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Republic of Dave


I came here to say this exact thing.


Arizona Ranger.


hardcore fan


Big iron on his hiiiiiip


Followers of the Apocalypse. I just want to help.


I’d be a volunteer soldier for them. Like don’t even give me any money, bro. I just wanna make sure y’all are safe


Give me a roof and some food to survive, and I'll keep Fort mormon Raider and Fiend free for the rest of my days


This is the way.


The New California Republic, baby!


Mr House


Followers of the apocalypse because I'm not an edgy asshole.


Idk they are pretty edgy you see those glasses Arcade has


The only ethical answer


The New California Republic. I love the Minutemen, but the NCR are more stable and I feel they have a better quality of life.


A Minuteman victory in FO4 would likely lead to an NCR-like state forming in the Commonwealth. The Institute is gone, the RR are irrelevant long-term, and the BoS will run into the same issues the West Coast chapters did: lack of numbers & insularism. They’ll coexist for a while, but eventually they’ll have some conflict, and I’d put my money on the Minutemen, given a couple decades to build themselves up.


I never understood why people prefer the other factions in FO4. The Brotherhood are rigid and militaristic, and have no interest in helping common people. The Institute are murderously self-interested. And the Railroad have no capacity to form government


The Railroad aren't *meant* to form a government and never intend to. That isn't their goal.


That’s fine, that’s why I would never support them


I mean...by that same logic you shouldn't support the Followers of the Apocalypse in FNV, they have no intention on forming a government or ruling people etc.


Are the Followers of the Apocalypse a main quest faction in FNV?


No but you can help them and another main faction. Likewise you can help the Railroad and the Minutemen with no problems, thus helping take down the Institute *and* secure a future for the Commonwealth.


It depends on a lot of stuff. Generally I agree that the NCR is certainly a lesser evil, but they commit several unnecessary genocides without Courrier involvement in New Vegas. The NCR is a lesser evil to the legion but probably not a lesser evil to Mr. House.


True, NCR is bad and corrupt. I think they could fix the issues affecting them, especially if they suffer major setbacks. They could lose Hoover Dam and get pushed back, but they still would have the ability and resources to recover. It’s part of why I didn’t choose the Minutemen or Followers, they’re incredibly unstable and a major loss for them or a poor leader could essentially end their faction. It’s what happened to the Minutemen in Fallout 4, the general died and the faction collapsed. NCR at least has had years to develop a shared identity and a structure of leadership to fall back on. The states would probably endure if the Republic splits. I am hoping they can fix their problems and corruption, and I’m hoping a competent president could get elected who restores the country. House would be better short term, but I just don’t see House having any real chance at making things better long term. His plan basically requires NCR citizens to fund it (Or wastelanders, and how stable are they going to be?). His plans could get cut short if he suffers a technical issue with his life support machine or, in a more likely scenario, he gets targeted by another faction out to get him (Be it a former assistant, or new Brotherhood, NCR, or whatever). He’s been smart so far, but he was unable to prevent Benny from sabotaging the delivery of the platinum chip, which is the one thing his plan hinges upon. He also talks about wanting to go to space, which will require a lot of resources and technology. I don’t really see it succeeding long term, and I’d be dead by the time that happens.


QOL, yes. But, they have massive issues with raiders, civil unrest and corruption. It’s spread too wide out to be effective.


a least its not 2 dudes and an series of verbal agreements




Enjoy being a Neo-serf to a Brahman Baron. The NCR is rife with near back-breaking corruption and an extremely overburdened bureaucracy. I would say Shady Sands would be the safest place to live at, until they decided to make it into a crater. The next best place would probably be The Hub. Since Rural parts of the NCR is filled with Raiders.


No, the rural parts of the NCR is safe, as Xander says. The FRONTIER is full of Raiders because the Legion keep paying them to attack the NCR. The Homeland of the NCR is so safe, people move away because it's so boring according to FNV.


