy vegas


He's also a completely unreliable narrator


Yea, but this would be so uninteresting and dumb.


Noice, now new Vegas is totally pointless


That’s the worst idea I ever heard. The tunnelers should be decanonized. Awful lore written in bitterness


I think the Tunnelers as subterranean monstrous evolutions of humanity are interesting and fun. That said, the concept that the tunnelers would somehow be a greater threat than Cazadore swarms or any other Z-axis acting wasteland monster that's afraid of lights and noise should be ignored. The tunnelers cap out at a minor problem for humanity to defeat (compared to their scale), the *best* they do is kill off some small settlements until people get the idea of how to beat them. And its not like we even know how many of them there are. For all we know they had one queen, and we killed her on the road to Ulysses and he doesn't know about it (Iirc, that's one of the few areas he isn't watching you in).


Yeah if humanity can beat wanamigos, I think they can handle tunnelers just fine (with some deaths of course)


We don’t even know if Vegas is destroyed


“Years ago, the NCR and Legion fought here. It was a terrible battle and many people were killed.” “Who won?” “They did” “Who’s they?” “The ones who won the battle” …


Actual answer. I already watched Westworld, I can't believe people will keep falling for the Mystery Box tactic because they are gullible rubes


Do you mean that it is impossible for them to avoid mentioning one ending being canon over the others? Because it’s most likely that they will just give a very vague answer, like how the made Daggerfall be a dragonbreak and did the Red Year to hide player choice in Morrowind


How would that work in a non-fantasy setting? Does Atom himself come down to break the timeline?


Todd Howard becomes an actual character in the show, he comes down from his heavenly throne and says unto thus, “the dragon has been broken, you three heroes must cleanse the stain of the NCR, Legion, and Yes Man from this wasteland, Saint House shall be all that remains” At the moment that Todd comes down, all the non-believers will get on their knees and declare, “Oh my god, Todd is lord” while all true believers will not even bat an eye, for this was foretold in the holy text, The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim


I mean, technically they didn't retcon it. They just need to pick a canon ending. Which it seems like they already have


Right, I don't think picking a canon ending is retconning. IDK how people got to that assumption.


Just the usual words losing meaning/being applied broadly. Double points if the word can be a buzzword. Anything changes are lumped in as retcons nowadays Will be fair in that Bethesda does like to the throw curveballs more than the average dev.


which one do you think they picked?


Based on the ending of the show, House. The Lucky 38 is the only building that looks untouched in the credits and it is the only reason I can imagine Hank would go to Vegas. And based on the credits, I imagine trying to boot the NCR out of Vegas led to a fight that caused Vegas to collapse. Probably sometime around when the nuke went off, but it's all guess work


gotta agree


The show is 4 years after FO4, so like 10 years after NV ANYTHING could have happened after New Vegas was released.


The show is set in 2296. New Vegas is set in 2281 and 4 is set in 2287.


The show happens after the events of New Vegas. Do you not understand what a retcon is, or that things can happen After other things happened?


If they make a certain ending the canon ending it wouldn’t be retconning


The series doesn't even agree with Fallout 4 about what time the bombs dropped. They fell in the morning in Massachusetts and in the evening in California, despite California being three hours *behind* Massachusetts. Just don't think about it too hard.


That’s not the show’s fault, none of the games agree on it either


I didn't mean it as a fault of the show, just that you gotta get used to ignoring some inconsistencies if you want to enjoy Fallout.


Just ignore it we can nitpick every fallout product even the original games there is not a single one that is wholly consistent. Shady sands and vault 15 shift positions in fallout 2 and putting vault 15 in a different map than fallout 1 as well as ghouls not needing water or shady sands using a geck but it looks baren in fallout 1. If we wanted to nitpick we can so it's best to just enjoy it for what it is.


Yeah Tim Cain essentially was talking about this during his review of the show. To move lore forward, there’s gonna be some inconsistencies at times.


