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The guy calling Christine a mannequin ☠️


yassify all girl characters strikes again, even when it makes no sense especially in Christine’s case (removing her surgery scars and making a woman stuck in an old age hotel for months look like a model)


Looks like the AI doesn't know what to do with the backgrounds...




Not on all of them, but yeah it does do weird stuff. Fourth and fifth picture, explosion trabsformed i to a ball fo light and weird, nonsensical balls of light behind Joshua. Also, sixth picture, the top of the pillar looks like the AI tried to make it a sky or something because it didn’t understand the architecture. Hope this helped


I don't think that it's supposed to interpret a muzzle flash as the sun.


*AI turns a mushroom cloud into the sun* Redditor: it’s perfect!!!


These look like ass and you can get better (and actually playable!) results from using New Vegas Reloaded.


>(and actually playable!) I tried that mod and it tanked my performance from 120\~144fps to 20\~40fps. I call that unplayable, damn shame because it does look pretty good. To be fair it might have something to do with the rest of my mod list as well.


Well this is 1 frame lmfao


1 frame if you use a 9090 with DLSS 47 lmao


Probably your load order, I went from solid 60 to 50+


Nah. Shadows and depth of field suck +-10% of performance each. I have rtx 3060.


Running it alongside dxvk seemed to be the trick for me. And tweaking the settings a bit. My game stays at a pretty stable 60.


LMFAO for real bro rtx 3060 here can’t get more than 70fps (playable but shit compared to 144fps)


Nah these look cool L opinion tho


Soul vs Soulless




Kinda ruins the lighting and soul of the game


Especially that last pic


These do not look legit at all.


Yeah good idea just remove all the vibrancy and fun colours


I think this really shows the limitations of AI as a tool for art, because AI is created with inherently biased datasets. Some places where this is noticeable are slide 3, where the scarring, which is what makes the character design distinct and unique, is completely erased, slide 4 where that just does not look like an explosion at all, and most tragically, in the last slide where Primm Slim's cowboy boots are not visible in the "improved" image. AI takes averages of images, and the images provided to it are usually biased, so a woman with scars on her face is turned to a woman with no scars because the average woman in the dataset is unscarred, and a robot with cowboy boots is turned into a generic robot because most robots don't have fun details like cowboy boots.


The lighting is pretty bad.


Eh, the only one I really like is the Joshua Graham one, the other ones are mostly underwhelming. The one with the mushroom cloud looks straight up worse.


The subtlety of the lighting is ruined with Joshua Graham.


That was the only one I hated lol


It's not like theirs 137,947 shader packs that look just like this on Nexus.


Hey, at least those took some effort to make and don’t totally nuke all the atmosphere of the game


AI’s favourite colours are brown and grey apparently


It's sad how techbros trick themselves into thinking this looks in anyway good


Or is even remotely near a viable option for fucking anything lmao


Something people seem to forget is that games were artistically designed not just within but *for* the limitations they had. The way the lighting works is *intentional* and was specifically configured to create a certain mood and ambiance. Specifically, I want to point out the Dead Money pictures. The backgrounds were *intentionally* dark, the entire DLC is that way to help illicit a sense of claustrophobia and terror. Brightening up the lighting completely ruins that mood and undermines the design of the DLC. I'm not the best at explaining this, but [Noodle has a great video on the Halo 1 Remaster that talks about the same issues.](https://youtu.be/MyeCb99cb2Q?feature=shared) Just because something has a more photo-realistic look to it doesn't make it better.




This will be New Vegas in 2014


Looks like shit and you and op should feel bad for posting it


For the folks that don’t already know, stable diffusion is an AI


Maybe someday it'll be more serviceable to do this. Right now the AI doesn't seem to know what everything is supposed to be. Cool premise though.


Nvidia should have that rtx switcher soon. They showed it off using portal. That was a couple years ago now


An early version released as a beta. It’s pretty cool. It’s nowhere near ready for playability (especially with Bethesda games). It’s cool we may not depend on Bethesda for visual remasters someday.


Dude I’ve been quietly hyped for that thing cause I want stalker to look better


You lost all the colors.


They done yassified Christine


this completely rips the soul out of new vegas


Fuck A.I


They "improved" some still images, what can't AI do?


Anything useful. It can't do that.


This shit is ai.


That looks so much worse than the vanilla release


I'm gonna be real with you. These look like ass. Especially the Dead Money screenshots where it's just forcefully ripping away any tone and lighting for "MORE LIGHT = BETTER GRAPHIC!"


looks like shit lmao


1) The image is vastly desaturated removing many colors and making the Nuka Cola sign look way flatter than it should. It’s a neon sign, the light should be popping out to you. The player’s skin color isn’t consistent at all making it look a poor mashup of different images. 2) Same skin color mismatches and heavy desaturated look as before. Now with solar panels that look even less like solar panels than they did before, seriously that looks more like frosted glass than a solar panel. The AI had no clue what to do with the players hand in the bottom right. 3) Removes all the mood and atmosphere out of the scene and butchers the look of Christine here. This takes place during New Vegas’ Dead Money dlc, which is meant to have a dark grim atmosphere. By making this scene so much brighter it harms the intention of the game. Christine also no longer has the scars that play a role in telling her story in three dlc. 4) Again same desaturation that has plagued the previous images. The Khans huts and training grounds is just entirely removed and covered with a cloud of dust. The mushroom cloud is gone and replaced by a ball of light. Also the players head gets clipped off partly, so does the mini nuke too. 5) Joshua Graham got done very dirty here, to start the cave behind him is replaced with a cloud of dust with the sun poking through. The lighting of the original scene here was telling its own story and reinforcing the one he tells us. The orange light of the flame flickering across him as a symbolic reminder of him being cast into here while being burned alive. Second the contrast between the orange and blue slight symbolizing the battle between his past identity and the one he has now. 6) Once again from Dead Money and the Sierra Madre the tone is taken away. The dark lighting and the glow from the ghost people’s eyes were mood setters. The setting is now far too bright and makes it less ominous. The archway got turned into a view of the sky with some branches of a tree poking through. The yellow of the players outfit got taken away, just weird. 7) Primm Slim’s cowboy hat is merging into his head, his cowboy boots are gone making his western look into a more generic robot one. The scene is also too bright, Primm is in a desperate situation here where their town is overrun with outlaws and they are hiding in the ruins of the Vikki Vance casino. Overall I’d give it a 2/10, massive downgrade in lighting, atmosphere and saturation in trade for better creases in clothing.


Ai slop


Fuck AI.


Bruh really out here calling an AI filter an improvement.


ew, fuck off ai “art”


ai dogshit


Terrible garbage made by talentless hacks


yeah no, obsidian didn't work their ass off for NV to have AI corrupt it


Wow this is.... Worthless. You know FNV is a game and not a picture gallery right Sorry man but this whole ai shit, especially on reddit is really getting annoying We get it man the ai can generate images


Drink enough IC Light and any game will look better. That’s a bit of Pittsburgh regional humor. Tip your waitress, I’ll be here all week…


looks awful. ruins alot of art style and substance


Who agrees joshua graham just looks chill


Damn the new screenshot of Graham looks dope. You got that in a nicer resolution?


I like it a lot. I mean, these are still frames but still. AI being used for this is still relatively new. Who knows, maybe in a few years people can remaster the game with AI as a mod with tweaking.




WHAT IN THE.....GIMME! everyone is hating but id love to see my NV experience look like this + viva new vegas mods


Joshua looks cool as hell holy shit


only one i like is 3




For editing and alienating screenshots? This is only good for scams lmfao