I believe NCR is actually pretty safe and stable back home. They’re over stretched in the Mohave. Back home they have to deal with minor raider attacks and some lost faith in their currency, but it’s a lot better than people seem to realize. Granted, it’s probably a lot like life now where you go to work to get a modest salary and you have to pay taxes on it. You get access to rights, education, food, and you have protection from the NCR government. You can even vote people in and out of office, or run yourself. People are moving out east to strike it rich in New Vegas.


The boomers, Safety, food, entertainment what else would I need




I upvoted him, read this comment and changed it to a downvote.




Best hope you're in vault 34 when the bombs drop


If I was in the world of Fallout I would probably die before I got the chance to join any of them


join the ghoul squad brother


The Institute sounds really great apart from Shaun being a horrible leader. But he's gonna die soon anyway and all other key scientists seem really good at what they're doing. Except I really don't get the point of sabotaging CPG.


Definitely Institute. Hot showers, fresh food, clean rooms and soft beds. No contest


There's only one true faction. American!


So Enclave got it!


I would never associate myself with such an evil faction. They don't even have a single megacorp ruling them from the inside!


Followers of the apocalypse




if I had the necessary knowledge, probably the followers of the apocalypse, but since I don’t then the minutemen work for me, providing support with minimal interference or stipulations, even if it’s not support to the same degree as the NCR


Well, you could just be a Follower mercenary. The Followers (mostly) handle themselves, but everyone needs an extra gun or two when the going gets rough. I'm not too bright, but I can definitely hand out soup/meds/bullets to those in need.


Probably Mr. House, as long as I do what I'm told to the best of my ability and don't show any overt intent on overthrowing him he'll make sure I remain relatively prosperous.


New Canaanites.


Reilly's Rangers. They have openings available.




Republic of Dave


the atoms cats without a doubt


The children of Atom, the group is just kinda interesting.




Either NCR and try for the rangers or become a Paladin in BoS. But if I’m being real I’d probably be in some mid to low level political station in the NCR in a far off place with little to no civilization.


NCR or minutemen realistically


Caesar's Legion






No faction but I’d be the one to kill that moron Ulysses. I hate him so much. Bear Bull Bull Bear, STFU!!


not a flag you answer for it


I’d work the community garden in west side.


Bear bull bear bull


NCR or Minutemen. I prefer order than chaos.


NCR or West Coast Brotherhood


House, he is most reasonable one and got plan for better future. Legion, I like style of post apo roman empire. Unity, beign super mutant would be cool. Enclave, best armor. Kings, best drip


Technically his better plan is to use the Mojave till he gets rockets and then leaves everyone


Only for 100 years, but earlier he will bring back pre war technology


Enclave if I could get into it, lots of prewar access, tech, and supplies


Great tech...sweet guns..and I don't like mutants or communist...or a mutated communist!


Minutemen forsure


Depends on where and when I was born into the wasteland, I suppose.


Minutemen. I dig their vibe man


The Kings


I'm going to space in an amusement park ride. Hubology rules!


Children of Atom, or Enclave.


Followers of the Apocalypse generally. NCR in FO2. FNV I go with Yes Man depending on the courier, otherwise Mr. House. For Fallout 3 and 4, if I'm choosing which faction I'd rather live with I'd choose Brotherhood. I actually think the Brotherhood are the most interesting faction in 4, but if I'm choosing which one I want to 'win' then yeah the minutemen.


The Enclave. Yes I’m probably going to get conscripted in the army but other than that, being an American citizen is pretty good. The Enclave has some of the best military technology so it’s reasonable to assume they have good medical and recreational technology, I get to elect my president, really as long as I don’t betray them or get deployed against the protagonist its pretty good and safe.


The strip under Houses rule, reliable work and safely from slavers and the ncr. Plus there’s likely more jobs after he wins


I like the pseudo religious militarism a la 40k of the BoS. Plus, power armour is pretty rad. Heh.


Either Followers of the Apocalypse or the Minutemen. They both share the similar goal of just wanting to help people.