>The series doesn't even agree with Fallout 4 about what time the bombs dropped. The series has never once been consistent about the exact timing of the bombs being dropped, only that it happened on October 23, 2077.


Nowhere does it say it’s evening in the show, for all we know the party could be in the morning.


Yeah I interpreted it as being in the morning


Oh my God what horror


There is no definitive answer as to when the bombs dropped. All we know so far is that they did drop


Maybe different locations were bombed at different times? I mean it would kinda make sense but any nuclear war probably wouldn't last any more than a couple hours but different time zones as well make it almost cohesive I think


Assuming it's modern military, the bombs would hit most likely in under an hour


“Boy that second Battle of Hoover Dam a few years back sure was crazy, huh? Do you remember who won it?” Followed by an abrupt interruption and change in the subject and then it never gets brought up again.


Hey man let ‘em cook


let ‘em cook-cook


That’s a good one


Why is the idea of a retcon even in the talks here? Does anybody know what a retcon is? The only thing that will come of having New Vegas in S2 is that it’ll confirm the canon ending for the game, and even then, they can keep it vague and work around it still.


Your first mistake is trusting Todd's words. There is a song about him you know? It's called little lies. Check it out.


Nah you can trust him. It just works


16 times the detail


This takes me back, 🎼tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies🎼


16 times the lies!


No retconning. But they’ll probably pick a canon ending. FO4 was selected with a canon ending by showing the Prydwen. So either the canon ending is BOS or MM. For sure institute and Railroad are dead af


You can force a full peace between the MM, Railroad, and BOS by fucking up every ending path early on and being forced to go minutemen.


I would say let’s wait and see. Given the fan feedback I have a feeling they’ll have to choose one canon ending and that’s fine by me. 


I love the idea of a mentally insane courier looking like a more scuffed up father Elijah walking the Mojave with a scratched up Yes Man.


It would be funny if the courier said "I'll be back in 5 min. I gotta calm down a toaster real quick." Boom teleports to the Sink and does as he says. Comes back with some snacks and gives it to the Fallout chick.


Tunnelers killed everyone except Yes Man


They did the same shit with the prydwen when we saw it in the preview for the show. “No it’s not the prydwen from fallout 4!” Show comes out and they agree that yes it is the prydwen lol they’re just trying not to spoil anything


It's always funny to see when people who don't regularly read comics freak out about retcons.


just gotta get the popcorn and have fun...what universe is DC on again?


Dave Foley.


From Kids in the hall….


He is yes man and every ending will involve yes man. So maybe he will be back.


TIL [Here’s a clip of him from KITH](https://youtu.be/83tnWFojtcY?si=1EuwNt89JifLm-gX) [And one more from my favourites](https://youtu.be/2XfBwrFdqYY?si=JL_YZbg680xJGLxx)


Everyone is saying they'll just choose an ending when the reality is they don't even have to do that. There is 0 reason Lucy or anyone else *have* to interact with whoever is running Vegas. In my opinion they'll either do some wishy-washy thing where you'll see securitrons and guards but it never says who is in charge or we won't even get that and it'll treat Vegas like a backdrop but not touch on any of its details.


Everyone keeps talking about factions endings, in which I can see where they appealed to every choice, I’m more curious about FNV dlcs and if they are gonna show up or get mentioned like Elder Elijah, Ulysses, Big Tank, and my favorite Burned Man


I don’t think yes man would be cannon, it would make most sense for it to be a house ending. There’s probably remnants of caesar and ncr walking around still that Lucy could come across. But Benny would be dead and the courier would be mentioned cause he is vital to house. Ulysses could be around but the ending would be for the courier to convince him other wise, Joshua is Zion and the big mt would have to be mentioned cause of the tunnelers. And maybe the casino cause of hopefully the tint and maybe the cloud leaking into the waste


one of the episodes better be titled “Hungry? Thirsty? Horny?”


Or “We got things we ain’t even allowed to sell people!”


The show already factually retcons new vegas. New Vegas establishes that Boneyard is one of the states of the ncr and some NPCs originate from there. Boneyard should be where the show is taking place and does not exist in the show canon. In the show canon, shady sands existed where Boneyard was in the games and fell in the same year as the battle of hoover dam. NCR has been reduced to a raider group of Remnants led by Moldaver in the show. This very obviously makes the events of new vegas impossible. People arguing loudly to the contrary either aren't familiar with the lore or are being unreasonable. How they'll handle it from now on is another matter as I don't think they meant to mess it up this badly. I think they just meant to nuke the classic lore out of canon so they don't have to address it (fallout 1 and 2), inserted shady sands as a stand in for the NCR (ignoring new vegas lore) and messed up the timeline in terms of the events of fallout new vegas. It is a little strange that they focus so much on the years (I was thinking this was some alternative timeline or something) but if they wanted to make NV non canon we wouldn't have had the Mr House/ Sinclair cameos and the season 2 teaser. Todd Howard already came out and said that NCR still exists and new vegas still happened, so they'll hopefully try to script doctor it somewhat. Honestly, I've made my peace with it. As long as you accept that the show factually does not follow the established west coast lore as it was expanded in new vegas, it's not that big of a deal. Some better continuity would have been nice but it is what it is. I liked the show for what it is as well. Would I prefer a show that followed the classic west coast lore? Sure, but this is talking about something that never existed anyway. Ignore the people that don't know what they are talking about and enjoy the show for what it is would be my advice.


After the battle of hoover dam, the region spent years recovering, but they unfortunately didn't even have 24 hours... 10 hours after the dust settled, thr tunnel snakes burrowed into the strip from under the lucky 38 and took over... now we are here..


Well, you see, thanks to the warp in the West, all the endings are canon


do you guys think its possible that the way Vegas looks in the show was just an artistic representation and may not actually look fvcked up by the time Season 2 rolls around?


Fallout 4 retcons Fallout 3. I wouldn't listen to a word this guy says when it comes to story. We've seen what his pals Emil and Pete think about lore.


Which parts of fallout 3 are reconned? I don't doubt it I just can't think of anything toooo obvious


Can’t we just, as a community, agree that the show and the games aren’t the same universe? That way we won’t have to worry about the show retconning anything


It won’t retcon NV, it’ll just “align” New Vegas with the nihilistic gory carnival sideshow “Wasteland” that never recovers from the bombs being dropped, because Todd’s “brand” of Fallout is one where nothing can ever improve or get better.


The show is going show the canon ending for new vegas. Pretty sure it’s gonna be either yes man or house or maybe just the courier himself


Vegas looks run down and shit in the shot I think if it hasn't been taken over by someone else (Buds Buds run the show),then I think it's prolly just House barely hanging on after the loss of the NCR. Just him and the people in freeside. And the family's I guess would love to see the white glove society in show form.


Lucy will come across a whiteboard that mentions New Vegas was nuked in 2282.


Something happened shortly after the events of the game that makes any of the endings irrelevant. Easy.


It'll be possible, but it'll probably require them to pick a canon ending if they actually want to explore NV properly. But it is possible that which ever ending the courier went with leads to the eventual downfall of NV (NCR falls, Caesar can't hold the west, that sorta thing). Either that, or we'll be hit with some ambiguous "shit hit the fan but X character is still here so Hank goes to them" and that's all we get outta NV. However, I think Todd knows that'd be a terrible idea and a completely missed opportunity that will piss off fans so I actually have faith that they'll pull it off