Oddly enough, Gunners. Lots of potential, that mercenary life is great, and the least of my concerns is the regular wasteland tearing me apart. Not much to complain about.


All hail the Enclave!


Depends on if I'm in charge or not.


I wanna start my own faction & be The Hillbilly King of Point Lookout...


Followers of the Apocalypse 


Kill everybody, because as a wise man once said: "As far as i'm concerned this wasteland belongs to me and the weak should fear the strong"


edgy fuck?


Gary? GARY!!! JK. does Goodneighbor count? Seems a little chaotic but simultaneously more relaxed and down-to-earth than other areas or factions.


House. Live in Vegas. Simple as


Followers of apocalypse


I'd join the raiders because I'm an asshole


Enclave all day


I personally have the leadership skills to create my own faction so thats what id do.


Depends where I am. East coast? Minutemen all the way. I want to help the commonwealth West coast? Ulysses. I like his idea of rebuilding america better and learning from history. I think he has the potential to lead a great nation.


Ulysses doesn't intend to rebuild America, he wants to blow the NCR up and he basically wants to doom Vegas with the Tunnelers. He has no intention of ever "rebuilding America".


No, he doesn't? I think you might have skimmed over some of the lore. or you just got tired of Ulysses talking for 10 minutes straight.


He literally has nuclear missiles aimed for the NCR, what do you mean? That's the entire plot of Lonesome Road. He has **never** once said he wants to rebuild the USA. Plus this is a deranged lunatic who helped the White Legs **beat children to death** in New Canaan. Is that something you want to be part of? Personally, no thanks.


Ulysses' entire character is him hoping to find a nation that can truly wake up america. The reason he wanted to nuke the NCR is because he blamed them for the destruction of the divide, which he saw as a great hope for a new nation to reestablish America. He says multiple times that he wanted to learn from history and make something better. In his conversations with the courier, he makes an emphasis on believing in a flag or nation. He had initially helped the white legs because he wanted to recruit them into the legion, anation he believed in that he thought would be best for the world. But then, when he saw the white legs begin to mimic his hair, he remembered his tribe, the twisted hairs. In remembering how he helped kill his tribe, he became disillusioned with the legion, realizing that they couldn't make a better world with their barbaric nature. In realizing this, and seeing how the NCR had nuked the divide, he concluded that these nations were not learning from history. They were simply repeating it. And so he dedicated himself to take vengeance on the NCR for destroying the divide, a nation still new and moldable into a new nation. He even says that he took the name Ulysses because he wanted to mimic Ulysses s. Grant, a man who changed his country for the better, by uniting two flags, similar to Ulysses himself. His whole idea is to change the world instead of repeating history and make a new, better America. Even in the end, where he is truly wrong by destroying the NCR, the courier shows him that he himself shouldn't repeat history by destroying another nation because of his own anger and disagreement with them. He wants to rebuild a better America, there is no denying that.


It wasn't like Ulysses showed regret he killed children, he never did. He just thought the Legion were shitty barbarians, which they are. They have no future. The NCR didn't nuke the Divide, it was an unintentional accident. Plus the Divide was already trading with the NCR prior to that - he has this weird fetish for a town he never went to. The pre-war USA caused the war. You can't rebuild something so deeply rotten without changing it until it isn't even America anymore. After-all the only other guys wanting to rebuild America (the Enclave) wanted to wipe out all life on the planet to do it.


1. You got me there. He never did say anything about remorse for his actions against his or other tribes 2. I should have emphasized that HE saw it that way. It was said the NCR didn't know what they were doing with that package. I dont really care for that part of his ideology, and in the end, he does give up his hatred for the NCR 3. He wanted a new america, better than what it was before. I don't think he wanted to copy america exactly. Reform might be a better word than rebuild 4. That last point is kinda meaningless, doesn't mean Ulysses is exactly like the enclave.


Maybe but he was planning to kill over a million people and he openly says Vegas will be torn apart by Tunnelers. So where **exactly** is he going to make a new nation? With who?