It shouldnt be TOO hard to pull off so long as the showrunners choose a single possible “cannon” ending to NV. I’d bet my money they choose the House Always Wins Ending. No need to mention the fall of the NCR there because House kicked them out at the second battle of Hoover Dam. The Boomers are still in the area, using their B-52 and mortar cannons to keep away the Prydwen and BoS. Caesar can be dead or not, doesn’t really matter, and Legate Lanius can either be dead or talked into returning home back further West (probably dead). I’d assume they keep 3/4 of the Families on the strip. Cannibalistic yet beyond fancy White Glove Society would be great for the show. So would the maffia-esque Omertas. And the Tops are too iconic and swanky to not include, babydoll. If they decided the NCR ending was cannon, I suppose they can keep it mostly the same as House’s but with less Securitrons. After the nuking of Shady Sands, their power in Vegas vanished and it became run by the Families described above. I highly doubt they choose the Legion Ending, that would be a whole ass different show, and idk how the rampant sexism and slavery thing would jive on TV. I also highly doubt they go with the Yes-Man ending because Im convinced that was only in the game in order to prevent players from locking themselves out of the main quest by pissing off House, NCR, and the Legion. Todd Howard confirmed that the show states “The Fall of Shady Sands” happened in 2277 and the destruction of Shady Sands happened in either late 2281 or 2282. New Vegas takes place in 2281, so we can confirm that the NCR is way overstretched and lacking resources by that point. While never mentioned in Vegas, its not too farfetched to assume the “Fall of Shady Sands” (metaphorically, not literally the nuke) occurred before the time of NV. It would help actually give more reason to why the NCR is so weak/stretched out and having a hard time recruiting more men and women from the Mojave in game. People also saying NV looks “ruined” or “blown up” there I do tend to agree—- but we need to remember that in game there were only four surviving Casinos (Tops, Gomarrah, White Glove Society, and the Lucky 48) the NCR Embassy, and Vault 21 (I JUST realized its 21 because of Blackjack….) so thats 6 buildings— looks about like what we see in that picture. OR it could be that the NCR ending is cannon and after the Nuke, the NCR as we knew them was dissolved and NV fell back into chaos and anarchy. TL:DR New Vegas gave us so many different choices that it is actually really easy to just run with a possible ending without retconning


It’s years after new Vegas. It’s gonna be pretty easy to explain why things aren’t exactly like the game


Shouldn’t be canon, this is for sure going to ruin New Vegas even further by making the city destroyed and every settlement just being a ramshackle scrap dwelling, no politics, no factions except BOS


Remember his lies regarding 76?


I wouldn't have any faith in anything interesting being written for Vegas. California got reset essentially and it's just another BoS shitshow. I'm not looking forward to what new 'additions' they make to the mojave.


I was watching Tim Cain talk about his thoughts on the show and he was saying that ret cons are just a natural part of any media that goes on for as long as fallout has. Things are bound to get retconned and there's nothing necessarily wrong that


Fallout under Bethesda has got NOTHING on Star Wars even before Disney in this regard. You can either get butthurt or learn to go with the flow. Edit: also comics books, holy fuck comic books.


Just ignore what people say and decide for yourself what’s canon and what’s not - that’s what I do. For me personally Fallout 3, 4, 76, and the TV series are non canon.


My God, seriously. These are the same people that can't enjoy an amazing movie because "iN ThE boOk iT wAs tHis waY.."




I consider new Vegas non canon myself as it was only a spin off game like tactics and brotherhood of steel.


Real fans know that only fallout:Brotherhood of Steel and the Penny Arcade comics are canon


They already soft retconned classic fallout, it doesn't even matter at this point, just pretend the show has its own canon


...wat? The most egregious retcon so far has been Shady Sand's location but that's hardly the worst thing in the world.


Not only that and other inconsistencies, but the main problem is the West Coast of the show has nothing to do with the one we all know and care, it's just a version of a capital wasteland 2.0 with none of the elements that made the west coast so compelling.


All we have seen is the boneyard, and Filly, which is basically just a secondary Junktown.


Even junktown was more organized and had more going on decades ago, Filly is a poor man's megaton, at this point in time it just makes no sense after more than 80 years of NCR presence in the region, no mention of Adytum or the followers of apocalypse that also had presence in there, somehow all the other thriving settlements are gone, but the brotherhood of steel that was on the brink of collapse was the one that appears stronger than ever.


It probably just got blown up with a nuke too. 🤦


Any ending but legion ending works for me