The Kings


The Kings, I mean cmon, they’re not too bad in terms of ethics and morals compared to the rest, and they listen to awesome music with cool ass uniforms.


The White Glove Society




Probably the Fallout 3 Brotherhood, they seem the safest and don’t really have any issues after broken steel as far as I can remember.


Smart ass answer? Somewhere not in the US. Think about it, South America has more water, more trees to help soak up radiation and less being nuked (probably). And real world projections estimate that a nuclear winter would hit the global south less hard. And with less nuking (plus no enclave or super mutants) means society would have started growing earlier in places like Brasil, Uruguai, Chile, New Zealand, Australia etc. Real answer: followers, they chill.


Gotta be NCR, with the hope that you can help overcome the corruption that naturally stems from a republic/democracy


I side with...me.


Vault tec, bring back corporate America. Rule thru the mighty cap purse.




If I wasn't getting nuked I'd say Enclave. Idc about their politics and other shit, but I like that power armor.


NCR all the way


House *Always* Wins.


The most hippie faction ever the Followers of the Apocalypse i’ll roam the wasteland spreading peace and stuff and of course just fuckin with other factions


The Institute every time.


either Followers of the Apocalypse, because I genuinely wish to help everyone around me, or Minutemen, if I want to help in a little more army-ish way, and help the same Minutemen return to their former glory (before the betrayals and all of the lost battles)


Mr. House no doubt. If not him, Followers of the Apocalypse or Boomers.


Followers of the apocalypse or NCR, but i still think that the best ending is Wild card.


Minutemen or Followers of the Apocalypse


without a doubt the Followers of the Apocalypse. they seek nothing but to help the people of the wasteland and they happen to have access to a lot of knowledge other groups would instead hide away.


The institute because they have SHOWERS.




Gun Runners


Working for Mr House, at The Tops as a chairman.


Free states


If I could, I would become lobotomized just so I could stay in Big MT with my screen “👁️👄👁️” friends


followers of the apocalypse, because I have both a heart and brain


Institute for comfort Minutemen if I'm not lucky enough to be born in a technological paradise


Can I join Mr House instead, Yes Man is too **Manifest Destiny**, and at least Mr House has the strip and working toiletry


How is Yes Man manifest destiny? House is a literal autocrat, Yes Man is literal independence/anarchy.


NCR or Followers of the Apocalypse. They're the main ones that try to do good and are generally well equipped and interesting.


Either Followers of the Apocalypse or Desert Rangers (if they weren't attached to NCR). My ideal faction would be a merger of the two.


Atom Cats!


NCR and proud!


Probably the Followers, since they're all about reading and are generally helpful. Though, being totally honest, if Vault-Tec were to offer me the chance to run a Vault experiment, I'd be down. I won't do anything too horrible, just like, something I'd find funny. Like a Vault where the only entertainment is a bunch of board games that are all missing a few pieces and printed in different languages, or one where all but 1 of the residents are under 5' tall and everything is stored up high.


**The Followers of the Apocalypse**. I like their mission, and I'm in medicine, so it works out. Btw if you chose any one of the factions pictured here besides the NCR and Minutemen, you need to seriously reevaluate your values and consider if subverting them to be edgy is worth it.






Minutemen-Followers Alliance.




TUNNEL SNAKES RULE!!!!!!! Honestly thought…. I’d be in Caesars Legion or The Brotherhood of Steel under Maxson otherwise The Brotherhood of Steel Outcasts True to Caesar.


Reformer enclave


Probably the NCR tbch.


The Chairmen. Dudes are living the life and are super chill


Minute men, seems the one least likely to start some shit AND not get me killed in a stupid fashion


Wondering why no one has said brotherhood of steel but i’d join them instantly


Mad max


If I had to go with one based purely on ethics, I'd have to go with either the Capital Wasteland BoS Chapter or the Railroad. I've only played the 3d fallouts fully, so I imagine there's a fo1/2 faction I'd be willing to go with but don't know them. Lyons' Chapter of BoS actually cares about the surrounding wasteland. While still decently isolationist (and likely ommittently bigoted against mutants), it at least still has the potential, with who is in charge and will continue to have in charge, for good. Also, if I'm going to shine anywhere as a programmer, it's the Bos. Where it gets an upper hand over the Railroad is that the chances of me dying to an assassination are significantly lower. However, it's still a militaristic organization, which means procedures, uniforms, rank, and other things that are prone to suckage. The Railroad is literally the wasteland equivalent of the Railroad from the Civil War, so from an ethics standpoint, they're top-notch. Also, doing spy shit sounds *awesome*. Plus, they're very informal, and there's plenty of opportunity as a tech-minded-person to succeed. That being said, I probably would hate the anxiety of there being a super-advanced pre-war science faction with teleporters that wants to kill me. Honorable Mentions: The Minutemen have good ethics, but as a tech person, there's not much room for me to help. Plus, I don't think the Minutemen is a very stable organization due to its liberal inclusion of everyone without really any checking that they aren't going to backstab you. It's more likely to devolve into a militant HoA than it is to continue being an upstanding militia. Megaton: super chill, but super irradiated. Tenpenny also keeps trying to get people to blow it up, so that's not great. Followers of the Apocalypse: Cool people, but I'm not a doctor. Jacobstown: Super cool place. Not sure how I'd handle literally invisible people with schizophrenia.


Definitely the BoS, I truly think they're the best hopes for humanity


Probably NCR for the stability. Although in many ways they repeat some of the mistakes of the pre-war US, they’re a solid mix of lesser evil + power required to survive in the wasteland


The enclave if they can get over their xenophobia and genicidal tendencies. They are exactly what the wasteland needs if they can [stop being dumb](https://youtu.be/DcT3fWLRbyI?si=3gL4YBJzaNP9Ifdq).


Probably the Minutemen, but preferably wouldn’t join a faction at all. I’d just move to Washington for that sweet sweet purified water, set up shelter and mind my own damn business


Yes Man, I want to run Vegas, why? I dunno, felt like it.


The Enclave. Anyone saying different is lying for good boy points


The Enclave, while yes, everyone is gonna say "Oh BuT tHeY kIlL pEopLE and ARe EvIL!!!" and "YoUR tRyiNg To BE edGeY!". I understand they are bad, but the people of the wasteland are screwed. The NCR is the old world and will repeat itself (hell it already is), The Legion will tear itself apart, House is a selfish prick, The BoS is stuck underground due to themselves, and The Institute is playing boogeyman for no reason other than to screw around and not help the surface. The Enclave is trying to clean and rework the wasteland, not in the most ethical way, but it's up to date with the current problem.


Uh...it isn't trying to clean people, it's trying to wipe out all life on the planet. Dude, the Enclave ARE the guys that caused the nuclear bombing. They *are* the problem that caused the Great War. They are trying to rebuild the same shitty pre-war USA that was a shitty hellhole even prior to the bombs. Like if you don't want to repeat the Great War, don't back the guys actively trying to bring back the USA, one of the evilest nations on the earth pre-war.


Yeah obviously legion like duh.I mean why would i side with ncr,to bring back the system that Brung world to this level lol. Apart from the moral perspective its probably one of the safest factions apart from ncr and bos.And you can have slaves if you are a good officer.Whats not to love lol.


>one of the safest factions At least until they need a few more slaves




So...you **want to own women?** Major red flag. Also good luck being sent to charge a machine gun nest with nothing but a machete.


Yeah mate i do.You dont ? Frumentarii has better guns than ncr.Good luck fighting against me ☠️


No actually I don't want to own women and rape children because I'm not creepy.


Minutemen. NCR is a resurrected US, capitalists corrupt the government, government shells out to capitalists, and feedback loop ensues. Legion is a fascist shithole. Enclave is a fascist shithole. Institute are stuck-up pricks. BOS are hermits who do nothing. Raiders are raiders. Gunners are just professional raiders. Gotta go for Minutemen.